In the third round of the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, the five disciples from the Four Treasure Peak did not encounter too difficult opponents and won easily.

After several people returned to Yi Mansion, they all came to the new alchemy room prepared for Cao Zhen in Yi Qian City and waited.

Their master said that they can have a big breakthrough today.

Yi Sheng looked at his senior brothers and sisters with curiosity and asked: "Tell me, Master said he could break through today. What level of cultivation can Master break through to?"

Leng Xi didn't even think about it and said directly: "Master's breakthrough will definitely lead to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir."

"I don't think so." Xiao Beiyan looked at everyone and said, "Look at the time before, we all broke through to form ten pills, but Master only formed seven pills.

Therefore, after we have broken through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill this time, I think it will be difficult for Master to break through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill. It is estimated that there are only seven Golden Pills. "

After saying that, Xiao Beiyan looked back at Yisheng beside him and said, "You are an exception, little junior sister, I didn't count you."

When Yisheng heard this, he lowered his head and said with a look of self-reproach: "Junior sister knows that the talent of junior sister cannot be compared with that of senior brothers and sisters. Senior brother, junior sister will definitely work hard to practice and strive to catch up with the pace of senior sisters and brothers as soon as possible."

Leng Xi looked at the younger junior sister's self-blaming look and quickly comforted her: "Little junior sister, don't listen to your younger senior brother. Your cultivation level was weaker than ours from the beginning, and now you are catching up very quickly.

Besides, we are where we are today because of Master. If Master had not given us the elixir, we would not have been able to break through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir. "

Yisheng listened to the comforting words of the senior sister, shook his head slightly and said: "But... Master also provided me with elixirs, but I only broke through to eight golden elixirs of visions, while the senior brothers and sisters had ten A golden elixir of vision."

Leng Xi was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say for a moment.

She knew that the four of them were ancient immortal bodies and could not cultivate. When they were selecting disciples, no one from other peaks wanted the four of them, so the four of them joined the Four Treasures Peak.

And her junior sister, that is the True Yang Immortal Body.

He is a genius who is being snatched up by all the peak masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

In terms of talent, they are definitely not as good as their junior sister.

However, she was unable to refute what the junior sister said, or find fault with it.

After all, the master really refined the same elixir for them to take. As a result, the four of them all broke through to the perfection of ten golden elixirs with different phenomena, while the younger sister only had eight golden elixirs with different phenomena.

Even though they already had ten inner elixirs before, and the junior sister had even fewer inner elixirs, the sum of the ten inner elixirs combined was not as good as one golden elixir.

If the junior sister now had nine golden elixirs of visions, she would still know how to comfort her. But now, the junior sister had only eight golden elixirs of visions. She really didn't know what to say.

Weird, I can only blame Xiao Beiyan.

Master has said that Junior Sister is very unconfident now, so don't irritate Junior Sister, but Xiao Beiyan will irritate Junior Sister if nothing happens.

Leng Xi remembered his master's previous instructions, looked at Xiao Beiyan with a somewhat dissatisfied expression, and said sternly: "Beiyan, I remember that master asked you to write, Master is the greatest a thousand times, you haven't written it yet."

Xiao Beiyan looked at his senior sister in confusion: "Senior sister, I have already finished writing, have you forgotten?"

On the side, Yan Yourong, who had been silent until now, heard the sound and immediately looked over coldly, warning: "Senior sister said you didn't write, you just didn't write. Now, go back and write."

"I..." Xiao Beiyan was angry. The senior sisters were getting more and more excessive, and he was confused. He was obviously not the youngest, so why was he always the one who was bullied?

The key is that he can't beat his senior sister and the others.

If you can beat the senior sisters.

For cultivation, once you have finished writing "Master is the Greatest" a thousand times, you will practice on your own. I beat my senior sister sooner or later. At that time, the greatest person writing about Master was not myself, but my senior sister.

In the room, as the flame of the alchemy furnace gradually became smaller, Cao Zhen raised his hand and pulled out the clear elixirs one by one.

Before he could see the elixir clearly, Cao Zhen had already taken one and drank it all at once.

Suddenly, waves of violent aura surged in.

The air in the entire room became extremely violent.

The elixir he refined was forced into the elixir, and a lot of medicinal materials were added. After the elixir was finally formed, it became much more violent.

As the elixir entered his body, phantoms of dragons and tigers suddenly shot out from his body, with the tigers sitting on the dragon's plate. The roar of dragons and tigers resounded throughout the room, and could be heard even outside the house, a sound full of pressure.

Soon, Cao Zhen's whole body began to tremble crazily.

Waves of violent aura hit his body crazily, making him feel as if the meridians in his body were about to burst in an instant.

"This situation, this..." Gu Chengyu looked at Cao Zhen's state, and couldn't help but think of Xiang Ziyu's state after taking the Liexin Zengyuan Pill refined by Master Cao Feng.

Moreover, he felt that the elixir that Peak Master Cao was taking in front of him was more powerful than the original Liexin Zengyuan Dan.

Every vein on Cao Zhen's body was exposed.

Gu Chengyu even felt that he could vaguely see the surging veins, and felt that Peak Master Cao's veins would explode completely in the next moment.

Cao Zhen felt the violent energy of the elixir in his body, and the heretic golden elixir began to flow rapidly inside his body.

As the heretic golden elixir flowed past, the bulging tendons on his body began to shrink to a degree visible to the naked eye.

However, where the heretic golden elixir had not yet flowed, the tendons on his body swelled crazily, and then when the heretic golden elixir flowed through, the tendons began to shrink again.

As the muscles and veins continued to swell and shrink, an indescribable severe pain came from all over the body.

He had even felt that some of the tiny tendons on his body had been torn apart, and streams of bright red blood flowed out.

Cao Zhen quickly activated the magical healing power that Xiang Zi Yushuo had modified, and suddenly, a light full of vitality poured out.

The revised version of Yin Yang Breath Adjustment Technique!

After Xiang Ziyu took the Liexin Zengyuan Pill that he gave him, he couldn't bear the violent power of the medicine and used the modified version of the Yin and Yang Breath Control Technique.

It's just that at the beginning, Xiang Ziyu was still in the elixir-formation stage, and his revised version of Yin-Yang's breath-regulating skills was only level 25. Now, Xiang Ziyu's revised version of Yin-Yang's breath-control skills has reached level 51!

As the light full of vitality enveloped his whole body, the bright red blood that was seeping out of his body stopped instantly.

However, soon, under the violent impact of the elixir in his body, his tendons cracked again, and he once again used the magic version of the Yin-Yang breath-regulating technique.

In this way, the tendons on his body continued to crack, heal again, crack again, heal again...

Under normal circumstances, if a person's tendons are torn, the tendons will be much weaker after they heal again. Just like an ordinary person, if a bone in his body is broken, then the place where his bone is broken will inevitably be more fragile and more likely to be injured.

However, now that he has taken the elixir, every time he heals, there will be medicinal effects filling it.

Moreover, he is still operating the technique, which is actually a kind of reshaping of the muscles and veins. On the contrary, his muscles and veins are constantly strengthening.

Time passes slowly.

Gu Chengyu had agreed at first that Cao Zhen would leave after refining the elixir, but Master Cao Feng took it directly after refining the elixir without any intention of avoiding him, so he simply stayed.

After all, Peak Master Cao, if anything goes wrong, he can still help by staying here.

However, thinking about it, Peak Master Cao should not have any problems.

Cao Zhen kept resisting the violent power in the elixir, and at the same time transported the power of the medicine to every part of his body, and his own aura was constantly increasing.

Slowly, the eighth inner elixir appeared behind him, and then the ninth, then the tenth...

Ten Visions of Inner Alchemy, Great Perfection!

Gu Chengyu looked at the ten golden elixirs of tigers and dragons standing behind Cao Zhen, but he didn't show any surprise on his face.

Peak Master Cao is extremely powerful. After practicing, how could he not have perfected the Ten Visions Inner Alchemy?

Next, Peak Master Cao will become the golden elixir.

Under Gu Chengyu's thoughtful gaze, behind Cao Zhen, the first inner elixir he had condensed gradually began to turn golden.

Gu Chengyu looked indifferent. Before, he saw Xiang Ziyu condensing golden elixirs in front of him. He was so shocked that he even doubted his life.

But after experiencing that once, when he saw Peak Master Cao condensing the golden elixir again, his heart no longer had any fluctuations.

Next, Peak Master Cao should have condensed the second golden elixir.


No, why does this golden elixir feel incomplete?

Gu Chengyu's expression suddenly changed. Why did this golden elixir look so unstable? Moreover, shouldn’t the vision in the golden elixir be in the golden elixir? Why is it that the dragon and tiger phenomena in Peak Master Cao's golden elixir are outside the golden elixir, but it feels like this golden elixir is actually an empty golden elixir?

Empty golden elixir?

Is that still a golden elixir?

Amid Gu Chengyu's puzzled gaze, Cao Zhen raised his hand, and purple thunder appeared in his palm.

"What is this for?"

Gu Chengyu's expression suddenly changed. He recognized this magical power. He even said that now the entire Baifeng Sect, and even those who participated in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, recognized the magical power in front of them, and even knew the name of this magical power.

Five thunders rectification!

After all, the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak have all used this magical power, and this magical power is extremely powerful and must be a top-notch magical power.

But, why did Peak Master Cao suddenly use the magical power of Five Thunder Zhengfa? Isn't he condensing the golden elixir?

What is he doing with this magical power of attack? Who is he going to attack?

There is no one else in this room except myself.

Is it possible?

Peak Master Cao gathered his inner demons?

But Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated powerful person, and it is impossible to condense the golden elixir, so inner demons will appear, right?

In Gu Chengyu's eyes full of surprise, Cao Zhen had already used the heretic golden elixir to blast out the Five Thunder Zhengfa. However, this thunderous light was not attacking anyone, but was directed towards his seemingly already dead body. It was condensed, but the golden elixir seemed to be hollow in the middle.

"not good!"

Gu Chengyu's expression changed drastically. Peak Master Cao actually attacked his own golden elixir and went crazy. Peak Master Cao must have gone crazy!

He quickly gathered the aura in his body, trying to block Peak Master Cao's Five Thunder Method, but Cao Zhen's attack was too sudden, and he bombarded his own golden elixir himself, and the distance was close enough.

Gu Chengyu had just gathered the magic power in his body when purple thunder struck the golden elixir.

Suddenly, Gu Chengyu was stunned. The imaginary explosion did not come out, and the golden elixir did not crack. Even if he looked carefully, he could see a purple thunder light in the simplicity.

This is……

The Five Thunder Zhengfa has entered the golden elixir?

Incorporate magical powers into the golden elixir? Is this okay?

Gu Chengyu couldn't understand it for a while. He was a being in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and he had also seen others condense golden elixirs.

Moreover, he has also heard many anecdotes in the world of immortality, but he has never heard of anyone whose golden elixir can directly incorporate magical powers into it.

What would happen if you merged with a magical power? Can supernatural powers be released directly through the golden elixir?

When Gu Chengyu was wondering, a ball of hot flame appeared in Cao Zhen's hand before his eyes.

The next moment, Cao Zhen fired the flame into the golden elixir again.

"Two magical powers?"

Gu Chengyu was stunned again. Peak Master Cao's golden elixir could release not one kind of magical power, but two magical powers?

Soon, he realized that he was wrong again. Peak Master Cao's golden elixir could not only release one kind of magical power, but also the third, fourth...

He watched blankly as Peak Master Cao poured various magical powers into the golden elixir, and his whole body felt numb.

Ten kinds!

Peak Master Cao actually directly incorporated ten kinds of magical powers into the golden elixir!

After these ten magical powers enter the golden elixir, the golden elixir suddenly blooms with dazzling brilliance. The entire golden elixir also became extremely solid, and boundless power continued to overflow from the golden elixir.

"What a terrifying smell!"

Gu Chengyu felt the terrifying power emanating from the golden elixir, and his heart was filled with shock. He really didn't expect that he could integrate magical powers into the golden elixir.

No, it feels like it's not that simple. The power of the ten magical powers is also fed back to the golden elixir. It should be that the stronger the magical powers, the stronger the golden elixir!

Is this the reincarnated power?

Is this the foundation of reincarnated power?

Ten magical powers penetrated into the golden elixir, and after forming a complete golden elixir, bright brilliance shot straight up.

The roof in the room was instantly broken by this light.

The next moment, a golden light point suddenly appeared in the sky.

It wasn't a pillar of light rising, but a light spot that looked like a golden elixir suddenly appeared in the sky. This light spot was too small and not conspicuous in the night sky, but in the blink of an eye, the light disappeared.

In the Taishi's Mansion, the Grand Master suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of Yi's Mansion. A ray of light burst out from his eyes.

"The golden elixir becomes... It's just a collection of golden elixirs, but it almost forms a vision of heaven and earth. It's interesting, it's really interesting..."

In Jie Xianfang, several masters from the Earth Immortal Realm suddenly turned their heads and looked into the distance, with expressions of surprise in their eyes.

Just now, there seemed to be a special aura wave coming from between heaven and earth.

After Cao Zhen gathered the Five Thunder Zhengfa and ten similar violent magical powers into a golden elixir, he took out another elixir and drank it.

Under the power of the elixir, the second vision inner elixir condensed on his back gradually turned into a golden elixir.

The next moment, he raised his hand and shot out a golden light.

The Golden Light Spell, the Dragon and Tiger Golden Body, the God and Demon Record... He put all the several protective golden bodies into the golden elixir. He found that each of his apprentices was really not easy to worry about, even though he had always Let these disciples stack their armor first and practice more body-protecting magical powers.

As a result, each of these disciples still did not have many magical powers to protect their bodies.

In the end, he only gathered eight magical powers for body protection.

For the rest, he could only modify Xiang Zi's yin and yang breathing control skills and incorporate one of Xiao Beiyan's magical healing powers into the golden elixir.

He remembered that when he asked Xiao Beiyan what kind of fighting style he was good at, Xiao Beiyan's answer was that he was able to resist and fight, but Xiao Beiyan was not talking nonsense. He really had a kind of magical healing power.

Cao Zhen began to condense the golden elixirs one by one, and then integrated ten similar magical powers into one golden elixir.

Soon, his second golden elixir, third golden elixir, and sixth golden elixir all appeared.

And the elixir he refined was gone.


Cao Zhen let out a long breath, condensing this kind of golden elixir was really consuming the power of the medicine, and the strength was exhausted.

If he only condensed ordinary golden elixirs of visions, these elixirs would be enough for him to break through to ten golden elixirs of visions, but now, he only condensed six golden elixirs.

On the opposite side, Gu Chengyu looked at the six golden elixirs floating behind Cao Zhen, feeling that they were either violent, sharp, endlessly changing, or filled with talismans, although he did not look at them. However, he can be sure that the Peak Master in front of him, even if he does not use his special elixir, is definitely not comparable to the ordinary six elixirs and seven elixirs. .

After all, Peak Master Cao, the power exuded by that golden elixir is too terrifying.

He was extremely convinced that if Peak Master Cao became the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, no one would be his opponent during the entire Golden Elixir period.

Cao Zhen condensed six strange golden elixirs one after another, looked at the elixir furnace in the room, but did not bother with the elixir furnace anymore. Instead, he directly opened the door and stepped out. Behind him, six strange golden elixirs appeared. Xiang Jindan did not accept it either.

Outside the room, not only Leng Xi and the others were there, but also Li Ke, who had been living in Yi Mansion. She had sensed the sudden burst of momentum here before and hurried over.

As Cao Zhen pushed open the door, she immediately landed on the six golden elixirs behind Cao Zhen.

"This visionary golden elixir... what a terrifying power!" Li Ke felt the terrifying power emitted by the visionary golden elixir behind Cao Zhen, and was greatly surprised. She herself was in the golden elixir stage, but she was still Ten visions of the existence of Dzogchen.

She knows the golden elixir and the vision golden elixir very well.

The ordinary golden elixir of visions has absolutely no such terrifying power. Cao Zhen's golden elixir of visions is abnormal, very abnormal!

There are six vision golden elixirs, and each vision golden elixir has a dragon and tiger phantom outside. Cao Zhen's previous vision Taoist platform, vision fairy bridge and even vision inner elixir are also dragon and tiger visions, condensed After becoming a golden elixir, it is normal for the dragon and tiger phenomena to remain.

But the problem is that Cao Zhen's six golden elixirs still have visions inside them, and these visions are not the same. They look extremely messy and seem to be the convergence of different forces.

Xiao Beiyan has already written "Master is the greatest" a thousand times. After feeling the aura erupting here, he rushed over. When he saw the six golden elixirs of vision behind his master, he immediately shouted: "I said what I said, master doesn't It may be the Golden Pill of Ten Visions, but you still don’t believe it, and you still want to punish me. Let me write “Master is the greatest” a thousand times. See if Master only has six Golden Pills of Visions.”

Cao Zhen's face suddenly darkened, he looked at Xiao Beiyan and asked, "Who punished you just now?"

"My master..." Xiao Beiyan felt the sharp gaze of the second senior sister on the side and stopped immediately, but his eyes were directed at Yan Yourong, telling his master in this silent way who punished him just now he.

"Very good." Cao Zhen looked at Yan Yourong and said, "You are responsible for supervising your junior brother and asking him to go back and write it again a thousand times. Master is the greatest."

Xiao Beiyan collapsed instantly. Why was the plot wrong? Why am I the one who got hurt?

Cao Zhen didn't say much more to his disciples. Although he seemed to be at the sixth level of the golden elixir now, his golden elixir was not an ordinary visionary elixir. With the help of the heretic golden elixir, this time the immortals fought for each other. No one can compete with him for the first place in the Wushu Conference.

He broke through to the sixth level of the Golden Core, and his cultivation span was extremely large. He spent this night getting familiar with his own power.

Before Chen hour the next day, just like before, he brought the five disciples from Sibaofeng, Li Ke, and Gu Chengyu to the martial arts arena on time.

As for Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren, after all, they still have their sects, and they can't keep them in Yi Mansion. Before yesterday, they had found their sect brothers and returned to their sect's formation. .

The Immortals Martial Arts Tournament has entered its fourth round, and Gu Chengyu finally participated in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament for the first time.

"This arena is missing a lot."

When Cao Zhen came to the mountain peak, he saw at a glance that the number of arenas had decreased.

Thinking about it, there are fewer and fewer people participating now. If there are still so many arenas, it may take half a day to complete a round of competition.

Now, the frequency of one game a day is fast enough, you can't have two games a day.

This is a battle between golden elixirs, and injuries are inevitable in battles.

If we just finished fighting in the morning and were severely damaged, and then continued fighting in the afternoon, how would we fight?

Therefore, the limit of the competition is one round per day, with at least one night left to recover and heal.

In this way, there is naturally no need to leave so many arenas. It’s just that the previous arenas all had their own numbers, such as the A-word arena and the B-word arena.

I wonder, those who have won in the missing arenas, who will they compete with?

Not long after, with the official arrival of Chen Shi, the fourth round of the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament officially began.

The A-shaped arena has not been removed.

Below the ring, a referee shouted loudly the moment Chen Shi arrived: "A-zi ring, A-zi number twenty-six, Baifengzong, Sibaofeng peak master Cao Zhen versus Hai-zi number thirty-seven, Bi Luo Zong, Qingtian Pavilion. Li Qingkong."

Cao Zhen instantly understood that it turned out that the winners of those canceled arenas were randomly assigned to other arenas.

However, this Li Qingkong...

Cao Zhen did not fly down to the ring immediately, but asked Lan Pili not far away with a puzzled face: "Master Lan, what is the relationship between Li Qingkong and Li Qinglei?"

When they first arrived in the capital, in Jie Xianfang, a pavilion master named Li Qinglei of the Biluo Sect had been provoking them. Both of them were from the Biluo Sect, although their names were more because of The pavilion where they are located.

However, the reputations of these two people are so similar that they still have the same surname.

Although Lan Pili did not participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, he had already arrived in the capital. He had to take a look before returning to the Hundred Peaks Sect alone.

So he also stayed to watch the Immortal Martial Arts Competition. He and Cao Zhen came to the capital all the way. The two became a lot more familiar. Naturally, he stood beside Cao Zhen. When he heard Cao Zhen's question, he immediately explained: "Li Qingkong is Li Qinglei's younger brother.

Although Li Qinglei is the elder brother, Li Qinglei's talent is not as strong as his younger brother. The two brothers did not join the same pavilion.

Qinglei Pavilion can only be regarded as the last in Biluo Sect, but Qingtian Pavilion is among the top ten pavilions in Biluo Sect. The custom of Qingtian Pavilion is that everyone will call the pavilion leader Qingtian. For example, their current pavilion leader, whose surname is Zhang, is called Zhang Qingtian.

As for the pavilion master's senior brothers, they would choose another word for themselves. Li Qingkong gave himself an empty word. "

Xiao Beiyan stood nearby and understood immediately when he heard the sound. He couldn't help but said: "Oh, it turns out they are brothers. However, the pavilion masters of the first ten pavilions of Biluo Sect must be from the Earth Fairy Realm. As a result, the pavilion master's junior brother , He’s only at the Golden Core stage, and that person’s talent isn’t that great either.”

Lan Pili's face turned red immediately when he heard the voice. He knew Beiyan was talking about Li Qingkong, but why did these words sound so harsh?

The pavilion master's junior brother is just a golden elixir?

As a peak master, I am still in the elixir formation stage.

What is my talent?

Although the Biluo Sect is not one of the top ten immortal sects, it is generally recognized that the strength of the Biluo Sect is second only to the top ten immortal sects.

Although there is no stipulated position for everyone, everyone has a tacit understanding when choosing a viewing position on the mountain. Except for the position of the Grand Master, the best remaining positions are naturally reserved for the top ten immortal sects and the Confucian and Taoist sects. It is not one of the top ten immortal sects, but it is an immortal sect with the strength of the top ten immortal sects.

The second position is reserved for immortal sects like Biluo Sect.

Although Li Qinglei of Biluo Sect did not participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, he also stayed to watch the conference. Moreover, their Qinglei Pavilion does not have a golden elixir stage, nor is there any genius, so naturally there are no disciples to participate in the conference.

So he walked with his brother at the convention.

Listening to the referee's voice below the A-shaped ring, a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

"Qingkong, your opponent is Cao Zhen, he is only in the Dan-formation stage. Your chance to become famous has come."

"No, it's not an opportunity for Senior Brother Qingkong to become famous, but an opportunity for our Biluo Sect to become famous!"

"We actually met that Cao Zhen!"

"Cao Zhen is in the elixir formation stage. Even if he is a reincarnated powerful man, no matter how powerful his elixir is, he still cannot defeat Uncle Qingkong!"

"Baifeng Sect, I don't know how many disciples will participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament this time, and the ordinary disciples who defeat them will not be special, let alone be remembered.

However, Cao Zhen is the reincarnation of a powerful man, and if he defeated him, everyone will remember that the people of the Baifeng Sect were defeated by our Biluo Sect! "

"He is also a reincarnated power. Lord Haoyuexing went to Thousand Cave Gate and was already a perfect existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. However, Cao Zhen was only in the elixir formation stage in the Baifeng Sect. This is what we say, the Baifeng Sect The reason why you are not worthy of being among the top ten immortal sects!”

Li Qingkong listened to the shouts of the people around him and showed a confident smile on his face: "Don't worry, everyone, after this battle, everyone will remember that the people of the Baifeng Sect lost to our Biluo Sect."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his figure and leaped directly onto the ring.

On the mountain, most people's eyes also fell on the A-shaped arena.

Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated powerful man, but he is only in the elixir formation stage.

Now, everyone is waiting to see when Master Cao will be eliminated. It is impossible to go all the way in this kind of conference where everyone is in the Golden Core Stage.

"Li Qingkong? A person from the Biluo Sect? That's interesting. There has always been a conflict between the Baifeng Sect and the Biluo Sect, but now, it's the people from the Biluo Sect who have met Master Cao!"

"Li Qingkong, I remember that he has eight golden elixirs, five of which are vision elixirs."

"Although Li Qingkong and Qiao Jingyao, who fought with Peak Master Cao yesterday, both have five golden elixirs of vision, but Li Qingkong has three more golden elixirs. He is the eighth level of the golden elixir."

"Besides, Li Qingkong's magical powers are not that weak. He also has magical weapons."

"Li Qingkong is not young anymore. He has lived for nearly two thousand years now. He has accumulated so many years of experience. Such people are more difficult to deal with."

"I'm afraid, Cao Feng is mainly defeated this time."

"It's actually cheaper for Li Qingkong."

On the stage, Li Qingkong wore a large cloak and looked directly at Cao Zhen, but his face did not show the slightest respect for a reincarnated power.

If it were another reincarnated powerful person, he would naturally have a lot of respect.

But this Cao Zhen is from the Baifeng Sect, and they, the Biluo Sect, will not give respect to the people of the Baifeng Sect.

What's more, this Cao Zhen also cheated his brother of a lot of spiritual stones, and in the end, his brother had to come to him to borrow spiritual stones.

This is tantamount to Cao Zhen cheating on his spirit stone!

He looked Cao Zhen up and down, with an arrogant look on his face, and said arrogantly: "Master Cao, I know that you are a reincarnated power, but this time, you will still be defeated! What you and I defeated yesterday Qiao Jingyao is different, I come from the Biluo Sect! Not that small sect.

Today, you will definitely be defeated by me. As a reincarnated powerful person... you are only in the elixir formation stage, so it would be unwise for you to participate in the Immortal Martial Arts Competition. "

Cao Zhen suddenly laughed. The Li Qingkong in front of him obviously wanted to provoke him, but as he said it, he seemed to say this because he was a reincarnated powerful man and he didn't dare to offend him too much. I dare not say harsh words anymore.

After all, I'm still timid.

In this case, why are you provoking!

When Li Qingkong talked about it, he really felt a little scared. He would not show respect for the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect, but the problem was that this was really a reincarnated power. He had thought well before, but , when he really faced the other person and thought of the other person's identity, what he wanted to say before could no longer be said.

He simply stopped provoking with words and directly released his golden elixir!

There are eight golden elixirs, five of which are vision elixirs. Among the golden elixirs, there are phantoms of eagles.

As his aura was fully revealed, a strong wind suddenly blew up above the ring, as if an eagle was really flapping its wings and flying at low altitude, making bursts of 'hunting' sounds.

And in his hands, two magic weapons emerged.

A sky blue long knife, the color of the long knife is the same as the color of the sky. At a glance, it feels as if the sky is in his hand.

His other hand is holding a silver ring. In the ring, there are blue lines. The lines move slowly, making people feel as if there is a river flowing from his hand. With.

Behind him, there is floating a huge screen-like magic weapon. On the screen, there are pictures of eagles. Below the eagles, there are layers of white clouds, full of misty and mysterious things. gas.

Three magic weapons!

Qiao Jingyao, who fought against Cao Zhen yesterday, didn't have a single magic weapon, but Li Qingkong had already produced three magic weapons before he made a move.

In a remote place on the mountain peak, Qiao Jingyao did not leave, but stayed to watch the immortals' martial arts competition.

On weekdays, she would not have the opportunity to watch so many masters fighting.

On the side, the old man sighed softly and said in a low voice: "Jingyao, I have harmed you because of the teacher. If your magical power were stronger, if you also had three magical weapons, you would have a chance after breaking through the sixth level of the Golden Core. Defeat Lord Cao."

Qiao Jingyao shook her head and said: "Master, you can't say that. If it weren't for you and Tianmeimen, maybe I would just be an ordinary village woman in the village now, or I would be married to someone else, raising my husband and children at home. , it is impossible to have any cultivation at all. Maybe, I am already dead.

What's more, if I really had three magic weapons, I wouldn't have made a breakthrough under the circumstances like yesterday. Master,...what is that? There is a golden elixir behind Peak Master Cao! Peak Master Cao, isn’t he in the Dan-formation stage? How did you condense the golden elixir? "

"Golden elixir?"

"Master Cao, is it the golden elixir?"

"The six golden elixirs are all visionary golden elixirs!"

"what's the situation?"

"Didn't Grand Master say that Peak Master Cao is at the stage of forming the elixir? Moreover, he has not yet reached the peak of the elixir linking stage. How come he has become the sixth level of the elixir in just one day?"

"Even a reincarnated powerful person cannot cultivate so quickly!"

On the mountain peak, everyone discovered the six visionary golden elixirs behind Cao Zhen, and they all exclaimed loudly.

"This...could it be said that the Grand Master was wrong?"

"Can the Grand Master be wrong?"

"Perhaps, the Grand Master is really wrong. After all, Peak Master Cao is a reincarnated great master. He has special means to deceive the Grand Master, but it is not incomprehensible."

"But, why did Peak Master Cao only release six golden elixirs of vision? Does it mean that Peak Master Cao thinks that six golden elixirs of vision are enough to defeat Li Qingkong?"

Everyone was talking about it.

Several masters from the Earthly Immortal Realm suddenly reacted.

"No, Grand Master is not wrong!" In the direction of Faji Sect, an elder from the Earthly Immortal Realm suddenly said: "Last night, there was a special aura emerging, but the aura was not strong, so it did not attract many people. Attention. Now that I think about it, that breath must be the breath of Jin Dan!"

On the other side, another elder from the Earthly Immortal Realm also said: "Yes, that kind of aura has appeared six times in total, and Peak Master Cao now has six golden elixirs of visions."

"Although there is a magic circle on the arena to isolate the auras of both sides, we can still feel the auras of both sides. The aura emitted by Peak Master Cao's golden elixir exactly corresponds to the six auras yesterday."

As one of the elders from the Immortal Realm spoke, everyone understood instantly.

"So, Peak Master Cao made the breakthrough yesterday?"

"In just one day, you can directly break through from the seventh level of the Golden Core to the sixth level of the Golden Core?"

"How is that possible?"

"Can the breakthrough be so fast?"

In the crowd, Wu Jianzi and Lu Yiren listened to the exclamations of the people around them, but their expressions were as usual. It was just that the seven pills had broken through to the sixth level of the golden pill. What's all the fuss about this?

The disciples of Peak Master Cao have broken through directly from the elixir formation stage to the perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir!

Moreover, Peak Master Cao's young disciple went directly from the early stage of the elixir formation stage to the eighth level of the golden elixir. That span seemed even greater.

If they knew that, wouldn't they go crazy?

On the mountain peak, many people looked at the other reincarnated power, Lord Haoyuexing.

Lord Haoyue Xing felt the gazes of everyone, and seemed to know what everyone was wondering about. He said with a calm expression: "With seven pills, what's the fuss about breaking through to the sixth level of the golden core? For a reincarnated great master, it's just an ordinary method." .”

"Usual means?"


"We want to break through and get one more golden elixir. We don't know how difficult it is, let alone condense the first golden elixir. But for the reincarnated power, it is just ordinary?"

Everyone found that they had regarded the reincarnated power very highly, but now, they felt that they still looked down upon the reincarnated power.

On the A-shaped arena, Cao Zhen looked at Haoyue Xingjun with some surprise. Ordinary means?

Can Haoyue Xingjun break through so much in an instant like him? Also through alchemy?

Then what kind of elixir is he refining?

Or some other means?

Or is this Lord Haoyuexing just bragging?

Cao Zhen made no move, but opposite him, Li Qingkong, who looked confident just now, now had a solemn look on his face.

Cao Zhen turned out to be a golden elixir. Although the number of golden elixirs was less than his, Cao Zhen had six visionary golden elixirs, one more than his own.

What's more, when Cao Zhen was in the elixir formation stage, he could defeat the golden elixir stage than that.

Now that Cao Zhen is in the Golden Core stage, how can I be his opponent? Also, Cao Zhen had not released the Vision Pill at that moment.

He was panicking. Below the A-shaped arena, the referee's voice has already sounded.

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