My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 175 Heroes from all over the world meet in the Immortal Capital

The Zhenxian Dynasty had two very important cities.

One of them is the capital, and the other is Yingxian City.

As the name suggests, the Immortal Ying City is the Immortal Dynasty, a city that welcomes immortal cultivators and does business with them. Although there are immortal square cities in every big city, if there are so many materials used by immortal cultivators, even the capital city cannot compare with Yingxian City.

Even within the Zhenxian Dynasty, many materials from other countries were traded through Yingxian City.

Yi Qiancheng spent most of his time in Yingxian City.

Only this time, because of the immortal martial arts conference, people from all the major immortal sects gathered in the capital, so he hurried back to the capital.

Returning to the capital with him was a large amount of materials gathered from Yingxian City.

He is the richest man in Yingxian City and the richest man in Zhenxian Dynasty.

How could he become the richest man if he didn't do business with immortal cultivators.

He knows much more about the world of cultivating immortals than ordinary mortals. He knows about the existence of the Small Era in which the universe is reversed. He also knows that by that time, all those who have cultivated above the Golden Core will fall asleep.

At that time, those who had perfected the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir were the strongest combatants in the world.

Therefore, the genius of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is particularly valued in this period.

Although he had not experienced that period, he could imagine how chaotic the entire Zhenxian Dynasty would be by then.

Not only the Zhenxian Dynasty, but also the surrounding Jin Dynasty, Wei Dynasty, and other dynasties will be in chaos.

Nowadays, the Zhenxian Dynasty has a grand master, and the world is peaceful. Everyone abides by the rules and the laws of the dynasty, and he is not afraid.

But once the Qiankun Little Era comes, once the grand master really falls asleep as others think.

With the world in chaos, he might not be able to save such a large family fortune without enough backing.

Unexpectedly, a strong enough backer appeared now.

His daughter's elder sister was a master of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, and he was already attracted to her.

As a result, his daughter told him that his master's wife was also a Dzogchen master of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. Not to mention, his daughter's senior brother also said that he was also a master of the Ten Visions Golden elixir Dzogchen.

These are the three top masters after the Little Era of World Reversal has completely arrived.

With the three of them here, who would dare to touch their Yi family?

Yi Qiancheng looked at Xiang Ziyu with burning eyes.

Xiang Ziyu looked like he was the best in the world, looked at Yisheng and others and said: "Now, who doesn't know that there is a Four Treasure Peak in the Baifeng Sect, and there is a peerless genius Xiang Ziyu in the Four Treasure Peak!

I have already set up the ring in Jie Xianfang, and now I have won thirty-two consecutive victories. If I hadn't seen the big sister's breakthrough, I would have won fifty consecutive games today. "

Xiang Ziyu said, looked at Lingxi, and said with a preaching expression: "But senior sister, although you are almost unmatched in the pill-forming stage when you are in the pill-forming stage, but when you reach the golden pill stage, I'm afraid you will There is no such big advantage anymore.

Senior sister, you are too high-profile this time. You made such a fuss, and everyone in the capital saw it, and it was still at this time.

This kind of momentum is something that I, as the protagonist, can have. Senior sister, forget it, who made you my senior sister? Don’t worry, I will protect you. "

Yi Qiancheng was startled, what kind of protagonist? What protection? Both of them are masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, so they still need protection?

Why do you feel that your daughter's senior brother is weird?

At this time, Xiang Ziyu turned his head and looked to the side. He had seen Wu Jianzi before and knew that this man recognized his master as his leader, but who was the other guy?

Yisheng noticed his senior brother's gaze and quickly introduced: "Senior brother, you have already met senior brother Wu Jianzi. This one is senior brother Lu Yiren from the Confucian and Taoist sect. Senior brother Lu is the same as senior brother Wu Jianzi. They They are all the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection.”

Although Lu Yiren was called a Confucian and Taoist madman, when he saw Senior Cao's disciples, he did not show his arrogance. Instead, he bowed his hands to Xiang Ziyu and said: "Hello, Senior Brother Xiang, I and Wu Like Senior Brother Jianzi, they all recognize Senior Cao as the leader."

As the richest man in the Zhenxian Dynasty, Yi Qiancheng could hardly have any mood swings due to ordinary things, but at this moment, his heart was beating wildly uncontrollably.

These two people are actually masters of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection!

Didn't it mean that the peak of the average golden elixir is nine golden elixirs?

Anyone who can condense ten golden elixirs is a genius.

As for the ten golden elixirs, it is even rarer to be able to achieve the goal of each golden elixir being a visionary elixir.

It would be great for an ordinary immortal sect to have such a genius.

Even among the top ten Immortal Sects, there are only two or three such talented disciples in each Immortal Sect.

Why, now I have seen so many such geniuses?

As for fake ones?

He had no doubts.

He believed that his own daughter would not lie to him, not to mention that he had heard of the Sword Sect and the Confucianism and Taoism Sect.

The Sword Sect is also one of the top ten immortal sects, and is even known as the best sword sect in the world!

Although Rudao Sect does not exist among the top ten immortal sects, it is not inferior to the top ten immortal sects at all.

The disciples of such an immortal sect would not insist on claiming that they are masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen while clearly not being masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

Although he didn't know the specific meaning of the leader, he could also tell that these two geniuses respected his daughter's master Cao Zhen very much.

Besides, if the relationship wasn't good, I wouldn't have followed him here.

Therefore, making friends with Cao Zhen is equivalent to directly winning over five masters of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions!

That’s five!

By the time

Yi Qiancheng was thinking when suddenly, a loud noise came in front of him again.

The room he had just prepared exploded once again, revealing Cao Zhen with a tired look on his face, and Yan Yourong bathed in colorful light.

After Lingxi broke through, his body was filled with golden light. In terms of Yourong, what he gathered was multicolored light. The five rays of light corresponded to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Yan Yourong is the Great Five Elements Innate Holy Body!

At this moment, the whole world shook again. Above the void, the sun and the moon competed for glory. Among the colorful rays of light, ten golden elixirs bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

In Jiexianfang, everyone looked at the sudden appearance of the heaven and earth, and they were all completely stunned!

"The second one, so quickly, there is a second person who breaks through and becomes the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!"

"This vision of heaven and earth is no different from the previous vision of heaven and earth!"

"Today, what kind of day is this? Why are these geniuses making breakthroughs one after another?"

"No, if you look at the direction of the golden light, it is clearly the place where the previous person broke through."

"So, these two people are in the same place?"

"Do they all know each other?"

"Did Xiang Ziyu say that it was his senior sister who broke through before? Isn't this person also related to the Baifeng Sect?"

"Now, I can't be sure that what Xiang Ziyu said is definitely right. Everyone knows that Xiang Ziyu is strong, but his ideas are different from ordinary people, and his judgment may not be right."

"Didn't we send someone there? They must be able to know what happened."

"Yes, when they discover the situation, they will definitely report it."

Outside Yi's Mansion, the disciples from various major immortal sects could no longer calm down at all when they saw the colorful light that suddenly shot out from the mansion.

"This is the second person."

"What's going on? This can't really be someone from the Baifeng Sect who has broken through again!"

"We can't stay outside anymore. Let's go in and take a look."

"Yes, go take a look."

"But it's not good for so many of us to go."

"Send two representatives of the Immortal Sect to go in and take a look."

Everyone also knew that although the Grand Master allowed them to move freely in the Zhenxian Dynasty, there was a condition that they were not allowed to disturb the lives of mortals.

Once you violate it, you will definitely be punished by the Grand Master.

Therefore, after they arrived here, they did not enter Yi's Mansion, but stayed outside.

Now, there was actually a second person in the mansion who had made a breakthrough, and it was the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions of Perfection. They had to sigh.

Soon, a disciple who thought they were from the Sun Moon Sect and a disciple from the Ming Heart Sect walked to the door of Yi Mansion on behalf of everyone, and announced their identities: "We are the Sun Moon Sect and Ming Xin Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects. Disciples of the Xin Sect, we want to enter the mansion to visit the master of the Yi Mansion."

"Please wait a moment, I'll let you know."

The servants of Yi's Mansion hurriedly ran into the mansion, but he did not bring the other party directly into the mansion. Xiang Ziyu had said before that he was the young lady's senior brother, so naturally it was not easy for others to wait outside.

But these people have nothing to do with the lady, so he can't bring them into the house casually.

Yi's Mansion was so big that the servants ran around for a long time before they saw their master. He panted heavily and reported: "Master, there are two people outside. They are disciples of the Sun Moon Sect and the Mingxin Sect. , said he wanted to meet the master."

"Meet me? My contact with Mingxin Sect and Sun Moon Sect is also a business transaction. Moreover, most of these businesses are done by underground people. I don't know their people. If they meet me, I'm afraid they are "Yi Qiancheng looked at his daughter aside.

The sudden visit by these people to him must be because his daughter's two senior sisters had made breakthroughs one after another. If in the past, people from the top ten immortal sects came to visit, he would naturally not be able to see him.

But now, his daughter's master is in his own house, and he has allowed his disciples to break through twice.

Although he is not an immortal cultivator, he also knows that the techniques practiced by immortal cultivators have their own secrets. Otherwise, Peak Master Cao would not ask for a separate room.

At this time, it was difficult for him to agree to the other party.

Although he would offend the other party by rejecting him, he can't control so much now.

If you offend, you will be offended. Afterwards, when the time comes, there are five masters of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen behind you. What should you be afraid of?

"Tell them that I have distinguished guests at home today and it is inconvenient to see others."

The servant returned quickly after receiving the order, looked at the two of them and said: "Two, I'm sorry. The master of the house said that there are distinguished guests in the house today, and it is not convenient to see outsiders today."

The expressions of the two disciples from the top ten immortal sects suddenly turned cold.

They were turned down.

They were disciples of the top ten Western Immortal Sects, and the owner of the mansion in front of them was a wealthy businessman.

No matter how rich the businessman is, so what if he is the richest man in Zhenxian Dynasty?

No matter how rich you are, you are still a mortal. How can you compare with them who are cultivating immortals?

However, because of the presence of the Grand Master and the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty, they were unable to have an attack.

There were masters from all the major immortal sects around, and their ears were so good. After hearing the conversation between the two, even though the servant's words were not loud, they clearly heard the entire content.

"Not allowed in?"

"But Xiang Ziyu and Li Ke went in."

"Let the people from Baifeng Sect enter, but not us?"

"Actually, even if we can't enter the mansion, we can still know that the people inside must be related to the people from the Baifeng Sect."

"I'm afraid Xiang Ziyu is right. The first person to break through was really his senior sister."

"What about the second person? Who is the second person?"

"The second person is probably also from the Baifeng Sect."

"This Baifeng Sect is really insidious. They must know that they are going to break through. They are afraid of breaking through in Jiexianfang and who will be discovered by everyone. They are afraid that everyone will find out the root cause, so they came here specially to break through here. !”

"Baifeng Sect already has three geniuses who have perfected the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions, and now there are two more. In other words, Baifeng Sect already has five geniuses who have perfected the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions? This"

"Let's go back with a few people and report them."

Everyone quickly separated into a group of people and quickly ran towards the direction of Jie Xianfang.

In Yi's mansion, after Cao Zhen helped Lingxi break through and become the Great Perfection of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir, he looked at Xiao Beiyan and took Xiao Beiyan into the room that Yi Qiancheng had prepared for him.

He didn't know whether Yi Qiancheng had a thousand cities or not. He knew that there were at least a thousand rooms.

Although he was very tired after helping two disciples break through one after another, he could still persist.

The capital is too big. Although several disciples speed up together, they cannot fly and cannot affect the lives of mortals in the capital. They do not dare to use their full strength and can only run back to Jie Xianfang at a faster speed than normal people. .

As soon as they returned to Jie Xianfang, they quickly told the news they knew.

"The golden light and multicolored light were released, and the person who broke through was in Yi Mansion. Yi Mansion is the residence of Yi Qiancheng, the richest man in Zhenxian Dynasty."

"They didn't let us enter the mansion, saying there were distinguished guests, but we saw with our own eyes that people from the Baifeng Sect entered Yi's mansion."

"So, the two people who made the breakthrough are probably Bai Feng's disciples."

All around, the expressions of the immortal sects suddenly became solemn. The top ten immortal sects have been competing with each other. Now, the Baifeng Sect suddenly has two more Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfections.

"That is to say, there are at least five geniuses in the Baifeng Sect who are perfect in the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir."

Just as an old man finished speaking, a ray of light burst out from the distant sky again. The world shook. Above the sky, the sun, moon and stars rose at the same time. Ten golden elixirs appeared in the sky-high light pillars.

On one of the golden elixirs, there stood a chicken burning with evil flames.

On top of a golden elixir is a pagoda.

On top of a golden elixir is a huge war hammer.

On top of the other seven golden elixirs, there are actually seven kinds of treasures: gold, silver, glass, coral, amber, clam, and agate.

There are ten golden elixirs, and each golden elixir has a different vision.

"Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Perfection! Another one!"

"What's going on?"

"That position is still the same position as before!"

"Could it be that someone from the Baifeng Sect broke through again!"

Everyone is going crazy. It is very rare for a perfect golden elixir with ten strange phenomena to appear. Even among the top ten immortal sects, if a golden elixir perfect with ten strange phenomena appears among their disciples, it is worth it. The whole fairy sect celebrated.

After all, that represents unlimited potential.

Not to mention, now is the time when the world is about to be reversed.

Everyone knows what the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen represents.

But now, in a short period of time, three people have achieved breakthroughs and achieved the Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions!

In Jiexianfang, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect looked at the light in the distance and the strange phenomena in the glow. Many disciples couldn't help but exclaimed.

"That vision, isn't that the vision of the young disciple from the Four Treasures Peak?"

"It's not the little disciple of Four Treasure Peak. Although that disciple is young, he is not the youngest disciple. The youngest disciple is Yi Sheng."

"It was that little guy's vision. His vision was so special. I remember it very clearly."

"During the Hundred Peaks Competition, he only formed the Great Perfection of the elixir and didn't even condense a single golden elixir. How come he became the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir in such a short period of time?"

"Yes, is he also an ancient immortal body? Even the ancient immortal body cannot achieve breakthroughs through cultivation, so how can he become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir?"

"That Xiang Ziyu is also an ancient immortal body. Didn't he also break through? And he broke through earlier than him!"

"He also made a breakthrough. Didn't you mention that at the Four Treasures Peak, they have at least two Ten Vision Golden Elixirs that have reached Perfection?"

"Two? Have you forgotten what Xiang Ziyu said before? Don't the vision of the talisman look familiar to you?"

"Lingxi, the eldest disciple of Four Treasure Peaks, I remember that during the Hundred Peaks Competition, Lingxi's vision was the talisman."

Although everyone was at the Golden Core stage, they had all participated in the Hundred Peaks Competition, and they were very impressed by the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks.

In addition to the fact that they all bet more or less on the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks, they also pay attention to the battles of the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks. It is also because these disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks, when fighting, show far more power than their fellow practitioners. Realm of strength.

Especially Ling Xi, who was a genius who almost defeated the golden elixir with his inner elixir cultivation.

Their impression of Lingxi could not be deeper.

As for Xiao Beiyan, the special and different visions also left a deep impression on them.

Now when they saw the vision in front of them, they thought of Xiao Beiyan, and when they thought of Xiao Beiyan, they couldn't help but think of Lingxi.

"So, the Four Treasures Peak may now have three golden elixirs of ten miraculous phenomena?"

"Three, I'm afraid it's four. Do you still remember the second person who made a breakthrough? That person's vision was the Five Elements vision. Now that I think about it, I remember that the second disciple of the Four Treasures Peak was the Five Elements vision. Vision.”

"They are also disciples of the Four Treasures Peak? Impossible, right? They"

"I think it's very possible."

"In other words, there are a total of five disciples in the Four Treasures Peak, and four of them have become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir? Peak Master Cao, how did he do it?"

"Who knows how he did it? His four disciples are all ancient immortal bodies, and they are all considered to be unable to practice, but you have also seen that he made Xiang Ziyu become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, and he just broke through The person is almost certainly the fourth disciple from the Four Treasure Peak.

He was able to make two people break through and become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, but couldn't he let the other two break through? "

"But the question is, how can we achieve a breakthrough? That is the ancient immortal body. Let them break through the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection. How much materials and resources will be consumed? Where did Peak Master Cao come from so many resources?"

Everyone was filled with doubts and shock.

All around, people from other major immortal sects, listening to the exclamations of the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect, felt that their brains were not enough.

"According to what people from the Hundred Peaks Sect mean, these breakthroughs are all disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks?"

"How is this possible? Isn't the Four Treasure Peak the last peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect?"

"You still believe that the Four Treasures Peak is really the last peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect? How can the peak that is ranked the last one have such a powerful peak master? The peak that is the last one, How is it possible that there are disciples of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen!"

"Obviously, the Baifeng Sect deliberately placed the Four Treasure Peaks at the bottom. They just want to deliberately disgust us!"

"Yes, they must have deliberately put the Baifeng Sect in last place for the sake of discussion. If they win, they will say that we are not even as good as their last peak."

One by one, people from the Baifeng Sect suddenly reacted after listening to the discussions among the people around them.

When they were still in the Hundred Peaks Sect, many people suspected after the Hundred Peaks Competition that Si Baofeng deliberately lost and ranked 100th.

Among them, many peak masters went to the Master Zhang Zong and wanted him to send someone to investigate, but the Master Zhang Zong directly drove them away.

At that time, they still didn't understand why Master Zhangzong wanted to protect Cao Zhen and the Four Treasures Peak so much.

Now, suddenly they understood.

Cao Zhen lost on purpose, maybe for the Baifeng Sect? For this discussion.

It might even be under the instruction of the Master Zhang Zong, so the Master Zhang Zong would defend Cao Zhen and not investigate!

Although people from the major immortal sects were almost certain that the person who made the breakthrough was from the Four Treasures Peak, they still couldn't understand it.

Cao Zhen only had the cultivation level of forming seven pills, so why did all his disciples break through?

Also, the people from the Hundred Peaks Sect said that there are five disciples in Four Treasure Peak. Now, four disciples have already achieved breakthrough. Then the last disciple will also achieve the breakthrough and become the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions, right?

Everyone looked into the distance for a while.

In Yi Mansion, after Cao Zhen helped Xiao Beiyan break through, he looked at his young disciple Yi Sheng.

"Yisheng, come and follow Master into the room."

"Yes, Master!" Yisheng followed her master with excitement. Speaking of which, his senior brothers and sisters had all followed the master into the room alone, but this was her first time.

Yisheng used to be extremely proud and confident, but since he entered the Four Treasures Peak, he has been beaten many times by his senior brothers and sisters. He has become cautious, and it can even be said that he is a little timid when facing the people of the Four Treasures Peak.

Now, it's her first time again.

As soon as she entered the room, as the master closed the door, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After a while, what was the master going to do to her?

Amid her anxiety, Master Cao Zhen's voice sounded.

"Come on, be good and open your mouth."

Cao Zhen directly took out a Yuan-Building Dragon and Tiger Pill and stuffed it into Yi Sheng's mouth.

Yisheng is not an ancient immortal body, so he does not need to take the Little Bullying Pill.

Yi Sheng opened her mouth wide when she heard the sound, and a strange taste suddenly entered her mouth.

Outside the door, even though Yi Qiancheng couldn't see anything, his eyes were still fixed on the door. If he had seen his baby daughter follow a man into the room before and close the door tightly, he would have gone crazy!

But now, all he has is expectations.

Facts have proved that Cao Zhen was helping his apprentice break through.

What's more important is that my daughter's three senior brothers and sisters who entered the room before have broken through and become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. So what about my daughter?

My daughter is also a genius. Others have made breakthroughs. It makes no sense that my daughter cannot make breakthroughs.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, their Lao Yi family could also produce a master of the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir!

Although this is a daughter, so what?

As long as a daughter is not married, she is a member of the Lao Yi family.

Or, find a home-based son-in-law for your daughter?

I don’t know if there is such a thing as a son-in-law among immortal cultivators.

Yi Qiancheng thought a lot for a while.

At this time, every immortal cultivator in the capital also looked at the location of Yi Mansion from a distance.


Yi Qiancheng didn't know how much time had passed. He didn't think anything about it before when the others followed Master Cao into the room, but after his daughter entered the room, he felt that time passed really slowly.

It's been a long time since he had this feeling of time passing extremely slowly. The last time he had this feeling was when he married his beautiful concubine and was waiting for the wedding night.


Suddenly there was a soft sound, and the door was pushed open from the inside. Then Cao Zhen, who looked tired, and Yi Sheng, whose face was full of red light and looked a little ashamed, came out.

Yi Qiancheng was stunned. He pointed at the house and asked, "Why didn't the room explode?"

Cao Zhen almost tripped over the threshold and looked at Yi Qiancheng speechlessly, "If you have money like this, you have nowhere to spend it, right?" Not comfortable without blowing up a house?

If you can't spend the money, you can ask me for help.

After Yi Qiancheng finished speaking, he seemed to realize that he had lost his composure. He adjusted his facial expression, but he still couldn't hide the eagerness in his expression. He asked his daughter: "Xiaosheng, are you over so soon?" ? No, I mean, you

Your senior brothers and sisters, they all emitted light in the end, why didn't you emit light? "

Yi Sheng sighed in his heart and explained: "Dad, senior brother and senior sister, they have light rising into the sky and causing strange phenomena in the world because they have achieved the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

But the daughter is not like this, because the daughter has not broken through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. "

"No breakthrough? That" Yi Qiancheng didn't know what to say for a while. Although he was curious in his heart as to why others had a breakthrough but his daughter didn't, he couldn't ask this directly.

His daughter has been strong since she was a child. If her daughter has not made a breakthrough, she must be very sad. If he asks her again, isn't that just adding salt to her daughter's wounds?

But why didn’t my daughter make a breakthrough?

He didn't ask out loud, but he kept thinking about this question in his heart.

Others have achieved breakthroughs, but my daughter has not. Is it because of her master?

Because the time for the daughter to join the master is over, so the relationship between the daughter and his master is not that good?

Or maybe his master was exhausted after helping several disciples break through in succession, so he didn't let his daughter break through.

Or, find an opportunity to ask your daughter to find her master, ask her master to take a rest, and then do it again with your daughter?

Yisheng seemed to know what her father was thinking, and took the initiative to explain: "Father, my daughter has not made a breakthrough because her talent is not as good as her senior brothers and sisters."

As she spoke, she sighed softly in her heart. Sure enough, she was still far behind her senior brothers and sisters.

She knew that the master was not biased, but everyone else had achieved breakthroughs, but she was the only one who had not. Is it because she was not talented enough?

Cao Zhen looked at Yi Sheng's face full of self-blame and lack of confidence, and sighed in his heart. His apprentice was so arrogant and confident back then. He looked like a female version of a domineering president. Finally, when we arrived at Sibaofeng, it turned out to be like this, from one extreme to another.

At first, I had a headache as to how to educate her in the future so that she would not be so confident and arrogant.

But now, what I am thinking about is how to restore her confidence.

Cao Zhen thought for a while and comforted him: "Actually, you are already very good. The reason why you have not made a breakthrough is because your previous cultivation level was not as good as your senior brothers and sisters.

They were already at the peak stage of forming pills before, but you have just entered the stage of forming pills. They are just about to break through, but you haven't. Isn't this normal?

Besides, how long have they been practicing? How long have you been practicing?

Think about it, you have been in our Four Treasures Peak for less than a year. Some of you senior sisters and brothers who have been in our Four Treasures Peak for one year have not even condensed the Immortal Bridge.

You are already good. "

Isn't Yisheng a genius?

Obviously not!

If she wasn't a genius, then maybe there wouldn't be many geniuses in the world?

If she wasn't a genius, all the peak masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect would not have shamelessly tried to steal her as their disciple.

The reason why she didn't make a breakthrough this time was because her cultivation level was indeed lower. More importantly, she had an immortal body, but Lingxi and the others were ancient immortal bodies.

Although the Ancient Immortal Body cannot be cultivated, once the way of heaven is deceived, once the shackles on their bodies are released, and the pills are used to improve them, the horror of the Ancient Immortal Body will be fully revealed!

Of course, this does not mean that Yisheng has no advantages.

On the contrary, Yisheng has a huge advantage over her senior brothers and sisters, that is, Yisheng can practice and break through on her own. Her senior brothers and sisters, without pills, cannot break through on their own!

Yisheng looked at his master who kept talking about his genius, and his heart was filled with emotion. Even though he was not as good as his brothers and sisters, his master still comforted him like this.

In fact, Master does not need to comfort himself like this. He knows that this is all his own problem.

If your talent is not good, then you have to work harder, practice harder, and find a way to catch up with your senior brothers and sisters.

After hearing Cao Zhen's explanation, Yi Qiancheng realized why his daughter had not made a breakthrough. It was because her daughter had only been in the sect for a short time and her original cultivation level was low.


He asked curiously: "Xiaosheng, what level of cultivation are you at now?"

"The eighth level of the golden elixir." Yi Sheng, fearing that his father would not understand, added, "It is my daughter who has already formed eight golden elixirs, and each golden elixir is a vision elixir."

"Eight golden elixirs, all of them are visionary elixirs?" Yi Qiancheng's face suddenly showed joy, and he laughed: "In other words, my daughter, you are still two short of the visionary elixirs, and you can be ten different. It's like the golden elixir reaching perfection, so it's not that much different."

At first, he thought that his daughter was far, far behind others. After a long time of trouble, he was just missing two golden elixirs.

On the side, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren listened to Yi Qiancheng's words and almost couldn't help but tell this mortal directly the difference between the eight golden elixirs of visions and the perfection of the golden elixirs of ten visions.

Do you know how difficult it is to condense a golden elixir in the golden elixir stage and into the later stages? Do you know that only the true geniuses among geniuses can condense ten golden elixirs?

Most people can only condense ten golden elixirs, let alone the ten golden elixirs of perfect perfection.

But when they thought of Ling Xi, Yan Yourong and Bei Yan before, they were speechless.

Look at everything Master Cao has done, his disciples have achieved the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. It seems that for them, it is normal for them to have the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.

Condensing two more golden elixirs of vision really didn't seem to be a big problem for them.

Peak Master Cao, how did he do it?

On the other side, seeing that his daughter had finished her promotion, Yi Qiancheng took the initiative to invite him: "Master Cao, look, it's getting late now, why don't we have dinner together first?"

"Okay, then I'll trouble you, Master Yi." Cao Zhen nodded lightly. After helping several disciples improve, he was indeed tired. He just wanted to take a rest and adjust his condition to the best state.

As the richest family in the Zhenxian Dynasty, the dinner prepared by the Yi family cannot be like a simple meal for the grand master. It is really just a simple meal.

Soon, dishes were served one after another in turn. The richness and exquisiteness of the dishes were even better than the Golden Elixir Conference he had attended on Suzaku Peak!

During the dinner, he learned one more thing through everyone's conversation.

The current emperor has officially ascended the throne.

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