This time, the ruins appeared at the southern end of the Zhenxian Dynasty. The ruins appeared, and the vision of heaven and earth lasted for a long time. Therefore, the people who entered the ruins were not limited to the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Even so, the Zhenxian Dynasty is the largest dynasty in this area after all, and people from all major dynasties have been paying attention to the Zhenxian Dynasty. They naturally know about the Zhenxian Dynasty’s immortals’ competition for martial arts, and they also know that the competition for martial arts The champion of the conference is Cao Zhen.

Some big forces even knew Cao Zhen's appearance through the Shadow Stone.

Some people who don't know Cao Zhen's appearance have also heard about Cao Zhen's fighting style and know Cao Zhen's current level of cultivation.

Within the ruins, there are no one knows how many caves and no one knows how many maps there are.

As long as you obtain the map and enter the cave, the influence of other caves will appear on the stone walls of the cave.

Although these effects are random, with so many people watching, someone can always see the presence of Cao Zhen and others.

Saw the battle scene between Cao Zhen and others.

"The sixth level of the Golden Core possesses such strength. Only the legendary Cao Zhen can do it!"

"Cao Zhen...the other people should be his disciples."

"Cao Zhen, with the strength of their Baifeng Sect, it is impossible not to enter such a ruins."

"These two women are Cao Zhen's eldest disciple Lingxi and his second disciple Yan Yourong."

"Then Yan Yourong, her strength is obviously much stronger than what she showed at the Immortals Martial Arts Conference."

In each cave, everyone who saw the fighting scene in the cave where Cao Zhen was was talking about it.

"Strange, why didn't Cao Zhen's other two disciples, Xiang Ziyu and Bei Yan, come? Especially Xiang Ziyu. There was no third place in the Zhenxian Dynasty Immortal Martial Arts Tournament, but if there was a third place, he would definitely It's that Xiang Ziyu. With such a strong fighting force, why didn't he come to the ruins?"

"Don't forget, the Baifeng Sect is in the Zhenxian Dynasty, and the current Zhenxian Dynasty is in chaos. I heard the news before that people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Dalai Dynasty once took advantage of the absence of the masters of the Baifeng Sect. At that time, he made a sneak attack on Baifeng Sect.

Therefore, Baifeng Sect should have left Xiang Ziyu and Beiyan behind in order to prevent similar things from happening. "

"Fortunately, those two people did not enter the ruins with Cao Zhen, otherwise, who could stop them!"

In the cave, Cao Zhen's attack was not only directed at Li Zhenlong, but also at the other three people on the other side.

After all, the cave is only so large, and he releases ten kinds of magical powers at a time.

The hot gathering overlapped and fell towards the other three people.

Jin Quanguo, Li Yingli, and Huang Xihui couldn't even concentrate to resist the falling flames.

At the moment when the three clones were cloned, the attacks of the three people from Lingxi also fell.

Yan Yourong still slashed out with one sword. Although she had some minor injuries, after the sword fell, she was still full of that indomitable momentum. She still gave people the feeling that with one sword, the sun and the moon could be divided, and with one sword falling, all things were extinguished. feeling.

The long sword passed from behind, blocking the front, and the blazing flames displayed by Cao Zhen were instantly separated, and the overbearing and unparalleled sword energy slashed straight towards Li Yingli.

Li Yingli felt the mighty sword energy, and a look of panic instantly appeared on his fair and delicate face. This sword...

This knife even gave her a feeling, as if Tianna Mountain, the tallest and most majestic mountain in their Tianli Kingdom, would be split into two parts instantly under this knife.

This power, how could this be the power that the Golden Core Stage can possess!

Moreover, this person is obviously injured, how can he still have such strong strength!

Although she fired the sword energy, much of the sword energy dissipated under the impact of the flames, and the remaining sword energy was unable to stop the falling sword at all.

The long knife slashed across her chest and struck her hard.

On the other side, behind Linghu Lonely, visionary golden elixirs shot out dazzling light. For a moment, one after another washed away. In the sea water, there was a huge one that could fill the entire cave. The phantom of the giant shark beast!

A domineering, mighty, and bloodthirsty aura spread out.

For a moment, the void outside the cave shook, and the aura was powerful, like a rushing river rushing towards Jin Quan Kingdom.

Jin Quanguo swung the giant hammer in his hands without giving in, and swung the giant hammer head-on. However, the next moment, the endless sea water formed a huge whirlpool, sucking Jin Quanguo into it.

Lingxi's talismans also gathered together and turned into countless flying knives, shooting towards the people on the opposite side.

In an instant, just a short moment, the attacks of Li Zhenlong and others were all broken.

Among them, Li Lili was cut into two pieces with a single knife.

However, Cao Zhen, Lingxi and Linghu's lonely attacks continued to fall.

Li Zhenlong was even more horrified for a moment. Who are these people?

Why, even though they are also the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, why are these people on the opposite side so strong?

They are all the top beings of Tianli Kingdom, why in a fight, no one can resist the other!

His body was first surrounded by endless flames, but then, streams of water hit him, and then came sharp flying knives that seemed to be able to pierce the earth.

Continuous attacks fell, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

He was originally outside the cave, but now he flew back and flew out of the cave in an instant. Not only him, but beside him, Jin Quanguo and Huang Xihui were also knocked out of the cave.

The sky had already turned completely dark, and there were countless skeletons and resentful souls gathered outside the cave at this time.

If they were knocked out of the cave two hours ago, there might still be a slight chance to escape.

But now, they had just flown out, and they were surrounded by skeletons and resentful souls.

They did not use magical powers, but they grabbed the three of them firmly. Some skeletons grabbed their heads, some skeletons grabbed their bodies, some skeletons grabbed their legs and feet, and some skeletons grabbed their arms.

They struggled wildly, trying to break free, but there were too many skeletons. Some even had two skeletons grabbing one of their legs, and some even had two skeletons grabbing one of their arms. No matter how hard they struggled to break free, they could not break free. Come on.

And the resentful souls have already swooped forward.

The next moment, loud noises were heard.

The three of them, Li Zhenlong, were actually torn apart by skeletons and wronged souls. They were like being torn apart by five horses, and bright red blood rose into the sky.

In a somewhat spacious cave, Ax Maniac looked at the cave where the battle was taking place, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

On the side, the expressions of the other five people suddenly became solemn.

Lan Mei even whispered: "We have encountered this cave before and thought it was not as spacious as our current cave, so we chose this cave. I also specially marked the entrance of the cave so that there would be no wrong!"

"This cave is very close to us, so we are very likely to encounter them!" Tamu whispered, "And we don't know the route they will take, so we are very likely to encounter them tomorrow. We We’ve already got the map, so we can’t change the route.”

"Why do you need to change!" Madman Ax looked at Cao Zhen in the cave with excitement, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

"I have long wanted to compete with Cao Zhen to see how strong the number one person in the Golden Core Stage of the Zhenxian Dynasty is. Now, this opportunity has finally come."

"What do you mean?" Lan Mei's face suddenly changed. She looked at the ax madman in disbelief and asked, "You can't be..."

"That's right, I'm going to find him and have a discussion with him!" Ax Madman stared at Cao Zhen closely, but he didn't even look back as he spoke.

But all around, the rest of the people were shocked.

"Looking for him to spar? There are three ten-dimensional golden elixir Dzogchen beside him. Moreover, these three people are far stronger than the ordinary golden elixir Dzogchen. If they attack in groups."

"Although they were injured, their injuries don't look serious!"

"If a few of us join forces, even though we have more people, the five of us will not be able to stop the other three."

"One of their guys is not with Cao Zhen and the others, but it is not ruled out that the other party will take action."

"It would be unwise to take action against Cao Zhen now."

While everyone was talking about it, Madman Ax finally turned around, looked at a few people, and said with disdain: "What does it have to do with me whether you go or not? Tomorrow, early in the morning, I will go find Cao Zhen."

Listening to Madman Ax's words, Lan Mei secretly calculated in her heart that if Madman Ax fights Cao Zhen tomorrow, there will definitely be great disturbances in the battle.

At that time, it is very likely that other experts will be attracted to go and find out. At that time, if everyone joins forces...

In a narrow cave.

The Eclipse Demon is still as before, at the entrance of the cave, in the most peripheral area.

The interior of the cave.

The third prince looked at the picture on the wall solemnly. He looked at Li Zhenlong and the others who were knocked away. He suddenly turned his head, looked at the Sun Moon Demon, and asked in a low voice: "Who is that man? Why did you come from before?" Never heard of such a master in the Baifeng Sect? How did you, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, investigate?"

The Eclipse Demon was stunned for a moment. He was in charge of the Baifeng Sect. The third prince asked the sect leader, and the sect leader naturally wanted to question him. However, he had never seen such a thing in the Baifeng Sect before. The ten visions of the golden elixir are perfect.


Among the group of people, the only middle-aged man spoke in a low voice: "That person is not from the Baifeng Sect. I have heard of this person. His name is Linghu Linghu, and he is a lone traveler.

Once upon a time, I also wanted to recruit him, but this person's whereabouts were uncertain, so I gave up. I just didn't know why this person got together with the people from the Baifeng Sect. "

"Not from the Baifeng Sect?" The third prince frowned even more for a moment, and after a moment, he whispered: "No matter what, the Baifeng Sect is a trouble.

When we enter the ruins this time, we naturally aim for the core of the ruins. However, if we get the core of the ruins and the largest treasure in the ruins, if we have the chance, we must kill Cao Zhen here. !

However, we cannot change it because of Cao Zhen. Our goal, the relics this time, is of great importance and cannot be lost! Also, we were moving too slowly, and we only had maps but no catalogue.

The map is not important, the important thing is the catalog! "

Many people didn't know about this ruins, but he knew what kind of ruins it was!

An ancestor of their royal family once led people into this ruins. At that time, everyone knew what kind of relic this was!

The skeletons and resentful souls they saw were actually the people who entered the ruins in the first place. They had only one purpose in entering the ruins, to compete for the greatest inheritance in the ruins.

This is a relic that can influence the revival of their dynasty!

Moreover, this time, it was not him who entered the ruins for their royal family!

The people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect he led were just one of the teams.

There is another team led by his fourth brother, the team of the Red Refining Demon Sect.

And he must find the final inheritance before his fourth brother!

Outside the flash where Cao Zhen and others were, Li Zhenlong and others were torn apart, but the magic weapons and universe bags of Li Zhenlong and others remained.

In the cave, Cao Zhen took a breath from the air and immediately sucked back the magic weapons one by one.

Then, he opened the Qiankun bag, and suddenly pieces of exotic medicinal materials and weapon refining materials came into his sight, as well as many inherited secret books, and a map.

"The map is another map. It's strange how this map is different from the map we saw before. The route forward is completely different."

Cao Zhen looked at the map and frowned. Before he could see the map clearly, the map quickly flew up and landed on the stone wall nearby.

On the stone wall, a picture appeared again.

While everyone looked at the pictures on the stone wall, they checked other things they had harvested in front of them.

"No, four people, they are not from the Yin-Yang Sect." Linghu checked the Qiankun bags of Li Zhenlong and others alone, and cursed in a low voice, "Shameless, they are really shameless. I just said, Yin-Yang Sect, why There can be four Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen. It turns out that these four people are from the Bagua Sect and the Jihu Sect.

How do we divide these things? "

Cao Zhen pointed at the Qiankun bag and said: "All the medicinal materials belong to me, and you can divide the rest as you see."

He has no interest in the magic weapons of these people at all, and he has no shortage of magic weapons. What's more, people in a small place like Tianli Kingdom, what good magic weapons can they come up with.

"By the way, didn't we get a big map before? Let me see what map it is?" Cao Zhen curiously took out another map and said: "Now, a map has flown to the wall. This one The field map should not fly to the wall again."

As soon as he finished speaking, the larger map he took out in front of him suddenly flew up and landed directly on the wall.

In an instant, all the pictures on the entire wall that had been changing pictures completely disappeared.

The next moment, chaos appeared on the screen.

Suddenly, the chaos split, and the world was divided into two. One part rose up and became the sky, while the other part remained on the ground and became the earth.

The heaven and earth suddenly opened, and the space continued to fragment, fluctuate, and faintly, and there was a mysterious and mysterious aura lingering.

The scene in front of Cao Zhen's intuition was full of shock.

He had never felt so shocked.

The beginning of heaven and earth?

Could the scene in front of me be the scene of the first opening of heaven and earth?

The sky and the earth separated, and above the horizon, the sun, moon, and stars emerged, and moved to the appearance of floating clouds.

On the earth, the ground is constantly colliding. Some of the earth squeezes towards the middle to form high mountains, and some of the earth collapses to form rift valleys. Rivers, waterfalls, grasslands... all kinds of landforms that can be seen today emerge one by one.

But for a moment, the picture they could see was no different from the world they saw now.

On the earth, there are countless alien beasts emerging. One by one, alien beasts shuttle through the forest, run on the earth, and soar in the sky.

Soon, in the crowd's time, a very small village appeared

This village is just an ordinary mortal village.

People in the village watch at sunrise and rest at sunset.

None of this seems to be anything special.

Soon, more and more villages appeared, and the villages began to fight with each other.

Some villages were annihilated, and the villagers either joined other villages or fled together to other villages.

And more villages appeared, forming towns.

Towns and cities formed countries.

After one country emerged, more and more countries emerged.

Among them, some countries are rich and powerful, and some countries are poor.

At this time, immortals began to appear one after another. They flew into the sky and escaped from the earth, and were omnipotent. Some of them did not regard the mortals in front of them as their kind, and brutally killed the mortals crazily.

More and more mortals are dying, and Heaven seems to be in wrath at this time.

In the void, countless sky horizons appeared, and violent winds, flames, and thunders continued to fall, bombarding the immortals one by one.

In the sky, powerful immortals began to lead the immortals in their sects to fight against the heavenly calamity!

Immortals began to appear on the screen.

In the picture closest to him, an immortal with white hair, black eyes, and white clothes flew into the sky. He held a sharp sword in his hand, and his whole person was completely integrated with the sword, making people feel vaguely. Can't tell the difference between the sword and him.

It seems that he is the entire sword, and it seems that this world is the world of the sword. It seems that this sword is the center of the world.

The sword is his way.

And it was pure swordsmanship. He only practiced swordsmanship and did not practice any other swordsmanship!

He thrust out a sword toward the sky, giving people the illusion that the sword was really going to pierce the sky. The void suddenly shattered, and in the void, falling flames, thunder, ice, heavy water, and all kinds of catastrophes , all disappeared under this sword.

Cao Zhen looked at this sword and was completely immersed in it.

He has heard the saying that one sword can break the heaven and the earth, and one sword can break the universe.

At the moment, he felt that what this sword broke was not the heaven and earth, but the way of heaven!

A sword tore through the void and penetrated into the ninth heaven.

This sword made even Heaven give way.

Cao Zhen, unknowingly, even felt that he was this immortal at this time.

He didn't know how to do swordsmanship before, but after receiving the swordsmanship inheritance from Tianhuan Sword Lord, he already understood what a sword was. But at this time, looking at this sword, he felt that what he saw was no longer a sword. The sword is a giant mountain that towers into the clouds and the top cannot be seen at all.

This swordsmanship, his swordsmanship, I don't know how advanced it is.

At this moment, he felt that he was the immortal, he was feeling the sword, and he was fighting against this terrifying catastrophe!

He really didn't know what kind of cultivation this immortal had, but he knew that among all the immortals he had seen in today's world, not even the Lord Huanjian that day, no one could compare with this immortal.

The next moment, he felt the space around him shake violently.

The earth, the void, and every inch of space in this world were torn apart, and space turbulence struck from all directions.

And the time in this world has changed into complete chaos, sometimes day and sometimes night, countless thunder, ice, and flames fall, strong winds roar, and volcanoes collapse.

But that immortal, or rather him, still defeated it with one sword.

He has only practiced swordsmanship all his life, and he only knows how to swordsmanship. Everything can be destroyed with one sword!

Beside Cao Zhen, several other people were also looking at the stone wall in front of them, but the picture they saw was different.

What Lingxi saw was an immortal using a talisman. In the immortal's hand, the talisman was ever-changing. Sometimes it was a shield, sometimes it was a turtle shell, and sometimes it was like an umbrella cover, blocking the fall of the catastrophe.

What Yan Yourong saw was a knife...

Everyone sees a different picture at this time. What they see is a picture of the path they are good at. Each of them brought themselves into it.

Even in the distance, Li Ke, who was surrounded by flames, seemed to have consciousness, and the flames around her were constantly fluctuating.

Suddenly, between heaven and earth, unparalleled pressure fell.

The next moment, a boundless fear suddenly rose from his heart.

Thunder, violent winds, flames... countless catastrophes seemed to merge into one at this moment, turning into a giant palm holding the sky and slamming down, as if the entire void was falling.

In an instant, the whole world was shattered, and his spirit was in a trance.

He was no longer on the immortal, but stood in the cave, and the scene on the stone wall in front of him began to change.

The whole world seemed to be in ruins at this time.

Among the ruins, some of the immortals who had previously contended with Heaven's Way had completely perished, while others had suffered heavy losses.

Among them, there is even an immortal who has been reincarnated!

This time, he was not reborn into an ordinary mortal family, but into a royal family.

However, he was soon carried out of the palace and escorted by a guard into an ordinary mortal family.

When Cao Zhen saw the scene in front of him, he felt strange in his heart. Just now, what he saw was the scene of the beginning of the world, the scene of countless immortal cultivators fighting against the way of heaven.

Even, he was brought into the realm of the great swordsman, felt the sword intention of the great swordsman, and felt the feeling of confronting the way of heaven.

Although I can't make my cultivation soar instantly, I can feel that, this kind of gain, even enlightenment can't compare.

Now, what does this picture mean?

Why do you want to see the reincarnation of a powerful person?

This reincarnated power was reincarnated as a baby, and he was still in the royal family. Apparently due to the struggle for power within the royal family, he was sent out by loyal guards, but what happened after that?

Why watch these?

Cao Zhen continued to look.

The great master did not cultivate and just lived like a mortal. When he was a child, he lived in a small village. Then he slowly grew up and entered the city. Slowly, he entered the court and became an official.

He has never practiced.

He seems to have forgotten that he is a reincarnated power.

He seems to be no different from other officials. The only difference is that officials may be corrupt, but this powerful official is dedicated to the people.

Slowly, his rank became higher and higher, and he was even promoted to the capital, became a capital official, and met the emperor of the dynasty.

But the emperor actually recognized him, and when father and son met, he became a prince of the current dynasty. A few years later, he even became the prince of the current dynasty. Finally, he inherited the throne and became the emperor of the dynasty.

And on the day he ascended the throne.

Suddenly, in the void, the Nine Heavenly Divine Dragon descended from the sky and surrounded his body. Between heaven and earth, every mortal in the dynasty had a light rising from their bodies. Countless rays of light gathered, and from every person in the dynasty, The corner flew up and landed on him.

He took one step forward and flew into the sky.

Reach the sky in one step!

At this moment, colorful lights bloomed all over his body, and Cao Zhen even had a vague feeling that this powerful man was closely connected with his dynasty.

The memory of this powerful man seemed to have been sealed, and on the day he ascended the throne, he seemed to have recovered his memory.

Then he cultivated, governed the country, and recruited disciples.

As the country became more and more prosperous, his aura became stronger and stronger.

Slowly, I don’t know how many years have passed, in the void, the way of heaven fell again, and in the void, thunder, flames, and heavy water emerged, pouring towards the dynasty where he was.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly shrank. Is there another disaster coming from heaven?

In the past, the Heavenly Dao suffered disasters and fell, probably because countless immortal cultivators slaughtered mortals, thus angering the Heavenly Dao.

But what about this time?

This reincarnated great man, after his reincarnation, was dedicated to the people, so why did the heavenly law suddenly descend from the sky again? Moreover, this time, the heavenly tribulation seemed even more terrifying than before.

In the previous sky, flames were flames and thunder was thunder.

But this time, in the void, the falling thunder and flames even turned into huge thunder giants, fire giants, ice giants... Each one was as huge as a mountain, and each one exuded boundless terrifying aura.

There were also thunder, flames, and dust that turned into terrifying alien beasts. After entering the dynasty, they wreaked havoc crazily, seeming to completely destroy the dynasty.

And this great power flew alone to the top of the capital, above and below the sky. Within the dynasty, countless rivers, mountains, immortals, and mortals were surrounded by rays of light. They rose up and gathered around this powerful person.

In this light, the great power fights with the way of heaven and resists the existence of heavenly calamity.

In the heavenly realm, terrifying giant hands that seemed to be falling from the void kept slapping down. Faced with the slapping of this terrifying giant hand, the previous immortals all fell down in an instant, with countless deaths and injuries.

But this immortal raised his hands. On his hands was a map. What was drawn on the map was this world and his dynasty.

The map unfolded, and it seemed that the power of the entire dynasty in this world was gathered in it.

With the support of all the forces in the entire dynasty, he fought against the law of heaven again and again.

The giant hand of the void kept slapping down.

Every time the giant palm falls, the whole world will tremble crazily.

The void shattered, and the sun, moon, stars, rivers, mountains... everything in this space seemed to be shattered.

But this reincarnated powerful man has been resisting this terrifying attack.

Until Chapter 36: Falling, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, the picture broke, and he also fell.

But the map turned into five parts and fell on the earth.

The map is broken, the mighty man dies, and the dynasty is destroyed!

However, countless years later, a huge ruin appeared in the capital of the dynasty.

The next moment, the picture disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

It had not been long since the scene on the stone wall appeared, but Cao Zhen felt as if countless years had passed.

After a while, he came back to his senses, looked at the people around him and said: "This should be the scene of the birth of the ruins. I am afraid that these ruins were transformed from the five broken maps. And the one in my hand This picture may be one of those five pictures.”

As his words fell, the map flew down in front of his eyes.

Before, they had obtained other maps with routes. When those maps fell on the wall, after they flew down, there would be a route, which was a route to somewhere.

But at this time, when the map fell, it was empty, like a piece of white paper.

Cao Zhen was suddenly startled: "It turned into a blank sheet of paper?"

He turned to look at Linghu Gudu and asked: "After you got the map before, what was on the map?" Linghu Gudu was the first person among the people to get the map.

Linghu Guxiang didn't even think about it: "It's a picture, a mountain and a river, and a person. It's completely different from the map we got before. That's why I said it was different at the time. But now, the scene on the map is actually Disappeared."

As he spoke, a look of memory appeared on his face, and he recalled: "However, the picture on the map before seemed to have the picture I just saw, so after we looked at it, the map disappeared?

This map was obviously left by that powerful being. But why does the screen disappear? Is it because of insufficient mana or something else? And what’s the use of this map without any pictures?

We still know too little about this ruins. However, no matter what, this map has given us great benefits just now.

I won’t tell you anymore. I’ll just absorb what I just learned. "

Not only Linghu was alone, but everyone also sat down cross-legged and began to recall what they had just realized and everything they had felt.

They had this realization and before they knew it, one night had passed.

It's bright.

Cao Zhen raised his eyes to look at the bright sky and stood up.

He looked back at the crowd and said: "Let's go, let's continue on our way, let's follow the previous route first."

He entered this ruins mainly to kill the people of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, but now, he is full of interest in this ruins.

After finishing the painting, he saw two scenes of heavenly fall and catastrophe.

He has also experienced heavenly tribulation, but he felt that the heavenly tribulation he experienced was not a heavenly tribulation at all compared to the one seen in the picture.

Especially at the end, when the giant hand of heaven falls, it feels like it is going to destroy the entire world.

For the first time, under the giant hand of heaven, all the masters in that world at that time did not block a blow.

But the second time, the reincarnated powerful man blocked thirty-five attacks just by himself.

What a powerful existence that is.

In other words, he actually did not rely on the thirty-five attacks blocked by one person, but borrowed the power of the entire dynasty.

I just don’t know how he made the entire dynasty’s power work for him.

While Cao Zhen was thinking, everyone stood up one after another.

One night, Li Ke did not wake up, and her whole body was still wrapped in flames. They did not know when Li Ke would wake up, but they could clearly feel that Li Ke's aura was getting stronger.


Cao Zhen walked out of the cave, but his eyes suddenly froze. In the void, a figure flew towards their direction at an alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, this figure had fallen in front of him.

This man's hair was disheveled, and his whole person was full of wild aura.

"Axe Madman?"

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment. Isn't this the ax madman he saw before? Crazy Ax is with Lan Mei and others. Crazy Ax is here, but what about the other five people?

Around him, several people in Lingxi also recognized Madman Ax and looked around.

Madman Ax understood immediately when he saw everyone's appearance, and said solemnly: "It seems that you have also seen us, there is no need to look for it anymore, those five guys did not follow us.

Of course, I don’t know if they will come after a while. Perhaps, they will secretly hide in the mountains and forests somewhere and observe us.

None of these are important. "

As Madman Ax spoke, his eyes fell on Cao Zhen. His strong fighting spirit rose to the sky and he said loudly: "Cao Zhen, the first master of the Zhenxian Dynasty and the Golden Core Stage, I wanted to fight with you a long time ago. After a long battle, I finally encountered this opportunity today. Come on, fight me!"

After Cao Zhen saw Ax Madman, he already guessed Ax Madman's purpose. After all, Linghu Gudu had introduced Ax Madman, and he knew that he was a martial arts idiot.

However, he was a little curious: "How do you know that I am here? Those caves all look the same."

Although Ax Madman is a fighting maniac, after hearing Cao Zhen's inquiry, he still explained: "It's very simple, we have seen the cave you are in before, but we have a more spacious cave, so we didn't leave any In this cave, otherwise, you and I would have fought yesterday."

"It's a coincidence." Cao Zhen nodded slightly in surprise, pointed around and said, "But you also saw that there are still several people on our side. If you come by yourself, aren't you afraid that we will directly join forces to kill you?"

Ax Madman said resolutely: "No, because you are a powerful person, so you naturally have the pride of a powerful person."

Cao Zhenshun said: "Oh? It seems that you know the powerful one very well."

"Of course, because I am also a reincarnated great master." After Madman Ax finished speaking, Lingxi and others were all stunned, seeing another reincarnated great master!

This ax madman is actually a reincarnated power!

Now, they have seen three reincarnated powers.

One of them is their master, and their master is dedicated to the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Another Haoyue Xingjun, it seems, was a reincarnated powerful man who was dedicated to himself, but because he was defeated by his master, he later changed.

The ax madman in front of him was completely different. This was a reincarnated power who only wanted to fight.

In the distance, on top of a high mountain.

Lan Mei and others are hiding here. Ax Madman is coming to fight Cao Zhen. How could they not come? There are too many mountains nearby and there are enough trees. When they deliberately hide their figures and aura, Cao Zhen Zhen and others were unable to discover their existence.

At this time, when several people heard what Madman Ax said, they were all shocked.

"Crazy Ax is actually a reincarnated power?"

"Never heard him mention this before!"

"This guy has been hiding the secret that he is the reincarnated power!"

"He is a reincarnated powerful man, and his combat experience in his previous life must be extremely rich. So why does he need to go everywhere to fight? Shouldn't he practice quickly and improve his cultivation?"

"Maybe it happened that the world was reversed in the Little Era, and he couldn't continue to break through."

"Then there's no need to challenge others everywhere, right? Unless, his path is this, relying on constant fighting and fighting, and breakthroughs all the way?"

Everyone on the mountain was guessing. In front of the cave, Cao Zhen looked at the ax madman who was gathering fighting spirit and soaring into the sky. He seemed to be blowing away the clouds above his head. He wanted to say, I am really not a reincarnated power, and I don’t have that kind of pride. , we are ready to beat you up.

If it were yesterday, would he really have joined forces with everyone to beat up the ax madman in a one-on-one duel?

Isn't it always a one-on-one challenge between a group of people?

But last night, he seemed to be possessed by the immortal, feeling the immortal's sword, and then he saw the sword coming down again and again.

He had so many insights.

Now, seeing the Ax Maniac who came to challenge him, a surge of fighting spirit surged out of him. He wanted to confirm yesterday's insights and his current sword.

"Okay, since you want to fight, then fight." Cao Zhen said, but he stretched out a hand and said, "But we only fight one move. After one move, you go your way, and I Go my way."

He still has a lot to do when he enters the ruins. If he really fights with the ax madman, he may be injured if he wants to decide the winner.

After all, Ax Madman himself said that he was a reincarnated powerful man.

Now, on his side, Li Ke is still in a coma. He still has too many things to do in the ruins. He doesn't want to get ahead of time and fight to the death with Ax Madman, a person who has little involvement and no hatred.

When the madman heard the sound, he just frowned and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "One move is too few, two moves."

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