The Hundred Peaks Sect and the Hundred Peaks choose disciples. Generally speaking, they don’t just start researching who to choose when the time comes. As for who everyone chooses, everyone still has their own goals set in advance.

Especially for many of the lower-ranked peaks, the goals they set at the beginning were not those geniuses. After all, the chances of those geniuses joining their peaks were much smaller.

However, they will not say that they will not look for those geniuses.

Every year, there are one or two geniuses who join some lower-ranked mountains. After all, we are all human beings, and as human beings we have our own ideas.

Some people think that no matter what, I have to go to the strongest peak! I am the most talented, and other peaks are not worthy of me.

Some will choose the peak that suits them best.

Others would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. After all, the resources of each peak are limited. Although the higher-ranked peaks have more resources, they also have more disciples and more geniuses. The resources allocated to them are not necessarily as high as Get into those low ranked peaks.

And entering lower-ranked peaks, they will also receive more attention.

Moreover, these Taoists who have just left the academy are still children, and their ideas are easily swayed by others.

Therefore, lower-ranked peaks will also look for those talented disciples.

Maybe, a certain genius will join their peak.

Just like the last time when selecting disciples, the Four Treasure Peaks were clearly ranked last. At that time, the Four Treasure Peaks were far from rising. Didn't they finally receive the most talented disciple Yisheng at that time?

Maybe this year they will fool Liao Youdi, who is recognized by everyone as the most talented person!

Of course, they won't just come for Liao Youdi. Once they can't deceive Liao Youdi, they will immediately leave and find the next target.

Moreover, now they have also sent other people from their peak to other targets to stabilize the opponent first. If they can directly bring people into their peak, that would be the best. If not, then stabilize them first. , wait for them to leave here, and then take them away.

Of course, most of the Peak Masters came to Tianhong Academy. After all, when facing a genius, they had to show enough attention.

Tianhong Academy also knew that many people would come to Liao Youdi today, so it specially set aside a separate courtyard for Liao Youdi and her two friends, Zhu Peng and Duoduo.

Even though it was a separate courtyard, when people from more than eighty peaks came here, the other courtyard was extremely crowded.

Moreover, at this time, everyone no longer cared about their status or reserve, and crowded towards Liao Youdi and the others one by one.

"I said, why are you crowding? You should understand the principle of first come, first served. Let me come first."

"Why did you come first? Everyone came in together, who came first?"

"That's right, we are all together, why should you come first?"

"Why didn't I come first? I was the first one to come before opening the door."

"What's the use of coming here early!"

"Who saw you coming first?"

The Baifeng Sect started to be a well-known and upright family, and everyone would always be careful when meeting each other, and they would all speak very politely.

But now, when you are competing for talented disciples, who will be polite to you at this time?

If you are polite, your disciple might be snatched away and become someone else's disciple. You must not be polite at this time.

Among the crowd, an older-looking old man saw that there were so many people in front of him that he couldn't move forward. He could only squeeze forward as hard as he could while shouting: "I said, let's get together!" Feng Zong is one of the top ten immortal sects, we can't be like this. Even mortals know to respect the old and love the young, so you should respect the old man and make way for me."

"Respect the elderly? You... you are right, Peak Master Zhao, you should respect the elderly. Everyone, please give way. There is no one older than me here." One peak leader looked much younger than the previous one. The peak master shouted loudly.

Everyone is a cultivator of immortality, and their old appearance is also related to their cultivation.

Two people are both nine hundred years old. If you are only in the elixir formation stage, you may already look very old, almost reaching the end of your lifespan.

However, others who are in the golden elixir stage will look unusually young.

However, others don't care what age you are.

"We are in the world of cultivating immortals. There is no age."

"I said, it's too chaotic for us, we can't do it like this." Finally someone couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "How about we divide them according to ranking? The peak ranked first will be the first to talk to the disciples, and then the peak ranked first will be the first to talk to the disciples. Go to the second peak again, so postpone it."

Everyone turned around and saw a familiar figure.

Pan Bing from Feixian Peak.

The peak master of Feixian Peak is Nie Jie, but Nie Jie is the deputy head of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Now that the headmaster Cao Zhen and the great elder Li Ke are not here, he is naturally responsible for handling various matters of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Naturally, I can't come here to recruit disciples in person.

And the current strongest person in Feixian Peak, Nie Jie, is also a new cultivator and has never cared about these things. Otherwise, the original peak master of Feixian Peak would not have let Nie Jie take over Feixian Peak.

Therefore, the one who came today on behalf of Feixian Peak was Pan Bing, the deputy peak master of Feixian Peak.

Feixian Peak ranked first in the Hundred Peaks Sect, so he naturally wanted him to come first.

Everyone around heard the sound and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "We can't let the number one come first."

"Yes, if we want to calculate according to ranking, then the lowest ranking should come first."

"Yes, let those with lower rankings come first."

"Why should the lower ranked ones come first?"

Everyone argued for a long time, but they couldn't decide on a priority.

Opposite, Liao Youdi and Zhu Peng looked confused, but Duoduo looked at everyone impatiently and shouted: "Anyway, you are going to tell us the advantages of your peak, why are you trying to get in front? You are here Wouldn’t it be better to talk about it later after hearing the conditions of other peaks?”

As soon as she finished speaking, many people immediately nodded.

"That makes sense, forget it, I won't fight with you anymore."

"Don't we have to respect the old and love the young? Peak Master Zhao, you come first."

"No, don't you mean to follow the ranking of the Hundred Peaks? Feixian Peak should come first. Feixian Peak won first place in the Hundred Peaks Competition, so I can't help but give them some preferential treatment."

Pan Bing listened to the words of everyone around him, but shook his head and said: "Well, let's start from the peaks at the back according to the ranking. After all, they are ranked low, so we have to give them a chance."

After Pan Bing finished speaking, a man suddenly came out and shouted: "In that case, I won't be polite."

A tall man with a beard walked up to Liao Youdi and directly introduced himself: "I am the peak master of Yingyang Peak. Our Yingyang Peak's ranking in the Hundred Peaks Sect is indeed not high. , ranking around eighty all year round.

Compared with the top ten peaks, we are indeed much worse, but I can guarantee that as long as you enter our Yingyang Peak, you will definitely become the most valued disciple of our Yingyang Peak! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the peak masters of many peaks around him started shouting: "What kind of conditions do you have? With Liao Youdi's talent, which peak can you enter without being regarded as the most valued disciple?" !”

"That is, Liao Youdi, if you enter our peak, I can guarantee that you will be the most valued disciple of our peak, and there is no one else!"

"The ranking of our peak is much higher than your Yingyang Peak!"

The Master of Yingyang Peak was immediately annoyed when he heard the shouts of the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Can you please let me finish my words before interrupting? Now is my time."

After roaring, he looked at Liao Youdi and said: "Youdi, we are Yingyang Peak, as you know from the name, we are the fire element peak, and you are the Ice and Fire Immortal Body. You must enter the fire element peak."

As soon as he finished speaking, many peak masters from the fire system peaks around him immediately responded.

"Peak Master Zhu is right, Youdi, it's best for you to enter our fire peak."

"Youdi's natural beauty will be wasted if she enters other peaks."

"With the Ice and Fire Immortal Body, you must enter the Fire Element Peak."

The peak masters of the fire system peaks instantly united the front. Among other things, they first eliminated all the people from other peaks, and then they slowly studied who would accept Liao Youdi.

After everyone entered, Liao Youdi, who had not expressed her position, finally reacted. She nodded in agreement and said: "Thank you for your attention. I also know my qualifications. I will only choose Fire this time." Tie Feng.”

After her words fell, the faces of the large number of peak masters gathered at this time suddenly became disappointed.

"Youdi, if you think about it carefully, yes, you are indeed an Ice and Fire Immortal, but the Ice and Fire Immortal Body does not necessarily require you to enter their fire-based peaks."

"Yes, when you enter the fire system peak, you can only practice fire magic powers, but when you enter other peaks, you can learn more magical powers."

Upon hearing this, the peak masters of the fire-type peaks immediately retorted: "Ice and Fire Immortal Body, why do you want to enter other peaks to practice other magical powers?"

"That's right, the Ice and Fire Immortal Body is naturally for practicing fire magical powers. It's a waste of your talent to go to other peaks to practice other magical powers!"

Pan Bing listened to the words of the fire element peak masters and sighed in his heart. He understood that if he didn't speak at this time, they would really have no chance at Feixian Peak. He had to say: "Actually, those who are good at the fire element, It's not just a fire-type peak. If you enter other peaks, you can also practice fire-type magical powers.

Just like our Feixian Peak, our senior brother Lieyan from Feixian Peak is one of the top eleven strongest beings in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament and one of the top ten immortal generals of the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty.

What he is good at is the fire magical power.

In our Hundred Peaks Sect, among the many peaks that practice the fire system, the strongest disciple is Senior Sister Li Ke from Suzaku Peak. However, Lie Yan's strength is not inferior to Senior Sister Li Ke.

When you enter our Feixian Peak, you can also ask Senior Brother Lieyan for advice.

In addition, our Feixian Peak is the number one peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect. Since the establishment of our Hundred Peaks Sect, Feixian Peak has always been number one. We don’t even know what ranking second is. "

As soon as Pan Bing opened his mouth, everyone around him fell into silence.

They can easily refute other peaks, but how can they refute Feixian Peak?

Pan Bing was right. Since the establishment of the Hundred Peaks Sect, Feixian Peak has always been the number one, and Feixian Peak really has Lie Yan, and its strength is really not inferior to Li Ke.

Moreover, they also clearly discovered that Liao Youdi's expression changed significantly when she heard Pan Bing say that Lie Yan was not weaker than Li Ke.

So, Liao Youdi, she may be really moved.

In fact, even in their opinion, joining Feixian Peak is an excellent choice.

After all, it is the first peak, and Feixian Peak has also appeared. Masters like Lie Yan who are good at fire magic powers, so Feixian Peak can also train fire masters.

Seeing that Feixian Peak had the upper hand, the peak masters of the fire peaks looked towards the people from Qingluan Peak and Suzaku Peak.

The strongest of their fire-type peaks are these two peaks. No matter how they fight for it in the end, they must first keep people in the fire-type peaks and exclude people from other peaks.

Lu Wanyu, the current peak master of Qingluan Peak, felt the eyes of everyone, stepped out gently and shook her head: "Senior Brother Lieyan is indeed strong, but the only person in Feixian Peak who is famous for his fire-type magical powers is Senior Brother Lieyan.

It's hard to say whether Senior Brother Lieyan is more talented or whether Feixian Peak has trained Senior Brother Lieyan. Perhaps, if Senior Brother Lieyan joined our Qingluan Peak, he would be stronger than he is now.

But our Qingluan Peak is different. Our Qingluan Peak has always been among the top ten peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect. What our Qingluan Peak is best at is cultivating disciples with fire-type immortal bodies. "

"When it comes to cultivating fire-type immortal disciples, our Suzaku Peak is better at it. Our Suzaku Peak is also among the top ten peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect, and is even higher than Qingluan Peak."

A woman with excellent temperament and outstanding appearance came out. The peak master of Zhuque Peak is Li Ke, but now Li Ke is not in the Hundred Peaks Sect, so the deputy peak master, Zhang Yuxin, can only take his place. .

In fact, at the beginning, Ge Feng said that the day of recruiting disciples would go on as usual, and she was opposed to it.

Although it is said that there will be one more Four Treasure Peak to compete with them, but the Four Treasure Peak may not compete with their Suzaku Peak for people.

After all, the current peak master of Zhuque Peak, Senior Sister Li Ke, is the Taoist companion of Peak Master Cao.

But if it were to be held now, it would be a lot of trouble if the peak master of Suzaku Peak was not there. After all, she was not the peak master, and she couldn't make the decision on many things.

But there was no way. Now that the recruitment of disciples had begun, she couldn't notify Li Ke who was far away, so she had to bite the bullet and come here.

As she walked out, she looked at Liao Youdi with a smile and said: "We have Suzaku Peak and Suzaku Blood Pool. Entering it to practice will have great benefits for all fire-type bodies. As for how big the benefits are..."

At this point, she deliberately dragged out a long sound, then paused slightly before continuing: "You can ask Yisheng from Sibaofeng. She only joined Sibaofeng at this time last year. After joining us, After the Suzaku Blood Pool at Suzaku Peak, it has only been one year, and now the Nine Visions Golden Elixir exists. It is estimated that it is not far away from becoming the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection."

Lu Wanyu from Qingluan Peak heard the sound and immediately shouted loudly: "Don't change your mind. Yisheng is now able to become the Nine Visions Golden Pill. It's because of Zhang Zong, not your Suzaku Peak's Suzaku Blood Pool. If it is Because of the Suzaku Blood Pool.

So there are so many of you in Suzaku Peak who have soaked in the Suzaku Blood Pool, why don't you see so many existences like Yisheng?

Even you, Zhang Yuxin, have also been immersed in the Suzaku Blood Pool, haven't you also not become the Nine Visions Golden Pill? "

Zhang Yuxin's eyes suddenly widened from afar, glaring fiercely at Lu Wanyu, with great hatred in her heart. How did this Lu Wanyu become the peak master of Qingluan Peak?

What time is it now?

Now the peaks of their fire system have united together to exclude the people from other peaks first. As a result, Lu Wanyu turned against herself at any time.

This Lu Wanyu didn't learn anything else, so she learned from her master, Master Chen, to fight against her, Zhuque Peak!

Lu Wanyu also stared at Zhang Yuxin without giving in, and she wondered, was there no one at Suzaku Peak?

Let Zhang Yuxin, a person with no sense of the overall situation, come on behalf of their Suzaku Peak!

What time is it now?

Now, the various peaks of their fire system have united together to exclude the people from other peaks first. As a result, Zhang Yuxin, regardless of the situation, went against herself first and began to belittle Qingluan Peak and exalt their Suzaku Peak. She was fighting within herself and she really had no vision at all!

This Yuxin really learned nothing else but learned from her master, Master Tu Peak, to fight against her own Qingluan Peak!

All around, the peak master of a kind of fire-type peak was encountered. Looking at the two women looking at each other, they were speechless for a moment.

You two old peak masters of Zhuque Peak and Qingluan Peak have fallen asleep. Why are you, the next generation, still so tit-for-tat?

If you are tit for tat, let's be tit for tat, but can you also analyze the situation?

Now, under this situation, you are starting to fight among yourself and ridicule each other. Are you not giving other peaks a chance?

The person in front of me is a top-level immortal body, and he is also an ice-fire immortal body, such a fire-type immortal body.

A disciple with such qualifications can be trained as a future peak master.

Do you want to let such people go to other peaks?

While everyone was complaining, a voice came from outside the crowd.

"That's right. Our junior sister has indeed been soaked in the Suzaku blood pool, which is also effective. However, the reason why our junior sister was able to break through to the Nine Visions Golden Pill in one year is because of the help of our master."

As soon as these words were heard, the expressions of many people around him suddenly changed.

The people from Sibaofeng are here!

Why are they so anxious to start recruiting disciples? They are afraid that when the Master comes back, all those talented disciples will join the Four Treasures Peak.

But even if the meeting is held in advance, they are still worried that the Four Treasure Peaks will snatch their disciples from them.

After all, the Four Treasure Peak is too dazzling in today's Hundred Peaks Sect.

They asked themselves, if they were the disciples who were going to enter the various peaks this year, if they made their own choice, they would definitely choose to join the Four Treasures Peak.

The three of them, Liao Youdi, have been sitting together. Duoduo said something at the beginning, and Liao Youdi said something in the middle. However, Xiao Zhupeng never said much.

After all, he was able to understand why so many people came today. He had to choose his future master and understand such a complicated matter because Duoduo had talked to her a lot. It was already very difficult for him to understand this. Now, I don’t expect him to say anything else.

But at this time, when he heard this voice, he became excited and shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Beiyan."

As he shouted, he jumped up from the stool. The height of the jump was so high and the range was so large that the stool under him flew backwards.

But the round stool is a stone stool!

After Xiao Zhu Peng flew up, he separated from the crowd and ran to Xiao Beiyan who was coming. He shouted as if he wanted to take credit: "Senior Brother Beiyan, Zhu Peng was very good today. Zhu Peng only hit one person today."

When everyone around heard the sound, their expressions suddenly became weird. Did you hit someone today?

Today is the day to recruit disciples, and you actually hit someone? And then you ask, are you being nice if you hit someone?

If you calculate it this way, when you are normal, do you have to beat three or four people a day, and then if you behave badly, how many people do you have to beat a day? Eight? nine? Or ten?

Xiao Beiyan was obviously a child, at least he looked like a child. When he heard the voice, he showed a doting look like an old father, looked at Zhu Peng and asked: "Then Zhu Peng, why do you want to hit someone?" Woolen cloth?"

"Because Anhai bullied Duoduo." Little Zhu Peng raised his hand and pointed at Duoduo and shouted: "Anhai said that Duoduo was not wanted and that Duoduo was a waste. Zhu Peng got angry and beat Anhai."

Xiao Beiyan suddenly fell silent when he heard the sound. On the side, Xiang Ziyu, who arrived with Xiao Beiyan, also fell silent. He even reached out and touched Xiao Zhu Peng's head.

Being called trash...

Back then, before they entered the Four Treasures Peak and after they left the academy, some people said that they were useless and that no one would choose them.

Because they are all ancient immortal bodies!

Everyone around him suddenly fell silent, with embarrassed expressions on their faces. They had indeed looked down upon the Ancient Immortal Body before this.

However, now, these ancient immortals are like the jade pillars of the Hundred Peaks Sect.

After a moment of silence, Xiang Ziyu looked at Duoduo and said, "You must be Duoduo. Sure enough, you are also a born genius, destined to be the protagonist. Because all protagonists will be looked down upon by others at the beginning. In the end, , but you use your strength to slap someone in the face. I am optimistic about you."

As he spoke, he added: "Of course, you are just the minor protagonist, and I am the real protagonist!"

As he spoke, he walked towards Duoduo, looked at the pretty little girl in front of him, and asked: "So, Duoduo, are you willing to join us at Sibaofeng? It's been a while since you came to our Baifeng Sect. It’s time, you should know what kind of existence our Four Treasure Peak is.”

Hearing this, Duoduo nodded quickly and said, "I am willing to join the Four Treasures Peak."

Everyone around them did not have any surprises. Duoduo was an ancient immortal body, and all the ancient immortal bodies in the Baifeng Sect were all in Sibaofeng. No one else would accept Duoduo except Sibaofeng.

Little Zhu Peng stood aside and when he heard Duoduo joining the Four Treasures Peak, he immediately shouted loudly: "Zhu Peng also wants to join the Four Treasures Peak. Senior Brother Beiyan, Zhu Peng also wants to join the Four Treasures Peak!"

"Okay, Zhu Peng will also join the Four Treasures Peak." Xiao Beiyan nodded immediately and agreed. He had already discussed with Yi Yi to accept Xiao Zhu Peng.

When everyone first came, they were all going for Liao Youdi. Now, when they heard that Xiao Zhupeng said that he wanted to join the Four Treasures Peak, many of the peak masters suddenly became anxious.

"Xiao Zhupeng, why do you want to join the Four Treasures Peak?"

"Xiao Zhu Peng, which peak you choose to join is a big deal, and you can't just choose it casually."

"Little Zhu Peng, do you know that you are the Holy Body of Qilin. Qilin is a holy beast, and holy beasts are also beasts. What we at Hundred Beasts Peak are best at is imitating the magical powers of hundreds of beasts."

"Xiao Zhupeng, our name is Sword Peak, we have a sword technique..."

Everyone who targeted Xiao Zhupeng began to talk about the benefits of their own peak. Although Xiao Zhupeng was a fool, he was also a top-notch immortal. Naturally, they also wanted to bring Xiao Zhupeng into the peak.

But when little Zhu Peng heard what everyone said, he clenched his fists hard, looked at everyone and shouted: "You are all bad guys. If you don't let Zhu Peng join the Four Treasures Peak, I will beat you."

As he said that, he raised his leg and kicked off, and was about to rush out.

Xiao Beiyan quickly grabbed Zhu Peng and comforted him: "Xiao Zhu Peng, listen to my senior brother, they are not bad people, they also appreciate... they like Xiao Zhu Peng, so they want Xiao Zhu Peng to join their peak. "

"Oh, then Zhu Peng won't beat them." Little Zhu Peng nodded vigorously when he heard the sound, "Zhu Peng listens to Senior Brother Beiyan. Grandpa said that Zhu Peng came to Baifeng Sect to listen to Senior Brother Beiyan!"

When Xiao Beiyan heard this, he smiled even more proudly.

When everyone around saw Xiao Zhu Peng like this, they could only sigh in their hearts and retreat to both sides.

Zhu Peng has already said it. Listen to Bei Yan, what else is there to say? There is no chance of recruiting Zhu Peng. Now the only target left here is Liao Youdi.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned wary when looking at the two brothers, Baifeng Grandmaster, especially Xiao Beiyan.

The people from Sibaofeng just arrived here and immediately took the two of them away.

Moreover, they knew about Beiyan. Liao Youdi and Zhu Penghuanduoduo were both from Jijiang City, and Beiyan was the one responsible for leading the team to Jijiang City to recruit disciples. Zhu Peng said that he could only listen to Beiyan, but did Liao Youdi's parents say that he could only listen to Beiyan?

When Xiang Ziyu saw that their Baifeng Sect had already accepted two people, a real expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to himself: "Sure enough, I should still come out. As the protagonist, as soon as I came here, I immediately recruited two people. A disciple.


Xiang Ziyu walked up to Liao Youdi and asked softly: "Then, how about you squeeze into my Four Treasures Peak?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Zhu Peng shouted loudly: "Okay, okay, Di Di, you will also join Sibaofeng. We are all in Sibaofeng. We can still be together. In the future, Zhu Peng will still be with you." I can protect you. If anyone bullies you, Zhu Peng will beat them!"

Everyone around them felt their hearts sink when they heard the sound.

They could see that these three little guys had a very good relationship. Now, both Zhu Peng and Duoduo have joined Sibaofeng and invited Liao Youdi. Will Liao Youdi refuse?

These children are particularly easy to be influenced by other children. In previous years, every time when apprentices were selected, many children went to the peak where their friends went because of their relationship with their friends.

Under everyone's worried gazes, Liao Youdi shook her head slightly and refused: "I don't want to go to Sibao Peak."

"Huh?" Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment.

All around, everyone else was stunned. What's going on? Liao Youdi rejected Sibaofeng?

Xiang Ziyu seemed to have never thought that as the protagonist, he would be rejected. After staying for a while, he asked with some disbelief: "You don't join Sibaofeng? Is there any special reason? ?

Don't look at our Four Treasure Peak, which is currently only ranked 100th among the Hundred Peaks Sect, but our Four Treasure Peak has the strength to become the number one peak.

Now, all the strongest people in our Hundred Peaks Sect are from our Four Treasures Peak. "

No one around him refuted.

Xiang Ziyu said that the Four Treasures Peak could become the number one peak. However, according to the current development speed of the Four Treasures Peak, by the time of the next Hundred Peaks Competition, the Four Treasures Peak might really hit the number one spot in the Hundred Peaks Sect. After all, the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak, their master is a reincarnated great master.

In more than a year, he has brought the Four Treasures Peak to its current position. Who knows what will happen ninety-nine years later!

The Hundred Peaks Sect holds a Hundred Peaks Competition every hundred years.

As for another point, all the strongest masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect are indeed from the Four Treasures Peak.

Although it is said that in addition to the Four Treasure Peaks, their Hundred Peaks Sect also has three existences of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, among which Li Ke and Lie Yan are one of the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

However, everyone knows that among the top ten immortal generals, they are far inferior to Lingxi, Xiang Ziyu and Lingxi. Even Beiyan and the others may not be able to compare with them.

Xiang Ziyu said, paused slightly, and then continued: "Furthermore, all the disciples of our Baifeng Sect, except for the junior sister, all have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, and they are also the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection The strongest group among them.

It won't be long before our little junior sister will also become a perfect being of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir. If you join the Baifeng Sect, you will also become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir.

Don't doubt my words, senior brother, because these words are said by me, as the protagonist! "

Xiang Ziyu looked at Liao Youdi domineeringly.

But Liao Youdi shook her head again and refused: "This disciple knows the existence of the Four Treasures Peak, but I want to join the Fire Element Peak."

After saying this, all the people from the fire peak were overjoyed.

"Wise choice!"

"You should join our fire peak."

"Youdi, please join our peak."

After Xiang Ziyu was rejected one after another, he no longer invited Liao Youdi. In fact, inviting Liao Youdi was just a convenience. He was more optimistic about Zhu Peng and Duoduo.

He looked at Liao Youdi and even shook his head, thinking to himself that he rejected me as the protagonist. Sure enough, she was destined not to be one of the protagonists and could only be a supporting role.

Although he was rejected, he was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to see which peak Liao Youdi would join.

Xiang Ziyu and others did not leave because there were only three disciples they wanted to recruit this time, two of them had already been recruited, the other one had been rejected, and they would not choose any other disciples.

But the people in other peaks are different. They want to steal disciples.

Now, Liao Youdi has made it clear that if she wants to join the fire-type peak, they will naturally not stay here anymore. They will quickly go to other academies to rob other disciples.

As people from all peaks left, the originally crowded courtyard became empty for a while.

Representatives from each fire-type peak also stepped forward one after another at this time and began to talk about their respective advantages.

Among the crowd, a Peak Master who looked a little thin, with a blush on his face and a faint smell of alcohol on his body was the first to speak: "I am the Peak Master of Jiuhuo Peak. There are various kinds of flames in the world, among which Many flames are indeed rare, but being rare does not mean they are unique. The fire at our Jiuhuo Peak is a unique wine fire, and only we at Jiuhuo Peak in the world can cultivate the wine fire."

"Drinking fire? Your drinking fire is just like that." When the other peak masters heard this, they immediately started to make trouble.

"Yes, your Jiuhuo Peak is only ranked in the forties. Our Holy Fire Peak's ranking is higher than yours."

When the Lord of Jiuhuo Peak heard this, he sneered disdainfully and said: "Your Holy Fire Peak is only ranked above our Jiuhuo Peak, but our Jiuhuo Peak used to be ranked among the top ten peaks of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Your Holy Fire Peak can start from Didn't reach the top ten of Baifeng Sect.

The reason why our Jiuhuo Peak ranked among the top ten was because of our Jiuhuo. Later, the reason why our Jiuhuo Peak fell down in the rankings was simply because we did not receive enough talented disciples. It’s because we are useless, it’s not because our inheritance from Jiuhuo Peak is not good enough. The inheritance of our Jiuhuo Peak has never been cut off! "

What he said was true, and the reason why their Jiuhuo Peak declined was because they did not recruit enough talented disciples.

Their Baifeng Sect goes out to recruit Taoist boys every ten years, and then in these ten years, the Taoist boys they recruit will slowly enter the selection process.

However, in these ten years, not every year has a disciple who is talented enough, and even if there is a disciple who is talented enough, he may not be a disciple suitable for his own peak.

For example, you are obviously a fire-type peaker, but you only have a body of black ice. No matter how greedy you are, you can't accept someone as your disciple.

Therefore, the chance of a talented disciple suitable for his peak appearing is very low.

Generally, when such a talented disciple appears, not only one peak will recruit him, but all peaks will compete for it.

One of the years, there was also a top immortal body with a fire body. Jiuhuo Peak was indeed ranked in the top ten peaks that year. They still had a high chance of recruiting this disciple into their Jiuhuo Peak. He was the only one who could compete with them at that time. There is only Qingluan Peak.

Because he was a boy, Zhuque Peak did not accept male disciples, and Jiuhuo Peak was ranked one higher than Qingluan Peak that year.

Things like this naturally have to be handled by the peak masters of each peak. As a result, the peak master of their Jiuhuo Peak drank too much and fell asleep directly. He slept for three days and was completely delayed. about this matter.

Moreover, they didn’t know where the original peak master was drunk.

They could only go there with the deputy peak master, and naturally they didn't compete for Qingluan Peak in the end.

It is not easy for such a suitable genius disciple to appear. As a result, when such a genius disciple appeared for the second time, the peak master of their Jiuhuo Peak happened to be away and did not have time to come back.

As a result, they missed such two talented disciples. After the death of the peak master of their Jiuhuo Peak, their Jiuhuo Peak had experts who could support the entire peak for a long time. Slowly, their Jiuhuo Peak also disappeared. Come down.

Although it still belongs to the Upper Fifty Peaks, it can no longer regain its original glory.

Even so, their background at Jiuhuo Peak is still there.

The master of Jiuhuo Peak looked at Liao Youdi seriously and said sincerely: "I admit that our Jiuhuo Peak is not the strongest fire-type peak now, but the foundation of our Jiuhuo Peak and our resources will not be inferior to those of Suzaku Peak and Suzaku Peak." Qingluan Peak is not even comparable to Holy Fire Peak.

Over the years, the reason why our Jiuhuo Peak has not risen is because we don’t have a suitable disciple. Now, when this disciple appears, she is you.

As long as you join our Jiuhuo Peak, we, Jiuhuo Peak, can produce our pure fire wine, which is the special wine fire brewed by the ancestor of our Jiuhuo Peak.

Taking Zhihu can condense the strongest wine fire. The reason why our Jiuhuo Peak has not produced such top geniuses over the years is because no one in our Jiuhuo Peak has taken the pure fire wine, and no one has refined the strongest and most pure wine fire. .

As long as you join our Wine and Fire Peak, when your cultivation is enough to withstand the pure fire wine, I will give you the pure fire wine so that you can condense the strongest wine and fire.

You know, even my master, who was in the fairyland and is now asleep, has never used the pure fire wine! "

He really fought hard and really risked his life.

In fact, last year, when Yisheng's group of disciples were selecting their disciples, he persuaded his master many times and promised to give Yisheng Pure Fire Wine so that Yisheng could join their Jiuhuo Peak!

But his master still refused after thinking for a long time.

He knew why the master refused.

Because there is so little pure fire wine, their ancestors who opened the peak only accidentally refined a small amount of pure fire wine. After so many years, the pure fire wine now is only enough for two people. Two people condensed the real fire of wine!

That's why his master didn't want to agree easily.

Otherwise, the top immortal body is already the best talent for cultivating immortals. Why doesn't his master agree to it?

Just because the pure fire wine is too precious.

After all, the top immortal body does not necessarily mean that there will be extremely high achievements. It also depends on the other person's understanding and character.

In the words of the master, it is true that only the top immortal body is worthy of their use of pure fire wine, but they must let the person with this top immortal body mature and use the pure fire wine after the other party's character and understanding are high enough.

If you insist on a standard, which master said that only the disciples of the top immortal bodies of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen are qualified to let their Jiuhuo Peak use the pure fire wine!

However, if their Jiuhuo Peak does not bring out the pure fire wine, how can the top immortal body join their Jiuhuo Peak.

Now that he is in charge of Jiuhuo Peak, he thinks it's time to make some changes.

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