Immortal cultivators have many criteria for judging genius.

Some people think that those who are naturally intelligent and practice extremely quickly are geniuses.

Some people think that those who are slow in cultivation but have a strong Taoist heart are geniuses.

Some people think that only those who have understanding and a rock-solid Taoist heart can be called geniuses.

However, everyone agrees that those who can break through in battle must be geniuses!

Qiao Jingyao felt the spear that couldn't penetrate even an inch, and her chest was filled with endless unyielding. She didn't care whether the other party was the reincarnation of some great power, she just knew that the other party was only capable of forming seven pills. Seven pills?

She is a fifth-level golden elixir, and she is a person whose golden elixirs are all visionary elixirs!

As a result, she couldn't even break through the other party's defense. What will others think of their Tianmei Sect in the future? When they recruit new disciples, will others choose their sect?

Others will say that the sect's golden elixir and the seven-layer defense of the connecting elixir cannot be broken. What's the use of such a sect?

Nowadays, the Little Era of the Qianqiankun Reversal is about to come. By then, if the world is really in chaos, others will see that their Tianmei Sect is so weak, and it is more likely to attract attacks from other powers.

We must not lose like this.

I want the whole world to see Tianmei Sect’s persistence and let them know that Tianmei Sect also has outstanding disciples!

You must never let others look down upon Tianmei Sect!

In Qiao Jingyao's chest, the endless unyielding spirit turned into fighting spirit and soared into the sky.

Behind her, the illusory golden elixir gradually solidified and turned into a golden elixir under the surging fighting spirit.

The golden elixir shines brightly. In the round elixir body, you can see two boulders stacked together. A green sapling squeezes out from the gap between the boulders, growing tenaciously upward.

Her whole aura also increased greatly.

In the distance, high on the mountain, exclamations came out one after another.

"Sixth level of golden elixir!"

"Her sixth golden elixir is also a vision golden elixir."

"He actually broke through during the battle!"

"This person's talent is really high."

"She has made a breakthrough. Can she defeat Peak Master Cao?"

As Qiao Jingyao's sixth golden elixir condensed and took shape, the sapling grew. For a moment, the entire arena was filled with the feeling of growth.

On the arena blessed by formations, weeds broke through the hard stones of the arena and grew wildly. For a moment, the entire arena turned green.

It seems that plants are growing everywhere in the arena.

At Cao Zhen's feet, every golden elixir of Qiao Jingyao was on top, even on the spear in her hand.

The silver spear was covered with new plants, forming a sharp thorn, which seemed to be able to pierce everything in the world, and suddenly stabbed in front of Cao Zhen.


There was a loud noise like a stone pillar breaking or a mountain collapsing, and the golden body of the dragon and tiger on Cao Zhen suddenly shattered.

Almost at the same time, above his head, two rays of light, one black and one white, shot out from the heretic golden elixir.

Gods and Demons Record!

Black and white light emerged. Black seemed like two galaxies of black and white, protecting Cao Zhen in the middle. The spear fell into the rotating black and white light, as if it was stuck in a quagmire. As the two lights rotated, The sharpness of the spear was also being consumed bit by bit.

Cao Zhen took advantage of the stalemate between Qiao Jingyao and Shenmolu. Above his head, purple thunder appeared on the heretic golden elixir.

Five thunder rectification!

The terrifying power of thunder fell from the sky.

Qiao Jingyao was already injured when she passed through the violent sun flames. She just relied on her willpower to stab her with a spear. Although she later broke through in the battle, the breakthrough could not heal her injuries.

She looked at the purple thunder falling from the sky and wanted to dodge, but the injuries on her body made her move slower.

The next moment, purple thunder crashed down and hit her hard.

Suddenly, purple light exploded.

Under this terrifying blow, Qiao Jingyao's body was directly blown away. After flying a distance of more than ten feet, she fell heavily to the ground.

On her body, purple lightning arcs kept shining and jumping, as if they were purple electric snakes swimming away.


Even in the battle, she broke through to the sixth level of the Golden Core, but she still had to lose to Cao Zhen?


She would never allow her to fail like this.

Qiao Jingyao struggled, moving her hands to support her body, but every time the thunder light on her body beat, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Her injuries were really too severe. She couldn't even control her body. How could she stand up and fight?

Although neither Cao Zhen nor Qiao Jingyao was a master of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, when the grand master said that Cao Zhen was in the pill formation stage, this battle attracted the attention of countless people.

Similarly, everyone also noticed Qiao Jingyao.

Many people were moved when they saw Qiao Jingyao, who was still trying to stand up despite her body shaking uncontrollably.

"What a persevering disciple, what a pity..."

"Yeah, it's really a pity. Her cultivation level is higher than that of Master Cao, but her magical power is too weak."

"If she were fighting someone else, it might not show that her magical power is too weak, but compared with Peak Master Cao's magical power, the gap in magical power is huge."

"Peak Master Cao's magical powers are either top-notch magical powers, or ones that are specifically designed to restrain her."

"If she were in our Mingxin Sect, she would definitely have more powerful magical powers to fight against Peak Master Cao. She could even win with the magical powers of our Mingxin Sect. It's a pity that she comes from the Tianmei Sect, and she can't even use the magic weapon. Immortal gate that cannot be provided to her.”

"But, no matter what, Peak Master Cao won again and entered the fourth round with his cultivation in the Dan Formation Stage."

"Actually, if Qiao Jingyao comes from the top ten immortal sects, Peak Master Cao may not be able to win this battle."

In the sighs of everyone.

Cao Zhen walked to and stood in front of Qiao Jingyao. He did not attack Qiao Jingyao again, but persuaded her: "Okay, you have done well enough to break through in the battle, and you are dazzling enough."

Qiao Jingyao didn't reply, she just used her hands to support herself with difficulty.

Cao Zhen did not persuade Qiao Jingyao to admit defeat. From the opponent's battle, he could feel the opponent's stubbornness and unyielding.

He knew that even if he persuaded the other party to admit defeat, the other party would not admit defeat, so he could only eliminate the other party.

Cao Zhen raised his arm towards Qiao Jingyao, who had just raised half of his body. For a moment, a soft mana surged out, forming a wave of air that lifted up Qiao Jingyao, who had no strength to fight anymore, and fell straight to the ring. at the edge.

Qiao Jingyao kept twisting her body, trying to fall down, but with her current injury, it was impossible to resist Cao Zhen's strength.

In just one breath, she hit the edge of the ring. Suddenly, the ring's formation was triggered, and a light curtain rose, knocking Qiao Jingyao back to the ring.

The power Cao Zhen exerted was unusually gentle. Even when Qiao Jingyao fell back onto the ring, she did not fall again. Waves of magic protected her in the middle.

As Qiao Jingyao triggered the ring's light, the referee's voice quickly sounded below the ring.

"A-shaped arena, the winner is Cao Zhen, the Four Treasure Peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

Following the referee's voice, Cao Zhen flew down in front of Qiao Jingyao, took out a Tianyuan Qi Pill, and whispered: "Open your mouth."

He really admired the opponent in front of him, a small immortal sect from who knows where. The immortal sect was too poor to even equip her with a magical weapon, and the magical power she used was even from the Baifeng Sect, a person in the pill formation stage. A low-level magical power that no one knows how to use.

Under such conditions, it is conceivable that her master may not be able to teach her much.

But she still became a sixth-level golden elixir, and every golden elixir was a visionary elixir, which shows how amazing her talent is.

What's even more rare is her persistence and unyielding spirit.

If so, he would not use his own elixir to heal other opponents after defeating them.

But the opponent in front of him was worthy of him taking out the Tianyuan Qi Pill he had just refined.

Qiao Jingyao just looked up at Cao Zhen with a stubborn look on her face, without opening her mouth.

Cao Zhen sighed softly and said: "I give you the elixir, not to look down on you, nor to be like those people who say to beggars on the street, 'Hey, come and eat.' I give you the elixir, just I think you are worthy of respect.

In addition, your injury is either serious or minor. You have just broken through and it is the time you need to stabilize. If you are injured and unable to practice, it will affect you.

If you don't want to see your sect and try to sell iron, let's find a way to help you get elixirs to heal your injuries. "

When Qiao Jingyao heard the next sentence, she thought of her master and sect master, and immediately opened her mouth. She knew that after she was injured, Master would definitely find a way to get healing medicine for her.

Healing elixirs are not cheap. She cannot let her master or her sect waste resources because of her.

The next moment, Cao Zhen flicked the Tianyuan Qi Pill into Qiao Jingyao's mouth.

When the elixir entered her mouth, Qiao Jingyao suddenly felt an unusually soft breath full of vitality enter her body from her throat and spread throughout her body in an instant.

Although this breath is gentle, it gives people a sense of vastness.

It was as if a stream of water was washing away the dirt on her body, and it was as if the soft sunlight from the sky was bathing her.

Her whole body felt indescribably comfortable.

She had been injured before. After she was injured, the master would also give her healing elixirs, but those healing elixirs took effect slowly after she took them.

She remembered that the most serious injury she suffered was when she went out to slay demons for a material just after becoming a golden elixir. Although she killed the demon in the end, she also suffered heavy injuries.

That time she was with her master, who immediately gave her the elixir, but she still had to lie in bed for seven days before she could meditate in front of her to repair her injuries.

However, right now, the moment she took this elixir, she felt like all the injuries on her body were healed.

Cao Zhen's voice soon sounded: "This elixir cannot make you fully recover, but after taking the elixir, you don't have to rush to heal your injuries. You can continue to stay here and watch the Immortals Martial Arts Conference. Wait for the conference When it's over, go back and practice your own skills. After a long cycle, all your injuries should be healed."

After saying that, he jumped off the ring.

These Tianyuan Yiqi Pills were specially made by him to treat injuries of himself or his disciples. They were aimed at the battle injuries caused by the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen.

Now, it is no problem to just heal Qiao Jingyao's injuries.

In fact, at first he wanted to let Qiao Jingyao go back and run the skills for two small weeks to recover, but he just thought of Qiao Jingyao's magical power and felt that the skills Qiao Jingyao practiced were probably average, so he changed his mind to Yuanzhuan a big Sunday.

In just the blink of an eye, Qiao Jingyao's injuries were mostly recovered. She looked at Cao Zhen who had walked off the ring, cupped her fists with both hands, and saluted Cao Zhen: "Thank you, Peak Master Cao." If it weren't for Peak Master Cao, he would have Master didn't know how much it would cost to treat her injuries.

After thanking Cao Zhen, she took a step forward and was about to jump off the ring, but suddenly there was a gust of wind in the sky.

In her sight, a golden light shot straight towards her eyebrows.

This ray of light was faster than lightning. She had recovered a lot from her injuries, but when she saw this ray of light, she just had a desire to dodge in her heart. This ray of light had already shot into the center of her eyebrows.

Suddenly, a vast sea of ​​knowledge came into her mind.


This is a skill!

A top-notch skill!

Although she had not seen all the techniques, she could feel the breadth and depth of the techniques and the mystery of them just from a glance.

Moreover, this is a magical power that suits her extremely well.

At the same time, many people on the mountain peak looked towards the front, the mountain with the best position.


They could see clearly that the light just now was clearly emitted by the Grand Master. What did the Grand Master do?

The grand master looked at Qiao Jingyao on the stage from a distance, with no change in expression on his face, and said very calmly: "The technique I gave you is the Xuanmu True Solution, but it is a technique suitable for you. I will practice this technique from now on."

All around, everyone was completely shocked.

"Grand Master, just used his supreme magic power to directly drive a skill into Qiao Jingyao's mind?"

"Grand Master, why did you give Qiao Jingyao the technique?"

"What do the Grand Master think?"

Everyone couldn't understand it at all, and some people were also confused.

"Xuanmu Zhenjie?"

"What kind of technique is that?"

"Why have I never heard of this technique?"

In the direction of the Thousand Cave Gate, an elder showed a look of surprise on his face and whispered: "Xuanmu Zhenjie, that is not the Immortal Sect's technique from our Immortal Suppressing Dynasty, it belongs to the Qingmu Sect of the Great Jin Dynasty. The Sect-Suppressing Cultivation Technique, this technique can only be practiced by the Immortal Body of Wood."

All around, everyone exclaimed again.

"All the golden elixirs of Qiao Jingyao are all vision elixirs, and the visions in the elixirs are also the visions of wood. She is obviously the Immortal Body of Wood."

"This technique is the most suitable for her."

"The Qingmu Sect was also an extremely powerful immortal sect in the Great Jin Dynasty. It is almost comparable to the top ten immortal sects in our Immortal Suppressing Dynasty. How could the Grand Master have the skills of a certain immortal sect in the Great Jin Dynasty?"

"The key is that the grand master has the other party's skills and gave them directly to him."

"So what if I give it away? Even if the people from the Jin Dynasty and the Qing Sect knew about it, would they still dare to come in and call our Zhenxian Dynasty to ask for it from the Grand Master?"

No one around him answered him.

The people of the Aoki Sect naturally did not dare to offend the Grand Master, but that was also a normal situation.

Nowadays, the day when the world is reversed in the Minor Era is getting closer and closer. Every few days, an expert will fall asleep. Just yesterday, the elders they led received news that the great elder of their Thousand Caves Sect has fallen asleep.

Under such circumstances, it is not known when the Grand Master will fall asleep. Some people even suspect that the Grand Master may fall asleep before the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament is over.

After the grand master falls asleep, won't the people from the Aoki Sect come to settle the score after they get the news?

However, they now dare not say these words in front of the Grand Master.

Even though there are so many people here, even if they can discuss in a low voice, who knows whether the Grand Master will hear the great master's cultivation.

After the Grand Master finished speaking, he raised his hand again, stretched out a finger, and pointed again in the direction of Qiao Jingyao. Suddenly, another golden light shot out from his finger and fell into the center of Qiao Jingyao's eyebrows.

The Grand Master's voice also sounded again.

"I'll teach you two more magical powers, the Dance of the First Wood, and the Ten Thousand Wood Cage."

"Hasuki no Mai?"

"What kind of magical power is that?"

"I have never heard of this magical power."

"I don't know, I've never heard the name of this magical power."

Many disciples looked at the elders who led them, but the elders also shook their heads.

"We don't know this magical power either."

"Perhaps this is the Grand Master's own magical power."

"However, the magical power that can be used by the Grand Master must not be weak."

"We haven't heard of the Dance of the First Wood, but we have heard of the Ten Thousand Wood Cage!"

"Wanmu Cage? Isn't that the magical power of Old Man Kumu?"

"It is indeed the magical power of Old Man Kumu!"

"Old Man withered Tree..."

Many people in the crowd knew about Old Man Kumu, but some people asked with puzzled faces: "Who is Old Man Kumu? I have heard of Old Man Sijue and Old Man Nature, but I have never heard of him. But there was such an old man withered wood.”

"Old Man Kumu, he is dead."

Someone in the crowd explained: "Everyone knows that the Grand Master once uprooted the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect. In fact, after that, the Grand Master also did one more thing, which was to kill the old man withered wood. .

Old Man withered Tree is an existence with the same name as Old Man of Nature and Old Man of Four Wonders. In fact, after the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect were expelled from the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty, no one dared to touch the Grand Master's bad luck.

I don’t know what the old man Kumu was thinking, but he didn’t take the laws promulgated by the Grand Master at all. Maybe he thought that he was alone and the world was so big that he couldn’t defeat the Grand Master, so he couldn’t hide. ?

However, he was still found by the Grand Master and beheaded on the spot. "

"As famous as the Old Man of Nature and the Four Elders, the magical power of the Old Man withered Tree must be extremely exquisite."

"As for Qiao Jingyao, her weakest ability was her magical powers before. Now, the Grand Master has directly given these two top magical powers to Qiao Jingyao. Qiao Jingyao's shortcomings have been made up for in an instant."

"If Qiao Jingyao develops magical powers and then fights Master Cao Feng, I'm afraid the winner will not be Master Cao Feng."

"It's just, Grand Master, why did he send the skills and magical powers to Qiao Jingyao the next day?"

While everyone was puzzled, the Grand Master waved his arm again, and an emerald green whip flew out. The whip was extremely thin, like a willow stick. However, when everyone around looked at the whip flying down, they felt as if there was a The dragon's tail pierced the void and landed on the ring.

"This is the Dragon Cloud Green Tail Whip, and I will give it to you as well."

Qiao Jingyao looked at the magical soldiers beside her and felt the mystery of the magical powers in her mind. She was stunned for a moment. Then she suddenly knelt down, kowtowed heavily in the direction of the Grand Master and said, "Thank you, Grand Master!"

Although she didn't know why the Grand Master gave her magical powers, his martial arts, and magical weapons, she just knew that she had magical weapons, and she also had stronger magical powers and martial arts.

Then, when the Little Era comes when the world is reversed, she will be more confident in protecting the sect.

"It doesn't have to be like this." The grand master looked at Qiao Jingyao and said from a distance, "These are all what you deserve.

The reason why the Holy One held the Immortal Martial Arts Competition was not only to select the National Master and the Immortal General to protect the country. At the same time, I also want to select the world's talents, discover those who are talented, and provide help and rewards. You deserve these magical weapons, magical powers, and techniques. "

The Grand Master's words had already fallen, and everyone around him was even more incomprehensible.

"The Immortals Martial Arts Conference also selects the world's elites?"


Everyone looked at each other, did they say something? Although they didn't say it out loud, everyone knew what it meant.

Grand Master, if he chooses talented people, isn't he afraid of the backlash?

Grand Master wouldn't think that if he just rewards others with skills, magical powers, and magical weapons, then others will pursue him wholeheartedly and let him use them as he pleases, right?

After all, Qiao Jingyao still has a sect.

The first thing she thought of must be her sect.

As for the Grand Master, he is suppressing many immortal cultivators. There will inevitably be conflicts at that time, so what will happen then?

Grand Master, isn't that causing trouble for himself?

Even though the Grand Master didn't care at all, he was just a person with the sixth level of the Golden Core.

However, the Grand Master, who had always suppressed immortal cultivators, had no reason to help such a person.

Everyone was completely confused.

Cao Zhen found that he could not understand the Grand Master.

The Grand Master suppressed the world of cultivating immortals. That was what the Grand Master said to himself.

Now, the Grand Master said that the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament is also for selecting the world's talents. The Grand Master even helped a weak disciple of the Immortal Sect.

What exactly does Grand Master want to do?

The grand master didn't care what everyone thought. After sending the magic weapon out, he stopped talking.

To the west of the A-shaped arena, the referee saw that the grand master had stopped talking, and then he said: "A-shaped arena, No. 307... come to the arena."

The immortal martial arts competition continues.

Since the conference is now randomly selected, the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks do not know when they will take the stage.

Cao Zhen looked around, took out the Tianyuan Qi Replenishing Pill that he had refined, and handed it to his eldest disciple, Ling Xi, saying: "Master, I have to go back to refine the pill first, and I can't watch your fight anymore. You have to take these pills." . Once your junior brothers and sisters are injured, give them one pill."

He was really in a hurry now.

If the Qiao Jingyao he met had stronger magical powers and powerful magical weapons, he might really be in trouble after Qiao Jingyao broke through and became the Six Visions Golden Pill.

This is only the third round.

Wait until tomorrow, the fourth round, and the opponent you will encounter will definitely be stronger. If you haven't entered the golden elixir yet, I'm afraid you will really lose.

Therefore, he must seize all the time to go back and refine the elixir now.

Finally, his five disciples, five of them, four of them were perfect in the Golden Pill of Ten Visions. Even Yi Sheng also had the Golden Pill of Eight Visions and had just received the magical power he taught. Think about it, in the third round they There shouldn't be any opponents that can create difficulties for them.

He even left the elixir behind just in case.

"That's right." Cao Zhen looked at Yisheng again and transmitted the message into the secret passage, "You'd better find someone to inform your father not to increase my odds, otherwise, the gambling house will lose money. . Also, how much money do we have left? After your game is over, you immediately go to Tongbao Gambling House and bet all on me to win the first place."

Now, Xingkui Casino has his shares, and he can't watch Xingkui Casino lose money.

After Cao Zhen finished giving instructions to Yisheng, he quickly left the area where the arena was located and flew directly towards the capital.

Now, today's Immortal Martial Arts Conference has just begun, and no one has left at all. Cao Zhen's departure immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Peak Master Cao left again?"

"He seems to leave early every day. The difference is that before, he would wait until his disciple's ring battle was over before leaving, but today, he left directly after his own battle was over."

"His five disciples haven't come on stage yet, haven't they? He doesn't even watch his own disciples' fighting?"

"You tell me, Peak Master Cao, why does he rush to leave every day? It can't be for cultivation, right? It's just a day or two. How much can he improve if he practices again?"

"It's over, I'm in trouble this time!" Suddenly, a person in the crowd said with a sad face, "I saw before that Peak Master Cao's odds were higher than Lord Haoyue Xing, so I bet on Peak Master Cao to get First, in the end, who would have thought that Peak Master Cao was only in the elixir formation stage.

In the elixir-forming stage, even if he could surpass the last few inner elixirs and advance directly to the golden elixir stage, he would still have a few more golden elixirs. All my spiritual stones are going to be wild. "

"You actually bought Peak Master Cao? many spiritual stones did you buy Peak Master Cao?"

"One million taels of spirit stones."

"You... what are you talking about? If you had listened to me earlier, it would be great if you bought Haoyue Xingjun with me. Although Haoyue Xingjun's odds are even lower, you are the same as me, buying one million taels of spiritual stones. , Haoyue Xingjun wins, and you can also earn one million taels of spiritual stones.

If you bought Cao Zhen directly, wouldn't you have to pay compensation? Now, if you regret it, it may be difficult for you to buy Haoyue Xingjun and get the first place.

After all, there were a total of two reincarnated great masters, and one of them suddenly turned out to be only in the elixir formation stage. The first one is almost certainly Haoyue Xingjun. Those gambling shops will definitely adjust the odds of Haoyue Xingjun. "

"I regret not listening to what my senior brother said."

In Yi Mansion, Gu Chengyu looked at Cao Zhen who had returned not long after he left, and was stunned for a moment: "Master Cao, what are you?"

Cao Zhen took the place of Elder Gu and fired an elixir formula into the elixir furnace. He said, "My battle is over. Just in time, I'm back to make elixirs. Please excuse me for taking care of Elder Gu. Elder Gu, please go to the arena now." That's it.

I think I don’t need to bother Elder Gu anymore tomorrow. "

"No need tomorrow, that means..." Gu Chengyu suddenly came to his senses and asked with a happy face, "Master Cao, do you mean to say that your elixir can be refined today?"

A smile appeared on Cao Zhen's face: "If nothing unexpected happens, it will be tonight."

"Oh? Can the elixir be completed today?" Gu Chengyu asked with a look of expectation on his face, "Peak Master Cao, I don't know, can I stay here and learn from the peak master in refining the elixir? Peak Master, don't worry, wait until the elixir is completed. After that, I immediately left the room."

When refining an elixir, the most important day is the last day, and this day is also the day when you can learn the most.

Under normal circumstances, when an alchemist makes an elixir, others are not allowed to watch.

However, his situation was different. After all, Peak Master Cao had taught him how to make alchemy many times, and when Master Cao was away, he was the one who took care of the alchemy furnace for Master Cao.

What's more, Peak Master Cao is dedicated to the Hundred Peaks Sect. With Peak Master Cao's big heart, he should be allowed to watch the alchemy here.

Of course, he also knew that after Master Cao's elixir was completed, he would have to take the elixir. At that time, he would naturally not be suitable to stay in the room anymore.

"Elder Gu, you're welcome. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask." Not only did Cao Zhen not chase Elder Gu away, he even taught Gu Chengyu how to make elixirs while he was making them.

Outside, the immortal martial arts competition is still going on.

As more and more people are eliminated and fewer and fewer people remain, the time for the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament to end is getting earlier and earlier day by day.

Today, the sun has not completely set, and the Immortals Martial Arts Conference has come to an end.

Today, more people are running towards the major gambling houses.

They all knew today that Cao Zhen was not in the Golden Core stage, so the chances of the winner of this Immortal Martial Arts Competition being Lord Haoyuexing were infinite.

Many people even think that betting on Haoyue Xingjun to win is almost a waste of money.

For a time, the major gambling houses in the capital were crowded with immortal cultivators.

"Why are Haoyue Xingjun's odds so low? One-to-one payout is 10%? In other words, if you bet on one million taels of spirit stones, you can only earn one hundred thousand taels of spirit stones?"

"This is too little."

Several immortal cultivators looked at the odds in the gambling house and hesitated for a moment. They could guess that with the news that Cao Zhen was only in the pill formation stage, the gambling house would definitely adjust the odds, but they didn't expect that, The gambling house was so shameless that it adjusted Haoyue Xingjun's odds so low.

While several people were hesitating, impatient voices came from behind.

"Whether you hold the people in front of you, or not, the people behind you will still have to hold them."

"If you don't press, get out of the way."

The two immortal cultivators in front listened to the urging from behind and looked at each other. One of the slightly taller young immortal cultivators whispered: "Senior brother, otherwise we should just bet. If you make less money, you will make money. Lord Haoyue Xing won first place." The odds are too high.”

"However, the genius disciples of the top ten immortal sects, as well as the disciples of Old Man Ziran and Old Man Four Jue, should not be underestimated. Once Mr. Hao Yue Xing really loses, all the spiritual stones we bet on will be lost. Yes, there is a huge difference between the risks and benefits.”


The two were hesitating when suddenly, someone from behind shouted: "Go to Xingkui Gambling House, Xingkui Gambling House, Haoyue Xingjun has a higher odds of winning the championship, it's 10% to 1%."

"Are the odds at Xingkui Gambling House so high? Let's go to Xingkui Gambling House!"

"If you bet one million taels of spiritual stones on Haoyue Xingjun at Xingkui Gambling House, you will end up making two hundred thousand taels. Tongbao Gambling House has an extra one hundred thousand taels of spiritual stones. Let's go to Xingkui Gambling House."

In the gambling house, the immortal cultivators left one after another and headed towards Xingkui Gambling House.

Soon, the owner of Tongbao Casino realized that something was wrong. This time, he didn’t even wait for anyone to go upstairs to report it. Instead, he ran downstairs, looked at the almost empty gambling house, and hurriedly called to the shopkeeper. Asked: "What happened? They all left? Did they go to Xingkui Gambling House again? Did Xingkui Gambling House come up with a new way of betting?"

The shopkeeper quickly replied: "My boss, Xingkui Casino has not come up with a new betting method, but at Xingkui Casino, Haoyue Xingjun has a higher odds of winning the championship, which is 1 to 12%. So, they all Went to Xingkui Casino."

"One pays 12%, are they crazy? If those people all bet on Haoyue Xingjun, and Haoyue Xingjun really wins the first place in the end, how much money will the gambling house lose! That bastard Yi Qiancheng..." The owner weighed After a while, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Go, let's change the odds of Haoyue Xingjun winning the championship to 1 to 12%."

Although, in this way, if Haoyue Xingjun really wins the first place and becomes the national master, their gambling house will have to spend a lot more money, but that is better than this, almost no one is better!

Moreover, now that they have new betting methods, there are still some people who choose new betting methods. In this way, the probability of failure for those people increases a lot.

Even if they lose more money and may catch other bettors, their casino still makes a profit.

Soon, the news spread that Tongbao Gambling House had changed Haoyue Xingjun's odds of winning the championship to 1 to 12%.

For a while, many people who were queuing up at Xingkui Gambling left Xingkui Gambling again and went to Tongbao Gambling. After all, the odds were the same, but there were so many people at Xingkui Gambling, and they still had to wait, so why? Don't report it to the gambling den.

In Tongbao Gambling House, the owner of the gambling house saw customers appearing in large numbers, and nodded with satisfaction and returned to his seat on the second floor.

However, not long after, he was surprised to find that the number of customers in the gambling house began to decrease significantly.

This time, before he could take the initiative to ask, the shopkeeper of the gambling house quickly went upstairs to inform him.

"My boss, the Xingkui Gambling House has adjusted its odds again. They have changed the odds of Haoyue Xingjun winning the championship to 1 to 13%. Now all the guests are heading to the Xingkui Gambling House."

"Thirty percent!" The owner of Tongbao Gambling House was so angry that he threw the tea cup in front of him to the ground and said angrily, "That's crazy. That Yi Qiancheng is really crazy. He didn't hit himself. Jobs, he is destroying everyone’s jobs.”

The shopkeeper looked at the torn tea cups on the ground, feeling his boss's anger, and asked cautiously: "Boss, will our gambling shop follow suit?"

"Follow? Why follow! 13%, do you know what this odds means? How likely is Haoyue Xingjun to win?

Although Cao Zhen is also reincarnated, he is only in a small period of forming pills. How can he stop Lord Haoyuexing? Everyone knows how likely Haoyue Xingjun is to win.

Before, when it was still 12%, others might still think that the odds were low, so they chose not to buy Haoyue Xingjun, or they bought them together.

But at 13%, if you buy one million taels of spiritual stones, you can earn 300,000 taels, which is a lot. I don’t know how many people will directly choose to only buy Haoyue Xingjun after seeing this odds. , our gambling house will lose money if it fails!

Isn't Yi Qiancheng 13%? Then let him make it 13%. I think he can hold on for a few days. He persisted until the end.

He persisted until the end. I will go directly to their Xingkui Casino and buy Haoyue Xingjun to win. I will pay him to death. "

"My boss is wise." The shopkeeper praised him quickly and said what he remembered, "By the way, my boss, Xingkui Gambling House, the odds on Cao Zhen are now 25% to 1, which has not improved at all."

"Huh, he didn't increase Cao Zhen's odds because his daughter is Cao Zhen's disciple, just to give Cao Zhen face. In fact, it doesn't make much sense for us to increase Cao Zhen's odds. After all, How could Cao Zhen get first place in a small period of pill formation?"

Xingkui Gambling House.

Several people in charge in the gambling room looked down at the crowded crowd, but there was no trace of happiness on their faces, but instead they were full of worry.

An old man with a slightly stooped back looked at the crowds that were still coming to the gambling house, and finally couldn't help but remind him: "President Yi... Isn't the odds of 13% too high? What if it's the Haoyuexing?" If you really win, our gambling house may lose money in the end."

In fact, he advocated from the beginning to adjust the odds to be as high as those of Tongbao Casino, with a payout of 10% to 1%. Later, when the president adjusted the odds to 1/2 to 1/2, he had some objections. In that case, their gambling house might really not be able to make money, and even if they did, they might not make much money.

This one will cost you 13%. If you don’t do it right, you will really have to lose money.

Betting at the opening of the gambling house always makes money, there is no reason to lose money.

"It doesn't matter, that Lord Haoyuexing may not be able to win first place."

Yi Qiancheng looked at the entrance of the casino below, but his expression was equally solemn. He had received news from his daughter before, saying that his daughter's master reminded him not to increase her master's odds.

Because her daughter told him with great certainty that her master would definitely win first place!

Tonight, my daughter's master will have a big breakthrough!

He chose to believe in his daughter. He knew that his daughter would never cheat him.

Moreover, the daughter and her master hold shares in the gambling house. There is no need for the daughter's master to be at odds with his own interests.

That's why he increased Haoyue Xingjun's odds.

Of course, he didn't dare to improve too much.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Haoyue Xingjun has a great chance of winning first place.

Everything depends on whether my daughter's master can be greatly improved tonight!

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