The huge tornado hurricane exploded, and the terrifying impact blew Cao Zhen and the other five people away, and they all fell heavily to the sand on the ground.

All five people were injured, but the circumstances of their injuries were different.

Cao Zhen relied on his stronger body and more magical powers to protect his body. Although he looked like a bloody man, with streaks of bright red blood flowing out, most of them were just external injuries.

With the protection of the Qiankun Bagua Talisman, Lingxi's injuries even seemed lighter than Cao Zhen's.

If it were Yan Yourong before, she would not have any means to save her life, but she has developed the unique skills of the Five Elements Peak and can borrow the power of the Five Elements to protect herself.

Naturally, her character is still more offensive, and her sword is still strong enough, but even so, her injuries are only slightly worse than Cao Zhen's eyes, more of them are external injuries, and she only suffered a little internal injuries.

As for Linghu Gudu, this guy is definitely an extremely stubborn guy.

It's a big deal for others that they have one shield for such a defense, but he might as well have two!

Cao Zhen could see that Linghu Gudu was by no means a simple Golden Elixir of Ten Visions. He even felt that Linghu Gudu also had the strength to enter the top ten in the Zhenxian Dynasty Immortal Martial Arts Competition.

Thinking about it, if Linghu Lonely didn't have any special means, if he really dared to join forces with so many people, he wouldn't be afraid that others would join forces to kill him after seeing the treasure in the end!

However, Linghu Guo's strength was definitely not as good as Yan Yourong, but in the explosion of the tornado, Linghu Guo's injuries were worse than Yan Yourong.

Among the five people, Li Ke was the most seriously injured!

The cultivation levels of Li Ke and Linghu Gu Gu were originally the weakest among the five, and she was not as stubborn as Ling Hu Gu Gu.

Under the bombardment of the endless wind, her whole body instantly turned into a bloody person. She opened her mouth and spurted out large mouthfuls of blood. She was knocked unconscious by the bombardment and fell heavily to the ground.

They also fell to the ground. When Cao Zhen and others fell, they also used their own magic power to control their bodies to weaken the terrifying impact. However, Li Ke was severely injured and fell into a coma. How to use Mana, how to control the body, she really fell to the ground from a high altitude.

As soon as she fell, the blood on her body gushed out like a fountain.

Endless sand and stones flew into the sky, and she smashed a huge pit into the desert, and the whole person fell into the huge pit.

Cao Zhen ignored the blood coming out of his body and immediately flew to Li Ke's side. He could no longer even feel Li Ke's life breath.

The injured condition of Li Ke in front of him is not much better than that of Yu Tuoyu who blew up the golden elixir.

He looked at Li Ke who had fallen into a coma, quickly picked her up, and at the same time raised his hand to enter Li Ke's Qiankun bag.

He reached out and opened Li Ke's Qiankun bag. Take out a nirvana pill.

He remembered that Li Ke said that she had never taken the Nirvana Pill!

Therefore, Li Ke can use the Nirvana Pill!

Cao Zhen quickly stuffed the Nirvana Pill into Li Ke's mouth. At this time, she pulled out a piece of clothing from Li Ke's Qiankun Bag and put it on Li Ke.

Then he turned to look at everyone and said: "How are everyone's injuries? If we can still continue flying, let's go first and find a cave first."

If they were all in peak condition, in the dark night, even if they encountered those skeletons and resentful souls, although it would give them a headache, they would still have a way to escape.

But in their current state, everyone was injured. If he encountered skeletons and resentful souls again in the dark night, he really had no confidence that he could escape.

This time when he came to the ruins, he expected to encounter trouble, but all the troubles he expected came from people.

For example, numerous Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen besieged them.

Therefore, he was not as high-profile at first, and did not want to expose his existence before entering the ruins.

He never imagined that with their current combat power, they would encounter danger during the Little Era when the world was reversed! They would all be injured!

It turns out that this is the danger of the ruins!

This is the path to immortality!

On the road to immortality, never think that you are invincible.

This time, he learned a lesson.

Also, his defense is still not strong enough!

If his armor were thicker, he would be able to avoid being injured and help Li Ke block attacks.

This time it was Li Ke who was injured, and Li Ke also had the Nirvana Pill to take.

However, after using the Nirvana Pill once, it is useless to use the Nirvana Pill again. The next time Li Ke uses it, he must use the Samsara Nirvana Pill he gave.

Li Ke lost one chance to save his life.

Moreover, what if it was not Li Ke who was injured this time, but Lingxi or Yan Yourong? It was useless for them to take Nirvana Pill.

So what should we do?

I am still careless!

"Master, our injuries are not serious." Although Yan Yourong also suffered some internal injuries, she still shook her head and said, "Disciple can leave at any time."

Lingxi also nodded quickly and said: "Master, I can help junior sister."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, thinking about Linghu Gudu. Just when he wanted to ask, Linghu Gudu raised his hand and pointed at the center of the storm. He shouted: "There is a skeleton over there! Before, there were obviously no skeletons nearby, but after the hurricane exploded, a skeleton actually appeared... I'm going to see what's going on."

Linghu Lonely said, and he flew directly towards the skeleton and towards the center of the storm just now.

For a moment, Cao Zhen didn't know how to describe Linghu Lonely. Linghu Lonely seemed to be a very stubborn person, but at this time, he was still flying towards the center of the terrifying wind just now. He was not afraid of that. The wind blows again?

There were five people together just now, and they rushed out. If Linghu was alone, he would not be able to rush out of the center of the strong wind.

Linghu Guguang obviously seemed to be a very serious person, but at this time, he was extremely bold.

Fortunately, the strong wind did not blow, and Linghu Lonely also took two things from the skeleton.

Then, it quickly flew back at an astonishing speed.

Everyone also saw clearly Linghu's lonely and injured treasure. Among them, he held a string of bells in his left hand. It was said to be a string, but in fact there were only two bells, one in the middle, one big and one small. Silver bell.

Cao Zhen didn't know what kind of bell it was, or what kind of magic weapon it was. He glanced at the bell and didn't say much.

After all, this is the bell that Linghu Gudu went to get by himself. He had already obtained the elixir before, so there was nothing wrong with letting Linghu Gudu get the bell.

In Linghu Lonely's other hand, he was holding a map. On one side, it looked exactly like the map they got, but this map looked much larger.

"Another map?"

Cao Zhen looked at the map in Linghu's lonely hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This map is different. We will study the map when we get back. Now, let's find the cave first?" Linghu Gu said as he reached out his hand and threw the map to Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen is their leader. Anyway, they will study this map together later, so it doesn't matter if it is thrown to Cao Zhen.

Moreover, he came back with a magic weapon. Although he has not studied the magic weapon yet, he can already feel the power of the magic weapon.

Cao Zhen and others just glanced at the magic weapon without asking anything. Obviously, this was a tacit agreement to give the magic weapon to him.

In this case, he should give the map to Cao Zhen.

"Okay, let's go find the cave now."

Cao Zhen hugged Li Ke and the group quickly flew forward.

They had previously followed the direction of the map and flew all the way to the east, but as they flew all the way, they discovered that there was still an endless desert ahead of them and there were no caves at all.

On the other hand, you can vaguely see mountains in that direction.

"Turn around. Keep flying towards the east. There are no mountains. Let's go to the south temporarily and find the mountains first."

Soon, Cao Zhen and others turned around and flew in the direction of Youfa Shan.

Although they could see the mountain, that was because the mountain was too high.

They flew for more than half an hour before they arrived around the mountain, and it took them another half hour to find the cave.

Today was their third day entering the ruins, but in the previous two days, they had been visiting other people's caves. Today, they finally no longer have to visit caves.

This cave seemed smaller than the caves they encountered before.

After several people entered the cave, Cao Zhenlike placed Like at the back of the cave.

He hugged Li Ke all the way, and he could clearly feel that Li Ke's body was getting hotter and hotter, and even slowly, Li Ke's body was ignited with flames, and the clothes he put on Li Ke's body were instantly burned. talk.

Layers of flames burned and enveloped Li Ke, but it was impossible to see Li Ke clearly.

Later, when Cao Zhen arrived, he even had to wrap himself with magic power. Even so, he felt that his hands and body were burned by the flames rising from Li Ke.

He had just put Li Ke down, and suddenly, the ground below was instantly burned, revealing the smooth stone wall.

This stone wall is not only found on both sides of the cave. There are also smooth stone walls below and above the cave.

At this time, Li Ke's whole body was burning with blazing flames. She looked like a huge silkworm chrysalis, but her outer skin was made of flames.

A strong breath of life continued to flow in all directions, and Cao Zhen even vaguely felt a special breath.

Linghu was alone in the cave. Suddenly, he felt the breath coming from Li Ke, his eyes widened suddenly, and he exclaimed: "This breath, this is the breath of reincarnation, the breath of Nirvana! She... I know Yes, she is good at flames, so she must have a body of fire, she must have taken the Nirvana Pill!"

He has traveled all over the country for so many years, so he knows about the Nirvana Pill. He knows even better that no matter how serious the injury is to Li Ke, who is a fire body, he can recover after taking the Nirvana Pill, and he can even make further progress! There is no need to worry about Li Ke.

At the moment, it is time to treat his injuries first.

Although several of them were not seriously injured, they were still injured.

Soon, Cao Zhen and Linghu left the cave alone and changed out of their blood-stained clothes, which were already dressed like beggars. After stopping the bleeding, they returned to the cave.

In the cave, Lingxi and Yan Yourong also changed their clothes.

They did not rush to study the map, but each sat cross-legged and began to practice.

On Cao Zhen's body, rays of healing light rose, rapidly healing the wounds on his body.

While everyone was being treated, the sunset gradually fell.

Between the mountains, two men, two women, and four figures were moving rapidly.

Suddenly, one of the four people, a thin man with a huge head, twitched his nose slightly, pointed towards the distance and shouted: "There is the smell of blood over there. Moreover, it should have dried up." The smell of blood.”

"Let's go over and take a look."

The four people changed their direction instantly, and under the leadership of the big-headed man, they flew towards the direction where the smell of blood came from. Soon, a cave appeared in their sight, and in front of the cave, there were two pieces that were already rotten. Shameless bloody clothes.

"There's a cave!"

The four of them raised their eyes and glanced at the sky. Two of the men took a step back slightly, while the other two women could only stand outside the cave. They raised their hands toward the cave and said crisply: "Guys, it's getting late. How about we borrow the cave?"

The sound is clear and crisp, like Huang Li coming out of the valley.

As the voice fell, the two women also stepped into the cave at the same time.

As for Cao Zhen, when he heard the voice, six visionary objects suddenly appeared behind him. If it had been before, he would not have unleashed his combat power.

Even though they were both injured now, neither he nor Ling Xi had much impact on their combat power.

Even Yan Yourong only suffered some internal injuries, but it was not appropriate to take action. However, if she did, she would still be severely injured in an instant, and she would have the strength to kill the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Perfection.

Soon, two women appeared in his sight.

Of these two women, one was dressed in white and full of fairy spirit, while the other was in a long blue dress and looked extremely pure.

Behind the two women, two more figures emerged.

Although the two women were not as stunning as Ling Xi and Yan Yourong, they were still rare beauties.

But neither of the two men who appeared next looked normal.

One of them was a thin man, but his head was extremely large.

The other man was unusually short in stature. He was obviously an adult, but he looked even shorter than Xiao Beiyan, like a dwarf among mortals.

Although the two men looked strange, they exuded a sense of righteousness and did not have any sleazy air.

The four people entered the cave and saw at a glance the six golden elixirs of vision behind the person sitting at the front.

At the same time, they also discovered three other people who were recovering from their injuries.

And, at the very end, there is the burning flame, the rich breath of life emitted by the flame, and the faint breath of reincarnation and nirvana.

Suddenly, the eyes of the four people were slightly startled, but then the two women looked back. Among them, the woman in white looked at Cao Zhen, who had six golden elixirs of visions, and slightly cupped her hands and said: "This Taoist Friends, it doesn’t have to be like this, we don’t mean any harm.”

As she spoke, she seemed to want to prove that she had no ill intentions. She even turned around, stretched out a hand and pointed outside: "It has begun to get dark. We have not found the cave. At this time, it is not possible to find the cave." We were not allowed to look for the cave again, so we entered the cave where you are and took shelter temporarily for one night.

Guys, we really don't have any ill intentions. "

After saying that, she turned around again, looked at the crowd and said, "Fellow Taoists, you can rest assured that the four of us are all from famous and upright sects. The four of us are disciples of the Yin-Yang Sect from the Tianli Dynasty."

Cao Zhen had never heard of the Yin Yang Sect, not even the Tianli Dynasty.

Fortunately, they have a know-it-all here.

Linghu Lonely heard the sound and immediately smiled and said: "It turns out that you are from the Tianli Dynasty. Speaking of which, your Tianli Dynasty is close to the north of the Zhenxian Dynasty. This is the south of the Zhenxian Dynasty. I didn't expect that you all can say Here."

The woman smiled slightly and explained politely: "It was just a coincidence. The four of us, brother and sister, happened to be passing by nearby, so we saw the ruins appearing and rushed here."

"I see. Speaking of which, I have never been to your Tianli Dynasty. It is said that your Tianli Dynasty has a vast territory, rich resources, beautiful scenery, and the food in the world is unparalleled. Moreover, Tianli Dynasty's Lianda Immortal Sect, one of the Immortal Sects Proficient in the art of yin and yang, an immortal sect is proficient in the art of Bagua. But it makes me yearn for it, but unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to go there."

When the four of them heard each other praising their Tianli Dynasty, proud smiles suddenly appeared on their faces.

The woman in white even invited: "After leaving the ruins, fellow Taoists are welcome to visit our Tianli Dynasty. During the Taoist period, fellow Taoists can go to our Yin Yang Gate and ask for Li Yingli."

As she spoke, she pointed to the woman in blue beside her very enthusiastically and said, "Of course, fellow Taoist, you can also say, go find Huang Xihui."

After speaking, she paused slightly, then pointed to the two men and said, "Also, Jin Quanguo and Li Zhenlong are both fine."

"Of course, if I can leave the ruins by then, I will definitely go to Tianli Dynasty."

Cao Zhen listened to the conversation between Linghu Gudu and the woman, and transmitted the message into the secret with curiosity, and asked Linghu Gudu: "What is the situation in the Tianli Dynasty? There is also the Yin and Yang Gate. The land is so vast and the resources are so rich? Why haven't I heard of it? So a dynasty?”

When Linghu Gudu heard Cao Zhen's question, he wanted to laugh out loud. He suppressed the smile in his heart and said with a smile: "The land is so vast and the resources are so vast. The Zhenxian Dynasty is as big as the Tianli Dynasty, which is more than a hundred years old! That's not the case. What a big dynasty.

The reason why I say that they have a vast land, rich resources and beautiful scenery is because the people of Tianli Dynasty are extremely arrogant, so I just say nice things about them.

What other delicacies are there? The mortals of their Tianli Dynasty are miserable. They eat a kind of pickled vegetables all day long, and there is not much meat. "

He was not surprised that Cao Zhen didn't know about the Tianli Dynasty.

Tianli Dynasty was originally far away from the location of Baifeng Sect.

Moreover, Cao Zhen, a reincarnated powerful man, would probably not pay attention to these small dynasties. It is normal not to know.

When Cao Zhen listened to Linghu Lonely's words, he felt like he was in a certain country on earth in his previous life. Some kind of pickled vegetables, isn't that just kimchi?

He asked almost subconsciously: "Are the people from that dynasty shameless?"

"That's not ordinary shamelessness." Linghu Duoguo heard the voice and immediately sent a message into the secret to reply, "Their Tianli Dynasty, from their mortals to their immortal sects, are all shameless to the extreme.

Especially those from the Immortal Sect. They clearly learned magical powers from an Immortal Sect in the Zhenxian Dynasty and learned some magical powers from Immortal Sects in other dynasties, but they insist on saying that those are their magical powers.

Moreover, the magical powers they revealed and secretly learned were the magical powers of those immortal sects that had declined or disappeared.

Also, their country is small and there are few ruins, so when other dynasties have ruins, they will go there. If they get magic weapons or magic weapons from the ruins, after they go back, they will say that it was the birth of their Tianli Dynasty. After the attack, the magic weapons and magic weapons that appeared were the magic weapons and magic weapons left to them by their predecessors in the world of immortal cultivation in the Tianli Dynasty.

I even heard that many people in their Tianli Dynasty said that the ancestors of your Zhenxian Dynasty were from the Tianli Dynasty! "

Cao Zhen exclaimed in his heart, this is so similar, so similar, this is simply the Kimchi Country in the world of immortality!

He continued to ask: "You know so well, so you have been to Tianli Dynasty?"

Linghu heard the sound alone, and explained through the secret message: "Of course I have been there, but that place is not interesting. I stayed for a year and then left. Also, their immortal sect, Tianli Dynasty has two major immortal sects, One of them is the Yin Yang Sect, and you also have another one called the Bagua Sect.

There is also an immortal sect that taught the Jihu Sect, which was once the strongest immortal sect in the Tianli Dynasty. Later, I heard that it seemed that it offended some masters, so the Jihu Sect slowly declined. However, over the years, The Jihu Sect began to slowly rise again, and there was a vague tendency to keep pace with the two major immortal sects.

Anyway, these two major immortal sects, including the Extreme Tiger Sect. They claim to be well-known and upright, but they are shamelessly cruel and have no morals or bottom line at all. However, I don't know if they told too many lies and deceived themselves. They really thought they were from a well-known family.

I thought they had an excellent reputation outside. However, these people are absolutely unbelievable. Even though the two women looked polite, no one knew whether they would attack us later. "

Cao Zhen was speechless for a moment: "Then you still keep them?"

Linghu Lonely sent a message into the secret: "Didn't I say that they are very shameless? They are already here. With their shamelessness, even if we drive them away, they will stay."

"That's right." Cao Zhen nodded, but he became wary.

Those in the Kimchi Country like nothing more than shameless things like sneak attacks.

Outside, the sky was getting darker and darker, but the four people from the Tianli Dynasty seemed to have no intention of taking action. They even took the initiative to guard the entrance of the cave.

"They're hurt."

Suddenly, among the four, the short man suddenly transmitted a message to the other three into the secret passage: "Especially the person at the back, surrounded by flames, was obviously very seriously injured, but I don't know what secret method they used. The woman was repairing her injuries.

As for the other four people, we don’t know the cultivation level of those three people, but the person in front of them is just a sixth-level Golden Core! Being able to be with the sixth level of the Golden Core, the cultivation of those three people would not be very strong.

They are injured, which means that they have experienced a war or encountered danger. Whether they have encountered danger or experienced a war, they are very likely to obtain treasures! "

Huang Xihui took the words and transmitted the message into the secret: "So, we can take action, kill them and get their treasures."

"Okay, no problem, I agree to do it."

"There is no need to take action now. We have just entered here. They will definitely be wary. We will take action in the middle of the night."

"The four of us are the strongest people in the Bagua Sect and the Jihu Sect. We are all the existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. If you want to kill them, it is not easy to catch them. Just do it directly."

"Wait a minute, it's just nightfall. It's better to wait for a while and wait until nothing can be seen outside before taking action. Although we can easily crush them, why do we have to work so hard. In two hours , let’s do it again.”

"Okay, there are four of us, and it just so happens that there are four of us on the other side. One of us will deal with one of them."

"It just so happens that they are also two men and two women. In that case, we will be men against men and women against women."

The four of them quickly assigned targets for their respective sneak attacks, and then closed their eyes to rest.

Time passes slowly.

Unknowingly, it was already two hours later.

Among the people, Li Zhenlong, the shortest one, suddenly sent a message to the other three people into the secret passage: "Everyone, are you ready?"

"It's natural."

"You can take action now!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

Of the four people, only Li Yingli and Jin Quanguo were originally facing Cao Zhen and the others, but as the sound transmission ended, Huang Xihui and Li Zhenlong also turned their heads.

At the same time, behind the four people, ten vision golden elixirs appeared!

The four people took action almost at the same time.

The four Ten Vision Golden Pills were shot at the same time. For a moment, the small cave was filled with vast and boundless breaths, causing the spatial peaks in the cave to shake, and a sacred sound was heard in the air. The sound of a sonic boom.

Wave after wave of sharp breath, even more energy surged around. This breath blew on the surrounding walls, and instantly blew the top layer of the cave down, revealing the smooth stone wall!

On the four people, bright rays of light shone out, radiating in all directions, illuminating the entire cave as bright as day.

In the dazzling light, Huang Xihui was the first to take action. She reached out and grabbed her waist. Suddenly, the silk ribbon that had been tied around her waist, like a belt, flew out. The silk ribbon was as thin as a cicada's wing. Above it, There are even pictures painted on them.

The silk ribbon flew up as if it were a turbulent river flying down, filled with unparalleled power. The next moment, the pattern suddenly bloomed with dazzling light,

The shadow of a giant city emerged.

Capital City!

The capital of Zhenxian Dynasty!

The pattern on this silk ribbon turned out to be the capital city of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

In an instant, it felt as if the entire capital appeared out of thin air and crashed down on Lingxi, one of the four people on the opposite side.

On the other side, a slender sword appeared in Li Yingli's hand. The moment the sword appeared, there was a crisp dragon roar, and endless sharp energy burst out instantly, and then As she waved the sword in her hand, for a while, the small cave was filled with countless shadows of swords, and the air in the cave continued to explode, as if a piece of glass was broken into countless pieces in an instant. .

On the other side, a giant hammer appeared on each of Jin Quanguo's hands.

Among them, the giant hammer in the left hand is in the shape of a ball, all red, exuding a fiery aura, like the sun setting in the sky in the hand.

The giant hammer on its right hand has a weird flat edge, and bursts of gloomy cold air gush out from the giant hammer.

This giant hammer is a yang and a yin.

For a moment, the air to his left seemed to be burning, while the air to his right seemed to be completely frozen.

The next moment, he swung the giant hammer in his hand, causing the world outside the cave to shake.

On the other side, a paper fan appeared in Li Zhenlong's hand. He opened the paper fan with a swipe and shook it in the direction of Cao Zhen.

The four people launched attacks at the same time, and opposite the four of them, the four of Cao Zhen released their combat power instantly.

Behind Cao Zhen, six vision golden elixirs and a heretic golden elixir appeared instantly, and his aura climbed to the top.

Behind him, in Lingxi, were Yan Yourong and Linghu Lonely. Behind the four of them, ten golden elixirs of visions also appeared at the same time.

Linghu Gudu had already mentioned the other party's shamelessness, and they had been paying attention to each other. The other party's sneak attack had no meaning at all.

Opposite him, Li Zhenlong looked at the strange golden elixirs that suddenly appeared. For a moment, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

Among the four people opposite, three of them were the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

Why do the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen and the others want to be together with a sixth-level Golden Elixir?

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

So what if the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!

They are the masters of the Tianli Dynasty, and they are also the existence of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection. The masters of their Tianli Dynasty are even stronger beings. Moreover, all the three Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection on the opposite side are injured. The body is even less likely to be their opponent.

What's more, the other party also has a sixth level golden elixir.

He first solved the sixth level of the Golden Core, and then helped the other three people to kill the other three people.

Even if the opponent has three golden elixirs of ten visions, the outcome of this battle cannot be changed.

A ferocious smile appeared on Li Zhenlong's face, and with the waving of the paper fan in his hand, gusts of strong wind blew straight towards Cao Zhen.

Behind Cao Zhen, the visionary golden elixir with magical powers suddenly bloomed, and magical powers emerged from his body instantly.

Li Zhenlong's eyes suddenly shrank, and he looked at the body-protecting light emitted from Cao Zhen's body in surprise.

What's happening here? Why can this person suddenly release so much body-protecting light? This person with the sixth level of Golden Core, he released ten kinds of magical powers in an instant?

How could someone release so many magical powers in an instant? No one from the Goryeo Dynasty could do it. How could this person do it?

A cover-up, this must be a cover-up!

It's impossible for him to release ten magical powers in an instant, besides. So what if he really releases ten magical powers?

How could a small sixth-level golden elixir block his own attack? Even if he didn't use all his strength, that kid couldn't block his attack!

The next moment, wind blades fell one after another. Suddenly, rays of light shook crazily around Cao Zhen. On the outermost side of the light, the shadows of dragons and tigers kept circling, resisting the wind blades.

In just a moment, the phantom of the dragon and tiger shattered, but there was still a second, third, and fourth protective ray of light...

The wind blade fell, but it only penetrated three of the body-protecting magical powers, not even the fourth body-protecting magical power!

Li Zhenlong was stunned for a moment. What is going on?

Why is this happening?

How could a sixth-level golden elixir block his own attack?

Block it once, right?

He didn't believe it himself, he could still block his second attack and block his full attack!


A sinister look suddenly appeared in his eyes, and surging mana poured into the paper fan around him. Then, the paper fan in his hand suddenly flapped, and in an instant, a loud noise was heard.

Because the sound came from the cave and echoed on the surrounding walls, it seemed to be extremely loud. It made people feel that the cave seemed to be shattered instantly by this loud noise!

Everyone was clearly in the cave, but with the waving of the paper fan, a purple thunder suddenly appeared in the cave. At this moment, the entire cave was dyed purple, and purple arcs jumped around the thunder, just like purple. electric snake!

When the thunder shot out, the space shattered wherever it passed, making crisp sonic boom sounds.

This thunder shot out from the paper fan, but it gave people the illusion that the thunder was falling from the sky. The thunder was clearly pouring out of the cave, but at this moment, the world outside the cave was crazy. Trembling, the mountains around the cave collapsed crazily. The world seemed to be destroyed at this moment. It seemed that the cave was not destroyed only because of the special stone wall.

It seems that except for the cave, everything will be turned into powder under this terrifying power!

Cao Zhen looked at the falling thunder, and the long sword appeared in his hand. The endless magic power in his body gathered, condensed on the long sword, and stabbed the thunder with force!

This sword did not use any sword technique, but was a sword that gathered his current sword intention. The sword fell down and stabbed the falling thunder in the front. In an instant, the entire thunder broke from the middle, divided into more than ten channels, and headed towards Cao Zhen's body. It flew away from both sides and landed on the smooth wall behind, making a muffled sound.

Li Zhenlong was completely stunned.

This was the sixth level of the golden elixir. I had just exerted all my strength, but with one blow, it was actually broken open by a sixth level of the golden elixir, and it was still broken without any tricks.

The opponent just stabbed him with a sword. With the opponent's sword intention and the opponent's pure aura, he managed to break through his own attack.

How could a sixth-level golden elixir surpass him in terms of magic power, purity of breath, and pure strength?

Secret method, this boy must have used a special secret method. People from all major dynasties are extremely shameless and like to practice various secret methods.

This person must also be used for secret magic.

Secret method, let’s see how long he can persist!

Li Zhenlong's mana surged crazily, and he quickly waved his paper fan. For a moment, the thunder that moved in front of him appeared and struck Cao Zhen.

For a time, countless thunderbolts were shot out, and there seemed to be countless electric snakes dancing in the air. Each thunderbolt could easily tear apart the space.

Cao Zhen looked at the falling thunder and sneered. Behind him, several thunder magical powers, including the Five Thunder Zhengfa, and even the golden elixir containing the flame magical power, suddenly bloomed with bright brilliance.

The next moment, countless thunderbolts also fell, but they were more terrifying and more numerous than the thunderbolts shot by Li Zhenlong.

In the small cave, countless thunderbolts collided together in an instant. For a moment, a loud sound that seemed to destroy the earth was heard.

Outside the cave, the mountain where the cave is located is trembling crazily. On the mountain, huge boulders are constantly falling to the ground, and even some peaks have a faint tendency to fall due to the terrifying power in the cave.

Under the collision of thunder, all the thunder released by Li Zhenlong dissipated. But Cao Zhen's thunderbolt was still shooting towards Li Zhenlong.

how so!

Li Zhenlong couldn't understand it at all. This kid with the sixth level of the Golden Core actually released ten kinds of magical powers again. Moreover, he could be sure this time that the opponent's ten kinds of magical powers were not some kind of deception, but the real ten kinds of magical powers!

Although the opponent's ten magical powers don't feel particularly scary, they are ten magical powers!

And what he used was just a magical power, how could he resist it!

With horror in his heart, two rays of light, one black and one white, suddenly shot out from his body. Then, he opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of blood, which sprayed directly on the paper fan.

For a moment, the originally white paper fan turned extremely red.

Secret method!

He also cast a secret spell!

Looking at the falling thunderbolts, he quickly waved his paper fan. For a moment, flaming fireballs shot out. The scorching high temperature swept through, igniting the surrounding air, and seemed to be able to burn up all the wasteland. The falling thunder collided together.

Cao Zhen suddenly laughed, flame? Are you the only one who knows the flames?

I have more fire than thunder!

Behind him, a visionary golden elixir released a dazzling brilliance. The next moment, countless flames shot out, instantly turning into a sea of ​​fire, swallowing up all the flames released by Li Zhenlong, and completely swallowing up Li Zhenlong!

During the battle between the two, within the ruins, in a cave, influences appeared one after another on the smooth walls. Suddenly, the screen changed, and a battle scene emerged.

In an instant, a series of exclamations came out.

"What is going on? A sixth-level golden elixir is suppressing this ten-dimensional golden elixir of great perfection?"

"Cao Zhen, he must be Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen of the Zhenxian Dynasty, has entered the ruins!"

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