In the endless years of the Hundred Peaks Sect, although the hundred peaks have never changed, the rankings of many of them have fluctuated greatly.

Some mountains were once extremely glorious, but have declined due to various reasons.

Jiuhuo Peak is such a peak.

Over the years, Jiuhuo Peak has always wanted to rise again, but it is not that easy to rise.

After all, it's not just you who have the ambition to make progress, other peaks also want to move forward in the rankings.

Moreover, once the ranking falls, it will be more difficult to recruit talented disciples in the future. Without outstanding disciples, how can your peak rush to the front again? In the end, a vicious circle will be formed.

Today's Jiuhuo Peak Masters believe that their master, the Peak Master of their previous generation, is too conservative.

Yes, pure fire wine is precious.

But sometimes, you have to take a gamble.

According to his master, only the disciples of the top Immortal Body with the Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir are qualified to let them use Pure Fire Wine at Jiuhuo Peak.

Then how could someone agree to come to their Jiuhuo Peak?

Is it really that easy to achieve the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir?

Those geniuses would also think that what if they could not achieve the Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir when they came to Jiuhuo Peak?

Why don’t others choose to go to Zhuque Peak or Qingluan Peak?

They are also fire-type peaks. If you go to those two peaks, you will have a greater chance of becoming the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions!

In this way, how did Jiuhuo Peak recruit talented disciples and how did they rise?

Just like last year, if the master really brought out the pure fire wine, perhaps what Yisheng would join would not be the Four Treasures Peak, but their Jiuhuo Peak.

They missed Yisheng last year, and the next time a top-level immortal body with a fire body appears, don't know how many years it will take, maybe a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

This year, he said there was nothing he could do to let Jiuhuofeng miss Liao Youdi.

He has already stated his conditions, and all around, people staying here are people from various fire peaks. They may not be so familiar with other peaks, but they are naturally very familiar with the fire peaks.

When Jiuhuo Peak said that he was going to take out the Pure Fire Wine, everyone's eyes suddenly widened. They naturally knew about the Pure Fire Wine. Although they didn't know how much Pure Fire Wine there was in Jiuhuo Peak, but from Jiuhuo Peak For so many years, Feng has never been able to condense the most pure fire wine. He can also guess that there are very few pure fire wines.

Now, Jiuhuo Peak is going to bring out the purest fire wine!

Are they fighting?

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Kang Jiuhuo, are you crazy? Do you need your master's permission to take out the pure fire wine?"

"Yes, now you have taken out the pure fire wine. When your master wakes up a hundred years later and sees that the pure fire wine is missing, he may not be able to spare you."

"That's right. In fact, Jiuhuo Peak is only temporarily handed over to you now..."

Kang Jiuhuo listened to the shouts of everyone around him, but there was no trace of worry on his face. Instead, he became more and more sure that what he did was right.

Why do they persuade themselves?

It's not because they all feel threatened, it's because they are afraid!

He looked at everyone and said word by word: "Youdi is a true genius, she deserves the pure fire wine!"

After everyone's words, he once again expressed his respect for Liao Youdi.

Liao Youdi looked at Peak Master Kang who was full of alcohol, frowned, took a step back slightly, and refused: "Thank you very much for the kindness of Peak Master, but I don't want to join Jiuhuo Peak."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone around the Fire Peak people suddenly showed joy.

After refusing, Liao Youdi actually rejected Jiuhuofeng directly!

Every time Liao Youdi rejects one more person, as long as the person he rejects is not them, then their chances of trapping Liao Youdi will be greater!

However, they also have some concerns.

Liao Youdi refused even these conditions. What kind of conditions can impress him?

Kang Jiuhuo never expected that Liao Youdi would reject him so simply. He was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Don't reject me yet. You just came to our Baifeng Sect and you don't know our Baifeng Sect well enough. You don't know us well enough." Jiuhuofeng doesn’t know enough yet.

You can slowly learn about our Jiuhuo Peak, and slowly understand how precious pure fire wine is. I can even tell you that in the past 30,000 years, no one in our Wine Fire Peak has been able to take pure fire wine, and you are the first person in the past 30,000 years.

You can know how much we at Jiuhuo Peak value you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, you can slowly understand. After all, choosing a disciple doesn’t mean that you have to make a decision on the first day.

I also participated in the apprenticeship selection. As someone who has been there, I can also give you some advice. You must not make a decision in a hurry or reject it in a hurry. You can take your time and take your time. "

Kang Jiuhuo felt that what he said was clear enough and sincere enough, but Liao Youdi still shook his head and refused.

"I don't like wine."

She really hates wine and people who drink.

Her father was an alcoholic. When she was young, she didn't remember anything. She didn't know that her father missed the time to send her to the Baifeng Sect to recruit Taoist boys because of his drinking.

For this reason, she felt resentment in her heart, but she was not too resentful because she was too young at that time. She must not have known how to obtain some benefits for her mother when she was elected by the Baifeng Sect.

And once she leaves her mother, her mother will not have her help over the years, and she doesn't know how much more hardship she will have to endure.

However, the reason why she is even more ruthless about drinking is because her father is still spending money to buy alcohol when her family is already in such difficulties. The money is all her mother's hard-earned money.

Even why her father drank and would rather let her starve!

What's more, her father would hit someone nine times out of ten after drinking.

Therefore, she hates her father and is even more ruthless about drinking.

Not to mention that Jiuhuo Peak was once glorious, but now it has declined. Even if Jiuhuo Peak is the number one peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect, she will not join Jiuhuo Peak.

Kang Jiuhuo was stunned. He never thought of this reason. How could a child hate wine?

He was still trying to talk, but Xiao Beiyan couldn't help shouting: "I've already said that I don't like drunkards anymore, so what are you trying to do?"

He remembered clearly that the last time when these boys were recruited in Jijiang City, someone said that Liao Youdi's father was an alcoholic, and Liao Youdi obviously disliked her father very much, so it was normal to refuse Kang Jiuhuo.

As soon as Bei Yan opened his mouth, everyone around him also shouted: "Yes, Kang Jiuhuo, he has clearly refused, why are you still pestering him?"

"Okay, now that you've finished speaking, it's our turn."

"Yes, there is more than just your Jiuhuo Peak here!"

Everyone around them stepped forward and pushed Kang Jiuhuo aside. For a moment, the peak masters of the fire-type peaks spoke about their conditions again.

Amidst the sounds, Lu Wanyu from Qingluan Peak and Zhang Yuxin from Suzaku Peak remained silent.

After everyone had finished speaking, Lu Wanyu slowly stepped forward and said, "You have been coming to the Hundred Peaks Sect for a while, and you should know that the strongest fire peak in our Hundred Peaks Sect has always been our Qingluan Peak! "

"When did the strongest fire peak in our Hundred Peaks Sect become Qingluan Peak?" Zhang Yuxin, who had not spoken for a long time, sneered, "Our Suzaku Peak is ranked higher than your Qingluan Peak."

As she spoke, a look of pride appeared on her face and she said: "In the Hundred Peaks Sect, the strongest fire peak is our Suzaku Peak. Now, the great elder in the Hundred Peaks Sect is also the peak leader of our Suzaku Peak, Senior Sister Li Ke." .Senior Sister Li Ke is now the number one fire element person in our Baifeng Sect!"

All around, people from the fire-type peak heard the sound, and before Lu Wanyu could speak, they started to make trouble.

"Li Ke is indeed powerful, but to be honest, the number one person in the fire department today is a bit too much. Senior Brother Lie Yan from Feixian Peak is no worse than Li Ke."

"Yes, it's hard to say that this is the number one fire element person."

When Lu Wanyu heard the crowd's voices, a happy look appeared on her face. With a thought in her mind, she continued: "Yes, Senior Sister Li Ke is indeed strong. But this is also Suzaku Peak's problem."

She looked at Liao Youdi and said slowly: "I know that although you are young, I can see that you are very sensible. I will not treat you as a child. I will analyze it with you and see what you think." ?”

As she said that, she raised her hand and pointed to the other people from the fire-type peaks aside and said: "The rankings of their peaks are all lower than ours. Logically speaking, if they had to choose, everyone should choose our Qingluan Peak or Suzaku Peak. , but why did they come anyway?

Why, there are always some people joining their peak? Because they also have their advantages. "

As soon as Lu Wanyu finished speaking, Zhang Yuxin frowned. Around her, several other people from the Fire Peak also looked surprised. What is going on?

Everyone recruits disciples, but they always praise themselves and say bad things about the other party. Now Lu Wanyu wants to say good things about her competitors?

Liao Youdi even showed a look of surprise and looked at Lu Wanyu intently.

After Lu Wanyu noticed Liao Youdi's gaze, she was convinced that her idea was correct. The next step was to see how to impress Liao Youdi.

After a slight pause, she continued: "Many people say that they would rather have the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. This sentence actually makes sense.

Whether those geniuses enter our Qingluan Peak or Suzaku Peak, they will face very fierce competition. Of course, they are geniuses and we will value them.

Other fire-type peaks will even directly regard those geniuses as the future of their peaks and their peak masters to train. They will attach great importance to those geniuses and even bring out countless treasures in their peak.

But we at Qingluan Peak and Zhuque Peak may not be able to do this, because there are too many such geniuses in our peaks.

Although we have more resources in the peak, we will only use those resources if we perform dazzlingly enough.

This is the advantage of other fire system peaks. "

When Lu Wanyu said this, her tone suddenly changed, she pointed at Liao Youdi and said: "But you are different, you have a top-notch immortal body!

You deserve enough treasures and resources from Qingluan Peak to train you. "

At this time, everyone in the other fire-type peaks finally knew why Lu Wanyu had just said that. In fact, in the final analysis, she was still at Qingluan Peak.

Shameless, really shameless!

They cursed loudly in their hearts, and Zhang Yuxin even shouted directly: "Not only you at Qingluan Peak, we at Suzaku Summit also value you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lu Wanyu immediately replied: "No, your Suzaku Peak is different because you have another Li Ke.

We at Qingluan Peak can train Youdi as our next peak master. He is a real peak master, not a peak master from the Little Era when the Universe is Reversal. Can you, Suzaku Peak, do that? Your Suzaku Peak's Li Ke is still young, so Li Ke is destined to be the next peak master. "

Zhang Yuxin was immediately speechless. Lu Wanyu was right. The next peak leader of their Vermillion Bird Peak was almost certain to be Li Ke.

Lu Wanyu didn't give Zhang Yuxin a chance to speak, and continued: "Also, they have Li Ke in Vermillion Bird Peak. Not only the peak master, but also many cultivation resources will be first tilted towards Li Ke. After all, Li Ke is also a top immortal body . However, we at Qingluan Peak are different. We at Qingluan Peak do not have a top-level immortal body."

Zhang Yuxin finally found an opportunity and said quickly: "This is the difference between your Qingluan Peak and our Suzaku Peak. Our Suzaku Peak has Fairy Li Ke, and we can let Fairy Li Ke teach you personally."

When Liao Youdi heard the sound, a look of yearning suddenly appeared on her face. At the same time, she also thought about how they had just left Jijiang City and were attacked by the Demon Sect in the flying boat. After Li Ke arrived, she used the flames picture.

Lu Wanyu shook her head slightly and said: "Senior Sister Li Ke is indeed strong, but can you guarantee that Fairy Li Ke has time and can teach Youdi wholeheartedly?

After the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, how long has Senior Sister Li Ke been in our Baifeng Sect? She spends more time outside.

Moreover, Senior Sister Li Ke is strong, I admit it, but is it really good for Senior Sister Li Ke to teach her disciples? I haven't seen it. Moreover, your Suzaku Peak only has one senior sister Li Ke, who can suppress our Qingluan Peak. If you didn't have Li Ke, your Suzaku Peak's ranking would not be comparable to our Qingluan Peak.

Moreover, this time, our Qingluan Peak is more sincere than your Suzaku Peak. "

Lu Wanyu's expression became serious, and she even said in a somewhat sacred voice: "I can guarantee that our Qingluan Peak will do our best to cultivate Youdi, and we, the Qingluan Peak, can even take out our Qingluan Holy Jade and give it to Youdi. Let Youdi use it.

Doesn’t your Suzaku Peak have the Suzaku Blood Stone? Will you give the Suzaku Blood Stone to Youdi? "

Zhang Yuxin was choked. Naturally, they at Suzaku Peak couldn't give the Suzaku Blood Jade to Liao Youdi. At least she couldn't guarantee it, because only the peak master could control it.

And she is not the peak master.

She really didn't expect that Qingluan Peak would be so courageous and directly take out the Qingluan Sacred Jade.

The Qingluan Sacred Jade is actually similar to the Suzaku Blood Stone in their Suzaku Peak. The Suzaku Blood Stone is the condensed blood of Suzaku, while the Qingluan Sacred Jade is the condensed blood of Qingluan.

Qingluan Sacred Jade and Suzaku Blood Stone are also the peak-suppressing treasures of Qingluan Peak and their Suzaku Peak respectively!

When Lu Wanyu saw that Zhang Yuxin didn't speak, a look of pride suddenly appeared on her face. This time, they were sure to win Qingluan Peak!

Qingluan Peak has been competing with Suzaku Peak for a long time, and between the two peaks, sometimes I beat you, and sometimes you beat me, and the difference is very small.

But now, the gap between their two peaks is gradually widening.

The key is Li Ke!

After all, now is the time when the world is reversing the Minor Era. Li Ke is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir and the highest combat power.

At the same time, Li Ke is also the temporary chief elder of the Baifeng Sect, and is the Taoist companion of the head sect Cao Zhen.

Now, Li Ke went out and entered the ruins together with Zhang Zong.

During the Little Era of the Reversal of the World, there will be more and more ruins. With Li Ke’s cultivation level, those ruins can be easily removed. When the time comes, Li Ke will take out some treasures from the ruins and even pass them on. They, Qingluan Peak and The gap between Zhuque Peak will widen even further.

If things go on like this, the awareness of the two peaks will really gradually increase!

Moreover, the most important thing is that no one in Qingluan Peak can match Li Ke.

Li Ke has a top-level immortal body, but Qingluan Peak does not have a top-level immortal body.

Therefore, now that a top immortal body has appeared again in the Baifeng Sect, no matter what, Qingluan Peak must seize the opportunity to bring Liao Youdi into the peak.

Only in this way can they, Qingluan Peak, have people who can possibly fight against Li Ke!

That's why she dared to say that she could take out the Qingluan Holy Jade.

She believed that when the master regained consciousness and knew what she had done, he would definitely support her.

Liao Youdi really hesitated. That day, the scene where Li Ke turned the tide shocked her too much.

After she entered the Hundred Peaks Sect, she also knew clearly that the two strongest fire-type peaks in the Hundred Peaks Sect were Suzaku Peak and Qingluan Peak. But Zhuque Peak is stronger now, and Li Ke is still there.

Therefore, her initial goal was actually to join Suzaku Peak.

But now, after hearing Lu Wanyu analyze so much, her heart began to waver. After weighing it, she found that joining Qingluan Peak was more beneficial to her than joining Suzaku Peak.

However, she couldn't make a decision for a while.

After thinking about it, she finally looked at Lu Wanyu and Zhang Yuxin and said: "Thank you two senior sisters for respecting me, but I haven't decided which peak to join in the future. Can you give me a few days to think carefully?" Ichiban?"

"It's natural. After you think about it, you can come to Qingluan Peak." Lu Wanyu smiled. She could tell that this little girl wanted to join Suzaku Peak at first, but now, Liao Youdi is even more interested. They are leaning toward Qingluan Peak.

"We at Suzaku Peak also welcome you to join us." Zhang Yuxin finally thought of an advantage of their Suzaku Peak and continued: "Moreover, all of us at Suzaku Peak are female disciples, and they will be more focused when they practice. "

"Who said that female disciples will be more focused when they practice? That's all, I won't argue with you about this." Lu Wanyu assured Liao Youdi again and left with the steps of a winner.

In this confrontation, Qingluan Peak was obviously better than Suzaku Peak, so why was she arguing with Zhang Yuxin?

Liao Youdi has made it clear that she will choose one of Suzaku Peak and Qingluan Peak, and also said that she has to consider it, so others will naturally have no choice but to leave.

Xiang Ziyu also greeted Xiao Zhupeng and Duoduo and said, "Okay, everyone has left. It's time for us to leave. Senior brother will take you back to meet your senior sister."

"Yes, senior brother."

Hearing this, Duo Duoyue and Zhu Peng turned to look at Liao Youdi, as if they were about to say goodbye to Liao Youdi.

Liao Youdi, on the other hand, looked at Xiang Ziyu and said crisply: "Brother, can you let me have a few words with them?"

"Of course, we'll wait for you outside." Xiang Ziyu was amused that these little guys had secret things to say.

He really wanted to tell them that they were still in the same immortal sect, they just entered different peaks. It was not like they no longer had to meet each other and talk privately.

However, he still walked out of the courtyard with Bei Yan without saying anything more.

In the yard, Liao Youdi saw the two walking away, then she looked at Duoduo and asked in a low voice: "Duoduo, what do you think I should choose? If you were me, which peak would you choose to join?"

She knew that the smartest among the three of them was Duoduo, and not only the three of them, but also among all the Taoist boys in Tianhong Academy, she thought Duoduo was the smartest.

Moreover, sometimes, Duoduo would also tell them some knowledge about cultivating immortals. She knew that Duoduo was different from them. Duoduo was obviously more knowledgeable than she and Zhu Peng, so she immediately thought of asking Duoduo.

Before Duoduo could speak, Xiao Zhupeng had already shouted: "Of course I'm looking for Senior Brother Beiyan, the three of us are together."

Liao Youdi was interrupted by Zhu Peng, but there was no unpleasant look on her face. She comforted: "Zhu Peng, don't say anything yet, just listen to Duoduo."

"If I were you," Duoduo looked at Liao Youdi and said directly without thinking at all, "Choose to join Qingluan Peak."

As she spoke, she paused slightly, and then said: "Actually, you have only three choices, one of which is Sibaofeng, which Zhu Peng and I are about to join.

In fact, if it were not our Four Treasures Peak and there was a senior sister Yisheng who was also a top immortal body and a fire-type immortal body, I would recommend you to join the Four Treasures Peak.

After excluding the Four Treasures Peak, the remaining Suzaku Peak and Qingluan Peak, in fact, what the senior sister of Qingluan Peak said was right.

They, Qingluan Peak, now need to find a genius, and then train that genius to fight against Senior Sister Li Ke of Suzaku Peak, so they will give you more.

However, Suzaku Peak already has Senior Sister Li Ke, so... Actually, you have already made a decision in your mind, right?

Now, you are about to officially start practicing cultivation. You need to make your own judgment and know how to follow your original intention. "

"I understand, thank you Duoduo." Liao Youdi showed a bright smile on her face, holding Duoduo with one hand, and Zhu Peng with the other hand: "Okay, let's go? Now that we have made a decision , there is no point in staying here any longer, I am going to Qingluan Peak to practice now."

When Xiang Ziyu came, there were only him and Xiao Beiyan, but when he left, he took three children with him. Liao Youdi is just a child now. Although she is in the Baifeng Sect and there is no danger, they can't let Liao Youdi go to Qingluan Peak by herself.

He and Xiao Beiyan first took Liao Youdi to Qingluan Peak, put Liao Youdi down, and then walked towards Sibao Peak with their new junior brothers and junior sisters from Sibaofeng.

While walking, Xiao Beiyan looked at Xiang Ziyu and said, "Senior brother, you are out of luck. My master's wife is from Zhuque Peak. When she comes back and knows that you sent Liao Youdi to Qingluan Peak, do you think she will do it?" I hate you. Anyway, I brought little Zhu Peng with me just now. I didn’t bring Liao Youdi. It was you who brought her. When I come back, let my wife find you. It’s none of my business.”

"What's the point?" Xiang Ziyu said nonchalantly: "Who am I? I am the protagonist. You can recruit so many talented disciples on my behalf. You can receive so many talented disciples, let alone me going there myself.

After ten years, I will personally recruit disciples and recruit a few more talented disciples for Master Niang’s Suzaku Peak. "

As they talked, the two came to the location of the Four Treasures Peak.

This time, the two of them did not fall directly from the mountain of Sibaofeng, but fell directly to the foot of the mountain. As Xiao Beiyan walked, he introduced to Zhu Peng and Duoduo: "This is our Sibaofeng." , you will live here from now on. Xiao Zhupeng, you must remember this, this will be your home from now on.

From now on, when others ask you, just say that you are the junior brother of Si Baofeng. "

"Zhu Peng knows, this is Zhu Peng's home." Zhu Peng shouted excitedly after hearing this, "Great, Zhu Peng has a home again. Senior brother, is this our home?"

"Yes, this mountain, this whole area is our home." Xiao Beiyan nodded with a smile, and Xiang Ziyu also laughed.

Duoduo looked around curiously, and the more she looked at her, the more she felt something was wrong.

She knew that the Four Treasure Peak had always been the last peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect, and even now the Four Treasure Peak was the last peak.

However, the strength of the Four Treasures Peak lies here. However, the Four Treasures Peak she sees now is very different from what she imagined.

She had been to Qingluan Peak before. The gate of Qingluan Peak was built like that. Although it couldn't be said to be very luxurious, it was still acceptable.

Looking at Sibaofeng again, there is not even a decent gate. Moreover, at Qingluan Peak, the road up the mountain is paved with steps, while at Sibaofeng, there are no steps at all.

Moreover, along the way, she didn't see any formations on the Four Treasure Peak.

These Four Treasure Peaks really seem to be the same peak, ranking one hundred in the Hundred Peaks Sect!

The only thing that can be seen is that there are a few spiritual fields, but those spiritual fields are not very precious.

She was a little confused. Isn't the peak master of the Four Treasures Peak a reincarnated power? Isn't he the current head sect of Baifeng Sect?

Why does Sibaofeng look so dilapidated?

It is a wrong choice for me to enter the Hundred Peaks Sect and the Four Treasures Peaks...

Xiang Ziyu and Beiyan walked all the way to the mountain with their two little guys. In fact, although Sibaofeng is named "Feng", it is not just a simple small mountain peak. From the foot of Sibaofeng, all the way to It's still not far from where they live.

Ordinary children would never be able to walk that far or climb that high.

However, as they walked, they discovered that neither Zhu Peng nor Duoduo needed their help to climb all the way up the mountain.

Xiao Zhupeng's natural supernatural power is even more powerful than many mortals, and even many Taoist boys in the academy who have practiced longer than him.

It's not surprising that he was able to climb up.

But Duoduo also climbed up all the way, which is strange.

It's just that Xiang Ziyu and Beiyan didn't seem to notice anything strange about Duoduo, and they took Duoduo to the platform of Sibao Peak.

On the platform, Yi Sheng, who was refining alchemy, saw the two people following his two senior brothers. He stood up immediately with a bright smile on his face and said, "Are these my junior brothers and junior sisters?" ?”

"That's right." Xiang Ziyu is usually not very reliable, but now, he is the boss in the entire Four Treasures Peak, but he is also rare and serious.

He introduced to Duoduo and Xiao Zhupeng: "Xiao Zhupeng and Duoduo, this one is your fifth senior sister, Yisheng."

Then, he looked at Yisheng and introduced: "These are the two new disciples our Four Treasure Peak has accepted this year. This is Xiao Zhupeng, and the other is Xiao Duoduo."

"Little Duoduo?" Yisheng glanced at Duoduo curiously, then looked at his senior brother and asked: "Senior brother, little Duoduo has joined us at Sibao Peak now, too. Now that she’s about to start practicing, you can’t still call her by her nickname. What’s Duoduo’s name?”

Xiang Ziyu also reacted when he heard the sound, turned to look at Duoduo and asked: "Yes, Duoduo, what is your full name?"

An innocent smile suddenly appeared on Duoduo's face, and she said with a smile: "Duoduo is called Duoduo, this is Duoduo's name."

"Your full name is Duoduo?" Xiang Ziyu asked with some disbelief: "Your surname is Duo?"

Duoduo nodded.

"Ming Duo?"

Duoduo nodded again.

"Okay, that's no problem." Xiang Ziyu turned to look at the two of them and said, "Master is not here, so we don't need to go through those complicated apprenticeship ceremonies. However, although you two entered our Four Treasures Peak at almost the same time, But they must also be divided into senior brothers and junior sisters, or senior sisters and junior brothers.

Duoduo, you agreed to join our Four Treasures Peak first, and then Zhu Peng, so you are the sixth junior sister and Zhu Peng is the junior junior brother. Now, our Sibaofeng is getting more and more prosperous as we get older. "

Beside him, Xiao Beiyan nodded vigorously. He finally had another junior brother and junior sister. And they are still junior brothers and junior sisters who are younger than him.

Once upon a time, there were only the master and four of his disciples in the Baifeng Sect.

Now, in more than a year, the Baifeng Sect has gained three more disciples. I think Master will be very pleased to see two more disciples when he returns to the Baifeng Sect.

After Cao Zhen entered the palace where the Eclipse Demon and the others were, he kept walking. After walking for a long time, everyone finally decided not to move forward, but stood in one place and waited.

"The tower we entered before had a formation, and I'm afraid there is also a formation here." Li Ke looked at everyone and whispered: "If we continue walking, I'm afraid it won't make much sense. We might as well stay here. See if there’s anything weird here.”

When Linghu Gu Gu heard the sound, he nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I think so too. We have been walking and haven't taken a good look to see if there is anything weird in this corridor."

On the side, Lingxi and Yan Yourong also nodded, feeling that what Li Ke and Linghu Lonely said made sense.

For a moment, everyone stopped and began to study the peculiarities and peculiarities of this corridor.

Cao Zhen, on the other hand, stopped and began to observe the Sun Eclipse Demon.

In their sight, Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao were still not separated. They continued to walk forward. Moreover, they just walked without stopping to study what was special here.

Cao Zhen looked at it for a while, then shook his head and left.

These two guys obviously found nothing.

I don’t know what’s going on with the Four Treasure Peaks and the Hundred Peaks Sect now.

Cao Zhen thought for a while, but did not rush to withdraw from Zhonghua Cloud. Instead, he contacted his disciple Xiang Ziyu. However, the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened.

On the huge platform of Sibao Peak, Yisheng was refining elixirs as before.

But in the middle of the platform, there were four figures at this time, namely Xiang Ziyu, Xiao Beiyan and two other little guys.

Among them, there was a little guy he had seen before, it was Zhu Peng who Xiao Beiyan brought to meet him.

The other one is a pretty girl.

Cao Zhen suddenly felt strange.

Didn’t these two little guys just enter the Hundred Peaks Sect? Shouldn't they be Taoist boys in the academy of Baifeng Sect? Why did you end up at Sibaofeng?

Just as he was wondering, Xiang Ziyu's voice came over.

On the platform, Xiang Ziyu had a sharp sword in his hand. He looked at Duoduo and said: "Duoduo, you have a sword body, you must be suitable for practicing swordsmanship.

As for your senior brother, I, as the protagonist, am good at everything. Now that the master is not here, I will let my senior brother teach you the swordsmanship. Junior sister, please watch carefully. "

Xiang Ziyu said, and a black and white light suddenly shot out from the sharp sword in his hand. At this moment, his whole person's momentum changed drastically.

At this moment, he became filled with a sense of emptiness, a kind of freedom that transcended everything, and at the same time, he had an unparalleled domineering air.

The next moment, Xiang Ziyu's figures appeared on the platform one by one.

In just an instant, hundreds of Xiang Ziyu appeared, and each Xiang Ziyu slashed out with one sword at the same time.

For a moment, sword energy filled the void.

One hundred swords were shot out, each one embodying unparalleled sword intent and a rich ethereal meaning. Each sword was different. It seemed like a hundred peerless swordsmen were unleashing the strongest sword at the same time. .

For a moment, the entire void shook crazily.

Some of these hundred swords seemed to fly from nine heavens away, some seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell filled with endless evil energy, some seemed to be a majestic giant mountain, unparalleled in thickness, and some seemed to be from the Nine Nether Hell. It's as if it comes from the deep sea...

This sword, Xiang Ziyu's sword, made another breakthrough!

It was clearly a hundred swords, but vaguely, this world seemed to be filled with sword light, as if there were countless sword lights.

But at the same time, it makes people feel that this world seems to have only this sword!

After Xiang Ziyu's sword fell, the surrounding void suddenly cracked open, revealing a clear crack, just like a blank space in calligraphy and painting.

The sword flew far away and seemed to pierce the void, and the clouds in the distance were also pierced by the sword. The sword flew past, and countless raindrops fell from the clouds.

Xiang Ziyu seemed to be very satisfied with the power of his sword. After sheathing his sword, he looked at Duoduo.

Before Duoduo could speak, little Zhu Peng shouted excitedly: "This sword is so powerful. Zhu Peng needs to learn it. Zhu Peng needs to learn it. Brother Beiyan, can you teach Zhu Peng."

"This..." Bei Yan scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Senior brother, I don't know the sword technique, but I know the hammer technique. Zhu Peng, don't you use a stick? Senior brother, let me tell you, actually using a stick is as good as using a hammer. It’s almost the same, senior brother will teach you the hammering technique.”

When Xiang Ziyu heard Xiao Zhupeng's shouting, a look of pride suddenly appeared on his face, and he shouted: "It's okay, Xiao Zhupeng, I can teach you this swordsmanship. You and your little senior sister can learn from your senior brother." Convenience."

Xiang Ziyu said, turned to look at Duoduo, and asked with a smile: "Duoduo, did you understand the sword strike just made by senior brother?"

Duoduo shook his head, understand? How could she understand such a profound sword?

However, even though she didn't understand it clearly, she could also tell that this sword was very subtle.

Could it be that this sword is the sword technique taught by the reincarnated master.

Cao Zhen was completely dumbfounded. Junior brother, junior sister?

There are two more disciples in Sibaofeng? What's going on?

He finally couldn't help it and asked directly to Xiang Ziyu: "Xiang Ziyu, what's going on? Why, our Baifeng Sect has two more disciples?"

When Xiang Ziyu and his master were in the ruins of Tianhuan Sword Lord, he knew that his master had a special method to contact his senior sister Yan Yourong in the Baifeng Sect. He also always understood the situation in the Baifeng Sect through his senior sister. Therefore, there was nothing strange at all when he suddenly heard Master's words ringing in his mind.

It was just an accident for him that his senior brother came to him suddenly. This was the first time that his master had come to him in this way.

Xiang Ziyu heard the voice and immediately said: "Back to Master, the day for our Baifeng Sect's annual disciple selection is here. It's not good for our Four Treasure Peak to only have so few disciples. And this time our Baifeng Sect has two more disciples." He is a Taoist boy with excellent talent, so the disciple helped our Baifeng Sect to accept two disciples on behalf of the master."

As soon as Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, everyone around him looked over.

Duoduo even showed a strange look. Why is the third senior brother talking to himself when he has nothing to do? After arriving at the Four Treasures Peak, she soon discovered that none of the disciples at the Four Treasures Peak seemed to be normal.

The third senior brother Xiang Ziyu talked to himself all day long, saying that the protagonist was not the protagonist.

The fourth senior brother is obviously afraid that the third senior brother will come to him for discussion, but he always provokes the third senior brother.

The fifth senior sister was obviously very talented, but she said that her talent was very poor, and even gave her a feeling of lack of confidence.

And then little junior brother, not to mention.

What kind of immortal sect did I join? What kind of sect did I enter? Isn’t this a reincarnated and powerful sect? Why does it feel so unreliable?

Duoduo has not seen her master and two senior sisters yet, but from the senior brothers and sisters she sees now, she feels that none of them are normal.

Especially this third senior brother, who was talking to himself was stunned. One moment he was showing off his swordsmanship, and the next moment he started calling him master.

His master, his own master, was also the head of the Baifeng Sect. No one in the entire Baifeng Sect knew that her master had gone to the ruins.

Besides, she is not blind. There are no other people around. Why is Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu suddenly calling Master?

Not far away from her, Xiao Zhu Peng had turned his head and looked around, swiping left and right, turning his head and shouting: "Master? Where is the master?"

Xiao Beiyan and Yisheng were stunned for a moment when they heard the third senior brother talking about master. Then they quickly realized that master can talk to people outside the endless area through special secret methods.

Now, their master is using the secret technique and talking to the third senior brother.

Although they could not see their master, the two of them still respectfully raised their hands to the square shape of the third senior brother Xiang Ziyu and said: "I have met the master."

For a moment, Duoduo was completely dumbfounded. What happened? There was obviously no one here, so why did Fourth Senior Brother and Fifth Senior Sister start calling Master?

While she was in a daze, little Zhu Peng followed suit, raised his hands in the direction of Xiang Ziyu, and shouted, "I've met the master."

Duoduo was completely stunned. What was going on? Why did even Zhu Peng start to meet the master? Could it be that Master really appeared and I didn't see it? Is it just you who can't see Master?

She wondered if there was something wrong with her eyes.

Duoduo asked little Zhu Peng on the side: "You are also called Master. Have you seen Master?"

Xiao Zhupeng shook his head in confusion and said, "No."

Duoduo was also confused: "You didn't see it, and you still screamed?"

Little Zhu Peng said confidently: "If Senior Brother Beiyan calls, Zhu Peng will call!"

Duoduo was speechless for a moment. She was stupid. She actually reasoned with Xiao Zhupeng. It was over. She had only been in Baifeng Sect for a few days, but she was also affected and began to act abnormally.

Yisheng heard the conversation between Duoduo and Zhu Peng, and seemed to know what Duoduo was wondering about. He explained softly to Duoduo: "Little junior sister, the teacher is here, but the teacher used a special secret method to talk directly to the third senior brother. , the teacher can hear us when we speak, but we cannot hear what the teacher says, only the third senior brother can hear."

Duoduo nodded slightly, but she was not worried about it. She knew that there was a way to transmit sounds into secrets, but it could only be done at close range.

But where is his master?

She had heard that the master had gone to the distant Southeast Asia. How could he communicate with the third senior brother at such a long distance? No secret method could do it.

It is impossible for anyone to do this in this Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty.

Not to mention the Earthly Fairyland, not even the Returning Fairyland.

She suspected that the third senior brother was not making it up on his own. Others couldn't do such a thing, but her third senior brother couldn't do anything with his abnormal appearance!

Cao Zhen was even more confused when he heard Xiang Ziyu say that this was the disciple chosen by the Chosen Disciple. He asked with confusion: "Didn't they just enter our Baifeng Sect? Shouldn't they continue to study in the academy? How long ago did they leave the academy? What have they learned?"

Xiang Ziyu immediately explained after hearing this: "Back to Master, I heard that there were not a few of them at the beginning, but the peak masters of the major peaks all went to the deans of each academy to put pressure on those who have excellent qualifications for cultivating immortals. All the disciples took part in the assessment, left the academy, and entered the selection process.

According to the disciples' hall, they did this because you happened to be away from the sect. They were worried that after you come back, they would select disciples and all those disciples with good qualifications in cultivating immortals would enter our Four Treasures Peak.

Moreover, they do not dare to let these disciples wait until a few years to participate in the selection of disciples. They are also afraid that when you are in the sect, these disciples will join our Four Treasures Peak. So at their strong request, the selection of disciples began. "

Cao Zhen was immediately convinced. What did those peak masters think?

Steal a disciple?

I can no longer take care of my five disciples, so I will accept them?

Also, if you do this, the selection of disciples goes on as usual, but you select all the people, and I am no longer here. You didn't even snatch my disciples, and you asked Sibaofeng to accept two disciples. You are What to eat.

"These peak masters are really shameless. They have no rules at all. When I go back, I must talk to them and set some rules. No, you will have time to talk to the deputy master later. From now on, Baifeng Sect Academy Taoist boys within the academy who have entered the academy for less than three years are not allowed to leave the academy to participate in the assessment and selection of disciples."

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he looked at his third disciple and asked: "No, I remember there was a female disciple with a top-level immortal body? Why did you confiscate her?"

That female disciple, after all, is a top-notch immortal, so she can be trained with less worry.

As a result, Xiang Ziyu accepted a disciple. He accepted a fool and an ancient immortal body.

This guy, can you please save yourself some worries?

It's tiring enough to raise a few of them by myself, and now we need another ancient immortal body.

Xiang Ziyu heard the sound and immediately said loudly: "Master, that Liao Youdi has gone to Qingluan Peak. Master, let me tell you, don't think she is a top immortal body, but in fact her talent is not as good as that of Xiao Zhupeng and Duoduo." . Master, you believe me, if I didn’t exist, Xiao Zhu Peng and Duo Duo must be the protagonists, with the appearance of an emperor!"

Cao Zhen felt his blood pressure soar instantly. He looked like an emperor, and he really wanted to slap Xiang Ziyu down the mountain!

There are two more apprentices, what will happen next!

These two children have now joined the Baifeng Sect, and he cannot ignore them.

The problem is that I can't connect with these two disciples now, and I don't know how these two disciples should practice.

"Not to mention other people, your junior brothers and sisters, you don't want to be around them. Is it possible for them to learn your sword skills? If you want to teach them, teach them well. Also, you are not allowed to teach your random magical powers to your junior brothers and sisters. …”

Cao Zhen wanted to say more, but in reality, Linghu's lonely voice came over.

"What's going on at the entrance to this corridor? Why can't I enter?"

When Cao Zhen heard this, he no longer educated Xiang Ziyu, but said, "Okay, that's it. I'll leave first as a teacher."

After he finished his instructions, he quickly cut off contact with Xiang Ziyu, just as the time was almost up.

He raised his eyes and looked towards the corridor in front of him. At the end of the corridor, Linghu Gudu and others had gathered here, and Linghu Gudu's hand kept stretching towards the corridor in front of him, but no matter how he stretched out his hand, there was nothing There is no way to enter the corridor ahead.

Linghu was not alone. Behind him, Lingxi, Yan Yourong and Li Ke also walked forward to try. However, they were unable to enter the corridor. There seemed to be an invisible wall blocking them.

"What's going on? We had no problem entering any corridor before. Why are we suddenly unable to enter the corridor now?"

Linghu Lonely was puzzled. He had been to too many ruins, but he had never entered such a special ruin. There would always be some weird things.

When they entered the White Tower before, they had to distinguish whether it was up or down. The palace in front of them was just spinning around inside.

Then the corridor that was walking well before was now impossible to pass.

"What's going on? Why can't we enter this corridor?" Cao Zhen walked to the front of the corridor with a curious face, raised his hand and touched it, trying to see if there was really an invisible wall, but when When he reached into one of the three forks in the extension, his hand passed through without any hindrance.

"There seems to be no obstacle."

Cao Zhen whispered, and then he took another foot and stepped into the corridor.

The next moment, everyone was stunned.

Cao Zhen actually walked into this corridor without any hindrance. What was even more strange was that the next moment, where Cao Zhen walked in, the doorway that originally connected the two corridors disappeared and turned into a wall.

There were obviously three forks at the end of this corridor, but now, only two are left.

"what's the situation?"

"Why did this road suddenly disappear?"

"We couldn't enter, so why did Master get in?"

"What do we do now?"

Several people looked at each other.

Yan Yourong hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Let's continue waiting. Master has the transmission talisman refined by senior sister. Master should be able to contact us through the transmission talisman. Even if the transmission talisman fails, Master has other means to find us."

Lingxi and Li Ke both knew Cao Zhen's special methods and nodded when they heard the sound. Linghu Lonely had a strange look on his face, but he didn't say much and just waited with everyone.

Cao Zhen walked into the corridor, but once again entered a corridor two doors away.

As soon as he entered this new corridor, a strong smell of blood hit his nostrils.

On the ground, bright red blood was flowing. Not far away, a man fell in a pool of blood. Looking at the blood that was constantly flowing out of his body, it was obvious that he had just died. Not far away from this man, There is a man in black.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly froze. He had never seen the person standing in front of him. Obviously, he was not the Third Prince's person.

Instead, it was the person who fell on the ground. I had seen it before by observing the Eclipse Demon. It was the third prince's men.

The third prince's men were killed, and the person in front of him...

Could it be that he is a subordinate of the fourth prince? The Fourth Prince's people came in?

The other party obviously didn't expect that just as he killed one person, someone else immediately entered the corridor, and the person who entered...

"Cao Zhen!"

The man let out a low cry, turned around and ran in the other direction.

He knew Cao Zhen, and everyone who came here saw Cao Zhen's appearance, but he didn't expect that he would meet Cao Zhen directly, and it was just after a battle with someone.

Even when he was in his prime, he would run away immediately when he saw Cao Zhen, let alone in this state.

Behind him, ten golden elixirs of visions all appeared, and the ten visions were ten different kinds of giant trees.

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

Once upon a time, Cao Zhenzhen thought that there were very, very few golden elixirs of ten visions and great perfection. However, after entering this peerless ruins, especially at the back, when you meet someone, you are the golden elixir of ten visions and perfection. Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

Moreover, this person knew him. After seeing him, the other person had no intention of fighting. He even stopped searching for the dead person's belongings and turned around and ran away.

Cao Zhen quickly chased after him. This person was most likely a subordinate of the fourth prince. He wanted to catch him and inquire about the whereabouts of the fourth prince.

If nothing else, he still had to know the name of the fourth prince.

Although the corridor in front of them was long, when the two of them exploded at full speed, in just a few breaths, the other party had already reached the end of the corridor.

However, the next moment he touched the corridor, he felt as if he had touched an invisible wall, and his progress was blocked.

The six vision golden elixirs and the heretic golden elixirs behind Cao Zhen had already appeared. At this time, when he saw that the opponent was blocked, he stopped taking action and looked at the opponent calmly.

After the opponent was blocked, a look of astonishment was evident on his face, and he turned around helplessly and looked at Cao Zhen. Seeing Cao Zhen who had not taken action, he quickly thought in his mind that he knew Cao Zhen, but Cao Zhen did not know him.

Cao Zhen doesn't seem to be a murderous person, and he might have the chance to leave.

Thinking of this, he stabilized his mind, cupped his hands towards Cao Zhenyi and said, "I have met Cao Zhangzong."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and asked with a smile: "Do you know me?"

The visitor immediately exclaimed after hearing the sound: "I'm afraid there are not many people in the world who don't know Cao Zhangzong. After all, Cao Zhangzong's performance in the Zhenxian Dynasty and the Immortal Martial Arts Conference is even more impressive than the masters of the major dynasties." I have seen it, and I have also seen the image of Cao Zhangzong that was touched by the shadow rubbing stone."

"Oh? That's it." Cao Zhen smiled, while slowly approaching the other party, and whispered: "But, I am very strange, why did you run away when you saw me just now?"

"This... is just instinctive." The other party had already thought of the words and immediately explained after hearing the voice, "This kind of ruins is too dangerous. I have encountered many dangers before, so when I see people, I immediately run away instinctively."

"That's it." Cao Zhen was determined to trick the other party, but he was not in a hurry to do anything, but continued to ask: "You know who I am, but I don't know who you are yet, what do you call you, and where do you come from? Immortal gate?"

"I'm Zheng Wuqun." Zheng Wuqun replied immediately. He was talking about his real name. At this time, it is not the time to make up a name. After all, you have to think about making up a name. After a slight hesitation, Cao Zhen saw it. What to do if there is a flaw and direct attack?

Anyway, he has been keeping his name anonymous, and it is impossible for Cao Zhen to know his existence, so there is no harm in telling him his real name.

As for the origin.

He said softly: "I come from the Cangming Sect of the Jinyu Dynasty."

His origin is naturally false. However, the Jinyu Dynasty was not close to the Baifeng Sect, and it was impossible for Cao Zhen to know about the Cangming Sect of the Jinyu Dynasty.

"Oh..." Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at the man who fell on the ground, and asked in a low voice: "Then what happened to this man? Why did he die in your hands?"

Zheng Wuqun immediately made up: "I don't know, but I met him in this corridor. He started to attack me without saying a word. I had no choice but to fight back and eventually killed him."

"I see." Cao Zhen nodded slightly, then suddenly changed his tone and asked, "What about the Fourth Prince? Why aren't you with the Fourth Prince!"

Zheng Wuqun's expression suddenly changed, "Fourth Prince?"

How could Cao Zhen know about the existence of the fourth prince? Who told him!

He was horrified in his heart, but he refused to admit it, and even asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Is Cao Zhangzong asking about the fourth prince of our Jinyu Dynasty? The fourth prince of our Jinyu Dynasty, even How is it possible for a young man, and a mere mortal, to enter this ruins?"

"Which prince I am talking about, you know in your heart." Cao Zhen saw the instant change on the other person's face, and already knew in his heart that the other person should be the fourth prince's subordinate.

Sure enough, the fourth prince really came, and the fourth prince came for the third prince. As soon as his people saw the third prince's people, they immediately attacked and killed the third prince's people directly.

It's just that he doesn't understand why the fourth prince wants to separate all their people?

Shouldn't he ensure that his people have enough strength to kill the third prince's people after they meet the fourth prince's people?

There is a high probability that the third prince is not separated from the middle-aged man. If the two are together, the fourth prince has only one person. When he meets the third prince and the middle-aged man, can he be his opponent?

Zheng Wuqun still said harshly: "Zhang Cao, I really don't know what you are talking about." But in his heart, he secretly became wary.

"Don't know?" Cao Zhen raised his hand and pointed at the body lying on the ground, and sneered: "You don't know him? Didn't you kill him directly after you saw that he was the third prince?"

Zheng Wuqun was completely shocked. Cao Zhen not only knew that he was the fourth prince's person, but also knew that the person who died was the third prince's person.

Cao Zhen knew about their existence, even which faction they belonged to, and even the conflict between the third prince and the fourth prince.

How could he know so much?

Could it be that someone betrayed them?

who is it?

While Zheng Wuqun was in shock and confusion, Cao Zhen's voice came again: "Now, do you still want to hide something?"

Zheng Wuqun sighed helplessly, cupped his hands towards Cao Zhenyi and said: "Cao Zhangzong is indeed very powerful, and he even knows our details clearly. Yes, I am indeed the Fourth Prince's person, and the Fourth Prince..."

As he spoke, a look of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, he looked at Cao Zhen's back and exclaimed: "Prince, you are here, you..."

The next moment, endless mana surged through his body, and an apple-like fruit suddenly appeared in his hand, and was thrown towards Cao Zhen.

Since Cao Zhen already knows his identity, Cao Zhen must also know that it was because of their instigation that the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Scarlet Lian Demon Sect attacked the Baifeng Sect where Cao Zhen was located.

In this case, Cao Zhen will definitely not let him go. In this case, he can only take action first.

Although, he knew that there was a high probability that he would not do anything, so he had to fight hard to defend, so he couldn't just let go!

Cao Zhen didn't even look back. He looked at the apple-like thing that was thrown over and sneered: "You deceive me using such a method that only a child would believe, and you want to sneak attack me? Are you questioning my IQ?"

As he finished speaking, a visionary golden elixir suddenly shot out with bright light behind him. For a moment, flames suddenly shot out, forming a sea of ​​fire in an instant and falling directly on what La Zheng Wuqun was still shooting out.

Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded, and the apple-like fruit filling suddenly burst open, and then waves of fresh fragrance came out.

A joyful look suddenly appeared on Zheng Wuqun's face. His attack was caused by the fragrance of the powder in it, but Cao Zhenmi was obviously careless.

However, the next moment, the smile on his face froze.

Cao Zhen released too much flame!

The aroma had just spread out a little, but the next moment, endless flames burned, melting all the powders, and the aroma dissipated instantly.

His attacks were completely ineffective.

Ten magical powers!

Cao Zhen is indeed as rumored to be able to release ten kinds of magical powers at once.

If Cao Zhen releases a little less magical power, his attack will definitely be effective, but now...

Zheng Wuqun looked at the falling flames, and the aura in his body continued to surge. Behind him, among the ten golden elixirs of visions that completed the elixir, ten different trees of visions were shaking crazily, and then they were shaking crazily. These ten giant trees with strange phenomena seemed to come out of the golden elixir of strange phenomena, blocking Zheng Wuqun's way.

A strong smell of vegetation spreads from the narrow corridor.

Ten giant trees completely blocked this corridor. On each giant tree, there is a fruit. Among them, there are ten fruits in total, each one is overflowing with light and surrounded by rays of light.

Rays of rays of light fell, completely enveloping the space including Zheng Wuqun. It's like endless spiritual energy gathering and forming.

next moment.

Streams of flames fell down.

Under the bombardment of flames, the entire corridor shook crazily.

There were ten layers of flames in total. The first layer of flames fell and fell onto the first big tree, and the fruit of the big tree suddenly split open. Then, the second flame fell, destroying the second fruit, followed by the third and fourth... flames fell one after another.

Every time a flame falls, a fruit will be destroyed, and every time a fruit is destroyed, a pale look will appear on Zheng Wuqun's face.

In just the blink of an eye, all ten fruits were destroyed, and all the shadows of ten giant trees were shattered!

A look of horror suddenly flashed across Zheng Wuqun's face. He knew Cao Zhenqiang, but it was only after he actually fought against Cao Zhen that he felt the deep despair.

He releases ten magical powers at once. Although the power of each magical power cannot be compared with the power of the magical powers he releases, these are ten magical powers!

After the flames, Cao Zhen was already waving the sword in his hand.

Cao Zhen's sword fell, and in an instant, a hundred figures of Cao Zhen seemed to appear in the narrow corridor.

One hundred Cao Zhen slashed out with one sword at the same time. It seemed that one hundred, peerless swordsman masters, simultaneously used the strongest sword in their lives.

For a moment, there was a loud whine in the narrow corridor, as if there were eagles flapping their wings.

There are swords all around. One hundred swords, each sword is filled with unparalleled sword intent and has a strong ethereal meaning, but each sword is different.

Some are like swords flying from nine heavens away, full of a sense of ecstasy, some seem to come from the Nine Nether Hell, the sword energy dissipates cold and murderous intent is rampant, some are like majestic giant mountains, unparalleled in thickness, and some It seems to come from the deep sea...

Zheng Wuqun felt that what he saw was one sword, but vaguely, he felt that what he saw was not one sword, but one hundred swords and ten thousand sword energies. However, vaguely, these ten thousand sword energies seemed to have Combined into one sword!

He even felt that there was nothing else in this corridor except this sword!

A sword seemed to break through the endless space, and the sound of sonic booms continued to sound in the corridor, echoing after hitting the walls on both sides.

This sword is unparalleled, it seems to be able to pierce through the heaven and the earth, tear the universe apart, and chop into pieces the sun, the moon, and the stars.

Countless hairs stood up all over Zheng Wuqun's body. He was invincible. He was absolutely unstoppable with this sword!

He finally understood why Cao Zhen was able to get the final first place in the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty where there were so many masters!

Before the sword fell on him, he even felt like his liver was about to burst.

Certain death!

Suddenly there was a fierce and determined look in his eyes. Since he was bound to die, Cao Zhen couldn't have an easy time.

For a moment, the strange golden elixir behind him surged wildly, as if it was burning, and seemed to burst the golden elixir alive.

The air around him continued to explode and explode again, and a terrifying aura surged around him with him as the center.

not good!

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened, and he continued to retreat. Behind him, in a strange golden elixir, rays of body-protecting magical power fell.

Self-destruction, this Zheng Wuqun is going to self-destruct!

The next moment, there was a loud bang that seemed to be able to explode the entire ruins and the entire world.

In an instant, the entire corridor was shaking crazily.

An unparalleled terrifying power rushed towards Cao Zhen.

After Cao Zhen first came to this world, he didn't fight many people, but since he participated in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, he has fought against too many masters.

However, no one's attacks against it were as powerful as the one coming at them.

This is the self-destruction of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen!

He shot out his sword, and the sword energy he swung was instantly shattered by the terrifying power of self-destruction. Then, a powerful force that seemed to be able to destroy everything came, and the body-protecting magical powers on his body instantly dissipated. , the terrifying power impacted his body and flew backwards.

He and Zhengwu were originally at the end of the corridor, but under the impact of the impact, his body flew all the way backwards, directly to the other end of the corridor, and hit the wall behind heavily. Within the body, the energy and blood were churning crazily, and a trace of bright red blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Cao Zhen took a few breaths and then felt relieved.

"No, the layer of armor is still not thick enough. After condensing the golden elixir, I must gather ten more. No, twenty kinds of body protection magical powers. Although I am almost invincible in the golden elixir stage, after others are invincible, You can also self-explode the golden elixir."

He really didn't expect that Zheng Wuqun was so decisive. In fact, his sword was just to seriously injure Zheng Wuqun, and did not mean to kill Zheng Wuqun directly.

After all, he still wanted to catch Zheng Wuqun and ask many questions.

Who would have thought that Zheng Wuqun would self-destruct!

The lion used all his strength to fight the rabbit, but he was also careless this time. If he directly thrust out with all his strength, Zheng Wuqun might not have the chance to self-destruct.

Therefore, from now on, you should use all your strength. As for gathering information, you have already confirmed that the fourth prince is here. If you find the fourth prince, you can do it directly.

Also, what happens next?

Cao Zhen looked behind him. He remembered clearly that he came from the corridor behind him. There should be an entrance and exit to the corridor behind him, but at this time, there was a wall behind him.

"Why did it become a wall? What about the entrance and exit? Also, why didn't Lingxi and the others enter here?"

Cao Zhen frowned and took out the telegraph talisman refined by Lingxi, but as his mana poured into the talisman, he did not get any response.

"The talisman has failed? Even if the entrance and exit behind becomes a wall, the distance between us is only a wall, and this talisman has actually failed."

Cao Zhen frowned and looked in front of him. During Zheng Wuqun's attack, the wall had not completely fallen off, leaving the smooth wall exposed, and he shook his head slightly.

He has tried this wall many times, and it is absolutely indestructible in the Golden Core stage.

In this minor era of world reversal, at most it can only exert the power of the golden elixir stage, but he doesn't know why the walls here can be so hard.

Perhaps the limit of power is the limit of the Golden Core stage, but the wall is not power, so his strength can exceed the limit of the Golden Core stage?

Cao Zhen shook his head. Now was not the time to think about this. He quickly passed through Zhonghua Cloud and started to connect to Lingxi.

The next moment, the four figures from Lingxi appeared in his sight.

The four people in Lingxi did not move, but stood outside the corridor he entered, and the original three forked paths now only became two.

"Two forks?" Cao Zhen's eyes widened suddenly. He finally knew why Lingxi and the others did not enter the corridor where he was. It turned out to be because the entrance passage was blocked.

In the corridor, the four people were waiting anxiously, and Linghu Lonely was lying on the wall, seeming to be listening to something.

However, after stopping for a long time, he heard nothing.

Suddenly, Lingxi's voice rang.

"Master, disciple is here."

Linghu Lonely immediately turned his head and looked towards Lingxi, but he did not see Cao Zhen in his sight. At the same time, he also discovered that Li Ke and Yan Yourong were also looking towards Lingxi at the same time.

Obviously, Cao Zhen should have communicated with Lingxi through some special method.

There was only such a wall between them, so there was nothing surprising about Cao Zhen being able to communicate with Lingxi.

Cao Zhen knew that the time he had to communicate with Lingxi was limited, so he didn't care about talking nonsense and said directly: "I just met a person here, who was the Fourth Prince's person. I have already killed him, but I also Got some injuries.”

"What?" Lingxi's expression changed drastically and she exclaimed, "Master, are you injured?"

When everyone around heard the sound, they all looked surprised. Even Linghu Lonely, although he only entered the ruins to be with Cao Zhen, he had seen Cao Zhen take action before and knew that Cao Zhen's strength was How terrifying.

Now, Lingxi said that his master Cao Zhen was injured? Who can hurt Cao Zhen?

Cao Zhen quickly explained: "The opponent's strength is good, but it is only good. The reason why I was injured is because the opponent self-destructed. It was a Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection. The strength should be higher than Nie Jie. That fourth prince is really capable. My time is limited, so don't talk yet and listen to me.

The entrance I just entered here has been closed. I guess you won't be able to enter this entrance and see me, so I'm afraid we will be separated.

You can try to see if those entrances can be entered. If my prediction is correct, I am afraid that only one person can enter those entrances, and we will all be separated in the end.

Because none of you can enter the entrance of this corridor. There is no reason that only I can enter, and after I entered, someone happened to die here.

Therefore, it is very likely that there can only be two people at most in a corridor. Moreover, these two people must have come from different entrances.

You can give it a try later. If you all separate in the end, if you encounter an enemy, you must remember to attack with all your strength no matter what. If one of the Fourth Prince’s subordinates is so determined, I’m afraid his other subordinates will also It will be so. "

"It's Master. I have remembered everything." After listening to Cao Zhen's instructions, Lingxi turned to look at everyone and said, "Master said that he met the Fourth Prince's people."

Cao Zhen had already spoken about the existence of the Fourth Prince before, and everyone was not surprised when they heard this.

Lingxi continued: "In addition, Master also said that the other party is a Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen. Master has it because the other party self-destructed. Master asked us..."

Lingxi simply told everyone what Cao Zhen had just said to him.

When everyone heard this, their expressions suddenly became heavy.

"So, the Fourth Prince's people seem to be very crazy. They may explode themselves at any time. If we encounter the enemy again, we must strike first.

Also, what Cao Zhen analyzed is very likely to be true. I'm afraid we really have to separate. Linghu Lonely looked back at the other three women, pointed at the remaining two corridor entrances and exits and said: "I'll try entering one first. If my guess is correct, the entrances and exits of the other corridor may also be closed after I enter." , of course, if it is not closed, you can enter immediately. "

The three women nodded after hearing this.

However, Linghu Gudu did not enter the corridor immediately. A protective light rose up from his body, and then two more shields appeared on his left and right hands. Only then did he try to step in. Corridor entrance and exit.

His feet stepped into it without any hindrance.

The next moment, he completely disappeared from the sight of the three women.

As Linghu walked alone into another corridor, the entrance and exit of the corridor were also closed.

"So, Master's analysis is correct. I'm afraid we will be separated." Yan Yourong turned to the other entrance, looked at Li Ke and Ling Xi and asked, "Who will enter the other corridor?"

"Let me do it, you fellow apprentices, I'm afraid you have to retreat and enter another corridor." Li Ke nodded towards the two of them, walked to the entrance and exit of the corridor, looked back at the two of them and said, "Also, I I just thought of it.

We have walked all the way along this corridor, and this corridor has been unobstructed. Why is there a problem now? There are two reasons. One is that the road in front of us is like this, and the corridor in front of us is like this. If this is the case, after you go back, you can enter other corridors, change paths and go forward. The two of you can still be together and take care of each other, which is okay.

But there is another situation, that is, someone touches a certain formation, so the rules in the corridor change. If this is the reason, it proves that someone is ahead of us, and it is very likely that the other party has already obtained the treasure here. Even the other party controls the rules of the corridor. Then we have to be more careful. "

After Li Ke finished speaking, she stepped into another corridor. Like Linghu Gudu, she also entered the corridor without any hindrance.

As she entered the corridor, the entrance and exit of the corridor also closed.

Lingxi and Yan Yourong walked towards the back, the direction they entered the corridor.

When they got here, the two of them paused.

At the end of this corridor is a three-way intersection that allows three people to leave, but there is only one way for them to enter the corridor.

Right now, there are two of them.

In an instant, the two of them suddenly understood why Li Ke had just entered another passage first.

Because, entering another channel, you may face unknown dangers and enemies.

Even Cao Zhen was injured because of the other party's self-destruction, let alone them. However, no one can enter the passage they are looking at, so it is safe. Under certain circumstances, if their analysis is correct, after they all leave, no one may enter this passage again.

So when Li Ke entered another passage, she left safety to the two of them.

"Junior sister, you stay here, I'll go investigate first." Lingxi looked at the only intersection and spoke first. As he spoke, he walked towards the entrance.

On the side, Yan Yourong grabbed Lingxi and said, "Senior sister, let me do it. I know, senior sister, I am no weaker than you now. Besides, senior sister, you are too kind. If you meet me again After others, you may be soft-hearted and will first inquire about the other person's situation and confirm that the other person is an enemy before taking action.

This way you give others an opportunity to take advantage of you. Just like now..."

When Yan Yourong spoke, he suddenly exerted force and threw the unsuspecting Lingxi behind. She then rushed into the only remaining corridor entrance and exit, and at the same time, her voice came.

I have something to do, so I asked someone to pass it on for me. As a result, the wrong message was sent to me. I just came back and corrected the version.

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