My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 171 Become famous all over the world

In the capital city, Jie Xianfang, above the arena.

Elder Xue looked at Cao Zhen's young face, raised his hand and took out a desk from the Qiankun Bag.

The corners of Cao Zhen's eyes twitched slightly. He had seen people making money, loading materials, and tables into Qiankun bags. This was the first time he had seen them. After a while, are you going to take out the chair?

Elder Xue stood in front of the desk, with a solemn look on his face and said: "Master Cao, I heard that you are good at calligraphy. What else do you call yourself? If God had not given birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy would last forever. I would like to learn from you. Let’s learn about Cao Fengzhu’s calligraphy skills.”

When everyone around heard the sound, they were all surprised.

"what's the situation?"

"Elder Xue also discussed calligraphy with Cao Zhen?"

"I thought Elder Xue just had a casual discussion with Cao Zhen and won a little bit, which made Cao Zhen look good. Why did he become a calligrapher?"

"The four unique sects are poetry, music, calligraphy, painting, Taoism and calligraphy. Isn't that crushing?"

"Didn't the Four Jue Sect always have a good relationship with the Baifeng Sect?"

"What does it mean that God did not give birth to Cao Zhen, and calligraphy is as long as the night? Is Cao Zhen so arrogant?"

"I'm afraid it's because of these words that Elder Xue is angry?"

"I'm afraid that's the case. This sentence is too outrageous?"

While everyone was talking, Cave Master Peng looked at Elder Xue's position above the ring and began to mourn for him.

Tell me, you and Cao Zhen were discussing calligraphy. Aren't you looking for death?

What are you talking about that is not good? you

But yes, it seems that there is nothing that Cao Zhen doesn't understand, and the result is the same no matter what.

Below the ring, Chang Tiance suddenly said proudly when he heard what Elder Xue said: "Elder Xue, what you heard is outdated. It should be that if God did not give birth to Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting will last forever like a long night."

All around, everyone looked at Chang Tiance.

Many people didn't even care that the other party was a disciple of the Baifeng Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects, and shouted directly: "Crazy, such words are something you can say!"

"Do you know what this means? Do you mean that no one can compare to Master Cao Zhen in the art of calligraphy and painting?"

"The world is so big, there are so many amazing people, who dares to claim to be number one!"

"What they mean by this is not just as simple as being number one in the world, it means that Cao Zhen is the enlightener of the art of calligraphy and painting. Without Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting in the world would be in darkness."

"Not even the master of the Four Jue Sect, nor the old man of the Four Jue Sect, said such words. How could Cao Zhen be so virtuous and capable!"

"It's so outrageous!"

Li Qinglei couldn't help but laugh. People from the Baifeng Sect said such things in front of so many people. This is not some remote backwater, this is the capital!

They say these words, wait until tomorrow

No, there is no need for tomorrow, this sentence can spread throughout the entire capital tonight.

If people in the capital know, that means everyone in the world will know. In a few days, everyone in the Zhenxian Dynasty will know that one of the top ten immortal sects is called the Baifeng Sect. The people of Zong didn't recognize themselves at all, and they dared to say that the sky would not give birth to Cao Zhen, and that the art of calligraphy and painting would last forever, which made them laugh out loud.

There are countless people in the world who are good at calligraphy and painting, but there is one person among them who can say this?



When this incident spreads, let’s see how much face the Baifeng Sect will have!

After a while, after the discussion is over, I must promote the Baifeng Sect to them!

"The art of calligraphy and painting?"

On the ring, Elder Xue listened to the words coming from below, and his beard seemed to stand up in anger.

"Okay, okay, after I learn about Cao Fengzhu's calligraphy later, I will definitely learn Cao Fengzhu's painting skills again!"

Kou Shaoyuan looked at Cao Zhen and Elder Xue on the stage, his heart moved, but he said: "By the way, we are just discussing the Tao like this, and it seems a little unsatisfactory.

How about this, before Peak Master Cao takes action, we can also place a bet to see who can win. Let's do this. I'll bet on Elder Xue's victory by offering five hundred thousand taels of spirit stones. "

In the world of immortality, betting is very common when everyone is fighting, but it is not meant to be insulting.

You can bet on fighting skills, and you can bet on discussing Tao.

Everyone around heard Kou Shaoyuan's words, and all their eyes fell on Cao Zhen. Kou Shaoyuan clearly put the Baifeng Sect on the fire.

Of course, the people of the Baifeng Sect don't have to bet on the spirit stone, that way, they won't lose. But in that case, they would be very embarrassed.

He is also a member of the top ten immortal sects.

When discussing the Tao, how can we not be embarrassed if we all bet on each other but not on the Baifeng Sect?

"You're right, you should bet on it. I also offer five hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, and Elder Xue will win." Li Qinglei on the side heard the sound and reacted quickly.

It doesn't matter whether he earns spiritual stones or not, what he wants is for the Baifeng Sect to be embarrassed.

For a while, it would be a shame if no one from the Baifeng Sect took custody. The people from the Baifeng Sect continued to take custody.

He didn't believe that Baifeng Sect could afford it.

If the leader of the Fifty Peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect came, he would naturally be able to afford half a million taels of spiritual stones, or even a million taels of spiritual stones.

But who is in front of me?

A Peak Master from the Ninety-Three Peaks and a Peak Master from the Hundred Peaks. Could their combined wealth be worth 500,000 taels of spiritual stones?

All around, people from other sects did not speak. After all, they were clearly bullying the Baifeng Sect.

They had no grievances against the Baifeng Sect, but it was not like they had offended one of the top ten immortal sects for nothing.

On the other hand, Thousand Caves Gate should have a lot of stakes.

Many people looked at the two people from Thousand Caves Gate.

Peng Ku's idea changed. This was one million taels of spiritual stones. If he bet on one million taels of spiritual stones and buy the Baifeng Sect to win, wouldn't it be a big profit?

But the problem is

"Cave Master Peng, don't place your bets yet." Cave Master Hu quickly sent a message into the secret to remind, "As soon as we placed our bets, everyone thought that Peak Master Cao was unusual, what would we do then?

Peak Master Cao himself would probably bet on it himself. In this case, we would be competing for food with Peak Master Cao, and we would also offend Peak Master Cao.

In fact, Peak Master Cao who would harm him would not be able to earn spiritual stones.

In any case, it was because of Peak Master Cao that the two of us had an epiphany. We must remember Peak Master Cao’s kindness. So let’s leave this matter alone. "

"That's true. Peak Master Cao may not have enough spirit stones to bet on, or we can find a way to lend some to Peak Master Cao? In this case, wouldn't it be reasonable for us to bet again?" Cave Master Peng is still a little a bit worried. be envious.

This is already a bet of one million taels of spirit stones. If someone else bets later, I don’t know how many spirit stones they can earn!

"There won't be that kind of situation. They won't look at how many spirit stones Peak Master Cao and others have. And don't worry, Peak Master Cao won't be silent." Cave Master Hu sent a secret message and replied. After making a sound, he looked at the people who were looking over and said with a cold face: "You don't have to look at me, I never like to bet."

Cave Master Peng shrugged very cooperatively and said: "That's all, you are the envoy. Since Cave Master Hu won't bet on it, I won't bet on it either."

Cao Zhen looked at the two people who didn't choose to bet, with a look of surprise on his face. The people from Qiankumen knew about his calligraphy skills, but they didn't bet on him to win.

They made it clear that they were making money for themselves.

Yes, yes, these two cave owners are very good.

His heart moved, and he sent a secret message to the Hu Cave Master: "In a moment, I will give 10% of the spiritual stones earned from betting to Qian Cave Sect."

If others don't say anything, he can't help but express something.

Others are not betting now, but what about after a while? After a while, I continued to discuss Taoism, and some people bet on themselves to lose. If the people from Qiankumen bet on themselves to win, it would be okay once, but what about two or three times? Others will realize there is a problem and how can they make money.

You can't throw away your job just for a one-time sum of money.

If you divide it more or less, there will be no problem.

When Cave Master Hu heard this, there was a look of surprise on his face, and he did not shirk away, but directly replied: "Then thank you Peak Master Cao."

If he shirks it, Peak Master Cao will become suspicious.

What's more, no one in this world loves money, and who would hate having too much money?

After Cao Zhen finished transmitting the message into the secret, he looked at the crowd and said, "No matter how many of you bet on Elder Xue to win, I, Cao Zhen, will pay the same amount of money and bet on me to win!"

As soon as he said these words, everyone around him was shocked!

This Cao Zhen is crazy!

Now, people from two sects have bet on Elder Xue's victory, with a total of one million taels of spirit stones bet. In other words, he has to bet one million taels of spirit stones on himself to win.

This is one million taels of spiritual stones.

Is their Baifeng Sect already rich to this extent?

Even a peak ranked 100 can come up with one million taels of spirit stones?

Or does he think he is sure of winning?

But the other party is an elder of the Four Jue Sect, and it is said that Elder Xue is proficient in poetry, music, calligraphy and painting!

How could Cao Zhen win?

Could it be that Cao Zhen did it for the sake of their Baifeng Sect's face and couldn't lose in terms of momentum? Just throw out one million taels of spirit stones? Isn't this crazy?

However, what if Cao Zhen can win?

No matter what everyone thinks, they don't believe that Cao Zhen can win.

Not to mention Cao Zhen, even Cave Master Peng from the Thousand Caves Sect on the side, who was the elder of the Calligraphy Cave, did not believe that Cave Master Peng had won over Elder Xue.

"Let's fight it once!" A middle-aged man who had never had any sense of existence suddenly raised his head and shouted: "I bet two hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones, Elder Xue will win."

If you offend the Baifeng Sect, feel free to do so, as long as you can win the spiritual stone.

As someone spoke, everyone in the Immortal Sect spoke up one after another, and without exception, everyone bet on Elder Xue to win.

Anyway, with so many people on stake, even if the Baifeng Sect holds a grudge, everyone must remember it. If the law does not punish everyone, what are so many people afraid of?

Finally, everyone finished betting, and those who bet on Elder Xue's victory actually bet a total of five million taels of spirit stones.

Five million taels, this is not a small amount.

Li Qinglei glanced at Cao Zhen and Lan Pili, and he didn't believe it. A small peak master of 100 Peaks and 93 Peaks could produce five million taels of spiritual stones.

With so many spirit stones, I am afraid that even the peak masters of the Fifty Peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect may not be able to easily take them out.

However, he didn't say a word.

What do you mean?

It would be better if the people of the Baifeng Sect couldn't produce the spiritual stone. It would be even more embarrassing if they couldn't produce the spiritual stone!

Elder Xue quickly took out the Four Treasures of the Study, calmed down, and adjusted his condition to the best before he picked up his pen and started writing on the rice paper in front of him.

As the first word fell, below, Li Qinglei suddenly clapped his hands and praised: "Good words, good words. After seeing Elder Xue's words today, I realized that the words can be read so well. "

"It is indeed a good calligraphy." Ou Gaoyi of the Shenyun Sect also praised: "I think this calligraphy is like a dragon and a snake. It is obviously words, but it seems to contain the way of practice. It is really rare!"

Cave Master Hu of Qibing Cave didn't have much research on calligraphy. He looked at Cave Master Peng on the side with some curiosity and asked softly: "Cave Master Peng, what are these characters like?"

Among their Thousand Cave Sects, Cave Master Peng could almost be ranked first. Later, after Cave Master Peng had another epiphany, he could steadily surpass everyone.

Cave Master Peng did not answer directly, but transmitted a message into the secret channel: "The calligraphy is naturally good. It can even be said that before Master Cao went to our Thousand Cave Gate, my calligraphy was not as good as his, but now Well"

Cave Master Hu understood instantly: "So, his current calligraphy is no longer comparable to Cave Master Peng's."

"No, you can't say that. The two of us are good at different calligraphy. I can only say that we are equal. But given time, I am confident that my calligraphy can surpass his.

But the premise is that he will not have an epiphany during this discussion. If he does, it is hard to say. "


When Cave Master Hu heard the word "enlightenment", he didn't know what to say for a moment. He also had an epiphany because of Peak Master Cao. I don't know how many people in the Thousand Cave Sect had an epiphany because of Master Cao.

Peak Master Cao is a member of the Hundred Peaks Sect. If Master Cao has such ability, he can make the people of Qianku Sect enlightenment, which will naturally lead to the enlightenment of the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Peak Master Cao, I don’t know how many people in the Baifeng Sect have had an epiphany.

The Baifeng Sect was really lucky to have a figure like Peak Master Cao.

Elder Xue wrote a poem, but Cao Zhen didn't know what it was. In short, it was a poem describing the capital.

In his opinion, this poem is just like that.

Although he can't compose poetry, he has read many poems in his previous life, so he still has the ability to write poetry.

Elder Xue seemed to be very satisfied with his work. He blew lightly on the calligraphy and painting, looked at Cao Zhen with a proud look on his face and asked, "Master Cao, how about my calligraphy?"

Before Cao Zhen could speak, many people around him were already praising him.

"Elder Xue's calligraphy is like the flowing clouds in the sky or the flowing water in the river, smooth and free without any sense of restraint."

"Yes, when you look at the words, they may be strong or graceful, or they may look like graceful beauties, or they may look like strong and brave warriors."

"Not just words, but also poems." Kou Shaoyuan of the Shenyun Sect pointed to the words on the rice paper with admiration and asked: "Elder Xue, I have never seen this poem before. Dare I ask, is this written by Elder Xue?"

Elder Xue was obviously touched, and his expression became more and more proud. He reached out and gently stroked his beard, while shaking his head and saying modestly: "I have a feeling when I look at this capital, and the poem I wrote can't wait to be true." The praise is undeserved."

"Elder Xue is indeed proficient in all four arts. Everyone can see the exquisiteness of this word, but in my opinion, this poem is even more exquisite." Kou Shaoyuan raised his fist towards Elder Xue and said: "Elder, there is a person here Without mercy, I wonder if the elder can give this word to me? After all, I really like this poem."

"Just kidding." Elder Xue waved his hand generously and said, "Fellow Daoist Kou likes it, just take it."

"Thank you, Elder Xue." Kou Shaoyuan seemed to be very happy to pick up the calligraphy, but he did not put it away. He just held it in his hand and said, "Elder, I will frame this calligraphy when I go back. Now I will put it here. , after all, your discussion with Master Cao is not over yet. After Master Cao finishes writing, we will compare it with it."

Now put away the calligraphy. When we compare it later, why does it appear that Cao Zhen's handwriting is bad?

Only by comparison can we see how poor Cao Zhen's handwriting is.

Cao Zhen looked at Chang Tiance and said, "Prepare the Four Treasures of the Study for me."

He doesn't always have the Four Treasures of the Study, so Chang Tiance must have them.

Chang Tiance quickly jumped onto the ring, took out the Four Treasures of the Study with a look of honor, and began to grind them for Cao Zhen.

Elder Xue glanced at it, with a look of disdain on his face. Really everyone, all the four treasures of the study are prepared by themselves, and they even grind them by themselves. Just like him, don't he have any disciples behind him?

But he still grinds it himself.


Because only you know yourself best, and only if you grind it yourself will it be more suitable for you.

Cao Zhen was young, not very capable, but very arrogant. He also asked his disciples to bring the Four Treasures of the Study, which really made them grind.

Chang Tiance finished grinding it quickly and did not get off the ring, but retreated to the side.

Cao Zhen picked up the pen and thought for a moment. If Elder Xue wrote a poem, it would be a little bad if he didn't write a poem.

But what to write yourself?

He glanced around and looked at the chrysanthemums in the distance. His heart moved and he started writing.

"On the eighth day of the ninth month when autumn comes, I will kill hundreds of flowers after they bloom. The incense array will reach the sky and penetrate the immortal square, and the whole city will be filled with golden armor."

In his opinion, this capital city is somewhat like the ancient city of Chang'an on earth. It is still September, so it is just the right time to write this poem.

In order to set off this poem, the words he wrote are full of endless murderous intent.

As the last word fell, beside him and on Chang Tiance, bursts of breath surged, and endless energy of pen and ink rose into the sky.


After seeing how much Cao Zhen wrote, he finally had an epiphany.

Before, he had an epiphany for the first time after seeing the words written by Cao Zhen in the Qianlong Immortal Palace. But after that, he read the words written by Cao Zhen several times, whether it was on the golden page of Suzaku Peak. At the alchemy meeting, he saw the plaque on their peak written by Cao Zhen alone, or the words Cao Zhen discussed with others twice, but he didn't have an epiphany. His realm was too different.

Although he never had an epiphany, he had some insights every time.

Now, after accumulating time and time again, he finally realized the meaning of this text.

He had an epiphany!

On the side, Elder Xue looked at the words that revealed endless murderous intent, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

This word has too much killing intent!

He even felt that Cao Zhen seemed to have drawn his sword and seemed to be ready to take action at the next moment!

This word

How could Cao Zhen write such words!

Could this be written by a hundred peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect?

This writing is no worse than that of their master!

Elder Xue looked at the text in front of him and couldn't understand it at all.

How many years did it take him to achieve such attainments in calligraphy? How could this Cao Zhen have such attainments in calligraphy!

All around, people from various major immortal sects also looked at the words written by Cao Zhen. Upon seeing it, everyone's hearts suddenly sank.

This word

Regardless of whether you understand calligraphy or not, you can tell the difference between the two sides at a glance.

There is no need to compare this word at all.

Although Elder Xue's calligraphy looks good and beautiful, every word, every stroke and every stroke of Cao Zhen's calligraphy reveals endless killing intent!

The spiritual energy in this word is unparalleled by Yuanfei Elder Xue.

Cao Zhen won?

He actually defeated Elder Xue, Elder Xue of the Four Jue Sect, in the art of calligraphy!

After Cao Zhen finished writing, he didn't dry the ink. He looked at Elder Xue beside him with a smile and asked, "Elder, what do you think about my calligraphy?"

The other party writes first while he is writing, which makes it much easier to operate, as long as he writes better than the other party.

It's not like when I was in Thousand Caves Sect, I didn't know the opponent's specific level, and I didn't dare to be too arrogant.

Elder Xue's face turned red instantly. He glared at Cao Zhen fiercely and said, "I am ashamed of the reputation of Master Cao!"

It's not as good as it is. He won't hide anything about this kind of thing.

As a disciple of the top ten immortal sects, he still couldn't do that. He was obviously inferior to the other party, but he insisted on saying that he was stronger than the other party.

Below the ring, Cave Master Peng whispered to Cave Master Hu and entered the secret passage: "Master Cao Feng released the water. This word is slightly worse than the word written on our Thousand Cave Gate that day."

"It seems that Peak Master Cao is still kind-hearted and doesn't want Elder Xue to be too embarrassed. After all, the relationship between Baifeng Sect and Si Jue Sect is not bad." Hu Cave Master nodded slightly and said: "However, Elder Xue There was no epiphany, but it was beyond my expectation.”

Cave Master Peng transmitted a message into the secret and explained: "Calligraphy knows that you will not be able to achieve enlightenment just by seeing words that are more advanced than your own. You also need the words to fit with you.

It can be seen that Elder Xue's words have the meaning of being free and easy, but Peak Master Cao's words suddenly become full of murderous intent, which is completely different from Elder Xue's free and easy. The two have different ways, so it is naturally impossible. Epiphany.

Unexpectedly, Peak Master Cao’s knowledge of calligraphy has reached such a profound level. Before, Peak Master Cao discussed Taoism in our Thousand Caves Sect, but none of the words he wrote were filled with such strong murderous intent! "

The two of them transmitted the sound into the secret room. Under the ring, Lan Pili asked: "Fengzhu Cao, did you write this poem yourself?"

"It's indeed my work." Cao Zhen agreed cheekily. After all, he had copied them all, so this one was enough.

Lan Pili looked like he had known this for a long time. He turned to look at Elder Xue and deliberately asked loudly: "Elder Xue, I wonder how your poems compare with Peak Master Cao's poems?"

Elder Xue's face has completely turned the color of pig liver. Do you still need to ask? What is there to ask?

Cao Zhen's poem, the murderous spirit and boldness in it, cannot be compared with the poems he wrote in his life, let alone the poems he composed on the spur of the moment.

"Master Cao Feng is really brave. I can't compare with this poem." Elder Xue sighed. He really couldn't understand how Cao Zhen could write such a poem. Maybe others couldn't feel it, but he clearly felt it. , the deeper meaning in the poem

He even felt that Peak Master Cao.

No, it should be said to be the Baifeng Sect. Does the Baifeng Sect have the idea of ​​​​rebellion? Otherwise, how could Cao Zhen write such a poem?


Why did the Baifeng Sect suddenly think of rebellion?

Aren't they afraid of the Grand Master?

No, Cao Zhen just met the Grand Master before. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Grand Master?

But didn’t the Grand Master just have an epiphany before?

For a time, Elder Xue thought of many things.

Below the ring, Kou Shaoyuan's face turned completely dark. Cao Zhen actually won!

Doesn't it mean that although Elder Xue of the Four Jue Sect is not particularly high in cultivation, he has dabbled in and mastered all the Four Jue sects?

This is all proficiency, and even a small Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect cannot win!

He lost five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones in one go!

Five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones, if he loses, he will lose. Although it makes him heartbroken, it is not to the point of breaking his bones. The key is to let Cao Zhen and the people of Baifeng Sect win!

Cao Zhen no longer looked at Elder Xue, but looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, I just lost the spirit stone."

"I can afford to lose half a million taels of spirit stones." Kou Shaoyuan snorted coldly, raised his hand and took out several spirit stone tickets.

Below the arena, Lan Pili didn't have any awareness of being an envoy of the Hundred Peaks Sect at this time. He ran directly to the crowd and said: "Everyone, Peak Master Cao and Elder Xue haven't finished their discussion yet, so it's inconvenient to collect spirit stone tickets. Just give me your spirit stone tickets. By the way, Elder Xue, what else do you want to discuss with Master Cao next?"

On the ring, Elder Xue's face suddenly darkened. What does Blue Bolt mean?

This clearly shows that he looks down on himself.

He didn't believe it. Cao Zhen's calligraphy was as high as that of painting.

"Master Cao Feng, don't you say that the art of calligraphy and painting is as long as the night? Next, I want to learn about Master Cao's painting method."

"Okay, then, Elder Xue invites you first." Cao Zhen took away his rice paper and stepped aside.

Below the ring, Lan Pili took the initiative to look at the crowd and said, "Everyone, do you have anything else to pledge? As per the old rules, how many spiritual stones you pledge to Elder Xue, our Baifeng Sect will pledge the same number of spiritual stones to Peak Master Cao."

After saying this, the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.

Keep betting?

They just lost, are they going to bet again and lose again?

The art of calligraphy and painting has been talked about together since ancient times. Generally, those who are good at one art will not be too bad at the other.

Of course, there are exceptions, and there are people who are just good at one.

But the people of Baifeng Sect were so confident that they really didn't dare to take custody easily.

"Is there no one betting? What? Are you scared?" Lan Pili looked in the direction of Shenyun Sect with a provocative look on purpose and asked: "Fellow Daoist Kou, you were the first to say something about adding some bonuses, won't you stop betting? "

Kou Shaoyuan was directly named, and there was a look of hesitation on his face. He was silent for a moment, and then said again: "I am still optimistic about Elder Xue. I bet one hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, and Elder Xue will win."

He didn't believe it. Cao Zhen was also so good at painting.

However, he did not dare to bet so many spiritual stones as before.

Lan Pili curled his lips with a look of disdain on his face: "It's only one hundred thousand taels of spirit stones. Why, if you lose five hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, will you have no money? Are you people from the Shenyun Sect so poor?"

"You!" Kou Shaoyuan was immediately furious and said coldly: "I just don't want to win against your Baifeng Sect too much, lest you look bad when you go back."

Guarding so many people, he could never say that he saw Cao Zhen winning before, and he was still a little nervous and didn't dare to bet too much.

"Losing too much?" Lan Pili shook his head and said, "It's okay, fellow Daoist Kou, don't worry. We just won five million taels of spirit stones. We're not afraid. You can bet as much as you want."

Kou Shaoyuan stopped talking.

People from other immortal sects around him also hesitated.

They were really afraid that Cao Zhen was also good at painting.

But some of the Immortal Sects spoke after hesitation.

"I bet one hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, and Elder Xue will win."

"I bet fifty thousand taels of spiritual stones, and Elder Xue won."

"I bet"

This time, there were obviously many fewer people betting than before. These people may not believe that Cao Zhen can have the same profound attainments in painting after reaching such a high level in calligraphy. Perhaps it is because they lost before. I am anxious to make money back, so I bet.

However, in the end, the total amount of spiritual stones everyone bet on did not reach two million taels.

On the stage, Elder Xue began to paint.

Painting naturally takes longer than writing.

Elder Xue took two sticks of incense to finish the painting. Then he watched Chang Tiance, who had looked back from his epiphany, appear again, preparing his paints and brushes.

After a stick of incense.

Elder Xue looked at the transformation on the desk in front of him, and his whole body was about to collapse.

What he painted was the discussion situation in front of him, and he painted the people present.

As for Cao Zhen, he actually painted the discussion situation in front of him, and also painted the people present. However, in Cao Zhen's paintings, the images of the people were more vivid, and everyone's expressions were different.

His transformation was already very high-level, but in comparison, his painting seemed to be much worse.

Cao Zhen was also speechless. What are you not good at painting? You paint these figures. Zhao Ji is best at all kinds of figure paintings.

Under the ring, the faces of those who had not placed any bets had a look on their faces. They knew that those who were good at calligraphy would not be too bad at painting.

And the people of Baifeng Sect are so confident. It is obvious that Cao Zhen is also proficient in painting. Those people, I don't know what they think, dare to challenge Elder Xue to win.

On the Four Jue Sect side, a group of disciples have long been silent. The origin of their Four Jue Sect's name is because of the Four Jue. Now that they have exhausted all the Three Jue, they still lose to miscellaneous immortal sects like the Hundred Peaks Sect.

When word gets out, what will others say?

It is also one of the top ten immortal sects. The Baifeng Sect is still a miscellaneous sect. It is an immortal sect that follows every path. As a result, it can beat the Four Jue Sect in the path that the Four Jue Sect is good at.

Will others feel that the Four Jue Sect is not worthy of its name?

Elder Xue looked at the bottom of the ring and started to put away the blue thunderbolts of Lingshi tickets again. His heart was full of dissatisfaction, and he no longer believed it. His calligraphy, paintings, and poems were not as good as Cao Zhen's, and he couldn't compare with Cao Zhen in terms of music.

Painting and calligraphy have little to do with music!

How old was Cao Zhencai and how many years did he live? How many years did he live? He has been obsessed with calligraphy, painting, poetry and music all his life.

The first three skills are no match for Cao Zhen, and the music rhythm is no match for Cao Zhen!

Even if Cao Zhen spent his whole life doing nothing else but studying these four arts, he still wouldn't be able to beat him in every one of them!

In this way, how could Cao Zhen be just the peak master of a hundred peaks!

He looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Master Cao is really good at painting. I'm also good at music. I don't know Master Cao. Do you dare to discuss the art of music with me?"

Cao Zhen did not agree directly. He had agreed too readily when he was drawing the road. As a result, not many people in the group bet, causing him to lose a lot of money.

Now, I have won twice in a row, and I happily agreed to it. Those people are not stupid. What if they don't bet anymore? Then wouldn’t it be a big loss for me?

But, how can I seem to agree reluctantly?

He glanced at Blue Bolt.

Lan Pili also seemed to have discovered the problem of betting too little just now. Before Cao Zhen could speak, he shouted with an unhappy face: "Elder Xue, this is a bit too much. What are you good at? Let Peak Master Cao discuss it with you." What are you talking about? If you talk about Tao, that’s not how you talk about Tao. Why don’t you look at what Peak Master Cao is good at and discuss Tao with Master Cao.”

Elder Xue's face turned red immediately. Lan Pili was indeed right. This is not how Taoism is discussed, but he has lost three games in a row. If he doesn't win another game, where will his old face hang on? Juezong's face was turned upside down, so he eagerly spoke out the melody of discussing Taoism.

However, as Lan Pili said, he should not just discuss the path he is good at, but also the path Cao Zhen is good at.

Previously, it was because a disciple of the Baifeng Sect said, "If heaven does not create it, Cao Zhen, the art of calligraphy and painting will last forever like a long night." Cao Zhen would not be able to discuss the art with him.

But now, the people of the Baifeng Sect did not say, "If the sky did not give birth to Cao Zhen, the music would be like a long night."

He sighed in his heart and asked: "Then what is Peak Master Cao good at and what do you want to discuss with me?"

"I don't seem to be particularly good at anything." A look of embarrassment appeared on Cao Zhen's face. He wasn't lying. He really didn't have anything particularly good at it. He was all-powerful!

Below the ring, Li Qinglei heard the sound and immediately shouted: "Since Master Cao is not particularly good at anything, he has voluntarily given up on the discussion he proposed. In this case, he should continue to discuss the music and rhythm of the Tao."

After that, he was afraid that Cao Zhen would find other excuses, so he quickly urged the general: "I will stake five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones on Elder Xue to win. Of course, if you, the Baifeng Sect, are afraid, you don't have to stake it."

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