In the void, countless magical torrents collided, causing a huge impact. For a moment, it felt as if the entire world had been destroyed.

Unlike before when the Mountain Protection Formation of the Baifeng Sect was still there, the magical power confrontation between the people of the Baifeng Sect and the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect was different.

However, the distance between the two sides was still far, and although there were frightening collisions under the collision of magical powers, when the distance was far away, the number of people who were actually affected and died was much smaller.

At the moment, Cao Zhen and Xiang Ziyu were almost opposite the members of the three major immortal sects, including the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the East China Sea Mirage. Two terrifying torrents of supernatural power almost exploded in front of them.

Moreover, their magical powers are used to fight against the magical powers that Cao Zhen and Xiang Ziyu use to reflect the rotation of the sun, moon and stars, so how can they resist the attacks of other people in the Hundred Peaks Sect?

Now, the Baifeng Sect has two more powerful beings, Leng Xi, Li Ke and Bei Yan.

Even Yisheng, although she can't compare with the Great Perfection of the Ten Golden Pills, but with Lihuo, when she uses it with all her strength, the power she can explode is stronger than many people who have completed the Hedan with the Ten Golden Pills. !

For a time, a series of terrifying magical powers burst out from among them, and the terrifying power continued to sweep across, impacting everyone.

Screams continued to sound. In just a moment, countless people had already fallen.

They never thought that everyone in the Golden Core stage could be so strong and have such a great influence on the battle.

Just two people actually blocked the magical attacks of hundreds of Jindan masters!

Moreover, they not only blocked it, they also reflected the magical power back!

After Cao Zhen used the secret technique, he felt at that moment that all his power was completely drained away in an instant.

He just used the magical power of sun, moon and stars, but he felt unprecedented fatigue, and he couldn't feel any strength at all.

Suddenly, his body tilted and fell to the side.

On the other side, Xiang Ziyu also fell to the side.


Although Leng Xi has been using magical powers to attack each other, she has also been paying attention to the direction of the master and junior brother. After all, at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, after junior brother Xiang Ziyu used the secret method, he only released a five-dimensional Lei Zhengfa immediately passed out.

Now, seeing her master Cao Zhen and her junior brother Xiang Ziyu unconscious, she turned into a stream of light and rushed out immediately. Before Cao Zhen fell, she appeared in front of Cao Zhen and stretched out her hands to hug her master.

On the other side, next to Xiang Ziyu, Xiao Beiyan's figure also appeared and grabbed his senior brother directly.

Although Xiao Beiyan would always venom at his senior brother, every time when his senior brother had an accident, he would appear in front of his senior brother immediately.

On a battlefield with such a large number of people, when a person falls unconscious, it can even be regarded as death. After being comatose, unable to move, and then being affected by supernatural powers and the aftermath of everyone's fight, it was still okay.

There are even some people who specifically look for the dead and unconscious people during the battle.

After all, immortal cultivators all have the Qiankun Bag on their body. After a person dies, the Qiankun Bag will not disappear, so there are many people in the battle, and more attention falls on the dead or comatose bodies.

However, Cao Zhen, Xiang Ziyu, Leng Xi and Bei Yan were protected by the top combat power in the golden elixir, so even if they were unconscious, they would be fine.

Leng Xi held Cao Zhen up with one hand, letting Cao Zhen lean against her, but quickly waved her other hand.

Suddenly, talismans flew out one after another.

Some talismans are like spears that can pierce the sky, carrying endless sharp edges across the void, leaving clear cracks.

Some talismans are like shooting stars in the dark night, some are like the legendary unicorn beasts, and some are like long rivers...

The talismans flew towards the fleeing Dalai Dynasty and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

On the side, the two terrifying flames cast by Li Ke and Yi Sheng had gathered into a sea of ​​fire, surrounding each other one by one.


No matter it was the disciples of Donghai Mirage, or the people of Duankong Sect and Xingyue Mansion, no one wanted to fight, and they fled outside like crazy.

In just an instant, a large number of their golden elixirs died, and now, another master from the other side has arrived.

They suddenly discovered that they were at a disadvantage.

If they continue to fight, there are so many of them, and I wonder how many of them will be able to escape alive.

No one from the three major immortal sects wanted to fight anymore and fled outside desperately.

From behind, the people from the Baifeng Sect were chasing after them.

"Our Baifeng Sect is actually a place where you can come and go as you please!"


Although Yan Yourong had been injured before, she seemed not to have been injured at all at this time. He even rushed in front of the people of Baifeng Sect, shooting out magical powers one after another from his hands.

The master left her in the Baifeng Sect and asked her to take good care of the Baifeng Sect. However, under her eyes, so many seniors of the Baifeng Sect chose to self-destruct!

Although she did not take good care of the Baifeng Sect, now, the only thing she can do is to kill more enemies and avenge those seniors!

One by one, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect rushed forward with red eyes, chasing each other for thousands of miles. Only then did everyone gradually wake up from their anger.

In the distance, Nie Jie's voice also came over.

"Disciples of the Baifeng Sect, stop chasing, clean the battlefield, and treat the injured fellow disciples!"

He really couldn't let the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect continue to pursue him. If they continued to pursue him, they would be too far away from the mountain gate.

What if this is the enemy's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain?

What if the other party has an ambush?

He had to be careful.

What's more, if they continue to pursue and kill the party, after forcing the party to a dead end, the other party will also fight with them desperately. When the time comes, it will still be their disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect who will lose!

Besides, many of the disciples of their Hundred Peaks Sect were also injured. They needed to rescue the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, treat the injured disciples, and recover the bodies of the dead disciples and elders of their Hundred Peaks Sect.


The battle was over and the Baifeng Sect had won. However, when everyone began to clean the battlefield, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect fell silent again and fell into grief again.

Their master, their uncle, or a certain elder, a group of seniors from the Hundred Peaks Sect, even directly chose to self-destruct. In this way, even if they wanted to collect them, they couldn't collect the corpses of their seniors!

Cao Zhen was unconscious, but this time he was unconscious because of a man who used a secret technique and exerted too much force.

When the disciples of the Baifeng Sect finished cleaning the battlefield, Cao Zhen gradually came to his senses.

Although he has not exercised the rights of the Baifeng Sect's headmaster, he is still the headmaster of the Baifeng Sect during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe.

With his awakening and loss, masters from the Baifeng Sect, as well as current high-level officials, all arrived.

After Leng Xi returned to Baifeng Sect, he directly brought his master back to Sibaofeng.

Today's Sibaofeng is still as crude as before, and it is impossible for so many people to squeeze into the room.

Feeling his own weakness, Cao Zhen walked down from the bed, opened the door, and came to the courtyard outside. He looked at the people of the Baifeng Sect around him and asked, "Did we win? Have they all retreated?"

Leng Xi heard the master's question and quickly answered: "Master, we won, and we chased him thousands of miles away, so we gave up."

Cao Zhen did not show any joy on his face. After they arrived, he and Xiang Ziyuyou used the secret method. It was reasonable for the Baifeng Sect to win. The key to the problem was the loss of their Baifeng Sect.

"We... How many disciples of the Baifeng Sect have died, how many elders have died..." Cao Zhen turned to look at Nie Jie.

As soon as his words came out, the expressions of everyone around him suddenly darkened. Nie Jie sighed and said in a low voice: "Back to the Zhang Sect, in this battle, our Baifeng Sect, a total of one hundred and three people died. Among them, seven were from the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, and 31 were from the Pill Formation phase, and the rest is the Golden Elixir phase.”

"One hundred and three people. Our Baifeng Sect actually lost one hundred and three people!" Cao Zhen listened to the numbers coming from Nie Jie's mouth and stretched out his hands to cover his head in pain.

Those are all people from the Baifeng Sect.

All this is because of myself.

If he didn't leave the Baifeng Sect, would the people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect dare to unite with the people from the three major immortal sects of the Great Lai Dynasty to attack the Baifeng Sect?

If he left but left Leng Xi and Li Ke behind, the situation would be different.

I had never thought of all this before, and I even wanted to force Suzaku to get married.

Cao Zhen listened to the people around him telling him that the old people of the Baifeng Sect were willing to blow themselves up for the sake of the Baifeng Sect. He listened to the wishes of Xiaochanfeng, Deng Qixing of Qixing Peak and other old people who died. News, the whole heart is filled with endless regret!

After a long time, he suddenly raised his head and bowed to everyone.

Seeing Cao Zhen's movements, everyone around them dodged to the side, and Nie Jie even shouted hurriedly: "Master Zhang, what are you doing? You are now the master of our Baifeng Sect, we can't take it as yours." You are like this."

"No!" Cao Zhen shook his head with a look of remorse, "This time it's my fault. If I hadn't left Baifeng Sect with Leng Xi, Yisheng and Li Ke, none of this might have happened. They Nor will he die.

It can be said that I killed them! "

Cao Zhen said, sighed again, looked at everyone and said: "I found that I am actually not suitable to be the head of the Baifeng Sect."

Everyone around them suddenly became panicked when they heard Cao Zhen saying that he was not suitable to be a sect master.

"Headmaster, you, the headmaster, were selected when the deputy headmaster and all the peak masters were here. You cannot change it easily."

"Yes, Master, if you don't become the Master, no one else is suitable to be the Master!"

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly but looked at Nie Jie and said, "I think that Nie Jie is very good. He is very suitable to be the head of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

He really felt that Nie Jie was suitable to be the head master.

Yan Yourong also told him before that during his absence, Nie Jie managed the Baifeng Sect in an orderly manner. Moreover, today, when everyone is full of anger and is hunting down the Sun Moon Demon Sect and everyone in the Great Lai Dynasty, Nie Jie could still keep calm and let everyone return in time.

He really felt that Nie Jie was very suitable to be the leader of the Hundred Peaks Sect, at least more suitable than him.

When Nie Jie heard that Cao Zhen took the initiative to ask him to be the head master, he quickly waved his hands and said, "I can't do it. Master, my strength is too weak."

Cao Zhen was immediately puzzled and said, "You have already perfected the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions, how can you be weak?"

When, during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, all the Ten Visions, Golden Elixir and Dzogchen were weak. How is this possible!

"Head Sect, what I mean when I say weak is compared to you." Nie Jie explained, "Although the Head Sects of all the major immortal sects are not necessarily the strongest among the immortal sects in normal times, they are definitely among the immortals. The top three existences among the gates.

Moreover, the reason why there are usually people who are stronger than the Master is because there are people from the older generation, such as Supreme Elders and others. But among the palm sect peers, the palm sect is the strongest person.

Especially now is the period of the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe. During this period, the strongest people in all the major immortal sects are the leaders of their immortal sects. "

Everyone around heard the sound and spoke one after another.

"Yes, the palm sect. The palm sect is the face of an immortal sect. Especially during the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the palm sect is held by the strongest person in each immortal sect."

"Zhang Zong, I can't blame you for what you said. Who would have thought that people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty would dare to directly attack our Baifeng Sect!"

"Yes, and this time the Universe Reversal Minor Era is so special, all the masters above the Golden Core fell asleep in one day. If it were a normal Universe Reversal Minor Epoch, our Hundred Peaks Sect would still have the Earthly Immortal Realm. existence, this would not happen.”

"Zhang Zong, our Baifeng Sect has just experienced a war. At this time, what our Baifeng Sect needs is stability. We must not replace the Zhang Zong!"

"That's right, Zhang Sect. After the great war, we not only need stability, we also need to let all the disciples see the strength of our Hundred Peaks Sect so that they can be encouraged, and your return is the most inspiring to everyone! "

Cao Zhen listened to the voices of the people around him, but for a moment he didn't know what to say. He did think that he was not suitable to be this palm sect, but what everyone meant was that he could only be this palm sect, and others could not be this palm sect. The position of the clan.

After a moment of silence, he spoke again: "In that case, I will continue to be the head sect, the nominal head sect. Nie Jie, deputy head sect, usually you are still in charge of the Hundred Peaks Sect. After all, I really feel that You are more suitable to be a master than me.

Also, if I make some decisions on weekdays, and if you think it is not good for the Baifeng Sect, please remind me. "

Everyone around looked at Cao Zhen with a sincere face, but they were all filled with emotions. The head master was a reincarnated powerful man, but for the sake of the Baifeng Sect, he actually wanted to give up his position as the head master.

For the sake of Baifeng Sect, he even allowed others to question him.

A reincarnated great master actually put down all his pride and did everything for the sake of the Baifeng Sect. The Baifeng Sect is really lucky to have such a reincarnated great master!

"By the way." Cao Zhen looked back at everyone and asked, "Where is Yu Tuoyu? She is the disciple of the Grand Master. I saw her coming to help before."

"He has left. After he and we hunted down the people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the three major immortal sects of the Great Lai Dynasty, he saw that the senior sisters had returned and felt that the Baifeng Sect was not in danger, so he took the people away .

However, before he left, he once told me to let me tell Master that the current Zhenxian Dynasty is very chaotic. He hopes that after our Baifeng Sect is stabilized, Master can help to suppress it in various parts of the Zhenxian Dynasty. "

When Yan Yourong mentioned Yu Tuoyu, a strange look appeared on her face. Yu Tuoyu had hugged her during the previous battle.

A man hugs her!

If it had been any other time, she would have already had an attack. But the problem is, Yu Tuoyu is saving her and helping her.

Cao Zhen frowned tightly: "She left so quickly? Didn't she even stay? The Zhenxian Dynasty has become so chaotic? This is just the beginning of the reversal of the world!"

"Master, the Zhenxian Dynasty may be more chaotic than you think." Yan Yourong looked around and said, "In addition, Yu Tuoyu also asked his disciple to tell the master something. In fact, he followed Chi Lianmo all the way. People from the Baifeng Sect came to us.

He said that he felt that the people of the Red Refining Demon Sect were very strange. The people of the Red Refining Demon Sect gave him the feeling that they were just going to be cannon fodder to break through the mountain-protecting formation of our Baifeng Sect, and they did not care about their own death at all. .

Moreover, it is clear that the main force in this battle is the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty, but whether it is the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect or the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, when they fight, they are more crazy than the people of the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty.

The disciples of the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect are indeed different from the disciples of the major immortal sects, but they are definitely not stupid. If there is no benefit, they will not attack so madly. "

Everyone around heard the sound and nodded in agreement.

"Indeed, during the previous battles, I also discovered that the total number of people from the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty was obviously more, but when the battle actually started, most of them were hiding in the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. And the rear of the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect.”

"Those two demon sects, what's the point of working so hard? Are they going to capture our Hundred Peaks Sect and then divide our Hundred Peaks Sect?"

If that's the case, the huge forces should be divided together afterwards. There is no need for them to be so crazy. "

"Also, the two immortal realms that Peak Master Cao and the others encountered before were from the Dalai Dynasty. Then the people from the Dalai Dynasty knew that Peak Master Cao and the others were not here and dared to attack our Baifeng Sect. They were obviously from the Dalai Dynasty. People are already prepared to take action, why do they always feel like they are conserving each other's strength when attacking?"

"They are the three major immortal sects of the Great Dynasty. On the surface they are cooperating, but in fact they are guarding against each other and it is normal to retain their strength."

"It still feels weird."

For a time, everyone was talking about it, each talking about his own doubts.

Yan Yourong listened to everyone's words, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Yu Tuoyu said that they had discovered something before. He said that he had discovered signs of the activities of the remnants of the previous dynasty.

He was suspecting that the reason why the Zhenxian Dynasty was in such chaos was related to the remnants of the previous dynasty. "

"Remnants of the previous dynasty?" In the crowd, Xiao Beiyan suddenly looked puzzled when he heard the voice: "How many years has the Zhenxian Dynasty been in existence, and how long does a mortal have? How can there be remnants of the previous dynasty?"

Yan Yourong also shook her head in confusion. She didn't know why Yu Tuoyu said there were remnants of the previous dynasty. Many people in the crowd also shook their heads, and they couldn't understand this question.

However, Yisheng looked at the confused looks of his senior brothers and sisters and took the initiative to explain: "Although the Zhenxian Dynasty is called Zhenxian Dynasty, the previous Zhenxian Dynasty was not called that name.

In fact, Wulu was the previous Zhenxian Dynasty, the nearby Jin Dynasty, or the Dalai Dynasty that attacked us before. As well as all the major dynasties, they all belonged to the same dynasty, named Qitian Dynasty. "

Although Yisheng was young, she was born in a merchant family, and she had been very smart since she was a child. Before she came to Baifeng Sect, she read many books at home, and her father also invited her to many books. The master taught her a lot of knowledge, and one of them told her the history of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

“The territory of the original Qi Tian Dynasty was extremely vast, and at the same time, the rulers of the Qi Tian Dynasty were themselves cultivators of immortality.

At that time, the strongest immortal sect in the entire Qitian Dynasty was the Qitian Sect! But later, for unknown reasons, the Qitian Dynasty suddenly perished, and the Qitian Sect also disappeared. Then, the Qi Tian Dynasty also fell into pieces and was divided into major dynasties. "

This was all Yi Sheng knew. The person who told her this was a master, a mortal, who was cultivating the world of immortality. The master didn't know much about it, and he didn't know why the Qitian Sect disappeared.

However, she later investigated the time herself and found that when the Qitian Sect disappeared, it happened to be when the seventh-generation leader of the Baifeng Sect came to power.

From the seventh generation to the eighth generation of the Baifeng Sect, a war broke out. In that battle, the Baifeng Sect suffered heavy losses and many inheritances were cut off.

Moreover, not only the Baifeng Sect, but also many immortal sects in the Zhenxian Dynasty at that time experienced great wars and suffered heavy losses. Many immortal sects were even devastated or even disappeared.

She also read through the classics in the Baifeng Sect, but the classics did not say why the Baifeng Sect fought in the first place, but only mentioned the battle.

Obviously, the disappearance of the Qitian Sect was related to the war between the major immortal sects, but she did not know the specific circumstances.

"So, the sins of the previous dynasty that Yu Tuoyu mentioned are the remnants of the Qi Tian Dynasty? So many years have passed, and they are still thinking about restoration?"

"The chaos in the Zhenxian Dynasty has something to do with them. Could it be said that the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect came to attack our Baifeng Sect and they have something to do with it?"

"Whether it has anything to do with it or not, if they come to attack our Baifeng Sect, they must pay the price!"

"Yes! We don't know where the home bases of the Sun Moon Demon Sect and Scarlet Refining Demon Sect are, but we know where the East China Sea Mirage, Duan Kong Sect and Xingyue Mansion are."

"If they want to destroy our Baifeng Sect, they must also be prepared to be destroyed!"

"We can't just let this matter go! If we attack our mountain gate, it will be a life-or-death situation!"

As soon as everyone mentioned the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty, everyone became angry again.

In the Immortal Cultivation World of the Zhenxian Dynasty, or in other words, looking at the entire Immortal Cultivation World, as long as you dare to attack someone else's mountain gate, and if so many people go together, and want to eradicate the entire Immortal Sect, then it will definitely be a life-and-death situation.

"We must avenge ourselves, but before that, we must first bury our dead seniors in Yingling Mountain!"

Yingling Mountain!

Baifeng Sect, every Qingming Festival, the disciples of Baifeng Sect, if they can rush back to Baifeng Sect, they will try their best to return to Baifeng Sect.

As for the disciples in the Baifeng Sect, except those who are in seclusion, from the head sect to the disciples who have just entered the mountain gate, all will go to Yingling Mountain to pay homage to the ancestors of the Baifeng Sect.

This year, Qingming Festival has already passed.

But on this day, all the disciples of the entire Baifeng Sect, wearing sackcloth and mourning, went to Yingling Mountain.

The battle between immortal cultivators is more intense than the battle among mortals.

When mortals fight, they can still leave corpses behind after they die, but in the battles of immortal cultivators, especially the battles where guards come to the door, many people can't even find their corpses after they die.

In this case, everyone can only choose to bury some of the deceased's belongings in Yingling Mountain.

This is Cao Zhen’s first time coming to Yingling Mountain.

Stepping into the mountains, looking at the tombs and tombstones, a heavy feeling suddenly came over him, and his whole mood became more and more depressed.

In Yingling Mountain, disciples from various peaks buried their masters or uncles at each peak.

In Yingling Mountain, each peak also has its own position.

Moreover, in most cases, after the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect died in battle, they would choose to be buried on the peak where they were, within the tomb range of Yingling Mountain.

As those who died fighting for the Baifeng Sect were buried, for a while, cries rang out and joined together.

"Master, don't worry, Baifeng Sect is guarding it!"

"Master, look, our Baifeng Sect is still here, Master..."

"Master, this disciple will definitely avenge you, I swear..."

After burying those who died in the battle, Cao Zhen came to the front of the Bell of Heroes alone, then took out a carving knife and carved on the Bell of Heroes one stroke at a time which people died in the battle today. , the names of the heroic spirits of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

After doing all this, he did not return to the Four Treasures Peak immediately. Instead, he started wandering around the Hundred Peaks Sect alone.

He is now the head of the Hundred Peaks Sect. He is no longer alone and can no longer manage a few disciples of the Four Treasures Peak.

Unknowingly, he found that he had reached the Seven Star Peak without knowing when.

"Chao Zizai...I don't know how he is doing now."

Cao Zhen thought of the painful Chao Zizai on Yingling Mountain and walked towards the mountain.

Although Seven Star Peak has improved a lot in the Hundred Peaks Competition, the day for selecting disciples from Hundred Peaks has not yet been announced this year, and Seven Star Peak still has those same disciples.

Climbing the Seven Star Peak, he heard Chao Zizai's voice coming from far away.

"Master sacrificed for our Hundred Peaks Sect, for our Seven Star Peak, and for each of us! Master, he always said that he was about to live for a long time. In fact, Master can still live for a few years. In a few years, if Master can survive again What about a breakthrough? Master's lifespan can still be increased.

Master, he did this so that we can survive well and revitalize Qixing Peak! In order for us to make more contributions to Baifeng Sect in the future!

Only by improving our cultivation can we comfort Master's spirit in heaven! Cultivation, this level of cultivation is not enough! "

Cao Zhen finally saw Chao Zizai. Including Chao Zizai, all the disciples of Seven Star Peak were cultivating crazily at this time.

Chao Zizai's back was turned to him, and he could not clearly see Chao Zizai's appearance. However, when the disciples from Seven Star Peak saw him, they did not greet him one by one, but practiced seriously, until Cao Zhen slowly Open your mouth.

"Lao Chao..."

When the two words came out, Chao Zizai immediately turned his head, and Cao Zhen finally saw what Chao Zizai looked like now. His rough face, his eyes were red, and he looked very serious.

He couldn't feel any decadence on his body, but instead had a kind of madness, a kind of madness in cultivation.

"Old Cao... no, Zhang Zong..." When Chao Zizai saw Cao Zhen, he finally stopped supervising the junior disciples and walked over.

"Lao Chao, there is no need to rush into cultivation. Sometimes haste makes waste, and they know that cultivation is enough."

Cao Zhen glanced at the disciples at Seven Star Peak and walked to the side, while Chao Zizai just followed.

After the two walked some distance away, Cao Zhen looked at the plants and trees of Qixing Peak. The scenes of his conversation with Deng Qixing and the transactions with Deng Qixing could not help but appear in his eyes.

Everything seems to have happened yesterday. Today, Qixing Peak is still the same, but Deng Qixing is no longer there.

"Lao Chao, actually, all this is my fault." Cao Zhen sighed again and whispered: "If I didn't leave the Baifeng Sect, they wouldn't come to attack our Baifeng Sect, and Master Deng wouldn't suffer from this. sacrifice."

"No, Lao Cao, it's not your fault. They have obviously been eyeing our Baifeng Sect for a long time. Even if they didn't attack our Baifeng Sect this time, what will happen next? As long as our Baifeng Sect's masters leave, they will definitely attack us. From Fengzong.

And we, the masters of the Baifeng Sect, cannot always stay in the Baifeng Sect. I don’t blame you for all this. If you do, blame the three great sects of the Red Refining Demon Sect, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and the Dalai Dynasty. I just hate. "

While Chao Zizi was speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand and hit a big tree in front of him hard. He didn't use any magic power with this punch, he just used his fist to hit the big tree. Even though In this way, the big tree that was smashed swayed crazily and made a muffled sound.

"I am very useless. I am very useless. I have not reached the golden elixir stage. I clearly know that the master is going to surround the Baifeng Sect, but just because I have not become the golden elixir, I can only watch the master helplessly in the mountain gate. Leaving and then being informed that Master is a sacrifice!

If I am at the Golden Core stage, then I can guard our Baifeng Sect with Master... I hate why I am so weak! Cultivation, all I want to do now is practice, and then go and avenge Master! "

"We, the Hundred Peaks Sect, will definitely avenge Master Deng. We will avenge not just Master Deng, but everyone. Blood debts must be paid with blood.

However, Lao Chao, you don’t have to push yourself so hard. After some time, I will definitely take everyone to take revenge myself! "

Cao Zhen comforted Chao Zizai a few more words, and then walked towards the Four Treasures Peak. However, after returning to the Four Treasures Peak, he did not go to see any of his disciples, but locked himself in the room.

He was in a state of depression all day today, especially after going to Yingling Mountain and carving the names of Deng Qixing and others who sacrificed for the Baifeng Sect on the Yingling Bell. After meeting Chao Zizai again, he He became more and more depressed, and his whole person felt extremely depressed.

Involuntarily, he thought of his parents.

Soon, Cao Zhen connected to Zhonghua Cloud, and suddenly, his father's figure appeared in his sight.

In front of an unknown reservoir, his father Cao Xinbang was wearing a black baseball cap and sitting on a horse, holding a fishing rod with both hands. He looked as leisurely as possible.

Because of Boss Ma, his parents now have no worries about food and drink, and they also know that he is very safe now. Moreover, his parents have also begun to practice the exercises he gave them, and their living conditions are very good.

My mother raised many cats and dogs at home, and my father’s greatest pleasure was fishing.

Cao Zhen looked at his father's leisurely look, finally showed a smile on his face, and said softly: "Dad..."

"Xiao Cao." Cao Xinbang suddenly felt nervous. It was clear that Cao Zhen had communicated with him in this way many times, and he knew that he couldn't see his own son, but he still couldn't help but look around. , while looking at it, he muttered in a low voice, "Come as soon as you want, leave as soon as you want, it's okay to say hello in advance, you scared me away from the fish, will you compensate me?"

"Dad..." Cao Zhen shouted helplessly, "Only you can hear what I say, and I can't scare your fish..."

His father obviously missed him, but after hearing his appearance, he started to blame him again.

"You can't scare my fish, but you can scare me. What if I scare the fish again? Do you know that I will get up here to make a nest in a few days..." Cao Xinbang regained control of the fishing rod and complained. Said: "You haven't come to see me and your mother for a long time.

It doesn't matter to me, I can come fishing anyway. As for your mother, you haven't seen her for more than half a month, so she is very anxious. It nags next to my ears every day, so much that my ears are getting calluses. "

"I'm busy..." Cao Zhen replied subconsciously, but after saying that, he suddenly discovered that when he was on Earth, when his mother complained that she rarely came home, she always said the same thing. Busy myself...

Actually, is it really that busy?

Is it really impossible to squeeze some time out every day?

"Busy...isn't your martial arts tournament over? Didn't you say you won the championship?" Cao Xinbang fixed the fishing rod with one hand, took out a cigarette with the other hand, and clicked Lit it, took a breath and asked: "What are you busy with again? Also, what are you worried about when you come to me this time?"

Cao Zhen replied subconsciously: "What's on your mind?"

He has long been accustomed to this. When he was on Earth, when something happened to him, he rarely told his parents.

But this time, he was obviously depressed and wanted to see his parents, but after seeing his father, he chose not to say anything.

Cao Xinbang said disdainfully: "Is it okay? You kid, don't think you are some kind of god now. Your dad can't see you, so you can hide it from your dad. You kid is my son, you can still deceive me. Tell me. , what happened?"

"There are some things. Dad, I told you that I entered a sect called Baifeng Sect, right?" Cao Zhen said simply, "In our world, some changes have taken place now. All the The masters are all asleep.

Then your son and I can now be said to be one of the strongest people in the world. Maybe after a while, we will be able to get rid of that one.

Moreover, my disciples are all very powerful, so the Baifeng Sect that I joined selected me as its head sect, that is, its leader.

But because of a previous decision-making mistake of mine, our Baifeng Sect was attacked. When I returned to the Baifeng Sect, it was already too late, and many people died in the battle. "

"So, you think it was you who harmed them?" Cao Xinbang suddenly understood and said, "I don't know how to advise you about this kind of thing. And about this matter, don't tell your mother, she knows , I have to worry about your safety again. Let me tell you, actually..."

After thinking for a while, Cao Xinbang started to comfort him in his own way. His son came, but after talking for a long time, he found that he didn't get any response at all.

"This brat is still the same as before. He left without saying a word. I'm afraid he went to find his mother. Hey... I don't know what the situation is like for that brat now. As a leader, in charge of a The sect…”

Cao Xinbang didn't ask how his son was injured in that battle, but he didn't ask but it didn't mean he didn't care. His son said that he was now one of the strongest people on their side, but even the strongest people would encounter Danger.

After Cao Zhen chatted with his father, he quickly found his mother and had a chat with her.

Obviously, neither his father nor his mother comforted her, and his mother even nagged him in the end, asking her to find a wife quickly, but after meeting his parents, his mood improved a lot unknowingly.

Come to Dynasty.

People from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty retreated all the way behind the Dalai Dynasty, and then they stopped. After counting their losses, everyone looked extremely ugly.

Not counting the people of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect, the people of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect did not enter the Dalai Dynasty after escaping, but left on their own.

In this battle between their three major immortal sects and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, they actually lost nearly 400 golden elixir-level people!

"Four hundred, they are all masters of the Golden Core stage. None of our immortal sects have so many Golden Core stage. Now so many people have died, but we have not captured the Hundred Peaks Sect! What's more important is, The masters of Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen, Xiang Ziyu, and Leng Xi all returned.

Today we are going to attack their Baifeng Sect. When their Baifeng Sect recovers, they will definitely take revenge on us. What will happen then? "

The people from the three major immortal sects looked at the Sun Eclipse Demon of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect at the same time.

No one knows the home base of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. If the Baifeng Sect takes revenge, it will naturally only retaliate against their three major immortal sects. So what about the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

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