Heretic golden elixirs can be continuously strengthened.

However, the strengthening of the heretic golden elixir does not mean that it can be strengthened. Refining the heretic golden elixir requires various medicinal materials.

The second level of heretic golden elixir requires the use of various materials.

But when it comes to the third level of heretic golden elixir, it doesn't just require various auxiliary materials, it requires spiritual elixir.

The so-called panacea is not the panacea that people often say is a panacea, but a kind of spirituality, an instinctive spirit.

This spirit is different from the legendary sword spirit. The sword spirit even has its own wisdom.

However, according to Zhang Tianshi's alchemy theory and knowledge records, although the elixir has some destiny, it does not possess wisdom, but is simply an instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

According to the records, the elixir is just like this. It is wrapped in dense air and shines brightly, even more round than the best elixir.

The elixir in front of you is the magic elixir!

Of course he can also refine the elixir, but the medicinal materials needed to refine the elixir are not generally precious and rare.

In particular, refining the elixir requires a medicinal material called Bailingxianguo.

Even the Baifeng Sect does not have a Bailing Immortal Fruit, so naturally it cannot refine the elixir.

But in front of him, a magic pill appeared.

Moreover, the medicinal properties of this panacea.

Cao Zhen moved his nose vigorously, sniffing the scent of medicine in the air, and a happy look appeared on his face.

The elixir is like a top-quality elixir, which can be regarded as the quality of the elixir.

There are many types of alchemy.

And the elixir in front of me is clearly a calamity-avoiding elixir!

As the name suggests, the calamity-avoiding elixir is a kind of elixir that helps those who overcome calamities to successfully survive the calamity.

The heretic golden elixir, which elixir is used in the third level, will also determine the future path.

If it is an offensive elixir, then the heretic golden elixir will be better at attacking. If it is a fire elixir, then the power of the fire magical power will naturally be stronger when combined with the heretic golden elixir.

If it is a calamity-avoiding pill.

That means that in the future, when using the heretic golden elixir, it will be easier to survive the catastrophe.

Without increasing the ability to fight, it doesn’t seem strong!

But the problem is, this is a tribulation!

The ability to fight depends on relying on others to win.

This is the key to overcoming the tribulation.

I don’t know how many masters fell during the tribulation.

Not to mention anything else, it’s just a catastrophe of wind and fire!

People who can practice to the great calamity of wind and fire cannot be said to have poor talent.

But I don’t know how many wind and fire catastrophes, even after they were fully prepared and felt that they could overcome the catastrophe, they still fell.

With the Overcoming Tribulation Pill, it will be easier for me to overcome tribulations in the future, which is a huge help to me.

This elixir is perfect for me!

The key is how to get this elixir in hand.

Cao Zhen looked at the tornado in front of him and frowned tightly.

Suddenly, at the next moment, in the hurricane, a wind blade suddenly flashed past, directly heading towards the elixir in front of him.

Cao Zhen suddenly panicked. He had just seen the elixir, and before he had time to think of a way to get it, the elixir would be destroyed?

That wind blade flew down, but it could instantly eliminate the spells released by Leng Xi and Yan Yourong, let alone such a pill.

However, the next moment, the elixir seemed to have eyes and wisdom, and it rushed to the side to avoid the flying wind blade.

Outside the canyon, Linghu Lonely's eyes suddenly widened, and he pointed at the bright elixir in the hurricane with surprise and shouted: "Did you see it? He just dodged that elixir. How could he dodge it?" ? Could it be that it has wisdom? What kind of elixir is this?"

He has been wandering around and traveling for so many years, but he has never seen such a magical elixir. In fact, let alone seeing it, he has never heard of such a elixir in the world.

Is this still a pill?

Cao Zhen finally saw with his own eyes what it means to have a certain instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

After Linghu finished asking alone, he found that everyone was looking at Cao Zhen and followed him.

Cao Zhen felt the gaze of everyone and slowly said: "This is a magic pill."

Linghu Lonely asked immediately: "Spiritual elixir? What elixir? Is there an elixir as effective as the sword spirit, or what?"

Cao Zhen thought for a while and explained: "You can understand it as a spiritual elixir. And at this moment, the elixir is a calamity-avoiding elixir. This..."

Cao Zhen just wanted to say that this elixir was useful to them. He wanted the elixir at this moment, but before he could finish his words, bursts of clicking sounds suddenly came.

The strong wind in the canyon was blowing more and more fiercely.

Moreover, not only in the canyon, at this time, there were strong winds blowing all around them. The wild grass on the ground was blown by the fierce strong wind, and even the big trees that were hugged by three people or even thicker were uprooted one by one!

The wind came violently and suddenly.

In the strong wind and inside the tornado, skeletons were thrown out one after another and fell outside the canyon.

The next moment, the moonlight was shining down from the sky.

"This is moonlight!" Linghu's lonely expression suddenly turned aside. The outer light of the moonlight was indeed bright, but the middle of the moonlight was dark light, as dark as the night.

On the ground, the skeletons of skeletons instantly exuded a strong aura of death after being illuminated by the moonlight.

The eerie, weird and terrifying atmosphere instantly spread throughout the world.

"Kacha kacha..."

Waves of crisp sounds rang out, and in everyone's sight, skeletons flew up strangely, joining together to form brand new skeletons.

"Skeleton? Resurrection from the dead? What is going on?"

Linghu Gudu was completely stunned.

In just an instant, countless skeletons appeared in front of his eyes. At a glance, there were definitely more than a hundred.

The skeletons made strange noises one after another, as if they were shouting something. The next moment, the skeletons rushed towards the crowd.

Li Ke frowned, and among the ten vision golden elixirs behind him, a dazzling light suddenly burst out. The ten vision golden elixirs, at this moment, were like ten burning suns, spreading out scorching heat.

As she waved her palms, balls of flames shot out from the ten golden elixirs and fell towards the charging skulls.

The flames connected together, forming a huge sea of ​​​​fire in just an instant, surrounding each skeleton.

Under the impact of this flame, even the master of the Ten Golden Pills did not dare to resist forcefully and could only fight with magical powers.

However, wrapped in flames, these skeletons were only covered with a layer of flames. There were traces of flames burning on the white skeletons. However, none of the skeletons fell down, and they did not even move forward. be affected in any way.

"Five thunders rectify the law!"

On one side, Yan Yourong suddenly raised his hand, and purple thunder suddenly shot out.

She has practiced the unique skills of Five Elements Peak. Although there is no thunder in the Five Elements, Thunder is actually born out of the Five Elements.

She is now using the Five Thunder Methods, and the power of the Five Thunder Methods is much stronger than before.

Purple thunder fell from the sky and struck heavily on a skeleton rushing forward. Suddenly, in the dark night, a loud noise like the earth exploding came out.

Above the skull's head, purple thunder light beat rapidly, like purple electric snakes dancing in the void.

On the ground, as this blow fell, under the huge vibration, endless smoke and dust blew up, almost completely covering this space.

The purple thunder power continued to surge on the skull.

The next moment, the skeleton tilted its body and fell to the ground.

The Five Thunder Zhengfa is the purest thunder magical power, and it is also the nemesis of some evil spirits.

However, with the cultivation of Rong Shi's golden elixir of vision and the Five Thunder Method, with one blow, although the skeleton fell, it did not fall apart, but there were lines of cracks appearing on the skeleton's body. crack.

The next moment, the skeleton stood up again and rushed towards several people.

"Fly, fly quickly!"

Without even thinking about it, Cao Zhen turned around and ran away after greeting a few people.

Are you kidding? Yan Yourong's cultivation level and the Five Thunder Zhengfa didn't kill this skeleton, so why did they stay to fight? There are definitely more than a hundred skeletons in front of you!

However, since they were skeletons, he didn't believe it. These skeletons could still fly, so they could just fly.

As Cao Zhen's words fell, everyone turned around and flew to higher places.

But the next moment, the air was full of unwilling, scalp-numbing horror screams.

In the void, shadows of resentful souls emerged.

Under the darkness, no one could even tell at a glance how many resentful souls there were, but the number was definitely not as small as the number of skeletons.

As these resentful souls roared at the same time, the surrounding air even fluctuated violently, and sound waves visible to the naked eye surged toward everyone.

Wherever the sound waves passed, the surrounding air trembled crazily, and the entire space even gave people the illusion that it was about to collapse at any time.

Linghu Lonely was shaken by this aura, and even felt that his body was a little unstable.

Suddenly, a sword flashed by his side.

The dark night sky seemed to be cut into two pieces under this knife. The light of the sword passed by in a mighty and mighty way, as if the stars falling from the river nine days away.

Ghost-killing sword!

Yan Yourong slashed out with one sword, without any fancy movements, just a simple and extremely concise sword. This sword swept forward, full of the power to sweep away thousands of armies, and also had the power to suppress all monsters and all monsters. !

The next moment, the sword light touched the sound waves coming from it. Suddenly, the sound waves were broken and broken again and again to the extent visible to the naked eye.

However, although the sound wave broke through, one resentful soul had already flown in!

However, another sword light flashed across the side!

Kill the ghost!

Cao Zhen slashed out with his sword.

Although slaying ghosts is more suitable with a knife, it is not impossible to use a sword.

Yan Yourong knew how to kill ghosts, so he would naturally kill ghosts too.

Although this sword is not as powerful as sweeping thousands of armies, it is more elegant and agile, and it is also full of the aura of suppressing all monsters and demons.

The resentful souls rushing at the front were swept away by the sword energy, and they suddenly let out pitiful screams.

"Not one of them died!"

Cao Zhen looked at these resentful souls and was greatly surprised. He was already the top existence in the Golden Core Stage. In this small era where the strongest standing is the Golden Core Stage, there are still people who are reversing the universe. The resentful soul can withstand its own blow!

Although his attack was not concentrated together, the power was terrifying enough, not to mention that he was using a ghost-slaying technique specifically designed to restrain ghosts!

But none of these resentful souls died.

These resentful souls are no worse than those skeletons!


Cao Zhen shouted loudly and led everyone back quickly.

Although skeletons cannot fly, these resentful souls can fly. In this case, what else can they do if they don't run?

Everyone flew back, but those resentful souls followed closely.

Although they were also resentful souls, Cao Zhen discovered during flight that some of these resentful souls were fast, while others were slower.

Slowly, some of these resentful souls have fallen behind, and some have rushed to the front, putting some distance between them and the resentful souls behind them.

While Cao Zhen retreated quickly, he drew out his sword, turned around and looked at the nearest resentful spirit flying towards him, and suddenly swung out his sword.

It was just a sword shot, but at this moment, hundreds of Cao Zhen's figures seemed to appear in the dark night sky, and each Cao Zhen was shot out with a single sword.

One hundred swords were shot out, each one embodying unparalleled sword intent and full of ethereal meaning.

These one hundred swords are all different from each other. It seems that one hundred peerless swordsmen are performing the strongest sword at the same time, which condenses the essence of a lifetime of swordsmanship.

The one hundred phantoms are even more illusory. It is vague, but it makes people feel that there are not actually a hundred people performing sword techniques, but that no one is performing sword techniques.

It seems that those hundred swords have merged into one sword. It makes people feel that there is only one sword in this world.

It seems that there is only this sword in the whole world.

This sword contains unparalleled righteousness!

The resentful soul that rushed forward seemed to be punctured by the sword. It made a soft sound, and its body suddenly burst open, and wisps of black smoke dispersed to the surroundings.

This resentful soul is dead.

Cao Zhen let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, if he used his power to attack a resentful soul, he could still kill the resentful soul. Otherwise, he would really doubt his life.

On the side, Linghu looked at the six golden elixirs behind Cao Zhen alone and the special elixir at that moment. He was stunned. Is this Cao Zhen really the sixth level of the golden elixir?

When he heard rumors before that the champion of the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty was a sixth-level Golden Elixir, he never believed it.

How could the sixth level of the Golden Core be so strong? Now, he really believed it.

This Cao Zhen is really a sixth level golden elixir, and he is even more terrifying when attacked.

That swordsmanship, he had never seen such exquisite swordsmanship in his life.

Cao Zhen is only at the sixth level of the Golden Elixir. How terrifying it would be if Cao Zhen became the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir!

In Linghu's lonely and surprised gaze, two more resentful souls flew down in front of him.

Cao Zhen swung his long sword again and struck out with another sword.

He can naturally use sword skills continuously, but if he uses the same sword skills continuously, and his magic power operates in exactly the same way, if he uses it again, the magic power will not move so fast.

The power of this sword was obviously much greater than the previous one, and with this sword, he stabbed two different resentful souls at the same time.

Although the speed of these two resentful souls is fast, the speed of that sword is even faster.

While breathing, the two resentful souls were stabbed by a sword at the same time. Suddenly, black mist rose from their bodies.

They're hurt!

However, their bodies were not directly stabbed and exploded like before.

Their bodies were slightly stunned by the sword. Behind them, another resentful spirit rushed in front of Cao Zhen. At the same time, he reached out to grab it and slapped it towards Cao Zhen.

On Cao Zhen's body, a golden body-protecting light instantly rose.

Golden light spell!

Suddenly, the golden light curse shook violently.

Cao Zhen felt that at this moment, he seemed to be hit by a towering mountain, but the power of the small resentful soul was surprisingly great.

Although Cao Zhen's golden light spell was not broken under this blow, his body flew back uncontrollably for a distance due to the terrifying impact.

It seems that these resentful spirits don't have any magical powers in their attacks, and they just rely solely on strength and instinct to attack. However, their power seems to have reached the ultimate level of the Golden Core Stage!

But this is absolutely impossible!

The ultimate power of the Golden Core Stage, no matter how strong it is, it is still the Golden Core Stage. It is impossible to make his Golden Light Spell shake like that simply by relying on strength.

Therefore, these resentful souls must have used magical powers.

However, he did not see these resentful souls displaying magical powers just now, so there is only one explanation. These resentful souls had already displayed magical powers before they appeared. They were magical powers similar to Xiaochan Peak and Yaksha Transformation.

Although I don’t know what magical powers they are, after using these magical powers, the bodies of these resentful souls are surprisingly strong from a distance. Although they can be killed, they cannot be killed easily.

And right now, there are still so many resentful souls.

"Stop fighting, and don't use your magical powers to attack them. Leave at full speed." Cao Zhen shouted again, his whole body of mana flowing rapidly, and his flying speed increased again.

When they were escaping before, they had been using magical powers to attack the resentful souls behind them, so their flight speed naturally slowed down.

Now, with the five people flying at full speed, their speed has increased dramatically.

However, the resentful souls behind were not slow either, and were still following behind them.

As Linghu flew alone, he shouted: "What's going on with these resentful souls? Why did they appear so suddenly, and at such a fast speed.

We are all the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, or special beings that are stronger than the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions. Even though we ran with all our strength, we didn’t even get rid of them completely!

Over there, what's going on! "

Suddenly, his eyes widened.

In front of them, they discovered another group of skeletons and resentful souls.

Although the number of these skeletons and resentful souls was not as large as those chasing them later, there were almost hundreds of them in total.

At this time, they were surrounding the entrance of a cave.

They kept wandering around, as if they wanted to enter the cave, but there seemed to be something terrifying in the cave, making them afraid to take a step forward.

"Over there, those resentful souls dare not enter the cave. Moreover, there is a breath in the cave, a human breath. Let's enter the cave!" Linghu Lonely's figure suddenly turned around and flew directly in the direction of the cave. As he flew, He also shouted into the back cave: "Friend, please borrow the cave."

The next moment, a thick voice came from inside the cave.

"No borrowing!"

A thick voice came from inside the cave.

Linghu Lonely didn't care at all and rushed directly into the cave.

Behind, Cao Zhen and others saw this and turned around and rushed over.

Near the cave, the resentful souls and skeletons saw the humans rushing towards them, and one by one they abandoned the entrance of the cave and charged towards the humans in front of them.

Suddenly, Linghu's lonely eyes flashed with light. The speed of these skeletons and resentful spirits was obviously not as fast as those behind them, those resentful spirits and skeletons chasing them.

His heart moved, but he suddenly stopped and walked to the side.

He made a circle to lure these resentful souls and skeletons away, then suddenly turned back and rushed into the cave instantly with the advantage of speed.

At the rear, Cao Zhen and others also rushed into the cave.

Almost as soon as several people rushed into the cave, a huge fireball shot straight towards Linghu's lonely face.

The people in the cave took action. The next moment, Linghu was alone in front of him, and he opened his mouth and took a sudden breath.

In an instant, a huge whale silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him.

The whale's mouth that seemed to be able to swallow the entire world suddenly opened and swallowed the flames in one mouthful, as if it had swallowed some delicious food.

At this time, Cao Zhen and others finally saw the situation in the cave clearly.

This is a long and narrow cave.

Inside the cave, there were three people, two men and one woman.

At this time, the three of them were obviously on guard, and behind the three of them, all the golden elixirs had emerged.

These three people are all the existences of Jindan Dzogchen.

Two of the men had six golden elixirs of visions, and the other woman had five golden elixirs of visions.

The strength of the three of them is not weak. Being able to go so deep into the ruins at this time would be impossible without some strength.

However, these people in front of me.

After hearing the shouts from the people outside, the three people immediately realized that something was wrong. The three of them released their combat power at the same time. After discovering that someone had entered, one of them was the first to release a magical attack.

However, his magical power was easily resolved.

And next.

The three of them looked at the five people who entered in front of them, and the golden elixirs behind them. For a moment, they felt that their eyes would go blind.

Visionary golden elixirs, all are visionary golden elixirs!

Among these five people, four actually have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

Although the strength of the three of them is strong, it depends on who they are compared with.

These people in front of me, how could they be opponents!

These people have now broken into this place, and they have also taken action against each other. If these people take action.

For a moment, the hearts of the three of them sank to the bottom.

Linghu looked at the three people in front of him alone. Although he was attacked, he did not attack these three people immediately. He had been taking risks almost all his life, and he even practiced in taking risks.

So he understands these people very well.

In this kind of ruins, no one knows who the other person is.

If it were him, if someone suddenly wanted to break into his place, he would refuse or even attack.

So he understood and didn't get angry because of it, but the team he was in now was not his decision.

He turned back to look at Cao Zhen behind him.

The three people opposite naturally followed Linghu's lonely gaze and looked at the only person opposite them who was not the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.

Cao Zhen felt Linghu's lonely gaze, took a step forward, and asked the three strangers in front of him, "What's going on?"

The three people opposite were suddenly shocked. They could see that the other person was a sixth-level golden elixir. They didn't understand. The four people opposite were all existences of the ten-dimensional golden elixir. Why should they fight with a person who only had the golden elixir? People from the sixth level form a team?

Moreover, with the current situation, it is obvious that the other party is led by this person at the sixth level of the Golden Core.

Now is the Little Era period when the world is reversed, and the most powerful one is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. What kind of person can be accompanied by four golden elixirs of ten visions?

Could it be that he is the leader of some force or the leader's child? Although the leader of their forces is asleep, their leader will definitely wake up after the Thousand Caves Reversal Minor Era is over. At that time, they will still have to rely on this person.

So, these four people follow this sixth level of golden elixir?

This time, when they entered the ruins, were they also responsible for protecting each other?

That should be it.

However, I don’t know what force can dispatch four of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen at once.

But not any force can have so many Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection.

Even many of the powerful immortal sects they know do not have so many Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfections. It must be the most top-notch strength to have four Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfections!

The three of them quickly figured out each other's identity. Among them, the female cultivator hurriedly explained: "Fellow Taoist, it was us who were rude before. There are four of us here, and we have offended three powerful people before. We managed to escape by luck, but one of our companions also died.

Just now, we found someone breaking in and thought it was our enemy who came to our door, so..."

"That's not the question I'm asking." Cao Zhen waved his hand and found that the other party had misunderstood, thinking that he was asking the other party to explain why he attacked.

In fact, he could also understand why the other party attacked suddenly.

Moreover, this time they did force their way in. If the other party attacked, he would not say anything, let alone kill them directly.

What's more, it wasn't him who was attacked by these people. The one who was attacked was Linghu Lonely, who didn't even attack, so he wouldn't do it.

"I'm asking about the situation outside. Do you know what's going on with those skeletons and those resentful souls? And why don't they enter here?"


I finally saved a few manuscripts. So, I made an automatic update schedule. As a result, I didn't know how I did it and I didn't get it right. . . . . Because I have to upload a new article today, I figured the automatic update would end today. As a result, I discovered that I had not posted any manuscripts in the past few days. . . . . . Maybe I didn't do it well myself. Sorry everyone, from now on I will just finish writing every day and upload it every day. I no longer want to use any high technology

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