In Baifeng Sect, after the battle, the entire sect spent a day repairing.

The next day, paper cranes flying towards the peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect one after another.

[Baifeng Summoning Order]!

Although Nie Jie was the deputy head sect and was in charge of the Hundred Peaks Sect before, he was not the head sect after all and could not issue the summoning order for the Hundred Peaks.

The next day after Cao Zhen returned to the Hundred Peaks Sect, he exercised his authority as the headmaster, and this time, he not only summoned the peak masters of the Hundred Peaks, but also all the uninjured Jindanqi.

Dengxian Peak, the main meeting hall of the peak.

When Cao Zhen attended the summit meeting in the past, he always sat at the back, but this time, he sat on the main seat at the front of everyone.

With many masters sleeping, and after yesterday's battle, several peak masters chose to self-destruct after feeling that their time was running out.

At this time, there were fewer and fewer familiar figures in the positions of the peak masters.

Cao Zhen waited until the last peak master arrived,

Looking at the figures arriving one after another, after everyone on each peak had arrived, he slowly said: "Everyone, we have called everyone here today because of one thing, and that is revenge!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone sitting around stood up immediately and shouted: "Zhang Zong, as long as you give the order, we will immediately follow you and enter the Dalai Dynasty!"

"Yes, blood debt must be paid with blood!"

"Zhang Zong, please tell me how we should fight!"

Cao Zhen looked at the excited crowd, stretched out a hand, slowly pressed down and said: "Fight, we must fight, but we can't kill like this."

Other immortal sects come to attack their Baifeng Sect, and they will fight back no matter what.

He also knew that as long as there was a fight, people would definitely die, especially if the opponent's three major immortal sects combined had more golden elixir stages than their Hundred Peaks Sect.

If the Baifeng Sect goes to seek revenge, a lot of people will definitely die, but it is absolutely impossible not to fight.

Others are coming to destroy your sect. Then, if you win, you don’t invite others to take revenge. If word spreads, others will think that the Baifeng Sect is weak. By then, no one will be afraid of the Baifeng Sect, and some people will even be afraid of it. Then follow the example of the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty to attack the Baifeng Sect.

What's more, repaying kindness with kindness and taking revenge with hatred has always been the tradition of Baifeng Sect.

Therefore, even though they knew that many people from their Baifeng Sect would die if they fought back, they still had to fight back.

What he can do is try to minimize the losses of Baifeng Sect.

Cao Zhen glanced downwards and said: "I know that everyone is not afraid of sacrifice, but now is the Little Era period when the world is reversed, and the world has begun to be in chaos.

If we kill them and fight with them, both sides will suffer losses, and our Baifeng Sect will also suffer heavy losses. In this darkest moment of chaos, our Baifeng Sect may even become the target of others again.

At that time, if we cannot defend the Baifeng Sect, all of us will become sinners of the Baifeng Sect. "

Everyone around him nodded with understanding, and many of them looked extremely solemn.

After Cao Zhen paused for a moment, he looked at everyone and continued: "If we face one of the three major immortal sects of the Great Lai Dynasty, I will lead you to kill them now.

But this time, we have to face the three major immortal sects. They came to invade our Baifeng Sect yesterday, and they would not send all their masters. They must still have people guarding their mountain gate.

We even don’t know whether the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect will continue to target our Baifeng Sect.

Similarly, if we go to attack them, we, the Baifeng Sect, cannot send all the Golden Core Stagers there. I can and need to leave some of the masters behind to guard the mountain gate. "

All around, everyone fell silent.

As Cao Zhen spoke, he stretched out two fingers and said: "So, if we want to take revenge, we need to do two things. The first thing is to repair our mountain gate's mountain protection formation, and at the same time lay down a large Array.

After all, our previous mountain-protecting formation of Baifeng Sect was not a formation for the Golden Core stage.

After we cast the great formation, our own consumption was also huge. Moreover, our Baifeng Sect's mountain-protecting formation has another problem, that is, after the Hushan formation is destroyed, the formation to attack the opponent can no longer be used.

Therefore, after we repair the previous formation, I have to do it myself and set up a new formation.

However, setting up a new formation requires a lot of resources, and the resources I have are far from enough, so I need to use the resources our Baifeng Sect has accumulated over the years. I want to open the Treasure Fairy Palace! This requires your consent. "

Within the Baifeng Sect, the head sect naturally has the greatest power.

But even though he is the head sect, he can control many resources within the Baifeng sect. But it does not include the Treasure Fairy Palace!

What is hidden in the Treasure Immortal Palace is all the resources accumulated by the Hundred Peaks Sect over hundreds of thousands of years since its establishment!

In order to open the Treasure Immortal Palace, in addition to the initiative from the head master, it is also necessary to have the approval of a deputy head master, as well as the great elder, supreme elder, Chuan Gong elder, Dharma protector elder and other important elders. At the same time, more than half of the peak masters in the Hundred Peaks Sect must agree.

"Use all the resources of our Baifeng Sect?"


Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound. Then someone spoke.

"Master Zhang, you just need to set up the grand formation and don't need to open the Treasure Palace."

"Zhang Zong, we, Zhang Feng, have accumulated some resources over the years. If necessary, our peak can contribute our resources."

"We, Xiao Zen Peak, can also use our resources."

"I, Ziyu Peak, can also provide resources."

"This is for our Baifeng Sect. We all belong to the Baifeng Sect. Without the Baifeng Sect, our peaks would not exist. To build a new mountain protection formation for our Baifeng Sect, we must contribute our resources.”

"Zhang Zong, after all the resources from each of our peaks have been allocated, it should be enough to build a new formation. We don't have to use the resources accumulated by the Hundred Peaks Sect."

Cao Zhen is a reincarnated power!

Everyone naturally supports Cao Zhen's plan to build a new formation.

It's just the resources of the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace, which are the foundation of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and cannot be used easily.

Even many sects of the Baifeng Sect, from the time they became the sect to the time they stepped down from the position of sect leader, only released resources into the Treasure Immortal Palace, but never opened the Treasure Immortal Palace.

Building a new mountain-protecting formation is naturally important, but that is only the Golden Core-stage mountain-protecting formation, and there is no need to use the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace.

Cao Zhen listened to everyone's words of advice, but his heart was filled with emotion. Normally, everyone, especially the peak masters of each peak, no matter how many resources they have, as long as they have the opportunity, they are not desperately trying to do their best. Can Fengzhong get more resources?

But now, they would rather contribute the resources in their peak to build a mountain-protecting formation.

This is the reason why Baifeng Sect can stand for hundreds of thousands of years!

I have been to many peaks to compete in Qiu Feng, and I also know that many peaks, especially the Fifty Peaks, have a lot of money.

But, that's not enough.

Cao Zhen looked at everyone and shook his head and said: "Everyone, the reason why I want to open the Treasure Palace is not only to set up a mountain-protecting formation. I also plan to refine a large number of talismans and a large number of elixirs. I want to To defeat those three major immortal sects, and to have enough strength for our Hundred Peaks Sect to survive the minor era of world reversal, we must improve the cultivation and strength of all our Hundred Peaks Sect disciples!"

Naturally, he cannot refine elixirs for them like he trained several disciples of the Four Treasures Peak. Not to mention that he does not have so much energy to refine so many elixirs. Even if he has that experience, he can Those elixirs require so many resources that even the Baifeng Sect cannot afford to consume them.

"Refining talismans?"

"You still want to make elixirs?"

"The talisman, is it the kind of talisman that is the ultimate soul-gathering talisman?"

Many people were overjoyed when they heard this. They knew that people from Sibaofeng were good at refining talismans, and they also knew that many people from the academy helped Sibaofeng refine talismans. They also knew that Sibaofeng's unique techniques were used to refine talismans. The success rate of the spirit-gathering talisman is extremely high, and the refined spirit-gathering talisman has a stronger ability to gather spiritual energy than the ordinary spirit-gathering talisman. Therefore, now everyone basically buys the spirit-gathering talisman from Sibaofeng.

In the current Baifeng Sect, most of the people who refine the spirit-gathering talisman and sell the spirit-gathering talisman are related to the Four Treasure Peaks.

Moreover, they also knew that the people at Sibaofeng would also refine a kind of extraordinary spirit-gathering talisman. That kind of spirit-gathering talisman can gather spiritual energy even when sleeping to help with cultivation.

If Peak Master Cao publicly gives everyone the Super Soul Gathering Talisman, everyone's cultivation speed will naturally be accelerated.

"That's right, it's the Super Soul Gathering Talisman." Cao Zhen nodded. In the past, he used the Super Soul Gathering Talisman as his trump card, asking those who refined the Soul Gathering Talisman for the Four Treasures Peak to be careful not to go too far. If so, he would put the Transcendent Soul Gathering Talisman on the market.

But, it's different now.

He is now the head of the Baifeng Sect, and the fate of everyone in the entire Baifeng Sect is in his hands.

Now, it was still the Little Era period when the world was reversed. What he wanted to do was to improve the strength of the Hundred Peaks Sect, and he could no longer hide his secrets.

"However, the Super Soul Gathering Talisman is only part of it. The more important thing is the elixir. Refining the elixir consumes more resources!"

"We need to use the resources of the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace, Master Zhang, what kind of elixir do you plan to refine?" Many peak masters around heard this, but they looked at the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak.

Except for Yisheng, these disciples of Sibaofeng all have ancient immortal bodies. In today's era, ancient immortal bodies cannot be cultivated.

However, the four ancient immortals in Sibao Peak have all cultivated to become the perfect beings of the Ten Visions and Golden Pills. As for Cao Zhangzong, everyone knows that he is good at refining pills.

There were rumors before that it was Peak Master Cao who refined the elixir for his disciples, so the disciples of the Four Treasures Peak were able to break through and become the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions.

There is also Yisheng. Although Yisheng has an immortal body with excellent qualifications for cultivating immortals, the speed of Yisheng's breakthrough is also slow. She has only been practicing for a long time, and she has already reached the perfection of the Nine Visions Golden Elixir.

These are most likely due to the elixirs refined by Master Cao Feng.

Now, Peak Master Cao said that he would refine elixirs for everyone. If Peak Master Cao also refines this elixir, how many golden elixir stages will the Hundred Peaks Sect increase?

Or even increase the existence of dozens of visions, golden elixirs and Dzogchen?

Cao Zhen didn't mean to hide it. He looked directly at the crowd and said: "What I want to refine is the elixir that can improve my cultivation. The specific refinement of those elixirs depends on the treasures in our Baifeng Sect's Immortal Palace. What resources are there?

What I consider is that all disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect must be treated equally. They cannot refine elixirs for people on this peak but not for people on another peak. It is refined for the Danjie stage, but not for the Immortal Bridge stage.

Of course, everyone has different priorities.

Under the pill-forming stage, most of the cultivation time is short, so the elixirs I refine for them will mainly focus on stimulating their potential. During the pill-forming and golden elixir stages, they will directly increase their cultivation and allow them to break through. Entering the golden elixir stage, or gathering one or two more golden elixirs! "

"Increase your cultivation!"

"Inspire potential!"

Although everyone had already guessed what kind of elixir Cao Zhen wanted to refine, they still couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard Cao Zhen personally admitting that he wanted to refine such an elixir.

They don't know how much potential a pill that stimulates potential can stimulate, but anyone can see the effect of a pill that improves cultivation.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the elixirs refined by everyone are difficult to directly improve one's cultivation level.

However, Peak Master Cao said that he must break through the elixir formation stage into the golden elixir stage, and let the golden elixir stage condense one or even two golden elixirs!


After a long time, everyone calmed down.

Cao Zhen looked at everyone and asked: "Now, everyone has made a choice whether they agree to open the Treasure Palace."

Although everyone was excited just now, when Cao Zhen asked again, no one answered immediately.

Improving the cultivation level of everyone in the Baifeng Sect is naturally something that everyone would like to see, but if the resources of the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace are used.

Nie Jie looked around, and after being silent for a while, he immediately said: "I agree to open the Treasure Palace. If it were normal, even if it could improve everyone's cultivation, I would not agree to open the Treasure Palace. , after all, those are the resources that our Baifeng Sect has accumulated over countless years, and are the source of our Baifeng Sect’s confidence.

It is a resource that can only be used at critical moments.

However, now is the period of the Little Era when the world is reversed. To measure whether a fairy sect is strong enough, in addition to looking at the top combat power of this fairy sect, it also depends on how many golden elixir stages it has.

Our Hundred Peaks Sect has Master Cao, as well as Leng Xi, Xiang Ziyu and others. Our top combat power is already strong enough. What we are missing now is the Golden Core Stage! "

As soon as Nie Jie spoke, Wu Xiang also spoke: "I also agree to open the Treasure Immortal Palace. Our Baifeng Sect needs to improve its strength. Before, if Yu Tuoyu, the disciple of the Grand Master, hadn't arrived, if it hadn't been for Headmaster Cao and others If we rush back in time, we may not be able to defend ourselves against the attacks of the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Dalai Dynasty.

Once our Baifeng Sect falls, let alone the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace, our entire Baifeng Sect may be evacuated by the opponent. "

"I also agree to open the Treasure Fairy Palace."

"We only have Cao Zhang Sect here to refine those elixirs. No other immortal sect would have such an opportunity!"

"It's just that the Zhang Zong is only one person, and his energy is limited after all. There are so many people in our Baifeng Sect, and the Zhang Zong can refine it by himself..."

Cao Zhen listened to the worried words of a peak master and quickly replied: "It doesn't matter, my disciple Yisheng can also help me refine the elixir, and I can also..."

As he was speaking, Nie Jie transmitted a message into the secret passage: "Zhang Zong, don't teach alchemy techniques easily. Although I believe in the disciples of our Baifeng Sect, who knows that there are still many people in our Baifeng Sect? Is there anyone possessed by a monster? When you fought against Xingyao Peak, the opponent was possessed by a monster. Master Zhang, you must take precautions."

Cao Zhen heard the voice, nodded slightly and transmitted the secret message: "I have thought about this before, don't worry, the core method is with me, I just asked them to help refine the elixir."

After Cao Zhen answered Nie Jie, he looked at everyone and said, "You can ask your disciples who are good at alchemy to come and help me refine the elixir."

Everyone heard the sound and nodded immediately.

"It's natural."

"This is for our Baifeng Sect, and we should do our best. Besides, following the Zhang Sect in refining elixirs is also a rare opportunity for them to improve."

"I also agree to open the Treasure Fairy Palace."

One by one, the peak masters agreed to open the Treasure Palace. Although some peak masters did not express their opinions, in a short period of time, more than fifty peak masters expressed their agreement.

"In that case, let's open the Hidden Treasure Palace." After saying that, Cao Zhen paused slightly and then looked at everyone and said, "If that's the case, then I'll go to the Hidden Treasure Palace!"

Within the Baifeng Sect, there is a peak called Hidden Treasure Peak, and the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace was built here.

If you want to open the Hidden Treasure Peak, in addition to the Master Order, you also need the Great Elder Order, the Deputy Master Order, etc., as well as the tokens of at least fifty-one peak masters.

After Cao Zhen returned to the Baifeng Sect, Nie Jie handed over the Order of the Head of the Sect that he had previously kept for safekeeping to Cao Zhen.

The Treasure Immortal Palace is nine stories high. Outside the Immortal Palace is an extremely huge stone gate, with complex inscriptions engraved on it.

Due to the reversal of the universe in the minor era, now, the formations in the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace can only exert the power of the golden elixir stage.

The peak masters of each peak quickly brought their tokens to the front of the Treasure Immortal Palace, placed their respective tokens on the huge stone gate, and at the same time operated their respective peaks' techniques to transport mana into the stone gate.

Opening the gate requires not only the tokens from each peak, but also the corresponding techniques.

As the skills were input one after another, beams of light suddenly shot out from the huge stone gate.

Soon the light covered all sides of the stone door, leaving only the center.

Then Nie Jie and others also stepped forward, holding tokens and inputting mana.

After everyone had finished everything, Cao Zhen walked to Shimen and took out the Baifeng Sect's palm sect token, a small pagoda-like magic weapon, the Baifeng Pagoda.

It's called this because it's actually a mountain, but it looks like a pagoda.

This time, Cao Zhen did not use the Longhu Mountain technique, but the Four Treasure Peak technique.

As a stream of strong mana poured into the stone gate, the entire stone gate suddenly emitted a bright light, and then a burst of rattling sounds came out.

The stone door slowly rose, and Cao Zhen stepped into it.

As soon as he entered the Treasure Immortal Palace, waves of rich spiritual energy rushed straight into his nose.

He raised his eyes and saw a mountain of resources, various materials for refining talismans, materials for making divine weapons, and materials for refining elixirs...

Cao Zhen first looked at the various materials for refining the formations. At the same time, he kept recalling the formations he had mastered, as well as the formations mastered by Haoyue Xingjun.

Although Lord Haoyuexing is not as good as Zhang Daoling, he is still a reincarnated great master and can learn something from him.

Moreover, while he was looking at various materials and thinking about various formations, other knowledge could not help but emerge in his mind, such as where to lay out the formations, what they would be used for, the angles of the formations, and how to set up a formation. After setting up the formation, what will happen if the opponent attacks from another place.

"This...this is the knowledge of the art of war from Sun Tzu and Mozi. No, it also comes from the knowledge of Yu Qian and Shaobao."

Cao Zhen only spent two days selecting the materials for refining the formation.

Firstly, the Baifeng Sect has accumulated too many resources over hundreds of thousands of years. He just looked at the materials here, and it took a long time. Secondly, he originally planned to refine a formation, but later combined various Based on his experience in military tactics and the terrain of the Baifeng Sect, he decided to refine three formations and then form a large formation!

There were more formations refined, but as a result, he found that the level of his formations was a bit low.

He had no choice but to upgrade his formation level again.

‘The level of the array is increased to break through the level, the administrator level is increased by one level, a random user can access one, and a designated user can access one. ’

The administrator level has been upgraded again.

In Cao Zhen's mind, Zhonghua Yun's voice soon came again.

‘The random user’s access has been completed, the accesser is Our Lady of Golden Light. ’

Cao Zhen's energy suddenly increased. The name of Our Lady of Golden Light sounded familiar to her. Moreover, she knew from the name that she must not be an ordinary person.

How could she be weak when she was called the Holy Mother!

I don’t know what kind of existence this person is!

He was just about to open Zhonghua Cloud to check the information about Golden Light Holy Mother, when the voice of Zhonghua Cloud came again in his mind.

"Please select a specific user."

Designated user?

Who does this connect to?

Cao Zhen really didn't think about who to call, or to contact the Grand Master, but the problem was that he didn't even know the Grand Master's name.

Then connect...

Why should I get through to my own people.

Cao Zhen suddenly realized that the designated user could watch and talk to the other party, so why not directly connect to an enemy and observe the other party's situation at any time?

"Get through to me, Sun Eclipse Demon of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect!"

After connecting to the Sun Eclipse Demon, knowing the magical powers and techniques of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect is secondary. The key is to be able to know what the other party is doing and what those people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect want to do.

It's just that this Sun Eclipse Demon is not a name, but a code name. I don't know if that will work.

However, it should be possible. After all, many people in the world of cultivating immortals are called this, which is different from Grand Master.

Grand Master is an official position. It just means that connecting with Grand Master may fail, but connecting with Sun Eclipse Demon should be successful.

Soon, a voice came from the Chinese Cloud.

"The Sun-Moon Demon Sect Eclipses the Sun Demon, the connection is completed."

Cao Zhen stood in the Treasure Palace and directly opened the Sun Eclipse Demon's file.

User: Eclipse Demon.

Name: Hong Jiang.

Sex: Male.

Cultivation: Golden elixir Dzogchen.

Identity: The Sun and Moon Demon Sect, the Master of the Eclipse Hall during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe.

Additional available experience points: 80,000.

Alchemy Level: Level 20.

Talisman level: Level 25.

Formation level: Level 20.

That guy has already reached the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions, but he is just the leader of a hall in the Sun and Moon Demon Sect? This time when dealing with the Hundred Peaks Sect, I feel that he is responsible for the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. So, is it just a hall of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect that is dealing with the Hundred Peaks Sect this time?

How powerful is the Sun and Moon Demon?

Cao Zhen took a look at Sun Eclipse Demon's information, and his heart moved. The image of Sun Eclipse Demon soon appeared in his sight.

On a towering mountain, two peaks stand.

On one of the mountain peaks, the Sun Eclipse Demon and a group of disciples of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect gathered here. In addition to the people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, there are also several people from the East China Sea Mirage, the Duan Kong Sect and the Xingyue Mansion.

The Eclipse Demon looked at everyone, raised his hand and said: "Coming from the Baifeng Sect to the Great Lai Dynasty, if you want to attack the nearest East China Sea Mirage, you must pass through the twin peaks. We, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, will be stationed here. here.

If people from the Baifeng Sect come to take revenge, they will definitely look for the East China Sea Mirage first and will definitely pass by here. We will definitely find out. In this case, can you rest assured? "

Opposite the Sun Eclipse Demon, the people from the three major immortal sects nodded.

"That's very good."

"In this way, I can go back and report to the master of the palace. Everyone, our Xingyue Mansion has suffered heavy losses this time. There are still many things to deal with in the mansion, so I left first."

"Our Duan Kong Sect also suffered a lot, so I'm leaving too."

Soon on the mountain peak, all the people from Duankong Sect and Xingyue Mansion left, leaving only the people from Sun Moon Demon Sect and Donghai Mirage.

Cao Zhen looked over excitedly.

So, what kind of private deal does this person from the East China Sea Mirage have with the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

In his expectant eyes, the man from East China Sea Mirage and the Sun Eclipse Demon looked at each other, each nodded, and then, the man from East China Sea Mirage also disappeared and left.

Cao Zhen's whole body was in bad shape.

That's it, that's the end?

Shouldn't you talk about your plans or something?

What does it mean when you look at each other? You have something to say.

East China Sea Mirage and Sun Moon Demon Sect...

But now, he is at least certain of one thing. There must be some secrets between the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the East China Sea Mirage.

Although the time for communication with his designated user is limited, he can read whatever he wants every day.

During this period of time, he was refining elixirs and setting up formations. As long as nothing happened, he would look at the Sun Eclipse Demon. He didn't believe it and couldn't find anything.

Do you still want to deal with the Baifeng Sect? What other plots and tricks do you want to plot?

Now, I have installed a hidden surveillance camera on you. Let me see how you can continue to plot.

Cao Zhen saw that the Sun Eclipse Demon stopped saying anything and even found a place to start meditating. He simply stopped looking at the Sun Eclipse Demon and retreated directly.

Monitoring and observing the Sun Eclipse Demon is only the first step. When he has time, think carefully about how to fool the Sun Eclipse Demon.

He won't be able to communicate with the Sun Eclipse Demon until he figures out how to deceive him.

Cao Zhen withdrew from the sight of the Sun Eclipse Demon. Thinking of the previous random access user, she quickly opened another document and started reading it.

User: Our Lady of Golden Light.

Name: Zhu Peiniang

Gender: Female

Cultivation: True Fairyland.

When Cao Zhen saw this, he was stunned for a moment. True fairyland, what kind of cultivation realm is that? He knows about the Earthly Immortal Realm, and above the Earthly Immortal Realm is the Returning Immortal Realm.

The Immortal Suppressing Realm must be above the level of cultivation of these two people, but I don't know how far it is compared to Daluo Jinxian.

After connecting with Sun Tzu, Mozi, Gao Jianli and others one after another, he finally connected with an immortal with cultivation.

Cao Zhen continued to read.

Identity: One of the five holy mothers under the leadership of the Tongtian Sect, and one of the ten heavenly kings of Jin'ao Island.

Of course he knew about the Tongtian Cult Master, but why didn’t he have any impression of the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin’ao Island?

Specialties: Golden Light Array.

Formation level: Level 71 Grandmaster!

Level 71, this formation level is only six levels lower than Zhang Daoling.

A master of formations, he is also good at golden light formations.

I don’t know how this formation works.

Cao Zhen began to quickly absorb all kinds of knowledge about the Golden Light Holy Mother.

‘The Golden Light Array… This formation obviously cannot be deployed in the Little Era of the Reversal of Heaven and Earth, but I can change it to make it suitable for the Golden Core Stage. In fact, as long as you have something, you can still do it. ’

And this formation is the strongest among all the formations that I know now!

Although the formation level of Our Lady of Golden Light is not as good as Zhang Daoling's, Zhang Daoling's formation level is high and he has studied various formations.

Almost all of the formation levels of Our Lady of Golden Light come from her golden light formation.

If we just compare one formation, Zhang Daoling can't even compare to the Golden Lady.

Cao Zhen quickly absorbed all the knowledge of Our Lady of Golden Light.

All around, the peak masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect stared blankly at the motionless Cao Zhen. After a long time, when they saw Cao Zhen turning around, everyone asked with concern: "Zhang Zong, what's wrong with you? "

"It's okay, I just suddenly thought of a formation. That formation is terrifying. With my current level of cultivation, I can't set up that formation at all.

However, that formation was too powerful. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally thought of a way to maybe set up that formation. Let's get some more materials. "

It’s natural for everyone to hear the sound.

It took Cao Zhen another half day to select and lay out various materials for the revised Golden Light Array. Then he led everyone to various places at the Baifeng Sect's mountain gate and began to arrange the array.

The entire Baifeng Sect's mountain-protecting formation, even the formation at the Golden Core stage, was extremely complicated to set up. With just him alone, he didn't know how long it would take to set up the formation.

Even though he now has the help of a group of golden elixirs from the Hundred Peaks Sect, it still took him six days to arrange the three formations.

As for changing the golden light formation, it took him another seven days to set up the formation.

After arranging the formation, Cao Zhen and others opened the Treasure Immortal Palace again. This time, he wanted to select elixirs to improve the cultivation and potential of the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

This time, he just spent five days selecting the elixir.

The main reason is that there are too many disciples of the Baifeng Sect. Although there are many medicinal materials in the Hidden Treasure Immortal Palace, the quantity of each medicinal material is limited, and he cannot do it to refine a kind of elixir for disciples of a certain cultivation level. medicine.

You can only choose and match various medicinal materials in the Hidden Treasure Fairy Palace.

Five days later, Cao Zhen brought a group of disciples selected from each peak who were good at refining pills to the Five Elements Pill Land of Qianlong Immortal Palace.

A cauldron of alchemy furnaces was set up.

Cao Zhen began to explain to many disciples how to refine elixirs, and he was directly responsible for ten furnaces of elixirs alone.

While Cao Zhen was refining the elixir, he notified all the disciples in the Baifeng Sect to come and listen to the class.

Master Cao is about to start classes.

He had discussed Tao with people before, but many people had an epiphany.

On the contrary, the disciples in the Baifeng Sect did not have that many enlightenments because of him.

Now, he is going to give a lecture, and let the disciples of the Baifeng Sect, those who follow the path of calligraphy, music, art of war, etc., come in batches to listen to the class.

When the time comes, it will matter as many people as possible have an epiphany.

Within the Five Elements Dandi.

Disciples, listening to Master Zhang's narration, scratched their heads and scratched their heads, or looked thoughtful...

The disciples who were refining alchemy were all concentrating on refining the alchemy furnace in front of them. They were careful enough, but even so, the headmaster would pick up some medicinal materials from time to time and throw them into their alchemy furnace, and they seemed to throw them in casually.

They have never seen elixirs refined like this.

Refining elixirs requires full concentration, doesn't it mean refining an elixir furnace?

But the headmaster is directly responsible for ten furnaces of pills alone.

Moreover, the leader was not only refining his own ten furnaces of pills, there were hundreds of alchemists present. Except for Yi Sheng and Gaisu'e, an elder of Five Elements Dandi, everyone's pill furnaces were , the headmaster will pay attention.

Moreover, once a problem is discovered, the headmaster will immediately put some medicinal materials into a certain alchemy furnace, and even change the temperature of the alchemy furnace flame.

What's even more terrifying is that Peak Master Cao, when he puts the medicinal materials into each alchemy furnace, the time, quantity, and even the medicinal materials are different.

If the person in front of them was not their master, not a reincarnated great master, they would have already begun to question how he could refine elixirs like this.

Even now, they still doubt that the master is so distracted, while refining his own elixir and taking care of so many people's elixir furnaces, and even giving lectures, can this elixir be mastered?

Many people were suspicious, and Cao Zhen suddenly raised his hand, raised his hand to the alchemy furnace in front of him, and made a series of handprints.

"Is this Bin Laden?"

"Has Zhang Zong's elixir taken shape?"

"With the same alchemy technique, our elixir is still early to take shape, but Peak Master Cao is about to pull the elixir?"

Many people's eyes fell on Cao Zhen.

Soon they discovered that they had never heard of Zhang Zong's Ladan technique, let alone seen it.

Soon, round elixirs blooming with colorful light flew out of the elixir furnace, formed a straight line in the air and fell into the jade bottle beside them.

Colorful light?

Excellent product!

In an instant, the disciples of the Baifeng Sect who were listening to the lecture suddenly came into the hall. They sat up straight one by one. Some even stood up in surprise and looked over with astonishment on their faces.

Top quality, all top quality elixirs!

In this alchemy furnace, Zhang Zong pulled out a total of forty-nine pills.

And every one of them is actually a top-quality elixir!

This is a top-notch product. Even if they are not alchemists, they know that although there is a gap between middle-grade elixirs and high-grade elixirs, and between low-grade elixirs and middle-grade elixirs, the gap is not particularly big.

But the gap between top-quality elixirs and top-grade elixirs is really huge!

Now, the batch of elixirs refined by Zhang Zong are all of top quality. This is the first time they have seen this, and the second time they have heard of it.

It was also Peak Master Cao who heard about it for the first time. They had heard that Peak Master Cao went to Thousand Caves Sect to discuss Tao and refine elixirs, and all the elixirs he refined were top-quality!

Soon, Cao Zhen started pulling pills from the second pill furnace. This furnace also pulled out forty-nine pills, and all of them were top-quality!

Not only the second alchemy furnace, but also the ten furnaces of elixirs. Cao Zhen pulled out forty-nine elixirs in each of the ten furnaces, and each one was a top-quality elixir!

All around, the disciples were stunned. They had heard that Zhang Zong was good at refining alchemy, and they had also heard the legend about Zhang Zong's alchemy.

But no matter how you hear it, it’s never as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes!

Moreover, the palm master still seemed to refine the elixir so casually.

The Master was refining the elixir while observing them, and he also gave lectures.

Suddenly, the disciples who were listening to the class quickly exclaimed.

"Look at Senior Sister Yisheng, Senior Sister is going to pull Dan!"

"Senior sister is also so fast!"

Yisheng entered the school very late. It can be said that she is the latest batch of disciples to join the various peaks in the Baifeng Sect. Normally, everyone would call her junior sister when they see her.

At the beginning, people also called her junior sister.

But now, she is already the existence of the Nine Visions Golden Pill. Except for those disciples who have completed the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, or the disciples of the same generation who have completed the Ten Golden Pills, who has the nerve to call Yi Sheng a junior sister?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yisheng quickly completed Laden.

"Seven, seven and forty-nine. Senior Sister Yisheng also pulled out forty-nine pills, and all of them are top-quality pills!"

"Is Senior Sister's level of alchemy as high as this?"

"This...this is King Dan!"

Amid everyone's exclamations, Cao Zhen nodded slightly to Yi Sheng and said with satisfaction: "Very good, you have refined the elixirs all the way and are familiar with them. You can also help to take a look at the elixirs they refined. After a while, , they have about the same amount of time to make the elixir, but I am a little busy on my own, so you can help me. Also, if you see someone else having problems refining the elixir, you can also help correct them and help them out."

"Yes, Master!" Yisheng nodded quickly, and soon everyone finally knew how big the gap was between them and Yisheng. They also finally knew that in addition to Zhang Sect, Yisheng could also add various kinds of pills to their alchemy furnace at any time. Grow medicinal materials and help them refine elixirs.

Although Cao Zhen told everyone how to refine the elixir, he did not teach everyone the final key step of making the elixir and the method of making the elixir.

In the end, Cheng Dan and La Dan needed him and Yi Sheng to do it.

He hesitated that other elixirs were not refined by him and Yi Sheng. After the elixir was finally completed, it was rare for a top-quality elixir to appear.

There was nothing that could be done about it. It was just him and Yisheng who were refining elixirs for so many disciples of the Baifeng Sect. Even if Gaisu'e was not sleeping because he had not yet become an Earth Immortal Realm, it was only the three of them who were refining them. I don’t know if I need to refine the elixir. It’s the Year of the Monkey, the Horse and the Moon.

We can only ask everyone to help refine the elixir together. As for the low quality of the elixir, we can only find a way to distribute it as fairly as possible.

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