Outside the cave, Lingxi, Yan Yourong and Linghu Lonely all retreated to the sides. Since Cao Zhen said that he wanted to compete with Ax Madman, they naturally would not disturb him.

Moreover, they were also curious about how powerful the reincarnated power in front of them could be.

Before the two of them could fight, waves of compelling auras were already flowing in all directions.

In the area between the two of them, the air trembled crazily. Under the agitation of the breath, weeds flew up into the air and shattered in mid-air.

Behind Cao Zhen, six vision golden elixirs and heretic golden elixirs all appeared.

On the other side, behind Ax Madman, a huge golden elixir composed of ten visionary golden elixirs also appeared.

Among the ten golden elixirs of visions, there is a vision of a giant axe, a vision of a huge mountain, and a variety of visions of huge ferocious beasts.

Waves of wild aura emanated from his body and continued to fluctuate around him.

Suddenly, Linghu Duoling, who was standing aside, shouted in confusion: "It's strange. According to rumors, when Ax Madman fights with someone, if he is at a higher level of cultivation than the other person, he will suppress himself to the point where he can't compete with him. The opponent is at the same level of cultivation. Cao Zhen is at the sixth level of the Golden Core, so Madman Ax should also push his own cultivation level to the sixth level of the Golden Core."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ax Madman's rising breath suddenly stagnated, and his face froze instantly. When he met Biren before, when the other person's cultivation level was lower than his, he did know how to do it. There is nothing wrong with what you say if you suppress your own cultivation level and fight with the opponent.

But the problem is that the Cao Zhen he faced was already the strongest person in the Jindan stage of the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty at the sixth level of the Golden Core.

Did he lower his cultivation level again and fight Cao Zhen at the sixth level of the Golden Core?

That's just looking for abuse!

He had already begun to raise his momentum and was preparing to fight Cao Zhen, but Linghu Gu Gu's words forced him to interrupt the increase in momentum and turn around to explain.

"Master Cao Peak is different, he is a reincarnated great master. No matter what level of cultivation he is now, and he is respected by the reincarnated great master, I will definitely fight with all my strength!"

After the words fell, he gathered his momentum again.

However, after the interruption just now, he gathered his momentum again, but it was a little weaker than before.

Suddenly, a gust of mountain wind blew by.

The long hair hanging loose behind Ax Madman's back danced wildly in the wind. Behind his back, among the ten golden elixirs of vision, they rapidly grew in size, and violent, bloodthirsty, ferocious, and domineering auras surged out like torrential river water.

The next moment, he finally moved.

Ax Madman was not wearing shoes, but his feet were bare.

But as he raised his foot and collapsed on the ground, the whole earth suddenly shook. A clear huge footprint appeared where his foot fell, and then a clear crack appeared on the ground, with cracks all the way. Moving forward, he rushed directly in front of Cao Zhen. Then, the ground in front of Cao Zhen exploded, and endless smoke and dust rose into the sky, turning the entire space into a gray patch.

While the smoke and dust were flying, Ax Madman's body jumped into the air, and a giant ax emerged from his hands.

After Cao Zhen came to this world, he saw many ax masters and many axes. Some of them had ax blades on both ends, and some axes even had many barbs and small crescent halberds.

At the same time, many axes will be engraved with various patterns, even mysterious runes, and even have various magical powers.

But in front of me, the ax wielded by Ax Madman looks like a very ordinary bronze axe. Apart from the fact that the ax looks unusually huge, there is nothing special about it. In fact, the ax is even covered with The patina looks like it has experienced countless years.

When an ax fell, it was obvious that the ax was a weapon full of power and oppression, but under the ax, Ling Xi and Yan Yourong, who were around, felt that the ax was extremely sharp, as if it could pierce everything in the world. .

As a ray of bronze light streaked across the void, the surrounding space suddenly split open, and the ax light fell, just like the Milky Way falling from the sky in the dark night, filled with a vast and boundless atmosphere.

On the side, Yan Yourong's eyes suddenly widened.

Although she is using a sword, her way of swordsmanship is to pursue one sword, which can determine victory or defeat, and life or death with one sword!

And now, the ax struck by the ax madman gave her the feeling that the ax madman was going to differentiate between life and death with the master with this axe.

Facing an axe, she had a feeling in her heart, one that the ax technique should be used like this, the giant ax should chop like this, no matter any ax technique or any ax, it should cut through the void like this. Right feeling.

She even felt that this was a perfect axe.

This obviously looks like a simple ax falling. There is obviously no other ax shadow behind the void, and there is no change in this axe.

But when she stood aside and saw the ax falling, she even had the illusion that this ax would seal all the retreat routes that Master had found.

This ax seems to have only one purpose, to force her master to fight with this ax!

This ax is extremely powerful and has the potential to sweep through thousands of armies.

Cao Zhen looked at the falling axe, and what came to his mind was the scene of the sword he saw last night. In a daze, he felt that he seemed to have become that immortal man whose name he did not know, fighting against the way of heaven. The calamity of falling.

The long sword in his hand was drawn out involuntarily and stabbed forward.

The reason why he agreed to the Ax Madman's sparring, and the reason why he said it was just a move, was because he wanted to confirm his insights yesterday, and his swordsmanship!

The ax fell by the ax madman looked extremely perfect, but the falling of Cao Zhen's sword felt like an ordinary and ordinary sword.

But such a sword is filled with an indomitable spirit, an unyielding spirit that fights against the way of heaven and everything in the world!

Ax Madman looked at the sword in front of him, and the scene where he was forced to reincarnate suddenly appeared in his mind.

This sword must be the sword of Cao Zhen's reincarnation!

The next moment, the long sword and the giant ax collided.

In an instant, a clear clanging sound resounded, and where the two divine weapons collided, a ball of bright sparks exploded.

Sparks flew everywhere, and countless sparks were even like firecrackers that exploded after being ignited in the dark night. They flew around and landed on the ground, instantly igniting the weeds on the ground.

Under the collision, Cao Zhen and Ax Madman each stepped back.

Cao Zhen flew back more than twenty feet before he stabilized his figure. His arms were slightly numb from the shock, and the energy and blood in his body began to surge.

After all, he was only at the sixth level of the golden elixir and had not yet completed the combination of elixirs. Moreover, he used a sword, which was light and agile, and was not a magic weapon suitable for head-to-head combat.

On the contrary, it is the ax of the Ax Madman. This kind of heavy magic weapon pursues momentum and this kind of head-on fighting method.

Ax Maniac also flew back, but the distance of his flying legs was much shorter. After flying back a dozen feet, he stabilized his figure.

He looked at Cao Zhen opposite, but the fighting spirit on his face became more and more intense. He has perfected the golden elixir, while Cao Zhen is only at the sixth level of the golden elixir. In a head-on fight, he is only at a slight disadvantage.

Interesting, really interesting!

The ax madman raised his leg in the air and collapsed, and rushed out again. At the same time, he swung his ax in the direction of Cao Zhen.

Different from the previous axe, this time, when he slashed it down, countless ax shadows emerged in the void. The ax shadows were like bright meteors streaking across the sky in the dark night, knocking Cao Zhen. The whole is completely surrounded.

Behind countless ax shadows, he seemed to have turned into a huge ancient giant at this moment, holding an ax in both hands, forcing Cao Zhen to behead him.

A mighty and majestic aura filled this space.

In an instant, the entire void was shaking crazily.

When the ax fell, the world was shocked.

The surrounding mountains were shaking crazily at this moment, and countless boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain.

Cao Zhen waved the long sword in his hand again, and in an instant, hundreds of Cao Zhen's figures appeared in the void. Each Cao Zhen swung his sword forward.

In an instant, there seemed to be a hundred top swordsman masters, simultaneously unleashing a sword that gathered their lifetime swordsmanship.

There are hundreds of swords, each thrust in a different direction, but they are all filled with an ethereal feeling even though they are not seen. Each sword has unparalleled power, and each sword contains various changes.

As the sword shot out, for a moment, the entire void seemed to be filled with sword intent.

This sword looks like one sword, like a hundred swords, or even like thousands of sword shadows falling.

In the void, the shadows of axes were shattered instantly.

The next moment, the sword collided with the Ax Maniac's giant ax again.

In an instant, a loud noise sounded like the whole body was broken.

Waves of whistling sword energy and ax light flew around, and the air and the earth were torn apart instantly.

On the surrounding giant mountains, the peaks cracked open and fell from high altitudes.

In the air, sonic booms continued to sound, forming a continuous sound.

For a time, within the ruins, the masters who were exploring all raised their heads and looked in a certain direction.

"Good news!"

"This movement, this is two of the top Golden Core masters fighting!"

"This... stay away, the noise is too scary!"

"No, if you take a look, maybe you can get something unexpected!"

Noticing the people fighting here, some chose to stay away, while others came quietly, wanting to see if there was any chance of missing something.

But in the center of the battle, Cao Zhen and Madman Ax retreated.

The two of them, one holding a sword and the other holding a giant ax, looked at each other. Their clothes had been torn into pieces under the huge impact just now.

But other than that, no injuries could be seen on the two of them.

After a while, the ax maniac looked at Cao Zhen with regret and said: "It's just two moves, it's too unsatisfactory."

"There is still a chance. After you leave the ruins, you can go to the Baifeng Sect to find me." Cao Zhen nodded to Ax Madman, but turned around and flew away into the distance.

And Madman Ax did not bother Cao Zhen and others anymore.

In the battle just now, the two of them each made two moves, although the outcome was not decided.

However, the battle between the two was watched by many people.

In the distance, in a high mountain, two men in fiery red clothes looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"Then Cao Zhen is only at the sixth level of the Golden Core, but he is already so terrifying."

"His swordsmanship is too superb. I have heard of Cao Zhenzhi before, but I have never seen him take action. Even at the beginning, I thought that the Zhenxian Dynasty had also fallen. The most powerful golden elixir in the entire dynasty Period, it turned out to be just a sixth-level golden elixir. I didn’t expect that this sixth-level golden elixir would be so terrifying.”

"Then Cao Zhen also has three existences of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill beside him. With such strength, among the people who enter this ruins, there is probably no force that can stop them!"

"Yes, if you encounter a treasure, and then you happen to meet them, how will you deal with it? Will you hand over the treasure to them?"

Not long after Cao Zhen and others left, another person flew in one after another.

At this time, Lan Mei, who was hidden in the mountains in the distance, quietly appeared and flew towards everyone.

But Cao Zhen had already left far away. He was flying all the way feeling the battle with Ax Madman just now. The two of them had indeed temporarily tied in the battle just now. However, he and Ax Madman only exchanged two moves. He also didn't know how strong Ax Madman was, and he couldn't tell who was stronger among the reincarnated powers, Haoyue Xingjun Yue Madman Ax.

Speaking of which, he might not have seen Haoyue Xingjun through Zhonghua Cloud for a long time.

This ruins is really too big. Cao Zhen has been flying all day, and he has not met anyone in the process, nor has he encountered any danger. He just kept flying and flying all the way, and then he flew into a cave. .

And this is just the first day.

For the next ten days or so, he kept flying every day. Although he occasionally encountered some dangers along the way, those dangers were nothing to them.

For more than ten days, they basically did nothing but fly.

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a month since everyone arrived here.

In the evening, a group of five people hid in the cave again.

As they continued to move forward, they discovered that the farther back they went, the smaller the cave became.

Today's cave can only accommodate more than ten people, and the five of them seem a bit crowded in this cave.

Li Ke is still in a deep sleep, and she doesn't know when she will wake up.

Cao Zhen took out two maps as usual.

They were given three maps in total.

But the picture that allowed them to see the scene of the formation of the ruins should not be a map. After that picture was used once, it became a blank piece of paper, and there was no change when it was taken out and entered into other caves. .

On the other hand, for the other two maps, as long as you enter the cave and take out the map, you can change the surrounding walls, and you can always use it. Firstly, you can observe the situation in other caves and watch other people entering the ruins. Secondly, you can also Identify the authenticity of the cave.

On the way before, they had entered a cave.

But after entering the cave, they found that after using the map, the cave did not change at all. It was obviously a fake cave.

Come to think of it, it's possible that someone deliberately created this fake cave to trap others.

After Cao Zhen took out the map, he no longer paid attention to the situation on the stone wall. Lingxi, Yan Yourong and Linghu could go and see the stone wall alone.

And he began to connect with the Eclipse Demon.

Um? Are the Eclipse Demons and the others entering a palace?

Cao Zhen's eyes narrowed slightly and he began to observe.

The place where the Eclipse Demon and the others were located was said to be a palace, but in fact it was more like a maze. There are long corridors everywhere.

Moreover, the corridor in front of them clearly had five different passages leading in five different directions.

"There are five passages. We all entered five different passages. In addition, everyone made a note of it. After entering the passage, they immediately left marks on the walls of the passage. We don't know how many passages there will be."

After the third prince finished speaking, he walked towards the middle passage, and behind him, the middle-aged man followed closely.

The Eclipse Demon entered the leftmost passage together with the charming woman.

The passage is not wide, just enough for two people to walk side by side.

As soon as the Eclipse Demon entered the passage, he did not walk side by side with the woman, but fell behind. In front of him, the charming woman looked back at the Eclipse Demon and sneered disdainfully: "Eclipse Demon, I really doubt how you cultivated to become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. You are a male cultivator, After entering the passage, you hid behind me and let me explore the way in front?"

The Eclipse Demon's face turned red and his heart stopped beating: "Junior Sister Qianjiao, I just want to help you cut off your heir."

"You..." Qianjiao seemed to have a look of annoyance on her face, but she did not argue with the Sun Eclipse Demon, but continued to walk ahead.

Neither of them spoke, and for a while, the only sounds of their footsteps echoed in the long corridor.

Slowly, and I don’t know how long it took, Qianjiao’s voice rang out again: “Senior brother, do you think our Sun Moon Demon Sect is doing the right thing now? We are now completely committed to the Third Prince…”

The Eclipse Demon walked behind and said slowly: "Junior Sister, wasn't this decided before the Head Master and the others fell asleep? Besides, if we hadn't cooperated with the Third Prince and the others, we might not have been able to break through. Become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.”

"However, the fate of our Sun and Moon Demon Sect is completely in the hands of the third prince." Qianjiao said softly, "I would rather that our Sun and Moon Demon Sect..."

"Junior sister!" The Eclipse Demon suddenly spoke, interrupting Qianjiao who wanted to continue: "Junior sister, please stop talking. Let's find the entrance first."

As he spoke, he looked around cautiously.

Qianjiao looked back at the cautious look of the Eclipse Demon, with a responsible look on her face. She turned her head and did not speak, but continued walking forward.

Many people in the Sun and Moon Demon Sect have forgotten that when she first came to the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, when she was a little boy, he and the Eclipse Demon were in the same academy.

Although, there are countless children in their academy, as many as a thousand.

Although, they only stayed in the academy for a year before they left the academy respectively. The Eclipse Demon was brought into the Eclipse Hall, while she entered the Qianjiao Baimei Hall.

But she has always regarded the Eclipse Demon as her real senior brother.

The competition between the Sun and Moon Demon Sect is far more cruel than that of the major immortal sects, even among the academies. Every year, no one knows how many children will die in the major academies.

Back then, if it weren't for the Sun Eclipse Demon, she would have died in the academy.

However, after so many years, the Eclipse Demon seems to have long forgotten the person he saved back then.

Or the Eclipse Demon, he still doesn't know that the person he saved was himself.

Cao Zhen looked at the two people who were silent and was speechless. This Sun Eclipse Demon, why did you interrupt Qianjiao so well? You were interrupted just now when you got to the key point. Now there are only two of you in this passage. What are you afraid of? You!

Are you still afraid that what you say will be heard by the third prince?

Also, if you walk behind, just walk behind. Why are you always staring at other people's butts?

Do you have a thief's heart or a thief's courage?

Also, can you walk faster?

Cao Zhen just watched the two people walking forward slowly, listening to the sound of their footsteps echoing on the stairs. He felt tired just watching the two people walking.

This staircase seems to have no end at all.

Finally, after the two of them had been walking for almost an hour, a fork in the road finally appeared in front of them, and there were still three forks.

After being silent for a long time, the Eclipse Demon finally spoke again, pointed at the fork in the road and asked: "Junior sister, there are only two of us, how do we choose?"

Qianjiao answered directly without thinking: "Three roads, no matter which way the two of us choose, we will miss one. Moreover, no one knows if there are other forks in the road ahead, and we don't even know that there are other roads in this passage." Is there any other danger. So... we continue on one path."

With that said, she walked towards one of the roads, and behind her, the Eclipse Demon nodded in agreement.

That's right, who knows if there is any danger in this passage, so it's better to continue walking one way. At least two people can take care of each other when in danger.

The two of them entered a road again. Then, this time the two of them walked for almost an hour and a half. A forked road appeared in front of them again. This time there were still three forked roads.

Qianjiao looked at the fork in the road that appeared again, with a look of impatience on her face: "Why is there a fork in the road again? How long will it take to keep going like this? Why do we have to keep following the path they prescribed."

Qianjiao suddenly stopped, and then a huge hammer appeared in her hand.

She is clearly a charming woman, but the magic weapon she uses is actually a hammer.

She used her magic power to hammer down the wall on the side.


There was a heavy muffled sound, and the hammer hit the wall, stirring up streaks of dust. Under the hammer, the wall peeled off, revealing smooth stone walls.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly condensed. Isn't this stone wall the stone wall of a cave?

This maze-like place is full of these kinds of stone walls?

Qianjiao looked at the stone wall in front of her, as if she didn't believe it was the stone wall in the cave. Behind her, ten golden elixirs of visions appeared, and the aura in her body continued to rise. The next moment she suddenly raised the giant hammer and slammed it heavily at the stone wall beside her. Boom.

Suddenly, the wall shook violently, but it soon returned to calm. Not even a single mark was left on the smooth stone wall.

"Junior sister, don't try, it's useless." The Sun Eclipse Demon looked at the smooth stone walls around him and whispered: "This relic appeared in the Qiankun Reversal Era this time, but it was not in Qiankun before. Appeared in reverse of the Minor Era.

Therefore, this wall and all the buildings here are not just for us in the Golden Core Stage, but may be for the Earthly Immortal Realm or even higher existences. We can't break through the stone wall, so let's keep walking. "

Qianjiao took back the giant hammer, glanced at the three intersections, walked towards the middle fork, and whispered: "This time, we will take the middle."


The Eclipse Demon nodded and followed Qianjiao into the middle intersection.

The two of them walked into this new corridor. The next moment, piercing lightning suddenly shot out from the corridor.

There is indeed danger here!

Lightning bursts.

The strange golden elixir suddenly appeared behind the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao, their auras instantly rose, and streaks of black demonic energy gathered around them.

Among them, there was a demonic sound coming from the demonic energy around Qianjiao. The demonic sound caused the surrounding air to vibrate, causing circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye. The sound waves flew around, but they collided with thunderbolts one after another. Together, we can disperse these thunders.

Cao Zhen looked at Qianjiao's work and raised his eyebrows slightly. He had seen the Sun Eclipse Demon take action, and he probably knew what level of cultivation the Sun Eclipse Demon was.

Now when Qianjiao took action, he discovered that Qianjiao's strength seemed to be still higher than that of the Sun Eclipse Demon.

So, who did he choose in the first place?

Did you choose the weakest Golden Elixir Dzogchen among the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

Although there were many lightnings, their power was not particularly terrifying, and they did not have much impact on the two of them.

After blocking the lightning, the two continued to move forward, but they had already encountered danger. They knew that there was still danger ahead, so the two of them became more and more cautious when walking.

Cao Zhen watched for a long time, waiting until dawn, and found that the Sun Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao were still spinning around in the corridor, and he didn't know how long they would keep spinning.

It was already dawn, and he was no longer observing the two of them. Instead, he continued to fly forward with everyone.

One day later, that night, after Cao Zhen found a cave, he continued to observe the Sun Eclipse Demon.

He was surprised to find that after a day and night, the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao were still wandering around in the maze.

"No, we have walked this road before."

In the corridor, Qianjiao suddenly stopped and tapped her foot below.

There was a shallow mark where her shoes touched, but if you didn't pay attention, you couldn't find it.

When Cao Zhen saw Qianjiao's movements, his heart moved. What the third prince said before was clearly leaving a mark on the wall.

However, this Qianjiao obviously didn't do that. She always left marks under her feet.

This woman has her own plans.

"Come on, let's go back and take another road."

Qianjiao quickly turned around and led the Eclipse Demon back the same way. However, when they returned to the corridor they came from through the entrance of this corridor, the eyes of the two people suddenly widened.

"This... this is not the corridor we walked through before. The corridor we walked through before had three passages, but the corridor in front of us has four passages."

The Eclipse Demon looked at the corridor in front of him, and his expression became extremely solemn: "So, after entering a passage and then going back, you will not return to the way you came from. In this way, we want to explore all roads. It is even more difficult. Moreover, after we have walked so many roads, we have discovered two roads that we have taken repeatedly.

This maze, I don’t know when I can walk to the end. "

"No matter how difficult the maze is, it has a limit. If we keep walking like this, we will eventually come to the end. We just don't know when the end will be."

Qianjiao whispered and continued walking forward. The two of them had just taken a few steps when suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps behind them.


Qianjiao suddenly turned around and looked behind her.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in her sight.

It was a man wearing white clothes. When the man saw Qianjiao and Sun Eclipse Demon, a look of surprise appeared on his face: "Qianjiao, Sun Eclipse Demon? You two have been walking together? You haven't separated?"

When the Eclipse Demon saw the man, there was a look of joy on his face, and he shouted: "Fellow Taoist Qianwu, we finally see someone again. We have come so far, and this is the first time we have seen one of our own. As for Separate, the two of us wanted to separate before, but the two of us found that this passage was dangerous, so for safety, we stayed together."

Gan Wu heard a look of doubt on his face: "Danger, there is indeed danger in this passage, but that danger will not allow you two to go together.

That danger is indeed dangerous for other golden elixir stages, but for the Ten Visions Golden elixir Dzogchen, what kind of danger can it be considered?

You are separated enough to face those dangers. The two of you walk together, so the speed of exploration will definitely slow down greatly.

The three of us walked over together first, and after a while, we all walked away separately. "

As he said that, he took a step forward and looked at the wall without any markings. A look of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared on his face and he said: "Also, didn't the third prince say that he wants to put a wall on the wall?" Leave a mark on me, why don’t you leave a mark?”

"Mark? We left a mark." Qianjiao was also confused when she heard the sound. She even walked to Qian Wu's side and pointed to the wall on the side: "Here, after we entered, we clearly left Mark..."

"Where is it?" Qian Wu looked in the direction Qian Jiao pointed, and the next moment his expression suddenly changed.

Behind Qianjiao, ten golden elixirs of vision suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a separated hydrangea suddenly appeared in her hand.

She grabbed half of the hydrangea with one hand, waved both hands at the same time, and pressed towards Qianku.

Half of it seems to be the sky, and the other half is the earth. When the hydrangea is closed, it seems that the sky and the earth are squeezing toward the middle!

A terrifying force pressed towards Qian Wu, seeming to crush Long Qian Wu to death.

"How dare you do it!"

Qian Wu was horrified. In a hurry, he quickly retreated. At the same time, he took out a golden bracelet in his hands and slammed it in front of him.

The next moment, the bracelet burst open, and at the same time, waves of cruel, gloomy, indifferent, and deathly evil energy surged out.

The next moment, a series of terrifying and scalp-numbing screams came out.

On the ground, resentful souls flew out one after another, and the rich aura of death condensed. However, these innocent souls did not attack Qianjiao but revolved around Ganwu.

After Qianjiao used the mighty power of Hydrangea's sneak attack to suppress it, one by one the innocent souls exploded, but with that, the power of Qianjiao's attack was gradually consumed.

Qian Wu took this opportunity to retreat quickly, distanced himself from Qian Jiao, looked at Qian Jiao with a cold expression, and said coldly: "Qian Jiao, you dare to attack me! Are you crazy? Do you want to kill you Sun and Moon Demons? Zong?"

Cao Zhen was stunned when he saw the sudden change in front of him. What is going on?

That Qian Wu was not from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, but from the Third Prince. After Qian Jiao found out about him, he suddenly took action.

As expected, Qianjiao was very dissatisfied with the third prince and others.

So, before they took action, they started fighting among themselves?

It seems that I can take advantage of these people.

Cao Zhen continued to look.

Qianjiao didn't succeed in the sneak attack, but she didn't show any panic on her face. She sneered disdainfully: "If you are dead, naturally no one will know that I killed you."

"Kill me? Just you?" Qian Wu sneered, shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't understand why you want to attack me. Why do you want to go against the third prince? The third prince promised you to wait for him to return to the country. After he ascends the throne, he will make you his concubine."

"Do you think I don't want to be his imperial concubine? He asked me to be her imperial concubine just because he wanted to completely win over and bind our Sun Moon Demon Sect. Besides, there are so many princes, and the third prince is not the most outstanding one. , at least, I know that the fourth prince has also entered the ruins, and the fourth prince is far better than the third prince. Whether he can finally ascend the throne is another matter."

Cao Zhen was shocked again. The other party entered the ruins not only with a third prince, but also a fourth prince, and this fourth prince was even more outstanding than the third prince!

This means that the fourth prince and the third prince have competition with each other, so they did not enter the ruins together, but entered the ruins separately.

But, where are the Fourth Prince and the others?

Also, the fourth prince...

On the other side, Qian Wu suddenly became excited when he heard Qian Jiao's words: "Fourth Prince? Is the Fourth Prince better than the Third Prince? It's a joke. How can he compare with the Third Prince? He..."

Suddenly, he came to his senses and said loudly: "I know, you must be Lao Si's man! Eclipse Demon, hurry up, this Qianjiao has secretly joined Lao Si a long time ago. You and I will join hands and kill him." He, the Third Prince will definitely reward you heavily.

You, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, are with our third prince, and the one who supports the fourth is the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect. She will not end well if she takes refuge in the fourth. Kill her! "


The Eclipse Demon nodded solemnly, and the next moment, a simple and plain Xun sound came from his mouth, and the influence was clear and faint, just like the sound of nature.

Qian Wu suddenly heard this voice, and in an instant, he was immersed in it for a moment.

Almost at the same time, Qianjiao suddenly stepped forward and started spinning around the universe. During the rotation, a series of crisp sounds like silver bells appeared in her mouth.

The sound of Mi Mi!

Qian Wu's expression even became intoxicated amid these two voices.

The next moment, the sound of Xun suddenly changed.

Above the corridor, a roar of beasts suddenly erupted.

It seems that in the ancient barbaric era, strange beasts as big as mountains were roaring and terrifying roars.

The sound was so loud that it caused the surrounding space to shatter into pieces. Sound waves visible to the naked eye surged from all directions in this space and shot toward Qian Wu.

Xun of ten tones!

The Sun Eclipse Demon had been practicing in seclusion before, and it was this Ten-Tone Xun!

Countless air waves came and hit Qian Wu directly, bombarding him directly on the ground. Before he could turn around, his body was spinning around him, and his face was full of charm. The lustful Qianjiao, a cold murderous intention suddenly appeared on her face full of all kinds of charm!

In her hand, a huge hammer appeared and struck heavily at Qian Wu who landed on the ground!

The hammer fell, like a majestic mountain falling, hitting his face heavily, and immediately, flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Qian Wu's breath fell instantly, and the next moment, more sound waves bombarded him.

In just a moment, Qian Wu's entire aura had completely disappeared.

Cao Zhen looked at Qian Wu, who died instantly, and shook his head gently. Although Qian Wu was not particularly strong, he was also the Perfect Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions.

Even just before, Qian Wu felt that Qian Wu was stronger than Nie Jie with the methods he showed when he blocked Qian Jiao's sneak attack.

Gan Wu died so quickly just because he was so unlucky.

They should know about the Sun Eclipse Demon, but no one except themselves knows that the Sun Eclipse Demon has practiced this Ten-tone Xun!

When he suddenly launched an attack, Qian Wu naturally found a way.

Moreover, the magical power Qianjiao just used must be a kind of charm power.

It's just that I'm not Qianwu and I haven't felt the magical power. But judging from Qianwu's appearance, it must be the magic power.

The Shiyin Zhixun seemed to have a magical power that could perfectly match Qianjiao, so Qian Wu was completely intoxicated.

In a battle between the masters of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir, just a moment of intoxication can be fatal. Therefore, it is not surprising that Qian Wu died. It can only be said that he was unlucky.

As for Qianjiao, he felt a little surprised. That woman was still a traitor?

Is what Ganwu said true? Is Qianjiao really the Fourth Prince's person?

The Eclipse Demon also seemed to be wondering about this question. He did not deal with Qian Wu's body immediately, but looked at Qian Jiao and asked, "Are you from the fourth prince?"

Qianjiao did not answer Sun Eclipse Demon's question immediately. Instead, she looked at Sun Eclipse Demon with a complicated expression and asked, "In what capacity are you asking me this question?"

The Eclipse Demon was silent for a moment and whispered: "I am your senior brother, Slug's little girl."

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