Shortly after Li Ke arrived, a group of Jindan disciples led by Li Ke also arrived in flying boats. After they joined the battle, the members of the Red Refining Demon Sect were captured alive without even a chance to escape. After the five people from the Red Refining Demon Sect, the remaining people were all killed.

After the round, the two sides flew towards the Baifeng Sect together, and the Baifeng Sect had people who were good at interrogation. They began to interrogate the five captured disciples of the Red Refining Demon Sect, but they returned after questioning. Now, these disciples of the Red Refining Demon Sect know nothing.

They just knew that they had to follow the arrangements of their senior brothers. They would go wherever the senior brothers told them to go. Why they wanted to fight, they didn't know.

A few days later, Xiao Beiyan and Li Ke led the team back to the Baifeng Sect, and Leng Xi had already returned to the Baifeng Sect half a day ahead of them. After Beiyan and the others arrived at the Baifeng Sect, the two An hour later, Yan Yourong and Lie Yan also led the team back.

All the children brought will naturally be accepted by people from major academies.

Bei Yan and others were going to report to the headmaster, deputy headmaster and others about the recruitment of disciples.

Since Cao Zhen is still refining alchemy, the place of reporting is still the Five Elements Alchemy Land.

For any immortal sect, recruiting disciples is not a trivial matter. After all, it only happens once every ten years. Moreover, the past practice of the Baifeng Sect was that every time the disciples were recruited and reported back, the peak master of the White Peak would also be present. If there was really no time, the deputy peak master or the first disciple would be asked to come.

Anyway, one hundred peaks are never absent.

After all, this is the recruitment of new disciples. When they select disciples in the future, they will also choose from these disciples. Of course, they need to know in advance whether there are any disciples suitable for their peak.

For a time, many people gathered in the Five Elements Pill Land.

Li Ke is the great elder, so naturally, she was the first to step forward and report.

"Reporting to the Master, I am recruiting disciples this time. I have recruited a total of 216 disciples, and one of them is the Holy Body of Maitreya."

The Holy Body of Maitreya is naturally an immortal body suitable for meditation. Although it is also an immortal body, to be precise, it is not one of the immortal bodies with the best qualifications for cultivating immortals.

They are also immortal bodies suitable for meditation. Both the Treasure Immortal Body and the Bodhi Immortal Body are stronger than the Maitreya Holy Body.

Over countless years, people have divided the immortal body into four levels.

From low to high, they are low-level immortal body, medium-level selection, high-level immortal body and top-level immortal body.

Among them, whether it is Li Ke's Bifang Immortal Body or Yisheng's True Yang Body, they are both top-notch immortal bodies. It is precisely for this reason that when Yisheng entered the school, there were so many people snatching them.

The Maitreya Immortal Body is an inferior Immortal Body.

But no matter what, it is an immortal body, but it is worth mentioning. It is also the one with the best qualifications for cultivating immortals among all the disciples recruited by Li Ke.

All around, the meditators heard the sound and looked happy.

"Maitreya's holy body, that is also an immortal body!"

"Our Baifeng Sect's Zen practice has not summoned the Taoist Immortal Body for a long time."

"Elder Li Ke has helped us a lot this time."

"May I ask, what is the name of the child of Great Elder Li Ke?"

Maitreya's holy body must be meditated. Such disciples will not have other peaks to compete with them.

Li Ke also knew that the Zen cultivators must be paying attention to this disciple. Hearing the voice, he answered directly without any surprise: "That disciple is called Zhan Xu."

After saying that, she walked towards the back. Among the disciples she recruited, the one with the best talent was Zhan Xu. Other than that, in her opinion, there was no one who was particularly outstanding in terms of cultivation qualifications.

As for whether there is anyone named Zhan Xu among the disciples recruited by others, that is none of her business. Those who are meditating can naturally find Zhan Xu.

After Li Ke finished speaking and went back, several people tried to shirk the situation, but Lie Yan stepped forward to report: "To the Qi Zhang Sect, I have recruited a total of 209 disciples this time, and there is no immortal body among them."

Everyone around heard the sound and sighed slightly, but didn't say much.

Immortal bodies are rare, otherwise, everyone would not pay so much attention to them. Although the Baifeng Sect only recruits disciples once every ten years, over the endless years, there have been several times when the Baifeng Sect recruited disciples. There is no physical condition.

Everyone was not too surprised when they heard that the disciples recruited by Lie Yan did not have immortal bodies. Instead, he set his sights on the three disciples of Four Treasure Peak.

Xiao Beiyan chuckled, took a step back very sensibly and said, "I am the junior brother, senior sister, let me talk first."

When Leng Xi heard this, he didn't think much. He nodded slightly, looked at everyone and said, "I have recruited a total of 229 disciples, and one of them is a Seven Yin Mysterious Body."

"Seven Yin Mysterious Body?"

"May I ask, what is that disciple's name?"

Many peak masters who were on the Yin Path or the Cold Path immediately asked with concern. The Nine Yin Mysterious Body was undoubtedly an immortal body, even much stronger than the Maitreya Holy Body.

As for the Seven Yin Mysterious Body, it is naturally much worse than the Nine Yin Mysterious Body, but it is also an excellent body for cultivating immortals, and is a high-level immortal body.

But the Qiyin Mysterious Body is an inferior immortal body.

"Shen Litong." After Leng Xi finished speaking, he paused slightly and continued: "In addition, there is another disciple, the Holy Body of Seven Suns Fierce Flame."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone became uneasy.

"There is still one?"

"Fairy Lengxi received a total of two immortal bodies!"

"Including the previous Immortal Body of Maitreya, these are the three immortal bodies. God bless me, the Hundred Peaks Sect!"

Although the Holy Body of Seven Sun Fierce Flames is only a low-level immortal body, low-level immortal bodies are also immortal bodies.

What's more, the final achievements of low-level immortal bodies may not necessarily be worse than those of high-level immortal bodies, or even top-level immortal bodies.

However, the top immortal bodies are faster to cultivate and more suitable for cultivation. But the journey of cultivation depends not only on the qualifications for cultivation.

After hearing about the Holy Body of Seven Sun Fierce Flames, many peak masters who practice the fire system have already looked towards Lengxi. In the Hundred Peaks Sect, there are many fire system peaks, the most representative of which is Suzaku. Peak and Qingluan Peak, these two peaks are also the top ten peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

"Fairy Lengxi, I wonder what the name of that disciple is?" The disciple in charge of Qingluan Peak looked at Lengxi curiously. Qu Qingqing was naturally considered an outstanding disciple in Qingluan Peak, but he was not The strongest one, and the position of Peak Master of Qingluan Peak, Chen Qingluan, was also passed to Qu Qingqing's senior sister, Lu Wanyu.

On the side, Li Ke also looked over at the same time.

Leng Xi faced the two people's gazes, opened his mouth, and softly uttered a few words: "Shen Lifei."

As soon as these words fell, Li Ke's face suddenly showed a joyful look.

When many people around heard the sound, they immediately thought of the disciple of Qiyin Mysterious Body just now.

"Shen Lifei and Shen Litong, are they two sisters?"

"That's right, the name is so imaginative."

Leng Xi listened to everyone's words and immediately shook his head and explained: "They are not two sisters, they are two siblings. Shen Lifei is standing upright, and Fei is flying."


"It turns out that we were wrong."

Everyone around them realized that they had just made a mistake.

Li Ke's face instantly turned ugly, but Lu Wanyu beside her had a happy look on her face.

The Holy Body of Seven Sun Fierce Flames must go to the Fire System Peak to practice.

Among the Hundred Peaks Sect, the strongest fire peaks are Qingluan Peak and Suzaku Peak.

However, the ranking of Zhuque Peak is now higher. At the same time, Li Ke of Suzaku Peak is a perfect existence of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, and is also one of the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

By then, Qingluan Peak will no longer be able to compete with Suzaku Peak.

However, this disciple is a male disciple, so there is no need to worry about competing with Suzaku Peak.

Zhuque Peak only accepts female disciples.

Although Qingluan Peak is said to be dominated by female disciples, there are also male disciples.

Without Qingluan Peak, there is a high probability that Qingluan Peak will be able to accept this female disciple.

Many people around were wondering about another question.

"Two immortal bodies appear in a family? But it is a bit unusual. Does that family still have children?"

Leng Xi shook his head and said: "There are no other children in their family, but the woman in that family is pregnant now."

"Pregnant..." A deacon in the crowd suddenly said, "Two immortal bodies appeared in that family. If the woman is pregnant again, if this matter spreads, I am afraid someone from the Demon Sect will be detrimental to them."

The rule of the Hundred Peaks Sect is that after becoming an Earth Immortal, you must leave your peak and become an elder.

However, many people will leave their peak when they get older, or leave their peak for various reasons and become deacons.

The deacon had finished speaking, and many people around him also reacted.

"You are right. If the world is peaceful, there is no need to worry. But now is the Little Era when the world is reversed, and the world is in complete chaos. If the people of the Demon Sect learn about this, they will definitely think that they will have another child. Could it be that he also has an immortal body? Therefore, it is very likely that they will take the two of them away by force!"

"That's right! Those demon sects are very likely to do such things!"

"We cannot ignore this."

"Zhang Zong, should we still send experts to pick up these two people and bring them to our Baifeng Sect? This matter happened because of our Baifeng Sect, and we cannot ignore those two people."

Leng Xi heard what everyone said and quickly said: "Everyone, I have brought the couple into the Baifeng Sect.

A disciple reminded me, so I asked for their opinions, and after the couple agreed, I brought the two of them into the flying boat.

Moreover, the man is also a teacher, and the woman is also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, which is just enough for them to enter the academy. "

"Fairy Lengxi did an excellent job in this matter." Nie Jie nodded and looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Zhang Zong, although our Baifeng Sect's rules say that we do not allow mortals to be admitted, but this time the situation is special. I think, There is no problem for the two of them to enter our Baifeng Sect, not to mention, they can also be allowed to teach other children in the academy."

Cao Zhen nodded lightly and said: "Since the person is already here, let's stay. As for what happens next, we will talk about it later."

As he spoke, he asked Leng Xi, "Are there any other special disciples?"

"Return to Master, no more." Leng Xi shook his head and stepped aside.

Seeing that the senior sister was already retreating, Yan Yourong quickly stepped forward and said, "Master Zhang, this disciple will recruit a total of 213 disciples during this trip."

When Bei Yan heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a proud look on his face. He also went out to recruit people. Look at himself, he directly recruited more than 300 people, and look at his senior sisters, they all have about 200 people. This is the gap.

Just as he was feeling proud, Yan Yourong's voice came again.

"Among the disciples we have recruited this time, there is one named Lu Qianling, who has the body of the Little Five Elements Xuantian." She directly told the disciple's name to avoid others asking her again.

"Another cultivator!"

"The Little Five Elements Xuantian Body, this is a high-level immortal body!"

"Our Baifeng Sect actually recruited four innate bodies this time!"

Everyone around them suddenly became excited when they heard the sound, and Wuxiang's face showed a bright smile. The body of the Little Five Elements Xuantian is the most suitable for practicing their Five Elements Peak Kung Fu and magical powers. When the disciple left the academy, they Five Elements Peak will definitely have another genius.

For these disciples, if you look at the Hundred Peaks Sect, no one from any peak can compete with them.

Even Feixian Peak is not good. Although Feixian Peak is strong, the cultivation of the Five Elements still depends on their Five Elements Peak!

Cao Zhen nodded slightly. The disciples Baifeng Sect recruited this time seemed pretty good. I wonder what other disciples Xiao Beiyan had received. His eyes quickly fell on Xiao Beiyan.

All around, everyone's eyes fell on Bei Yan.

Although Xiao Beiyan is a disciple of Four Treasure Peak, among all the disciples of Four Treasure Peak, he is almost the most inconspicuous one.

In terms of cultivation, there were three people above him. The most dazzling one at the beginning was his senior sister Leng Xi. In the Hundred Peaks Competition, his senior sister almost defeated a golden girl with her cultivation at the Dan Formation stage. The existence of the alchemy stage is known as the strongest alchemy stage.

Later, his senior brother Xiang Ziyu began to discuss the Tao everywhere and spread it to the world. In the subsequent Immortals Struggle for Martial Arts, he defeated the Wind and Fire Catastrophe and injured the reincarnated and powerful Lord Haoyue Xingjun.

And his second senior sister Yan Yourong, when the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty attacked their Baifeng Sect, she stepped forward and showed that she was no less powerful than the senior sister and third senior brother.

Even if he is not as good as his junior sister, Yisheng is the only disciple of the Four Treasures Peak who does not have the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir, which is conspicuous enough in itself, not to mention that Yisheng is also a genius in alchemy.

Therefore, although he is a disciple of the Four Treasures Peak, he has always been the most inconspicuous one.

At this time, he was rare and received everyone's attention.

In the spotlight of everyone, Xiao Beiyan cleared his throat, raised his head high, and said proudly: "This time, I recruited a total of 302 disciples."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up with pride. With so many people, he alone had recruited more than 300 disciples.

"More than three hundred?"

"So many?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the sound. However, although everyone was surprised, they did not pay too much attention. What they really cared about was whether there were geniuses among these disciples.

Someone soon asked: "Among these more than three hundred people, are there any immortals?"

Naturally, when Xiao Beiyan heard what everyone said, the innocent figure of Zhu Peng appeared in his mind, and he said loudly: "One of them is named Zhu Peng, and he is the Holy Body of Qilin!"


"Kirin Holy Body!"

When everyone around heard the sound, they immediately let out a series of exclamations!

"Is it really the Qilin Holy Body? That is the top immortal body!"

"God truly blessed the Hundred Peaks Sect. This time, our Hundred Peaks Sect not only received digital immortal bodies, but even top-level immortal bodies among them!"

"With an immortal body of the same level, Fairy Li Ke is already one of the top ten immortal generals, and Yisheng is not far away from the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions. This is another good seedling of the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions! "

"It turns out to be the Holy Body of Qilin!"

Everyone was so excited that they started talking one after another.

In the crowd, a man with a burly body and exuding the aura of a beast said: "Qilin is a beast. What we at Hundred Beasts Peak are best at is imitating the magical powers of Hundreds of Beasts. This son will join our Hundred Beasts Peak from now on."

"Hundred Beasts Peak? Do you have Qilin among your beasts? Qilin should definitely be included in our famous Sword Peak."

"I'm just curious. What does the Kirin Holy Body have to do with practicing swordsmanship?"

"The tail of the Qilin is like a long sword. We are called Daofeng. There is a sword technique called Qilin Guanshan!"

"Actually, Qilin should enter my Feixian Peak..." Although Nie Jie didn't say anything, there were people from Feixian Peak present. Seeing such an immortal body, they would naturally not let it go.

The Qilin Holy Body is not like the Seven Yang Lieyan Holy Body and the Small Five Elements Xuantian Body, which is more suitable for going to certain peaks.

Qilin Holy Body is suitable for most peaks.

What's more, this Qilin Holy Body is the top immortal body, so everyone naturally wants the other person to enter their peak.

Cao Zhen watched everyone start to argue again. He waved his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, everyone, this disciple has not entered the academy yet. When he enters the academy and leaves the academy, you can go grab this That’s what a disciple is.”

The leader spoke, and everyone around him suddenly became quiet.

Xiao Beiyan looked at the people around him who were silent but could still see their movements. He sneered in his heart, "Do you still want to accept Xiao Zhu Peng?" You are all thinking shit.

Such an obedient genius will naturally become my junior brother.

He took another step forward, looked at his master and continued: "Master, although Zhu Peng has an immortal body, he has some problems. His spiritual intelligence is not very... just a little... he is a fool. "

"Fool?" Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment.

Everyone around him was also stunned, and then quickly reacted.

"What do you mean? He's a fool?"

"Idiot? Can it still be an immortal body?"


No one expected that the immortal body Bei Yan was talking about was actually a fool.

On the way Beiyan came back, because of Li Ke's arrival, he was no longer always guarding the outside of the flying boat. He and Li Ke took turns guarding outside. When he was in the flying boat, Xiao Zhu Peng was always following him. Behind him, he pestered him and asked him to teach him the hammering technique.

Unknowingly, he regarded Xiao Zhu Peng as his disciple. When he heard what everyone said, he immediately became unhappy and shouted loudly: "What's wrong with being stupid! Being stupid is also an immortal body! What's more, isn't there another person?" Master!"

As he said that, he looked at Cao Zhen and shouted: "Master, see if you can refine a pill to make her return to normal?"

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said: "It's not difficult. I can refine it in a while. You can just come and get the elixir tomorrow."

There are not many pills that can make a normal person very smart.

But there are too many pills to turn a fool into a normal person.

"Thank you, Master."

Everyone around looked at Xiao Beiyan's appearance, and for a moment, they had a bad feeling. Xiao Beiyan brought the people here, and then asked his master to help refine the elixir.

This is obvious. Sibaofeng must have taken a liking to Zhu Peng and wanted to accept Zhu Peng as his disciple.

How can you compete with Sibaofeng for disciples?

The peak master of the Four Treasures Peak is the current sect master and the national master of Zhenxian Dynasty. He defeated all the golden elixirs to obtain the position of national master.

The disciples of the Four Treasures Peak are even stronger than the last, except that they are all at the top Golden Core Stage immediately.

How can they compete with the Four Treasures Peak for disciples?

After Xiao Beiyan thanked his master, he did not leave but continued: "In addition to Zhu Peng, among the disciples that the disciple has recruited this time, there is another person named Liao Youdi, who is an extremely rare Ice and Fire Immortal. body."

As soon as he finished speaking, exclamations of surprise sounded again from all around.

"Ice and Fire Immortal Body?"

"That immortal body is... ice flame?"

"Another top-level immortal body! Recruiting two top-level immortal bodies at once?"

"This is really God's blessing for our Baifeng Sect to recruit two top-level immortal bodies at one time. How many years ago was the last time our Baifeng Sect recruited two top-level immortal bodies at one time?"

"We haven't experienced this in our generation."

"I have read Zongzhi records, it was more than six thousand years ago. But that time, I didn't receive so many immortal bodies!"

"Our Baifeng Sect is destined to prosper!"

Xiao Beiyan listened to the surprises from everyone around him, stretched out a finger with a proud look on his face and said: "Besides, I recruited these two children in the same city."

"Still the same city? Which city?"

"Jijiang City."

"Jijiang City, that's one of the great cities."

Li Ke didn't care about which city at all, she was more concerned about whether the child was a boy or a girl. Ice and fire, that was also fire, so naturally they were the disciples that Suzaku Peak wanted to recruit.

And the name sounded like a girl's name, but with Shen Lifei's experience, she still asked: "Is it a girl or a boy?"

Xiao Beiyan heard the future Master's wife's question and quickly replied: "It's a girl. Their family has a total of five children, and this is the only girl. Moreover, this is the only girl who has the qualifications to become an immortal."

Li Ke didn't care how many people there were in the girl's family, she was just sure that it was enough that it was a girl.

A smile appeared on Li Ke's face, but Lu Wanyu's face was not so good-looking. Qingluan Peak and Suzaku Peak have been competing with each other, and they have always been neck-and-neck. But now, Suzaku Peak has really surpassed them, Qingluan. peak.

However, this disciple of the Ice and Fire Immortal Physique is still a female. With such a top-level Immortal Physique, Qingluan Peak cannot give up. If they want to compete with Suzaku Peak, they must find some other ways.

Everyone was marveling, but soon, they discovered that Xiao Beiyan still didn't retreat.

Looking at Beiyan like this, it is obvious that there are other gains.

"This, could there be other immortal bodies?"

"Are there other top immortal bodies besides these two immortal bodies?"

Everyone reacted one after another and looked towards Bei Yan.

Bei Yan once again felt everyone's attention. After looking at his master, he said: "Master, in addition to these two people, this time, the disciple was also exposed to another one, the ancient immortal body. But, what is it specifically? The disciples don’t know about the immortal body.”


"Ancient Immortal Body?"


Everyone was shaken. They thought there was another top immortal body, but it turned out to be the ancient immortal body. If the ancient immortal body...


Everyone suddenly realized that there were four ancient immortals in the Baifeng Sect, and all of these four ancient immortals were the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

Another ancient immortal appears. Doesn't this mean that the Baifeng Sect will think that the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir are perfect again?

Moreover, the ancient immortal body is the most top-notch among fellow practitioners.

Of course, the premise is that the ancient immortal body must become the disciple of Lord Cao.

If they are willing to spend resources on the Ancient Immortal Physique, they can make it possible for the Ancient Immortal Physique to break through the Dao Immortal Bridge Stage and even the Pill Formation Stage without any problem.

But if you want to become the golden elixir, if you want to become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir, you must have Master Cao.

Suddenly, everyone looked towards Cao Zhen.

Some people have even spoken: "Congratulations, Master, for gaining a good disciple."

"Congratulations, Master!"

The ancient immortal body is even rarer than the top immortal bodies. If other immortal sects receive the ancient immortal body, it will be nothing.

But when their Baifeng Sect received the Ancient Immortal Body, it was equivalent to having one more master of the top ten golden elixirs.

This is the minor era when the world is reversed, and I am receiving an ancient immortal body. No matter how you look at it, I must congratulate you.

Cao Zhen felt bad when he heard the congratulations from everyone. What do you mean? Why did you congratulate me?

I didn't say I wanted to take on a disciple, so you're just trying to find one for me.

My five disciples are all a little overwhelmed. If another disciple comes, I really can't stand it anymore.

"Well, everyone, now the disciples still need to go to the academy. It's still early, so don't make a premature decision. Besides, the disciples need to decide which academy they choose, not us."

"Yes, Master Zhang is right."

"That's the way it is."

"Master Zhang, now that the disciples have made arrangements, I wonder if the Master has any other instructions for the next step?"

Cao Zhen waved his hand and gave an order? What else could he command? Let’s all go back to our respective peaks and practice our own cultivation.

Soon, the Five Elements Pill Land returned to calm.

However, Cao Zhen ordered Xiao Beiyan to go to Sibao Peak and bring back some medicinal materials. He was going to start refining the elixir for the silly boy Xiao Beiyan mentioned.

It's just a pill that can make people return to normal, and it's still a child. If it's a young person, there may be some trouble, but for a child, this kind of pill is not something that can be made casually.

Anyway, the medicinal materials used are not particularly precious, and there is no need for him to talk about opening the Treasure Palace again.

After Xiao Beiyan sent the medicinal materials, he refined the elixirs he needed to take when condensing ten golden elixirs, and at the same time refined a furnace of Qizhi elixirs.

Soon, the day passed. Xiao Beiyan came to the Five Elements Pill Land, took a bottle of Qizhi Pill, and walked towards the academy.

Tianhong Academy!

There are various major academies within the Baifeng Sect. In fact, there are some differences between the major academies. Although the resources provided by the Baifeng Sect to the major academies are the same, the deans of the academies are different, and the teachers who teach in the academies are different. Naturally there is a gap.

Among them, Tianhong Academy is the top academy among the major academies of Baifeng Sect.

The three children Xiao Beiyan recruited this time who were valued by her were all sent to Tianhong Academy.

When Tianhong Academy accepted these three children, the deans of other academies were extremely jealous.

Xiao Beiyan came all the way to Tianhong Academy. He was now a powerful man with the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions. With his arrival, the dean of the academy naturally accompanied him personally.

However, Xiao Beiyan felt that the dean's expression was a little strange, and he seemed to be hesitant to speak.

Xiao Beiyan suddenly understood and said: "Dean, what's wrong with you? Just say whatever you want. I know that I sent three geniuses to your academy. You are very grateful to me. You don't need to say more." I said, if you want to give me a favor, just give it to me."

The dean was speechless for a moment. I want to give you benefits, but I only have so much wealth. Can you appreciate the benefits I give you?

Besides, the current Zhang Sect is your master, and the elder responsible for enforcing the law in the Immortal Palace is your senior sister. Do you dare to accept the benefits I give you?

Also, will it benefit you?

I want to give you some benefits now, can you take the person away?

The dean complained in his heart, but with a troubled look on his face he said: "Hey, those three children are indeed geniuses, especially Zhu Peng. I have never seen such a big child with so much strength. Adults are very powerful! Even more powerful than immortal cultivators!"

"That's right, he is born with divine power, but is he stronger than an immortal cultivator? Isn't that impossible?" Xiao Beiyan looked at the dean with confusion.

The dean nodded with great certainty and said: "He is not as strong as the four Taoist platforms, but the people of the three Taoist platforms are not as strong as him."

"Are your calculations so accurate?" Xiao Beiyan looked at the dean in surprise, and complained as he walked: "Are you competing with little Zhu Peng? You are both adults, and you are still cultivating immortals. Although They only condensed the Taoist platform, not even the Immortal Bridge, but they are still cultivators, and you are bullying a child."

"We are not competing with him, it is him..." The dean sighed and said helplessly: "Yesterday, on the first day he came to the academy, he beat someone, six children. Then a teacher at the time , it happened to be the cultivation level of the three Taoist platforms, and suppressed Zhu Peng, but failed to suppress him..."

"Then you got on a four-level Taoist platform and suppressed him?" Xiao Beiyan said in surprise, "No, the boy here should also be practicing. He has never practiced. He is very powerful, but he is powerful." Shoot six by one person? "

"He really beat up six people. Although our academy teaches disciples how to practice, we only teach the most basic cultivation methods, and we don't teach them magical powers. Those children have no cultivation, and they are still extremely weak. Cultivation, but not ability to display it.

As for Zhu Peng, he had extremely rich combat experience and his intuition was extremely sharp when it came to fighting. None of the six children could be his opponent. "

Xiao Beiyan was stunned for a moment after hearing the sound, and subconsciously said: "My junior brother, he looks like a martial king! My junior brother... ahem, why did Zhu Peng hit people? As far as I know, Zhu Peng has a kind heart. , never actively bully others.”

The dean said helplessly: "It was other Taoist boys who went to ask Xiao Duoduo what to say. Some of them even played with Xiao Duoduo, and then made Xiao Duoduo angry, so Zhu Peng beat him up."

"Dean, this is your fault. What is this place? This is an academy, a place for children to learn and accumulate. Do children at such a young age know that men and women are in love? This culture is very bad and must be corrected. .

Xiao Zhupeng was just helping his classmates. He was a messenger of justice, so there was no problem. Okay, no more talking, let’s go see Xiao Zhupeng and the others. "

The dean had noticed that Beiyan was clearly favoring Zhu Peng. Moreover, Beiyan himself had just let slip that he had called him Junior Brother Zhu Peng. What else could he say?

Soon, under the leadership of the dean, Beiyan saw Zhu Peng, Duoduo and Liao Youdi.

Three people stood in front of a desk, holding pens and writing something unknown. Behind the three people, there was an elegant-looking man standing behind the three people with a kind face.

The three children all seemed to be writing very seriously, but as Beiyan and the dean arrived, little Zhu Peng suddenly shouted: "Master Beiyan, then he raised his head, left the desk, and faced Beiyan. Come running."

Bei Yan's face suddenly darkened, and he shouted quickly: "Wait a minute, I'm not your master, you can't call me master, you can call me senior brother, do you understand?"


He is still a child, and he doesn't want to have a disciple. Teaching disciples is very tiring. He just wants to have junior brothers and sisters.

After Xiao Beiyan finished speaking, he pointed at himself and asked curiously: "Xiao Zhupeng, I just saw that you called me first, and then ran over directly. You didn't even look. How did you know it was me? ?”

He was really curious. He didn't see Zhu Peng looking at him just now.

Zhu Peng looked at Bei Yan as a matter of course and said, "Because Zhu Peng heard the voice of Master Bei Yan, not his senior brother."

Xiao Beiyan became more and more curious: "My voice, I didn't speak just now."

Zhu Peng immediately looked at Beiyan with contempt and said, "Senior Brother Beiyan is so stupid. What Zhu Peng heard was the sound of Senior Brother Beiyan walking."

"The sound of walking?" Bei Yan was completely surprised: "Can you distinguish the sound of my walking?"

"Of course." Zhu Peng said with a proud look on his face: "Zhu Peng can not only hear clearly the sound of senior brother Beiyan walking, but also the sound of Duoduo and his younger brother walking. Zhu Peng can also hear clearly."

"Brother?" Bei Yan was stunned for a moment.

Not far away, Duoduo, who was writing, pointed to Liao Youdi beside her and explained: "It's Liao Youdi. She always calls Liao Youdi her younger brother."

Bei Yan nodded in understanding. Maybe Zhu Peng couldn't explain the three characters of Liao Youdi's name clearly, so he just called him brother. He didn't know whether the boy called him brother or Di Di.

Also, Zhu Peng’s talent.

He had only just met Duoduo and Liao Youdi, and he was already able to distinguish their voices. Is this talent because of the Kirin Holy Body? Born with unusually sharp hearing?

Xiao Beiyan was thinking in his mind, pointing towards the distance and asking: "Why are they here alone, what is this?"

The dean smiled awkwardly and said, "It's considered punishment. If Zhu Peng hits someone, he will naturally be punished. However, his situation is special and it is difficult to punish him in other ways. Therefore, Teacher Shen said, he will punish them for writing. By the way, Teacher Shen also came with them. Fairy Lengxi brought it back."

Bei Yan suddenly understood that Teacher Shen was the father of Shen Litong and Shen Lifei.

There's just one thing he doesn't understand.

Bei Yan pointed at Liao Youdi and asked, "So, why is she here? Could it be that she, a little girl, also beats someone up?"

Duoduo was also punished here, and he could understand it. After all, the incident happened because of Duoduo, but Liao Youdi didn't do anything, right?

The dean nodded and said, "Yes, she also took action. Although she didn't knock anyone down, she also helped."

He really had a headache. It turned out that three geniuses came to the academy, and he was naturally happy. But after a day of happiness, he found that all three of them were thorny.

Zhu Peng won’t say anything.

Liao Youdi was withdrawn and ignored others except talking to Duoduo and Zhu Peng. When she saw Zhu Peng fighting with others, she grabbed a stool and rushed forward without saying a word.

As for Duoduo, she didn't even need to speak. As she sat there, those little boys would automatically look at her.

He really had a headache.

Beiyan felt even happier for a moment. He was a kid and everyone was normal. This showed that the three of them were united.

If all three of these people are recruited into the Four Treasures Peak.

Just because the three of them are so united, they don't have to speak on their own in the future. If anything happens, they can go up on their own.

Well, we must find a way to recruit these three little ones into the Baifeng Sect.

While Bei Yan was thinking about it, he took out the jade bottle that his master just gave him from his arms, and then poured out a Qizhi Pill.

As soon as the round elixir appeared, there was a faint smell of it, and the soothing fragrance of the medicine wafted over his body.

When the dean saw the colorful colors on Dan's body, his eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed: "Excellent elixir!"

On the other side, Liao Youdi didn't know what a top-quality elixir was, but Duoduo's eyes fell on the elixir. There was a look of surprise in her eyes, but she didn't react as much as the dean.

Xiao Beiyan brought the elixir to Zhu Peng and said, "Xiao Zhu Peng, take the elixir first. This is a good thing."

"Okay, Zhu Peng likes to eat the most. Zhu Peng is hungry." Zhu Peng said, taking the elixir and stuffing it directly into his mouth.

Xiao Beiyan looked back at the dean with doubts, and asked with dissatisfaction: "Dean, what's going on? Our Baifeng Sect has given the major academies little food, right? Why can't the children eat it? full?"

The dean suddenly said helplessly: "It's not that we don't let him eat enough, let's just talk about today. Do you know how much he ate in one meal today? He ate a whole cow, an adult cow! I have never seen such a big cow. Is it edible? He is still a child, so I really don’t dare to feed him, I’m afraid I’ll burst him.”

"This..." Xiao Beiyan turned to look at Zhu Peng, a whole cow, where would Zhu Peng go?

Zhu Peng seemed to feel Bei Yan's gaze and said with an aggrieved look, "But Zhu Peng is really hungry."

"You ate a whole cow and you're still hungry?" After Bei Yan finished speaking, he was slightly startled and looked at Zhu Peng. Why did he feel that Zhu Peng didn't change much after taking the elixir given by his master?

Could it be that I took too little?

Anyway, this is a Qizhi Pill, it’s okay to take more.

"Are you hungry, Zhu Peng? Come on, Zhu Peng, you eat these first." Bei Yan gave Zhu Peng the entire bottle containing the elixir.

Zhu Peng took the bottle, put it directly into his mouth, poured all the elixir into his mouth, and then started chewing it, but the elixir melted in his mouth, and he didn't chew anything at all.

"Hungry, Zhu Peng is still hungry, too little."

There was clearly no change in the tone of his words.

Is it because there is not enough time?

Bei Yan thought for a while and decided to observe again. He turned to look at the dean beside him and said, "Dean, look, the child is so hungry. Let's not punish him yet. I will take him out to eat something." .”

Naturally, the dean would not reject a master like Bei Yan.

Soon, Bei Yan left the academy with Zhu Peng. In fact, at their level of cultivation, they really didn’t need to eat. It’s just that the people in Sibaofeng have always maintained the habit of eating, and Sibaofeng also has it. A lot of vegetables and meat.

Beiyan took Zhu Peng directly back to Sibaofeng. He also wanted to observe and observe that after a period of time, Zhu Peng's spiritual intelligence would not change.

As a result, after a meal, he found that Zhu Peng's spiritual intelligence had not changed at all, but Zhu Peng had eaten all the food stored in Sibaofeng alone.

He really believed it now, what the dean said, Zhu Peng could eat a whole cow in one meal!

"How come this hasn't changed at all?"

Bei Yan looked at Zhu Peng, who said that his work had not changed at all compared to before, and he couldn't understand it for a while. His master was a top alchemy master, a reincarnated master, and the elixirs refined by his master could make people... They broke through directly from the elixir formation stage to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir. They just refined a elixir that turned Zhu Peng into the wisdom of a normal person. That should be easy to grasp. How could it be useless?

After thinking about it, he decided to ask his master again. This time, he took Zhu Peng directly to the Five Elements Dandi.

In the Five Elements Pill Land, Cao Zhen looked at the person in front of him. No one needed to say anything. He could tell at a glance that he was a naive child, and he couldn't figure it out.

The elixirs that I refined were inherited from Zhang Daoling. No matter what elixirs I refined before, even the elixirs that deceived the world, and even the elixirs that allowed Yu Tuoyu to recover after he exploded the golden elixir, there was nothing. The question is, how can you fail to refine a pill that can turn a fool into a normal person?

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