Cao Zhen had seen many masters from the Earthly Immortal Realm take action. Back then, Gu Chengyu, Ai Yunqi and the others even used the power of the Earthly Immortal Realm to help him withstand the catastrophe.

However, when he actually faced the Earthly Immortal Realm, he realized how big the gap was between him and the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Li Ke and Leng Xi were both among the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty. In other words, they could be said to be among the top ten most powerful people in the entire Jindan Dynasty.

Yi Sheng possesses Li Huo, while Li Lingwei is the being of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

Including him, the five of them were suppressed so easily by the other party under their full strength!

The opponent is the Earthly Immortal Realm. Even if they try their best to escape, they can't escape. Now, the only hope is the magical bead.

I can only hope that the magical beads given by the deputy master are strong enough.

Back then, when he and Lan Pili took the envoy to the capital, the master Zhang Zong had not yet fallen asleep, so she gave Lan Pili a magical bead.

It's just that Blue Pili's cultivation level is at the pill formation stage, so it's really far behind.

At that time, although he had the combat power of the Golden Core stage, he was only at the Core Formation stage, and he was no match for those at the Golden Core stage who had higher cultivation levels.

He was too weak at that time.

If they wanted to release the magical bead at that time, they had to burn their own lives at the cost of it in order to unleash the true power of the magical bead.

With his current cultivation level, he can release the full power of the magical beads without burning his own life force.

In Cao Zhen's hand, a transparent, round bead about the size of a finger appeared.

In an instant, the air around him stirred violently.

The vast and endless terrifying aura that seems to be able to destroy the entire space spreads.

Elder Yang felt the mighty and oppressive aura like a surging river, and a look of fear suddenly appeared on his fairy-like face.

"Magic Pearl!"

That aura is by no means something that can be possessed by the Golden Core Stage. It is the magic pearl condensed by the masters of the Earth Immortal Realm. And it is not an ordinary Earth Immortal Realm, but an extremely terrifying and powerful Earth Immortal!

That aura made him feel frightened, and he even had the illusion that if his magical power fell, he could be severely injured or even killed.

Seeing Cao Zhen's movements, he quickly retreated towards the rear.

Although he is not a member of the Zhenxian Dynasty, he has always paid attention to the situation of the Zhenxian Dynasty, especially the Immortal Martial Arts Competition held by the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Just after several people showed their magical powers and released the golden elixir, he guessed the identities of several people.

Cao Zhen is a reincarnated great master, and the others are also at the top of the Golden Core stage. When this small era of world reversal is about to come, it is impossible for the Baifeng Sect to let these people go out, and it is impossible not to give them Prepare means to save your life.

This magical bead must have been given to them by the top master of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

It must contain terrifying supernatural powers.

Although he was in the Earthly Immortal Realm, there were also strong and weak ones in the Earthly Immortal Realm. He had no confidence that he could take on the magical powers of those masters, so he could only retreat.

Backed off?

Cao Zhen looked at Elder Yang's retreating movement and did not return the magical power pearl. Instead, he turned his head and flew back again into the distance.

Behind them, Elder Yang saw several people retreating, but stopped retreating and chased after them again.

He was indeed afraid of the magical beads, but the problem was that the fish in front of him were too big.

There are two of the ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and there is also a reincarnated great master of the Zhenxian Dynasty. If we can kill a few of them and capture Cao Zhen, not to mention that we may get some treasures of the reincarnated great master.

Even if you take it back, you will receive an extremely generous reward.

This big fish must not be let go.

Looking at the fleeing figures of several people, a ferocious look appeared in his eyes. Although he was afraid of the other party's magical power beads and did not dare to pursue them too close, he could not take action until he was close to a few people.

Doesn't he have magical powers?

These people didn't know how to escape separately when they ran away, but ran away together. Didn't this give themselves a chance?

Elder Yang raised his hand, just about to make a move, but the next moment, his eyes froze.

In the distance, several more figures were running quickly.

Three people, including a half-year-old boy, a young man, and a middle-aged man.

Behind the three people, there was a familiar figure, chasing after them quickly.

Elder Xue? How many people is he chasing?

Elder Yang's face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then he suddenly reacted, with a cold murderous intention in his eyes!

If he could catch Cao Zhen, he would definitely have a way to find out where Cao Zhen's treasure was hidden, and if he killed these people and brought them back, the reward would be his alone, and the credit would be his alone. .

However, Elder Xue, like him, is from the country of Dalai. If there is Elder Xue, the credit will be divided equally, and what about Cao Zhen's treasure?

That is the treasure of a reincarnated powerful man. Do you want to share it equally with the other party?

Elder Xue must die!

Elder Yang's thoughts flashed, and he immediately paid attention. He pointed at Cao Zhen and others in front and shouted loudly: "Elder Xue, hurry up, help me capture these people. These people are the top ten immortal generals of Zhenxian Dynasty. And the national master!"

Does Cao Zhen have a magical bead in his hand?

Then let Elder Xue go first, let him die in the magic bead, and then he can reap the benefits.

On the other side, Elder Xue also pointed at a few people and shouted loudly: "Quick, Elder Yang, stop those three people. Two of them are the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty!"

He was out before, and accidentally received bursts of power from the Golden Core stage. He rushed over immediately, met these three people, and quickly confirmed that two of them were ten members of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Great Immortal General.

If such a person is killed, he will definitely gain a lot of credit after returning.

However, that Wind and Fire Catastrophe actually had a magical bead in his hand!

A magical bead that made him feel his heart.

Therefore, he did not take action, but deliberately drove the three people towards the direction of Ten Thousand Horses City. The purpose was to make Elder Yang appear in Ten Thousand Horses City, and then let Elder Yang die!

At the same time that the two spoke, Cao Zhen also saw clearly the three silhouettes of each other.

Xiang Ziyu, Xiao Beiyan and Beichen Ying?

I had seen Xiang Ziyu and Xiao Beiyan before, but I didn't recognize where they were, so I didn't look again.

As a result, these two guys actually ran over directly. Not even saying anything, they also attracted another fairyland!

This is a fairyland!

The Golden Core Stage can be regarded as the middle power among the top ten Immortal Sects, but the Earth Immortal Realm can be regarded as the mainstay among the Ten Great Immortal Sects!

The Baifeng Sect is one of the top ten immortal sects, and the entire Baifeng Sect has so many fairylands!

Especially at this moment, some powerful fairyland are already asleep, and although a large part of the fairyland is not asleep, they dare not go out easily.

They were afraid that running around or fighting outside would attract the attention of Heaven and fall into a deep sleep early.

However, he and others unexpectedly encountered two fairy lands here!

Since when have there been so many fairylands?

Moreover, these two immortal realms know each other and come from the same force!

He was surprised when Xiang Ziyu's voice came over: "Master, Senior Sister! I knew that I was the protagonist and would never die like this! Master, come and kill us together..."

Xiang Ziyu shouted, but before he finished speaking, he froze. He finally discovered that there was another person chasing behind the master and others, and the aura emitted by the other person was...

Earthly wonderland!

Two Earthly Immortals, and now these two Earthly Immortals are still one behind the other, trapping them in the middle.


Elder Yang and Elder Xue listened to each other's words, and almost subconsciously, they rushed forward for a distance at the same time.

But the next moment, the two of them paused again.

Why did he ask me to stop him?

He is in the Immortal Realm. No matter how talented the opponents are, they are only in the Golden Core stage. He can kill them, so why does he need to chase them?

I didn't dare to continue chasing because the opponent had a magical bead in his hand. Then, did the person chasing him also have a magical bead in his hand?

Cao Zhen looked at the two people who suddenly rushed towards them but stopped for a moment. In his hands, a magical bead from the deputy master Jing Zhengfa suddenly appeared.

Now there are two Earthly Immortals on the other side, and these two Earthly Immortals are approaching at the same time. What else is there to consider? If we don’t use the Magical Power Pearl now, when will we use it!

No matter how precious this magic bead is, it will be of little use when the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe truly arrives. It would be a waste not to keep it, so why not use it now!

The magical bead appeared, and in an instant, the surrounding air was stirred and wildly agitated again, and the terrifying pressure emerged again.

Magic beads!

Elder Xue's expression turned cold suddenly. The people that Elder Yang was chasing did indeed have magic beads, and Elder Yang really had no good intentions! With the power of this magical bead, he wanted to kill himself!

Elder Yang secretly said something bad and wanted to step back.

However, an extremely terrifying power that seemed to destroy the whole world suddenly burst out!

The magic power in Cao Zhen's body poured into the magical bead crazily. The light inside the magical bead was so strong that the whole world seemed to be distorted.

The next moment, Cao Zhen suddenly threw the magic bead.

A bead the size of a fingertip flew out, and then the magical bead suddenly exploded!

It was just a small bead that exploded, but it was as if the ground exploded, and a loud noise was heard.

There was a loud noise, and blue thunder suddenly shot out.

It turns out that what Jing Zhengfa is good at is the magical power of thunder.

Cao Zhen is also good at the magical power of thunder. However, the Five Thunder Zhengfa he performed was just a thunder falling from the sky. But after the magical bead exploded in front of him, what was shot out were streaks of thunder. Countless thunders covered the entire sky. The thunderbolts looked like sharp swords that could pierce everything. Countless thunderbolts gathered together to form huge sword nets, shooting towards Elder Yang!

These sword lights were shining with dazzling light, and the terrifying sword energy spurted out, unparalleled in sharpness, and as fast as thunder from nine days away, full of majestic power!

It was also thunder. Cao Zhen even felt that these lightning bolts were like sword rays, and each one was comparable to the Five Thunder Zhengfa that he unleashed with all his strength.

However, there is only one of the Five Thunder Methods, but there are countless thunders in front of you!

Elder Yang's expression changed drastically. The large square seal he had released before to resist Cao Zhen and others shot out again. Below the big seal, a huge word "Suppression" shot out!

The falling of one word gives people the illusion that everything in the world can be suppressed. It seems that everything in time is suppressed by this one word!

The big seal instantly grew larger, like a palace, protecting Elder Yang within it. Golden rays of light poured out from the big seal, forming a light curtain, which looked like a veil from a distance.

The next moment, streaks of blue thunder sword light fell and hit the big seal.

Suddenly, the entire sky was dyed into two colors in an instant, half gold and half blue.

The blue thunder sword light keeps falling. Every time it hits the golden seal, there will be a muffled sound like thunder falling to the earth. Every time it falls, a ball of dazzling blue light will explode.

For a moment, the bright light shone continuously, and even Cao Zhen and others couldn't help but close their eyes slightly.

Every falling thunder sword light will stir up a bright wave of air. For a moment, the air waves that seem to be able to destroy mountains rush towards the surroundings like ripples in the water.

Just the aftermath of the collision between the magical power and the big seal magic weapon was as fast as lightning, like electric snakes. Wherever it passed, big trees and huge rocks exploded instantly and turned into a piece of powder.

Below, the ground beneath our feet was tightly affected by this air wave, shaking crazily, cracking, and even exploding.

In just one breath, the ground below Elder Yang had sunk deeply, forming a huge circular pit that could not be seen to the bottom.

In the midst of the blue sword light, the palace-like seal was already covered with criss-crossing cracks, but the next moment, a loud noise suddenly sounded from the seal.

It seemed as if an ancient bell larger than the mountain was being struck, and a deep and deep sound came out.

The voice is full of sacred and inviolable atmosphere, full of ancient mysterious atmosphere, full of solemn and dignified coercion!

In the air, circles of ripples rippled.

One ripple appeared, followed by the second and third ripples.

These ripples kept spinning, and under them, thunderous swords shot down and dissipated instantly!

The next moment, from the center of the sword light, a dragon roar suddenly came out!

The sound was so loud, it was as if the mountain was shattering from the middle!

Countless thunder sword lights gathered at this moment, forming a huge thunder sword, and slashed towards the huge palace in front of me!

Endless power surged out, and the world seemed to be turned upside down at this moment.

Cao Zhen looked from a distance and found that the thunder sword light seemed to turn into a thunder dragon!

The golden dragon looks up to the sky and roars, its claws are unparalleledly sharp, its roar shakes the heaven and earth, and its tail waves with great force!

The whole world changed color at this moment.

The next moment, the huge thunder dragon slammed into the palace seal.

Under the collision, sparks flew out, and the fire of the flying sword even ignited the air, bursting into flames.

For a moment, the mountains shook and the earth trembled!

In the Great Seal, Elder Yang felt a vast and unparalleled force, as if it were a huge wave breaking through a dike, one after another, one continuous wave after another.

Every time a huge wave hit, the energy and blood in his body surged, and with every impact, his complexion became paler.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise as if the entire sky was blown to pieces, and crisscrossing cracks even appeared in the void!

Amidst the loud noise, springs spurted out from the underground of the earth, and the earth was penetrated!

The sky was torn apart and the earth was penetrated. The big seal magic weapon, which was now transformed into a palace, also burst open at this moment, revealing the figure of Elder Yang.

The clothes on Elder Yang's body had completely exploded, revealing a body full of scars, and his face was so pale that there was no trace of blood. He looked even paler than Xiang Ziyu's face after he used the secret technique!


He opened his mouth, spit out a large mouthful of bright red blood, and fell directly from the sky, hitting the ground that was almost penetrated.

Although the magical bead fired by Cao Zhen changed several times, it only took a moment from the moment the magical bead was shot until Elder Yang fell from the sky.

Almost at the same time, Bei Chenying gritted his teeth and suddenly shot out the magical bead in his hand! He also possesses a magical power bead, and his magical power bead is even more powerful. It was his brother, Beichen Zhen, who gathered all his strength not long ago!

Magical power beads do not mean that as long as you are in the earthly fairyland, you can put your own magical powers into it.

Wanting to condense the magic beads consumes not only a lot of resources, but also extremely energy.

Generally speaking, if you condense a magical bead and put your own magical power into it, you will not be able to recover within a month.

Moreover, the stronger the magical power is, the greater the consumption will be.

Generally speaking, even masters in the Earthly Immortal Realm cannot easily refine magic beads.

But this time, because the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe is about to come, Beichen Zhen will also fall asleep. Beichen Zhen even knows that his younger brother Beichen Ying often goes out these days. In order to prevent his disciples from having an accident, Beichen Ying gathered early He got a magical bead and put his strongest magical power into it.

Beichen Zhen is a powerful man who ranks extremely high in the entire Baifeng Sect.

Although Bei Chenying usually seems unreliable, he is definitely not stupid, and he will never harm Xiang Ziyu and Bei Yan. He also knows that Xiang Ziyu and Bei Yan have become one of the top ten immortal generals, especially when Xiang Ziyu shows off With the increased combat power, some people may target Xiang Ziyu.

Without this magical bead, he would never have taken Xiang Ziyu out to look for the so-called relics!

However, he also believed that this area was the territory of the Baifeng Sect. Logically speaking, no masters would come here at this time to attack and kill Xiang Ziyu. Unexpectedly, they actually encountered the existence of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and He must also use the magic beads!

His magical bead shot at Elder Xue and exploded. In an instant, blazing fireballs fell from the void. The flames were so hot that they gave people the feeling that they could burn the entire land and consume all the wastes and seas.

Cao Zhen suddenly looked back and saw endless flames in the sky surrounding Elder Xue. He vaguely felt a suffocating feeling even at this moment.

It seemed that the flames had completely sucked out all the oxygen in this world in an instant!

The temperature in the air suddenly rose, and the blazing high temperature instantly ignited the vegetation on the ground, ignited the air, and ignited the rocks. Everything he could see with his naked eyes was burning crazily at this moment.

Even a tall mountain not far away burned crazily.

There were even strong winds blowing in the air, which helped the fire.

He had seen Li Ke's Suzaku sub-fire and Yisheng's Li fire. He could also cast these two kinds of flames, but he felt that the flames cast by the three of them together could not compare with this flame.

He has never seen such hot flames!

As the flames burned, all the protective golden bodies on Elder Xue's body were broken open, and then his clothes and hair were instantly burned, and a strong smell of burnt lake emanated from his body.

His whole body was burnt to black in an instant, and he fell from the sky to the ground with a loud muffled sound.

They are also in the Earthly Immortal Realm, but they can't resist the magical beads from the masters in the Earthly Immortal Realm!

On the ground, the two of them felt the injuries on their bodies, and their hearts were filled with endless horror and regret. After all, they had just entered the fairyland.

If they were really masters in the Earthly Immortal Realm, they would not dare to wander outside even if they were not asleep.

After all, more and more people are sleeping these days.

Those masters have already been hiding near the living tomb. Once they feel something is wrong, they have to hide in the living tomb as soon as possible. How can they go out.

And the two magical beads they faced...

There is no need to think about it, it must be the magic beads condensed by the Earth Immortal masters of Baifeng Sect, how can they resist it!

They... they should have thought that the people of the Baifeng Sect are not stupid. How could such talented masters, especially the important combat forces responsible for guarding their Baifeng Sect in the Reversal of the World, not prepare enough for them when they go out? Strong means of self-protection and treasures!

They were dazzled by the benefits!


The two of them thought of running away at the same time. It was true that they were in the Earthly Immortal Realm, but just now, the bombardment of the two magical powers had already severely injured them. If they didn't escape quickly and find a place to heal their injuries, let alone fighting, the injuries would become worse after a long time. It will become more and more serious, and may even be life-threatening.

The two of them stood up and tried to escape into the distance, but in the next moment, attacks fell one after another before their eyes.

"Still want to run away? I just used a magic bead, how could I let you run away like this!"

"You are running wild in my Baifeng Sect's territory and you still want to escape!"

For a moment, thunder, flames, talismans and various attacks fell from the sky.

Even Xiang Ziyu, who had not fully recovered from his injuries, waved his hands and launched a Five Thunder Method!

Thunder flew down, and the next moment, on the ground, a bright multi-colored light suddenly shot out from the ground where Elder Yang fell!

An extremely ancient and even more terrifying aura surged out from the circular pit. This aura was so powerful that it was even more terrifying than the auras that Cao Zhen and Beichen Ying released from their magical powers before!

Bei Chenying's face suddenly became serious, and he exclaimed: "With this aura, do they have a back-up plan? Everyone, be careful!"

While speaking, he even took a step back.

It's not that he is cowardly, it's not that he is afraid of death. He Bei Chenying doesn't think he is a great person, but he doesn't think he is afraid of death either.

What he was afraid of was that Cao Zhen and others would die here.

When the world is reversed and the Little Era is reversed, the Baifeng Sect will count on Cao Zhen and others.

But now in the Baifeng Sect, during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, all the strongest combatants are here, except for Lie Yan and Yan Yourong, who are not here!

If he dies, he dies. We must not let Cao Zhen and others die here. In that case, he will definitely become a sinner of the Baifeng Sect!

Just when he was about to ask Xiang Ziyu and others to retreat first, beside him, Xiang Ziyu suddenly felt something in his Qiankun bag vibrating uncontrollably.

The next moment, his short stick that had been modified by him and had the old Tiangang earth evil bead of the founding sect suddenly flew out.

On the short stick, among the four orbs, three of them also bloomed with brilliant multi-colored brilliance, as if echoing the brilliance in the circular pit.

After a breath, the two rays of light suddenly connected together, as if a rainbow bridge spanned the sky!

Then, seven orbs flew up from the circular pit.

The seven orbs each emit a ray of light, which are red, orange, red, green, cyan, blue, and purple. The seven rays of light shoot towards Elder Xue and Elder Yang respectively.

The next moment, light passed through the bodies of the two people. Although the two of them had suffered heavy injuries, they were still in the Earth Immortal Realm after all. The physical strength of the Earth Immortal Realm was far beyond what the Golden Core Stage could compare to.

Only those who have experienced the Wind and Fire Tribulation can enter the Earth Immortal Realm, and the Wind and Fire Tribulation itself is a kind of baptism! The purity of one's own breath and the baptism of body strength!

However, under the impact of this light, their bodies exploded completely and turned into a piece of powder!

The next moment, the seven beads flew up in the sky and landed directly in front of Xiang Ziyu.

Instantly, everyone's eyes turned to Xiang Ziyu.

Leng Xi felt the aura emanating from this orb, and recalled the aura when Xiang Ziyu used the magic weapon in the central martial arts competition. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "This aura is different from the one you used back then." The aura is the same, this is the Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead! The Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead from the founding ancestor!"

"What! Tiangang Earth Evil Bead!"

Bei Chenying and Li Lingwei exclaimed when they heard the sound. Although they did not participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, they also knew about the major events that took place. They also learned from their fellow sects that Xiang Ziyu had the weapon of the founder of the sect. A rosary.

I even knew that the rosary was one of the Tiangang Earth Evil Beads due to illness, and only one of the Tiangang Earth Evil Beads from the founding ancestor was left in the Baifeng Sect, and it seemed to be a rosary bead that was about to be destroyed. , cannot be used at all.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Ziyu went out and found three more Tiangang Earth Evil Beads, making up four.

Of course, some people suspect that what Xiang Ziyu is talking about may not be the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead.

After all, the world is so big, how could Xiang Ziyu be so lucky and find three Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls so quickly.

Now it seems that those who doubted it at the beginning were not wrong to doubt it.

Just now, only three orbs on Xiang Ziyu's magic weapon emitted light. In other words, one of the three Tiangang Earth Evil Beads newly collected by Xiang Ziyu was not the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead!

I made a trip and found two more Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls, which was fast enough.

But now, in front of them, Xiang Ziyu got seven Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls at once!

Beichen Ying reacted quickly, pointed at the round pit that had just been penetrated with an incomprehensible look and exclaimed: "I know, the founder of the sect must have buried the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl here, and then, just now, Cao Feng The magical bead released by the Lord exploded the earth, revealing the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead!

Then Xiang Ziyu used his magical power to attack. He must have the aura of the Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead on his body, so he triggered the Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead underground. "

"It's more than that." Li Lingwei added, "That's not enough. The ancestor's Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl cannot be triggered so easily!

It should be that the magical powers we use later, or our magical weapons, are also the magical powers of the Baifeng Sect, and the magical weapons of the Baifeng Sect... That's not right, what Peak Master Cao and the others used were not the magical powers of the Baifeng Sect.

In short, it should be related to the fact that we are disciples of the Baifeng Sect, so we triggered the formation of the Tiangang Earthly Evil Pearl. Otherwise, why did the Tiangang Earthly Evil Pearl not attack us before, but attacked the two Earthly Immortals?

However, I don’t know why the founder of the sect set up the formation here. The moment the Qiankun Earth Evil Bead was shot out, I clearly felt the breath of the formation. "

"If there is any formation, you can find out if you go down and take a look." Xiang Ziyu whispered and jumped directly towards the circular pit below.

Before Cao Zhen could speak, Xiang Ziyu had already fallen into the round pit, and the few Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls also fell into the round pit with him.

The next moment, Cao Zhen felt that the air around him was shaking violently, and then the whole world was shaking. His spirit became dazed for a moment. In an instant, he lost all consciousness, as if he had passed out, but He knew that he was not unconscious and that he could still think.

He had never been in this situation or felt this way.

And this feeling only lasted for a breath. After a breath, vision, hearing, smell, and other sensations returned, and he had just felt that his feet had stepped on the ground.

"What's this?"

"What place is this? What's going on!"

Suddenly, a series of exclamations came from all around him.

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked around. They had just fought and had clearly destroyed the earth. But now, they were standing on a lush land. At a glance, there was no trace of destruction on the ground at all.

They were clearly not far away from Ten Thousand Horses City. They could see the existence of Ten Thousand Horses City and the mountains in the distance. However, at this moment, they could not see Ten Thousand Horses City or the mountains at all.

What was in front of him was the endless grassland, and nothing could be seen except the green grass.

"We are no longer where we were before." Li Lingwei whispered, "The formation of the founder of the sect leads to a small world?"

"To be more precise, it's a ruin! This must be a ruin!" Bei Chenying suddenly showed a look of excitement on his face and shouted loudly, "I'm telling you, you don't believe there are ruins here! Obviously, the founder of the sect is We used a formation to suppress a ruins, and the way to open the ruins should be to use the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead, and by chance, we bombarded this place, revealing the underground formation, and then... Xiang Ziyu still had the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead in his hand, So we opened the ruins!”

"Relics?" Li Lingwei glanced around, frowned and said, "How can you tell that this is a ruins?

Also, even if this is really a ruin, it is not in the same place as the ruins you mentioned. The ruins you mentioned are in Kongling Mountain. "

Beichen Ying immediately argued unconvinced: "This place is not far from Kongling Mountain."

"It's not far away and it's not a place. We can enter here. It can only be said that Xiang Ziyu's luck is too good and unnatural!"

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu lightly shrugged and said, "Don't be so surprised. If you have been with me for a long time, you will gradually get used to it. After all, as the protagonist, I have all kinds of adventures, which is normal."

This time, when he finished speaking, no one refuted him. Even Xiao Beiyan, who always liked to argue with him and said that his brain was not working well, did not refute him!

Mainly because it was all such a coincidence.

They have to bombard where the formation is, and they have to bring the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead with them!

If it weren't for bad luck, I really wouldn't have been able to find this place.

If nothing else, who would have nothing to do but use such a powerful magical power to casually bombard the ground!

And Xiang Ziyu, counting these seven Tiangang Earth Evil Beads, he has already collected ten Tiangang Earth Evil Beads!

Xiao Beiyan has said before that there are a hundred Tiangang Earth Evil Beads in total, and his third senior brother may not be able to gather all the Tiangang Earth Evil Beads even if they are together forever!

However, now...

He suddenly felt that his third senior brother seemed to be able to collect all the Tiangang Earth Evil Beads!

He thought again of the magical power of turning the sun, moon and stars that the third senior brother had obtained before...

Even if you jump off a cliff, you can survive and gain supernatural powers.

I, my third senior brother, can’t really be the protagonist, right?

Cao Zhen looked at the people who were completely bluffed by Xiang Ziyu. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. His disciple's luck seemed to be really not that good!

But the question is, what did he do when he jumped down?

Cao Zhen stretched out his palm angrily, slapped Xiang Ziyu hard and shouted: "How do you teach me as a teacher? I asked you to jump off a mountain without being far away. What did you do when you jumped down again? And how do you teach me as a teacher?" Tell you, let you come back and stay in the mountains, why are you running around when you have nothing to do!

And Xiao Beiyan, I asked you to keep an eye on your senior brother, I didn’t ask you to follow your senior brother around everywhere! "

"This...Sixth...Master Cao, I asked them to come down the mountain with me." Bei Chenying saw Cao Zhen educating his disciples, and had to speak well. After all, he was the one who deceived him.

"Fifth brother, you..." Cao Zhen looked back at Bei Chenying, but for a moment he couldn't say anything. After all, Bei Chenying was not his disciple.

"Sixth brother, you don't need to estimate his face. You have to say what you need to say." Li Lingwei did not give Beichen Ying any face. She directly stretched out her hand and slapped Beichenying heavily on the body, making a loud sound like jade breaking. The sound was so severe that Beichen Ying, who was shooting directly, coughed repeatedly.

"Lao Wu, as an elder yourself, you don't know how to take care of them, but you take the initiative to take them out. How dare you talk!"

After listening to Li Lingwei's words, Beichen Ying turned to look at Cao Zhen, who had no reaction at all, with a look of surprise on his face. Now, everyone in the world knows that Cao Zhen is a reincarnated power!

It was precisely because of the other party's status as a reincarnated powerful person that he no longer called Xiao Liuzi as he did before!

After all, a reincarnated great master, if you really want to count, is much older than him, not to mention the height that the other person reached in his previous life. How can he call the other person Xiao Liuzi.

However, the fourth sister still called her sixth brother, and Cao Zhen didn't feel any objection at all and seemed to acquiesce in this title.

Sixth Brother... Is he still the same as before? You don’t think he is a powerful person, but you think he is Cao Zhen?

Bei Chenying was surprised when Cao Zhen's voice sounded again: "Fourth sister, let's not talk about fifth brother for now. Now, we are all here, but we can't go to Ten Thousand Horses City to find the few remaining people. , asking about the situation.”

Beichen Ying was stunned when he heard the sound and asked, "What's going on?"

Cao Zhen was also stunned for a moment: "Have you never been to Ten Thousand Horses City?" He had heard several people mention Ten Thousand Horses City before.

But then, he realized that if Bei Chenying, Xiang Ziyu, and Xiao Beiyan went to Ten Thousand Horses City, they would probably have a conflict with each other.

Several people came from the other direction. They may have never been to Ten Thousand Horses City.

"No." Bei Chenying shook his head and said, "We originally planned to go to Wanma City, but on the way, we found a town and went to that town. Then Xiang Ziyu said that there was an opportunity in the north, so we went to the north.

After finding nothing, we decided to come to Ten Thousand Horses City to have a look. As a result, we encountered the fairyland before entering the city, and then we met you. What's going on in Ten Thousand Horses City? "

"That Earth Immortal Realm was chased out of Ten Thousand Horses City, and besides that Earth Immortal Realm, there are at least three Golden Core Stages..." Li Lingwei quickly told what happened to everyone in Ten Thousand Horses City.

After Cao Zhen waited for Li Lingwei to finish speaking, he said: "I originally wanted to go back, seize those three golden elixir stages, and ask them where they came from, as well as the city lord and the rich young master in the city. .

Our Baifeng Sect's guarding immortal in Ten Thousand Horses City was killed. It is impossible for the city lord not to know, but he did not report it. He is inseparable from those people, and that rich young man. I feel that that person deliberately came to cause trouble for us. of. "

"They should be deliberately looking for trouble. Also, these two Earth Immortals, with their magical powers, are obviously not from the Demon Sect, so their identities should be obvious." Beichen Ying heard the sound and analyzed, "They are not We, the people of the Zhenxian Dynasty, are so close to the Dalai Dynasty, so they should be from the Dalai Dynasty!

As for the city lord and the rich young master, they have already colluded with them. As for why they did that, it was just to destroy the reputation of our Immortal Sect of the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty, to lure our Baifeng Sect people to leave and enter Ten Thousand Horses City, and then Ambush us.

In short, they must have discovered that the grand master was asleep, and then they were preparing to take revenge on the Zhenxian Dynasty. "

Xiao Beiyan was a little confused and asked: "Retaliation against the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty? Doesn't it mean that the Immortal-Cultivating Sect will not participate in mortal battles? Even if the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty conflicts with their Dalai Dynasty, it has nothing to do with the Immortal-Cultivating Sect. Bar."

"How come it doesn't matter." Bei Chenying said, "I heard... Well, you should all know that I have a brother who has a very strong cultivation level. I heard these words from him. He said that although the Grand Master can't Participate in the battles in the mortal world. But near our Zhenxian Dynasty, there are several other dynasties that have friction with our Zhenxian Dynasty. The Grand Master often goes to the immortal gates in their dynasties to make trouble. Now, the Grand Master is asleep, of course people want to Coming for revenge."

Cao Zhen suddenly heard that the Grand Master had taken him to the Great Tribulation of the Immortal Sect in the Jin Dynasty.

Obviously, Beichenying's rumors were correct.

It's fine now, the grand master is asleep, and people are looking for trouble.

In fact, speaking of it, I seem to have myself to blame for all this.

If it weren't for him, the Grand Master wouldn't be sleeping. If he hadn't been sleeping, those people from the other dynasty's immortal sects might not dare to come to Zhenxian Dynasty to cause trouble.

The grand master must have been confident, so he went out to loot and rob others unscrupulously.

As a result, the Grand Master fell into a deep sleep because of himself...


Cao Zhen sighed, frowned, and whispered: "The other party sent two Earth Immortals, I don't know if they will send another Earth Immortals.

Moreover, there is suddenly no news about the other party's Earthly Immortal Realm. The other party will definitely send experts here again, but our Baifeng Sect does not know the existence of the other party.

This matter must be notified to the Baifeng Sect as soon as possible. We need to get out of here as soon as possible. "

"But, you can't leave this kind of place for a while." Beichenying looked around. Looking at the four directions, there was nothing but grassland.

"I will inform my disciple Yan Yourong..." Cao Zhen was extremely happy at this moment. Fortunately, he kept Yan Yourong and he could contact Yan Yourong directly through China Cloud.

Although he has not yet truly become the temporary head master of the Hundred Peaks Sect, he has unknowingly begun to take on the identity of the head master. Now, the first thing he thinks of is not the dangers he may encounter in this place. , but the safety of Baifeng Sect.

"Notify Yan Yourong?"

Surrounded by them, the expressions of Leng Xi and others did not change much, but Bei Chenying and Li Lingwei showed a look of shock on their faces.

This is either a ruins or a small world.

And many ruins are actually Small Thousand Worlds, just special Small Thousand Worlds!

The difference between the changes here and the outside world is so big, it must be a special small world.

Although Xiaoqian World is in the world they were in before, it can be regarded as another world.

If we were in a world thousands of miles apart, or even millions of miles apart, those powerful people would also have the means to contact the person they were looking for through sound transmission.

But in the Small Thousand World, even if the clan's cousin is burned, or even the emperor's cousin of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the grand master cannot convey the message.

Cao Zhen, how can he contact Yan Yourong?

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