My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 173: Drag a Grand Master to be a laborer

Cao Zhen discovered that the Jin Dynasty was obviously much more desolate than the Zhenxian Dynasty. At least, after arriving in the Jin Dynasty, the frequency of cities that the Grand Master could see after flying for a period of time was obviously much slower than in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

The Grand Master did not stop after entering the Jin Dynasty, but continued flying. In a blink of an eye, he took Cao Zhen to the front of a fairy gate.

Cao Zhen looked at the mountain gate in front of him with curiosity and asked: "Master, which fairy gate in the Jin Dynasty is this? Come and ask them to borrow materials. Isn't this bad?"

"No, what's wrong with this?" the grand master said, walking towards the mountain gate in front.

At the mountain gate, several disciples responsible for guarding saw the expressions of the people coming suddenly change.

"It's him!"

"The Imperial Preceptors of the Zhenxian Dynasty, why are they here again?"

"Quick, go report it!"

"Quick, sound the alarm!"

There were originally more than ten disciples in front of the mountain gate, but after seeing the appearance of the person coming clearly, they all ran into the mountain gate one by one.

Cao Zhen looked at the movements of these people and felt that it was like a mouse seeing a cat. This situation was somewhat different from what he imagined.

He turned to look at the Grand Master in astonishment and asked: "Grand Master, it seems that you are not very welcome here?"

The grand master smiled and said: "I come once and rob them once. It's strange that they welcome me."

"Robbing?" Cao Zhen was completely dumbfounded, "So, Grand Master, you are here to rob them this time too? Are you saying..."

"What did I say? I said that the Zhenxian Dynasty's expansion of territory is its own business. I will not participate in the war between the Zhenxian Dynasty and other dynasties.

The premise is that immortal cultivators from other dynasties will not participate.

This time I came, I didn't bother the mortals of the Jin Dynasty, but went directly to the immortal cultivators here. Is there a problem with this?

Also, I said that as long as the cultivators of the Zhenxian Dynasty are obedient, I will not directly trouble them. But are they from the Jin Dynasty? Is there a problem? "

Cao Zhen was speechless for a moment and could only give a thumbs up and said: "No problem."

He learned it, he really learned it.

The Grand Master sneered and said: "It just so happens that the Zhenxian Dynasty is about to go to war with the Jin Dynasty. I am here to warn the people of the Jin Dynasty not to break the rules and participate in the war between dynasties."

As the Grand Master spoke, he had already stepped into the other party's immortal gate.

Cao Zhen also followed the Grand Master into the Immortal Gate.

Suddenly, bursts of bells rang out and reached his ears.

In front of his eyes, in the sky, immortal cultivators flew up one by one, flying quickly towards him and the Grand Master.

Each of these people exudes an extremely powerful aura. Obviously, these are all existences above the earthly fairyland.

But they were obviously flying towards the Grand Master, but they did not dare to fly close to the Grand Master. They were still more than a mile away from the Grand Master, so these people stopped one after another, looked at the Grand Master with wary expressions, and spoke from a distance. Said: "Grand Master of the Zhenxian Dynasty, you came to my Jinhong Sect again, but you deceived me that there is no one in my Jinhong Sect?"

"That's right, I just deceived you that there is no one in the Jinhong Sect." The Grand Master was too lazy to look at the other party, and obviously did not take the group of people in front of him seriously. He said with an impatient expression: "Stop talking nonsense, I want some Materials, ten thousand years of bitter beans, crystals of Yunshan..."

Cao Zhen listened to the Grand Master speaking out the names of various materials. The more he listened, the more wrong he became. At first, the Grand Master was talking about the materials he needed. But later, many of the materials the Grand Master mentioned were the ones he had mentioned before. Nothing said.

"Master Zhang, don't go too far!" The leader of the other party had a look of anger on his face.

Master Zhang?

Cao Zhen turned around and glanced at the Grand Master beside him. When he was in the Zhenxian Dynasty, when he heard everyone talking about the Grand Master, they all mentioned the word Grand Master. This was the first time he knew that the Grand Master His original surname was Zhang.

"So what if I am going too far?" There was a faint look of coldness in the Taishi's eyes.

"You..." The other party obviously wanted to say harsh words, but for a moment, he didn't know how to say it. Maybe he didn't know how to say harsh words without losing his name and without arousing the Grand Master's anger, so he just After saying the word "you", there was nothing more to follow.

Suddenly, an old voice came from a distance.

"Teacher Zhang, we can give you the materials you want. However, these materials are given to you for the sake of the friendship between the immortal cultivators of the Zhenxian Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, not because we are afraid of you."

Cao Zhen looked in the direction where the distant sound came from, but he couldn't see a single figure at all. It was obviously the other party's Supreme Elder, or a big shot such as the Grand Elder or the Master who had spoken.

Moreover, the other party did not dare to come forward and only dared to speak. It was probably because the other party's cultivation level was too high and he was close to falling asleep, so he did not dare to show his face easily.

As this person spoke, the other party quickly began to prepare various materials. In less than a stick of incense, the other party was already flying over with a Qiankun bag.

The Grand Master didn't even wait for the other party to speak, and just grabbed him in the air.

In the sky, there was no need for any giant hands to appear, but the Qiankun bag caught in the opponent's hand flew out automatically and fell directly into the hands of the Grand Master.

The Grand Master didn't say anything, turned around and walked outside.

Cao Zhen found that he had learned another word about robbery today.

Waiting until the Grand Master left, the other masters said angrily: "What does he think of our place?

Is there a bank where you can withdraw money at will in the mortal world? Come if you don’t have materials, come if you don’t have materials! They say that only three things happen, but this is the third time he has come to our sect to steal materials! "

"I don't believe it anymore. When the Little Era comes, can he still fall asleep? When he falls asleep, I'll see how he can hold on to his Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty!"

Cao Zhen originally thought that after the grand master had robbed this sect, he would leave directly, but the grand master took him to the next sect with Yu Jian.

"Grand Master, why are you... still trying to rob me?"

"Of course we have to rob. It's hard to do this once, how can we only rob one family."

Cao Zhen didn't know if the Jin Dynasty had ten immortal sects similar to those of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Anyway, the Grand Master robbed ten immortal sects this time before returning to the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Each of the ten immortal sects seemed to be extremely powerful, but none of them resisted the Grand Master, and all of them obediently submitted the materials the Grand Master asked for.

This is strength.

If you have enough strength, you can really do whatever you want!

Just this time, the Grand Master helped him gather all the materials he wanted.

After Cao Zhen returned to Zhenxian Dynasty, he immediately returned to Jiexianfang and found Lan Pili and others.

Because the grand master wanted to appoint him as the national master of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the other immortal sects were somewhat isolated from the Baifeng Sect and did not have much contact with the Baifeng Sect.

Only Wu Jianzi and the Confucian and Taoist mad student Lu Yiren, who had recognized him as their leader, stayed with the Baifeng Sect.

"Old Lan, do me a favor. I have to go back to the Hundred Peaks Sect, and I need to refine something on the flying boat. Please help me control the flying boat."

"Senior Cao, do you want to meet with the Baifeng Sect?" Wu Jianzi heard this, stood up, cupped his hands towards Cao Zhenyi and said, "My disciple has nothing to do now, so why not let him do the work for me."

He had seen Lan Pili's cultivation, but he had not condensed the golden elixir even in the elixir formation stage.

With such strength, it would take a lot of time to drive a flying boat to the Hundred Peaks Sect and then return to the capital. A month later, the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament was about to begin. He was worried that Senior Cao was too pressed for time, so it was better for him to control the flying boat.

Lu Yiren also came out and said, "Disciples can also ride the flying boat together."

"Okay, let's set off now."

Cao Zhen nodded quickly. If these two people control the flying boat, the flying speed of the flying boat will indeed be much faster.

Soon, the three of them flew away.

As expected, Lu Yiren was as good as the ten golden elixirs, and each of the ten golden elixirs was a visionary elixir.

Lu Yiren and Wu Jianzi drove the flying boat, while Cao Zhen sat in a separate room behind the flying boat and took out various materials.

He is going to refine the heretic golden elixir!

Although the heretic golden elixir is different from the Taoist golden elixir, if it continues to improve, it can still achieve the Tao.

Various elixirs must be used when refining the first layer of the heretic golden elixir. After refining, it is more about nourishing the body. It can be said that the first layer of the heretic golden elixir can be regarded as the Five Elements and the Wood.

But at the second level, it can't just be elixirs, but various metal materials must be added, including the five elements of gold.

The first-level heretic golden elixir possesses the power of the golden elixir.

It's just an ordinary golden elixir.

But the second level of heretic golden elixirs can no longer be seen, which is equivalent to how many golden elixirs have been added.

Because the heretic golden elixirs on this level are mainly for killing.

Cao Zhen sat cross-legged on the ground, opened his mouth and spit out the heretic golden elixir, lit a fire and created a series of magic formulas, and began to refine it.

The golden elixir, which was already emitting golden light, began to slowly turn black with the addition of various materials.

One day later, the entire heretic golden elixir had turned into pitch black, and its appearance had become much larger.

Nine days later, with a crisp sound, the black elixir body left, and golden rays of light shot out from the gaps, illuminating the entire room extremely brightly.

"Here's golden elixir, second level!"

Cao Zhen looked at the heretic golden elixir in the sky, which was as big as a broad bean. He opened his mouth and sucked in the heretic golden elixir into his body.

Immediately, waves of unspeakable comfort spread through his limbs, and the fatigue of continuously refining heretic golden elixirs was also completely dispelled.

"It's finally done. Only in this way can we have greater confidence in winning the first place in the conference. Fortunately, this time is not the first time to refine the heretic golden elixir, but to strengthen the heretic golden elixir. It did not cause any Otherwise, just relying on myself, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren, I don’t know if I can stop the heavenly tribulation.”

Next door, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren felt waves of terrifying energy emanating from the side. They looked at each other with a look of shock in their eyes.

"This aura, this is the aura of a golden elixir, and it is not an ordinary golden elixir. This aura is as strong as at least four golden elixirs."

"It's not just four ordinary golden elixirs, it should be the aura of the visionary golden elixir!"

There were only three of them on the flying boat, and the aura was obviously not released by the two of them, but by Cao Zhen.

However, doesn’t Senior Cao only have the cultivation level of seven golden elixirs? How can he release the power that can only be released by a person with four golden elixirs of vision?

Moreover, this still has not exploded. If it explodes, this power will be even more terrifying!

A look of confusion appeared on Wu Jianzi's face, and then he seemed to react.

Senior Cao has always shown the cultivation of seven inner elixirs, but showing so much does not mean that senior Cao really only has seven inner elixirs.

Ten days!

It took him a long time to reach the capital, but now, with Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren controlling the flying boat, he had returned to the Baifeng Sect from the capital in just ten days.

In the Baifeng Sect, at the mountain gate, several disciples looked at the flying boat that suddenly flew in the distance, showing doubts.

"What's going on? Now, isn't there going to be an Immortal Martial Arts Conference? All the major immortal sects have also notified the members of the Dao Discussion Team to set off directly to the capital. Now no one comes to discuss Dao anymore. Why did someone suddenly fly here?"

"I don't know. This flying boat is obviously not our Baifeng Sect's flying boat."

Several disciples stared at Feizhou with curious faces.

The next moment, the flying boat opened and three figures flew out.

"Master Cao?"

"There are also Wu Jianzi from the Sword Sect and Lu Yiren from the Confucian and Taoist Sect! Why are they with Peak Master Cao?"

"Wu Jianzi came to our Hundred Peaks Sect before and said he wanted to find Peak Master Cao."

"Didn't Lu Yiren go to the capital to find Master Cao before?"

"No, Peak Master Cao shouldn't be in the capital? The Immortals Martial Arts Tournament is about to begin. Why does Peak Master Cao come back so suddenly?"

"This...if I remember correctly, Peak Master Cao has the cultivation level of seven elixirs. I don't know how many golden elixir masters will participate in this immortal competition.

Peak Master Cao, who has cultivated in the pill-forming stage, may not be able to gain any favors if he goes away. At most, Peak Master Cao probably knows it himself, so he came back. "

"This doesn't make sense. The Grand Master originally asked Master Cao to be the Imperial Master. If Master Cao withdraws directly, wouldn't it be a slap in the face of the Grand Master? The Grand Master can bypass Master Cao!"

"Yes, not to mention that Peak Master Cao will not participate. Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren are both genius disciples in their sect. Don't they also participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Conference?"

"I can't understand, I really can't understand."

While everyone was confused, Cao Zhen had already put away the flying boat and walked to the entrance of the Immortal Gate.

"Master Cao!"

"I've met Peak Master Cao!"

The disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect saluted one after another. They were puzzled, but when they saw the peak master, they still had to salute.

When they spoke one by one, they were much more respectful than when they saw Cao Zhen before.

In the past, although Cao Zhen was the peak master, many people looked down upon him as the peak master of the 100th peak. They all needed special reminders from him, especially if he showed his identity as the peak master, the other party would be ruthless. A willing salute.

But now, everyone is really convinced.

But they had heard that Cao Zhen was talking about Taoism outside, which greatly increased the reputation of the Baifeng Sect.

Now, people all over the world have spread the word that Peak Master Cao alone can overwhelm Qiankumen with his talk.

It can be said that Peak Master Cao is already famous all over the world. Almost everyone in the Immortal Cultivation World of Zhenxian Dynasty does not know Cao Zhen.

In addition, everyone also knows that the Hundred Peaks Sect has a hundredth peak called Sibaofeng.

After Cao Zhen returned to the Baifeng Sect, he went straight to the Four Treasures Peak.

He did not return to the Four Treasures Peak for many days and found that the Four Treasures Peak had not changed at all compared to when he left.

Although Wu Jianzi had been to the Hundred Peaks Sect twice before, he had not climbed the Four Treasures Peak these two times. Now it was his first time to climb the Four Treasures Peak.

Looking at this barren mountain peak, he couldn't imagine how the peak where an outstanding person like Senior Cao could be in such a dilapidated state...

Suddenly, he remembered the existence of their Sword Sect again.


Senior Cao has the same mentality as wandering clouds and wild cranes. Perhaps Peak Master Cao doesn't care about this at all.

As he sighed in his heart, several figures appeared in his sight.


"Master, why are you back!"

Ling Xi, the three disciples led by Yan Yourong and Xiao Beiyan quickly surrounded them. , all faces are filled with joyful smiles.

This was the first time since they came to Baifeng Sect that they had not seen their master for such a long time.

Soon, Xiao Beiyan's eyes showed doubts and asked: "Master, don't you want to be a national master and participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference? Why are you back? You won't participate in the conference?"

"Participate. Although Master doesn't want to be the Imperial Master, and he doesn't want to fight for it, there are some things that he can't do without doing it." Cao Zhen touched Xiao Beiyan's head, took two steps back, and looked at Xiao Bei again. Yan glanced at him with a strange look and said, "Xiao Beiyan, master hasn't seen you for a long time. Why do you feel that you haven't grown taller?"

Xiao Beiyan's face suddenly turned red and he defended loudly: "I've grown taller, I've grown taller, I've grown so much!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger to indicate the height of one finger.

"Really? Why didn't I feel it?" Cao Zhen said, looking back at Lingxi. But as a senior disciple, he didn't feel it growing for a while.

Cao Zhen looked at Lingxi and asked, "By the way, where is Yisheng? He's still in the Five Elements Dan Land, right?"

Lingxi quickly replied: "Yes, since Master you left, my little junior sister has not been out in the Five Elements Dan Land."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go find your junior sister to refine the elixir first. You guys should also make preparations. In a few days, we'll set off for the capital."

"The capital? Shall we go too?" Lingxi asked with confusion, "Master, what are we going to the capital for?"

Cao Zhen looked at his three disciples and said matter-of-factly: "Of course they are participating in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference."

"Are we participating in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference?" Lingxi pointed at herself with uncertainty, and said with some unconfidence: "Master, disciples are useless. With our current cultivation level, if we go to the conference, I'm afraid we will embarrass you... "

"It's okay." Cao Zhen touched the big-breasted girl Lingxi's head comfortingly and said with a smile: "In a few days, you go to my teacher's room, my teacher will let you know how powerful my teacher is."

"Ah? Can we go to Master's room to spend the night again?" Lingxi suddenly showed a look of excitement, and his face became flushed with excitement.

On the side, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren suddenly lost their composure. They looked at each other, pretended not to hear anything, and looked around.

"Brother Wu Jianzi, look at the stunning look here."

"That's right, look at this, the sun in the sky is big and round."

No, they didn't hear anything. They had just been looking at the surrounding scenery. They didn't know anything.

Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren were not disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, so naturally they could not enter Qianlong Temple, so they stayed at Sibaofeng.

Cao Zhen flew towards the Qianlong Immortal Palace alone.

Soon, the news that Cao Zhen returned to Baifeng Sect spread throughout the sect.

"Peak Master Cao is back?"

"Did you come back with Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren?"

"Looking at Lu Yiren's appearance, it is obvious that Lu Yiren lost to Master Cao again in terms of Taoism."

"I think Lu Yiren, like Wu Jianzi, recognized Peak Master Cao as the leader."

"What's so strange about this, haven't you heard of it? Peak Master Cao is now known as the number one scholar in the world.

Some people even say that as long as Peak Master Cao takes action to discuss the Tao, the outcome is already determined. There is no shame in losing to Master Cao. "

"That's not what I heard. I heard someone say that if you meet Master Cao, you'd better discuss the Tao with Master Cao, because if you discuss the Tao with Master Cao, you may have an epiphany! "

"This... seems to be the truth."

"Speaking of which, Peak Master Cao is obviously a member of our Hundred Peaks Sect, but because of Peak Master Cao, the number of people in our Hundred Peaks Sect who are enlightened is not as many as those of the Thousand Caves Sect, but we have taken advantage of the people of the Thousand Caves Sect!"

"Why are you anxious? Peak Master Cao is a member of our Baifeng Sect and he can't run away. Isn't he back this time? Wait a minute and I'll go find Master Cao to discuss the matter."

"Yes, let's go and find Master Cao to discuss the matter."

"It seems that Peak Master Cao has gone to Qianlong Immortal Palace, but we can't enter."

"Then let's wait, wait at the gate of Sibaofeng Mountain. Only in this way can we appear sincere."

Cao Zhen entered the Qianlong Immortal Palace without stopping, but directly entered the Qianlong Temple and came to the Land of Five Elements.

I don’t know whether it’s because the disciples in the sect who are good at alchemy have all gone out to discuss Taoism, or because he has almost used the medicinal materials in the Five Elements Land, but now there are no outsiders in the Five Elements Land, only Yi. Sheng and Gaisu'e were refining elixirs here.

"Master?" Yisheng was refining alchemy when he suddenly found Cao Zhen returning, with a look of surprise on his face. Although she had been in the Five Elements Alchemy Land, Senior Sister Lingxi would contact her through the talisman every once in a while. Tell her what happened outside.

Even sometimes, his younger senior brother Bei Yanduo would come to the Five Elements Dan Land and ask her when she would finish refining the elixir and return to the Four Treasures Peak.

So she also knew what was happening outside, knew that the master was in the capital, that the grand master wanted to make the master the national master, and even more that the immortals competed for martial arts.

Cao Zhen glanced at the Five Elements Pill Land, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he asked with confusion: "Where is Elder Gu Chengyu? Why didn't you see him?"

Before he left, he asked Gu Chengyu to help him refine the elixir.

Now, Gu Chengyu was not seen.

While looking after the alchemy furnace, Yisheng said: "Master, Elder Gu was ordered to lead our talented disciples from the Baifeng Sect to the capital to participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Competition with Guanzhu Lu and Elder Ai Yunqi.

They had just set out ten days ago. We should be halfway there now. By the way, Master and Mistress are also heading to the capital. "

"Your master's wife?" Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, when did I find your master's wife?

"That's Fairy Li Ke." Yi Sheng looked at Cao Zhen in confusion and said, "Master, aren't you and her Taoist companions? I thought you could reunite in the capital, but I didn't expect that you actually returned to the Baifeng Sect."

"Well, although we are Taoist couples, after all, we haven't held a Taoist couple ceremony, and we haven't really become Taoist couples yet, so don't call us master wives yet." Cao Zhen was filled with helplessness. He spent a lot of time pretending to be a Taoist couple this time. A bit too long.

This requires extra money!

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. Now I am looking at the alchemy furnace. You go back and clean it up. Then come and wait for me outside Qianlong Immortal Palace. I will take you directly to the capital in a while."

"Beijing!" Yisheng didn't ask why she went to the capital. When she heard the word "capital," her eyes showed joy, and she quickly got up and ran outside.

After about two sticks of incense.

At the foot of the Four Treasure Peak, the disciples from all the peaks gathered one by one and watched in surprise as the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren left together and flew into the distance.

"The people from the Baifeng Sect seem to have left."

"What are they doing?"

"Maybe he is looking for Master Cao Zhen."

"No matter what they did, we will wait here. Peak Master Cao is the Peak Master of the Four Treasures Peak. There is no way they will not come."

"That's right, Peak Master Cao has returned to the Hundred Peaks Sect for the first time today. He must have other things to do. When he is done with his work, he will definitely return to the Four Treasures Peak."

Cao Zhen learned from the talisman developed by Lingxi that after several people arrived, he quickly left Qianlong Immortal Palace with several furnaces of elixirs being refined, and then released the flying boat directly outside Qianlong Immortal Palace.

He had to rush back to the capital and had no time to practice the elixirs here day by day before leaving.

In order to save time, he would refine the elixir on the flying boat.

Moreover, the elixir has already been refined and the fire in the furnace is still being found. He cannot throw the elixir into the Qiankun bag. He can only release the flying boat directly, then put the alchemy furnace into the flying boat and directly drive the flying boat away. Baifeng Sect.

In the Baifeng Sect, there is no ban on flying with swords, but there are not many people who directly control flying boats.

In the Hundred Peaks Sect, only the people on the peak of Puppet Peak can refine flying boats, and Puppet Peak is better at various machine puppets, and is not particularly good at refining flying boats, so there are not many flying boats in the Hundred Peaks Sect. .

Now, a flying boat flew away, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

At the foot of Sibaofeng Mountain, each disciple looked at the flying boat flying above their heads and started talking about it.

"Which peak's flying boat is this?"

"The flying boat at Puppet Peak?"

"This is not the flying boat of our Puppet Peak. The flying boat of our peak is not like this."

"Then whose is this?"

"I heard that Peak Master Cao came back in a flying boat. It couldn't be Peak Master Cao, right?"

"Peak Master Cao? How is that possible? Peak Master Cao, he has just returned to the Hundred Peaks Sect, how can he continue to leave!"

"Perhaps, Peak Master Cao has other matters."

"What if it's really Peak Master Cao?"

"By the way, ask the disciples guarding the mountain gate. They have seen the flying boat controlled by Peak Master Cao. They must know if it is the flying boat controlled by Peak Master Cao."

At the foot of the mountain, several disciples quickly ran out and arrived outside the mountain gate of Baifeng Sect. After questioning, they learned that this was the flying boat controlled by Cao Zhen, and quickly returned to inform everyone of the news.

"Is it really Peak Master Cao?"

"Peak Master Cao left again?"

"Well, I think Peak Master Cao is really in trouble."

"That's all, let's wait."

"Yes, keep waiting, so that we can show that we are sincere."

"I said, everyone, everyone should line up. When Master Cao comes back, everyone will quickly talk to Master Cao according to the queue!"

"This is natural, but there are so many of us, and it is impossible for Master Cao to discuss Tao with us one by one. We may discuss Tao with Master Cao as a group, or in other words, those who are good at calligraphy will discuss Tao with Master Cao. Tao, those who are good at music discuss Tao with Master Cao Feng.

In short, when the time comes, whether you can have an epiphany or not depends on your destiny. "

At the foot of Sibao Peak, the number of people gathered here did not decrease because of Cao Zhen's departure, and even gradually began to increase due to the accumulation of time.

One day, two days, three days...

Three days passed, and everyone finally began to feel impatient.

"Why hasn't Peak Master Cao come back yet?"

"What can Peak Master Cao do?"

"Should we leave first? Or leave a few people and wait here until Peak Master Cao returns, and we will come back?"

"Yes, it's not an option for us to keep waiting like this."

"Let's allocate them first, and the people in that group will discuss the matter with Lord Cao first."

"Naturally, our calligraphy masters came first. The first thing Master Cao showed was the calligraphy master."

"Why is it your calligraphy skills?"

"We don't accept it either!"

"Or this way, let's compare ourselves in a discussion."

"How to talk about Tao? Everyone's Tao is different."

"Then let's compete in a battle of wits!"

"A battle of wits is a battle of wits, and every move comes out ****."

Everyone quickly started fighting over who could discuss the matter with Cao Zhen first, and finally decided the order.

"Amitabha, it's our meditation practice that we need to discuss with Donor Cao first." Several monks meditating showed joy.

The peak they meditate on is not the most formidable.

But this time, almost all the golden elixir masters in their Baifeng Sect left the Baifeng Sect and went to the capital.

Unfortunately, the few peaks they meditated on all had masters of the Golden Core stage. After a duel, they crushed people from all walks of life and won the first place.

Seeing that Zen Xiu was the first to discuss Tao with Cao Zhen, the rest of the crowd left one after another.

After meditating on several peaks, one person was left on each peak to guard the foot of the Four Treasures Peak.

They knew that their meditation practice had some conflicts with Cao Zhen, the master of the Four Treasures Peaks, especially Xiaochan Peak.

But no matter what, everyone is from the Baifeng Sect. Cao Zhen helped the people of Qiankumen realize their enlightenment. There is no reason not to help the people of Baifeng Sect. That is also unreasonable.

What's more, the minor era of the reversal of the universe is really getting closer and closer, and the impact is getting bigger and bigger. Previously, their master sect master even summoned the peak masters in the cave.

After that, there was no news about the Master Zhang Zong, and many people thought that the Master Zhang Zong might have fallen into a deep sleep.

It was even heard that the peak master of Feixian Peak quickly retreated into seclusion after returning. During this period, everything in Feixian Peak was handled by the deputy peak master.

The peak master who came to Feixian Peak was about to fall asleep.

At this moment, every time one more person in the Baifeng Sect has an epiphany, their strength will increase by one point.

The increased strength of the Baifeng Sect is also good for Cao Zhen.

After all, the stronger the Hundred Peaks Sect, the safer the Four Treasure Peaks will be.

Several people just waited at the foot of Sibaofeng, waiting and waiting, but day after day passed, and still no one from Sibaofeng was seen returning.

Waiting until ten days later, a piece of news came.

"What? Peak Master Cao Zhen and Cao have already arrived in the capital?"

Several people almost collapsed when they heard the news.

"Are Cao Zhen and the others that fast? It took eighteen days for us from the Baifeng Sect to arrive in the capital. Even though we were led by three elders from the Earthly Immortal Realm, Cao Zhen arrived in the capital in just ten days? "

"It's different... Although the three elders are in the Earthly Immortal Realm, their flying boat is too big and they have to take too many people. Moreover, the three elders are only responsible for everyone's safety and do not necessarily control the flying boat.

What's more, that flying boat is not necessarily better than Peak Master Cao's flying boat. Therefore, it takes Peak Master Cao a shorter time to reach the capital, which is normal. "

"So Cao Zhen, what did he want? He returned to the Baifeng Sect without any problems, and then left, just to take away a few of his disciples?"

"Totally incomprehensible!"

"So, our ten days of waiting have been in vain?"

Since Cao Zhen boarded the flying boat, he and Yi Sheng have been refining elixirs. With enough elixirs, he began to frantically put each elixir into the elixir furnace.

His disciples are different from Xiang Ziyu. Xiang Ziyu can withstand the violent elixir, but these disciples cannot. He prepared another elixir, Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pill, and Xiao Qitian Dan.

Although the efficacy of the Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pill was somewhat inferior, he could just prepare more.

This time, the medicinal materials he asked the grand master for were enough.

In ten days, he refined twenty Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pills for each of his disciples!

Ten days later, as the flying boat arrived in the capital, Cao Zhen also refined twenty Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pills for each of his four disciples.

After Yisheng landed from the flying boat, he immediately looked at Cao Zhen and said expectantly: "Master, my home is in the capital. We can go to my master's house."

"Well? Going to your house?" Cao Zhen then remembered that Yisheng's family was the richest man in the Zhenxian Dynasty, which was normal in the capital of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

It’s just unclear how Yisheng was selected by the Baifeng Sect from the capital and went to the Baifeng Sect.

Come to think of it, Yisheng may not have been back home for many years, so it's normal to feel homesick.

"Okay, then let's go to your house."

By going to Yisheng's house, it was possible to avoid people from other sects from causing trouble.

Cao Zhen thought about it and looked at Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren again: "Are you guys here too?"

After all, time was a bit short. After he forcibly helped these disciples improve their cultivation, his disciples also needed time to adapt. The presence of Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren would also allow the disciples to adapt faster.

"Disciple, obey."

The two readily agreed.

Soon, everyone, led by Yi Sheng, went directly to Yi Sheng's home in the capital.

Cao Zhen went to the Grand Master's residence in the capital, but when he entered Yisheng's house, he realized what greatness meant!

This Yisheng's home is even bigger than the mansions of ten grand masters!

Moreover, this area is obviously home to merchants, and each family's mansion is extremely huge.

He discovered that although the Grand Master of the Zhenxian Dynasty had always suppressed the major immortal sects, they had never suppressed merchants. The Zhenxian Dynasty even deliberately allowed people to do business. This was different from many dynasties in ancient times on earth.

Although the status of a businessman is not particularly high, it is not that low either.

At least it can be seen from the mansion. If the Zhenxian Dynasty suppressed merchants, these merchants would not be able to own such a large mansion in the capital!

Yisheng returned home.

Moreover, he came with his master and fellow disciples, and everyone in the Yi family immediately welcomed him.

However, Cao Zhen refused everyone's request for a banquet and directly asked Yisheng to arrange a room for him, and then he couldn't wait to let Lingxi walk into his room.

In the room, Cao Zhen first took out the Little Bullying Pill that had been refined for a long time, looked at Lingxi and said: "Come on, be obedient and open your mouth."

Lingxi had the same experience as the last time, her red lips immediately opened wide, and she swallowed it in one gulp.

At the entrance, an unusual feeling of comfort spread throughout her body. Although it was not the first time, she could hardly help but moan.

This feeling is so wonderful, my whole body feels like I am in a state of ecstasy.

As the elixir entered, a mysterious and incomprehensible character appeared between her eyebrows.

Ancient talisman mark!

The imprint of the Ancient Talisman Immortal Body!

With the appearance of the mark, the power that had been suppressed in Lingxi's body quickly revived.

Cao Zhen noticed the changes in Lingxi's body, and quickly took out Yuan-building Dragon and Tiger Pills one by one and said: "Come on, good disciple, open your mouth again, and let's take another pill. After taking the pill, Activate the technique immediately."

Hearing the sound, Lingxi quickly opened her mouth again. As she took a Yuan-building Dragon and Tiger Pill, she instantly felt a surge of power coming from her, and Cao Zhen spoke again: "Open your mouth again."

Lingxi had the previous experience, and without any hesitation, she opened her mouth again.

Cao Zhen also opened his mouth, and the heretic golden elixir that had been condensed into the second layer flew out and fell into the mouth of Lingxi.

In an instant, Lingxi felt a hot feeling in her lower abdomen. The hot air spread throughout his body, making her feel as if she had ascended to immortality. She was so comfortable that she almost fell to the ground.

With her previous experience, she knew that what she swallowed was her master helping her. At this time, she must use her strength to cooperate with her master.

Lingxi quickly started to run the technique in her mind. Slowly, a golden light erupted from an inner elixir behind her. As the light continued to grow stronger, the efficacy of the medicine in her body began to drain away.

Cao Zhen quickly took out another Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pill and stuffed it into Lingxi's mouth.

Following the entrance of the second elixir, a surging power suddenly rose up in Lingxi's body again.

A moment later, her first inner elixir had completely condensed into a golden elixir!

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