My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 171 Everyone is dissatisfied

Cao Zhen discovered that Li Qinglei was really a good person. He didn't even say anything to deceive him, so Li Qinglei took the initiative to take care of him.

And below the ring, Lan Pili also shouted cooperatively: "Afraid? We, the Hundred Peaks Sect, have never known what fear is! Peak Master Cao, talk to him, we, the Hundred Peaks Sect, have no reason to back down!"

The minds of everyone around him became active again.

Can Cao Zhen be good at poetry, calligraphy, painting, and music?

How old is Cao Zhencai!

How could he have time to study so many ways!

"I bet three hundred thousand taels of spirit stones, and Elder Xue will win." A man who didn't know which fairy sect he came from gritted his teeth. He wanted to win back all the spirit stones he had lost earlier.

It was a coincidence that Cao Zhen was also good at calligraphy and painting, so he defeated Elder Xue.

But the next competition was something that Elder Xue was good at. He didn't believe that Cao Zhen could still be good at it.

Elder Xue is good at the four arts, how could he not win any of them!

If there really is anyone who can defeat Elder Xue, he must be someone from the Four Jue Sect, not from the Baifeng Sect.

Everyone around seemed to think so and started placing bets.

"Two hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones"

"I'll deposit 400,000 taels of spiritual stone."

Soon, everyone deposited another five million taels of spiritual stones.

Cao Zhen didn't have any musical instrument. Fortunately, among the disciples accompanying him was a disciple from String Peak. He took a long piano and put it in front of him. He looked up at Elder Xue and said, "Let's play together and we will break the formation." Once the song is finished, whoever makes a mistake first will naturally lose, how about that?"

The only song he knew from the Zhenxian Dynasty was the Po Zhen Pao Ze song that he played at Qiankumen.

"Okay, let's play the song of Po Zhen Pao Ze."

Elder Xue also took out a long qin from the Qiankun Bag. He didn't know whether he was originally good at the qin, or whether he used the qin deliberately after seeing Cao Zhen using the qin.

Many people around saw the two men's actions and felt relieved.

"Then Master Cao doesn't even have his own musical instrument. I guess he will lose."

"Both still use the same instrument."

"This time, Elder Xue has no reason to lose."

"Elder Xue is a member of the Four Jue Sect. It is impossible for him to fail to win in every argument."

While everyone was talking, the two people quickly started playing.

Although it was Cao Zhen's first time to play the piano, he had already played it twice. It was not the first time that he had finished the Po Zhen Pao Ze song. He was just a little unfamiliar at the beginning. Soon, he came into his own. within the rhythm.

The sound of the piano came out one after another, and the sound was so exciting that it made people feel excited, and they felt as if they were on the battlefield.

Gradually, they even forgot that they were watching people discussing Taoism and were completely immersed in the music until


A soft sound came out.

In front of Elder Xue, a string suddenly broke, and the music he was playing came to an abrupt end.

Cao Zhen then stopped playing.

Everyone around him suddenly woke up and looked at Elder Xue who was sitting there with a blank look in disbelief.

Elder Xue was defeated again!

Elder Xue, he is from the Four Jue Sect and he is said to be proficient in all the Four Jue. However, he actually lost to Cao Zhen in all the Four Jue!

Lost to the Baifeng Sect, the peak master ranked last!


Which of the two of them is the one from the Four Peaks!

How did that happen?

Cao Zhen, how could a person from the Baifeng Sect be so proficient in poetry, calligraphy, painting, and music?

"I lost, Elder Xue lost again, and all my spiritual stones were lost."

"I lost seven hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones."

"I lost nine hundred thousand taels, more than you!"

"How could Cao Zhen win?"

Everyone looked ugly, and no one would be happy if they lost money.

Although Elder Xue didn't lose any money, his expression was uglier than anyone else's. Others only lost some spiritual stones, but what he lost was people, people from their Four Jue Sects.

As you can tell by the name of their Four Wonders Sect, it is because of the Four Wonders, and these Four Wonders happen to be poetry, calligraphy, painting and music!

As a result, he and Cao Zhen discussed these four ways, and they all lost!

Moreover, he lost in front of so many people!

This is the capital, not a remote place. People from all the immortal sects are here. It doesn’t take tomorrow for the news of his defeat to Cao Zhen to spread throughout the world.

Li Qinglei and Ou Gaoyi and Kou Shaoyuan of Shenyun Sect also looked extremely sad, as if they were the losers and not Elder Xue of Si Jue Sect.

They lost the spirit stones. Although there were a lot of spirit stones, it was a lot of money for them, but what made them even more uncomfortable was that Cao Zhen won!

They originally wanted to embarrass Cao Zhen and attack those who attacked the Baifeng Sect, but now it seems that they are trying to help the Baifeng Sect!

Now that he was unhappy, Lan Pili walked over, stretched out a hand with a proud look on his face and said: "Guys, please tie the spirit stone."

Li Qinglei glared at Lan Pili fiercely, and handed over the spirit stone with an unhappy look on his face.

While Lan Pili took the spirit stone, he also thanked: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li. Without Fellow Daoist Li's suggestion, we would not have earned so many spirit stones."

Li Qinglei was so angry that he almost swore. He did it on purpose. Lan Pili must have done it on purpose. This is a typical example of him getting an advantage and still being obedient!

Everyone around listened to Lan Pili's words and looked at Li Qinglei. They just took the initiative to propose that the person who added some bonuses was Li Qinglei.

Without Li Qinglei, they would not have lost so many spiritual stones.

If they hadn't known about the relationship between Li Qinglei's Biluo Sect and the Baifeng Sect, they would have even suspected whether Li Qinglei had deliberately colluded with the people of the Baifeng Sect to deceive them.

When Lan Pili saw Li Qinglei getting angry, he became even more happy. He raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the arena and asked: "By the way, haven't your Biluo Sect always dissatisfied with our Baifeng Sect? Now that we have the opportunity, Peak Master Cao will Here, if you are dissatisfied, you can go to Master Cao to discuss the matter."

"Let's talk about Tao!" Li Qinglei showed a look of dissatisfaction on his face. He really didn't believe it. Then Cao Zhen could understand everything.

Not to mention Cao Zhen, the peak master of the hundred peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect, even the peak masters of Feixian Peak and Five Elements Peak, the first and second ranked peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect, cannot know everything.

On the Road?

He can still be afraid of the other party!

Li Qinglei raised his legs to get on the ring, but a voice came from a distance.

"Baifeng Sect, Master Cao of the Four Treasure Peaks, is here!"

The voice was loud and full of endless arrogance.

Everyone around them turned around and looked in the direction of the sound.

A very young-looking man wearing a scholar's robe stepped over.

Although he is dressed like a Confucian scholar, his face is resolute, and his whole person gives people a sense of arrogance and arrogance. There is no sense of elegance in him at all.

Many people were shocked when they saw the coming person.

"Confucianism and Taoism are crazy!"

"Lu Yiren from Confucianism and Taoism!"

"Shouldn't he go to a sect to discuss Taoism? Why did he suddenly appear in the capital?"

"It shouldn't be. He has been to our sect before. According to his route of action, he should have gone to the Baifeng Sect. Why did he appear in the capital and come to see Cao Zhen of the Baifeng Sect?"

Confused, everyone turned to look in Cao Zhen's direction.

Cao Zhen also looked at this scholar in confusion. He still knew about Confucianism and Taoism. It was in Baifeng Sect. When Baifengzi talked about young monks and young Confucian students, the peak masters of Baifeng Sect were He hid whenever he could, appearing to be very afraid of discussing things with the two of them.

Among them, the young monk is talking about the disciples of Wuliang Temple.

And that little Confucian scholar is the one who went down to discuss Taoism from the Confucian and Taoist sects.

When he came to this world, he got acquainted with the society of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and listened to Lan Pili talk about many things about the Zhenxian Dynasty. However, he also knew that although the Zhenxian Dynasty could be regarded as a hundred schools of thought, Confucianism and Taoism were still the mainstream. way.

In the mortal world, Confucianism and Taoism are highly respected, and in the world of immortality, there are also many sects that practice Confucianism and Taoism.

In their Hundred Peaks Sect, the top ten Confucian Peak cultivators followed Confucianism.

There are so many people who practice Confucianism and Taoism in the world of cultivating immortals, but except for the Confucianism and Taoism sect, no sect dares to be called Confucianism and Taoism sect or Confucianism and Taoism.

The Confucianism and Taoism Sect is to those who practice Confucianism and Taoism, just like the Swordsmanship Sect is to the swordsmanship lineage.

The swordsmanship in the world comes from the Sword Sect, and the Confucianism and Taoism in the world comes from the Confucianism and Taoism School!

The Confucianism and Taoism Sect is not one of the top ten sects, but it is not inferior to any of the top ten sects.

The reason why it is not among the top ten immortal sects is simply because the headmaster of the Confucian and Taoist sect said that their Confucian and Taoist sect wanted to join the world and spread Confucianism and Taoism and would not participate in the selection of the top ten immortal sects.

Most of the immortals serving in the Zhenxian Dynasty came from Confucianism and Taoism.

Lu Yiren noticed everyone's gaze, his eyes immediately fell on the high platform, and asked: "Are you Cao Zhencao, the master of Sibao Peak?"

Cao Zhen nodded doubtfully and asked in confusion: "I am indeed the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak. Why are you looking for me?"

"I'm naturally looking for you to discuss the Tao." Lu Yiren strode to the ring, looked at Cao Zhen and said, "I have been to the Baifeng Sect before to discuss the Tao with you Baifeng Sect people.

The Confucianism and Taoism of your Hundred Peaks Sect is so poor and unorthodox that no one is my opponent. Even your peak masters all lost to me.

But this is normal. I went down the mountain to talk about Taoism and have not yet met a single opponent. "

Everyone around listened to Lu Yiren's words, and none of them showed any surprise, let alone any ridicule.

Lu Yiren boarded the Immortal Sect that many of them wanted to talk about, but they all lost.

Even after Lu Yiren won, he would ask the elders and others from various immortal sects to discuss Taoism, but the result was the same. No one could compare to Lu Yiren in Confucianism and Taoism.

Losing to Lu Yiren is neither embarrassing nor surprising.

What surprised them was why Lu Yiren came to the capital to find Cao Zhen.

As Lu Yiren spoke, he glanced at the few people from the Baifeng Sect in the distance, and said with an unhappy look on his face: "It doesn't matter if you lose to me. Originally, I planned to go to another immortal sect to discuss Taoism, but you guys from the Baifeng Sect After losing the argument, he refused to accept it.

What are you talking about? The strongest person in your Baifeng Sect is no longer there, and the person who is best at Confucianism and Taoism is no longer in the Baifeng Sect. Otherwise, I will definitely lose.

This is the first time I have encountered someone saying this since I went down the mountain to discuss Taoism with people.

So, I asked who that person was.

The answer I got was you, Peak Master Cao of the Four Treasures Peak, so I came here. "

Cao Zhen was speechless immediately. I have left Baifeng Sect, but you can still think of me. I really want to thank you.

The question is, when you have good things, why don't you think of me?

When I, the Baifeng Sect, was poor, why didn't you think of me and give me some spiritual stones? Now that others have come to talk to me, you have lost, but you have thought of me.

When did I say that I was good at Confucianism and Taoism?

I have never hinted that I am good at Taoism, so you just believe in me and just say that I can beat others!

Who gave you the courage?

Is it me?

Everyone around finally understood why Lu Yiren was looking for Cao Zhen.

"Master Cao, are you still proficient in Confucianism and Taoism?"

"Aren't the top ten Confucian peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect cultivating Confucianism and Taoism? Their peak masters have lost to Confucianism and Taoism in terms of Taoism. How can Cao Zhen, who is ranked among the top 100 peaks, still beat him?"

Everyone became more and more strange. It was clear that the tenth peak master had lost. Why did the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect think that the peak master ranked one hundred peaks could still win?

What is going on with Cao Zhen?

Li Qinglei, listening to Lu Yiren's words, wanted to laugh in his heart, what is the Baifeng Sect? It is obvious that it cannot afford to lose!

He lost to others but refused to accept it, and even said that someone could beat the opponent.

It's okay now. They came directly to the capital to see how the people from the Baifeng Sect responded!

Li Qinglei looked at Lu Yiren, but the more he looked at him, the more he liked him.

Lu Yiren looked at Cao Zhen, as if he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Just in time, I won you in a debate, and I don't have to argue with your disciple anymore."

"My apprentice?" Cao Zhen was a little confused. Why is he related to his apprentice again?

"Don't you know?" Lu Yiren looked at Cao Zhen and said, "You have a disciple who is in the Taoist discussion team, and now he is in the limelight. He has gone to all the major immortal sects to discuss Taoism, and has never failed so far.

No matter what you discuss with others, you win.

I originally wanted to discuss Taoism with your apprentice, but your Baifeng Sect's Taoism team has been on the road and has nowhere to look. Now that I see you, that's just right. If you beat his master, you will naturally win. he. "

Cao Zhen was a little dumbfounded. The disciple of the Taoist discussion team was naturally Xiang Ziyu. The question was, what could Xiang Ziyu discuss with others?

Apart from teaching him some weapon refining, I didn't teach him anything at all.

He can't always rely on deception and argue with others, right?

Otherwise, what else can he talk about? Talk about novels with others?

Or invite others to jump off a cliff together?

Everyone around heard the sound, and they were a little unable to react.

Cao Zhen's disciples, aren't they the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks? The disciples of the last peak of the Baifeng Sect, can they be invincible when discussing Tao outside? And no matter what you discuss with others, you win!

Is that still a disciple of Bai Feng?

Although it is said that one can defeat the other party in terms of Taoism, one may not be able to be stronger than the other party in cultivation.

But if the Tao is strong, the cultivation will not be too weak.

After all, if you have a deeper understanding of Tao, how can your cultivation be weak?

If your cultivation level is temporarily unable to compare with that of your opponent, it may also be because your opponent has been practicing for too long and is therefore not as strong as your opponent. However, those who are stronger in discussing the Tao will have greater stamina for cultivation.

Besides, if your cultivation level is too low, how can you understand so many great ways? If you have a deep understanding of the ways, you can't be slow in your cultivation.

Cao Zhen's disciple was so strong in theory, so he couldn't be too weak in cultivation.

How could such a person and such a peak be just the last peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect!

The Hundred Peaks Sect, but the ranking of the Hundred Peaks has just been rearranged. If the Four Treasure Peaks are ranked last in terms of strength, then how strong must the Hundred Peaks Sect be?

If that's really the case, just don't call it the Ten Great Immortal Sects, just call the Hundred Peaks Sect the Strongest Immortal Sect!

That's obviously impossible.

Therefore, they can't understand why Sibaofeng is only ranked last!

Lu Yiren looked at Cao Zhen who was in a daze, but said impatiently: "Master Cao, let's start discussing Taoism now? I won't embarrass you, just tell me first, what do you think is Confucianism and Taoism? "

Before Cao Zhen could speak, Lan Pili shouted again from below: "I, Master Cao of the Hundred Peaks Sect, discuss Taoism with the disciples of the Confucian and Taoist Sect, does anyone dare to bet? It's still the old rule, no matter what you do, How many spiritual stones are there, even our Baifeng Sect can keep up with them."

What is he afraid of?

Peak Master Cao has proven time and time again that when it comes to Taoism, Peak Master Cao is unique and will not lose.

Anyway, no matter what the argument is, just bet on Peak Master Cao to win without thinking.

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of everyone around him suddenly seemed to be dazzling, and everyone started shouting.

"I, Aburu Yiren, have won five hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones!"

"The eight hundred thousand taels of spiritual stone is also Aburu Yiren!"

"I also believe in Confucianism and Taoism!"

Although Lu Yiren is a Confucian scholar, he does not look like a Confucian scholar at all, and he is extremely arrogant. However, his Confucian and Taoist theories are deep enough, so as he keeps going to sects to discuss Taoism, Soon the title "Confucian and Taoist Kuangsheng" came into being.

Many people are also accustomed to calling him Confucianism and Taoism instead of his name.

Everyone doesn't care whether Cao Zhen won before, anyway, there is nothing wrong in betting on Confucianism and Taoism. Although it can be heard from Lan Pili's words that he is full of confidence in Cao Zhen.

But no matter how confident they are, they don't believe that Cao Zhen can win over Lu Yiren in his discussion of Confucianism and Taoism!

Confucianism and Taoism were the most authentic Confucianism and Taoism in the Zhenxian Dynasty. The Taoism of the entire Zhenxian Dynasty was spread from Confucianism and Taoism.

Many people even say that for all Confucianism cultivators, Confucianism and Taoism are their holy land!

Lu Yiren was able to be sent down to the mountain gate to discuss Taoism with people when this little era of world reversal was about to come. He was obviously the most outstanding disciple of this generation of Confucianism and Taoism. How could he lose!

With everyone placing their bets, the number of spirit stones increased rapidly. In a short period of time, the number of spirit stones bet by everyone even exceeded ten million taels!

Especially those who have lost before, they bet harder.

They have already lost twice. If they want to make a comeback, they naturally have to bet more spirit stones.

Twelve million taels of spiritual stones.

Cao Zhen looked at the final number of bets and sighed in his heart. There are still many wealthy immortal cultivators in the world. What a huge market this is.

I must find a way to fully open up the market for Soul Gathering Talismans when I go back.

Even though the Baifeng Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects, it has only a limited number of disciples.

Besides, making money from your own immortal disciples is nothing. If you want to make money, just transfer the money from the entire world of immortality!

Cao Zhen thought about it and looked at Lu Yiren. In fact, he was really sure of winning when discussing Taoism with a Confucian and Taoist person.

He was connected with Mozi, and he directly used Mohist ideas to refute the Confucianism of the young Confucian scholars.

The problem is, if you say this, the other party may not accept it.

Then we can’t talk about ‘loving everyone but not attacking’.

Fortunately, Mozi often discussed doctrines with Confucian people at the beginning, and he also understood Confucianism and Taoism.

He heard at that time that a young Confucian scholar was going to Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism, and that if he defeated the opponent, he would receive massive rewards, he made a lot of preparations.

Among them, the Buddhist scriptures he wrote were thrown directly to the young monk who went to discuss Taoism.

In addition, he also prepared an Analects of Confucius. Unfortunately, until he left, no Confucian and Taoist people went to Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism.

I thought I had prepared this Analects for nothing, but who would have thought that it would come in handy in the end.

Cao Zhen pulled out the Analects of Confucius and threw it directly to Lu Yiren and said, "See for yourself."

Lu Yiren glanced at the title of the book, The Analects of Confucius? I have never heard of it, but I am allowed to read it. I am a disciple of Confucianism and Taoism, so I have never read any Confucianism and Taoism books.

Who wrote this Analects of Confucius?

Nowadays, really anyone can write a book.

I want to take a good look at it later. If there are any problems in this book, take them out and refute them one by one to Cao Zhen.

Below the ring, Li Qinglei saw Cao Zhen who had taken out a book and immediately sneered: "Master Cao, what are you showing others? A book on Confucianism and Taoism? Stop laughing, let's suppress the Immortal Dynasty All Confucian classics are handed down from Confucian and Taoist sects. Do you show others Confucian and Taoist classics? You"

Li Qinglei was talking, but he couldn't say a word.

On the ring, Lu Yiren flipped through the pages of the book and only glanced twice, completely stunned.

Below the ring, everyone from Lan Pili, Baifeng Sect, and Qiankumen were also stunned. They had seen too many such scenes.

When Cao Zhen was discussing Taoism at the Thousand Cave Gate, many people, including the two cave masters present now, had an epiphany!

However, they never expected that Lu Yiren, who came from Confucianism and Taoism, would have an epiphany so quickly!

"Epiphany! Confucianism and Taoism are crazy, and he actually has an epiphany!"

"How can it be!"

"Confucianism and Taoism are crazy, but a Confucian and Taoist sect has never read any Confucian and Taoist classics! How could he have an epiphany because of a Confucian and Taoist classic!"

"What kind of book is this?"

"Isn't this the classic book of our Zhenxian Dynasty?"

"Even if it's not a classic from the Zhenxian Dynasty, it won't directly lead to his enlightenment."

Everyone was completely confused.

Confucianism and Taoism flourished wildly, and streams of Confucianism and Taoism aura spread around the body, filling the entire arena. In just a moment, these auras filled the entire Jiexianfang, and at the same time continued to spread outside.

In the capital, on a street.

The two vendors were arguing loudly.

Although this is the capital city, and although there are many police officers in the city, it cannot be said that there are no quarrels or fights in the capital city.

"You want some face, my family always occupies this position every time we go out to a stall. You came to occupy my position, and you are still reasonable!" A butcher selling meat, holding a butcher's knife, waited viciously for a vendor opposite. .

Opposite him, a strong man was not to be outdone. He raised his eyebrows, knocked the ground hard and said: "You have always been here, is this yours? This place doesn't have your name written on it, why should it be?" It's yours. I came first, so I'll take it!"

Everyone around them was hiding far away, and no one came forward. The people coming here became more and more noisy, and they were about to take action. At this time, what if they went up to break up the fight, and what if they happened to touch the eyebrows?

Suddenly, a burst of breath came.

In the crowd, an old farmer who was dancing on a pole felt this aura, and his heart suddenly moved. He said to the two of them: "You two, just for a place, it's not worth it."

Everyone around them spoke after the aura came.

“Everyone is out to make money, and it’s not easy to find food.”

"We all want to make money to support the family. If you two fight, who will support the family?"

"This way, my stall won't take up such a big space. If I move it to Rebellion, both of you can have space."

The two people who were about to take action just now, as this wave of righteousness spread, the fierce look on their faces gradually disappeared, and one of them even showed an embarrassed look on his face and said: "I was too excited just now."

"No, it's because I spoke too hastily. In fact, what I meant from the beginning was, let's squeeze in."

"Then let's squeeze in a bit?"

With everyone's persuasion, the two quickly reconciled.

After Lu Yiren's sudden enlightenment, the aura full of benevolence, righteousness, and propriety spread, even affecting every mortal in the city.

The Grand Master did not take action.

If this aura is full of killing energy, or if it is the sharp swordsmanship, he will definitely take action and imprison this aura in Jie Xianfang.

But now, although this aura affects many people in the capital, it affects everyone in a good way, and there is no need for him to take action.

On the ring, Lu Yiren looked at the book in front of him page by page. Every time he turned a page, the Confucianism and Taoism in his body became stronger and stronger.

As he looked through it, he never came out of his enlightenment.

Under the ring, everyone was surprised at first, but slowly, everyone began to be envious.

Generally speaking, epiphanies are very quick, and they occur in an instant. Once you understand something, the epiphany is over.

But there are cases where enlightenment lasts for a long time.

Moreover, there are no exceptions. The longer the enlightenment lasts, the greater the harvest will be, and the further progress will be made in future cultivation!

In front of me, it took so long for Lu Yiren to realize his enlightenment. What a harvest this must be!

One stick of incense and half a time

Time passed little by little, and Lu Yiren never finished reading the book, and was still in the midst of an epiphany.

But everyone did not leave, they all stayed aside. They wanted to see how long Lu Yiren would reach his enlightenment.

Lan Pili waited for a while, but suddenly reacted, looked at the people around him and said: "Everyone, disciples of Confucianism and Taoism, after seeing the book given by Master Cao Feng, they all immediately realized the outcome of this discussion. I probably don’t need to say more.

Would you like to settle your accounts first? "

Everyone's expressions suddenly turned ugly.

They really didn't expect that Cao Zhen could directly win the discussion with a book.

Lan Pili was the first to walk up to Li Qinglei, stretched out his hand and said, "Fellow Daoist Li, come on."

Li Qinglei looked at Lan Pili's smiling face, and the more he looked at it, the more disgusted he became. He snorted coldly: "Why are you so anxious? Lu Yiren suddenly realized that if you don't win, you will definitely lose!

What's more, if your Peak Master Cao takes out a book, even if he wins, it is the book that wins. Who can prove that the book was written by Cao Zhen? Everything will wait until Lu Yiren wins the debate.

You are so eager to get spiritual stones. Is it possible that your Baifeng Sect is already so poor and yet so short of spiritual stones? "

He is not convinced, he is really not convinced!

He doesn't believe that the book was written by Cao Zhen. He doesn't believe that Cao Zhen can defeat the talented disciples of Confucianism and Taoism in discussing Taoism!

"I just want to save everyone's time, but you are not convinced by the demerit, right? Okay, you will be convinced in a moment." Lan Pili looked at Cao Zhen and shouted, "Master Cao, you will be convinced in a moment. Show Fellow Daoist Li what true Taoism is, and let Fellow Daoist Li and the Biluo Sect be completely convinced."

He was full of confidence in Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen was completely speechless. The pig teammate was talking about you, I can guarantee that Lu Yiren immediately bowed his head after reading the book.

That’s the Analects of Confucius!

Can he be dissatisfied after reading it?

It turns out that you, Blue Thunderbolt, are better off. You insist on making it more difficult for me. You let me persuade this little Confucian scholar with my words later. What else can I say?

Among the crowd, Cave Master Peng glanced at Li Qinglei with some disdain, and transmitted a secret message to Cave Master Hu on the side: "No wonder their Biluo Sect is not one of the top ten immortal sects. How can they be called one of the top ten immortals with such courage?" Door.

If it were anyone from any of our top ten immortal sects, in his situation, he would directly give the spirit stone.

They all have an epiphany, so what’s the point of talking about Tao! "

Cave Master Hu shook his head slightly and transmitted a message into the secret: "Li Qinglei's spirit is a bit lacking. However, the reason why they did not become one of the top ten immortal sects back then was also because of their strength.

They only had a short-lived outbreak back then, ushering in a period of rapid growth among masters. After all, any immortal sect will have periods of strength and periods of weakness, and everything in the world is like this.

As it happened, the Baifeng Sect was indeed in a weak period at that time, so it gave them the illusion that they were stronger than the Baifeng Sect.

Perhaps, they did have more masters than the Baifeng Sect at that time, and the entire sect was more prosperous.

But really compared to the foundation, they still couldn't compare to the Baifeng Sect at that time. "

Li Qinglei kept reading the book until evening. He finished reading the last page of the book. Then he came back from his enlightenment. He took the book and looked at Cao Zhen reluctantly. Before he could speak, Cao Zhen had already spoken first.

"You don't need to thank me. Confucianism and Taoism are benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, trust, courage, sincerity, forgiveness, loyalty, filial piety, and brotherhood. And I, I am good at cultivating the aura of awe-inspiring people!"

"The aura of greatness" Lu Yiren murmured to himself. Endless Confucianism surged out from his whole body, and his aura was awe-inspiring and righteous.

"Epiphany, he had another epiphany!"

“Two epiphanies in one day!”

"Is this such an easy realization?"

"I am good at cultivating awe-inspiring aura. What kind of aura can I say these words?"

Everyone was completely stunned. Cao Zhen was really proficient in Confucianism and Taoism. Just two short sentences made Lu Yiren enter enlightenment again.

As for Lu Yiren, his talent was really amazing, and he had epiphanies one after another!

Cao Zhen has long been used to others having epiphanies twice a day. He discovered that these talented people are real geniuses.

Just like Wu Jianzi from the Sword Sect and Qing Mozi from the Bi-Mo Sect, they both had two epiphanies in one day.

Lan Pili looked at Lu Yiren who was in the state of enlightenment, and immediately ran to Li Qinglei, saying proudly: "Fellow Daoist Li, didn't you say that the book was not written by Master Cao Feng, don't you accept it?

Are you convinced now? But admitting defeat? "

"You" Li Qinglei spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

The time for Lu Yiren's enlightenment this time was far shorter than the last time. However, he recovered after a moment. Then, he knelt down and kowtowed three times directly to Cao Zhen.

His face no longer had the arrogance and arrogance before, he looked at Cao Zhen with admiration and said: "Thank you, Peak Master Cao, for your guidance. I was too arrogant before to cultivate my awe-inspiring aura. I already know my future path.

It’s just that the disciple already has a sect and cannot accept Master Cao as his master, but the disciple is willing to accept Master Cao as his leader! "

Lead the way!

Below, everyone gasped.

This leader is second only to Master!

It does not mean that after one person makes the other person enlightened, the other person must recognize him as the leader!

If that were the case, there would be many more guides in the world.

A leader is someone who leads the other person’s future cultivation path.

Who is Lu Yiren? He is a disciple of Confucianism and Taoism, and he is most likely the most talented disciple of Confucianism and Taoism in this generation.

Confucianism and Taoism were also the leaders of the Confucian cultivators of the entire Zhenxian Dynasty.

Lu Yiren received the most orthodox Confucianism and Taoism teachings. He had been in Confucianism and Taoism for so many years, but he had not determined his future path. However, Cao Zhen's few words determined his future cultivation path!

This is simply ridiculous!

But no matter how hard everyone can believe it, the facts are before their eyes.

They just couldn't understand why Cao Zhen, if he was so proficient in Confucianism and Taoism, was only the peak master of the last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Moreover, they couldn't feel any Confucianism or Taoism from Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen was used to being the leader of others. He waved his hand very calmly and said: "Get up, I said that I am good at cultivating the aura of awe-inspiring people. It will be good if you can find your own path in the future."

Even after he finished speaking, a voice came from outside.

"Senior Cao, I didn't expect that one more person would recognize you as the leader."

Wu Jianzi stepped forward, and the eyes of everyone around him suddenly fell over.

"Sword Sect's Wu Jianzi!"

"Why does he call Cao Zhen that? It sounds like he respects Cao Zhen very much."

As a disciple of the Sword Sect, Wu Jianzi had gone to various sects to discuss swords before, so he was quite famous, and many people recognized Wu Jianzi.

Wu Jianzi listened to everyone's words and said with a look of admiration on his face: "I respect Senior Cao because, like him, I recognize Senior Cao as a leader, and because my swordsmanship was also taught by Senior Cao.

I am good at cultivating the aura of awe-inspiring people. It turns out that my senior is so broad-minded. "

When everyone around heard Wu Jianzi's words, they were completely unable to calm down.

"What? Do you also recognize Cao Zhen as the leader?"

"Aren't you a disciple of the Sword Sect? Could it be that Peak Master Cao also knows the way of swordsmanship?"

"This Peak Master Cao knows so many Tao? Then what Tao does Peak Master Cao practice?"

Cave Master Peng and Hu Cave Master looked at each other, and they were not only convinced but also convinced. That Lu Yiren was so arrogant and arrogant, people called him a Confucian and Taoist maniac.

But after Peak Master Cao took action, he no longer worshiped Peak Master Cao as his leader!

These people were just so surprised when they saw Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren worshiping Master Cao as their guide. If they knew that there were geniuses from other sects who worshiped Master Cao as their leader, they would not know how surprised they would be. What a look!

Peak Master Cao is truly a genius in the world.

The two of them have also been wondering at the same time that Peak Master Cao knows so many Tao, and he has almost reached the peak level.

So which path is the path that Peak Master Cao cultivates?

Cao Zhen looked at Wu Jianzi walking towards him, but he sighed in his heart, "Wu Jianzi, it's not a good time for you to come, but you have to come now. If you don't come now, I might still be fooling others into arguing with me." Said, and then gathered some wool.

Okay now, when you come, just say that I am your guide.

When others see this, who will talk to me?

Maybe, there are still stubborn people?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Cao Zhen looked at the people around him and asked, "Everyone, is there anyone who still wants to discuss things with me?"

As soon as his words came out, everyone around him shook their heads.

"Master Cao, it's getting late."

"Yeah, it's already evening, we should go back to eat."

"I also want to go back to meditate and practice."

"Tomorrow, let's talk tomorrow."

Everyone left one after another, what else could they talk about?

This Cao Zhen is so evil. He can do this, and he can do that, so what else can they argue about?

They go back first to find out more about Cao Zhen, and then wait until tomorrow.

Moreover, even if they discussed it with Cao Zhen, they did not intend to bet on spiritual stones anymore.

When people leave the sect, it is naturally impossible for them to have no way of contacting the sect. However, it will cost a lot of resources to contact them, so usually they will not contact their immortal sect if nothing happens.

But now, with Cao Zhen's performance, they had to contact Xianmen.

The major immortal sects also have their own news channels. After hearing the news from everyone under the sect, they immediately began to investigate, and the news was quickly compiled and then passed to their people in the capital.

Soon, curses could be heard in Jie Xianfang.

"What a Thousand Caves Sect. Why didn't you place any bets from the beginning to the end? It turns out that Cao Zhen went to the Thousand Caves Sect and swept the Thousand Caves Sect!"

"We have been on the road for a while, and we didn't even know the news!"

"The people of Qiankumen, they don't want to embarrass themselves, they want to drag everyone into the water and embarrass everyone together!"

"That Cao Zhen, what's going on with him? Why is he so good at everything?

Not to mention being good at calligraphy, painting, and music. Maybe he just has talent in this area, but how come he is so proficient in alchemy, talismans, and mechanism skills? Which of these does not require a lot of time to study and study? How can he have so much time? "

"Baifeng Sect, why is there such a person!"

"What I don't understand even more is why Cao Zhen is only the 100th Peak Master of the Hundred Peaks Sect!"

"Actually, it's possible that he is just theoretical and very good at discussing Taoism, but his cultivation level may not be high. You think, his experience is all focused on various Taoisms, so where can he have more energy to practice!"

"His cultivation level is indeed not high. When he was refining elixirs at Qiankumen, everyone in Qiankumen saw that he only made seven elixirs."

"Actually, having seven pills is not too weak. This kind of strength should be able to reach the Eighty Peaks or even the Seventy Peaks within the Hundred Peaks Sect."

"And his disciple in the Taoist team seems not to be weak either. Why is the Four Treasure Peak ranked last among the Hundred Peaks Sect?"

Everyone was filled with confusion, but the next day, a piece of news came, and they became even more incomprehensible and even unacceptable.

"What? Canonize Cao Zhen as a national advisor?"

"Cao Zhen? He's a man with seven pills. Why should he? Just because he's good at talking about Taoism?"

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