My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 176 Xiang Laosan displays his magical skills to shake the sun and moon

The new emperor of the Zhenxian Dynasty officially ascended the throne, and his reign title was Yong'an.

He hoped that the Zhenxian Dynasty could survive the upcoming minor era of world reversal under his rule.

Cao Zhen was actually quite curious about what the enthronement ceremony would be like.

He had never participated in such a big event in his two lifetimes. Originally, he wanted to see how grand the emperor's enthronement ceremony was, but because the emperor said that he would hold a competition among immortals, he had to return to the Baifeng Sect. .

In this twenty-day period, I missed the enthronement ceremony.

After having dinner with the extremely enthusiastic Yi Qiancheng, Cao Zhen quickly returned. The Yi family had prepared a room for him and began to refine the elixir.

He has already refined the elixirs for his disciples, and he still needs to refine his own elixirs.

Everyone has a different system and is good at different things, so the pills everyone takes are also different.

The elixirs he prepared for himself were also different from those of his disciples.

Although he had tried his best to refine the elixir, he still had not refined the elixir in ten days, and the Immortals Martial Arts Conference had already begun.

The alchemy cannot be sustained, at least, the fire in the furnace cannot be extinguished.

If he really had to put out the fire, he could save it again, but that would require more medicinal materials, and it would take longer to refine the elixir.

His disciple, Yisheng, also wanted to participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Competition. He had no choice but to ask Gu Chengyu for help again.

If Gu Chengyu was not among the leaders sent by Baifeng Sect this time, he really didn't know what he should do.

After simply teaching Gu Chengyu some elixir techniques and asking Gu Chengyu to help take care of the elixir furnace, Cao Zhen took his disciples, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren to the outskirts of the capital.

Naturally, it is impossible for so many immortals to compete in the capital city, because there is not such a big place to accommodate so many immortals.

Although the capital is large enough, there is no open space to house many arenas where cultivators can compete.

As for Jie Xianfang?

Although there are arenas in Jie Xianfang Gen, there are too few in Jie Xianfang. What's more, Jie Xianfang is not big enough.

It is said that there were so many immortals who came to the capital that Jie Xianfang could no longer accommodate them, so they had to move them elsewhere.

Therefore, the arena can only be arranged outside the city.

On the west side of the capital, at the foot of a mountain, a competition arena has already been set up.

When Cao Zhen came here, he couldn't even see the arena at a glance.

There were too many people, so densely packed here that their sight was blocked. Only by flying high in the sky could one see what was going on in the arena.

There were so many people, so people coming from behind couldn't squeeze to the front. If they came late, they could only stand in the back.

Although there were a large number of people, the arrival of Cao Zhen and others still attracted the attention of countless people.

Ten days ago, they made too much noise.

"Is that Xiang Ziyu?"

"That's right, it's Xiang Ziyu. I saw him fighting with others in Jie Xianfang."

"That one is Xiang Ziyu, so the others must be from Sibaofeng?"

"Four Treasure Peak... It is said that there are now five visionary golden elixirs and great perfections in the Four Treasure Peak!"

"Needless to say, after the incident, everyone has determined that those four people are all disciples of the Four Treasure Peak."

"Only one peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect has four masters. How did Cao Zhen do it?"

Cao Zhen felt the stares from one after another, but he couldn't stop complaining in his heart. The name of the Immortals Martial Arts Conference sounds high enough, but why did it feel so casual when it was held?

Not to mention that various audience seats were set up, and there was no one to organize it. There were just so many people, gathered together randomly, like a vegetable market, and there were not even any rules for how to compete.

At such a grand event, shouldn't some ceremony be held, and then the Grand Master or the Emperor say a few words?

This is too informal.

Even the specific time was not mentioned. I just knew that the Immortals Martial Arts Conference would be held today, but the specific time it was held was not mentioned.

While he was complaining in his mind, a figure suddenly appeared on the mountainside opposite.

Then, a mighty and boundless pressure came.

This place, where countless immortal cultivators gathered, was noisier than the vegetable market, but it suddenly became quiet.

Regardless of whether they were disciples in the Danjing stage, Jindan stage, or even the leaders of the Earthly Immortal Realm, they all raised their heads and looked at the figure in the sky. No one dared to say anything. No disrespect, everyone is behaving well at this moment, like students in a private school.


As soon as he appeared, he didn't even need to say a word. He just released his aura and suppressed everyone instantly.

One person covers all the immortals.

This is the number one master of the Zhenxian Dynasty!

Cao Zhen had contact with the Grand Master several times. During those times, the Grand Master only showed a hint of edge by chance, and that edge was not too harsh.

But today's Grand Master, standing in the void, gives people a feeling of being unattainable, as if a true immortal has descended into the world. Gives people a sense of inviolability.

Grand Master took a step forward, and his figure was much higher again. He reached the top of the mountain in an instant. This step even gave everyone a feeling of reaching the sky in one step.

It seemed that the grand master really reached the sky with just one step.

This is the Grand Master in the eyes of everyone!

The grand master stood on the top of the mountain, as if he was standing on the top of the world. He glanced downwards. The next moment, he suddenly waved downwards. For a moment, countless wooden signs flew out, like dense raindrops, toward Everyone scattered and left.

Cao Zhen grabbed a wooden sign as soon as he grabbed it.

The wooden sign is very rough and simple, with just a few words engraved on it.


Cao Zhen glanced around and found that everyone he could see had caught a wooden sign.

"This is……"

"Is this the number plate for the conference we will attend later?"

"How many people have to gather here? The Grand Master has to ensure that everyone has a number plate, or should they all be issued in an instant. This skill... is too terrifying."

"I'm a little bit surprised. How to count those who come without anyone?"

"How else can we calculate it? Of course, we are disqualified from participating. If someone else were to host the conference, maybe they would not be so hasty, but who is the Grand Master? How domineering is the Grand Master?

Since the Grand Master has already said that the Immortal Martial Arts Competition will be held today, even if he didn't say when it will start, he still has to come early and wait. If you miss it, you just missed it. The Grand Master will not care who you are. "

"But, how should we use the number plates in our hands? This is C106."

"Mine is Wu Zi ninety-one."

"It seems that these number plates are issued at will. Mine is A, or Jia Zi twenty-six."

Cao Zhen listened to the discussion of the people around him, turned back to look at Ling Xi and others and asked: "How good are you all?"

Lingxi raised his number plate and said: "B number nine."

Yan Yourong's cold voice soon came next: "C number thirteen."

"Hey, it looks like you are lucky, senior sister, and you are not on the same page as me." Xiang Ziyu raised his wooden sign and said, "I am number one, D. Did you see that? This is the protagonist. Assignment The number plates can be divided into lanes.

If what I thought is correct, with so many arenas, each token in front must represent a number. Everyone's numbers at the beginning are different, so they shouldn't be in the same arena, so they won't meet in advance.

In this way, if you can't meet me, you won't be eliminated. "

As he spoke, he looked back to the side and asked, "Xiao Beiyan, what's your number?"

"E number nineteen." Xiao Beiyan turned around and looked at Yisheng behind him and asked, "Junior sister, you don't know how to say Ji."

"Indeed, I am Ji Zi No. 37." Yi Sheng also realized at this time, looked at Cao Zhen and asked, "Master, are you A?"

Cao Zhen nodded lightly. If this person said that there was no inside story, even a fool would not believe it.

There were six of them and his disciples. Each of them got a different starting number, so I won’t go into details. Moreover, they started with him, then the first disciple, then the second disciple, and so on.

With so many people gathered here, the Grand Master was able to spot them and ensure that all the wooden signs fell into their hands when throwing them out.

This technique, this control, is really exquisite.

After everyone got the tokens, the grand master spoke again. His voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

"For each of the major immortal sects, the person leading the team will take your number plate and go to the corresponding arena to be the referee. The rest of the people, in groups of ten, will go to the arena. The winner of each arena can stay. Advance to the next round.”

"Ten people?"

"Does this mean it's a melee?"

"If there is a melee, what will happen if there are people from the same immortal sect on the same stage?"

"The top ten Immortal Sects have the most people. They have a higher chance of meeting people from the same Immortal Sect in the same arena. In this way, their advantage is even greater."

"Is it too big? I'm afraid their advantage is getting smaller. If there are two people in an immortal sect in the same arena at the same time, what will others do? The first thing to do is to attack those two people from the same immortal sect."

"makes sense."

"There are too many disciples sent by each immortal sect. If we fight one by one, we don't know how long the fight will last, so we simply compete in groups of ten."

"In this way, 90% of the people will be eliminated in just the first round."

"It's really cruel."

"The purpose of our coming here is to visit more airports, fight more with our brothers and sisters, gain more knowledge and experience, and this is a melee from the beginning! Isn't it going to come and then leave? "

For a while, there were constant complaints.

Cao Zhen is already confused. His elixir has not yet taken shape.

He has only formed seven pills now. Originally, he thought that forming seven pills would not be a big problem.

Maybe in the first round he would meet someone who also had a pill, or an opponent with one or two, or even three or four gold pills. As long as he didn't meet such a particularly strong opponent, he should be able to win easily.

He felt that he would not be so unlucky as he encountered the opponent who met the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen in the first round.

After two days and his elixir takes shape, he can take the elixir to break through and enter the golden elixir realm.

As a result, this opening turned out to be a melee between ten people.

It would be a bit troublesome if the other nine people attacked him together.

When the Grand Master spoke, he looked at the disciples of the Immortal Sect below who were talking about each other and snorted heavily.

In an instant, the invisible pressure fell down like a black cloud.

Below, everyone felt the terrifying coercion coming upon them. Their hearts suddenly trembled and they stopped talking.

At this time, the Grand Master's voice came again.

"Now, the Immortals Martial Arts Conference begins, let's go."

As his words fell, everyone in the crowd flew up and flew in the direction of their respective arenas.

But more people were flying towards the mountains not far away.

Standing high, you can naturally see far away. They were just standing on the flat ground. With so many people blocking their sight, what could they see?

Cao Zhen also took his disciples and flew directly to the mountain, found a position, and then looked in the direction of the arena.

He discovered that each of the arenas was engraved with formations, and at the same time, there was a referee in charge below each arena.

They say they are responsible referees, but in fact they are more about maintaining the safety of the formation.

This time, he once again saw the strength of the Grand Master.

The Grand Master had not discussed with anyone from the Immortal Sect before, but now he came and directly informed the leaders of the major Immortal Sects to let them make their own referees.

This is not a discussion, but just telling everyone, just do it.

The leaders of the major Immortal Sects, especially the top ten Immortal Sects, as well as the Sword Sect, Confucianism and Taoism Sect, and such powerful Immortal Sects, the leaders are all from the Earth Immortal Realm.

But in the eyes of the Grand Master, those in the Earth Immortal Realm are just ordinary cultivators with nothing special about them.

As the cultivators stepped onto the ring one by one with their own numbers, battles suddenly broke out.

Cao Zhen and the disciples of Sibaofeng all looked at the D-shaped arena. Xiang Ziyu was the number one in the T-shaped arena, so he was naturally the first group to appear.

On the T-shaped arena, disciples from various major immortal sects had just stepped onto the stage, and their eyes immediately turned to Xiang Ziyu.

There is no way, Xiang Ziyu's reputation in Jiangcheng has been too loud these days. Everyone knows that he is the existence of the Ten Visions and Golden Pills. Moreover, everyone not only knows his name, but also his Everyone knows everyone.

After all, he was in Jie Xianfang's defense, and too many people had seen him.

"Baifeng Sect, Xiang Ziyu of Sibaofeng!"

"It's him!"

Everyone from the Immortal Sect looked extremely ugly when they saw Xiang Ziyu who was on the ring with them.

Xiang Ziyu is a being with the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. This kind of strength is among the top beings among all the people who participated in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament.

Under normal circumstances, they have no chance of winning.

The only way is...

"Everyone, let's join forces." In the crowd, a fair-skinned man looked at the other eight people. Anyway, the Immortals Martial Arts Conference didn't say that everyone was not allowed to join forces in the ring, so naturally it wouldn't count if he said it. violation.

Although he did not explicitly say who everyone should join forces to deal with, as soon as his words fell, everyone around him nodded, knowing full well what they should do.

Join forces to attack Xiang Ziyu. Only in this way can they have a chance of winning.

Just a trace.

The existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is really so genius. Among the immortal sects they have, there is not even such genius.

Xiang Ziyu looked at everyone who had reached a tacit understanding, without any trace of worry on his face. He glanced around with an arrogant look, and even showed a look of excitement on his face, and said to himself: "Finally, as the real protagonist, I will be on stage under the gaze of the world.

As soon as the game started, he was beaten by everyone. This is a normal situation.

However, just nine people are still too few. "

Everyone around listened to Xiang Ziyu's words, and their expressions turned uglier. Yes, they knew that Xiang Ziyu was strong, but Xiang Ziyu, this was too arrogant. He still disliked them because they were small. This was obvious. Didn't take them seriously.

Xiang Ziyu just glanced at the other nine people, and his eyes fell on the bottom of the ring, and he didn't know which fairy sect referee he was. He urged: "Everyone has expired now, let's start quickly? Look, The fight is already going on in the ring next door.”

The referee looked at Xiang Ziyu's arrogant look, nodded suddenly, and shouted: "Start."

He had heard about this discipline, and it was said that he was very powerful in discussing Taoism. He seemed to have received the true inheritance from his master Cao Zhen, and he never failed to discuss Taoism with others when he went down the mountain.

He also knew that Xiang Ziyu was a person with the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, and the Sun Moon Sect where he belonged also had a genius disciple with the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, and there were more than one.

He wanted to see how capable Xiang Ziyu was, who also had the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

High on the mountain, many people's eyes also fell on the T-shaped arena.

With so many people fighting at the same time, the battle between people with higher cultivation and stronger strength is naturally more attractive.

As the referee's words fell, the other nine people on the T-shaped arena released their combat power at the same time, and for a while, golden elixirs rose into the sky.

Golden elixir!

On this arena, everyone has a golden elixir cultivation level!

Some of them have only one golden elixir, some have three golden elixirs, and some have five golden elixirs...

Everyone took action together to release their magical powers.

For a moment, the air above the entire arena stirred crazily, and a series of magical powers that were either hot, cold, sharp, or vast were all heading towards Xiang Zi Yugong.

Among the nine people, the fair-skinned man who spoke at the beginning and asked everyone to join forces looked at Xiang Ziyu, who had his back turned to him. Behind him, golden elixirs appeared again!

Nine golden elixirs!

Behind him are nine golden elixirs, five of which are vision golden elixirs!

Most people can't condense ten golden elixirs at all, and nine golden elixirs will be the end. Among the nine golden elixirs, four are vision elixirs, which can be regarded as geniuses.

As for the nine golden elixirs, there are five vision golden elixirs...

Even some geniuses with ten golden elixirs don’t have so many visionary elixirs among their golden elixirs!

The fair-skinned man is madly stimulating the power in the golden elixir. He is also a genius!

He has nine golden elixirs. It does not mean that he has reached the peak and can no longer condense the golden elixirs, but that he has just broken through the nine golden elixirs not long ago.

He has ten inner elixirs, seven of which are vision elixirs!

He was confident that he could break through and become the existence of ten golden elixirs, but the conference had already begun and he did not have time to break through.

He is a genius, and he also has his own pride. If possible, he also wants to fight the opponent openly.

However, now, now is the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, and he represents his sect. His sect is not one of the top ten immortal sects, and it is not even famous among the entire Immortal Suppressing Dynasty.

He is already the strongest person in their sect who has participated in the Immortal Martial Arts Competition.

He must not be eliminated in the first round. The only hope of victory is to use the power of everyone to eliminate Xiang Ziyu first!

Xiang Ziyu looked at the magical attacks one after another, and suddenly stretched out his hands and waved them in two different directions.

Suddenly, two different rays of light glowed on each of his hands, one of which was white light. The light was so dazzling that it almost absorbed all the light on the arena.

The other one is a black light, blacker than thick ink.

At this moment, the surrounding air also rotated with the waving of his arms, forming a rotating air wave.

The two rays of light converged and merged into this air wave.

In an instant, two different shadows suddenly rose in the center of the air wave, one was the sun and the other was the moon.

Shadow of sun and moon?

Cao Zhen blinked, what kind of magical power is this?

He has been busy refining alchemy these days, but it has been a long time since he saw these disciples and his own face.

He quickly looked at his panel, and was stunned for a moment. When did he gain so many magical powers?

How much did Xiang Ziyu contribute?

If there are shadows of the sun and the moon, then there should be an introduction of the sun and the moon in this magical power.

The magical powers of the sun and moon...

The sun, moon and stars turn (modified)...

It seems to be this magical power, but why does the name of this magical power look familiar? There is another word change, that is to say, that boy Xiang Ziyu changed part of his magical power?

Why does this kid always change his magical powers when nothing happens?

Didn't he get a broken magical power from somewhere and let him practice it?

Cao Zhen felt strange in his heart.

The phantom of the sun and moon released by Xiang Ziyu rotated rapidly, making people feel as if the sun and moon in the void really fell on the top of the ring, and there were even more yin and yang forces filling the ring.

As the air waves rotated, a series of terrifying magical powers landed on top of the air waves, and actually started to rotate with the rotation of the air waves. The next moment, these magical attacks were all reflected back. , all flew towards the human being who attacked Xiang Ziyu, and they flew away faster than when they attacked Xiang Ziyu before, and their power looked even more terrifying.

The nine people never expected that the magical power they used to attack Xiang Ziyu would actually attack themselves. Before they could react, the magical power had already fallen.

Suddenly, loud noises were heard one after another.

Nine people vomited blood one by one and flew out backwards, including the fair-skinned man with nine golden elixirs of visions.

All nine people flew back to the edge of the ring.

The next moment, a light curtain rose at the edge of the ring. The bodies of the nine people hit the light screen heavily, then flew backwards and fell onto the ring, and nine crisp sounds were heard.

If it weren't for the formation in the arena, they would have flown out of the arena at this time.

The rules of all ring battles are the same. If you fall outside the ring, you lose, so...

"Lost? All nine of them lost? With just one move, they lost to Xiang Ziyu?"

"These are nine golden elixir masters, and one of them, a man with nine golden elixirs, was defeated by Xiang Ziyu like this?"

"Isn't this too easy?"

"Is the Great Perfection of the Ten Vision Golden Pills so different from the Nine Golden Pills?"

On the mountain, everyone looked at the T-shaped arena with shock in their hearts.

They knew that the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen was powerful, and they also felt that none of the nine people could be a match for Xiang Ziyu, but they never imagined that Xiang Ziyu would win so easily.

Moreover, Xiang Ziyu’s move, what kind of magical power is this?

Can you return all the attacks from everyone?

Cao Zhen looked at Xiang Ziyu's magical power and almost exclaimed, is this Murong Ziyu? A big shift in the universe?

Where did Xiang Ziyu learn this magical power?

Below the ring, the referee in charge of the T-shaped ring seemed to be a referee for the first time. He had forgotten his duties and stared at Xiang Ziyu as if he had seen something impossible.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly: "Sun, moon and star rotation, where did you learn the sun, moon and star rotation? It was taught to you, why do you know the sun, moon and star rotation of our Sun and Moon Sect! I don't know How can you, a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect, know how to rotate the sun, the moon, and the stars? You are just a golden elixir, how can you perform the rotation of the sun, the moon, and the stars?"

"From the Sun and Moon Sect?"

"The magical power just now is the magical power of the Sun and Moon Sect?"

For a moment, everyone was stunned when they heard the referee's voice.

"Isn't Xiang Ziyu a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect? How come he has the magical powers of the Sun Moon Sect?"

"I have never seen this magical power, but I have heard of its name."

"The sun, moon and stars rotate, aren't those the three great sect-suppressing magical powers of the Sun and Moon Sect?"

"I have also heard the name of this magical power. How come the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect know the magical powers of the Sun and Moon Sect? They are still the three major sect-suppressing magical powers!"

"No wonder, that magical power is so powerful. It turns out to be one of the three great sect-suppressing magical powers of the Sun Moon Sect!"

"That referee is from the Sun and Moon Sect, Elder Qian. He is a master of the Earthly Immortal Realm. He can't even move around the sun, moon, and stars?"

For a time, no one paid attention to the nine people Xiang Ziyu defeated, and no one paid attention to the final result. At this time, almost everyone's focus fell on Xiang Ziyu, and they all wanted to know how Xiang Ziyu did it. The sun, moon and stars of the Riyue Sect rotate.

The Sun Moon Sect is as famous as the Baifeng Sect and is one of the top ten immortal sects.

As the three major sect-suppressing magical powers of the Sun and Moon Sect, it is impossible for everyone to learn them, even the disciples of the Sun and Moon Sect. If you want to learn this magical power, you must complete countless conditions.

Now, there is a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect who performs Sun, Moon and Star Revolving. How can it not be surprising?

Xiang Ziyu heard what Elder Qian said, but he said with disdain: "Who said that the rotation of the sun, moon and stars is your Sun Moon Sect's magical power!"

"How outrageous!" Elder Qian was instantly furious and said coldly: "Since the founding of our Sun Moon Sect, we have possessed the magical power of turning the sun, moon and stars. Who in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty does not know that our Sun Moon Sect possesses such magical powers? ?

You actually question that this is not the magical power of our Sun Moon Sect! Today, if you don't give me an answer that satisfies me, I will definitely go to your Baifeng Sect to get a clear answer. "

The magical powers of the major immortal sects cannot be leaked.

Of course, if it were leaked, they would not, like in many fairy novels, must execute the other party, saying that it would destroy the other party's cultivation.

If that were to happen, the ten major immortal sects of the entire Zhenxian Dynasty would have beaten each other to death long ago.

After all, my disciple is from my Immortal Sect. If you learn the magical power of your Immortal Sect, you will destroy me as a disciple. Then what dignity does our Immortal Sect have?

Therefore, when a disciple of an immortal sect learns the magical powers of other immortal sects, as in the case of Xiang Ziyu, everyone will ask how you got your magical powers.

If it is a coincidence or there is a special reason, I learned it.

Then the other party will explain it clearly, and you, Xiang Ziyu, will understand it after meeting it. That is also your opportunity. However, the magical power belongs to our immortal sect after all. You can know it yourself, but you can no longer leak the magical power to others, and you are not allowed to teach it to others.

If it is taught to others, then the account will be settled carefully.

In this case, even the Baifeng Sect can no longer protect you, because this is the rule of the world of immortality, and the Baifeng Sect itself must abide by it.

Your Baifeng Sect doesn't follow the rules. When the time comes, people won't follow your rules. They learn your Baifeng Sect's magical powers and spread them everywhere, and you won't be able to say anything.

Therefore, the first thing to do in this kind of thing is to ask how to learn the magical power.

If the origin is normal, then there is nothing wrong, but if the origin is abnormal, for example, if you secretly learn the magical power of another immortal sect, then I'm sorry, but this will really destroy your cultivation!

In this situation, no one can say anything. Who asked you to secretly learn other people's magical powers?

"That's right, your Sun Moon Sect has the ability to rotate the sun, the moon, and the stars, so you can't allow it. Others can't do it. The rotation of the sun, the moon, and the stars is not a magical power created by your founder ancestor. That is, Tianming The magical power created by the old man." Xiang Ziyu stood on the ring, looked down at Elder Qian and asked, "Old man Tianming, do you know?"

"Of course I know." Elder Qian said to the sky: "That is the master of our ancestor."

"You know, that's easy to talk about." Xiang Ziyu stretched out three fingers and said: "Old man Tianming has a total of three apprentices. One of them founded the Sun and Moon Sect, and the other apprentice founded the Sun and Moon Demon Sect."

After listening to Xiang Ziyu's words, Cao Zhen finally learned about the relationship between the Sun Moon Sect and the Sun Moon Demon Sect. He had always wondered why the names of the two sects were so similar.

It turns out that the founder of the sect was the same master, and so were these two people. When they founded the sect, they actually used a word in the master's name.

You can take them apart and use them. This is to respect your Master and that’s fine. But don’t you know how to dismantle the Tianzi and the Mingzi?

Do both of them have to remove this clear character?

Xiang Ziyu paused slightly as he spoke, and continued: "In addition to these two people, Old Man Tianming also has another disciple who did not create any sect, but has always been alone, and his reputation is unknown.

Old Man Tianming also taught the Sun, Moon, and Stars to two people. One is his second disciple, the founder of your Sun Moon Sect, and the other is his junior disciple, Senior Jian Yun. "

" do you know about Senior Jian Yun!" Elder Qian was completely shocked. In the Sun Moon Sect, only after becoming an Earth Immortal and an elder would one learn about such secrets.

It meets these two conditions at the same time!

If you become an elder alone or become an Earth Fairyland alone, you will not tell this secret.

Xiang Ziyu said with a proud look on his face: "Why do I know? Because I got some inheritance left by senior Jian Yun."

"What? You got the inheritance from Senior Jian Yun?" Elder Qian almost believed Xiang Ziyu's words. After all, there are too few people who know this kind of secret. If Xiang Ziyu, an outsider, can know, nine times out of ten, it is Really.

But he couldn't rule out that there were still people outside who knew this secret, which was related to the three major Shin Sect magical powers of their Sun Moon Sect, so he wanted to continue asking.

"How do you prove that you have received the inheritance from Senior Jian Yun?"

"How to prove it?" Xiang Ziyu raised his hand and grabbed it, as if he wanted to take out something from the Qiankun bag, but he got half of it. He paused and said, "Forget it, let me tell you, you don't You know, when you see the real person of your sect, tell him that the Xuanji Yin-Yang Stick is in my hand, and he will know."

Elder Qian nodded slightly and did not ask any more questions. He indeed did not know about this Xuan-level Yin-Yang stick. However, Xiang Ziyu must have some connection with Senior Jian Yun when he said this.

He looked towards the top of the mountain.

He was now a referee and could not contact their leader immediately, but he was not the only one who came to lead the team of their Sun Moon Sect, but another elder could contact the real leader.

While Elder Qian quickly announced that the winner was Empress Xiang Ziyu, he sent a message into the distance and said, "Elder Kang, please contact the Master Zhang Zong."

Elder Kang on the mountain could no longer care about the people around him. He quickly took out a ancestral form, quickly wrote some words, and then burned the ancestral form in front of everyone.

It was related to the three major sect-suppressing magical powers of their Sun and Moon Sect, and he must report this moment quickly.

Speaking of which, it is not only Elder Qian who cannot rotate the sun, moon and stars, but also he cannot rotate the sun, moon and stars. Elder Qian cannot rotate the sun, moon and stars because Elder Qian is not suitable for cultivating that magical power.

As the sun, moon and stars rotate, as the three major sect-suppressing magical powers of their Sun and Moon Sect, they have extremely high requirements for practitioners. First of all, the first requirement is the Earthly Immortal Realm.

It is impossible to practice this magical power outside of the fairyland.

He also wondered why Xiang Ziyu could use the sun, moon and star rotation when he was clearly just a golden elixir. Could it be that senior Jian Yun had modified the sun and moon magical powers?

As for the second requirement for practicing magical powers, one needs to be extremely good at the Way of Yin and Yang.

The sun and the moon are one yin and one yang. Those who are not good at yin and yang cannot practice at all.

Although Elder Qian is in the Earth Immortal Realm, he is not a person who is good at Yin and Yang, so he does not know how to move around the sun, moon and stars.

As for him, the reason why he can't rotate the sun, the moon, and the stars is not because of the Yin and Yang. What he is best at is the Yin and Yang. The reason why he can't do it is that he is not qualified enough to see the magical power.

Even if he is an elder of the Sun and Moon Sect, even if he is already in the Earthly Immortal Realm, as the sun, moon and stars turn, as the Sun and Moon Sect’s sect-suppressing magical power, it is impossible to say that he can practice it after entering the Earthly Immortal Realm and becoming an elder. of.

This time he led the team out, and after returning to the sect, he would not be able to have the qualification to watch the sun, moon and stars transform their magical powers.

If you want to see supernatural powers, you probably have to wait until the Little Era of Reversal of the Universe is over.

Zongbiao was burned quickly and not for a long time.

At this time, many people's eyes were no longer on the arena, but on the burned Zongbiao.

Soon, the ashes of the burned Zongbiao gradually condensed into shape, and then a majestic voice came from the Zongbiao.

"The Xuanji Yin-Yang Stick is Senior Jian Yun's magic weapon. Since the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect know this magic weapon, they must have been passed down by Senior Jian Yun. If this is the case, let's not pursue this matter further."

Although he knew a voice, when Elder Kang heard the voice, he still cupped his hands towards Zongbiao, who had condensed into shape and then quickly dispersed, and said respectfully: "I will obey the instructions of the master."

Then, he turned his head and looked at Xiang Ziyu who had left the ring and flew to the mountain peak to compete with Cao Zhen and others with a complicated expression. He cupped his hands and said, "Since your Sun, Moon and Stars came from Senior Jian Yun, , then our Sun Moon Sect will no longer pursue this matter."

The sun, moon and stars are turning, and he has no chance to learn it now, but Xiang Ziyu, a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect, has actually learned it and used it.

How could Xiang Ziyu be so lucky to find the inheritance of Senior Jian Yun!

As far as he knew, people from the Sun Moon Sect often went down the mountain to look for the inheritance of Senior Jian Yun. However, for countless years, they had searched almost all the places in the Zhenxian Dynasty where Senior Jian Yun might have stayed. After searching all over, I still haven't found the remains of Senior Jian Yun.

Xiang Ziyu is just one person, how come he got the relics of Senior Jian Yun?

Xiao Beiyan suddenly became excited after listening to Elder Kang's words, and asked: "Senior Brother, you got that Sun Moon Star Rotation from Senior Jian Yun, not from the Sun Moon Sect. In that case, you can be regarded as a Jian Yun." Senior Yun is the only successor. Can you pass on your magical powers to us at will?"

Although Bei Yan was young, he had a loud voice. His words reached Elder Kang's ears even though they were far away.

Elder Kang almost spat out a mouthful of blood when he heard this. Is this boy sincerely provoking him?

He was a little unhappy and said: "Teaching magical powers? He can indeed teach magical powers, and our Sun Moon Sect has no control over it. However, the cultivation of this magical power has great limitations, and not everyone can practice it."

Xiao Beiyan suddenly felt unhappy. Who does this little old man look down on? Also, who is the little old man talking to? Big or small.

"Senior Brother, I'm a little strange." Xiao Beiyan suddenly thought of a question, looked at Xiang Ziyu and asked: "You have received the inheritance of Senior Jianyun, then you are the next generation of Senior Jianyun, Senior Jianyun and Ri The founder of the Yue Sect is our senior brother. So, how should they, the elders, call you? Teacher-uncle? Patriarch-uncle? Grandmaster-uncle?"

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