When a cultivator appears in a mortal family, in fact, in many cases, there is not much change for the mortal family.

After all, cultivating immortality is not something that can be achieved overnight. Many disciples will practice for a long time after joining the Immortal Sect before they have the opportunity to go down the mountain.

Like Li Lingwei, it takes thirty years of cultivation to get down the mountain, which is already a very short time.

It's normal for people to go down the mountain after fifty or sixty years, or even a hundred years.

When you practice for such a long time, most of your relatives are gone.

Moreover, the immortal cultivators were all taken away from them when they were young, and their relatives are no longer around. How much affection can they have for the descendants of their relatives?

Therefore, if a cultivator appears in a mortal family, it will not have much impact on them.

In the flying boat, Li Lingwei told her past.

"My parents died under the butcher's knife of Dali Kingdom. I was extremely angry at that time. Although the Grand Master was already in power at that time, the Grand Master said he would not participate in battles between mortals, but he did not say that we were not allowed. Participate in the battle between mortals. Besides, at that time, I didn't care about so much."

Yisheng asked curiously: "So, you entered the country of Dali? To take revenge?"

"I did fight into the Dali Kingdom, and I did go to take revenge on them. However, I didn't kill everyone as you thought. After all, there are immortal cultivators in the Dali Kingdom.

Although it is said that the immortal cultivators in their country cannot be the same as the immortal cultivators in our Zhenxian Dynasty, because the existence of the Grand Master is to serve the mortals of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

However, the immortal cultivators in various countries are all connected with the rulers of their countries.

After all, immortal cultivators cannot do everything, and the disciples they recruit are also recruited from mortals.

After some of the mortals from Dali Kingdom were hunted down by me, they invited the immortal cultivators from their dynasty.

The opponent's cultivation level was obviously higher than mine, and I almost died in the opponent's hands in that battle. Fortunately, I met the second sister. It was the second sister who saved me who was seriously injured and then brought me back to Baifeng Sect.

It was also because of that incident that my master refused to let me go down the mountain. They waited until I became a golden elixir before allowing me to go down.

At that time, nearly a hundred years had passed since I last returned to my hometown. After I returned, everything had changed.

I didn't bother to go to Dalaiguo again, but occasionally, when I was going down the mountain, I would go back to my hometown to take a look. "

When Li Lingwei said this, she raised her finger and pointed in the direction of the map and said: "That's far from the truth. As for the City of Ten Thousand Horses, when I was born, that city was called the City of Ten Thousand Horses.

It is said that tens of thousands of horses once lived there, so it was named the City of Ten Thousand Horses. However, Xiang Ziyu and his fifth brother should be in Kongling Mountain. "

Cao Zhen entered the Chinese Cloud while listening to Li Lingwei's words.

Soon, the figures of Xiang Ziyu and others appeared in his sight.

Xiang Ziyu was not in Kongling Mountain, but on an official road, advancing.

I don't know what these three people are thinking. The three of them are obviously immortal cultivators, and they are all in the Golden Core stage. However, the three of them are not flying. Instead, they are walking like ordinary people.

However, the three of them walked along and bickered in various ways, but they did not tell where they were.

And he had never been to this place before, so he couldn't tell what kind of place it was.

Therefore, Cao Zhen could only go to Wanma City to inquire about it first.

They said they were going to Ten Thousand Horses City.

"There is no need to go to the so-called Kongling Mountain." Cao Zhen suddenly spoke and said to Li Lingwei: "Fourth sister, didn't you say that the ruins mentioned by fifth brother are very unreliable? Based on my understanding of my two disciples, After they found out that there were no ruins, they wouldn't stay in the mountains for long. They should go to the nearest city.

They are all immortals. Let's go directly to the city to inquire. Maybe we can get some news. "

After Li Lingwei thought for a moment, she nodded and said, "Okay, let's go directly to Ten Thousand Horses City."

Heading westward from the Baifeng Sect, they went further and further away. Even if Cao Zhen and the others flew in a flying boat, they flew for more than three days before they arrived at Ten Thousand Horses City.

Wanma City is the largest city in this area, but it seems that, let alone the capital city, it cannot compare with many cities he has passed before.

Wanma City is said to be a city, but in fact, to him, it looks more like a larger town.

The city of Wanma City is not high either.

After Cao Zhen, Li Lingwei and their two disciples flew outside Wanma City, they put away their flying boats and walked towards the city.

Different from the people in the capital, the people in Ten Thousand Horses City are obviously much more ruggedly dressed, and it is rare to see anyone wearing gorgeous clothes in the city.

The arrival of several people immediately attracted the attention of countless mortals around them.

It's not the aura, it's mainly the fact that Cao Zhen has several beauties following him, and it's hard not to be attractive.

However, everyone looked very down-to-earth. Although there were many young men constantly looking at Leng Xi and others, not one of them took the initiative to come forward.

Cao Zhen glanced around and quickly found the direction of Jie Xianfang. He took a few girls and walked towards Jie Xianfang. However, after taking only a few steps, a frivolous voice came from the side.

"Oh, what a beautiful and dewy girl." A man wearing a gorgeous outfit, who looked extremely thin and with a hint of paleness on his face, stopped in front of a few people with a lewd smile on his face.

The paleness on his face was not the kind of whiteness caused by malnutrition, but the kind of paleness caused by excessive indulgence.

Beside the man, there were also strong men dressed as domestic servants.

After the man blocked the way of Cao Zhen and others, these servants dispersed one after another, surrounding Cao Zhen and others.

Cao Zhen frowned slightly. He really didn't expect that he would encounter such a scene in this world, where someone would provoke someone because of the appearance of the woman next to him.

Moreover, the provocation was still a mortal.

Mortals provoke a group of immortal cultivators.

what is this?

This is the Zhenxian Dynasty. He went to the capital before and passed through many cities along the way. He had never encountered such a situation.

Do you think that this Ten Thousand Horse City is too remote, so no one cares about it, so it is particularly chaotic?

Or is it because the Grand Master has fallen asleep that those people are starting to get arrogant?

But what about the city lord of Ten Thousand Horses City?

There are such people in the city, and he doesn't care?

Is it possible that this rich young man has nothing to do with the city lord?

All around, when the common people saw the rich man's appearance, they immediately dispersed around as if they had seen some terrifying beast.

Many people looked at Cao Zhen and the others, and their eyes were full of regret.

But at the gate of the city, when they saw Cao Zhen and his friends arriving in a flying boat, their faces showed strange expressions. They seemed to be expecting something.

The man didn't even look at Cao Zhen. He looked in the direction of Leng Xi with a squinting look. His eyes seemed to be straight. He took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Come on, sister, tell brother, your name." , brother brings happiness."

As he spoke, he even stretched out a hand and grabbed it directly towards Leng Xi.


Cao Zhen's face suddenly turned cold and he shouted loudly. Just as he was about to take action, a sleeve blew past him.

Li Lingwei waved her sleeves, and suddenly a violent strong wind blew away, directly blowing the rich man in brocade clothes away.

Although she just waved her hand, the rich young man in front of her was just an ordinary person. Even judging from his frivolous steps, he was much weaker than an ordinary adult man. A strong wind blew by and blew him away. He flew three feet away, fell heavily to the ground, and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood.


"Master, what's wrong with you!"

All around, servants saw their young master being knocked away, and they all ran to the rich man and helped him up.

In the distance, many people saw the rich man being knocked away, and each one of them cheered loudly.


"Deserve it!"

"Let him do evil everywhere. This time he will encounter a tough problem!"

After the rich young man was helped up, he did not show any fear on his face, but said sternly: "Immortal cultivators, you are all immortal cultivators! You, as immortal cultivators, dare to attack us mortals.

This is the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty, and here, any immortal cultivator must obey the laws of the dynasty. "

The man suddenly raised his head and shouted around him: "Where is the Immortal Guarding the City? Where is the Immortal Guarding the City!"

As his words fell, three figures flew quickly from a distance and landed in front of Cao Zhen and the others. The leader of them said in a cold voice: "Bold, you are disciples of which sect, we Zhenxian Don’t you know the rules of the dynasty? How dare you attack mortals! Catch them and take them all to the Immortal Locker."

Cao Zhen frowned again, looked back at Li Lingwei and asked: "The largest immortal sect near Ten Thousand Horses City is our Baifeng Sect. These disciples are..."

"The guarding immortal of Ten Thousand Horses City is a disciple of my Baifeng Sect!" Li Lingwei looked at the two people who were about to take action, her face suddenly turned cold, a terrifying aura suddenly shot out, and she asked the two people with a cold face and shouted coldly , "Who dares to do it!

Is this how you become guardian immortals? Don't ask about right and wrong, just want to arrest people? Let me ask you, which peak are you disciples of? Who is your master? "

She just knew that the immortal guarding here was from their Baifeng Sect, but she didn't know who they were specifically.

After all, there were so many people in the Baifeng Sect, and she hadn't been to Ten Thousand Horses City for many years. She really didn't know which disciples were responsible for guarding Ten Thousand Horses City today.

The two guarding immortals who were just about to take action suddenly felt the aura exuded by Li Lingwei, and their expressions suddenly changed, with a look of deep surprise on their faces.

Golden elixir!

The woman in front of me is definitely a golden elixir stage!

This is the City of Ten Thousand Horses, which is extremely remote. Normally, no immortal cultivators come here. How come all of a sudden, a golden elixir stage immortal cultivator arrives?

Now, the minor era of the reversal of the universe is coming, and the immortal cultivators in the golden elixir stage are more important than ever.

The major immortal sects should keep their golden elixir stage immortal cultivators in their immortal sects at this time, allowing them to continue their cultivation and improvement. Why are they released so casually?

Also, from what this woman meant, she was from the Baifeng Sect, and these people should all be disciples of the Baifeng Sect.

Disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect... This is actually better.

The two of them did not take action directly, but looked at the leader, the disciple, who looked at Li Lingwei with a stern face and said: "Don't have anything to do with me. Whether we are disciples of the Baifeng Sect or not has nothing to do with you. !”

"It doesn't matter?" Li Lingwei frowned deeply and glared at several people: "I am Li Lingwei, the elder of the Baifeng Sect and the Law Enforcement Immortal Palace. Do you recognize me?"

"Li Lingwei? Law Enforcement Immortal Palace?" The leader said with a look of doubt on his face, "I have never heard of a person like you in Zhifa Immortal Palace. I have never heard of Li Lingwei's name. You are Who dares to pretend to be a member of our Baifeng Sect!"

"Pretending to be the Baifeng Sect? You are the ones posing!" Li Lingwei's face suddenly turned extremely cold, like a piece of ten-thousand-year-old ice, exuding an extremely cold aura, and she raised her hand to grab the two of them.

It is true that the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and it is impossible for the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect to know every elder in the Law Enforcement Immortal Palace, but how could the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect not have heard of her name, Li Lingwei.

She is one of the Five Evils of the Hundred Peaks!

What's more, these three people are so weird. Their disciples from the Baifeng Sect would never act like this outside!

These three people are definitely not disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

As Li Lingwei waved his hand, a huge phantom of a hand suddenly appeared in the void and grabbed the three of them.

The shadow of his palm covered the sky and sun, and fell with immense pressure.

In an instant, the expressions of the three people changed again.

This aura, this person is not an ordinary golden elixir, this aura is definitely a fourth or fifth level golden elixir, or even stronger.

Behind the three people, golden elixirs rose up at the same time.

Among them, there are four golden elixirs behind the leader, two of which are visionary golden elixirs, while the other two have three golden elixirs, and each has one visionary golden elixir.

Golden elixir period?

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at the three of them. Although he had seen countless people at the Golden Core stage at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference before.

However, that was a conference held by the Zhenxian Dynasty, and most of the Jindan period of the Zhenxian Dynasty had gone.

In fact, in the golden elixir stage, in the world of immortality, even among the ten major immortal sects, they are already considered to be the backbone.

Even among some small sects, the strongest ones are only at the Golden Core stage.

Now, these three disciples pretending to be Baifeng Sect are all in the Golden Core stage.

Where did these three people come from? What are their origins and why do they pretend to be members of the Baifeng Sect?

Also, where are the disciples of the Baifeng Sect here?

After the three people's golden elixirs were released, rays of light gathered inside their bodies. For a moment, a force full of righteousness gathered, forming the shadow of three sharp swords, rushing towards Li Lingwei's giant hand flying down.

The next moment, an extremely huge golden elixir appeared behind Li Lingwei.

The moment the three of them saw this golden elixir, they all seemed to fall into boundless hell in an instant.


This person has actually completed the combined elixir, but it is still a combined elixir completed with ten golden elixirs, and six of the ten golden elixirs are vision elixirs!

This breath...

No, this is not a golden elixir, this is a catastrophe of wind and fire!

not good!

The three of them were shocked when they felt the full power exerted by Li Lingwei, and immediately wanted to escape. However, the power of the Wind and Fire Tribulation was so terrifying that they could not stop it.

In just a moment, the three of them were firmly grasped by the huge shadow of the hand.

Li Lingwei looked at the three of them with a sinister look on her face and said coldly: "Tell me, who are you and why are you pretending to be members of our Baifeng Sect! Where are our disciples of the Baifeng Sect? Where have they gone?"

"Pretending to be from the Baifeng Sect? I should be asking you why you are pretending to be from the Baifeng Sect!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came out, the sound was extremely sharp, and along with the sound, there were sound waves visible to the naked eye coming from a distance.

Sonic powers!

At this moment, Cao Zhen felt that he seemed to have fallen into a canyon where ferocious beasts gathered. The roars of beasts came at the same time, which shocked his spirit and made him feel more energetic and bloodless. It was boiling uncontrollably.

The next moment, he suddenly woke up.

Looking up again, the three people who had just been caught by Li Lingwei had escaped from Li Lingwei's control and flew to the rear. In front of these three people, there appeared a person wearing a blue robe and a goatee. Hu, an old man who looks like an immortal.

In the next breath, wailing sounds suddenly came from all around.

The sonic attack just now was directed at Cao Zhen and the others, but the sonic waves scattered in all directions, and the ordinary people around them were inevitably affected.

How can ordinary people resist the attack of magical powers?

For a moment, ordinary mortals fell to the ground in pain, covering their ears with their hands and rolling around, letting out painful wails.

A stream of bright red blood continued to flow from their ears.

There were also many old and frail mortals who fell directly to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching continuously.

Some people even fell to the ground motionless, their breath cut off!

The other party didn't care about these mortals at all!

Moreover, the person who had just taken action against the opponent's magical power was Li Lingwei, a Wind and Fire Catastrophe. However, under the opponent's sonic power, Li Lingwei didn't know why, but the three people who had just been caught in his hands were saved.

And he, Leng Xi, Li Ke and Yi Sheng were the top beings in the golden elixir stage. At that moment, they were also stunned for a moment under the attack of the official sonic magical power!

Nengran himself and others were lost in thought, and there was still this aura...

I have felt this aura in many people, such as Tu Zhuque, Lu Chaoqiong, Ai Yunqi...

This person is an existence in the earthly fairyland!

Earth Fairyland, at this time, most of the Earth Fairyland are preparing their graves.

In this earthly fairyland, he did not prepare to be buried. Instead, he quietly ran out and came here, pretending to be a member of the Baifeng Sect. What did he want to do!

Pretending to be the Baifeng Sect, who is the other party?

Sun and Moon Demon Sect? People from the Red Refining Demon Sect?

But from the other party's body, he didn't feel the aura of those demon sects at all.

Opposite him, the old man with a goatee also had a look of horror on his face. He had just noticed that the aura of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe had erupted and flew towards him immediately.

His three men were definitely no match for the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, because they sensed that the other party had a Wind and Fire Catastrophe, so they did not hold back any force this time.

However, even so, several people on the other side were only affected by the impact of their own magical powers for a moment, and then recovered.

Who are these people!

Is it all a catastrophe?

But except for that woman, the auras of the other people were clearly not the auras of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

It's not a catastrophe of wind and fire. If you can be attacked by your own magical power, it must be in the golden elixir stage, a genius among geniuses, the strongest golden elixir stage!


As he was surprised, the only male monk on the other side shouted loudly: "Run!"

All six golden elixirs of visions appeared behind Cao Zhen, and at the same time, the golden elixirs of heretics also appeared. He turned around and quickly retreated towards the outside of the city.

The other party has an Earth Immortal Realm. Putting them all together, no matter how strong and terrifying they are in the Golden Core Stage, they will never be an opponent of an Earth Immortal Realm.

He still can't figure out what the other party's Earthly Immortal Realm wants to do. The wisest thing to do now is to escape, escape back to Baifeng Sect, and then bring the Earthly Immortal Realm that is not sleeping in Baifeng Sect with him.

After Cao Zhen's words fell, Leng Xi, Yi Sheng, and Li Ke's fighting power exploded instantly. They all turned around at the same time and ran towards the outside of the city.

Naturally, they also felt each other's aura, which was the aura of the Earth Immortal!

No matter what existence they encounter at the Golden Core stage, they will naturally not be afraid, but the Earth Immortal... they have no choice but to escape.

Opposite, the old man with a goatee was stunned when he saw the golden elixirs rising one after another. This was the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir, and there were two existences of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir.

The other woman also has the Nine Visions Golden Elixir, and has not yet combined the elixir. I am afraid that when she combines the elixir, she will also become the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

During the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the strongest combat power is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

I actually encountered so many existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection.

The Baifeng Sect was so crazy that they sent out so many at once, the strongest fighting force in the Little Era when the world was reversed.


That one is six golden elixirs of vision, and there is another elixir. This...isn't this Cao Zhen?

In this case, the remaining few must be his disciples!

I made a lot of money, I made a lot of money this time!

If these people are killed directly, the strength of the entire Baifeng Sect will be greatly reduced, and even the entire Zhenxian Dynasty will be greatly affected!

Yes, Cao Zhen is still the new national advisor of Zhenxian Dynasty!

He would first capture the Imperial Master of the Zhenxian Dynasty!

It is said that he is also a reincarnated powerful man. If you catch him and force him to find out the treasure he left behind! How many treasures can you tell?

That is the power of reincarnation!

The more Goatee thought about it, the more excited he became. He jumped deep and chased after him. At the same time, he shouted to the three people behind him: "You three are responsible for guarding here!"

"Yes, Elder Yang!" The three of them looked at the elder who disappeared in an instant, one by one, but they still haven't come back to their senses.

What's happening here? Why do so many existences of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Great Perfection suddenly appear?

Who are those people?

Wasn't the original plan to create chaos?

Aren't they going to destroy the Baifeng Sect, destroy the reputation of the major immortal sects in the Zhenxian Dynasty, and cause trouble in the inner capitals of the major immortal sects?

Why did the elder pursue him directly?

Although Cao Zhen and others escaped first, they had just flown not far away, and Elder Yang's figure had already appeared behind them.

"Quick, attack him!" Cao Zhen shouted, and behind him, the golden elixir containing magical powers of fire was already blooming with bright light.

At the same time, behind Yisheng, in the nine vision pills, groups of flames burned crazily, as if nine suns were burning, forming nine rays of fire, all falling on her body, making her whole body feel like The scorching sun at noon.

Almost at the moment when the flames fell, a phoenix sound came from behind her.

One phoenix and one phoenix were two holy beasts that were completely gathered together by flames, carrying an explosive and fiery aura and heading straight towards Elder Yang!

On the other side, behind Li Ke, on top of the golden elixir that merged into one, a phantom of a Suzaku suddenly appeared, filled with a violent and violent wild aura.

Along with the chirping of the Suzaku, a holy beast Suzaku gathered by flames flew out and rushed straight towards Elder Yang.

Behind Cao Zhen, in the golden elixir, ten kinds of fire magical powers were also released at the same time.

For a moment, the temperature in this side of the sky suddenly increased. Even though the flames were streaking across the sky, the weeds on the ground and even the earth were burning because of the flames flying past.

The hot breath seemed to burn every inch, every thing, and every existence in this space to ashes!

At this moment, Leng Xi had gathered thirty-two talismans together, forming a huge flame and bombarding Elder Yang.

Li Lingwei even opened the wine gourd she had been carrying, suddenly took a sip of wine, and then opened her mouth to spit it out.

In an instant, the silver wine flew out, like the Milky Way falling from the sky, sweeping towards Elder Yang with an endless and majestic aura!

At this moment, the top combat powers of the five Earth Immortals took action at the same time!

When the Little Era period of the reversal of the universe really comes, except for the Baifeng Sect, even the other ten immortal sects will not be able to gather five people with such strong combat power!

However, when the five people's attacks fell, Elder Yang waved his hand without changing his expression. The next moment, an extremely huge seal fell from the sky. For a moment, a boundless and infinite power filled the entire space.

Everyone felt their heads go dark instantly.

That big seal covered the sky and the sun like a mountain falling.

The next moment, everyone's magical powers were suppressed below by the big seal.

Elder Yang's voice came next.

"Do you know why those who cultivate immortality are called immortals? Everyone is cultivating immortality? Becoming an immortal is the pursuit of all immortality cultivators.

And the Earth Immortal is an Immortal, an Immortal on this earth!

Although you are strong in the Golden Core Stage, no matter how strong you are, you cannot resist the Earthly Immortal Realm, and this elder is the existence of the Earthly Immortal Realm! "

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