Nowadays, everyone in the entire Immortal Cultivation World of Zhenxian Dynasty knows that there is a powerful person named Haoyue Xingjun.

However, everyone doesn't know much about Lord Haoyue. The only way they know about Lord Haoyue is through the previous battles with Lord Haoyue.

And all along, the fighting methods displayed by Haoyue Xingjun are all related to the moon. Everyone also took it for granted that Haoyue Xingjun's magical powers were like this.

Now, everyone was surprised to find that Haoyue Xingjun actually possessed icy magical powers, and even the coldness of his aura was stronger than the cold aura of any Golden Core master they had seen before!

With one blow, not only the arena, but everyone even felt that the mountains they were on, and even the area within a thousand miles, were all frozen!

A crushing cold air hit my face, as if it were ice that had existed for countless epochs, exuding a cold air that would freeze the entire world.

Cao Zhen felt the coldness all over his body. Behind him, among the six visionary golden elixirs, one burning with blazing flames suddenly burst out with bright brilliance. Fiery auras surged toward the surroundings. Time blew around his body, and bursts of smoke and dust blew up.

This golden elixir seemed like a volcano suddenly erupting, and in an instant, extremely hot flames spurted out.

Ten different fire magical powers are released at the same time.

Some flames are extremely hot, some flames seem to be endless, some are obviously flames, but they are full of cold atmosphere, some flames are extremely condensed, and some are full of eerie atmosphere, as if they are flames from hell. , some are filled with dense air, like fairy flames,

Ten kinds of flames shot out, turning this world into a sea of ​​fire in just a moment.

Since the opponent uses ice, he naturally uses fire!

Moreover, his flame golden elixir is not just one.

He possesses two flame golden elixirs.

The next moment, another flame golden elixir suddenly erupted behind him, and the continuous flames rushed towards Haoyue Xingjun.

However, this flame, which seemed to be able to melt the earth and evaporate the oceans, did not directly melt the ice when it touched the ice cast by Haoyue Xingjun. Instead, the cold air slowly invaded.

On the high mountain, everyone could clearly see that the cold air released by Lord Haoyue continued to push forward. Although the speed was slow, the sea of ​​​​fire released by Cao Zhen solidified into ice bit by bit.

Fire can naturally melt ice, but when the ice is cold enough, the fire will extinguish and turn into ice.

"Is the difference so big?"

"Peak Master Cao's magical powers are simply incomparable to those of Lord Haoyuexing."

"This is the difference between the combined elixir and the unintegrated elixir."

"Peak Master Cao is already strong enough. We have seen the power of his golden elixir before. All we can say is that Lord Haoyuexing is too strong."

"Haoyue Xingjun's magic weapon, he has never used this magic weapon before, that magic weapon is too strong!"

"Peak Master Cao is in trouble now."

Cao Zhen felt the retreating flames, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. He really didn't expect that after releasing twenty kinds of fire magical powers, he still couldn't melt all the ice.

Since flames can't do it, what about magic weapons?

All around Cao Zhen, pieces of magical weapons suddenly appeared. All the magical weapons that he had obtained in the Tomb of Divine Weapons but had not sold appeared.

After each piece of magic weapon appeared, its power exploded, stirring the surrounding air and surging crazily.

"Magic weapon!"

"So many magic weapons!"

"That divine weapon, I recognize that divine weapon as the divine weapon of the Baifeng Sect."

"I also know that long sword. It's the Baifeng Sect, the magic weapon of the Blade Peak!"

"These magic weapons seem to be the magic weapons of the Baifeng Sect."

"Baifeng Sect actually supported Peak Master Cao and gave him so many magical weapons!"

The next moment, pieces of magical weapons were shot out.

For a moment, in the void, double rings of magic weapons, one fire and one water, entwined each other, spinning and flying down; inside a palace-like magic weapon, more than a dozen chains shot out from the windows, chimneys, and open doors, like a chain. A dragon flew out from the sea, one big and one small, one thick and one thin. The two male and female swords turned into two sword lights that seemed to be able to pierce the mountains. A pitch black sword seemed to fly from the Nine Nether Hell. out……

Several pieces of divine weapons crashed down.

Under the double attacks of the divine weapons and the magical power of fire, streaks of icy cold air finally began to retreat.

But the next moment, Haoyue Xingjun slashed out again.

Suddenly, the shadow of a palace appeared in the void.

Everyone has obviously never seen this kind of palace, but the moment they saw this palace, everyone only had the feeling that this palace flew down from the moon in the sky.

The palace on the moon...the rumored Guanghan Palace?

As the shadow of the palace emerged, endless cold air fell down, and the surrounding space was instantly frozen. Layers of frost appeared on both the flames and the divine weapons.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

"This is the real magical power, it's simply miraculous!"

"Peak Master Cao was suppressed again."

"It seems that there is no suspense in this battle."

On the ring, Cao Zhen felt the biting cold air coming from all around and frowned deeply. Is this the strength of the real reincarnated power?

If he keeps fighting like this, he seems to be unable to win.

If he fails to win, the Grand Master will definitely cause trouble for himself.

What's more, he has received so many benefits from being a Grand Master. After getting the Imperial Master, he can still get many more benefits.

I need to break through to the Great Perfection of the Golden Core. I don’t know how many resources are needed for my disciples to break through to the Beacon Tribulation.

No matter what he said, he would get the position of National Master.

Are you cold?

I don't believe it. No matter how strong your magical power is, how can you not have any weaknesses?

Cao Zhen, looking at the invading cold air, quickly opened the Chinese Cloud.

He looked at the additional experience gained by each disciple, and then looked at his own level of weapon refining.

These days, although Xiang Ziyu is practicing outside, he has not stopped refining weapons. Now, Xiang Ziyu's weapon refining level is about to break through a big level, and his weapon refining has also won a lot.

The next moment, he spent a lot of extra experience directly on his weapon refining level.

Soon, Zhonghua Yun’s voice came.

"The weapon refining level is improved to break through the level, the administrator level is improved by one level, a random user can access one, and a designated user can access one."

"Random user access completed, Yu Qian."

Yu Qian?

When Cao Zhen heard the voice coming from the Chinese Cloud, he was speechless for a moment. This time, he chose to spend a lot of extra experience points on the weapon in an instant, in order to increase the administrator's level and to intervene. A user is not just a random user.

But this random user is too random, right?

What's the meaning?

Cross talk queen?

Nothing to smoke, drink, or perm your hair?

Come with your own skills and support everything?

What the hell is this random Yu Qian?

You can just be a corrupt official like He Shen!

Before he could finish complaining in his heart, Zhonghua Yun's voice came again.

"Please step in and designate a user."

This time, Cao Zhen did not hesitate and said directly: "I designate Lord Haoyue Xingjun who is connected to the Thousand Caves Gate."

Why did he want to upgrade the administrator level? It was because he was the designated user this time.

Those designated users who are too powerful cannot access, right?

That Lord Haoyue Xing is now just a reincarnated power, so he can access it himself.

At the beginning, after he was almost sure that Lord Haoyuexing was the reincarnated power, he thought of such a BUG!

Reincarnation is powerful. Because of reincarnation, if this life is not strong enough, it will definitely be able to access it.

Then, the reincarnated power. In the previous life, he was strong enough and knew a lot. If there is a reincarnated power, it is natural to connect to the reincarnated power!

Soon, Zhonghua Yun’s voice came over.

"Designated user, Haoyue Xingjun's access is completed."


Cao Zhen was sure, he knew that connecting to Haoyue Xingjun would be successful. Next, he would see what Haoyue Xingjun would do.

He looked at the approaching cold air and quickly opened the Chinese Cloud.

Two different documents appear.

Surprisingly, the two documents appear to be about the same size.

Is Yu Qian's document so big?

This Yu Qian, this is...

Cao Zhen took a look and finally realized that he was wrong. This person was not the Yu Qian he thought he was.

User: Yu Qian

Sex: Male

Cultivation: Mortal

Politicians, military strategists, writers...

This, this is Yu Shaobao of the Ming Dynasty, one of the Three Heroes of West Lake!

Cao Zhen couldn't care less about Yu Qian's introduction and quickly clicked on another document.

Suddenly, pieces of information came into his eyes.

User: Haoyuexingjun

Sex: Male

Cultivation: Golden elixir stage, Ten Visions Golden elixir Great Perfection!

Identity: Disciple of Qianku Sect.

Qualification: Bright Moon Xuanyin Body

Additional available experience points: 120,000

Alchemy Level: Level 30

Talisman Level: Level 40

Formation level: level 35

The bright moon rises from the sea: Level 51

Guanghan Moon Palace: Level 51...

For a time, a string of information was constantly reflected in Cao Zhen's mind, and all the magical powers and cultivation theories mastered by Haoyue Xingjun were also reflected in his mind.

A reincarnated power, this guy is indeed a reincarnated power.

This guy comes from the last era called True Yang. You can ask someone later to ask what era that was. Now...

At this moment, Cao Zhen fully understood all the magical powers that Haoyue Xingjun had. At the same time, he also knew what the weaknesses of Haoyue Xingjun's magical powers were.

So that’s it, it turns out that the weakness of Lord Haoyue Xing’s magical power lies in Guanghan Palace… His magical power is like that…

Cao Zhen sneered in his heart. On his left hand, a ball suddenly started to burn. The next moment, it suddenly grew in size. From a distance, it seemed as if his whole body was burning crazily.

His whole body was like a burning sun, but his body was not damaged at all in the blazing fire.

Suddenly, a phoenix sound came from behind her.

Two holy beasts, one phoenix and one phoenix, suddenly rushed out from between Cao Zhen's hands. The bodies of these two holy beasts were completely made up of flames, with purple flames on the outside and red flames in the middle.

On the high platform, countless people's eyes widened instantly.

"This is……"

"Isn't this the magical power that Yi Sheng once used?"

"Li Huo, Peak Master Cao also owns Li Huo?"

"This... Peak Master Cao is Yi Sheng's master. It's normal to know this magical power. But about Li Huo, is Peak Master Cao also a body of flames?"

On the high mountain, Yisheng looked at his master, and the flames suddenly released, but he was not surprised at all. It was his master who helped him refine the human elixir in the first place, and his master also possessed Lihuo. What's so strange about it?

"This... Peak Master Cao has released flames!"

After the phoenix flame emerged, it was instantly enveloped by the hottest and most violent flame breath, rushing straight ahead.

In the crisp sound, the phoenix burning with blazing flames hit the ice, and a large amount of cold air suddenly melted...

"Strange, why do I feel that Peak Master Cao's Li Huo is not as strong as Yi Sheng's Li Huo?"

"Yes, it's also Li Huo, but I feel that Yi's Li Huo is more pure!"

"But why is the cold air melted? I even feel that Lord Haoyuexing's cold air does not block the flame!"

"Could it be that Li Huo restrained Haoyue Xingjun's cold energy?"

On the high mountain, everyone instantly discovered that the Li Huo displayed by Cao Zhen was different from the Li Huo produced by Yi.

On the stage, a look of horror suddenly appeared on Haoyue Xingjun's face, and his cold air was melted away.

Li Huo restrained his coldness?

How is that possible!

Li Huo is indeed strong, but how high was he in his previous life? It was not like he had never seen flames stronger than Li Huo. Even those flames could not restrain his cold energy, let alone Li Huo.

The reason why his cold energy didn't seem to block Li Huo was because the Li Huo released by Cao Zhen was concentrated at one point, and this point was a vacuum covered by his cold energy!

After all, he is only at the Golden Core stage now. When he uses his magical powers in his previous life, there will still be flaws. This is not a flaw in the magical powers, but a flaw in his current cultivation. When he breaks through to the immortal realm, , this defect will naturally be made up for!

Moreover, he was confident that no one present, not even the Grand Master, would be able to detect this flaw!

That place, on the surface, looks no different from other places. No matter whether it is the breath or anything else, there is no difference.

Cao Zhen is only in the golden elixir stage now. How did he discover this flaw?

While Haoyue Xingjun was horrified, Cao Zhen raised his palm again. Suddenly, an image of a Suzaku appeared behind him, and an aura full of ferocity, violence, and violence swept across the entire arena, moving towards the distance from a distance. Agitated away everywhere.

In the next breath, a Suzaku's cry came out, and a sacred beast Suzaku gathered by flames appeared in everyone's sight!


"This...isn't this the magical power Fairy Li Ke used when she defeated Fairy Qin Yao?"

"This flame, this breath, is this Suzaku Sub-fire?"

"Sure enough, Fairy Li Ke's magical power was taught by Peak Master Cao."

"First it was Li Huo, and now it's Zhuque Yahuo. Peak Master Cao must have a flame immortal body without a doubt!"

"But why do you feel that Peak Master Cao's Vermillion Bird Sub-fire is weaker than Fairy Li Ke?"

"It should be due to her cultivation. After all, Fairy Li Ke has completed the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir and completed the combined elixir, while Peak Master Cao is only at the sixth level of the Golden elixir!"

Li Ke was completely confused about the position of Baifeng Sect. How could Cao Zhen know Zhuque Yahuo? How did he do it?

That's right, Senior Long Aotian taught Cao Zhen how to cultivate Suzaku Sub-fire.

But cultivating the Suzaku sub-fire requires treasures.

Does Cao Zhen also have a Suzaku Blood Jade?

Or maybe, when he was using the Suzaku Blood Jade, Cao Zhen secretly used part of the energy of the Suzaku Blood Jade?


When I was practicing, Cao Zhen was not there.

How did this guy cultivate the Vermillion Bird Sub-fire?

Li Ke was puzzled. In the sky, flames dyed the entire world red.

Zhuque Yahuo, on the other hand, followed the space opened up by the previously released Lihuo and rushed directly to the sky, towards the shadow of Guanghan Palace.

Although it is just a phantom, this phantom looks extremely real. People can even clearly see the three major gates above the phantom.

Zhuque Yahuo slammed directly towards an inconspicuous stone tablet on the left side of the middle door!

A look of panic instantly appeared in Haoyue Xingjun's eyes. This position was the weakness of his own magical power, Guanghan Moon Palace!

How could Cao Zhen find this weakness?

If this place is hit by flames, not only will your magical power be destroyed, but you will also suffer heavy damage!

Lord Haoyuexing was frightened, and the spiritual energy in his body surged crazily, and streams of mana burst out, converging into the shape of a bright moon.

Supernatural power!

The bright moon rises over the sea!

However, the terrifying Suzaku Yahuori ignored the rising bright moon and headed straight towards the sea below the bright moon.

The next moment, the bright moon that had just risen in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the shadow of the sea seemed to be evaporated in an instant, disappearing completely. The Suzaku sub-fire suddenly struck the weak point of Guanghan Moon Palace!

Lord Haoyue Xing never expected that Cao Zhen would discover the weakness of the Haoyue Rising from the Sea that he had used, and he was unable to use his magical power for a while.

The endless flames hit the weak spot of Guanghan Moon Palace, and for a moment, a loud sound sounded like the heaven and earth collapsed and the void broke.

In the void, the shadow of Guanghan Moon Palace suddenly disappeared.

Along with this, the coldness in the air also disappeared at this moment.

And Haoyue Xingjun's body suddenly shook, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

The cold air dissipated, and for a moment, the flames that had been frozen above the arena were restored and bombarded towards Lord Haoyue.

Horrified, Lord Haoyue Xing suppressed the churning energy and blood in his body, waved the scimitar in his hand again, and slashed out again. This time, the endless flames discovered the weakness of his magical power.

In the blink of an eye, Haoyue Xingjun was wrapped in flames. The blazing flames continued to burn his body, and thunder struck down from the sky, shaking the energy and blood in his body.

He couldn't understand why Cao Zhen could see through the weaknesses in his magical powers.

It's not a weakness in one magical power, but the weakness of all the magical powers he displays can be seen through by Cao Zhen.

The magical bombardments continued to hit Haoyue Xingjun's body. For a moment, Haoyue Xingjun was vomiting blood.

Even though he clearly knew that his magic power was stronger than that of Cao Zhen who didn't have He Dan, but so what?

All the weaknesses of his magical powers were exposed in Cao Zhen's eyes.


Lord Haoyue Xingjun once again spurted out a mouthful of bright red blood. He just wanted to take a breath, but within his body, a yin and yang energy and a residual power of heavenly tribulation also raged!

These were the internal injuries caused by the battle with Leng Xi and Xiang Ziyu in the previous two days!

For a moment, his breath was interrupted, and then an incomparable force hit him, directly blasting him away.

When he regained his breath, his feet had already landed under the ring.


"Hao Yuexingjun fell under the ring?"

"Hao Yuexingjun was defeated like this?"

For a time, everyone on the mountain was stunned.

This battle ended much faster than they expected, and this battle was far less intense than they expected.

"Why does this battle feel so weird?"

"I clearly feel that Lord Hao Yue Xing is stronger. At first, Lord Hao Yue Xing also suppressed Peak Master Cao, but Peak Master Cao suddenly turned defeat into victory."

"Didn't you notice? The magical powers Haoyue Xingjun used later seemed to have no effect."

"Terror, is this the power of reincarnation?"

On the high mountain, Qin Yao, who had not become one of the top ten immortal generals, looked at Cao Zhen standing on the ring, with a look of admiration on his beautiful face.

"It's so scary, Peak Master Cao, he actually saw through the weaknesses of all the magical powers of Haoyue Xingjun! Haoyue Xingjun is also a reincarnated power! How did he see through it? Haoyue Xingjun has many magical powers that he has never used before. of."

No one around answered her, even the elders of the Sun Moon Sect's fairyland looked at Cao Zhen with puzzled faces.

They also couldn't understand how Cao Zhen could see through everything.

At this moment, no one could understand.

People with high enough vision can naturally see that Cao Zhen saw through the weakness of Haoyue Xingjun's magical power, which prevented Haoyue Xingjun's magical power from exerting its due power, so he won.

People say that there will be no perfect magical powers in the world, and Heaven will not allow the existence of such magical powers. All magical powers have weaknesses.

However, everyone knows the magical powers of the top ten immortal sects. How many people can discover the weaknesses in the magical powers of the top ten immortal sects?

It is too difficult to discover the weaknesses in supernatural powers!

Everyone is wondering how Cao Zhen did it!

This time, Lord Haoyue Xing did not leave immediately after the defeat as he did two days ago. Instead, he looked at Cao Zhen with a look of surprise, horror and confusion and asked: "How did you see through it? How did you see through it?"

He lost!

He was very unwilling to lose.

It's not because one of his magic weapons, a magic weapon, was damaged by Cao Zhen's disciples in the previous battle and he was unwilling to fail, nor is it because he was injured before and he was unwilling to fail!

Although he knew that if his magic weapon and magic weapon were not destroyed and he was not injured before, he might not be defeated today!

No, it should be said that in that case, he would still win today!

But that's not what he was unwilling to do.

It was because his magical power was unable to exert its due power, but because the other party saw through his magical power!

That was the magical power he created in his previous life!

It is a magical power created based on his previous life's cultivation, previous life's knowledge, and previous life's theory!

Even if the other party is a reincarnated power, he shouldn't see through all this!

"Is it difficult to see through these?" Cao Zhen looked at Haoyue Xingjun with an extremely weird look, and laughed secretly in his heart. When his heart moved, he said loudly: "There is no magical power in this world that I can't see through."

In the future, he will definitely connect to countless people, so the question is, who should he specify that the user should connect to?

So, if he pretends to be so cool and someone believes him, will they come to him and ask how to crack the magical power?

When the time comes, he can understand the magical power. If he finds that the other party's magical power is extremely strong, and the other party is also extremely strong, then he can connect with the other party.

At the high mountain, everyone was shocked when they heard Cao Zhen's words!

If someone told them that he could see through all the magical powers in the world, they would never believe it. Even if that person was a grand master, they would not believe it.

Even if the other party is a reincarnated powerful person, they will not believe it.

But now, this reincarnated powerful man was showing off in front of their eyes how to find the weaknesses of all the opponent's magical powers!


Could it be said that everything Peak Master Cao said is true?

What kind of reincarnated power is this reincarnated power?

They know that only after the Earthly Immortal can one be reincarnated.

However, the reincarnated powers should also be divided into strong and weak ones.

Peak Master Cao is perhaps the most top reincarnated power among them!

High on the mountain, Li Ke didn't know whether others believed what Cao Zhen said. Anyway, she definitely didn't believe what Cao Zhen said. With a thought in her mind, she directly transmitted the message to Cao Zhen and asked, "How on earth did you do it?" To see through all his magical powers?

Even if you tell Senior Long Aotian all the magical powers Haoyue Xingjun has used before, Senior Long Aotian can crack the magical powers Haoyue Xingjun has used before, but how can you crack the magical powers Haoyue Xingjun has only used today? ? "

When Cao Zhen heard Li Ke's words, he replied directly without thinking: "It's very simple, because Senior Long Aotian was here just now!"

"Senior Long Aotian is here?" Li Ke suddenly said, frowning when Senior Long Aotian's voice sounded in her mind.

Every time Senior Long Aotian came to look for her, it didn't last long, and it was absolutely impossible to sustain such a battle. Moreover, Senior Long Aotian said many times that time was limited and left in a hurry.

But why did Senior Long Aotian appear in Cao Zhen's mind for so long?

Senior Long Aotian lied to himself before?

But with Senior Long Aotian's cultivation and ability, there was no need for him to lie to himself.

Then there is only one other possibility, Cao Zhen, he is the true successor of Senior Long Aotian. Cao Zhen must have practiced the skills of Senior Long Aotian, so Senior Long Aotian can exist in Cao Zhen's mind for more time. .

This is also the reason why Cao Zhen was suppressed by Haoyue Xingjun at first, but ended up suppressing Haoyue Xingjun instead.

It must be that Senior Long Aotian didn't show up at the beginning, so Cao Zhen was suppressed.

Later, Senior Long Aotian appeared, so Cao Zhencai successfully suppressed Haoyue Xingjun.

Just when everyone was surprised that Cao Zhen could see through other people's magical powers.

On the high platform, the emperor's voice suddenly came out: "Okay, very good. I announce that Cao Zhen of the Baifeng Sect has won the championship of this Immortal Martial Arts Competition, and appointed Cao Zhen as the national master of our Zhenxian Dynasty.

In addition, Baifeng Sect, Leng Xi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu, Beiyan, Li Ke, Lieyan, Qiankumen Haoyue, Shendao Sect, Zong Wuji, Jian Sect, Wujianzi, Ziruzi are disciples of the old man Ziran , the ten immortal generals of the Immortal Dynasty for me! "

As soon as the voice fell, cheers suddenly resounded in the direction of Baifeng Sect.

"National Preceptor, National Preceptor!"

"Six Immortal Generals!"

"The Baifeng Sect is mighty!"

They care about the positions of the Imperial Master and the Six Immortal Generals, but they cheer not because of the glory of this position, but because their Baifeng Sect has surpassed the other major immortal sects in this Immortal Martial Arts Conference. Glory to them for this!

Just in the cheers of everyone.

The emperor's voice sounded again: "Now that I have ascended the throne, it is time for me to establish myself as queen. I have decided to marry General Fang's daughter in five days and make her my queen."

Since you are in the capital, there is no need to leave in a hurry. After five days, I hope you can attend my wedding. "

On the mountain, everyone was stunned when they heard the emperor's voice. Is the emperor so anxious about getting married? But I had never heard of it before.

Also, the Grand Master has always disliked the major immortal sects. It is said that the Emperor has always treated the Grand Master as his master. Why did he let them all stay to attend his wedding?

Soon, the emperor's voice came again, which also solved the doubts in their hearts.

"Of course, if you have something urgent to leave, I can't force anyone to do it. However, it is my happy day after all, and it is also the day when my queen is established. My queen is not only my wife, but also the queen of the entire dynasty.

Therefore, when the time comes, I hope that all the major immortal sects can send congratulatory gifts. As for the gifts... I heard that all the major immortal sects have a lot of medicinal materials. I hope to receive some medicinal materials. "

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

what is this?

Is the emperor asking for a naked gift? And he also asked for medicinal materials and elixirs by name!

Is this what an emperor should say?

Is this an emperor or a robber?

The current emperor had been in charge of the entire country even though he had not ascended the throne before this. They had no heartfelt respect for the mortal emperor.

But they were in the Zhenxian Dynasty, and the Grand Master was so powerful, so they naturally wanted to understand the Emperor.

They also know that no matter how you look at it, the emperor is a wise king. Now, such a wise king actually committed such gangsterism after he ascended the throne.

Everyone waited until they left and returned to Jie Xianfang to call out. They still couldn't understand what the emperor had done and started to speculate at the same time.

Soon, everyone felt that they had figured it out.

"It must be because of the Grand Master. The Grand Master should be about to fall asleep, so they are planning to make a big profit before the Grand Master falls asleep."

"But in this case, aren't they afraid of offending us?"

"Have they not offended many people before? The emperor wants something so shamelessly, it must be prepared for the grand master after he falls asleep!"

"It must be so."

"That gift..."

"Of course I have to give you a congratulatory gift. After all, the Grand Master is still here, and no one knows how long it will take for the Grand Master to sleep."

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