In the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, the only arena was covered, and everyone could only see pitch black. They could only guess at the fighting situation on the arena.

"The magic weapon is the magic weapon of the Four Juezi. Xiang Ziyu must be at a disadvantage."

"The question is, what kind of disadvantage is Xiang Ziyu at? He can't see anything, and he doesn't know when the battle will end."

Amidst the exclamations of everyone.

In the darkness, Xiang Ziyu grabbed one of Si Juezi's arms and punched it down hard.

Si Juezi looked at the falling punch and quickly raised his other arm to protect himself.

The next moment, a punch filled with endless power came down hard. He suddenly felt that his arm seemed to be hit hard by a giant pillar, and the violent force impacted his entire body. They all fell back uncontrollably, but his other arm was tightly grasped by the other party, forcing him to stay in place.

Under the huge pulling force, he even felt as if his arm was about to be broken.

Now, he was extremely convinced of one thing. Xiang Ziyu's Shen Tong was stronger than his, and his physical strength was also stronger, even terrifyingly strong.

His blow did not seriously damage Xiang Ziyu because Xiang Ziyu's body was too strong!

He couldn't understand how the physical strength of a person in the golden elixir stage could be so strong!

His body is not as good as his opponent's, and his physical strength is not as good as his opponent's. Now, with one of his arms still being grabbed by the opponent, they are unable to attack the opponent at all.

If this continues, he will definitely lose!


A look of determination suddenly appeared on Si Juezi's face, and the boundless magic power in his body began to circulate rapidly in a strange route. The next moment, the huge robe above his head that covered the sky rapidly shrank. .

Outside, in the mountains, everyone instantly noticed the changes in the ring.

"What's going on? He's starting to shrink his black robe!"

"Light, there is light in the arena."

In just one breath, the black robe covering the sky on the stage turned into a spear and appeared in his hand.

As the black robe turned into a spear, everyone finally saw clearly what was going on in the ring.

"The body-protecting magical powers on both of them have disappeared."

"Xiang Ziyu is still holding Si Juezi's arm. It seems that Si Juezi is injured?"

"Obviously it was the magic weapon released by the Four Juezi, so how come it was the Four Juezi who got injured instead?"

"Look at Si Juezi, his aura... it's such a terrifying aura!"

There was no blood in Si Juezi's body. The ferocious, bloodthirsty, and extremely strong wild aura suddenly erupted. Under this aura, the clothes on his body suddenly burst open, revealing streaks of blue dragon-like flesh. scales.

As the scales emerged, Xiang Ziyu instantly felt an incomparable force coming from him. The sudden force made him fail to catch Si Juezi and was knocked back a step.

In just one breath, Si Juezi's entire body was covered with scales, even his head was covered with scales.

"This is?"


"No, it's not a monster, it's the Shocking Dragon Transformation!" In the crowd, the elder of the Four Jue Sect said with a complicated expression: "The Shocking Dragon Transformation is the secret method of the Four Jue Elders. The Four Juezi should have insufficient cultivation, so they used it After that, it was just like a dragon, or maybe it was another secret technique of the Four Masters!"

"Secret method!"

"Four Juezi were actually forced to use secret techniques."

"No matter how strong or weak the secret method is, as long as it is a secret method, it will be backlashed after being used, affecting one's own state. Even if you take the most advanced holy medicine, you will not be able to recover in a short time. It must be cultivated slowly over time."

"So, after the Four Juezi use their secret techniques, even if they enter the top eight, I'm afraid they won't be able to go far."

"Has he been forced to this point? What happened in that darkness just now?"

On the mountain, everyone was shocked and confused.

An elder of the Mingxin Sect suddenly turned around, looked at Zhao Fuzong and whispered in a low voice: "Actually, those Four Juezi believe in themselves too much, just like you.

You believe in your golden elixir of vision and are confident that no one can detect your traces. However, when you meet Beiyan from Sibaofeng, you don't even know how to fight when the other party can know your whereabouts.

And Si Juezi is just like you. He believes too much in his magic weapon. He thinks that within his magic weapon, no one can detect him and he can attack people at will.

But as a result, he still has to use the secret method now.

You are also geniuses. You should know that even if geniuses cannot see each other when fighting, they can still find you with their fighting instinct. "

"Uncle Master... I know I was wrong." Zhao Fuzong lowered his head. This time the Immortals Martial Arts Conference really had a big impact on him.

"Although you lost this time, it wouldn't be a bad thing if you realized your own problem because of it."

On the ring, Si Juezi held guns in both hands and stared at Xiang Zi Yudao with a solemn expression: "You are very strong, indeed very strong, far stronger than I thought, but you still have to lose!

Today, I will let you see one of the four secret arts, the Secret Technique! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed out, stabbing Xiang Ziyu straight with the spear in his hand! It's not that he doesn't want to continue to maintain the darkness that covers the sky, it's just that with his current cultivation level, he can't maintain that darkness by using secret techniques.

But Xiang Ziyu still didn't retreat at all, nor did he take out his magic weapon. He rushed towards the opponent with empty hands. He seemed to never know what retreat meant.

After Si Juezi used his secret technique, his speed was obviously much faster than before. The spear passed by and instantly pierced the space in front of him. With bursts of detonation sounds, the spear suddenly penetrated Xiang Ziyu's body.

Only then did the clear traces left by the spear appear in the air behind.

Si Juezi pierced Xiang Ziyu's body with a spear, but his eyes changed again. He did stab Xiang Ziyu with this spear, but he felt that after the tip of his spear penetrated Xiang Ziyu's body, But it seemed like he was stuck in a quagmire, making it difficult to move forward.

This physical body is so strong, but this is a physical body without the protection of magical powers!

How could this kid have such a strong body!

While he was surprised, Xiang Ziyu forced his body to one side.

Following his movement, the spear immediately passed through his body and flew out with a piece of broken flesh, leaving a long mark on his chest. Xiang Ziyu had already rushed in front of Si Juezi. , hit with one punch!

In an instant, a black and white shadow full of immortal and demonic energy merged into this punch, hitting the scales heavily, which even shocked the scales on Si Juezi's body with obvious dents.

Although Si Juezi was protected by scales, under the strong impact, the aura in his body was also shaken by the impact, and a fierce look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Fight with yourself?

I admit that your physical strength exceeds my expectations. That physical strength is the strongest among all the golden elixir stages I have seen so far. However, I have used the secret method now. Your body is so strong. How can my body be so strong? Not strong anymore?

What's more, you don't have a magic weapon in your hands, but I have a magic weapon transformed from the magic weapon refined by the master. I will be afraid of you!

Endless fighting spirit surged out of Si Juezi's body, and he stabbed Xiang Ziyu again.

As for Xiang Ziyu, it seemed that the person who had just been stabbed by the gun was not him. He seemed to be uninjured. The blood was burning crazily in his body, and the overwhelming fighting spirit was rising to the sky.

He refused to retreat and rushed towards Si Juezi.

Suddenly, the two were fighting together again.

It should be because Si Juezi used the Shocking Dragon Transformation. Slowly, as he continued to fight, the look on his face became more and more fierce, and he no longer even defended, but relied on his scales to resist the attack. Ziyu's attack.

And Xiang Ziyu looked desperate, not caring about any injuries on his body, he just kept attacking and attacking again.

Cao Zhen watched Xiang Ziyu's fighting style from a distance and frowned tightly.

He knew Xiang Ziyu's magical powers. Xiang Ziyu clearly still had some magical powers that he had not used yet. Why did he have to fight hand-to-hand with the Four Juezi?

What's more...

"Didn't I give Xiang Ziyu a magic weapon? Why is that guy crazy? Why doesn't he use a magic weapon?" Cao Zhen couldn't understand Xiang Ziyu at all. He now felt that his apprentice seemed to have some brains. question.

"Master." Xiao Beiyan heard the master's question and quickly replied: "Senior brother, he melted the magic weapon you gave him."

"Melted?" Cao Zhen was stunned. "What's he doing with the melted magic weapon?"

"Senior Brother, didn't he get a bead from the Immortal Weapon Workshop? I heard from Senior Brother that he saw another bead outside, and then he said he wanted to repair the Immortal Weapon or something, and then he melted the Immortal Weapon. "

"This..." Cao Zhen didn't know what to say for a moment. Did he, his disciple, really discover the ancestor's magical weapon outside? What kind of luck is this?

But, didn’t you melt the divine weapon and want to repair the ancestor’s divine weapon? Why don't you use the ancestor's magic weapon?

How unthinkable it is for you to fight others with your bare hands while others use magic weapons.

On the side, Ai Yunqi heard Xiao Beiyan's words and his eyes immediately fell on Cao Zhen. Sure enough, every kind of master has his own kind of apprentice.

At the beginning, Peak Master Cao wanted to fuse those magic weapons, but he was blocked by him. As a result, Peak Master Cao did not melt them, and his disciples fused the magic weapons instead.

That was the divine weapon of the ancestors of the Baifeng Sect.

Of course, it would be fine if Xiang Ziyu could use that senior's magic weapon to repair the ancestor's magic weapon. After all, it was that senior. If Jiuquanxia knew that his magic weapon was used to repair the founder of the sect, it would be fine. He would also agree with the ancestor’s magic weapon, and would even be extremely honored!

However, if Xiang Ziyu failed to repair the ancestor's magic weapon, then he would have to have a good talk with him.

On the ring, Xiang Ziyu's injuries were getting worse and worse, and streams of blood continued to flow from his body.

After all, he has no magic weapons.

He glanced at the spear that was stabbing him again. This time, his body did not rush forward again, but suddenly stepped back.


He retreated. For the first time since the battle, he took the initiative to retreat.

A look of excitement suddenly appeared on Si Juezi's face. Sure enough, Xiang Ziyu could no longer hold on. If he launched a more violent attack next, Xiang Ziyu would definitely be defeated.

He raised his leg and stepped hard on the ground, then rushed out and chased Xiang Ziyu.

Suddenly, a look of surprise shot out from his eyes, and opposite him, Xiang Ziyu, a light full of life rose up.

Xiang Ziyu began to use magical powers, not attacking magical powers, but healing powers. He began to heal his own injuries.

Moreover, this magical power healed injuries incredibly fast. The wounds on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Si Juezi was confused.

On the high mountain, everyone was stunned.

"Xiang Ziyu used his magical healing power!"

"How come the magical healing power can heal people so quickly? Many people can do magical healing power, even everyone can do it.

After all, everyone will inevitably get injured in battle, so after the battle, everyone needs to treat their injuries. But the problem is that everyone's healing powers are all used after the battle. Xiang Ziyu actually used them during the battle, and the healing effect was so terrifying! "

"He...he uses healing powers, and he can also fight!"

"This... when everyone uses healing powers, don't they all focus on healing their own injuries, for fear that if one of them is not good enough, he will go crazy? How could he not be affected?"

Everyone was stunned when they looked at Xiang Ziyu's magical healing power. They had never seen such magical healing power before.

Si Juezi's attack was not just as simple as stabbing Xiang Ziyu with a spear. His attack also contained various magical powers. Those injuries could not be cured by just treating him.

But Xiang Ziyu... his treatment speed is so fast that everyone can see it clearly with the naked eye!

"It's so amazing. This is the first time I've seen this kind of healing power. I've never even heard of it before!"

"Master Cao, this must be the magical healing power taught to him by Master Cao."

"It should be Peak Master Cao. He knows that Xiang Ziyu's fighting style is easy to get injured, so he specially taught him such a magical healing power!"

"This is the terrifying thing about reincarnation. It can teach different magical powers to different disciples."

"Yes, he taught Yi Shenglihuo, his Taoist companion Li Ke Zhuque Yahuo, and Lingxi, who taught him the art of talismans, and taught Lingxi the sword technique. Different disciples are taught different magical powers according to their needs, and the magical powers taught are all so terrifying!"

" can we fight like this?"

"That Xiang Ziyu has such healing powers, he can completely fight with others and exchange injuries for injuries. Anyway, he can heal his injuries during the battle."

"In this case, isn't Xiang Ziyu invincible? If we want to defeat him, we must kill him instantly?"

"If the Earthly Immortal Realm comes, it will naturally be possible to kill Xiang Ziyu, but now, in the battle of the golden elixir stage, Xiang Ziyu is still the Perfect Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden elixir, and his body is even more terrifying. Who can kill him in an instant? Kill him?"

While everyone was talking, several elders from the Earthly Immortal Realm slowly spoke.

"Xiang Ziyu is indeed strong, but he is not invincible. His healing powers are indeed miraculous, but they are not as miraculous as you see.

His magical power can indeed heal his injuries, but more importantly, it is the blood that keeps his injuries from affecting his own battle. How could such injuries be healed so easily? "

"His magical power is more about healing external injuries. I can feel that although his internal injuries have also been healed, the degree of healing is limited."

When everyone heard the sound, they also came to their senses.

"So, as long as you are stronger than Xiang Ziyu and keep fighting, you can still defeat Xiang Ziyu?"

"This is stronger, but it has to be much stronger. Otherwise, it is just a little stronger. Xiang Ziyu's magical healing power can heal his injuries and make him not affected by the injuries, but not by others. As time goes by, Xiang Ziyu Ziyu will still slowly gain the upper hand!"

"That's right, and the elders just said that Xiang Ziyu's magical healing power can still cure some internal injuries. Although the cure is small, it can still be cured."

"Therefore, when fighting Xiang Ziyu, we must not fight for a long time, but must fight quickly!"

"Yes, if Xiang Ziyu is severely injured and uses his magical healing power, he won't be able to heal much in a short period of time!"

"In today's battle, many people are destined to thank Xiang Ziyu and Si Juezi, because both of them were forced to show their trump cards."

"No matter who loses, they don't have to be eliminated directly. After all, after the top 16, even if they lose, they can continue to compete for the top 11!"

"Now, everyone knows that the fight with Xiang Ziyu cannot be delayed. As for the Four Juezi, even if he wins and uses the secret method, how much fighting strength will he still have tomorrow?"

Amid everyone's discussion, the battle between the two on the ring became more and more intense.

Xiang Ziyu's every blow seemed to activate all the power in his body, and every punch landed with extreme ferocity.

And the Four Juezi thrust out one spear at a time, and each spear was like a legendary dragon flying out of the sea, piercing Xiang Ziyu with its domineering and ferocious aura.

However, slowly, the spear thrust out by Si Juezi became weaker and weaker.

And the injuries on his body began to increase gradually. Even, from the two of us, I stabbed you once, and you punched me once, it became that Xiang Ziyu needed to punch him twice before he could stab Xiang Ziyu once.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the Four Juezi will be defeated."

Although the battle is not over yet, many people on the mountain have come to a conclusion.

"Xiang Ziyu is good at long-lasting battles, but Si Juezi has used his secret method and cannot fight for a long time!"

"Yes, secret techniques are time-consuming and cannot be maintained forever. What's more, the longer the secret technique is used, the more serious the backlash will be."

"Actually, Xiang Ziyu doesn't even need to continue fighting with Si Juezi. If I were Xiang Ziyu, I would choose You Dou, just delaying time. After a long time, he doesn't need to take action. Si Juezi can do it himself. defeat."

"So, you didn't become a genius like Xiang Ziyu."

"Xiang Ziyu deliberately fought with the opponent. He was training himself!"

"Teaching himself? Then there is no need to suffer such a serious injury, right? Even if he wins this kind of injury, no matter how miraculous his healing powers are, it will be impossible to cure his injury tomorrow. By then, He will also be eliminated."

"So, you should still choose Yu Dou!"

Amid everyone's discussion, Si Juezi's aura had begun to decline significantly, and the scales on his body gave people a feeling that they were about to fall off.


Xiang Ziyu struck Si Juezi with a heavy punch, and there was a loud noise, like two extremely towering mountains colliding.

The scales on Si Juezi's body are dented to a degree visible to the naked eye.

The next moment, the scale that was hit suddenly shattered and broke into two pieces.

And his body flew far back, all the way to the edge of the ring, and then continued flying forward.

Today, there is only one arena in action. The magic circle on the arena will only protect the arena, but it will not appear a light curtain at the edge to prevent people from flying out of the arena.

Si Juezi's body flew out of the ring like a kite with its string cut off, and hit the ground between the ring and the mountain heavily. There was a loud bang and a loud bang.

Even though everyone was standing on the high mountain, they felt their feet shake.

On the ground that was hit, endless dust and grass clippings flew into the sky, and amidst the flying dust, a huge bottomless pit was smashed into the ground, and the ground cracked in all directions like a spider web. .

The arena is protected by formations, but the earth outside is not protected by formations.

This was just the result of Si Jue Zi Fei being knocked away and falling to the ground. If the ground was directly bombarded by the two magical powers, who knows how terrifying it would be!

In the deep pit, all the scales on Si Juezi's body had dissipated. It was not known whether it was because the time for the secret technique had expired or because of Xiang Ziyu's blow.

"Poof!" Si Juezi suddenly opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood. There was no trace of blood on his face.

He raised his eyes and looked at Xiang Ziyu on the ring, whose injury seemed to be not much better than him. A look of confusion appeared on his face. He was defeated!

After using the secret technique, he still lost!

Originally, he came down the mountain this time just to talk to people and let people know how outstanding the disciples of the Four Masters were. However, the Zhenxian Dynasty was going to hold another immortal martial arts competition, and his master directly sent an order for him to participate in the conference. .

Ever since he participated in the conference, his goal has always been the same, which is the position of National Master!

But now, he lost without even entering the top eight. He has lost the qualification to compete for the position of national master. Now the only thing he can compete for is the position of the top ten immortal generals.

However, with his current state, he may not be able to compete for the position of the top ten immortal generals.

But he has no regrets!

His defeat was indeed an embarrassment to his master, but if he were to fight again, he would still choose to use his secret method and fight Xiang Ziyu with all his strength.

Such an opponent is worthy of him fighting with all his strength, even if he suffers internal injuries, so he will withdraw from the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament!

In his mind, the words of his master when he came down the mountain came to mind. The master said that his talent was the second best among all his disciples.

Previously, Master had another disciple with an even more outstanding talent, and that was his second senior brother.

In fact, the first person to go out with the name Si Juezi was not him, but his second senior brother. But few people in the world know about the existence of Second Senior Brother, because after Second Senior Brother came down from the mountain, he died in the first battle!

He died in the hands of the remnants of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

Even after the incident, the master took action and chased the opponent thousands of miles to kill him, but it was of no avail. The second senior brother was already dead.

The master said that he was as talented as the second senior brother, and just like the second senior brother, he was too proud.

Therefore, Master hopes that this time when he goes down the mountain, he will encounter some setbacks and grow as quickly as possible.

After all, the master is destined to fall into a deep sleep. After the master and senior brother fall asleep, his sect will have to rely on himself.

Master believes that only setbacks can help one grow as quickly as possible.

And now...

In this battle, I was actually defeated by my own pride. I thought that my magical power was lighter, and that the secret method I used was stronger. From the beginning to the end, I always thought that I would win.

It is my own pride that has harmed me.

The confusion on Si Juezi's face gradually disappeared. He raised his hand to support himself on the ground, stood upright with difficulty, looked in the direction of Xiang Ziyu and said: "I lost, you are better than me. But, I will If I look for you again, after we break through to the Earthly Fairyland, I will definitely look for you again and fight with you."

After saying that, he took the elixir, turned around and staggered outside.

He did not go to the mountain again, but walked towards the outside of the mountain.

On the mountain, everyone looked at the departing figures of the Four Juezi, and for a moment they were filled with endless emotion.

"Si Juezi was defeated like this. Before this battle began, who would have thought that the disciple of Old Man Si Jue, a genius named Si Juezi, would not even be able to enter the top eleven!"

"Actually, although he lost, but... that's all, I guess he has no chance. This time, he is the only one of his disciples who came here, and there are no masters to help him heal his injuries. He can only rely on everything Himself. His injuries can never be recovered in one day by himself."

"I'm afraid he will lose the next battle."

"With his injury, I don't know if he will continue to participate in subsequent games."

"I don't know why, but I feel that the Four Juezi are somewhat unworthy of their reputation." In the crowd, a disciple just raised his question, and a cold snort immediately came from his ears.

"Stupid!" the elders in the sect reprimanded coldly, "The Four Juezi are not strong enough? Which of his magical powers is not strong? Which magical power has not been cultivated to the limit of the golden elixir? Which of you has? He has so many magical powers? After he uses his secret technique, are you confident that you can block his blow?

He actually thinks that the Four Juezi are not strong! Your eyes have grown to the top of your head? The reason why the Four Juezi lost was not because the Four Juezi were not strong, but because Xiang Ziyu was too strong! "

The elder said and sighed: "This is the ancient immortal body! The reason why today's ancient immortal body is called today's useless body is because the ancient immortal body is almost impossible to cultivate, but now fellow practitioners In this realm, the ancient immortal bodies are almost invincible! Otherwise, in ancient times, they would not be called immortal bodies!

The other three ancient immortal bodies in Sibao Peak, I'm afraid..."

The elder did not continue what he said, but his meaning was very clear. I am afraid that the other three disciples from Sibao Peak will also enter the top eight!

Today, everyone completely knows how powerful the ancient immortal body is under the realm of fellow practitioners.

Following Xiang Ziyu, Lingxi, Yan Yourong and Xiao Beiyan also won respectively. In addition to Cao Zhen who won, only Sibaofeng occupied five of the top eight positions.

The Baifeng Sect also occupies five seats among the top eight.

Both Li Ke and Lie Yan were eliminated.

Lie Yan met Zi Ruzi, a disciple of the old man Ziran, and was completely suppressed by the other party, and was defeated without any surprise.

However, Li Ke met Zong Wuji, the strongest genius of the Shinto Sect. Even though he immediately used the Suzaku sub-fire fire, he still lost to Zong Wuji.

However, Zong Wuji also narrowly won.

As for the last place in the top eight, it is Haoyue Xingjun.

At the end of this day's battle, the name of Si Baofeng has spread throughout the world.

Everyone knows that the Hundred Peaks Sect has a Four Treasure Peak, which, including the peak owner, occupies five of the top eight spots in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament.

And this Four Treasure Peak is actually the 100th-ranked peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect!

"Master Cao, it's too scary!"

"Yes, he actually made four of his disciples enter the top eight!"

"Now I understand a little bit why the Grand Master directly appointed Master Cao as the Imperial Master in the first place! This method of training disciples is so clever and terrifying."

"Similarly, he is a powerful person, but Lord Haoyuexing has not cultivated a single disciple."

"Actually, maybe it's not that Lord Haoyue Xing doesn't want to train disciples, but that he doesn't have suitable disciples. In fact, the reason why Peak Master Cao's disciples can enter the top eight is because they are all ancient immortal bodies.

Cao Fengzhu's little flute, Yisheng was also a genius, but in the end, he was eliminated early. "

"Actually, it is precisely because Lord Haoyue Xing has not trained any disciples that I think Lord Haoyue Xing is stronger and more terrifying.

Everyone knows that after the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the world will probably be in chaos. At that time, the strongest combat power will be the peak of Jindan.

No matter how strong the golden elixir is, how strong can it be? Therefore, if you want to ensure your own safety, just like Peak Master Cao, it is the wisest way to improve your ladder cultivation and have a few more disciples at the peak of the Golden Core.

But he is also a reincarnated power. Couldn't Lord Haoyue Xing have thought of this? But he still hasn't trained any disciples, why?

Because he has absolute self-confidence, he believes that just by relying on himself, he can dominate in the troubled times of the Little Era! "

Today, there were only eight matches in total, and the battle ended relatively early. However, after the battle, the discussion about the Immortals Martial Arts Conference became more and more intense.

The next day, as the top eight entered the semi-finals before the start of the game, everyone was still talking about it.

"Five people from Four Treasure Peak have entered the top eight, so that means some of them will definitely meet. I don't know what will happen when the disciples from Four Treasure Peak meet."

"If the disciple and the master meet, then there is a high probability that they will not be able to fight. After all, it cannot be justified for the disciple to fight the master.

Of course, the meaning must be understood. After making gestures, the disciple will admit defeat.

But it would be interesting if a disciple meets a disciple. I wonder if they will fight? "

"I feel that maybe they won't actually fight. If they fight, it will be internal friction. Instead, they may expose their weaknesses or even get injured, which will affect the winner's subsequent battle."

"Yes, I think so too. They are all from the same sect, and they all know who is stronger and who is weaker."

"Not necessarily, they are geniuses. Who knows what geniuses think."

Amid everyone's discussion, the referee's voice rang out from below the ring.

"Baifeng Sect, Sibaofeng Cao Zhen, versus Baifeng Sect Sibaofeng Beiyan, both sides take the stage!"

When Cao Zhen heard the referee's words, he was stunned for a moment. Was he fighting his disciple in the first game? I thought that with Master Etai's character, he would arrange for his two disciples to fight. It was not impossible to even directly arrange for Xiang Ziyu to fight Lingxi.

In the end, he and Xiao Beiyan were fighting.

Cao Zhen raised his hand and touched Xiao Beiyan's head, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go up. Just in time, let me see how high you have reached now."

Xiao Beiyan's face suddenly turned bitter. Fighting with the master? How do you fight this yourself?

He was puzzled as to why the four disciples of the master allowed him to meet the master.

He glanced at the three senior brothers and sisters on the side and flew helplessly onto the ring. Then he released his golden elixir and looked at the referee below the ring.

Below the ring, the referee seemed to have sensed Xiao Beiyan's gaze and urging, and immediately spoke without stopping: "Start!"

After the words fell, Xiao Beiyan jumped up and jumped down from the ring.

He gave in!

For a moment, on the high mountain, the expressions of people from all the major immortal sects changed drastically, and they looked at Bei Yan in surprise, who took the initiative to admit defeat.

After they just heard that Bei Yan was going to fight his master, they thought that Bei Yan would admit defeat, but the surrender they thought of was not the kind of surrender in front of them.

This is a martial arts conference among the immortals. It is a conference that the emperor wants to hold, and the grand master will watch the whole process!

In such a conference, if you don't even take action and just admit defeat, isn't this not giving the grand master face?

It would be okay if I had to admit defeat in the early stage. There is a big gap in strength between everyone. I know I am defeated, so if I admit defeat, maybe the Grand Master will not care.

But now, it is already the battle for the top eight to enter the top four. Every battle attracts everyone's attention. In this kind of battle, if you just admit defeat, will the Grand Master's face look good?

This Beiyan, even if he takes a little action, uses a few magical powers, then admits that he is invincible, and at the same time writes more about the master's instructions, there will be no problem.

But now, he jumped directly off the ring...

Bei Yan looked up at the ring, where Cao Zhen, who was also surprised, said with a sincere expression: "Master, you are my disciple's master, and the person I respect the most.

My disciple must never fight with you. Master, master, there is a word for father in these two words, so master has the same father. Although our Zhenxian Dynasty says it governs the country by law, it also governs the country by filial piety!

If a parent dies at home, even the officials of the imperial court will have to go home to attend the funeral, or even observe mourning for three years... How can I fight with you! "

Cao Zhen really didn't expect that Xiao Beiyan could say such a thing. Moreover, everyone understood the meaning of the words, and he also understood it, but why did it sound so weird?

Keep filial piety?

Boy, what does this mean?

"Keep filial piety..."

" when Beiyan said seems that the Grand Master is no longer having an attack."

"It turns out that he was waiting here. In fact, the current emperor could have ascended the throne long ago. It was because of the late emperor's words that he waited until this year to ascend the throne.

As soon as Beiyan mentioned filial piety, the Grand Master really couldn't help himself. "

Everyone looked at the Grand Master.

The grand master stood there with his usual expression, and no change in his expression could be seen.

"The winner is Baifeng Sect, Sibaofeng, Cao Zhen!"

Since the grand master didn't express his opinion, the referee immediately announced the winner, and then he announced the second duel.

"Baifeng Sect, Xiang Ziyu of Sibaofeng, the descendant of the old man Zhan Ziruzi."

After saying this, everyone on the mountain became excited.

"It's interesting. In this Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, there are a total of two disciples of the old man, one is the Four Jue Old Man and the other is the Natural Old Man.

Xiang Ziyu actually met all the disciples of these two old men. "

"Although Xiang Ziyu won yesterday, his injuries were so severe that he may not have much fighting power left."

"I'm afraid Xiang Ziyu will lose this time."

"Zi Ruzi's luck is obviously much better than Si Juezi's."

While everyone was talking, Xiang Ziyu and Zi Ruzi fell onto the ring respectively.

Ziruzi looks extremely ordinary, with an ordinary appearance and ordinary clothes. Even his aura feels so ordinary. He can't feel the aura of genius, master or arrogance.

When people saw him standing on the ring, they even had the illusion that if he were thrown into the crowd, into the crowd of mortals, people would not notice his existence unless they specifically felt the breath.

But just such a person has entered the top eight!

Xiang Ziyu fell on the ring and looked at his ordinary-looking opponent. He didn't even say a bunch of stupid words like before, but directly released his combat power.

Suddenly, another ten golden elixirs of visionary Dzogchen perfection emerged, and waves of abundant, pure, and strong aura rolled out like a torrent of river water.

"This breath!"

"What a strong aura, it feels as strong as his aura yesterday!"

"No, I even feel that this aura is stronger than his aura yesterday!"

"Didn't he suffer a serious injury? Didn't he say he couldn't recover in a day? How come he still has such a strong aura?"

Many people looked towards the elders of their immortal sect.

But the faces of the elders of the Immortal Sect turned red at this time. They were the ones who said yesterday that Xiang Ziyu's healing powers were not as strong as people saw.

Some of them also said that Xiang Ziyu would not be able to recover today, but the reality was that they were severely slapped in the face.

Just as the elders were embarrassed, Ziruzi also released his golden elixir and combat power on the ring.

Suddenly, a special aura that was different from the golden elixir stage surged around.

Catastrophe of wind and fire!

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