Yan Yourong did not fight against Cao Zhen. After she stepped into the ring, she immediately admitted defeat.

After all, Xiao Beiyan once said that a master is like a father, and the Zhenxian Dynasty took filial piety very seriously. How could she fight against her master?

She gave up, and no one could say otherwise, not even the Grand Master could blame her.

After all, Yan Yourong was obeying the Zhenxian Dynasty's tradition of putting filial piety first.

Everyone was not surprised at all that Yan Yourong gave up. As for the next game...

"There's nothing left to fight next."

"Yes, Xiang Ziyu was injured like that yesterday, and it's unclear whether he can still get on the stage."

"I saw Xiang Ziyu."

"He should still be in the ring, but I wonder if he will admit defeat?"

"Xiang Ziyu probably won't admit defeat. After all, he is from the Baifeng Sect. Look at the previous battles among the top ten immortal sects. Except for special circumstances like Master, how many of them gave up?

And the Baifeng Sect is the one among the top ten immortal sects that is least willing to admit defeat. In their words, the people of the Baifeng Sect can only die standing, not kneeling. "

"Actually, in today's two games, I don't think there will be much fighting. They should go directly to the finals."

"Look, Xiang Ziyu has already stepped onto the ring."

As the referee's voice fell, Xiang Ziyu and Haoyue Xingjun both fell onto the ring.

Both of them suffered considerable injuries in the battle yesterday.

Xiang Ziyu used a secret technique, and Lord Haoyuexing was even injured by the catastrophe.

But now it seems that Lord Haoyue Xing doesn't look injured at all, and Xiang Ziyu's face is pale. In Xiao Beiyan's words, he looks weak.

On the stage, even when facing Xiang Ziyu like this, Lord Haoyue Xing still released his golden elixir immediately. Although his face was not dignified, it still lived up to his usual calmness.

Yesterday, Lingxi really caused him a lot of trouble. The biggest problem was that his formation was destroyed. Although, the formation is not completely destroyed and can be repaired. He also has the repair materials, but the problem is that the destroyed array can be repaired not in one day, but in two days.

What's more, he spent more time yesterday treating his own injuries.

He was bombarded several times by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Even though he has been cultivating for a day, he still has not fully cultivated his body. After all, this body is only in the golden elixir stage, and it is impossible to heal the injuries from the Heavenly Tribulation attack so quickly.

Between, Lingxi's madness yesterday.

Although the Xiang Ziyu he is facing now has already used his secret technique once and should have little fighting power, considering that Xiang Ziyu's master is Cao Zhen, who is also a powerful person, no one knows , Will Cao Zhen teach Xiang Ziyu any special skills to let Xiang Ziyu explode into battle again?

Therefore, he still dare not be careless now.

As Lord Haoyue Xing released the golden elixir, Xiang Ziyu also quickly released his own golden elixir.

Compared to yesterday, his golden elixir seemed much more illusory. The two shadows on top of the golden elixir, one black and one white, were even more dim, and the human form was almost invisible.

"This golden elixir, this golden elixir's vision, Xiang Ziyu was indeed seriously injured!"

"Looking at the situation of the golden elixir, I even feel that an ordinary ten golden elixirs can defeat him."

"It doesn't even need to be a perfect golden elixir, just nine golden elixirs. Anyone who can complete the combination of elixirs can defeat him."

"Although Xiang Ziyu is in such a state, we may not be our opponents, but Xiang Ziyu's current opponent is Lord Haoyue Xing. In this state, it is impossible for him to cause any trouble to Lord Haoyue Xing."

While everyone was talking, Xiang Ziyu reached into the Qiankun bag.

The next moment, a strange short stick appeared in everyone's sight. It was as black as a short stick and looked like a fire stick. It was extremely rough and even the thickness was different.

The top of the black stick is inlaid with four beads.

All four beads were damaged. Some were so badly damaged that they seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, while others only had a crack.

Following Xiang Ziyu's movements, everyone's eyes on the high mountain fell on the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand.

"Is this the first time Xiang Ziyu has used the magic weapon?"

"What kind of magic weapon is this?"

"That shape, such a rough thing, how can it be a magic weapon? It can't even be called an ordinary weapon."

"I don't feel any breath."

"But this is what Xiang Ziyu took out. He can't just take out something for no reason."

Cao Zhen suddenly remembered Xiang Ziyu's action of reaching into the Qiankun bag yesterday when he fought against Zi Ruzi.

Could it be that Xiang Ziyu wanted to take this treasure yesterday?

Short stick? This short stick couldn't be something Xiang Ziyu made by melting the magic weapon he gave him.

There are also beads on the short stick. One of them should be the one he got from the Tiangang Disha Pearl in the Immortal Armament Square.

What about the other four?

When he went out, he found three more Tiangang Earth Evil Beads.

Cao Zhen's understanding of the divine weapons, especially the Baifeng Sect's divine weapons, is far inferior to Ai Yunqi. It can even be said that no one in the entire Baifeng Sect knows better than Ai Yunqi. They are the magic weapons of the seniors of the Baifeng Sect.

Cao Zhen immediately turned to look at Ai Yunqi and asked, "Elder Ai, are the beads on Xiang Ziyu's short stick all Tiangang Earth Evil beads?"

"I don't know." Ai Yunqi frowned and looked at the four beads on the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand from a distance. At this time, he whispered, "The distance is too far, and the beads have not been released. I have no way of judging whether any aura is the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead. Only when he releases the power of the divine weapon can I know."

Now, she wants to know more than anyone else whether it is the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead. Moreover, her understanding of Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl is actually not much better than others.

After all, only one of the 108 Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls belonging to the founding ancestor remained in the Baifeng Sect. For the rest, she only saw some records from their Baifeng Sect's annals and classics.

Lord Haoyue Xing saw the strange weapon that Xiang Ziyu took out. Even though he couldn't feel any aura coming from the weapon, he still raised his hand with a cautious look, and a bronze mirror appeared in front of him.

As soon as the bronze mirror appeared, an ancient aura spread far away. That aura even gave people the illusion that it had existed for countless epochs.

Just for a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the bronze mirror in Haoyue Xingjun's hand.

"This... such an ancient and mysterious atmosphere!"

"I feel that this bronze mirror has existed for countless years."

"Isn't this the treasure that Lord Haoyuexing had before he was reincarnated, and then he took it out?"

"No...it shouldn't be."

Lu Chaoqiong of the Baifeng Sect said with great certainty: "I have never heard the name of Lord Hao Yue Xing before, so Lord Hao Yue Xing must not be a person of this era. In this way, if it was before Lord Hao Yue Xing was reincarnated The treasure must not belong to this era.

You must know that the way of heaven will change in every era. Treasures that do not belong to this era will definitely not be recognized by today's heaven.

Of course, if those treasures have enough cultivation, they can also be covered up or changed through heaven-defying methods so that the treasures will not be rejected by today's heavenly law.

However, Lord Haoyuexing is only in the golden elixir stage now. Even if he becomes a powerful person, it is impossible for him to cover up the way of heaven so that the way of heaven will no longer reject his magic weapon.

Therefore, this magic weapon must not be the magic weapon that Lord Haoyuexing refined before his reincarnation. This should be the magic weapon that he refined after his reincarnation.

It means that the reason for having this ancient feeling is because his refining method is special and the materials for refining the magic weapon have existed for a long time. "

High on the mountain, the elders of the major immortal sects were instilling similar words into their disciples.

Below the ring, the referee saw that both men had taken out their magic weapons and immediately shouted: "Start!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden elixir behind Xiang Ziyu, which looked extremely insubstantial, suddenly vibrated, and a soaring fighting spirit suddenly surged out of his body.

Who said that he has no fighting power today?

Who said that after using a secret technique, it would be useless the next day?

who is he?

He is Xiang Ziyu, a born protagonist!

He will never allow himself to lose!

Reincarnated power?

As the protagonist, what you have to fight is this kind of reincarnation power!

Today, he wanted to let everyone see it and let the whole world know that there was only one genius and one protagonist in this world, and that was him, Xiang Ziyu!

Xiang Ziyu obviously looked extremely weak, but at this moment, the fighting spirit in him was stronger than ever before, even stronger than when he fought Ziruzi yesterday!

At this moment, he seemed like an undefeated God of War who emerged from the ancient battlefield of immortals and demons.

Even on the high mountains in the distance, everyone can feel the vast and boundless fighting spirit!

The fighting spirit is soaring through the capital!

Waves of fighting intent centered on him and surged around, causing the surrounding air to surge in all directions.

Behind him, the originally illusory golden elixir became more solid at this moment, and the black and white shadows on the golden elixir suddenly shot out two bright rays of light, rushing into his eyes. in vivo.

"This fighting spirit, this aura!"

"He is obviously so weak, how can he still have such a strong fighting spirit? Can he burst out with such aura?"

"Magic weapon! The magic weapon in his hand, that light, that breath, it is really a magic weapon!"

Xiang Ziyu frantically mobilized the breath in his body, and all the energy poured into the short stick in his hand. For a moment, the short stick shot out a vast and boundless feeling, embracing the world and nourishing all things.

The next moment, the four beads on the short stick burst into brilliant light.

Among them, the white light emitted by the two beads shot straight into the sky, causing the void to vibrate crazily. It seemed that the entire sky resonated with Xiang Ziyu.

The light emitted by those two black beads fell directly into the earth, causing the earth and even the mountains where everyone was to shake crazily.

The earth shook, the mountains shook, and the sky shook.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole world resonated with the four beads in Xiang Ziyu's hand.

Between heaven and earth, auras visible to the naked eye flowed crazily into the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand, as if they were being attracted by something unstoppable.

not good!

Lord Haoyue Xing felt the terrifying aura emanating from the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand, and the aura in his body also climbed crazily, reaching its peak in an instant. The bronze mirror in front of him trembled even more crazily, emitting waves of 'buzzing' sound.

The bronze mirror suddenly unfolded, completely occupying the entire arena.

The originally calm mirror surface began to stir gently, like a river flowing slowly.

The next moment, the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand suddenly moved in the direction of Haoyue Xingjun. Suddenly, all the power of heaven and earth absorbed by the four beads flew out at this moment.

Under the impact of pure and violent power, the space in front was instantly crushed, making sonic booms like huge mountains exploding.

The whole world seemed to be turned upside down at this moment.

The reason why he didn't use the power of this magic weapon yesterday was because he felt it was unnecessary.

This magic weapon is even more terrifying than after he used the secret technique!

The power of heaven and earth surged out and gathered together to form a terrifying whirlpool of power, which heavily bombarded Haoyue Xingjun's bronze mirror.

Suddenly, the bronze mirror shook crazily like a river. The next moment, it also started to rotate with the whirlpool. Moreover, the vortex became bigger and bigger, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster. No matter what happened after a moment, it was already. Cover the entire bronze mirror.

Around the bronze mirror, clear cracks have appeared.

Lord Haoyue Xing felt the terrifying power coming from the bronze mirror, and he almost went crazy. He couldn't understand why Xiang Ziyu was only in the Golden Core stage, and at such a weak Golden Core stage, how could he explode like this? strength.

It's because he is also an ancient immortal body. So what kind of ancient immortal body is he?

Not to mention the explosion of such power, what kind of magic weapon is his magic weapon? How can it possess a little power of heaven and earth?

Is that the power that a person in the Golden Core stage and the magic weapon used in the Golden Core stage can have?

What kind of freaks are these!

Lord Haoyue Xingjun crazily activated the power in his body, and his whole body gradually floated with the emergence of power.

"The bright moon shines on the sea!"

Lord Haoyue Xingjun, the whole person is like a moon, falling on the mirror, like a bright moon rising from the sea.

His power merged with the power of the bronze mirror at this moment, and the bronze mirror that originally seemed to be broken became solid again.

But the next moment, the rotating vortex of power on the bronze mirror suddenly exploded for a while!


In an instant, as soon as the Immortals Martial Arts Conference began, the most terrifying explosion sounded.

High on the mountain, many people felt that they had never heard such a loud explosion in their lives!

The terrifying sound waves were like waves in the sea, shooting out in all directions, and in the center of the arena.

At this moment, the ancient realm exploded with a bang, and pieces of broken lenses and frames flew around.

In the center of the bronze mirror, Lord Haoyue Xingjun, who was at the center of the explosion, was blasted out by the explosion and flew straight out of the ring.

Outside the ring!

Lord Haoyue Xing's expression changed drastically. He suppressed the blood that was constantly rolling in his body, took a strong breath, and suddenly slapped his palm towards the back.

Suddenly, a powerful impact fell to the ground. The shock caused him to fly forward again. His body flew to the edge of the ring and fell heavily!


There was another muffled sound, and Haoyue Xingjun fell down, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust. The next moment, he opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

As a reincarnated powerful man, he was not only knocked to the ground, but also vomited blood while being beaten.

All the internal organs in his body seemed to be shattered at this moment, and auras with the power of heaven and earth were pounding crazily in his body.


Lord Haoyuexing, however, could not hold on, opened his mouth again, and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

At this time, he couldn't care less about maintaining the image of his reincarnated power!

This blow is really terrifying!

This is the power that contains the power of heaven and earth!

The blow just now was him. If it were anyone else, he believed that no one in the golden elixir, or even in the great catastrophe of wind and fire, could block this blow.

Except for him, all those who have not become Earth Immortals will die in the face of this blow!

That Cao Zhen has created a bunch of apprentices!

Each one of them either caused a catastrophe, or their power contained the power of heaven and earth!

At this moment, he even had doubts about his own actions.

Should he also train a few apprentices?

The center of the arena was completely destroyed by this blow. An extremely huge circular pit was revealed.

As for Xiang Ziyu, he fainted after performing the blow. Then, under the impact of the aftermath of the explosion of power, he had already been rushed to the bottom of the ring.

But at this time, everyone looked at Xiang Ziyu who fainted outside the ring, and they were all full of admiration, wonder, and expressions.

Many people were completely stunned. It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"The blow just now was actually caused by Xiang Ziyu?"

"Is this the kind of power that a person at the Golden Core stage can create?"

"Kazuya is too scary."

"Even the reincarnated powerful Lord Haoyue Xingjun was severely injured by Xiang Ziyu!"

"This... Xiang Ziyu actually retains such a skill!"

"I don't understand, Xiang Ziyu. He clearly has this magic weapon. Why didn't he use the magic weapon yesterday instead of using the secret method? If he had used the magic weapon yesterday, he wouldn't have made himself so weak."

"Such a terrifying attack cannot be used without restrictions, and even Xiang Ziyu may not be able to withstand it.

I think he must have kept the stronger magic weapon today because he could no longer use it today after using it yesterday. "

"Suppose, I mean what if, Lord Haoyue Xing met Xiang Ziyu not today but yesterday. At that time, Xiang Ziyu did not use the secret method and was in full power.

At that time, if Xiang Ziyu used his secret technique and then took out this magic weapon to strike, could Lord Haoyuexing block Xiang Ziyu's attack? "

"If it were yesterday, Lord Haoyue Xing still had the formation, Xiang Ziyu might not have been able to hurt Lord Haoyue Xing like this."

"So, who do you think is stronger, Lingxi or Xiang Ziyu? Is Lingxi stronger than Xiang Ziyu?"

"Of course it's Xiang Ziyu. This terrifying blow..."

"So, Lingxi and Xiang Ziyu, one of them destroyed Haoyue Xingjun's formation, and the other today destroyed Haoyue Xingjun's magic weapon and seriously injured Haoyue Xingjun."

"This...then how will Lord Haoyuexing fight with Peak Master Cao tomorrow?"

"Look, the Grand Master's expression seems to have changed somewhat."

"The grand master must have thought that Xiang Ziyu could not cause any trouble to Lord Haoyue Xing, so he deliberately let Xiang Ziyu fight against Lord Haoyue Xing. As a result, Xiang Ziyu seriously injured Lord Haoyue Xing."

"I was originally optimistic that Lord Haoyuexing would defeat Peak Master Cao, but as a result, it's hard to say who will win and who will lose tomorrow."

Discussions continued, and Haoyue Xingjun left again without looking back. He was more injured today than yesterday, and he had to rush back as soon as possible to heal his injuries.

Tomorrow's battle will be really troublesome!

"This guy……"

Cao Zhen sighed helplessly, flew to Xiang Ziyu's side quickly, took out a Tianyuan Qi Pill and gave it to Xiang Ziyu, and his heart was even more moved.

Including Lingxi yesterday, why did Lingxi work so hard yesterday? Couldn't he see that Lingxi went to destroy Haoyue Xingjun's formation yesterday?

Today, Xiang Ziyu went directly to defeat Haoyue Xingjun.

Although Xiang Ziyu's blow today felt like excessive damage, he could actually feel that Xiang Ziyu's injuries were much more serious than they looked to outsiders.

Xiang Ziyu was already very weak, and he even forced the magic weapon to activate, which meant that his physical strength was far superior to that of other people. If it were another person, such as Yan Yourong, I am afraid that Yan Yourong would have turned into a bloody People and even their foundations will suffer some damage.

There are only two battles today.

And the fight was just one fight. With the end of this battle, today's game is also over.

Everyone returned individually.

Among them, many people rushed directly to major gambling houses.

Lord Haoyuexing is already injured like this, so what else is there to consider? We must place heavy bets on Peak Master Cao’s victory.

However, there are also some people in major gambling houses who still believe that Lord Haoyue Xing is also a reincarnated power. Lord Haoyue Xing is a combined elixir of ten golden elixirs, while Cao Zhen has no combined elixir. Even if Lord Hao Yue Xing is injured, they still believe in Lord Hao Yue Xing. able to win.

There is still the finals left in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament, and today, major gambling houses are ushering in the final burst of betting.

As for Cao Zhen, after returning to Yi Mansion, he was going to treat Xiang Ziyu's injuries.

But before he could take action, Elder Ai Yunqi, Elder Gu Chengyu and Temple Master Lu Chaoqiong surrounded Xiang Ziyu.

"Peak Master Cao, you have to compete in the finals tomorrow. Although, in this Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, our Hundred Peaks Sect has already made a big splash.

However, in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, the most important thing is the champion, who is the national master.

You'd better prepare for tomorrow's battle with all your strength now. As for Xiang Ziyu's injury, let us treat it. The three of us old guys are still in the Golden Core stage anyway. Although the techniques practiced by Xiang Ziyu are different and not of the same origin, with the full strength of the three of us, the effect of healing him will not be worse than yours. . "

While the three of them were talking, Lu Chaoqiong put her hand on Xiang Ziyu's back. Suddenly, a stream of mana poured into Xiang Ziyu's body, and her brows frowned tightly.

"This... nonsense, simply nonsense. He was injured like this. If it's not good, it will damage the foundation. Fortunately, his body is strong enough and his meridians are tough enough, so there is no loss. Foundation.”

As Lu Chaoqiong spoke, more spiritual energy surged out of his hand and entered Xiang Ziyu's body.

Slowly, her eyes suddenly widened.

"There seems to be a breath in Xiang Ziyu's body that is constantly circulating, restoring his injuries. Is it his magical power that heals injuries? He is obviously unconscious, so his magical power can still operate automatically?"

"What? His magical powers are still working?"

Ai Yunqi and Gu Chengyu were shocked when they heard the sound, and they put their hands on Xiang Ziyu's back.

Magical powers need to be used.

If the skill automatically operates to recover from the injury after being knocked unconscious, that is normal.

But when a person is in a coma, how can he activate his supernatural powers? Who will drive it?

After a moment, the expressions of the two people also changed.

"The magical power is indeed running in his body, driven by two forces. One of the forces is full of immortal energy and royal energy, and the other force is extremely weird... That should be his vision. The power of shadow.”

Ai Yunqi had just finished speaking, but his eyes widened suddenly. At the same time, Lu Chaoqiong and Gu Chengyu also looked at Xiang Ziyu in disbelief.

"My power, he is absorbing my power and accelerating the recovery of his injuries."

"It's not just your power, he's also absorbing my power."

"It's the power of the three of us. The power of the three of us is completely different, but after he absorbed it, this power instantly became his power!"

"It's the breath of his black and white vision!"

"This, Xiang Ziyu, what kind of behavior is he, what kind of immortal body is he, why is he so weird!"

The three of them were surprised, but they did not retract their arms, nor did they stop the transmission of power.

Xiang Ziyu absorbed their power, not directly absorbing their original power.

It's just to speed up the absorption of power.

For example, the power they transmitted before was slowly flowing into Xiang Ziyu's body like a stream, but under the stimulation of the power in Xiang Ziyu's body, their power was forced to flow into his body like a river.

Ordinary people, if they absorb three different powers, especially if they absorb the power of three earth immortals in the golden elixir stage, and absorb it so quickly, they will inevitably explode and die.

But after the power of the three of them entered Xiang Ziyu's body, it was instantly transformed into the power of the black and white vision, nourishing Xiang Ziyu's body.

In just half an hour, Xiang Ziyu woke up slowly.

As soon as Fang opened his eyes, he immediately asked: "How is Haoyue? Did I knock him off the ring? Master? Am I going to fight you tomorrow?"

Xiao Beiyan looked at Xiang Ziyu, whose face was already showing blood for half an hour. He didn't care how badly Xiang Ziyu was injured before, and directly struck him: "Third senior brother, you are thinking too much, that moon I didn’t let you fall off the ring. But you yourself fainted from weakness, and then you were rushed off the ring by the aftermath of your own attack.”

Anyway, the way his third senior brother is now, it is obvious that there is nothing serious. He struck as ruthlessly as before: "Third senior brother, I told you earlier, just make up for it if you are weak. If you don't stop, you Tell me, if you had asked junior sister to bring you ginseng, deer antlers, etc. yesterday, you wouldn’t be like this after eating them."

"I lost? How could I lose?" Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu shook his head in displeasure and said, "I am the protagonist. This time I should be the first. How could the protagonist lose!"

"Third Senior Brother, this is not the first time you have lost." Xiao Beiyan revealed without mercy: "In our Hundred Peaks Sect, you have already lost once during the Hundred Peaks Competition."

"That time... that time was different. Didn't Master say that time, let us..." Xiang Ziyu spoke directly without thinking, and then he realized that in the room, except for their four treasure peaks, In addition to the people, there are three other people from the Baifeng Sect, and these three are either temple masters or elders.

"Your master, what do you want me to do!" Lu Guanzhu's eyebrows suddenly stood up and he glared at Cao Zhen fiercely. Although Xiang Ziyu had not finished what he said, she was not stupid and she understood the meaning in an instant. mean.

At first, after the Hundred Peaks Competition ended, everyone didn't feel anything at first. However, when everyone recalled how the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks lost the Six Arts Competition and how they lost the fighting skills, many people felt that there was something wrong. question.

How come the disciples of Sibaofeng were so lucky that they all lost to their opponents?

Moreover, each one of them chooses someone stronger than them to fight?

Also, later on, the Baifeng Five Evils bet that the ranking of the Four Treasure Peaks would remain unchanged. Then, the Qiankun Bagua Talisman in Lingxi’s hand was also gathered together. But she knew that the other Qiankun Bagua Talisman was in the Baifeng Five. In evil hands.

Like many others, she was also doubting Peak Master Cao.

Of course, she was just skeptical.

Now, she finally confirmed that the original Four Treasure Peaks were deliberately ranked one hundred.

Although she clearly knew that Cao Zhen was a reincarnated great master, at this moment, she couldn't help but said: "Master Cao, the Hundred Peaks Competition is extremely sacred. But you use the Hundred Peaks Competition to make a fortune? …”

"Master Lu, there is nothing I can do." Cao Zhen saw that Xiang Ziyu had said this, and he admitted directly, "I need more resources, so this is the only way.

If we don't do that, our Baifeng Sect doesn't have that much money. Without that much money, how can we improve our cultivation and strength. "

"Yes, Peak Master Cao is also doing it for the good of our Baifeng Sect." Gu Chengyu nodded and helped, "Guanzhu Lu, you have also seen that four of the five disciples of Sibaofeng have become The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen has become one of the top ten immortal generals.

Among the top ten immortal sects, which one can compare with our Baifeng Sect! If Peak Master Cao hadn’t done that, we, the Hundred Peaks Sect, wouldn’t be as grand as we are today! "

In the room, Yisheng listened to the conversation of several elders and immediately lowered his head. There were five disciples of the master, and her senior brothers and sisters had all become the top ten immortal generals, and she was the only one holding back.

Otherwise, if you tell the truth, the master of the Four Treasures Peak is the national master, and all the disciples are the top ten immortal generals. What an honor is that?

It was she who had brought shame on the master.

After Gu Chengyu finished speaking, he seemed to have discovered the problem in his words, and quickly added: "There is also Yisheng. Although Yisheng is not one of the top ten immortal generals, one sound has already made the nine golden elixirs of vision perfect. I want to use In a short time, she will achieve the perfection of the ten visionary golden elixirs. When she completes the combination of the elixirs, I believe that she will also be able to have combat power comparable to the ten immortal generals.

These are all because of Peak Master Cao. "

"Of course I know that Peak Master Cao is doing it for the good of our Baifeng Sect, but the Hundred Peaks Competition is sacred after all. At the same time, the ancestors of the Baifeng Sect and your ancestors of the Four Treasure Peaks are all watching, Peak Master Cao, you are like this..."

Lu Chaoqiong said, but she shook her head again, while shaking her head and sighing: "I am too pedantic. However, Peak Master Cao, if you do this, the impact on you will not be good. In the Baifeng Sect, Many people suspect that you, Si Baofeng, lost on purpose."

"It's just some reputation. For the Baifeng Sect, it doesn't matter even if you bear some infamy." Cao Zhenman waved his hand nonchalantly.

For a time, everyone admired Peak Master Cao more and more. Such a reincarnated power was so proud, but Peak Master Cao didn't care about his reputation.

Among the people, Xiang Ziyu was trying to figure it out. He suddenly realized, "I know, it must be because if I defeat Lord Haoyuexing, I will have to face Master.

As a disciple, I naturally can't directly surpass the Master. If I surpass the Master, then that's the case. Master, you are about to... Forget it, don't say it anymore. Therefore, it is destined that you, Master, will be the first. Master, you should be able to get first place, right? Master, let me tell you, I still have many powerful supernatural powers that I can teach you, Master. But time is limited, I’m afraid, Master, you won’t be able to learn it for a while. "

"Can you learn it?" Cao Zhen suddenly laughed, "Tell me all the magical powers you know." Because of Zhonghua Cloud, he naturally knew all Xiang Ziyu's magical powers.

However, this cannot be explained.

After all, many of Xiang Ziyu's magical powers were practiced indiscriminately, and they were never told to him. How could he do it?

Therefore, in the previous games, he did not use any of Xiang Ziyu's magical powers that he obviously did not know.

Now, Xiang Ziyu took the initiative to mention his magical power, but it happened to help him fix this bug.

The day passed quickly.

On a new day, the immortals compete for martial arts, and the finals are held as usual.

Cao Zhen brought the disciples of Sibaofeng and joined the people of Baifeng Sect to the competition place just like before. Different from the past, today, soldiers holding weapons appeared on the mountain peaks. They surrounded the peak with the best position one by one.

In the center of the mountain peak, a group of civil servants and military officers gathered.

But in the center of the crowd, it was no longer the Grand Master, but the Emperor Yong'an of the Zhenxian Dynasty who was wearing a dragon robe and had ascended the throne!

In the final, the emperor finally arrives!

It seems that because of the emperor's arrival, the surrounding peaks are much quieter today than before.

It was not because he was afraid of the emperor, but because of the solemn-looking Grand Master beside the emperor.

Perhaps because of the arrival of the finals, the Grand Master's expression today was much more solemn than that of the previous few days.

There was no referee below the ring today.

Soon, with the arrival of Chen Shi, the Grand Master's voice rang out. "Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen, Thousand Cave Gate, Haoyue is on stage!"

He used the title of Haoyue, he did not call the other party Xingjun.

In the Zhenxian Dynasty, no one is qualified to call him Star Lord, even if he is a reincarnated powerful person.

When Cao Zhen and Haoyue Xingjun heard the Grand Master's words, they flew out and landed on the ring.

Cao Zhen had not fought for several days. When he landed on the ring again, he felt something special for a moment. He looked at Haoyue Xingjun opposite him.

A trace of paleness can still be seen on Haoyue Xingjun's face. Obviously, he has not recovered from the heavy injuries he suffered yesterday.

Feeling Cao Zhen's gaze, ten golden elixirs of visions that had merged into one appeared behind Haoyue Xingjun.

Suddenly, the people on the mountain who were originally quiet couldn't help but make a sound.

"Haoyue Xingjun's golden elixir is not as bright as before."

"Haoyue Xingjun, you are indeed seriously injured! You can see the impact from the golden elixir."

Lord Haoyue Xing didn't mean to hide anything, and said directly: "Your disciples are very good, and they did hurt me. But, I am very curious, as a reincarnated great master, how do you compare to your disciples?"

"Soon, you will know." Cao Zhen released his six golden elixirs of vision, and the heretic golden elixirs also flew out and floated above his head. The air shook continuously.

On the mountain peak, the grand master saw that both of them were ready, but he walked around to the emperor, saluted to the emperor, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, the hour has arrived."

"Okay." The emperor looked around with a majestic face, nodded slightly, and said: "The game begins!"

There is no need for the referee to speak again, there is no referee today.

The emperor is the supreme ruler of the Zhenxian Dynasty. When he says "start", it means that the final final has begun!

As his words fell, a silver scimitar, a crescent-like scimitar, appeared in front of Haoyue Xingjun on the stage.

The scimitar shone with a chilling air under the sunlight.

Waves of icy air spread from the arena, and in just an instant, the entire arena was covered with a thick layer of frost.


The sun is yang, the moon is yin, and cold is yin!

He had never shown his cold energy in previous battles, but today, as soon as the battle started, he had already shown his cold energy.

As he waved his palm, the scimitar passed through the void. In an instant, a blade of light flew out. Wherever the blade of light passed, the arena, the air... everything was frozen!

The cold air was so cold that even the people on the high mountain couldn't help but tremble at this moment, and it felt like their souls were frozen to pieces.

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