The flying boats dispatched by the Baifeng Sect this time are ordinary flying boats, which belong to the category of machine arts. Those magical flying boats with protective functions can only be driven by the Earth Fairyland.

Ordinary flying boats actually don't have much protective effect. If someone attacks the flying boat from outside, the people in the flying boat will be very passive. Therefore, among everyone, the strongest Xiao Beiyan stayed outside the flying boat.

His cultivation level is high, he has enough mana, and his flying speed is fast enough, but he can also keep up with the flying boat for a long time.

It was the first time for a group of children to enter the flying boat. They were all very novel, but soon, many children became anxious and irritable.

After all, when they entered the Baifeng Sect, they had to leave their parents. Without the company of their parents, many two- and three-year-old children began to cry anxiously.

Fortunately, Mi Leng had an experience. Looking at the crying children, he raised his hand and directly cast a calming spell. Soon, all the children in the flying boat became quiet.

When the flying boat took off, it did not fly towards the Hundred Peaks Sect, but continued flying towards the distance.

They are not just going to one city to recruit disciples, they are responsible for going to five cities.

Bei Yan and a group of disciples, taking their children with them, went to various cities to recruit disciples.

A week later, they finally recruited all the disciples in the last city.

The flying boat took off again, flying towards the direction of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Although Jijiang City is close to the Baifeng Sect, Beiyan and the others flew down all the way, and unknowingly, they were a little far away from the Baifeng Sect.

However, their team is not the only one who is far away from the Baifeng Sect.

When they left the Hundred Peaks Sect, their route was calculated. His team was not too far away from Li Ke's team, so Li Ke's team would go back together with them.

Seeing that there is still half a day left to rewind the meeting place agreed upon with Riko.

The flying boat flew through a mountain forest, and suddenly, streaks of demonic energy rose up in the mountains.

Outside the flying boat, although Bei Yan flew with the flying boat for a long time, he always maintained a high degree of concentration. This time, before he left the Baifeng Sect, Xiang Ziyu repeatedly told him that he was going in place of Xiang Ziyu, that is, Temporary protagonists usually run into trouble when they go out, so if people from the Demon Sect want to attack the Baifeng Sect's team, they will most likely attack Xiao Beiyan's team.

Bei Yan felt the demonic energy coming from all around, and his face suddenly condensed. A bright brilliance suddenly bloomed from the huge combined elixir completed by ten golden elixirs behind him.

A flaming chicken burning with evil energy.

It's like a pagoda just outside, like a huge war hammer from ancient times.

The phantoms of seven treasures - gold, silver, glass, coral, amber, clam, and agate - all appeared.

Below, endless demonic energy was already rushing towards the sky. The next moment, the strange shadows on Xiao Beiyan's body seemed to have turned into reality, rushing towards the demonic energy coming from below.

In the flying boat, the magic power on Chang Tiance's body had gathered and poured into the transmission notes given to him by Beiyan. He quickly transmitted the message: "Senior Sister Li Ke, we have been attacked in the Bolan Mountain area. "

The next moment, Li Ke's voice rang out in the telegraph.

"Hold the other person, I'll be there shortly."

While Chang Tiance was transmitting the message, Mi Lian was already leading the golden elixir-stage disciples one by one, flying out rapidly. For a moment, each of the golden elixir-stage disciples of the Baifeng Sect used their own magical powers to attack the sudden attack. A burst of magical energy and magical power rushed away.

In an instant, countless magical powers collided in the sky, causing the whole world to shake crazily. In the air, terrifying explosions continued to be heard, and air waves visible to the naked eye were like ripples in the water, moving in all directions. Agitated away.

The air waves stirred up by the collision of magical powers rushed around and hit the surrounding mountains, causing the mountains to collapse and rocks to roll down in all directions.

In the flying boat, the faces of the younger children instantly turned pale.

But at this time, everyone in the Baifeng Sect had already rushed out, not caring about them at all. Even Chang Tiance flew out immediately after notifying Li Ke.

As for these children, they can only experience this terrifying scene. Afterwards, they will use magic to calm them down, but it will not leave any psychological shadow on them.

Since there were still many disciples in the flying boat, the disciples they had recruited this time, after everyone from the Hundred Peaks Sect flew out, they all surrounded the flying boat.

Soon, below the flying boat, in the mountains and forests, the people who had just suddenly attacked also flew out one after another.

Seeing clearly the corrosion worn by the other party, his serious expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Red Demon Sect!"

He thought that when they went out to recruit disciples this time, they would most likely be attacked by people from the Demon Sect. However, he thought that they would be attacked by people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. Unexpectedly, it was the Red Refined Demon who had not appeared for a long time. Zong.


He glanced downwards and saw that there were about seventy people in the Golden Core Stage of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect in front of him.

Moreover, the number of golden elixirs in these Scarlet Refining Demon Sect's golden elixir stage is not large. Among them, there are even first-level golden elixirs and second-level golden elixirs. As for the Baifeng Sect, the weakest ones are It is the fourth level of golden elixir.

They were all the first ones to take the elixir given by Zhang Zong, and at least one more golden elixir was gained!

What's more, on their side, there is Bei Yan, who has perfected the Ten Vision Golden Pills, while on the other side, there are only two people who have completed the Ten Golden Pills. Although, among the golden pills of these two people, they both have nine. A vision.

However, there are so many Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Ten Visions in the Baifeng Sect, and he has fully understood the Tao. How different is the Dzogchen Golden Elixir with Ten Visions from the Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Nine Visions!

The other party didn't even have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

In such comparison, their strength is not weaker than that of the other party.

Below, people from the Red Refining Demon Sect looked at the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect flying out of the flying boat one by one, and at the golden elixir condensed behind the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, for a moment, they brought something .

"So, these disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect have so many golden elixirs?"

"Did they send their elite?"

"Baifeng Sect has sent out five teams this time. Each team has forty golden elixir stages. It's impossible for them to have each team's golden elixir stage be so strong, right? Their golden elixir first level, Where are the disciples of the second level of the Golden Core?"

Among the people of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect, one of the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection person spoke in a deep voice to the side, and his companion who also had the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection said in a low voice: "It is impossible for Baifeng Sect to send everyone Both teams are so strong, we may have just met an elite team. Senior Brother Hongli, what should we do now?"

Hong Li heard the sound, nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "They are not stupid, they must have guessed that we will target the team led by Bei Yan, so we gave the strongest team to Bei Yan.

However, our goal is not to kill them, but to discredit the Baifeng Sect. Our goal is only those children. "

A ferocious look appeared on Hong Li's face and he said: "Split out ten people, help me and Junior Brother Kong Ling, and work together to stop Beiyan. The rest of the people don't have to fight with them. Everyone, attack the flying boat. I will let the people in the flying boat All the children, all die!"

In fact, this time, the team that came to attack the Hundred Peaks Sect to recruit disciples should be the Sun Moon Demon Sect.

However, the Sun Eclipse Demon of the Sun Moon Demon Sect didn't know what happened. All the people under his command died. He himself claimed to have been severely injured and was currently recovering from his injuries and unable to move.

And the Sun Moon Demon Sect couldn't spare its hands for a while. So we can only mobilize the people from their Red Refining Demon Sect to come.

And their Red Refining Demon Sect also has arrangements everywhere. Although they have tried their best to mobilize endurance, they can only mobilize more than seventy golden elixir stages.

So after they learned that every team in the Baifeng Sect was led by a person with the Ten Visions of Golden Core Perfection, and that each team had forty people in the Golden Core stage, their goals changed.

At first, they wanted to kill the people from the Baifeng Sect and then take away all the disciples recruited by the Baifeng Sect.

After all, they also need new blood and disciples.

However, the strength of the people of Baifeng Sect was unexpectedly high, so they changed their target and directly killed the children recruited by Baifeng Sect.

These children were recruited by the Baifeng Sect in front of countless mortals. If they had just recruited and left, before they brought these children into the 100%, they had all of them killed on the way, then the mortals would What do you think of Baifeng Sect!

Their Baifeng Sect can't even handle the disciples they recruit, and their reputation will definitely plummet!

As Hong Li's words fell, all around, the disciples of the Red Refining Demon Sect took action and bombarded the flying boat that was protected by the people of the Baifeng Sect.

It can be said that they have an absolute advantage. Although the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect are higher in cultivation, they have to protect the flying boat. They dare not leave the distance of the flying boat, let alone rush down to surround them and even see the magic power falling. , the people of Baifeng Sect did not dare to escape.

But they are different. They have nothing to protect. When they see the magical power coming down, if they have time to dodge, they can naturally dodge.

What's more, there are more of them.

Even though the people of the Hundred Peaks Sect had higher cultivation levels, after the battle, their hands and feet were restrained one by one, and they soon fell into a disadvantage.

The two sides released their magical powers and fought against each other. Suddenly, a jet-black spear made of strong gunshots shot down and pierced a fourth-level golden elixir disciple of the Baifeng Sect.

Almost instinctively, this disciple had to dodge away.

But the next moment, a loud shout came: "Don't hide!"

And he instantly realized that behind him was their flying boat, and in the flying boat were the children they had recruited this time.

Naturally, it is impossible for this flying boat to have no defense. Mortal bows and arrows cannot break the flying boat. However, if the attack of a master at the golden elixir stage falls, it can break the flying boat.

He can't hide!

In a hurry, he had no time to use his magical power to catch the falling black spear. He could only stand on the spot and rely on his own body-protecting magical power to block the spear with his body.

In less than a breath, the black spear fell down, hitting him hard, and there was a loud sound like a boulder breaking. The golden protective light on his body broke instantly, The spear condensed with demonic energy suddenly pierced into his body, and the endless demonic energy was like a torrent, raging crazily and impacting in his body.


He opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood. His face instantly became so pale that almost no blood could be seen.

The person who released the magical power of the spear was a sixth-level Golden Core being!

In the flying boat, many children did not dare to watch the battle outside and hid inside.

But there are also bold children looking out.

At the front of them are three children.

Liao Youdi just clenched her fists and looked coldly at the people of the Demon Sect who were attacking them in the distance.

Duoduo's eyes were focused on the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect. She could see that these disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, in order to protect them, would rather be hurt than leave.

However, she didn't understand why they would do this?

They are all already in the Golden Core stage, and they are just a group of children.

These disciples of the Baifeng Sect were very different from the disciples of the Immortal Sect that she had seen before.

Among the three of them, Duoduo and Liao Youdi were silent, but Zhu Peng raised his fist and shouted anxiously: "Kill them, bad guys, they are all bad guys, Zhu Peng beat them to death."

Duoduo raised her head and glanced at Zhu Peng, but didn't say anything more.

But Liao Youdi suddenly said: "You can't defeat them if you rush out now. You can only defeat them after you practice and make yourself stronger."

"Don't be afraid of Zhu Peng. Zhu Peng is very powerful. Zhu Peng will definitely beat them to death!" Zhu Peng raised his fist.

Liao Youdi instantly lost the desire to continue speaking.

After all, everyone in the Baifeng Sect could only defend here and did not dare to attack at all. For a while, disciples began to get injured one after another.

However, the flying boat behind them was extremely well protected.

Xiao Beiyan also stayed by Feizhou's side, but slowly, his brows became more and more frowned. People on the Baifeng Sect side were constantly getting injured, and their strength would continue to weaken, which meant that the opponent's strength would increase. If this continues , Slowly, they will eventually be unable to hold on.

This is definitely not going to work.

They can't just let them weaken their own strength, they also have to weaken their side's strength.

However, if he doesn't stop, Feizhou may not be able to bear it anymore.

For a moment, he was in a dilemma.

Time continues to pass, and slowly, more and more disciples of the Baifeng Sect are injured. The defense line they have built seems to be in danger, and it seems that it will be broken at any time.

Below, Hong Li shouted loudly: "They can't hold on anymore, keep on, keep on attacking!"

As his words fell, the attacks from everyone below became more and more fierce.

The next moment, he suddenly turned back and looked into the distance.

In the void, a figure flew quickly.

A beautiful woman appeared in his sight. A huge golden elixir appeared behind the woman. There were ten smaller golden elixirs in it. In each golden elixir, there were a series of Vision!

"Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Perfection! This is Li Ke, how come she appears here!"

Hong Li's expression suddenly changed. According to their investigation, Li Ke should be leading another group of people in another place. How could he suddenly appear here?

How did she know that there was a battle here and that she and others ambushed the Baifeng Sect here?

What other methods does Baifeng Sect hide?

Li Ke looked at the people of the Red Refining Demon Sect in the distance. On the huge golden elixir behind him, the image of a Suzaku suddenly appeared, and a breath full of ferocity, violence, and violence swept across the world in an instant.

The clear and shocking chirping of the Suzaku was heard immediately.

After the void, a sacred beast Suzaku emerged. It was completely gathered by the flames, spread its wings, soared from the sky, and flew towards the people of the Red Refining Demon Sect.

Zhuque Yahuo!

Before the flaming Suzaku flew down, Hongli could already feel that the temperature around him was rising rapidly, and the hot breath even made him feel that the air around him would burn at any time.

In the void, red flames dyed the entire sky red.

It was just a soaring flaming red bird, but it made people feel that the whole sky had turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the whole world seemed to be burning.

"Hurry and stop her!"

For a moment, everyone from the Red Refining Demon Sect gathered their magical powers and bombarded the flying flaming Suzaku.

In the flying boat, Liao Youdi looked at the flames filling the sky and the countless supernatural powers flying down below, and her eyes couldn't help but fall on the flying figure.

His eyes were filled with fascination.

Although she has not yet cultivated immortality, she is smart enough to see that the new immortal will frighten the enemies below. Those enemies even need many people to stop this woman. Fairy.

If I could have such power...

Outside the flying boat, everyone from the Hundred Peaks Sect saw Li Ke arriving, but each one of them was in a spiritual formation!

"Fairy Li Ke is here!"

"Fairy Li Ke is here, the team led by Fairy Li Ke will definitely be here soon!"

"They can't deal with Fairy Li Ke and Senior Brother Beiyan!"

When Bei Yan saw Li Ke's arrival, he suddenly showed a look of excitement, raised his hand, and purple thunderbolts gathered together.

Five thunder rectification!

He raised his hand and fired a strike of Five Thunder Zhengfa towards the most gathered people of the Red Refining Demon Sect below, and then his body suddenly flew out.

He was really frustrated.

In order to protect Feizhou, he could only stay where he was and let the people from the Red Refining Demon Sect attack.

Now that Li Ke is here, she can naturally protect Feizhou on his behalf.

And what he wants to do now is to vent!

As Bei Yan sprinted away, he immediately attracted the attention of the disciples of the Red Refining Demon Sect.

Suddenly, another blast of magical powers came.

What they were most worried about was that Beiyan, the opponent's top expert, would rush down at all costs and attack them with all his might.

After all, it is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and among the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, they are all extremely powerful existences. Although according to their judgment, Beiyan cannot compare with his senior brothers and sisters, let alone Not to mention being compared to reincarnated powers like Haoyue Xingjun, Beiyan was second only to them.

Just as the magical powers were about to fall on Bei Yan, a majestic tower suddenly appeared in front of Bei Yan.

The tower has no spire and only has three floors in total, and each floor has a different color. They are red, orange and red, three colors.

As the tower emerged, a vast and majestic aura that seemed to be able to suppress some evil spirits filled the entire space.

One thought shakes the evil tower!

The next moment, behind Bei Yan, the shadow of the tower also flew out and fell into the One Thought Zhenxie Tower.

He has not been idle during this period of time.

His magic weapon has a mind-shaking tower, and his vision also has a tower. He has been trying to combine the two. Before, he just flew out and violently combined the two.

But over this period of time, he continued to research, and after consulting his senior brother Xiang Ziyu many times, he was finally able to perfectly integrate his tower vision with the Yi Nian Zhenxie Tower.

In fact, in the past, he could not achieve the perfect integration of the two because he mainly focused on shaking the evil tower with one thought.

But his senior brother Xiang Ziyu told him that I am the master and I am the heaven and earth.

Let him focus on his own vision, and in the end, it actually succeeded!

When the two merged, a wave visible to the naked eye oscillated out. The previous thought shook the evil tower, but it was a sound wave, but this time what oscillated out was a simple wave without sound, but the air around it, The void, even the earth, everything in this world seemed to be shaking at this moment.

The magical powers that flew down to Beiyan also started to vibrate. The magical powers, to the extent visible to the naked eye, are constantly dissipating, splitting, and shattering!

Hong Li and Kong Ling looked at the incomplete tower in the sky, and were confused for a moment. What is this?

How come even magical powers can be shattered!

When the Evil Tower shook, the light instantly dimmed, and then quickly became smaller, becoming as big as the hammer in Bei Yan's other hand, and fell into Bei Yan's other hand.

His thought shook the evil tower, and the shock was truly terrifying.

But the consumption is even more terrifying, so he has never used the One Thought to Shock the Evil Tower before.

But this shock was enough.

A halo of red and purple light appeared on Bei Yan's body.

The purple light was like thunder from the ninth heaven, filled with terrifying power that seemed capable of destroying everything. The red light was as hot as a burning fire, and seemed to be able to burn the entire world.

Earth fire and thunder aperture!

This terrifying thunder and fire light attached to his Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer, and also attached to the One Thought Zhenxie Tower.

Although the Yi Nian Zhenxie Tower could no longer release the magical power in the divine weapon, it was still used as a weapon by him.

Beiyan used the shock of the Zhenxie Pagoda to rush to Hongli, and in his hand, the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer struck down heavily.

Hong Li looked at the ancient hammer that was carrying thunder from nine days away and falling with unparalleled power. A huge shield appeared in his hand. He grabbed the shield with both hands and raised it high above his head.

The next moment, the giant hammer came down, hitting his shield heavily, making a loud noise like the earth was shattering, and a ball of dazzling sparks burst out from the shield.

During the collision, the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer was bounced upward for a certain distance by the backlash, but a cloud was shot out from the hammer. Countless flames and thunder poured down from the cloud, hitting the shield. The impact caused Hong Li's whole body to sink downwards.

On the side, Kong Ling saw Hong Li falling into a passive state and swung a dark sword in his hand, slashing towards Bei Yan.

Beiyan, on the other hand, grabbed the Yi Nian Zhenxie Tower in his hand and smashed it directly towards Kong Ling. While smashing it, he shouted loudly: "Make trouble, I will let you make trouble!"

With the impact, Kong Ling's body suddenly swayed, but his body also sank downwards.

The flow of Bei Yan's mana has reached its peak, and his aura has also risen to its peak. Looking at the two people beside him, the Flowing Cloud Fire Thunder Hammer and the One Thought Zhenxie Tower in his hands continued to fall, and while doing so, he shouted Said: "I asked you to look down on me, I asked you to attack my team, I asked you to attack our Baifeng Sect people!"

He is really angry!

Their Baifeng Sect sent out five teams, but the news from his Dao was that none of the other teams were attacked, but the team he led was attacked.

This clearly shows that people from the Red Refining Demon Sect look down upon him!

He can't compare to Senior Sister and Second Senior Sister, and he recognizes them.

However, the people of the Red Refining Demon Sect clearly felt that he was weaker than Li Ke and Lie Yan. They looked down upon him so much!

All around, other disciples of the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect saw the two strongest people being attacked by Bei Yan, and they all wanted to rescue them, but at this time, flames fell down one after another.

Li Ke did not protect Feizhou, but directly joined the battle group.

In the distance, half of the people guarding the flying boat attacked directly towards the people of the Red Refining Demon Sect.

The people of the Scarlet Lian Demon Sect were attacked by Bei Yan and Li Ke and were already in chaos. At this time, the intensity of the attack on Feizhou was much weaker. Even if they sent half of their people, the remaining people would be enough to protect Feizhou.

Although Bei Yan looks small, at this moment, he looks like an undefeated god of war from ancient times. He is constantly bombarding two Nine Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen practitioners by himself, smashing them into the ground. During the hit, the ground exploded.

The shield and long knife in the opponent's hands were shaken and flew away.

The next moment, Bei Yan's giant hammer and the tower he grabbed hit Hong Li and Kong Ling hard on their heads.

Suddenly, two loud noises were heard, like two mountains exploding. Under the bombardment of incomparable force, the heads of the two people were directly smashed open, and dark red blood mixed with milky white brains flew into the sky.

The two strongest leaders of the Red Refining Demon Sect died instantly!

In the flying boat, Zhu Peng looked at Bei Yan's attack method and suddenly clapped his hands. While clapping his hands, he shouted: "It's so awesome. Zhu Peng wants to learn from him. Zhu Peng wants to learn from him. Zhu Peng wants to worship him." Be a teacher."

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