Everyone knows that in the Minor Era when the universe can be reversed, the strongest one is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. The world also knows that there is a gap between the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, but how big is this gap?

Many people, even many people in the Golden Core stage, believe that this gap is not particularly large.

After all, it can be in the golden elixir stage, so those who complete the combination of golden elixirs are geniuses.

As for the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, it is even more of a genius among geniuses. Even if there is a gap between them, how big can it be?

But today, they finally know how wide the gap between the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen can be!

Pity the handsome man, but many people can't stand the things he does in daily life. There are even many people on the Island of Evil who don't like him.

However, Young Master Lianhua is still alive and well.

Tamu, he is a person who lives and cultivates in a place like the Island of the Evil, where all the people are evil.

Even after the world was reversed in the minor era, masters of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Great Perfection died on the Evil Island. Tamu's ability to survive is a testament to his strength.

As for Blue Charm, that's even stronger. It's one of the worst people on the Island of Evil, one that shouldn't be messed with.

However, these three masters of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen were instantly injured by the attacks of the three unfamiliar masters!

Those three people, who are they and how can they be so strong!

Lan Mei and the other three were flying upside down, feeling more horrified than anyone else.

They themselves are the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. They know better than anyone else how difficult it is to have a gap between each other after the same Ten Visions Golden Elixir is completed.

But the three people in front of him could repel them with one move.

Even in the whole of Nanyang, it is difficult to find such a powerful Golden Elixir of Ten Visions!

They can be 100% sure that they are no match for the other party.

Young Master Lianhua was flying upside down, looking at the entrance to the ruins not far away, gritting his teeth suddenly, and jumped into the ruins instantly.

The person the other party was really targeting was him. Although it was dangerous to enter the ruins, there was still a glimmer of hope for him if he entered the ruins. But if he didn't enter the ruins, he would definitely die. He could only choose to enter the ruins.

On the other side, Lan Mei deliberately followed the opponent's attack and flew upside down to the entrance of the ruins. She entered the ruins without any hesitation.

She could see that both Lianhua Gongzi and Tamu were injured by each other's attacks, especially Lianhua Gongzi who was the most seriously injured. Not to mention the extent of his injuries, after taking the elixir, he used a It can be restored in two days.

However, she was not actually injured.

She wasn't hurt, but it didn't prove that she was stronger than the other person.

Moreover, she could also see that the woman who attacked her was the weakest among the three opponents. If the other two attacked her, she wasn't even sure she could escape unscathed.

What's more, there is still one person on the other side who has not taken action.

She could even feel that the person leading the other party should be that man.

These three people are already so powerful, how terrifying will the leader be?

Therefore, she did not hesitate and entered the ruins directly.

Tamu saw everyone rushing into the ruins, so naturally he would not stay. He sprinted quickly and entered the entrance of the ruins.

In just a short moment, all three people had entered the ruins.

Outside the ruins, everyone looked at the three people who entered the ruins and looked at each other.

This, the battle has just begun and is already over?

They watched as the three people who fell from the void, as well as the strange man, stepped aside one by one.

These four people are simply four killing gods!

These four people dare to provoke even three people from the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, let alone them!

What if these four people don't like them again and take action?

What if they feel that three people have entered the ruins and are unable to investigate the situation, so they let them serve as cannon fodder and enter the ruins?

Of course, they don't dare to run into the ruins now. Who knows if these four people will enter the ruins immediately?

Although they came to the ruins, they were mentally prepared to die.

But no one wants to die for no reason, right?

The Purple Snakes even ran directly into the middle of the crowd, and even shrank back hard for fear of being seen by the other party.

Now, they finally knew why the woman was so arrogant and ignored them when they questioned her.

People don't even pay attention to the three masters of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen, let alone them.

Are they still taking action?

What did they do? If they really take action, I'm afraid it won't be enough to fill the gap between people's teeth.

These four people are so terrifying.

In the crowd, Yan Hanlin looked at the four figures, his heart beating uncontrollably, and his heart was filled with joy.

Fortunately, these people took action. Fortunately, Red Snake took action on these people first, and then he realized how terrifying the other party was.

If so, Red Snake didn't take action, and these people didn't cause trouble for Young Master Lian.

After entering the ruins, according to their plan, the four of them will immediately attack everyone in the team.

In fact, he is not the only one among them who has nine golden elixirs.

The four of them are all nine golden elixirs that complete the existence of the combined elixir. According to their plan, they are enough to take care of everyone.

However, who would have thought that there would be such a terrifying presence in their team.

If they really start killing people and stealing goods, they will be the ones who die!

Everyone fell silent at this moment, and in the silence, a voice rang out.

"The three Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen will go directly to explore the way for us. With this kind of treatment, I'm afraid we won't be able to find another one in this ruins."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him ran around.

In just an instant, no one could be seen within three feet around him. He was the only one standing alone, extremely conspicuous.

The fat man looked at the scattered people with a speechless face. The next moment, he also ran around. Don't pay attention to me. I'm so unlucky. Don't pay attention to me. Don't let me explore the way.

Cao Zhen glanced at the fat man and didn't look at it again. He felt that this fat man was completely weird. He didn't have time to pay attention to the fat man. Instead, he looked at the three people of Lengxi and said: "They have already entered, and we are not even here." If you hear any screams, there should be no danger inside, let’s go in.”

With that said, he stepped into the ruins.

Suddenly, strong winds blew in, and there was even a faint smell of blood in the wind.

Cao Zhen looked around and saw ruins.

Collapsed city walls, abandoned buildings, and skeletons.

Almost all of these skeletons are human skeletons.

Under the skeleton, there are even countless broken weapons and broken magic weapons.

An extremely tragic scene instantly appeared in his mind. Countless masters fought here countless thousands of years ago.

One after another, the cultivators died, their magic weapons broke, their magic weapons shattered, and their bodies were left here.

After endless years, their corpses have decayed, weathered, and dissipated, leaving only their skeletons and fragmented treasures.

"Ancient battlefield!"

Li Ke looked at the scene in front of him and whispered: "This is definitely a battlefield in ancient times. I don't know what kind of battles it has experienced here, and many of their magic weapons and their magic weapons have been damaged, but, There must be more magic weapons left, and what we need to do is to find those magic weapons or magic weapons that can be used."

"But how do we find them?" Leng Xi pointed to the ground around him with confusion and asked, "We can't search one by one."

"That's not necessary. This should be the most peripheral battlefield. The strength of the people on the peripheral battlefield is limited, and their magic weapons will most likely be destroyed after endless years.

Therefore, if we want to obtain better magic weapons and magic weapons, we need to keep moving forward, find the core battlefield, and go to the core battlefield to search for magic weapons! "

As Li Ke spoke, there was a look of regret on his face, and he said harshly: "We all thought wrong before, this is not such a dangerous relic at all.

Now, Mr. Lianhua and the others entered here first, and must have gone deep to explore the core battlefield, which gave them an advantage. "

"So, we don't have to waste time here, we should also explore the core area." Just as Yan Yourong finished speaking, another figure appeared at the entrance.

It was that weird fat guy from before.

The fat man entered the ruins, looked at the skeletons in front of him, looked at the scene in front of him, and suddenly let out an exclamation, shouting loudly: "Ancient battlefield! This ruins turned out to be an ancient battlefield! This..."

Suddenly, his eyes fell on the people opposite.

There was a movement in my heart, and it flew straight ahead in an instant.

Suddenly, Yan Yourong took a step forward, stopped in front of the fat man in front of her, and looked coldly: "What are you going to do?"

The fat man's forward movement stopped instantly. At the same time, he raised his hands high and shouted: "No, I don't mean any harm. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous..."

As he spoke, he seemed to come to his senses and said loudly: "No, with your strength, you won't be nervous. I am the one who should be nervous. Well, I have a good character, but I never do that. Doing something that is outrageous is not the same as pity for a playboy. I came here because I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Yan Yourong heard this and refused coldly: "We are not interested in cooperating with a stranger like you."

They are already strong enough, so naturally they don't need to cooperate with others.

"No, this fairy, don't refuse in a hurry." The fat man didn't run at all when he heard this, but quickly began to promote himself: "Guys, let me tell you, I am very good at talking, Inferred. Especially these ancient ruins.

Such battlefield relics generally have no inheritance, and the treasures inside are various magic weapons and magic weapons. Even the Universe Bag they left behind, if you want to find magic weapons, magic weapons and the Universe Bag, you have to go to the core battlefield.

But the core battlefield is not that easy to find. What I am best at is calculation. I can figure out where the core battlefield is. "

Yan Yourong said coldly: "Calculation? This island is indeed not small, but if we fly at full strength, it won't take long to fly over the entire island. Why do we need to calculate the core area?"

When the fat man heard this, there was an obvious look of astonishment on his face, and he said full of doubts: "Flying over this island, who knows how big this island is and how to fly!

This kind of ancient battlefield must not be an ordinary ruins, nor can it be as big as it looks from the outside. This must be a small world, and it is impossible to say how vast this world is. "

He really couldn't understand. This should be considered a relatively common sense thing. Why didn't the woman in front of him know?

And she has already reached the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir!

Could it be that this is the kind of crazy monk who only focuses on cultivation and doesn't care about anything else.

Thinking of it, he couldn't help but shake his head. This world is so wonderful, why must we only cultivate? What’s the point of such a life!

After the fat man finished speaking, he pointed at himself and said: "Everyone, I am not lying to you. I am really good at calculations. I can definitely figure out the core battlefield. When the time comes, we will each use our own abilities to find the treasure. .

There are four of you, and I am only one person. When the time comes, I will definitely not be able to find the treasure faster than you. No matter how you look at it, it is not a loss. "

He didn't lie, he really wanted to cooperate with the other party, and he was really good at calculations. Of course, in most cases, there would be no problem with his calculations.

It’s just that the process is often difficult.

Therefore, after he saw the power of those four people and discovered that this was the ruins of an ancient battlefield, he immediately thought of joining forces with them.

Moreover, there is a greater benefit to joining forces with the other party.

That is, if there are many people who find a core battlefield together, and when there are more Zhengs, with these people around, he will have the capital to fight for it.

When Cao Zhen heard the fat man's repeated assurances that he could still find the core area, he took a step forward and asked: "Since you can find the core area, why don't you go find the core battlefield yourself? Can you get treasures? If you do this, wouldn’t you lose a lot?”

The fat man suddenly felt happy. The other party asked him a question, which meant that the other party was interested. What he was afraid of was that the other party would directly reject him.

He pointed at himself and whispered: "I am only one person. The process of going to such a core battlefield will be full of dangers. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to reach the battlefield by myself. Even if I can reach the battlefield, I am afraid it will take a long time." It takes a lot of time.

Then, in this way, by the time I actually arrive at the battlefield, someone else may have discovered the core battlefield.

By then, I alone won’t be able to compete for any treasure.

But joining forces with you is different. With you here, we may reach the ruins faster and before everyone else.

After we have finished searching the ruins, others will come and can only pick up what we have left. Or, even if we encounter someone, with our joint strength, we are not afraid of others forcibly driving us away. "

"That makes sense." Cao Zhen looked at the fat man in front of him and asked: "But there is a problem, you also said, there are many of us, aren't you afraid that after we find the place, we will kill you directly and devour all those things?" treasure?"

"If it were anyone else, I would be really afraid, but I'm not afraid of you." The fat man looked at a few people and said sincerely: "You have no enmity or enmity with that Lian Hua Gongzi, it's just because of what Lian Hua Gongzi did, If you take action directly, it will prove that you are a decent family, and I believe that you will not do such a thing."

He is really not afraid of several people joining forces to hack him.

He admitted that he was definitely no match for a few people, but the question was, if he couldn't beat him, couldn't he run away?

So far, he has not met anyone who can match his escape methods.

Just as a few people were talking about the flowers and the ruins, a person entered.

After seeing the scenes around them, they all concluded that what they were entering in front of them was the remains of an ancient battlefield.

"This is just the outermost battlefield, and the treasures are not particularly strong. Let's go and go deeper to find other treasures. Even if we can't find the real core battlefield, if we can find a deeper battlefield, the chance of getting treasures will be greater. , the treasures you get will be stronger and better!"

Suddenly, many people turned around and flew away into the distance, but a few people stayed.

"There may not be treasures in the outer battlefield."

"They should go look for the core battlefield, and we will look for it here. Perhaps among these broken magic weapons and magic weapons, there are top-notch treasures."

"Even if it's not a top-notch treasure, it's enough if it's just a usable treasure. We don't have the strength to ask for the best treasure!"

Cao Zhen looked at the people who had started to move, looked back at the fat man in front of him, nodded and said: "Okay, I agree that we can join forces. Now, you can make your calculations."

Since this is the ruins of a battlefield and everyone wants to find the core battlefield, then the people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect must also want to find the core battlefield.

However, this place is too big. For a while, even if I pass through the Sun Eclipse Demon, I am afraid that I will not be able to accurately judge where the people of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect are.

After all, I don’t know what landmarks there are here.

If the fat man in front of them could lead them to the core battlefield, then they would be the people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect waiting for them on the core battlefield.

Of course, if Fatty is unreliable and cannot help them find the core ruins, then they will naturally break up.

When the fat man heard the sound, he immediately looked at the three women opposite.

Although he felt that the man in front of him was the leader of the other party, he was not 100% sure. It also depends on the attitude of these three women.

Well, the woman with the best figure didn't say anything. It was obvious that whatever the man said was what he said.

However, the other two people frowned, as if they didn't like their joining.

However, these two people frowned but did not say anything.

It was obvious that this man had the final say over these four people.

The fat man immediately felt relieved. He raised his hand and waved, but a compass-like magic weapon appeared in his hand. On top of the compass, a black spoon made of unknown material was bowed in the center.

As waves of mana poured into his body, lines suddenly appeared on the compass, and the spoon began to rotate rapidly.

While sending mana to the compass, the fat man said to Cao Zhen and the others: "Wait a moment, it takes time to calculate.

By the way, how many of you do you know? "

They can't join forces anymore, they don't even know what to call each other.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, looked at the fat man and whispered, "Cao Zhen, they are Li Ke, Leng Xi and Yan Yourong."

When he was outside at first, he used a false name.

But now, they are all together.

If there is a fight or even no fight along the way, they will all release the golden elixir of vision, especially him, who releases six golden elixirs of vision. After releasing the golden elixir of heretics, anyone who knows them will be able to tell them at a glance. Can guess their identity.

So there is no need to hide it.

"Cao Zhen? Li Ke? Leng Xi? Yan Yourong?" The fat man showed a thoughtful look on his face, and whispered to himself: "Why is this name so familiar to you, you..."

Suddenly, he was enlightened.

"I understand, Baifeng Sect, you are from the Baifeng Sect of the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty. Cao Zhen, you are the No. 1 in the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty and the Immortal Martial Competition! I said, where are there so many masters? It turns out that you!"

Cao Zhen looked at the fat man in surprise and said curiously: "I thought my name was loud enough, but I didn't expect that it took you so long to remember who we are. It seems that we are not famous here in Nanyang." Not loud enough.”

"It's not that it's not loud enough, it's just that you're really not famous." Fatty replied subconsciously. After finishing speaking, he seemed to realize that what he said was not pleasant, and quickly explained, "I'm not looking down on you, mainly because Nanyang is here. People here are really special. They rarely have contact with the outside world. Therefore, no one here pays attention to the Immortal Martial Arts Competition of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Not just you guys, but the experts on your side and everyone in Nanyang almost don’t know. "

Li Ke heard the sound and suddenly asked: "You don't even know? Then how do you know?"

The fat man didn't hesitate and said truthfully: "Of course I'm different. I'm not from Nanyang."

Cao Zhen said unexpectedly: "You are not from here either? Didn't the Purple Snake say you were from Jingluo Island before?"

The fat man suddenly laughed triumphantly: "Whoever lied to that guy is from Jingluo Island. I just happened to be traveling in Nanyang recently. But to be honest, they thought I had no foundation, even if I didn't at that time What if I take action and enter, and then join forces with others to deal with me? Of course I will lie to them."

"Interesting." Cao Zhen laughed immediately, looked at the fat man and asked, "I have said so much, but you haven't said what your name is yet."

"Me? Linghu Gudu." After the fat man finished speaking, the spoon in the compass in his hand stopped rotating and pointed in one direction.

"Quick, let's go in this direction." Linghu whispered alone and flew out first.

Cao Zhen glanced at the three people from Lengxi who were standing aside, and quickly followed him, but he couldn't stop complaining in his heart. Linghu Lonely, this sounds like a name for Long Aotian, but the temperament of the fat man in front of him was completely ruined. the name.

Of course, this fat man looks weird. He may be able to become the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, so he certainly won't be stupid. Who knows if the fat man is talking about his real name.

The five people quickly flew away.

But here, everyone who was inspecting the magic weapons and magic weapons in front of the skeletons breathed a sigh of relief.

"They finally left."

"You were paying attention to them just now? What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that they will come and snatch the treasures from us? Don't worry, they don't look down on these things in front of them.

We have been searching here for a long time, but we may not have the last magic weapon or magic weapon that can be used. The most we can do is take these broken things back and melt them to get some materials. "

"I'm not afraid that they will compete with us, but the opponent's strength is too strong, so they always feel a little uncomfortable here."

"Yes, those people are too strong. I have never thought of how powerful the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen can be. And among them, the person who is obviously taking the lead has not taken action yet. I can't even imagine. How powerful can that person be?"

"Speaking of which, that fat man also showed the cultivation of the Ten Visions and Golden Pill Dzogchen before. Now, it seems that he has joined forces with those four people."

"Five masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, four of them are far beyond the ordinary Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. With such strength, even in this ruins, they can push it to the end. "

"It's impossible, they can't do it. I saw it when I came here before. There are some who don't know which side's strength they are, and they even have hundreds of people gathered together.

No matter how strong they are, they are only five people, and it is impossible to directly overwhelm hundreds of Jindan-level beings. "

"That's not necessarily true. But if you are strong, you may not necessarily get the biggest treasure. Everything still depends on chance."

Cao Zhen followed the fat man and flew into the distance. The flight lasted a day.

They entered the ruins in the morning, but when it got dark, they didn't stop flying.

Based on their cultivation, if the island was really as big as what they saw outside, they would have already passed through the entire island. But now, they are still flying. Obviously, this island is indeed a small world.

Along the way, they also saw three battlefields.

However, Linghu Loneliness did not stop, and continued to fly forward in the direction pointed by the compass.

Gradually, the sun in the sky has begun to set.

The sky gradually darkened.

But the spoon on the compass pointed straight in one direction.

Along the way, the direction pointed by the spoon on the compass was not straight forward. Many times, the direction pointed by the spoon would fluctuate back and forth.

This time, the spoon didn't move at all.

Li Ke quickly noticed the change in the spoon and suddenly turned back to look at Linghu Lonely.

Linghu Lonely looked at several people almost at the same time, and said with a serious expression: "Such changes must be preceded by opportunities. However, everyone, be careful, opportunities also mean there will be danger."

"This is natural, but having a chance is enough!"

A look of excitement appeared on Li Ke's face. Among the four of them from the Baifeng Sect, she didn't know why Cao Zhen came. Leng Xi and Yan Yourong came purely because of their master's orders.

And she, she really came here for the opportunity of the ruins!

Linghu Lonely saw Li Ke rushing so fast, and quickly warned: "Be careful, based on my experience, there is a lot of danger ahead."

He is really experienced.

His luck is very extreme.

Although, many times, he was very unlucky. Even though others could get the treasure after entering the same ruins, he spent a long time and went through endless dangers but got nothing.

However, sometimes, he can really come into contact with big opportunities.

However, those great opportunities are extremely dangerous.

Moreover, after just being exposed to it and overcoming the danger, he didn't even get the chance a few times.

Anyway, after experiencing it so many times, he has been able to determine that when his compass points in the same direction, there may be a chance or there may be no chance. This is not sure, but there is one thing. It is certain, that is, there will definitely be danger.

Of course, if there is danger, you have to go take a look.

This is also the reason why he joined forces with these people. These people are so strong, maybe the danger can be resolved by these people!

According to the direction pointed by the spoon, everyone flew for less than half a stick of incense, and strong waves of death came from a distance.

This is a battlefield from ancient times. There are countless skeletons, and they naturally have the aura of death.

The piles of skeletons they encountered before also exuded the aura of death, but those piles of skeletons did not have such a strong aura of death.

Li Ke's eyes suddenly became brighter and brighter: "With this death energy, the cultivation of those who died must have far exceeded any people we have seen piled up with skeletons before."

Linghu Lonely's face also showed a hint of excitement and responsibility. This time, he seemed to be very lucky. Is this really going to be an opportunity?

In the excitement, his expression became more and more solemn. With this death aura, the opportunity should not be small, but the danger...

Everyone spent another cup of tea.

A canyon appeared below them. In the canyon, the strong wind roared continuously. Even in the void, there was an illusion that the strong wind seemed to blow them down.

The whining sounds made them feel as if the surrounding canyons would be blown open by the strong wind at any time.

And in the strong wind, there were even white bones flying.

"It's so weird here!"

Five people fell on the outside of the canyon.

The strong wind in this canyon is very strange. It only blows inside the canyon, but there is no breeze outside the canyon.

In the pile of skeletons they had seen before, all the skeletons were lying quietly on the ground, but here, due to the strong wind, each skeleton was blown up.

Also blown up at the same time were pieces of treasure that seemed to have been damaged.

In the strong wind, there were sharp wind blades that continued to slice through.

The skeletons of these skeletons can still be preserved after countless years, so they must be very strong.

However, in this strong wind, a wind blade passed by and instantly cracked open a skeleton!

Each of those wind blades was like the sword energy exerted by the peerless swordsmen and swordsmen with all their strength, and it seemed that they could easily tear apart the mountains, rivers, sun and moon.

Moreover, these wind blades fly without any pattern, and their speed is faster than lightning.

"Is this the so-called danger?" Li Ke looked at the random wind blades and took a step forward, one step closer to the canyon.

On the side, Linghu Lonely raised his eyebrows when he saw Li Ke's movements, and couldn't help but remind him: "Be careful, don't get too close, there may be other dangers."

This wind blade does look dangerous, but based on his experience, the spoons on his compass are straight like that. The danger here may not be that simple!

As if to respond to him, as his words fell, the strong winds in the canyon suddenly became stronger. There were even many strong winds, and the wind blades collided together, causing the space to continuously fluctuate, forming a wave in an instant. A huge tornado hurricane, and these tornado hurricanes collide, overlap and swallow each other.

In an instant, a hurricane vortex formed that almost filled the entire canyon.

The next moment, waves of terrifying tearing force struck, pulling several people into the canyon.

In an instant, visionary golden elixirs appeared behind the five people, and the aura in their bodies rose rapidly.

As for Li Ke, who was closest to the canyon, her body was already rolling up into the canyon uncontrollably.

Suddenly, in front of her, the shadow of an extremely towering mountain appeared.

The high mountains are covered with towering trees, blocking out the sky and the sun, seeming to span the sky and the east and west!

On the mountainside of the mountain, there is a waterfall that looks like an upside-down Milky Way. The waterfall falls to the ground and creates a river. The river spirals around the huge mountain like a water dragon.

On both sides of the river, on the ground, there are sharp weapons stuck upside down, as if they are the banks of the river, protecting the river.

At the top of the mountain, there was a huge crater, with streams of magma erupting, igniting the surrounding trees, and the entire mountain was like a burning sun.

And then, in the next moment, talismans flew in the sky and gathered in an instant, forming the shadow of a huge mountain.

Yan Yourong and Leng Xi took action at the same time.

The phantoms of the two giant mountains, but just like the two real giant mountains, created the terrifying suction force blowing from the canyon.

Li Ke was anxious to be blocked by the huge mountain, and the mana in his body was aroused to the extreme. He retreated violently and exited the edge of the canyon.

But the moment she pushed away, the two majestic mountains in front of her were instantly sucked into the canyon.

In an instant, countless wind blades fell, just like the terrifying boundless time and space turbulence in the rumors, instantly shattering these two towering mountains!

Li Ke stood behind, looking at the shattered giant mountain, with a look of horror on his face. If Linghu hadn't reminded her just now, if she had taken one step forward, the terrifying suction would have really sucked her in. In the canyon.

If not, Yan Yourong and Leng Xi took action at the same time, and she would most likely be sucked into the canyon.

And the consequences of entering the canyon.

I'm afraid she will really be like the shadow of those two giant mountains.

Although she did not fall into the canyon, the strong wind blew in front of her, including Cao Zhen and others.

The strong wind just blew through the canyon. They just stood at the edge of the canyon, and their cheeks were sore from the blow.

Except for Cao Zhen, they are all the existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, and they are the strongest combat power in the world.

Now, just because of the strong wind, my cheeks were sore. If I fell directly into the tornado hurricane...

Linghu Lonely suddenly turned his head and glanced at Leng Xi and Yan Yourong, with excitement in his heart. He knew that there would be danger.

The danger is not that simple.

Sure enough, a tornado suddenly appeared in the canyon. The tornado could even suck in the masters of the Ten Visions Golden Pill.

This must be an extremely terrifying danger.

However, the few people in front of them successfully solved the danger.

Sure enough, what I thought was right, as long as these people are strong enough and dangerous, they can be cracked.


Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, he pointed at the whirlpool and shouted, "What is that!"

It seemed that the tornado in the canyon was too powerful, but it lifted up all the soil on the ground. Boulders were blown up, and the entire ground seemed to be turned over. In the lifted ground, rays of light lit up. .

"Treasure! There is a treasure buried under the ground, but now, the ground is lifted by the strong wind, and the treasure is exposed!" Linghu whispered alone, and suddenly, a wind blade passed by.

In the tornado hurricane, a pill bottle was shattered, and in an instant, pills shining with colorful light flew out.

Waves of medicinal fragrance came along with the strong wind.

"The colorful light, this is a top-quality elixir, and the medicinal fragrance, this is a top-notch elixir!" Linghu Gudu became excited.

But Leng Xi and Yan Yourong were unusually calm. Pill? Excellent elixir?

The elixirs refined by their master are all top-grade elixirs. Even their junior sister can now refine top-grade elixirs. They don't know how many top-grade elixirs they have taken. The elixir really couldn't arouse their interest!

However, the next moment, among the elixirs shining with colorful light, another elixir burst out with an unusually dazzling light.

The light was so bright that it illuminated the whole world in the canyon extremely brightly in an instant, and the light of one elixir completely blocked the light of all the elixirs around it!

Everyone even discovered that at this moment, there were dense auras lingering around the elixir!

"What is this? Why is there still so much aura?"

"What elixir!"

Leng Xi and Yan Yourong looked at the special elixir they had never seen before, and instantly turned to look at Cao Zhen. Even Li Ke looked at Cao Zhen.

Linghu Lonely noticed the gazes of the three people and looked towards Cao Zhen.

He didn't know the elixir, but obviously Cao Zhen might know it. Otherwise, why would these three women look at him.

Cao Zhen looked at the elixir, which was rounder and brighter than other top-grade elixirs. There was a look of surprise in his eyes. This elixir... There are actually people here who can refine such elixirs.

With this elixir, I now have the foundation for another breakthrough with my heretic golden elixir!

This time he came to the ruins more because he wanted to kill the people of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and he was not very interested in the treasures in the ruins. But now that he had just arrived at the ruins, he found that he might have a big harvest!

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