My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 172 If you don’t accept it, then fight

Cao Zhen didn't expect that the Grand Master's speed would be so fast. He had just returned for a day, and the next day, news spread about him becoming the Grand Master of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

In Jie Xianfang, a group of people from other immortal sects were completely unable to understand.

Like the Baifeng Sect, the Sijue Sect, Faji Sect and other sects that are also located in the top ten immortal sects are even more dissatisfied!

On this day, the Mingxin Sect and the Riyue Sect, one of the two major immortal sects among the ten major immortal sects, came to Jie Xianfang in the capital.

"What? The Grand Master canonized someone from the Baifeng Sect as a national master?"

In Jie Xianfang, the envoy of the Mingxin Sect, led by the envoy, heard the news he had just received. This person suddenly became ill.

"Our Immortal Suppressing Dynasty has ten major immortal sects. If we want to choose a national master, there is no problem in choosing one of the ten major immortal sects, but why is it Baifeng Sect?

Could it be that our Mingxin Sect and other immortal sects cannot compare to the Baifeng Sect! "

On the side, Ou Gaoyi of the Shenyun Sect snorted coldly when he heard the sound: "It's not just that. I'm afraid you don't know that Cao Zhen, who was named the national master, is the Four Treasure Peaks ranked number one hundred in the Baifeng Sect. The peak master."

"One Hundred Peaks!" The chief envoys of the Sun Moon Sect heard this and said dissatisfiedly, "Let the master of the penultimate peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect be the national master. What does this mean? Do you want to insult us or do you want to do it? What?"

No one around him answered him. The Imperial Master was conferred by the Grand Master.

If they agree to come down, wouldn't it mean that the Grand Master is insulting them?

They don't dare to speak ill of the Grand Master casually.

The national master of the Sun Moon Sect also realized that there was something wrong with what he said in his excitement, and quickly changed his words: "I'm not talking about the grand master, I just think that a peak ranked last in the Baifeng Sect Lord, you are not qualified to be this national teacher!

I don’t have any objections to the Hundred Peaks Sect. If the Hundred Peaks Sect lets the peak master of Feixian Peak be the national master, I definitely don’t have any objections! "

All around, everyone nodded.

Who doesn't know that Feixian Peak is the strongest peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. If the master of Feixian Peak is asked to be the national master, they agree, but even the masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect will not agree.

What's more, the minor era of world reversal is coming, and by then, the peak master of Feixian Peak will also fall asleep. His being a national teacher has no meaning or influence.

But Cao Zhen is different. Cao Zhen is only in the elixir formation stage. Even if the world is reversed and the minor era comes, he will not fall asleep.

"Anyway, no matter what happens, if a person with only seven pills is allowed to be the national master, I won't accept anything you say!"

"We are not convinced by this matter either..."

Although the major sects in Zhenxian Dynasty do not attack each other directly, they are always competing. There are only so many resources and so many talents. If you want to practice and strengthen yourself, you must compete.

This time, all the major immortal sects were surprisingly unanimous and opposed Cao Zhen becoming the national advisor of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Although they did not want to serve in the Zhenxian Dynasty, they did not want to see people from the Baifeng Sect become the national teachers of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

What does it mean that the Zhenxian Dynasty does not allow people from other sects to be national preceptors, but allows people from Baifeng Sect to be national preceptors?

Does it mean that they are not as good as the Baifeng Sect?

What's more, if people from the Baifeng Sect serve as other officials in the court, they will not be able to influence them.

But being a national teacher is different.

When the time comes, if Cao Zhenruo asks them to do something in the name of the Imperial Master, will they go or not?

If the Grand Master is really not asleep, what will happen then?

Moreover, Cao Zhen was granted the title of Imperial Master for a thousand years.

Even if the Grand Master is asleep, no matter how special this small era of world reversal is, it cannot last for thousands of years.

When the Minor Era ends and the Grand Master wakes up, Cao Zhen will still be the Imperial Master. At that time, Cao Zhen will give orders as the Imperial Master. What will they do?

If you don't listen to Cao Zhen, you will be violating the order of Zhenxian Dynasty, and the Grand Master will take action to suppress it.

Therefore, no matter what, they did not want Cao Zhen to be the national advisor.

"We, it's useless to just say this." In the crowd, Li Qinglei came up with an idea, "We must go to the Grand Master."

He is the most active. Based on the relationship between Biluo Sect and Baifeng Sect, if Cao Zhen becomes the national master, he will definitely target their Biluo Sect, so no matter what, he cannot let Cao Zhen become the national master.

As Li Qinglei's words fell, everyone who was originally discussing closed their mouths.

Go to the Grand Master?

Are you kidding me?

It's okay for them to talk privately and go directly to the Grand Master. What does that mean? That's openly questioning the Grand Master, how can I get away with it?

Ou Gaoyi was silent for a moment, looked at the silent crowd, and then said: "We can't just talk in private, we still have to mention it. Of course, we can't ask directly, we can ask questions in private. Finally Well, it’s not up to people from our major cultivating sects.

We can ask people from Confucianism and Taoism to ask. There are many Confucian scholars who are officials in the court, and their Confucianism and Taoism are related to some Confucian scholars. Let these Confucian scholars mention this matter sideways. "

"Yes, this is a good idea. Let's find someone from the Confucian and Taoist sect."

Everyone quickly discussed a solution.

Another day, early in the morning, the morning pilgrimage was held as usual.

Every emperor of the Zhenxian Dynasty was extremely diligent.

Zhenxian Dynasty, the royal ancestral motto is that unless there is a special reason, otherwise, the emperor must hold a morning court every day.

Genius Meng Meng Liang, officials from all major and sufficient levels in the capital hurried to the imperial city.

The capital is divided into the outer city and the inner city, and the inner city is the imperial city.

Tingzheng Palace.

The emperor is sitting on the dragon throne. Although he has not ascended the throne, he has actually begun to implement all the emperor's powers, except for the last, nominal procedure.

What he started was the Grand Master sitting on a Grand Master's chair.

At first, the Grand Master did not want to sit on the chair.

But the emperor said that the grand master is the supervisor of the country and should sit down. If the grand master doesn't sit down, he won't sit down either.

The Grand Master agreed to sit next to the Emperor during the morning court.

Then, the eunuch on the emperor's side shouted loudly "Go to court".

Outside the main hall, civil and military officials entered the hall.

Perhaps in some dynasties, when going to court, all officials need to kneel down and worship the emperor, but in the Zhenxian Dynasty, there is no such rule.

The officials just bowed their hands to the emperor, and then they split on both sides.

The emperor gently stroked the carvings on the dragon chair with one hand, while looking at the officials below and asked: "Do you have anything to report to me?"

"Your Majesty, there is news from Dahuang Prefecture. This year, their Dahuang Prefecture is even drier than in previous years. Although immortals have used their magical power to rain, it is not as good as natural rainfall, and the grain harvest is far less than in previous years. The governor of the state requested Open a warehouse to store grain.”

"We must not let the people go hungry. I have approved this matter. Minister Chen, you will go to Dahuang Prefecture and be responsible for distributing food for disaster relief."

The emperor looked at the ministers again and asked, "Everyone, do you have anything else to report?"

"My lord, I have something to report."

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a beard and full of toughness, standing in the first row of generals, stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, today, the border guard sent news that the Jin Dynasty is here. We have been making many moves at the border of Zhenxian Dynasty, and have been testing our defense situation. I even received news that the Jin Dynasty mobilized 50,000 troops to go to the border."

"What? Are they planning to use military force against our Zhenxian Dynasty?" The emperor looked down at the Grand Master and asked, "Grand Master, what do you think about this matter?"

The grand master suddenly stood up from his seat, and a cold breath surged out from his body. He cupped his hands towards the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, how can we allow others to invade the territory of our Zhenxian Dynasty? The old minister suggested that we can send troops. .”

"So Grand Master, which general do you think is appropriate to send?"

"Zhao Liao, General Zhao."

The emperor nodded slightly and said: "General Zhao is indeed the most suitable person. General Zhao, after you retire from the court, immediately go to the Ministry of War to get the Tiger Talisman. I order you to be the General of the Conquest of the West and lead the tiger march to conquer the Jin Dynasty."

Below, an old man who thought he was quite old, with a gray beard but a straight waist, stepped forward and took the order: "Old minister, I will definitely live up to the emperor's trust."

One by one, the ministers began to play.

Slowly, among the civil servants, an official who was neither in the front nor behind, and who was full of elegance, stepped out, cupped his hands towards the emperor and the grand master, and said, "Your Majesty, grand master, my dear minister yesterday. I heard a piece of news, Grand Master, you seem to have consecrated a National Preceptor.

As far as I know, people from the major immortal sects don’t seem to be very satisfied with the choice of this national preceptor..."

"Tell them to get out!" The Grand Master's face suddenly turned cold. His order, when did it become someone else's turn to dictate?

The official who had just asked the question suddenly trembled. Although he knew that the Grand Master was targeting people from the major immortal sects, at this moment, large drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.

On the high platform, when the emperor heard this, he frowned and asked, "Are all the major immortal sects dissatisfied with this matter?"

"Your Majesty, it's not that they are dissatisfied..." The civil servant raised his head and said in a row: "They are a little unconvinced. They are unconvinced as to why the peak master of the Hundred Peaks Sect was allowed to become the national master."

"Not convinced?"

The emperor thought for a moment and then said: "They are not convinced, but there is some truth in it. If that is the case, then so be it.

If the major immortal sects were dissatisfied, they would send their immortals to compete in a martial arts competition. The winner would become the national master of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Master, what do you think? "

"Since the emperor has said so, let's give them a chance." The grand master saw that the emperor had already spoken. For the sake of the emperor's authority, it was not easy to refute.

He even added: "The Emperor's enthronement ceremony is about to begin, so why not hold a Martial Arts Competition among the Immortals of the Zhenxian Dynasty after the Emperor's enthronement to congratulate him.

Except for the first person who can obtain the position of national master, the remaining ten people can obtain the positions of suppressing the immortal dynasty and protecting the country as immortal generals.

All immortals in our Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty can participate, but their cultivation level needs to be under the Earth Immortal Catastrophe. "

"The method of the Grand Master is good, so I will follow the Master's method."

As the Immortals Martial Arts Conference was decided, the morning dynasty came to an end soon.

At noon that day, everyone got feedback.

"Does the Grand Master know about this?"

"What did the Grand Master say?"

In Jie Xianfang, all the envoys and deputy envoys from various immortal sects who had arrived in the capital, except for Lan Pili and Cao Zhen from the Baifeng Sect, gathered together to question the person who had reported the news.


The person reporting the news sighed heavily and said, "The Grand Master only said one word, 'Get out'."

The expressions of everyone around him instantly turned ugly. Obviously, the Grand Master’s word ‘get out’ was not meant for the Confucian scholars who asked the question, but for them.

Sure enough, the decision made by the Grand Master will not be changed easily.

Even if so many of their immortal sects opposed it together, it would be useless.

If they continue to make trouble, there will only be one outcome: irritating the Grand Master and then being punished by the Grand Master.

Over the years, among all the sects that have questioned and opposed the Grand Master, has any of them ended well?

Grand Master, that is the first master in the Zhenxian Dynasty, far superior to everyone else.

Everyone is having a headache.

The person who came to deliver the message spoke again: "However, after the emperor heard about this, he felt that it would not be good to directly appoint the national advisor, so the emperor said that all the major immortal sects could be involved.

Finally, the Grand Master said that a competition among immortals would be held, and the first place would be the Imperial Master of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

In addition, the remaining 2 to 11 were awarded as the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty. However, those below Earth Immortal can participate, but those above Earth Immortal are not allowed to participate. "

"General Assembly?"

"Are all the major immortal sects participating in the conference?"

"The Earth Immortal Realm is not allowed to participate. That is obviously because of the arrival of the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe. In fact, even if the Earth Immortal Realm is allowed to participate, I am afraid no one will participate."

"Just a martial arts competition is fine. In this way, it's fair."

"Everyone, I have taken the first step. At this time, I want to inform our sect."

"Actually, we don't need to inform you. The Grand Master will inform our sect at this time."

On that day, news spread that the Zhenxian Dynasty was going to hold a competition among the immortals for martial arts.

The start time of the conference is set in one month.

After all, the territory of Zhenxian Dynasty is extremely vast, and it will take time for people from all sects to dare to come.

Baifeng Sect, Shenyun Sect, Sijue Sect...

The ten major immortal sects of the Zhenxian Dynasty, as well as the major immortal sects that were strong enough, quickly summoned the geniuses under the earth immortals.

They did not want their disciples to enter the Zhenxian Dynasty as officials.

However, this time he chose the National Preceptor!

In fact, generally speaking, when the Zhenxian Dynasty already has a Grand Master, there is no need to establish another Imperial Master.

But now, since the Grand Master proposed the establishment of a national division, they could not miss this opportunity.

If a disciple of his sect could become the national master of Zhenxian Dynasty, it would definitely be of great benefit and without any harm.

What's more, people from all the major immortal sects will participate in such grand gatherings, and only the number one can become the national master.

Becoming a national master proves that he has surpassed other immortal sects.

This first place must be fought for.

As for the final reward of such a grand event, it comes second.

Not only the ten major immortal sects, but also all the sects and sects within the Immortal Zhen Dynasty also got the news and began to mobilize.

Compared with their background and the masters of the sect, they cannot compare with the top ten immortal sects.

But this time, only the masters under the Earth Immortals participated. There were also geniuses in their sects. Their geniuses were not necessarily inferior to those of the disciples of the top ten immortal sects.

If they finally get the first place, then their sect will instantly become the most eye-catching existence in the immortal cultivation world of Zhenxian Dynasty.

When this little era of world reversal is about to come, letting others know their strength can also avoid a lot of trouble.

Even if you can't compete for the first place, you can still compete for the top ten except for the first place.

Even if you can't enter the top ten, as long as you can have a good ranking, you can still gain a lot of fame.

Countless small sects, even casual cultivators, were rushing towards the capital at this time.

So what if they can't win the ranking? That is also a chance to fight with people from the top ten immortal sects. On weekdays, they don't have the opportunity to compete with people from the top ten immortal sects.

In this way, you can also experience the power and changes of the ten magical powers.

What's more, watching others fight is a kind of accumulation of experience, which is also a good thing for one's own practice.

For a time, the immortal cultivators under the Golden Pill within the entire Zhenxian Dynasty began to take action.

From the Baifeng Sect, Baifengzi once again summoned the other ninety-six peak masters except Cao Zhen, Lan Pili, and the two other peak masters who were out.

However, this time, she was worried about the Peak Master in her own cave.

The minor era of the reversal of the universe is getting closer and closer. She is afraid that Heaven will notice her existence, and now she no longer dares to leave the cave at will.

"Everyone, everyone already knows the news. What I mean is that in this competition for the National Master, what everyone is competing for is not only the National Master, but also the face, to show off their skills to the outside world.

Therefore, I hope that all masters in the peak and below the Earth Immortal will participate as much as possible. Of course, if you are under the golden elixir and your cultivation level is not high, but you have enough talent, you can bring it with you as a disciple who you are optimistic about.

Even if you don't attend the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, you can still watch the conference. After all, such a grand event is rare. They just watch, which is of great benefit to them.

Everyone, prepare as soon as possible.

Three days later, we, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, set out together.

This time, I will let Guanzhu Lu of Qianlong Temple, Gu Chengyu and Elder Ai Yunqi lead the team. "

Everyone nodded. This time, Master Zhangzong meant that all the genius disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect would go there in the end.

That would definitely require sending experts to accompany and lead the team.

However, due to the reversal of the Qiankun Minor Era, the strongest masters within the sect are not suitable to go out.

Guanzhu Lu, Elder Gu Chengyu, and Ai Yunqi are already in the Earth Immortal Realm, able to face unexpected situations.

However, with their cultivation, there is no danger of falling asleep within a short period of time, so it is most suitable for them to lead the team.

When Chen Qingluan heard the sound, he was moved in his heart and said: "However, Master, Master Lu is responsible for the Qianlong Temple. Once Master Lu is no longer around, should we let the deputy temple master temporarily perform the duties of the temple master? In fact, the reversal of the universe has already passed through the minor era. It's getting closer, Guanzhu Lu will eventually fall asleep.

The deputy temple master is just perfect in the golden elixir, but he will not fall asleep. How about taking this opportunity to directly let the deputy temple master take over the position of Qianlong temple master? "

"No need." Bai Fengzi waved his hand and said: "Actually, I have appointed another deputy temple master before, but he was too busy, and I was originally planning to let him take over the position of temple master, so I didn't Official notification to you.

I originally planned to wait until he actually takes office as the head of the temple before telling you. Now that you have brought it up, let me tell you in advance. "

"Deputy Temple Master?" Chen Qingluan and other peak masters were obviously stunned. They really didn't know before that there was another deputy temple master in Qianlong Temple.

Chen Qingluan asked curiously: "So Zhang Zong, who is the deputy temple master?"

"Everyone knows him. He is actually a peak master." When Bai Fengzi mentioned Cao Zhen, he thought of everything Cao Zhen had done for the Bai Feng Sect. A smile appeared on his lips and said, "That is the Four Treasures." Cao Zhen of the Peak, Master Cao of the Peak."

"Cao Zhen!" Chen Qingluan looked at Bai Fengzi with an uncertain face and asked, "It's him? How could it be him?"

"Why can't it be Cao Zhen!" Tu Zhuque, as if someone from his peak had been questioned, shouted before Bai Fengzi had to say anything, "Why is Peak Master Cao not suitable? These days, Everyone who came to our Baifeng Sect to discuss Taoism lost to Master Cao.

Also, didn’t you hear the news that came from Thousand Caves Gate before? Cao Zhen killed the entire Qianku Sect by himself.

Whether it's alchemy or formations, or making talismans or mechanism techniques, even Peak Master Cao of the Six Paths [Field] is proficient in all of them. Is there anyone more suitable to be the master of Qianlong Temple than him? "

"That's right." Bai Fengzi took over the words and said, "These words were also spoken by Temple Master Lu at the time. They were recommended by Temple Master Lu. Master Cao Feng became the temple master of Qianlong Temple, and I also agreed.

Therefore, it has been decided at this time, and you no longer need to have any objections. Now go down and prepare the candidates for the capital. "

Her original plan was to wait until Cao Zhen became the golden elixir, and then let Cao Zhen become the master of Qianlong Temple.

But Cao Zhen's behavior during this period made her change her mind.

Cao Zhen is more versatile than she imagined, making people feel that there is nothing Cao Zhen can't do.

It would be a waste for such a person not to be the visitor of Qianlong Temple!

What's more, Cao Zhen should also participate in this immortal martial arts conference.

Although there was only one month before the start of the conference, he believed that Cao Zhen would definitely not continue to attend the conference with the cultivation level of seven pills already formed.

With Cao Zhen's reincarnated power, this month should be enough for Cao Zhen to condense the golden elixir.

"Yes." Chen Qingluan responded helplessly. Master Zhang Zong had already said so. What else could she say? She really didn't understand. What kind of ecstasy soup did Cao Zhen pour into Master Zhang Zong? Master Zhang Zong protects him like this!

She knew very well that after Cao Zhen left the Hundred Peaks Sect, the disciples of Sibaofeng went out to buy a lot of materials, and the value of those materials was extremely high.

Also, someone even found out that Si Baofeng had mortgaged their two days before the martial arts competition.

Then after the martial arts tournament, the people from Sibaofeng immediately paid back the money and asked for the receipt for the mortgaged spiritual field.

From this point of view, Sibaofeng is very rich.

So the question is, where did Sibaofeng get so much money?

Then, someone saw the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks contacting the Four Evils of the Hundred Peaks!

The Hundred Peaks and Four Evils openly fell out with Cao Zhen.

Why do the people of Sibaofeng meet the Four Evils of Baifeng? Still sneaky, think about it again, what did the Four Evils of Baifeng bet on when Baifeng changed?

What they bet on is that the Four Treasure Peaks will be ranked one hundred.

In the end, Sibaofeng was ranked among the top 100.

Everyone can see that the strength of Si Baofeng is definitely not at the level of ranking one hundred.

As a result, the people of Sibaofeng suffered various accidents, and finally fell into the 100th place.

Combining these circumstances, some people suspect that Sibaofeng lost on purpose in the first place in order to make everyone's money.

At that time, several peak masters who had lost many spirit stones in the Hundred Peaks Competition jointly approached Bai Fengzi and wanted the Master Zhang Zong to investigate the matter.

But they were all driven away by the Master Zhang Zong!

The suspicions of those peak masters are very reasonable. Moreover, if they lose directly and deliberately in the Hundred Peaks Competition, what kind of behavior is that?

That is an insult to the Hundred Peaks Competition.

However, Master Zhang Zong did not even investigate. This shows how much Master Zhang Zong protects Cao Zhen and Si Baofeng.

She couldn't figure out what Master Zhang Zong was doing, and what made her even more confused was the Grand Master.

In the entire Immortal Cultivation World of the Zhenxian Dynasty, no one knows that the Grand Master is the number one master of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Although everyone dislikes the Grand Master, everyone also admits that everyone is afraid of the Grand Master in their hearts.

Grand Master has always had a suppressive attitude towards the major immortal sects.

Then Cao Zhen went to the capital for the first time. Within a few days, the Grand Master actually wanted to confer Cao Zhen as a national preceptor.

Canonize a person who has not condensed a single golden elixir, but only condensed seven elixirs, as a national master!

How ridiculous!

What's even more ridiculous is that if the emperor hadn't intervened, Cao Zhen would have been a national advisor now.

She didn't understand. The Grand Master was interested in Cao Zhen again!

Chen Qingluan couldn't understand, but Tu Zhuque returned to Suzaku Peak with a red face, and quickly summoned a group of disciples from Suzaku Peak to talk about the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament.

After all the disciples left, she left Li Ke alone, and said with a smile on her face: "A Ke, in this Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, I only give you one task, and that is to be the national master. Become me The first female Imperial Preceptor of the Zhenxian Dynasty!

Speaking of which, you haven't seen your Taoist companion Cao Zhen for a long time. This time you go to the capital and you can reunite with Cao Zhen. "

Li Ke was completely confused. Why was there a competition between immortals and martial arts?

Reunited with Cao Zhen?

The two of them have nothing to reunite with. They are fake Taoist monks, but they are not real Taoist monks!

As she was thinking, the master's voice came to her ears again.

"By the way, when this Immortal Martial Arts Tournament is over, I will choose a good day for you. While I am still asleep, I will let you two hold a Taoist couple ceremony as soon as possible."

"Ah? Taoist couple ceremony?" Li Ke was completely dumbfounded. Didn't the master look down on Cao Zhen? Why is it suddenly necessary to hold a Taoist couple ceremony for himself and Cao Zhen?

The two of them are fake, fake!

Do we really want to become a Taoist couple?

Li Ke was panicked and quickly said: "Master, why did you suddenly talk about the Taoist Couple Ceremony? Disciple, it's too early to know him..."

"What? You don't want to become a Taoist companion with him? Haven't you always said that you and him have a good relationship?" Tu Zhuque's brows suddenly frowned. What do these young people think? How come you have one idea a day?

Li Ke looked at the master's frown and said quickly: "No, what I mean, master, is that master, you said that Cao Zhen's ranking in the Four Treasure Peaks is too low, and it would be a bit embarrassing for you to marry him.

Didn't you say that you have to wait until the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks reaches the top of the Fifty Peaks before you can let your disciples become Taoist partners with him? Now, Sibao Peak is only ranked 100th, and is still far from reaching the 50th peak.

The disciple doesn't want to embarrass the master, so the disciple wants to wait until the Four Treasures Peak reaches the Upper Fifty Peak before discussing the Taoist Companion Ceremony with Cao Zhen. "

It is absolutely impossible to tell the master directly that the two of them are pretending to be Taoist monks, so the only reason is to go to Fifty Peaks.

When Tu Zhuque heard this, a kind smile suddenly appeared on his face: "You are really serious. For the sake of Master, you will even delay your own life-long event."

"There is no need to delay, the disciple and he are both young." Li Ke promised: "Besides, Master, you have also seen the strength of the Four Treasure Peaks. The disciple believes that by the time of the next Hundred Peaks Competition, the Four Treasure Peaks will definitely be able to By recruiting more disciples, our strength can be further improved. By then, the Four Treasures Peak will definitely be able to reach the Fifty Peaks."

"You don't have to wait until the next Hundred Peaks Competition." Tu Zhuque shook his head and smiled. “Master, it’s not just for my own face, it’s also for yours.

Think about it, if you had become a Taoist couple with Cao Zhen, what would others have said about you?

The most talented disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect is married to the peak master of the last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. As a teacher, you are also afraid that others will laugh at you.

But now, these problems no longer exist. Today, Master Zhang Zong has already said that when the Immortals Martial Arts Conference is over and Cao Zhen comes back, he will take over the position of the Master of Qianlong Temple.

When the time comes, there will be no problem if you marry the master of Qianlong Temple and tell the truth. The matter has been settled like this. After the Immortals Martial Arts Conference is over, you will return to the Baifeng Sect and personally preside over your Taoist couple ceremony as your master. "

Tu Zhuque said this and already signaled Li Ke to leave. Only now did she realize that her apprentice's vision was not very good.

At first, no one was optimistic about Cao Zhen.

Chen Qingluan even laughed at her and said that she should not find a Taoist companion like 'Master Cao' for her precious apprentice.

In the end, Li Ke really found Cao Zhen.

At that time, she was not optimistic about Cao Zhen.

But what about Cao Zhen? In the Hundred Peaks Competition, Cao Zhen had already let others see his potential.

After all the major immortal sects in the world began to discuss Taoism, Peak Master Cao tried to save the face of the Baifeng Sect again and again, especially in the Qianku Sect, where he was unstoppable in discussing Taoism with everyone in the Qianku Sect.

I'm afraid it won't be long before Cao Zhen will become famous all over the world for his discussion of Taoism.

Not only that, the Master Zhang Zong is also optimistic about Cao Zhen. Even the first master of Zhenxian Dynasty and the current Grand Master is optimistic about Cao Zhen!

Although she didn't like the Grand Master, she also admitted that the Grand Master was the first person in Zhenxian Dynasty, not only the first person in cultivation, but also the first person in vision, skill, and all aspects.

Such people all think highly of Cao Zhen and want Cao Zhen to be the national master. What reason does she have not to think highly of Cao Zhen? What reason does she have not to allow her apprentice to become a Taoist couple with Cao Zhen!

Li Ke walked out of the master's room with a look of despair. She didn't understand why Cao Zhen made such a big fuss. The master asked her to become a Taoist couple with him. This fake Taoist couple became Real Taoist monk?


She really couldn't say she disliked Cao Zhen, she even thought Cao Zhen was very interesting.

But becoming a Taoist couple, she had never considered this issue at all.

"What should I do? You can't really become a Taoist couple with Cao Zhen, right? Or, talk to Cao Zhen and let Cao Zhen also propose that the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks reaches the upper fifty peaks, and then we can become a Taoist couple?

Yes, let Cao Zhenhe say it to his master. If you say something, you must honor it.

Then, when the next Hundred Peaks Competition is held, the big deal is, let the Four Treasure Peaks release water again. "


After Cao Zhen heard the news about the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, he was a little confused. Wasn't this national master appointed by default? Why did it turn into a competition?

If you can't get first place in the competition, then what's the point?

Cao Zhen thought for a while, then quickly left Jie Xianfang and headed towards the Grand Master's residence.

In the old residence of the Grand Master, he saw the Grand Master again under the grape trellis.

He discovered that the Grand Master really loved drinking tea. While making Kung Fu tea with his own hands, the Grand Master looked up at Cao Zhen and asked, "Why are you here with me? Come, sit down first and have a sip of tea."

Cao Zhen was not polite, he sat opposite the Grand Master, picked up the tea cup, took a sip, felt the fragrance on his lips, raised his head and asked: "Grand Master, I heard that there is going to be a martial arts competition among the immortals. As you know, I am only forming seven elixirs now, and the conference will be held in a month. In this month, I am afraid that I will not be able to break through to the perfection of the golden elixir.

In other words, it is not impossible if I forcefully want to become the Golden Elixir Dzogchen, but such a Golden Elixir Dzogchen is not the ideal Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

If the golden elixirs were condensed as I expected, at that time, I would be able to condense four or five golden elixirs.

When the time comes, if I participate in the conference and cannot win first place, so what? "

What they had discussed before was that he would be the Imperial Master and help take care of the Immortal Immortal Dynasty when the Immortal Immortal Dynasty was in danger.

If he cannot become a national master, there will be problems with the plan.

"You can't be the number one?" The Grand Master suddenly laughed, "If you can't be the number one, then I will be the first to kill you."

Although the Grand Master's words were spoken with a smile, Cao Zhen suddenly felt that the temperature in the air around him dropped sharply with the Grand Master's words.

Master, this is definitely not a joke.

The Grand Master will never allow his plan to be interrupted.

But the problem is that in this month, it is impossible for him to break through in order to force a breakthrough to the Golden Elixir Perfection.

Once the golden elixir is condensed, it cannot be changed in the future. That would be too much of a loss.

But according to the method he expected, let alone the four or five golden elixirs he just mentioned, by then, he would not even be able to break through the golden elixir stage.

Unless, he can have the material to measure.

That way, he still has a chance to use strong materials to mature the elixir, and before that, he can break through and become a golden elixir!

In addition, he needs various materials. He wants to improve his heretic golden elixir!

Now, his heretic golden elixir has only been refined for one level, using only medicinal materials. He needs other materials to make the heretic golden elixir reach the second level.

Only in that way can we have a chance to compete for the first place in the Immortal Martial Arts Competition, facing the masters under the Earth Immortals of the entire Immortal Suppressing Dynasty!

He didn't have the materials now, so he could only ask the Grand Master for them again.

The materials given by the Grand Master before were enough, but they were still not enough to ripen the elixir within a month! There are also materials for heretic golden elixirs, which he also needs.

"Even if I don't become the Golden Elixir Perfection, I can still get this first place. However, I need materials, all kinds of materials." Cao Zhen looked at the Grand Master.

The Grand Master felt the confidence in Cao Zhen's eyes, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. He smiled slightly and said: "Interesting, really interesting. You are about to face the entire Zhenxian Dynasty and all the masters under the Earth Immortal, but you are confident. Before reaching the Golden Elixir Great Perfection, you can get first place.

Your confidence is very much like my style back then.

I said before that you caused me to have an epiphany and let Heaven notice me. You owe me once. But at the same time, you let me resonate with heaven and earth, and I also want to thank you, so I owe you once.

The two owed each other and cannot be offset. So you want to be a national teacher to repay this time, and I will give you materials to repay you. Tell me what materials you want. "

What Cao Zhen was waiting for was the Grand Master's words. He didn't prepare in advance this time, but he couldn't directly take out the list of materials. He could only use his mouth to speak out the required materials: "I want it for ten thousand years." Tiankudou, and..."

"Ten Thousand Years Heavenly Bitter Bean, Crystal of Yunshan..." The Grand Master shook his head slightly and said, "I have most of the materials you want here, but I don't have these few."

"Grand Master, you don't have one either?" Cao Zhen's whole body is not well, and even if there is no Grand Master, then the entire Zhenxian Dynasty may be gone. Without these things, the elixir cannot be ripened in advance, and heretic golden elixirs cannot be made. If he can't go any further, how can he get first place?

"I really don't have these materials. The Zhenxian Dynasty does not produce these materials... However, I don't have them, but it doesn't mean that others don't have them. Let's go, I will take you to the Jin Dynasty. These materials are all owned by the Jin Dynasty. of."

"The Jin Dynasty?"

Cao Zhen was in a daze. He didn't even understand the situation of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Naturally, he didn't know how far the Jin Dynasty was from the capital of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

However, judging from the size of the Zhenxian Dynasty, if he controlled the flying boat to go to the Jin Dynasty, he would probably have to fly for at least half a month or even a month, or even longer.

The Grand Master went to the Jin Dynasty, and the Zhenxian Dynasty had no one to guard it. It was fine for a day or two, but after a long time, wasn't the Grand Master afraid that problems would arise in the Zhenxian Dynasty?

Soon, he discovered that he was wrong.

When the Grand Master travels, he does not travel by flying boat, but directly flies away with his sword in the golden light of the ground. The grand master took him all the way with the sword at an astonishing speed. With his current cultivation level, he couldn't even bear that speed.

The Grand Master had no choice but to gather a protective golden light for him.

In less than half a day, the grand master said while flying with his sword: "Now, this is the Jin Dynasty."

"We're here now?"

Cao Zhen looked down. He really didn't expect that if he didn't go down the mountain, not only would he have arrived in the capital, but he would have left the country again in the blink of an eye, and he would have gone abroad with the top master of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

The purpose of going abroad is to find materials, but I don't know how the Grand Master will find materials.

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