The Immortals Martial Arts Conference was originally said to be open to all earthly immortals, but after the conference started, no master of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe appeared.

In fact, among the major immortal sects, which one does not have a master of the Wind and Fire Tribulation?

But everyone knows that the grand master’s selection of the national master and the top ten immortal generals this time may also be for the purpose of reversing the minor era.

Although the Wind and Fire Catastrophe reverses the universe, the Little Era will not fall asleep, but it cannot fight as it pleases. That will definitely not work.

At first, some immortal sects thought about sending disciples from the Wind and Fire Tribulation, but later they thought that if they sent out disciples from the Wind and Fire Tribulation, they would definitely offend the Grand Master, so they did not send out disciples from the Wind and Fire Tribulation.

Just like the Hundred Peaks Sect, when they competed in the Hundred Peaks Competition, those peaks that had disciples of the Wind and Fire Tribulation did not send any disciples of the Wind and Fire Tribulation.

However, now, a person with great calamity appeared on the ring.

"Wind and Fire Catastrophe, this breath is definitely the breath of Wind and Fire Catastrophe!"

"Zi Ruzi, it turned out to be a catastrophe of wind and fire?"

"No, when he fought before, he was clearly not from the Wind and Fire Catastrophe."

Everyone looked at Zi Ruzi who exuded the unique aura of the Wind and Fire Tribulation on the ring, and they all quickly reacted.

"Yes, he was clearly the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions when he competed. That's right."

"When he fought yesterday, he also had the Ten Visions Golden Pill."


"Is it such a coincidence?"

On the ring, Zi Ruzi seemed to know what everyone was guessing. He looked at Xiang Ziyu and took the initiative to say: "I don't want to suppress you with my cultivation level. It's just that I saw you fighting against Si Juezi yesterday. After that, I gained some insights, and after returning to my residence, I broke through and entered the Great Tribulation of Wind and Fire."

"The breakthrough yesterday?"

"Did he really break through yesterday, or was it because Xiang Ziyu broke through, and then he met Xiang Ziyu again today?"

"This child is really unlucky."

"I don't know if what he said is true or false."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the location of the Taishi. Ziruzi had just broken through today, or had suffered a great calamity of wind and fire before. It was obvious from the Taishi's cultivation level.

The grand master still didn't speak.

Although they didn't say anything, everyone understood instantly.

What Zi Ruzi said was correct, he had indeed just broken through and entered the Wind and Fire Tribulation.

"This... if Ziruzi had just made a breakthrough, there would naturally be no problem."

"In this case, it will be difficult for even the Grand Master to cause trouble for Zi Ruzi."

"No one can tell what's wrong. Ziruzi entered the competition with the cultivation level of Jindan Dzogchen. He just made a breakthrough during the competition. You can't blame others."

"Zi Ruzi is a genius. Previously, he was considered to be second only to Peak Master Cao and Haoyue Xingjun, two reincarnated powerful beings. Now, he has broken through and entered the Wind and Fire Catastrophe. Such a Come on, except for the two reincarnated powerful men, I can’t think of anyone else who can be his opponent.”

"The reincarnated power may not necessarily be able to survive the wind and fire catastrophe."

For a moment, everyone became excited again.

Everyone has always believed that the position of national master this time will belong to either Cao Zhen or Haoyue Xingjun. In particular, Haoyue Xingjun has a greater chance of getting the position of national master.

But now, a catastrophe of wind and fire suddenly appeared, and it was the same super-powerful existence that broke through into the catastrophe of wind and fire.

It's hard to say who will get the position of National Master.

"Xiang Ziyu is really unlucky to meet such a master of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe."

"But it's okay. He has already entered the top eight and will definitely become one of the top ten immortal generals. Could it be that he can still obtain the position of national master?"

While everyone was talking about it, Xiang Ziyu looked at Zi Ruzi opposite, with a look of excitement on his face: "Sure enough, the protagonist's path is so unique. Among so many people, the reincarnated great master is There are two of them, one is my teacher, and the other is that Haoyuexingjun. However, you are the only one who encountered the Wind and Fire Tribulation, but I encountered it.

This battle is destined to make me, Xiang Ziyu, famous throughout the Zhenxian Dynasty. Come on, I can't wait. "

The blood in Xiang Ziyu's body boiled, and the fighting spirit soared into the sky. It was stronger than the fighting spirit at the last moment when he fought against the Four Juezi yesterday!

With excitement, every muscle in his body couldn't help but tremble!


As the referee began to speak, a long whip appeared in Zi Ruzi's hand. The long whip was emerald green and looked like wicker, and the long whip exuded bursts of rich natural aura. As the long whip emerged, For a moment, Ziruzi seemed to be integrated with the surrounding world and this world.

Even though he had broken through to the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, and even though Xiang Ziyu didn't have any magic weapons, he still took out the magic weapons directly.

If the other side doesn't have magic weapons, what does it have to do with him?

The magic weapon is his and part of his strength, why doesn't he use it?

Even if his cultivation level is higher than the opponent's, he will still attack with all his strength.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength, let alone a human!

As the long whip was waved, a green halo of light suddenly emerged, surrounding him. The halo of light was filled with a strong breath of life. From a distance, Ziruzi's whole body looked like the same plant that had survived for several years. Like a giant tree that is one hundred thousand years old.

"This magical power, he has used it in previous is the magical power of Old Man Nature, the Ancient Natural Tree Technique."

The previous Old Man Ziran had fought against masters from all the major immortal sects, and all the major immortal sects naturally knew Old Man Ziran's magical powers and unique skills.

"The Natural Ancient Tree Technique does not directly attack the opponent, but is attached to the body, making the caster feel as if he is wearing an ancient tree coat."

"The most terrifying thing is that the defensive power of this natural ancient tree technique is extremely terrifying and extremely difficult to break."

"Compared to Si Jue Zi, Zi Ru Zi is much calmer. In every previous battle, he would release the Natural Ancient Tree Technique after the battle started!"

Zi Ruzi's combat power was fully activated, and in the blink of an eye, he was flying in front of Xiang Ziyu.

Under Xiang Ziyu's feet, a halo of light mixed with red and purple suddenly rose. The fiery red light was like a burning flame, while the purple light was like thunder from the ninth heaven, full of terrifying power that could destroy everything.

At the beginning, several of their senior sisters and brothers from Sibaofeng were in Qianlong Temple, but since they learned magical powers from each other, he would naturally also have this magical power.

"This...isn't this the earth fire and thunder aperture!"

"Isn't this the magical power of Bei Yan, another disciple of Four Treasure Peak?"

"This is not Beiyan's magical power. It is one of the top ten magical powers of the Qianlong Temple of the Baifeng Sect! Xiang Ziyu is also a disciple of the Baifeng Sect. Is there anything strange about knowing the magical power of the Qianlong Temple?"

"But this magical power is not suitable for Xiang Ziyu."

Everyone was surprised.

Bei Yan's vision contained a flaming evil chicken, but Xiang Ziyu's vision had no flames or thunder. Why did Xiang Ziyu use this magical power?


Zi Ruzi waved his hand in the air, making a crisp sound of breaking through the air, and swept towards Xiang Ziyu. For a moment, the air around him seemed to be crushed, and a series of harsh sonic booms were made. The sound was so loud that it could be heard in the distance. Everyone on the mountain can hear it clearly.

Just the twitching of a slender willow-like whip stirred up a strong gust of wind, blowing endless dust from the ring towards Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu had no weapons. The thunder and fire light he cast from the Earth Fire Thunder Aperture was directly attached to his hands. He just used his body to grab the long whip in front of him.

The next moment, the long whip hit his palm hard, making a crisp sound.

A long stream of blood suddenly appeared on Xiang Ziyu's palm, and at the same time, streams of blue mana surged out from the long whip and suddenly rushed into Xiang Ziyu's body.

And in Xiang Ziyu's palm, the mighty power of flames suddenly spurted out and poured into the long whip.

It rushed upward along the long whip, as if it wanted to burn and devour the long whip.

But the next moment, visible raindrops appeared on the long whip, like dew in the morning, covering the entire long whip. After the flames touched the water droplets, they were extinguished instantly.

Xiang Ziyu, on the other hand, was hit by the force of the whip and took two steps backward.

It is true that he has the Ten Visions Golden Pill, but the opponent is the Wind and Fire Catastrophe who has the Ten Visions Golden Pill, and his magic power and strength are much more powerful than him.

"I understand, Xiang Ziyu wants to use flames to burn the opponent. After all, the magical powers Ziruzi displays are like the magical powers of wood. Flame naturally defeats wood."

"He must be overthinking. He is not primarily about flames, and how could the other party not know that others will use flames to target him, so he is naturally prepared for it."

"If it were Fairy Li Ke's Suzaku sub-fire, it might still be effective, but Xiang Ziyu's flame is simply impossible."

"Xiang Ziyu was knocked back. There is nothing we can do. This is the power of the Wind and Fire Tribulation!"

After Ziruzi pulled out his long whip, green leaves sprouted from the top of the long whip. The next moment, the leaves flew out one by one and gathered in the air to form the shape of a huge blue dragon. For a moment, the entire arena Above, a violent, domineering, and ferocious aura emerged, and the giant dragon plunged towards Xiang Ziyu!

Xiang Ziyu suddenly opened his mouth, shouted a word in the direction of the dragon.


As his words fell, a sound wave that could be detected by the naked eye shot out from his mouth, and water-like air ripples instantly rose in the air.

The sound of this word is extremely loud, and the sound is full of endless ancient, profound, and mysterious atmosphere. It makes people feel like an ancient evil god who is imprisoned, roaring to break out of the prison.

In the direction of the Baifeng Sect, although they lost the game yesterday, a scene could not help but emerge in Li Ke's mind, which had not yet been eliminated.

Senior Long Aotian was trapped by layers of formations, pressed under the towering mountains covered with spells, and his body was chained up by chains filled with inscriptions.

He is here, having been imprisoned for who knows how many years. He wants to escape. He hates it. He hates that he has great cultivation but no freedom.

He let out a roar that wanted to break out of the cage!

This sonic magical power must have been passed down to Cao Zhen by senior Long Aotian, and then Cao Zhen taught it to Xiang Ziyu. Cao Zhen must also have this magical power!

The huge sound spread all around. On the high mountain, the disciples with lower cultivation levels couldn't help but stretch out their hands to cover their ears in the sound, while using their magic power to protect themselves!

The gap, their gap is really too big.

Some of them were even at the Golden Core stage, but just hearing Xiang Ziyu use his sonic powers from a distance made them feel like their ears were being deafened.

Among them, there are some genius disciples in the Dan-formation stage who even have blood flowing out of their ears.

People even feel that at this moment, there is only one voice left in the whole world. In other words, this sound absorbed all the sounds!

Amidst the loud noise, a sound wave visible to the naked eye vibrated in all directions, causing the surrounding space to vibrate, and then the entire void above the arena vibrated.

The green dragon shadow burst into pieces in this shock, turning into pieces of flying leaves. However, the flying leaves at this time were different from before, and they were all broken flying leaves.

However, the next moment, surging mana surged out from Zi Ruzi's body and fell into the broken flying leaves.

Suddenly, the flying leaves began to recover at an alarming speed.

In the short time it took to take less than a breath, it had condensed into shape and recovered again, and these flying leaves started to spin up, wrapping Xiang Ziyu in the middle.

In just an instant, the rotating flying leaves had formed a tornado hurricane. What was even more terrifying than the hurricane was that those flying leaves seemed to be a master of perfect golden elixir shooting out a hidden weapon.

It was not shot by one Jindan Dzogchen master, but by more than a dozen.

Each flying leaf was extremely sharp and shot towards Xiang Ziyu.

On Xiang Ziyu, rays of light with body-protecting magical powers rose.

Then, these rays of light suddenly vibrated.

His magical power to protect the body cannot be ignored, and whether it is the Golden Body of Dragon and Tiger or the Record of Gods and Demons, they are all top-notch magical powers to protect the body.

However, there are too many flying leaves.

As the flying leaves flew around, the light of his body-protecting magical power kept weakening and weakening.

In just the blink of an eye, all the light from his body-protecting magical powers had dissipated, and even the black and white light from the Divine Demon Record had completely disappeared.

Flying leaves streaked across his body, and each falling leaf left a clear blood mark on his body.

In a moment, the clothes on his body were cut into long strips, and bright red blood kept dripping out, dyeing the clothes on his body red, and the whole person looked like a bloody man.

In the distance, in the mountains, everyone gasped when they saw this.

"The Wind and Fire Tribulation, this is the horror of the Wind and Fire Tribulation."

"Ordinary wind and fire catastrophes will not be so terrifying. If it is a nine-elixir combined elixir and a few vision golden elixirs, it may not even be able to defeat Xiang Ziyu when encountering Xiang Ziyu.

However, Zi Ruzi is the perfect catastrophe of wind and fire of the Ten Visions and Golden Pills, which is terrifying! "

"Yesterday's battle, Si Juezi struggled to break through Xiang Ziyu's defense, but today Zi Ruzi's effort made Xiang Ziyu bleed profusely."

"Xiang Ziyu's strongest body-protecting magical power has been broken, and his physical body seems to be unable to withstand Ziruzi's attack. Xiang Ziyu will definitely lose this battle."

The healing power quickly emerged on Xiang Ziyu, quickly repairing his injured body, but the fighting spirit in his eyes became more and more intense!

The Great Tribulation of Wind and Fire also belongs to the Golden Elixir stage.

However, in a sense, the Wind and Fire Catastrophe can also be regarded as a higher level of cultivation.

This was not the first time that he had crossed the realm of cultivation to confront an enemy.

And all the protagonists will cross the realm of cultivation to defeat their opponents. Today, he will also cross the realm of cultivation to defeat his opponents!

Behind Xiang Ziyu, in the golden elixir, strong and turbulent mana surged, and his whole aura seemed to be vaguely improved.

The next moment, he waved his hands and blasted out a magical power!

Five thunders rectification!

Mighty thunder fell from the sky, and the terrifying power spread throughout the space.

Everyone looked at the falling thunder from a distance, and each of them felt a sense of joy in their hearts.

"This thunder, how do you feel that the power of thunder is stronger than when he used this magical power before?"

"This power, this is not like the power of the magical power that can be exerted by the golden elixir stage!"

"His magical power seems to have exceeded the limit of the Golden Core stage!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, Cao Zhen opened his panel to check.

Five Thunder Zhengfa... Fifty-level!


His Five Thunder Zhengfa has been upgraded!

He didn't move anything, but the Five Thunder Zhengfa was upgraded. There can only be one reason, Xiang Ziyu's Five Thunder Zhengfa was also upgraded!

He had checked it countless times before and found that all of Xiang Ziyu's magical powers were level 511, while Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, and Li Ke's magical powers were also at the highest level of 51.

Obviously, the limit of the magical power of the golden elixir stage is fifty-level.

But now, Xiang Ziyu's Five Thunder Zhengfa has broken through the limit of fifty-first level and reached fifty-second level!

And Xiang Ziyu...

Cao Zhen quickly opened Xiang Ziyu's dashboard and checked it.

There is nothing wrong with the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

Xiang Ziyu did not break through.

What's more, Xiang Ziyu is an ancient immortal body, and he can't break through it himself.

Even if it is the wind and fire catastrophe, the ancient immortal body cannot break through it. He must refine the elixir to help Xiang Ziyu and the others break through the wind and fire catastrophe.

Therefore, Xiang Ziyu is still the same as before, and his cultivation level has not changed at all. However, he has broken through the limit of the golden elixir stage and raised his magical power to the fifty-second level. Moreover, he has not cultivated it bit by bit. Level 50, but he broke through directly in the battle!

Although there may be a reason for this, Xiang Ziyu is also a genius.

If it weren't for the fact that Xiang Ziyu was an ancient immortal and couldn't improve his cultivation, he even doubted that Xiang Ziyu could break through directly into the Wind and Fire Catastrophe because of the stimulation from the outside world, the stimulation of battle, and his fighting spirit. .

Catastrophe of wind and fire...

Cao Zhen suddenly thought of something.

When the universe is reversed in the Little Era, the strongest combat power is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, because the Wind and Fire Catastrophes do not dare to move casually.

The way of heaven and earth at that time was special, and under the battle of the Wind and Fire Tribulation, the honor of the True Heavenly Tribulation was directly faced with the test of the Wind and Fire Tribulation.

However, his four disciples, Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu and Xiao Beiyan, are all ancient immortal bodies!

They cannot achieve breakthroughs through cultivation on their own.

So, what if I elevate them to the post-Wind and Fire Catastrophe? It seems like they can still fight at will because they can't break through on their own!

In this way, after the reversal of the universe and the arrival of the Little Era, the real highest combat power will be the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

Moreover, only four of his disciples have the highest combat power!

The more Cao Zhen thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was extremely high.

So... I need to find medicinal materials to help my disciples refine elixirs, so that they can rise to the level of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

However, this kind of thing is uncertain. When the time comes, I will let them choose someone first, upgrade to the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, and then fight to see if they can break through.

Don't wait until then, if you really achieve a breakthrough, then it will be a big deal.

In this case, I would also prepare elixirs and various materials for overcoming the tribulation for my disciples.

I don’t know how much this money will cost!

Headache, real headache.

While Cao Zhen was thinking in his mind, countless branches gathered above Ziruzi's head on the stage to form a huge umbrella, blocking the thunder falling from the sky.

Xiang Ziyu's magical power is indeed stronger, but Zi Ruzi's cultivation is stronger and his magic power is stronger, making up for the gap in magical power.

After Xiang Ziyu missed a hit, he didn't stop, and blasted towards Ziruzi with magical powers one after another.

Ziruzi also used his magical powers to resist and go away.

Although, the speed and frequency of Xiang Ziyu's magical powers are getting faster and faster, and he also uses more magical powers.

But no matter what magical powers he used, he could not break Ziruzi's defense.

On the high mountain, except for the people from the Baifeng Sect, the rest of the people had no direct relationship with this battle. In fact, to them, it didn't matter who won or lost. They were just watching the extremely exciting fighting.

For a time, everyone was even more mesmerized.

There were even compliments for Xiang Ziyu from time to time.

"Xiang Ziyu is really a genius!"

"Yes, I am extremely sure now that he is much stronger than yesterday."

"It's a pity that he met an opponent with a great calamity of wind and fire."

"It's a pity, it's really a pity. Now I think that Xiang Ziyu is the strongest among the four disciples of the Golden Elixir of the Four Treasures Peak. It's a pity that he still has to be eliminated."

"He is just the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and the other party is facing a great calamity of wind and fire. If this consumption continues, the first person who cannot hold on will definitely be Xiang Ziyu."

"The two of them started fighting in close quarters."

"It's useless, the Wind and Fire Tribulation is too strong."

"Xiang Ziyu's injuries are getting more and more serious!"


Zi Ruzi slapped Xiang Ziyu's body with a heavy palm. Immediately, Xiang Ziyu flew backwards and flew directly to the edge of the ring, and then stabilized his figure.

Three feet!

If he retreated another three feet, he would fall off the ring.

He glanced at Ziruzi opposite him from a distance, then slowly reached into the Qiankun bag, but the next moment, he took his hand out again, but it was empty.

"Oh, there is no way. I originally wanted to defeat you with my own strength, but now it seems that it is a bit difficult, so I can only use the secret method."

"Secret method?"

On the high mountain, Cao Zhen listened to Xiang Ziyu's words on the stage from a distance, with a look of surprise on his face. Just now, that kid Xiang Ziyu reached into the Qiankun bag, probably wanting to take out some magic weapon.

Xiao Beiyan also said before that Xiang Ziyu melted the magic weapon he gave him in order to repair the magic weapon of the founding ancestor.

Last night, I also asked Xiang Ziyu whether the magic weapon had been repaired, but Xiang Ziyu said that the magic weapon had not been repaired, but it could be used.

What he did just now was probably to get the magic weapon.

Why are you suddenly no longer using magic weapons, but instead using secret techniques?

Naturally, he knew that Xiang Ziyu had a secret method. After all, because of Zhonghua Yun, he also had that secret method.

Secret techniques all have backlash and sequelae.

Xiang Ziyu's secret method is no exception.

Although Xiang Ziyu's secret technique is a bit weird and the sequelae are not that serious, they still have sequelae.

No matter how amazing Xiang Ziyu's healing power is, if he gives Xiang Ziyu medicine himself, it will take at least five days for Xiang Ziyu to return to full strength after using the secret technique.

So what about his fight tomorrow?

That kid, why don't you use magic weapons when you can clearly use them, and would rather use secret techniques with sequelae?

Didn't he say that the magic weapon can be used?

Could it be that the magic weapon was not powerful enough, and he felt that even with the magic weapon, he could not defeat Ziruzi?

When Cao Zhen was confused, two shadows, one black and one white, suddenly appeared on Xiang Ziyu.

It is not a vision in his vision golden elixir, but a vision of supernatural power.

The two phantoms are also filled with two completely different auras. The white phantom is full of ethereal fairy energy, while the black aura is full of insidious, cunning, and strange aura.

The two breaths constantly collided in the air, causing the surrounding air to stir. The next moment, the two black and white breaths on his golden elixir seemed to be triggered by the breath of his magical power and resonated.

For a moment, two rays of immortal and demonic energy on the golden elixir flew out, and together with the two phantoms of his magical power, fell into his body.

In an instant, Xiang Ziyu's body was filled with light.

Before, although the black and white phenomena on the golden elixir were intertwined behind him, white was white and black was black. The two auras were intertwined like two black and white beams of light.

But now, this black and white aura is completely integrated.

For a moment, the light on Xiang Ziyu's body seemed to be white, but upon closer inspection it seemed to be black again, and then again it was white... It was impossible to tell what color the aura on his body was.

At the same time, an aura full of domineering and royal aura surged towards the surroundings.

On the mountain, each disciple just felt this breath, and immediately felt that their legs were uncontrollable, and they bent downwards, wanting to kneel down in front of Xiang Ziyu.

The next moment, powerful mana surged out around them, protecting them in the middle, and then they slowly stopped their bodies.

It was their senior brothers with higher cultivation who took action.

Although everyone did not really kneel down, their faces were full of shock. They were at the Golden Core stage. Even if they were not as good as Xiang Ziyu, they were still at the Golden Core stage. They were so far away. If it weren't for the help of their fellow disciples, they would have already knelt down and worshiped.

The Golden elixir stage can defeat the Golden elixir stage, and even masters of the Ten Visions of Golden elixir Dzogchen can easily defeat countless Jindan stages with low cultivation levels, but it is completely impossible to let the Jin elixir stage kneel down directly under their aura. .

Only the Earthly Fairyland can do this!

Xiang Ziyu, what kind of secret method was he using? How could he have such a terrifying feeling that made them surrender?

Looking at Xiang Ziyu from a distance, they even felt that they were no longer seeing a person, but a statue, a real immortal from ancient times, or a demon king from ancient times!

High on the mountain, as the reincarnated powerful Lord Haoyue Xingjun, at this moment, his face showed obvious changes. This aura... How could he have this aura in the Golden Core stage?

Could this guy, this disciple of Cao Zhen, also be a reincarnated powerful person?

Even on the high mountain, the Grand Master, who had always been calm and had little fluctuations on his face, had a look of surprise on his face. This kind of aura...

What kind of immortal body is Cao Zhen's disciple?

He could feel that Xiang Ziyu's changes were not entirely due to Xiang Ziyu's secret technique, but Xiang Ziyu's secret technique, which aroused Xiang Ziyu's vision, resonated with it, and revealed more. The power of the vision!

Xiang Ziyu's aura reached an unprecedented height at this moment, and he raised his hand in Zi Ruzi's direction.

Suddenly, an extremely thick purple thunder appeared in the sky. Before the purple thunder fell, it had already made the air in this world become extremely violent.

There was a sound of thunder.

The sound was so loud that it seemed to explode directly from everyone's hearts. Many people even felt that their hearts were shattered at this moment.

The majestic and terrifying purple thunder fell, as if it could destroy the entire world.

Wherever the thunder passed, the void suddenly exploded!

In the air, electric snakes jumped out one after another, and the terrifying power that made people tremble fell from the thunder.

A look of panic suddenly appeared on Ziruzi's face, danger!

At this moment, he felt that his life was threatened. He even felt that under the thunder, he seemed to have fallen into the boundless dark purgatory.

He even had a feeling that no matter where he escaped, the purple thunder could hit him accurately.

You can't dodge, you can only block!

For a moment, Zi Ruzi was horrified!

His aura reached its peak at this moment, and his mana surged crazily, gathering in front of him to form a huge ancient tree. The branches and leaves of the ancient tree continued to spread, wrapping him layer by layer.

The next moment, purple thunder hit him hard.

In an instant, there was a loud bang that sounded like the void completely exploded and the earth was shattered.

On the high mountain, at this moment, everyone could clearly feel that the disciples under their feet were suddenly shaking.

The whole mountain shook at this moment.

The ground also shook!

With one blow, the sky shook!

On the stage, the branches and leaves that wrapped around Ziruzi burst open layer by layer.

It's not that it's broken layer by layer, but all the branches and leaves are completely exploded at this moment!

Then, endless dust rose into the sky from the arena, completely covering the entire arena. There was so much dust that no one could even see clearly what was going on in the arena for an instant.

The next moment, as the dust scattered, everyone finally saw clearly what was going on in the ring.

Suddenly, waves of gasping sounds came out.

"The arena...the arena has broken open, revealing a huge circular pit. The arena has been completely penetrated!"

"In the middle, look at the ring near the middle. The ring is broken!"

"This is an arena specially designed for Jin Danqi to fight, and the arena is blessed with formations!"

"Look, below the ring, the referee from the Sun Moon Sect shook his body."

"The formation in the arena was broken?"

"The arena formation protected by the Earthly Fairy Realm cannot withstand this blow?"

"Has Xiang Ziyu's attack become so terrifying?"

"It should be that that blow was so powerful that even the referee of the Sun Moon Sect never thought it would be so strong. What's more, he is more about maintaining the formation and using it to resist the attacks in the arena, so, The destruction of the formation actually had nothing to do with him."

"Indeed, if the elder used his magical power to directly bombard him, Xiang Ziyu's attack would definitely not be able to break through his magical power."

"However, Xiang Ziyu was able to break through the formation of the arena and destroy it to this extent, which is scary enough!"

Since the beginning of the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament, this was the first time in the true sense that the arena was completely destroyed.

Before, Li Ke burned the arena with flames, which only exposed the stone bars of the arena. It did not really destroy the arena. The arena can still be used. However, now, the arena was completely destroyed and was divided into two parts from the middle. Broken, even where Zi Ruzi was, the arena was completely penetrated.

For a moment, everyone's attention turned to the damaged ring instead of the two people in the battle.

The next moment, someone screamed.

"Look at Xiang Ziyu, Xiang Ziyu has also fallen down, and the terrifying aura on his body has disappeared."

"The secret technique he used can only sustain such a blow?"

"Isn't it terrifying enough to sustain such a blow? The arena was destroyed, then Ziruzi..."

"Zi Ruzi... Zi Ruzi's breath, I can't seem to feel Zi Ruzi's breath anymore."

"No, Ziruzi still has breath, but the breath is very, very weak."

"His aura, if no one saves him, I'm afraid he..."

"Of course the old man has no other disciples, who can save Ziruzi?"

Cao Zhen saw Xiang Ziyu who had fainted. Although he knew that Xiang Ziyu was not in danger, he still flew towards the ring quickly.

But a light on his side was faster than him.

The grand master stretched out his hand towards the direction of the ring and grabbed it in the air. Suddenly, in the circular pit that was penetrated by the ring, his face was pale and there was no trace of blood, but his body was dyed red with blood. He completely turned into a bloody man, Zi Ruzi, flying in the air. He came out and instantly landed in front of the Grand Master.

The grand master volleyed towards Ziruzi.

Suddenly, a vitality emerged from the body of Ziruzi, who could hardly feel any breathing. Although this vitality was fleeting, Ziruzi's aura became much more obvious, and everyone in the distance could clearly see it at this time. Feel the breath of Ziruzi.

Then, the grand master raised his hand and shot out an elixir. The elixir fell in front of Ziruzi, who automatically opened his mouth.

In the direction of the ring, Cao Zhen had already flown directly onto the ring.

Although the referee has not yet announced who is the winner and who is the loser, Na Ziruzi is almost dead. It is obvious that Xiang Ziyu wins.

What's more important is that the grand master immediately took Zi Ruzi away. He didn't have to worry about anything and just took out a pill, gave it to Xiang Ziyu, grabbed Xiang Ziyu, and flew towards the direction of the Four Treasures Peak. go.

At this time, the referee's voice rang out from below the ring: "The winner is Baifeng Sect, Sibaofeng, Xiang Ziyu!"

As his words fell, Cao Zhen had already brought Xiang Zi Yufei down.

On the side, Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, Xiao Beiyan, Yi Sheng and others all came up.

All around, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect looked over with great concern. Even Qu Qingqing's face was full of concern.

Although her Taoist companion was defeated by the people from Sibaofeng, she was a disciple of the Baifeng Sect after all, and she also cared about the people of the Baifeng Sect.

Although Xiao Beiyan always said that his senior brother was not very smart, he even often complained to his master, saying that his senior brother bullied him.

At this time, he was the first to rush to Xiang Ziyu and asked eagerly: "Master, senior brother, he..."

"Don't worry, your senior brother is fine. His secret method... well, I can feel that although his secret method has backlash, it won't backfire too much on him. Master has given him the pill, It wouldn't take half a stick of incense for him to wake up on his own.

There won't be any hidden injuries after that, but his condition... it will take a few days to return to his peak. I'm afraid he won't be able to participate in the next competition. "

"No future troubles? No hidden wounds? That's good, that's good."

Everyone around heard the sound and felt relieved.

However, as their words fell, in the distance, in front of the Grand Master, Zi Ruzi opened his eyes. He was obviously more seriously injured and was already dying just now, but at this moment, he was actually in front of Xiang Ziyu. , opened his eyes.

"Zi Ruzi opened his eyes..."

"His breath is becoming more and more stable!"

"Grand Master... what a terrifying Grand Master. If Ziruzi hadn't been struck by an expert, he would have died. With such a serious injury, Grand Master helped him stabilize his breath so quickly!"

Everyone was amazed when they saw Zi Ruzi's transformation. This is the terrifying thing about the Grand Master. Not only is the Grand Master's cultivation unfathomable, but his other methods are even more unfathomable.

However, they didn't understand why the Grand Master wanted to save Zi Ruzi.

If the Grand Master had not taken action, Ziruzi would definitely die.

After all, there was no one from Ziruzi's master sect present, and even the elders of the top ten immortal sects might not have been able to save Ziruzi from his injury just now.

If Ziruzi dies, the old man will naturally hate the Baifeng Sect.

Even if Old Man Natural has fallen asleep, Old Man Natural will know about this when he wakes up. After the Little Era of the Reversal of Things ends, Old Man Natural will definitely find a way to cause trouble with the Baifeng Sect. This shouldn't be the Grand Master who has always suppressed the world of immortal cultivation. Want to see it?

Why did he want to save Ziruzi?

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