My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 165: I really am not bragging, am I?

In Zhenxian Dynasty, every once in a while, people from major immortal sects would send disciples to other sects to discuss the Tao.

In fact, it is just to show off their skills and let others know their background.

It is said that there should be some time before this discussion of Taoism, but it is just because the Qiankun Minor Era is about to arrive, so it has been brought forward.

Among them, the disciples recognized by all the major immortal sects as being basically impossible to defeat in terms of Taoism include Wu Jianzi of the Sword Sect.

The swordsmanship in the world is not just a matter of words.

"Then Cao Zhen said that he once defeated Wu Jianzi? It's a joke."

"Have you ever heard of any time when a disciple of the Sword Sect went down the mountain to discuss Taoism and lost?"

"No, I haven't heard of it anyway. But I've only been around for a short time, so I may know less."

"You don't need to know much. I have read some records in the classics. In the past ten thousand years, the disciples of the Sword Sect have never lost once when they went out to discuss Taoism!"

"Then Cao Zhen can still defeat Wu Jianzi? And even make Wu Jianzi worship him? He dares to say this."

While everyone was talking, a figure came from a distance.

"No sword!"

"Strange, why do I feel that Wu Jianzi is different from before?"

"Qi, his momentum has changed somewhat."

Cao Zhendi looked at Wu Jianzi from a distance, who was getting closer and closer. He felt that Wu Jianzi seemed to be more restrained than last time.

The former Wu Jianzi, even if he wanted to show off his demeanor as a disciple of the Sword Sect, had already restrained himself, but he could still feel the sharp aura exuding from Wu Jianzi's body.

Even people who don't know him can feel that he is a master with a sword.

But now, looking at Wu Jianzi, I feel that the edge of the sharp sword on Wu Jianzi's body has been completely restrained.

If you didn't know him, you wouldn't be able to tell from the aura he exuded that he was a master with the sword.

So, he has improved after his enlightenment?

Many of the disciples of the Sword Caves Sect had discussed matters with Wu Jianzi before. When they saw Wu Jianzi approaching, as disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect, they naturally rushed forward to attack him.

"Fellow Daoist Wu Jianzi, why did you suddenly come to our Thousand Caves Gate?"

A disciple asked while looking in the direction of Cao Zhen, didn't you just say that you defeated Wu Jianzi?

You didn't expect it, but now Wu Jianzi is here again.

It depends on how you end up!

Wu Jianzi raised his head and glanced at the person in front of him. He didn't recognize him and had no impression of him.

However, as a descendant of the Sword Sect, he still remained polite and replied: "I am here this time to see Senior Cao."

"Senior Cao?"

On the side, the other people were stunned for a moment. That Senior Cao couldn't be Cao Zhen, right?

Wu Jianzi also calls him senior...

In the eyes of everyone, Wu Jianzi walked quickly in front of Cao Zhen, raised his hand and saluted Cao Zhen and said: "Senior Cao, the disciple has finished his discussion. I went to Baifeng Sect before, and I heard that you left Baifeng. Zong is now at Qiankumen, and the disciples rushed over."

All around, everyone in the Qianku Sect stood dumbfounded when they heard what Wu Jianzi said. Did Wu Jianzi come to see Cao Zhen? Moreover, he went to Baifeng Sect first, and then came to Qiankumen specially when he didn't see Cao Zhen's people.

What kind of relationship does Cao Zhen have with him that allows him to rush on like this?

The distance from Baifeng Sect to Qiankumen is not short!

Also, why did Wu Jianzi call him Cao Zhen?

He keeps calling Cao Zhen you!

Cao Zhen, what you said before is not true, is it?

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment when he heard Wu Jianzi's words. He was just being polite at first, but then Wu Jianzi actually went to Baifeng Sect.

Not only did he go to Baifeng Sect, he even came here to look for himself.

He was surprised for a moment, and then he suddenly reacted.

Wu Jianzi also came from a famous and decent family.

If it was before leaving Baifeng Sect, he might not be able to understand.

But after leaving the Baifeng Sect, along the way, after meeting Elder Jueying, meeting the three Faji Sect, and seeing the original persistence and sacrifice of the Baifeng Sect members for the sect.

He has realized that the famous and decent people here are the real famous and decent people.

They may all have their own pride, and even have some shortcomings, such as thinking they are superior to ordinary people.

However, they are from a decent family, so they must keep their promises.

When I promised to go to the Four Treasures Peak to find him, I must go. Even if he is not at the Four Treasures Peak, he will still find the Thousand Cave Gate!

Lan Pili was stunned for a moment after listening to what the two said. He knew that Cao Zhen had defeated Wu Jianzi, but he didn't know that Wu Jianzi valued Cao Zhen so much.

After Wu Jianzi finished speaking, he looked at the many Qianku Sect disciples surrounding him and asked with some curiosity: "Senior Cao, are you..."

When Lan Pili heard the sound, he felt happy. Just now he was about to say that the people in Qiankumen didn't believe that Cao Zhen defeated Wu Jianzi, but Wu Jianzi lost to Cao Zhen after all. It was not good for him to ask directly. .

Now that Wu Jianzi takes the initiative to bring it up, it's easy to talk about it.

He didn't wait for Cao Zhen to answer and spoke first: "Master Cao is currently discussing swordsmanship with the people from Qianku Sect. Moreover, they feel that Master Cao's swordsmanship is not good."

"Senior Cao's swordsmanship is not good? Who said that!" Wu Jianzi's whole aura changed drastically in an instant. He was originally restrained and could not feel the sharpness at all, but he was suddenly exposed!

In just an instant, waves of sharp energy overflowed from his body, and the sharp energy stirred the world.

Everyone even had the illusion that Wu Jianzi was about to draw his sword directly, and that after Wu Jianzi drew his sword, the whole world would be torn apart by the sword energy.

Lan Pili felt the terrifying sword energy and even took two steps back involuntarily. He was inexplicably horrified. Wu Jianzi was not targeting him. Moreover, Wu Jianzi showed no signs of taking action and did not release his combat power.

But even so, he couldn't help but retreat.

How high has Wu Jianzi's swordsmanship reached?

He even quietly circulated his magic power, and then returned to normal. As if he was reporting to his elders, he pointed at the people at the Thousand Caves Sect who had spoken before and said, "They said that. Peak Master Cao said that drawing the sword is everything." , the moment you draw your sword, you can decide the difference between life and death. What a nonsense theory they say."

As soon as he finished his sentence, he felt as if the air around him had solidified, and there seemed to be invisible sharp swords coming from all around.

Wu Jianzi turned to look at the few people and said word by word: "How dare you insult Senior Cao. Senior Cao is my leader in the art of swordsmanship. You insulting Senior Cao is like insulting my master."

Who just said, draw your sword! I duel with you! "

All around, the people from the Thousand Caves Sect were completely dumbfounded.


How did this matter develop to this point? They were just discussing with Cao Zhen, and then Wu Jianzi came and was about to draw his sword for a duel.

"Leader?" Everyone around noticed the key point in Wu Jianzi's words, and they couldn't believe it at all.

"Wu Jianzi said that Cao Zhen was the leader of his kendo? How is that possible?"

"Wu Jianzi comes from the Sword Sect."

"There is no swordsman in the world who has no swordsmanship. I have never seen any swordsmanship. Why would you let Cao Zhen be his leader?"

"What did Cao Zhen say to him? Could it be the word "draw the sword"?

They couldn't understand at all how Wu Jianzi from the Jian Sect could recognize Cao Zhen, the leader of the 100th peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect, as the leader.

The leader does not just say that casually.

Although the leader is not the master, in some aspects, he can be regarded as the master.

As for Wu Jianzi's suggestion of a duel, they were speechless.

The master was humiliated, the disciples were fighting each other, and no one could find a fault.

The humiliation of the leader is almost the same as the humiliation of the master. Wujianzi has no problem in dueling with others.

Cao Zhen knew the importance of the leader, but now, he finally saw in person how high the status of the leader was. Seeing that Wu Jianzi was about to fight with others, he quickly waved his hands and said: "It doesn't have to be like this, everyone is talking about the swordsmanship." It’s a problem. There’s no need to take action. They can’t understand my swordsmanship, so just discuss it with them.”

"Yes." After hearing Cao Zhen's instructions, Wu Jianzi's aura instantly converged. He turned to look at the cave masters of the Thousand Cave Sect and said: "It's your problem that you can't understand Senior Cao's swordsmanship. You can't do it at all." Reaching the height of Senior Cao's swordsmanship.

I am determined to pursue the path of swordsmanship because of Senior Cao, so I will discuss it with you. "

Elder Huankong looked at the cave masters, then at Wu Jianzi, and finally nodded and said: "The purpose of discussing Tao between sects is to improve each other, so let's discuss Tao."

Their Qianku Sect is not afraid of Wu Jianzi, but they are all members of the Immortal Sect of Zhenxian Dynasty, so it is best not to take action if they can.

Besides, it wouldn't be nice to hear this kind of thing spread.

Moreover, speaking of Tao...

Wujianzi is strong, but no matter how strong Wujianzi is, he is still a disciple. The last time Wujianzi discussed the Tao, although he killed them through the Thousand Caves Sect, it was the disciples of the Thousand Caves Sect who were killed, their cave master. They did not participate in the discussion.


Elder Huankong discovered that he was wrong, very seriously.

At the beginning, the disciples of Qianku Sect persisted for three days. Looking at the master of those disciples, he did not even last for three hours, let alone three days.

In just one hour, each of the cave masters of the Thousand Caves Sect was left speechless by Wu Jianzi's questions.

The cave masters of the Sword Cave had already lowered their heads in shame. They had lost. They joined forces to argue with Wu Jianzi, who was a generation younger than them, but they lost completely.

When Wu Jianzi came up to discuss Tao, although they did not take action to discuss Tao, they also watched the entire discussion. Although Wu Jianzi was strong at that time, he was far from the level he is today.

In other words, although Wu Jianzi was strong back then, they could feel that Wu Jianzi's strength was due to his strong understanding of the way of the sword, and his understanding of all the ways of the sword.

However, Wu Jianzi did not have a clear swordsmanship back then.

Today's Wu Jianzi has a clear way of swordsmanship, and his whole theory of swordsmanship has undergone a qualitative change. Under the sword theory, he completely crushed them.

Elder Huankong looked at the faint smile on Cao Zhen's face from a distance. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that Cao Zhen's smile had a special meaning.

On purpose, then Cao Zhen must have done it on purpose.

Not only did he win, but he also wanted Wu Jianzi to win a second time.

Wu Jianzi won the sword debate for the first time, and no one would feel ashamed of Qiankumen.

After all, for the first time, Qianku Sect sent out disciples, and it was normal for the disciples to lose to the descendants of the Sword Sect.

But this time, they sent the cave master!

The cave master lost to someone else, that was simply embarrassing.

Under normal circumstances, they would not have sent the cave master to discuss Taoism with his disciples. This time, it was entirely because of Cao Zhencai.

Wu Jianzi said that Cao Zhen was his guide in the art of swordsmanship.

Naturally, such words cannot be said casually.

In other words, Cao Zhen's swordsmanship is more profound than that of Wu Jianzi. So why didn't Cao Zhen speak up when we were discussing swords?

Why not defeat their Thousand Cave Sect cave masters?

Cao Zhen must have known that when Wu Jianzi came back, he had even colluded with Wu Jianzi long ago, and deliberately wanted to use Wu Jianzi to attack their Thousand Caves Sect.

What a good plan, this Cao Zhen is really a good plan!

This time, Cao Zhen single-handedly killed them through the Thousand Caves Sect and discussed countless ways. However, they failed to win even once!

Then there was Wu Jianzi who crushed their cave master.

When word of this incident spread, their Thousand Caves Sect was completely suppressed by the Baifeng Sect.

How could there be such an insidious guy in Baifeng Sect!

Seeing that Wu Jianzi's discussion was over, Cao Zhen walked up to Elder Huankong with a smile, just like a creditor looking at his debtor. He looked at Elder Huankong and said, "Elder, our discussion is over. . Next, should we talk about other things?"

Elder Huankong looked at Cao Zhen in confusion: "Something else? What?"

Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at the people from the Thousand Caves Sect in the distance: "Look, so many of you from the Thousand Caves Sect have had an epiphany because of me. Shouldn't you, the Thousand Caves Sect, express your gratitude?"

As Cao Zhen spoke, he stretched out a hand and rubbed it, making a gesture of asking for money.

Elder Huankong was completely stunned. He never imagined that Cao Zhen could say such words. Cao Zhen, that is the Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

He actually said the benefits directly in front of so many people!

How could he have the nerve to say this?

Everyone is one of the top ten immortal sects, does he not want any face?

Seeing that Elder Huankong didn't speak, Cao Zhen became anxious and urged: "Elder Huankong, you don't want to default on your debt, do you?"

"Didn't pay?" Elder Huankong's eyes suddenly widened and he said dissatisfied: "What do you mean by default? Our Qianku Sect doesn't owe you Baifeng Sect any money!

Of course, if we, the people of Qianku Sect, have enlightenment because of you, then we have to express it. "

Elder Huankong pointed at the flying boat that Cao Zhen had refined and said, "This flying boat will be given to you by our Qianku Sect."

"Flying boat? Didn't I refine this flying boat myself?" Cao Zhen looked at Elder Huankong with a strange look on his face and asked, "Shouldn't the things I refined myself be mine?"

"It's true that you refined it yourself, but doesn't Peak Master Cao know how many materials there are for the flying boat? There are also formations embedded into the flying boat, but the total material cost amounts to one million taels of spirit stones. of value.”

Elder Huankong was so angry that he almost cursed. Normally, it would be up to others to discuss it, such as refining alchemy. For weapon refining or refining mechanisms, let others take the things away and take them away. It's amazing that the material fee is only tens of thousands of taels of spiritual stones, which they can't afford at Thousand Cave Gate.

The problem is, the material cost of Cao Zhen's flying boat is more than one million taels of spiritual stones, which are the spiritual stones of their Thousand Caves Sect, so why should he give it to Cao Zhen directly.

Cao Zhen looked at Elder Huankong like a miser, waved his hands indifferently and said: "Forget it, let's not discuss the value of this flying boat for now. Next, let's talk about other things. "

"Is there anything else?" Elder Huankong was not calm at all.

Cao Zhen looked at Elder Huankong in a matter-of-fact manner and said, "Why is there nothing else? You also know how rare this enlightenment is, how rare it is to have it! Is it too much for me to ask for something more?"

"Okay, then Peak Master Cao, tell me, what do you want?" Elder Huankong finally nodded. Enlightenment is indeed something that can only be met. Since Cao Zhen asked for something, it was hard for him to refuse.

"That's right. I don't actually want much. How about the elder giving me some medicinal materials? I just need some medicinal materials to make elixirs now. Elder, please remember, there is a Youyun True Fruit that is more than 90,000 years old. Come again Two traceless mushrooms..."

Cao Zhen named each medicinal plant. He had helped Xiang Ziyu ascend to the Golden Elixir Great Perfection, but he had other disciples, so he couldn't treat them favorably and ignore the other disciples.

Moreover, the Qiankun Little Era is coming soon, so he can't be too slow in refining elixirs for other disciples.

Therefore, he still needs some medicinal materials to speed up the alchemy process.

As a result, he needed an unusually large number of medicinal materials, and these medicinal materials were not unusually rare either. He finally had the opportunity to harvest the wool, and naturally he couldn't let it go.

Cao Zhen was talking enthusiastically when Elder Huankong interrupted: "Peak Master Cao, you are talking too much. The Youyun True Fruit will be of great use after it matures. Ordinary Youyun True Fruit is ten thousand years old. It’s hard to see one, let alone one that’s 90,000 years old.

There is also the traceless mushroom. The reason why it is called this is because this kind of spiritual grass seems to have no trace. After it matures, it moves all the time. It is even more difficult to find. But you want two plants. I also need other spiritual herbs..."

Cao Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly: "Elder Huankong means that I want too much?"

Elder Huankong didn't answer, but the meaning was obvious. Yes, you just want too much!

"Is that much? I don't think it's much at all. Just count how many of you from Qiancun Sect have achieved enlightenment because of discussing Taoism with me." Cao Zhen opened his hands and counted as he spoke, "There are only one or two. ...There are about ten people, right?

So many people, including the cave owner, had an epiphany because of me. They have an epiphany. How much can your Thousand Caves Sect's strength be improved?

Could it be that Elder Huankong feels that you, the Cave Master of Thousand Cave Sect, can't compare to those spiritual herbs even if you have an epiphany? "

"I didn't say that... Okay, we can give Cao Feng the main medicinal materials, but we don't have Wu Zongzhi. Cao Feng needs to find a solution by himself."

Elder Huankong's heart was bleeding. He felt that Cao Zhen had neglected to discuss one thing about business. This Cao Zhen was just a businessman when it came to bargaining!

These materials would make their bodies hurt even if they took them out.

But unfortunately, it was really hard for him to refute. After all, Cao Zhen did make many of their Thousand Caves Sect enlightenment.

Although he was the elder of Qianku Sect, he did not have the authority to directly use so many materials. After applying to the sect leader, he quickly handed over the materials to Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen got each medicinal plant and was in a good mood. His attitude towards Elder Huankong also changed greatly. He said with sincerity: "Elder, let me tell you the truth. In fact, we really didn't come here specially. What you are talking about is that we just want to go to the capital to celebrate the enthronement of the new emperor of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and we are just passing through here."

"Peak Master Cao, I've given you all the medicinal materials you asked for. I'm old and have things to deal with, so I won't give them to you." Elder Huankong, with a face as dark as the bottom of a pot, what do you mean? What do you mean, your Four Treasure Peaks, a random envoy sent to suppress the Immortal Dynasty can overwhelm our entire Thousand Caves Sect?

Now, he really doesn't want to see Cao Zhen again for a moment.

"Okay, okay, Elder Huankong, you can do it yourself." Cao Zhen walked out indifferently. He had already taken the medicinal materials anyway. It didn't matter whether Huankong believed it or not.

As he walked, he looked at Wu Jianzi and asked, "Where are you going to go next? Are you going back to your Sword Sect?"

"No, the disciple has informed the master that he has recognized you as the guide. In fact, the disciple came down the mountain this time for two things, one is to discuss Tao, and the other is, like you, Senior Cao, Go to the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty to participate in the enthronement of the new emperor."

"Anthracene? Are you also going to attend the coronation of the new emperor? That's just right, let's go together."

Elder Huankong's face suddenly became even more ugly. Sure enough, I knew that you were in the same group and had colluded in advance. Now that I'm leaving, I don't even want to avoid people, I just leave together.

He looked at Cao Zhen who turned around and left with satisfaction. He felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

Cao Zhen came to their Thousand Caves Sect and stepped on them hard. No, he stepped on them countless times. Then in the end, Cao Zhen was about to leave, and their Qian Caves Sect had to thank Cao Zhen and give Cao Zhen a bunch of precious things. Medicinal materials, what a deal!

After Cao Zhen left the Thousand Caves Gate, he took out the flying boat and directly drove the flying boat towards the capital.

When he refined the flying boat this time, he had already thought about asking Qiankumen to pay for it himself, so building a flying boat cost more materials and was faster than the previous one.

One day later, Thousand Caves Gate.

Although Cao Zhen left, the discussion among the major immortal sects was not over yet. At the entrance of Thousand Cave Gate, there is still a group of disciples guarding the place, waiting for others to come and discuss the Tao.

At the mountain gate of Thousand Caves Gate, a man wearing a strange long coat, half black and half white, stepped forward, cupped his hands in front of everyone and said, "Qing Mozi, the Bi-Ink Sect, came to Thousand Caves Gate to discuss the Tao."

"Please..." The disciples of Qianku Sect quickly welcomed Qing Mozi into the Immortal Sect.

The person in charge this time is still Elder Huankong.

Soon, inside the Thousand Cave Gate, the Master of Cave Thirty-Six, who was good at calligraphy and painting, took his disciples and set up a discussion platform.

Qing Mozi looked at the dozen or so disciples in front of the Tao discussion platform in front of him, shook his head slightly and said: "I have some time, so you should call everyone who knows the way of calligraphy and painting to come together to discuss the Tao." .”

In a hurry!

Elder Huankong stretched out his hand and rubbed his head. When he heard these three words, his head hurt.

However, as the masters, if the other party wants to discuss Taoism with them, they cannot refuse intuitively.

Not long after, the cave owners of the other thirty-five caves brought their disciples to this forum.

Qing Mozi walked to the middle of the Dao discussion platform, took out his four special treasures of the study and painting paints from his Qiankun bag, looked around, and said with arrogance: "Everyone, when we discuss calligraphy and painting, we will naturally use our works to discuss Dao. Let’s talk. Let’s do calligraphy and painting on the spot and compete with each other to see whose work is better.”

As he spoke, he paused slightly, then looked at the people around him and said: "Thousand Cave Gate, the cave master can also take action together."

As soon as his voice fell, the faces of everyone around Qiancaomen suddenly showed a look of anger, arrogance!

This Qing Mozi is so arrogant. He is as arrogant as Cao Zhen. He, a junior, wants to directly challenge all the calligraphy and painting masters of Qianku Sect.

Take action?

How could their cave master take action?

If you take action, you will win over Qing Mozi, a junior, and it will not sound good if it is spread out.

What's more, their disciples gained a lot from seeing Cao Zhen painting and writing a while ago, although they didn't have an epiphany.

They didn't necessarily lose too badly.

They really didn't expect to win.

Although the Bi-Ink Sect is not one of the top ten immortal sects, and its overall strength is not comparable to the Qianku Sect, the Bi-Ink Sect is a sect that specializes in the art of calligraphy and painting. It is almost impossible for their disciples to beat the art of calligraphy and painting. , the Bi-Mo Sect sent disciples down the mountain after selecting from thousands of people.

But soon, they discovered that they were wrong, very wrong.

Qing Mozi's calligraphy is excellent.

That word was the one they had ever seen, second only to Cao Zhen's word!

The cave owners looked at the words in front of them and even felt ashamed.

"As expected of a master disciple of the Bi-Mo Sect, with his calligraphy skills, our Thousand Caves Sect has been defeated." Several cave masters from the Thousand Caves Sect admitted defeat in a very bachelor manner.

Although their disciples lost to the disciples of the Bi-Mo Sect, although it was disgraceful, it would not be too embarrassing.

Qing Mozi looked aside and saw the names of the disciples who were selected by the cave masters of the Thousand Caves Sect to discuss the Tao with him. He shook his head with disdain and said, "To be honest, your characters are too different.

Next, we have to compete with Hua Dao, so you cave owners should take action.

Don't worry, since I, Qing Mozi, take the initiative to ask you to take action, I won't say that you are bullying the small. In fact, when I went to the Baifeng Sect, the Baifeng Sect also sent a peak master to discuss the Tao with me. "

"Peak Master?"

"Baifeng Sect asked the peak master to discuss Taoism with you?"

The people at Qiankumen looked surprised when they heard the sound, and then felt happy in their hearts.

The Hundred Peaks Sect sent the peak master to discuss the Tao with other disciples. That would be bullying the smaller ones. If the Hundred Peaks Sect lost, it would be a huge disgrace.

Qing Mozi can take the initiative to say such a thing, so he should have won. He...


Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. There was Cao Zhen in the Baifeng Sect!

Qing Mozi's calligraphy is indeed excellent, but Cao Zhen's calligraphy has almost reached the pinnacle. If Cao Zhen is the person sent by Baifeng Sect, then Qingmozi will never win.

As if he knew what everyone was thinking, Qing Mozi continued: "At the beginning, I lost to that Peak Master. Afterwards, I even worshiped him on the spot and recognized Peak Master Cao as my leader.

Therefore, all the cave owners can take action. I, Qing Mozi, go to other immortal sects and ask elders from other immortal sects, such as peak masters and cave masters, to take action. I, Qing Mozi, cannot afford to lose. "


Everyone at Qiankumen was shocked: "You said Cao Zhen is your leader?"

"That's right, because of Master Cao's calligraphy and paintings, I understand the path I want to take in the future, so I naturally recognize Master Cao as the leader." Qing Mozi looked up at the crowd and said with a smile, "Everyone also knows that Cao The name of the peak master? Sure enough, a person like Peak Master Cao, even if he is only the peak master ranked among the hundred peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect, his talent must have been known to the world for a long time.

Unfortunately, I came down the mountain too late. I didn’t know the existence of Peak Master Cao until Master Cao took action that day. I even offended Master Cao before. "

The faces of everyone in Qiankumen were all pale. Cao Zhen, that Cao Zhen had already left, but they could still hear Cao Zhen's name!

Qing Mozi actually recognized Cao Zhen as the leader!

Qing Mozi didn't seem to notice the change in everyone's expressions. He still looked at himself with admiration and said: "I am able to be where I am today thanks to Lord Cao. In fact, before this, my calligraphy and painting were unknown. So high, but Cao Fengzhu's calligraphy and painting each gave me an epiphany. From that time on, I understood a lot.

Then, along the way, I went to discuss things with people everywhere. My calligraphy and painting skills also kept improving day by day, and I reached the level I am today.

However, my calligraphy and painting are still far behind Cao Fengzhu.

I don’t know how many skills Peak Master Cao’s apprentice has learned from Peak Master Cao. "

"Cao Zhen's disciple?" Elder Huankong finally spoke up. After asking this question, his face even shook slightly. He didn't know whether he was afraid or because he was angry after hearing the word Cao Zhen. .

"Don't you know? The Baifeng Sect's Taoist team has already gone down the mountain and has been to many immortal sects. Among them is a disciple named Xiang Ziyu, who is a disciple of Lord Cao. No matter which immortal sect he goes to, , no matter who I talk to, I have never been defeated, and I am known as the genius who comes out once in a thousand years."

Qing Mozi said, he also reacted and said to himself: "Yes, I have been going to major immortal sects to discuss Taoism, so I only knew about Xiang Ziyu's existence when people from major immortal sects mentioned him. You guys I don’t know, but it’s normal.

However, thinking about it, you should be able to see Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu in a short time. Counting the time, they should be almost at Qianku Gate. "

Elder Huankong was almost going crazy. Then Cao Zhen himself came to the Thousand Caves Gate. Not only did he win, but now he asked the disciples who recognized him as the leader to come and trample the Thousand Caves Gate again. Not to mention, he He has to send his disciples again.


kindness? What did Qing Mozi just say?

He said that Baifeng Sect's Taoist Discussion Team, so Cao Zhen was really not a member of the Taoist Discussion Team, he was really a member of the envoy going to the capital.

so he……

He even remembers the abomination!

Going from Baifeng Sect to the capital, you don't have to pass by Thousand Caves Gate. On the contrary, you will pass by another Immortal Gate.

But Cao Zhen didn't go anywhere else, so he came to Qiankumen. It was clear that he came to Qiankumen on purpose!

After Qing Mozi finished talking, he remembered the business of coming here today, and continued to look at everyone and said: "Okay, having said so much, let's finish talking about the art of painting first. Cave masters, just take action. .”

As he spoke, he picked up the pen and started painting.

Elder Huankong knew how to paint, but he was not as proficient as the cave owners. He looked at Qing Mozi who started to paint. After waiting for a while, Qing Mozi's painting had gradually taken shape, and then he taught it to the cave owners who were painting the cave. Yin Rumi asked: "Everyone, how do you think of Qing Mozi's painting? Are you sure of winning?"

He could still see that Qing Mozi's level was extremely high, and he could also see that no one of their Qianku Sect disciples could surpass Qing Mozi in the art of painting.

Since Qing Mozi has said to go to other immortal sects, and other immortal sects will also have people of a higher level take action, then their Thousand Cave Sect can naturally let the cave master take action, but the prerequisite is that they can defeat Qing Mozi.


The cave owners of the painting cave frowned, and as Qing Mozi's paintings became more and more complete, their brows also became more and more frowned.

"We, I'm afraid, can't compare to him."

"If you had given me a little more time, I might not be weaker than him. However, it has only been a few days since I had an epiphany because of Cao Zhen's paintings..."

Huan Kong listened to the words of several cave owners and cursed in his heart.

That Cao Zhen was too insidious. He must have known that there were two cave masters in their Thousand Caves Gate. Because he had an epiphany, he quickly asked Qing Mozi to discuss the Tao.

After all, although epiphany is a momentary enlightenment, it takes time to fully understand the content of the epiphany and to be completely improved due to the epiphany.

Cao Zhen is taking advantage of this period of time!

"That's all, since you are not sure, then don't take action."

Thousand Grottoes Gate once again failed in discussing the Tao.

Several cave owners thought that their paintings could not compare with Qing Mozi, let alone their disciples.

Qing Mozi came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

But as he left, another day later, someone came to Qiankumen again to discuss the Tao, this time it was the art of war.

Moreover, like Qing Mozi before him, Jiang Yan, a disciple of the Bingfeng Sect who came, also requested that the Thousand Cave Sect gather all the people from the Art of War Sect together to discuss the Tao of the Cave Sect.

On the huge forum, one by one the disciples from the Art of War Cave were defeated in less than half an hour in front of Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan sighed and shook his head: "Your disciples are far behind. There is no room for mistakes in the art of war..."

As he spoke, he looked up at the cave masters and said, "I wonder if you cave masters can discuss the art of war with the disciples? Along the way, the disciples have also discussed the art of war with the elders of various immortal sects."

Several cave masters of the Art of War Cave looked at each other and felt very strange. What happened to the people who came to discuss Tao this time? Why are everyone so arrogant and like to talk to the cave master?

The master of the Qibing Cave thought for a moment, then took a step forward and said, "In that case, I, the master of the cave, will come and discuss the art of war with you."

Their cave masters don't want to take action easily, but the problem is that their Thousand Cave Sect has been losing and losing, and they really need to win a game.

Speaking of which, he would also like to thank Cao Zhen. Because of Cao Zhen, he had an epiphany and understood a lot more about the art of war. Moreover, Cao Zhen also said something about the art of war that day.

He was confident enough to defeat Jiang Yan.

Soon he walked to the discussion stage, looked at Jiang Yan and said loudly: "Soldiers are a major event of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival. We must pay attention to them."

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment and stared blankly at the Master of the Qibing Cave. Isn't this the beginning of the military book given to him by Master Cao Feng? How did the master of the Qibing Cave know this?

Several cave masters around the cave looked at Jiang Yan's dumbfounded look and nodded slightly. After discussing with Cao Zhen that day, they specifically studied the art of war mentioned by Cao Zhen.

But it was just used to face Jiang Yan, and looking at Jiang Yan, he was obviously shocked.

Their Thousand Caves Sect can finally win once.

Jiang Yan was stunned for a while, and then asked in surprise: "Have you also read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu?"

"What's "The Art of War"?" The master of Qibing Cave looked at Jiang Yan in confusion.

"What you just said is the beginning of Sun Tzu's Art of War." Jiang Yan continued directly: "Therefore, the scriptures are based on five things, and they are based on planning, and their emotions: one is Tao, the second is Heaven, and the third is Earth. The fourth is general, and the fifth is law."

The master of the Qibing Cave was also stunned. Cao Zhen had also said these words. So, did Cao Zhen read those words from "The Art of War" and then used them to deal with them?

"It turns out those words come from "Sun Tzu's Art of War."" The master of Qibing Cave sighed: "We have not read "Sun Tzu's Art of War," but we met a peak master from the Baifeng Sect a few days ago, and he discussed it with us. , said these words. We were greatly inspired and remembered some words.”

Although they lost to Cao Zhen, they knew these words because of Cao Zhen, because Cao Zhen understood better what the art of war is, and they would also admit it!

Jiang Yan suddenly realized: "So that's it, it turns out you have met Peak Master Cao. No wonder you know these words. Apart from Peak Master Cao, probably no one in the world knows these words."

"What do you mean?" The master of Qibing Cave had an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

Jiang Yan clasped his fists with both hands, raised them upward, and said with respect: "Sun Tzu's Art of War was given to me by Master Cao Feng. It was only after reading "Sun Tzu's Art of War" that I knew what the true art of war was, and only then did I know that I The previous understanding of the art of war was so limited.

It was only after I read "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu that I fully confirmed my approach to the art of war. "

Elder Huankong listened to Jiang Yan's words, and the more he listened, the more familiar he felt, and he couldn't help but ask: "So, do you accept Cao Zhen as the leader?"

"That's right." Jiang Yan nodded heavily and said, "Although I haven't returned to the sect yet, I have already informed the master of this matter. The master also approved it, and Peak Master Cao will be my guide."

Elder Huankong instantly threw his head back and was fooled. They were fooled again. This Jiang Yan actually recognized Cao Zhen as the leader.

Jiang Yan said that Cao Zhen gave him "Sun Tzu's Art of War" directly, but the master of Qibing Cave and the others only heard a few words from Cao Zhen. One read the complete Art of War, and the other just stopped part of the content. Isn’t it obvious who wins and who loses?

He couldn't understand how many people Cao Zhen had been the leader of. Cao Zhen was the leader of one person, and Cao Zhen was the leader of someone who talked about Tao!

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