"Senior sister, you see you are still not vigilant enough, as if I have taken the lead now, so, senior sister, let me go in first."

As Yan Yourong entered the entrance and exit of the corridor, the corridor also closed.

Something they didn't want to see happened. I'm afraid someone really stepped forward and even took control of the palace and the rules of the corridor.

After Cao Zhen finished talking to Yan Yourong, he did not leave the corridor immediately. Instead, he took out a pill, drank it, and began to recover from his injuries.

After all, what he faced just now was the self-destruction of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. Now in this weird corridor, he didn't know what kind of opponent he would encounter when entering the next corridor. If he met the other four princes, What if the other party self-destructs again?

Therefore, it is better to cultivate yourself first.

Fortunately, he had enough elixirs on him, as well as Xiang Zi Yushuo's magical healing powers, which allowed him to heal much faster than ordinary people.

About two hours later, he stood up, walked towards the two dead people, took away the Qiankun bags from them respectively, and then continued walking forward.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to heal all his injuries in two hours.

However, if he continues, the effect of the treatment will be greatly reduced. Those injuries need to be repaired slowly, and time does not allow him to stay here to continue to repair.

And in the corridor where Cao Zhen left, Lingxi did not stay in the corridor.

After Yan Yourong left, although the entrance and exit of the corridor were temporarily closed, a moment later, the entrance and exit of the corridor appeared again.

Lingxi also stepped into it, but what appeared in the corridor was not Yan Yourong, but another person, someone she had never seen before.

This is also a woman, and this woman even seems to have a somewhat cold temperament.

When the other party saw Ling Xi, there was a look of surprise on his face. Ling Xi also clearly noticed the change in the other party's expression and asked softly: "Do you know me?"

"Yes, of course I know you." Hearing Lingxi's question, the other party nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Lingxi, one of the top ten immortal generals of the Zhenxian Dynasty, can even kill a reincarnated person in battle. How could I not recognize the master who destroyed the powerful array?"

Lingxi looked at the other party with a wary expression. The Qiankun Bagua Talisman appeared in front of him, and the golden elixirs of visions also appeared behind him. He said in a deep voice: "But, I don't know you? You Where did it come from again?”

"Me?" The other party heard the sound and laughed softly: "Everyone calls me Shuilian Ajiu. It's a weird name, right? You think I'm not from the Zhenxian Dynasty, but from the Dongming Dynasty in the east."

When Shuilian Ajiu spoke, she did not release her fighting power. She knew deeply how terrifying Lingxi was.

Now Lingxi is already on guard. If she directly releases her combat power, Lingxi will definitely be even more vigilant, and she will have no chance to sneak attack Lingxi.

If she didn't attack Lingxi secretly, there would be no chance of defeating Lingxi.

In this case, she would rather not take action.

But, why does Lingxi appear here?

Lingxi appears here, but where are the other members of the Baifeng Sect? Especially Cao Zhen!

If under normal circumstances, he and the others were following the Fourth Prince, they would not be afraid of people like the Baifeng Sect.

However, I don’t know what happened here, and suddenly everyone can’t walk together.

If everyone met Cao Zhen alone, or even the fourth prince met Cao Zhen...

Shuilian Ajiu was filled with doubts and worries.

Lingxi looked at the woman in front of her, but she didn't know in her heart whether she belonged to the third prince or the fourth prince.

In fact, both the fourth prince and the third prince were enemies of the Baifeng Sect, so she should take action directly, but she could not be sure that the other party was not someone else's.

Maybe, someone will happen to walk in here?

Suddenly, she thought of what her junior sister had said to her before she left. She was still too kind.

Therefore, it is not impossible to find out who the other party is. Among the Qiankun Bagua Talisman she possesses, there is a talisman that can detect the other party.

With a thought in her heart, the Sovereign Wuji Formation appeared in her hand.

In fact, she does not only have one formation diagram in her hand now. After everyone has broken through to the Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, the formation diagram can be used, but her other junior brothers and sisters use the formation diagram, and even her master uses it. Formations are easily broken by others.

Therefore, before leaving this time, both Xiao Beiyan and Xiang Ziyu handed their formation diagrams into her hands, because only in her hands could the formation diagrams play their greatest role.

Across the way, Shuilian Ajiu looked at the disk-like formation that suddenly appeared in Lingxi's hand, and was suddenly shocked. Not only did she know the appearance of these people from the Baifeng Sect, but she also knew their methods. She knew, Lingxi had a burst of pictures in his hand, and after using it, its power was extremely terrifying.

Now, what Lingxi should have brought out was the array diagram. Why did she bring out the array diagram? Want to attack yourself?

Isn't Lingxi a disciple of the top ten immortal sects? Doesn't she come from a respectable family? Do you want to attack people directly after seeing them?

Shuilian Ajiu was horrified, and the formation disk in front of her eyes had been directly unfolded, completely covering the entire corridor.

In an instant, a beam of light suddenly shot out from each hexagram position on the Sovereign Wuji Formation below and fell to the top of the corridor.

And above the corridor, above the Qiankun Bagua Talisman, rays of light also shot out and fell downwards.

Rays of light gathered in the middle and merged together, and the formation diagram and the talisman resonated at this moment.

The next moment, rays of light shot out from the array diagram and talismans, and all of them fell on Lingxi.

Shuilian Ajiu took a quick look and found that Lingxi's entire body was bathed in bright light. Looking from a distance, it seemed as if an immortal had come to this world. She even had an illusion in her heart that in this space and corridor, Lingxi was the one who dominated everything!

It seemed that the talisman was the sky, the formation was the earth, and Lingxi was the human being. The three of them gave her a vague feeling of the three talents of heaven, earth, and human beings.

She even felt that as the array spread out, the whole world changed. She was obviously standing in the corridor, but at this moment, she felt that her feet were no longer that smooth and indestructible Stones, but dirt, endless dust, endless gravel, all kinds of dirt!

At the same time, an extraordinarily weird force surged in.

It's the breath of earth.

These breaths were like an invisible big hand, firmly controlling her, tightly binding him and her strength.

What she practices is exactly like her name, which is the power of water. Water is restrained by earth. Now, she has been restrained by the opponent before they fight.

The strength is far from reaching the peak level.

Her strength was not as good as Lingxi's, but now that she was restrained by Lingxi, this...

Although Shuilian Ajiu had never fought against Lingxi, as someone close to the Fourth Prince, she also learned through the Fourth Prince's intelligence network that this formation could restrain anyone.

Therefore, no matter where you stand in the formation, you are restrained.

So she didn't make any move, she just looked at Lingxi with a sarcastic face, and said mockingly: "Didn't you say that your Baifeng Sect is a famous and upright sect? Now, you see that in this corridor, there is no one else but you and me. Two people, so you took action directly?

Sure enough, the so-called honorable family is only for outsiders to hear and see. In fact, in private, you are all equally murderous people, and you will do whatever it takes to fight for the relics. "

When Lingxi heard the other party's sarcasm, a look of displeasure suddenly appeared on her face. She did not take action directly, but explained: "That's not the case. I used the formation diagram not to attack you, but to investigate." Check you out to see if what I just said is true or false.

I want to see if you are really who you say you are, or if you are actually the third or fourth prince's son. "

The other party also has the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, so she is not completely sure that she can definitely find out whether what the other party said is true or false, so she uses the formation chart. With the formation chart, she can suppress the opponent's power. , that way it will be easier to detect the truth or falsehood of what the other party said.

Shuilian Ajiu's expression suddenly changed. How could Lingxi know about the existence of the fourth prince?

The fourth prince came here after getting the map from someone who was placed next to the third prince. How did Lingxi know about it?

Could it be that there is a traitor around the fourth prince?

It's impossible. Given the Fourth Prince's wisdom, he will definitely notice that there is a traitor around him, so it's not the people around the Fourth Prince who have a problem.

Could it be that there was something wrong with the people around the third prince, but how did the third prince know that the fourth prince was here?

For a moment, Shuilian Ajiu was filled with doubts.

But Lingxi also noticed the change in Shui Lian's face. She sighed softly and said, "It seems that I don't have to find out whether what you said is true or false. The look on your face tells me that you are not the third prince." The people are the Fourth Prince’s people.

"I am your killer!"

Shuilian Ajiu suddenly shouted loudly, and the golden elixirs gathered from the ten vision golden elixirs behind her opened up the world. Then, the golden elixirs on her body expanded rapidly.


She's going to blow herself up!

She knew that she was no match for Lingxi. If that was the case, she would just blow herself up. Even if she died, she would pull Lingxi to die with her. Even if she did not let Lingxi die, she would still inflict severe damage on Lingxi.

Here, the Fourth Prince has more people. As long as Lingxi is severely injured, the other Fourth Prince's people will be enough to kill Lingxi after seeing Lingxi.


Lingxi also instantly felt the change in Shuilian Ajiu's aura. In an instant, talismans shot out in front of her.

These talismans gathered in an instant and formed the appearance of a giant mountain.

Shuilian Ajiu didn't know why. She was obviously in the corridor, and the space in the corridor was extremely limited. But when she saw the phantom of the giant mountain formed by the talismans in Lingxi, she felt a strange feeling. It feels as if there are really huge mountains breaking through the void and falling from all over the world.

She obviously knew that the space in front of her was limited, and she knew that it was impossible for such a huge mountain to emerge from here, but she just felt that way.

She even felt that the giant mountain seemed to have gathered all the giant mountains in the world, and her feet seemed to be no longer the earth or the stone wall but standing on the peak of a high mountain.

As the mountains gathered by the Lingxi Talisman fell, it seemed like two giant mountains were pressing her in the middle and squeezing towards her at the same time.

The endless and thick power of earth even enveloped her.

For a moment, the surrounding air seemed unable to withstand the squeeze of these two giant mountains, and continued to explode, making loud noises that seemed like the earth was exploding and boulders were shattering.

Lingxi has sixty-four talismans in her hands, and these sixty-four talismans are all different, and the one she used this time is the earth talisman.

This talisman is more used by her for defense, but Water Lotus Ajiunai is restrained by earth, so she naturally uses the earth talisman to attack.

Although she does not practice the Five Elements like her junior sister Yan Yourong, she can also use the power of the Five Elements with the talisman in her hand.

The only difference is that Yan Yourong's power of the five elements can be fused, but hers is difficult to fuse.

Under Lingxi's attack, Shuilian Ajiu didn't even have time to self-destruct. Under the impact of the terrifying power, she was completely severely injured, and streams of bright red blood continued to flow out of her whole body.

As she was severely injured, the power of the self-destruction elixir that had just been gathered was also dispersed a lot. The next moment, Lingxi's next attack continued to attack.

But this time it was no longer a majestic mountain, but yellow sand flying down from the sky.

Shuilian Ajiu cursed secretly, and forced herself to activate her own power in order to self-destruct the golden elixir, but the endless power of earth struck, interrupting her desire to self-destruct again!

"Damn it!"

Seeing that her injuries were getting more and more serious, Shuilian Ahjiu stopped condensing her momentum and chose to directly self-destruct the golden elixir!

It takes time to self-destruct the golden elixir.

However, that would be to self-destruct all the golden elixirs and exert their full power, but as a being with the Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixirs, she could also self-destruct one or two golden elixirs in an instant.



Suddenly she opened her mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood. Behind her, a sharp spear appeared at some point, a spear that seemed to be made of sand and stone. The spear penetrated directly through her body and through her heart.

The next moment, her body fell down weakly, and in her sight, the spear spread out and turned into talismans, flying back to Dao Lingxi's hand.

She didn't even have a chance to blow herself up.

Shuilian Ajiu suddenly realized a question at this time.

They want to deal with the Zhenxian Dynasty, so they have naturally studied the masters of the Jindan period of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and they all agree that in the Zhenxian Dynasty, apart from Cao Zhen and the Haoyue Xingjun, the strongest person is Xiang Ziyu.

Even if Xiang Ziyu doesn't use secret techniques, he is still the third person in the Zhenxian Dynasty and the Golden Core Stage.

But now, she discovered that Lingxi seemed to be stronger than Xiang Ziyu. At least when Xiang Ziyu did not use his secret method, Lingxi might be the strongest.

But she found out too late.

Shuilian Ajiu's breathing was completely cut off.

Lingxi also took back the talisman and formation map, stepped forward and took away Shuilian Ajiu's Qiankun bag, and then walked forward. She was indeed kind, but when facing the enemies of their Baifeng Sect, she could compare to her Junior sister is even colder.

After Cao Zhen cultivated himself for a moment, he continued to move forward and soon reached the end of the corridor.

Before, the corridors he walked had always had branching exits, either two or three, but the corridor in front of him had only one exit.

Cao Zhen walked out along the corridor.

Suddenly, Cao Zhen frowned, and the smell of blood came.

There was a corpse lying in the middle of the corridor in front of him. Different from the corpse in the corridor where he was just now, this corpse had obviously been dead for some time.

Not far from the body, there was a person practicing cross-legged.

Sun and Moon Demon!

At this time, the Sun Moon Demon's face was pale, and it was obvious that he had just been hit hard.

Cao Zhen reacted instantly. Just now, the Sun Moon Demon was fighting another person in this corridor, so Zheng Wuqun was unable to enter this corridor when he escaped.

Now that he can enter the corridor, it is natural that the Sun and Moon Demon has killed people.

Therefore, the current palace should be such that only two people can exist in a corridor at the same time, and these two people must enter from two different directions.

Almost at the same time, Sun Moon Demon also discovered Cao Zhen who had entered here.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly shrank, and a look of horror appeared on his face: "Cao Zhen!"

The Sun Moon Demon didn't hesitate at all. He put his hands on the ground, his whole body suddenly bounced up, turned around and rushed forward.

He really didn't know how he could be so unlucky.

He came here with the third prince before and then separated to look for the treasure room. However, there were too many side roads and they had to separate. These days, he kept walking in the corridor every day.

Then today, he finally met someone. However, the person he met turned out to be the Fourth Prince's person.

He knew that the fourth prince also led people into the ruins. However, the fourth prince and the third prince took different paths. He didn't know why the fourth prince came here.

He also knew that the third prince and the fourth prince were always competing with each other, but they often cooperated with each other.

Therefore, after seeing the other party, he was ready to give in to the other party and ask about the situation, but he did not expect that the other party would directly attack him.

Although he was attacked by the opponent, his first attack was not serious.

He can become the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect during this minor era of reversal of the universe. His strength is the strongest among the entire Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and is far superior to others.

Even if he is attacked by a sneak attack, he can still overpower the opponent and hit him after quickly reacting.

But unexpectedly, the other party actually exploded the golden elixir directly.

Everyone is also a perfect being of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and the place is so narrow that when one of them explodes the Golden Elixir, it is almost difficult for the other person to escape.

He was even hit hard because the other party blew up the golden elixir.

He had no choice but to stay here to recover from his injuries, but he never thought that while he was recovering from his injuries, Cao Zhen would appear here.

Even in his heyday, he had no chance of winning against Cao Zhen, let alone now. So he had no choice but to run away and escape from here as quickly as possible.

Behind the Sun and Moon Demon, a huge golden elixir composed of ten visionary golden elixirs appeared. Under the tremendous pressure faced by Cao Zhen, his aura instantly climbed to the peak that he could reach now.

While he fled forward quickly, he suddenly waved his arm toward the back.

Suddenly a strong demonic energy overflowed. There were no gems or oil lamps in the corridor, but because of the smooth walls around it, it still glowed like daylight.

And as the waves of demonic energy hit, the entire corridor instantly fell into darkness.

The demonic energy seemed to fill Cao Zhen's path, squeezing and pushing it.

Behind Cao Zhen, six visionary golden elixirs and heretic golden elixirs have all appeared. Among the six visionary golden elixirs, one of the visionary golden elixirs suddenly bloomed with bright light.

As he waved his arm, streaks of thunder suddenly shot out.

The corridor that had just fallen into darkness was instantly illuminated by the thunder.

The purple thunder of the Five Thunder Zhengfa flew out first and directly hit the black demonic energy.

In an instant, there was a loud noise like thunder hitting the peak in a thunderstorm. The black demonic energy suddenly separated, and then, the second, third... thunder fell one after another.

In just an instant, the strong demonic energy was completely dispersed by the thunder.

Thunder breaks the darkness!

The Sun Moon Demon had already rushed to the exit of the corridor. In the next moment, he could rush out of the corridor, and a bolt of thunder suddenly fell behind him.

He is injured now, so how can he be faster than the Thunder God?

The thunder struck down, and his body was directly blasted into the corridor ahead.

Cao Zhen chased after him. However, the next moment, he was stunned. He seemed to have encountered an invisible wall, blocking his way.

He can't get in!

"Is this? There are people in the corridor in front? After adding the Sun and Moon Demon, there are two people in front? So I can't enter?"

Cao Zhen couldn't understand it at all. What was going on?

I had been walking around waiting for people for so many days without encountering anyone. Now, there are people entering one corridor and others entering another. Is this because everyone is crowded into the same corridor?

There is another person in this corridor. If that person is also from the third prince, then the two sides may not be able to fight, but he will not be able to move forward.

If they were from the fourth prince, the two would definitely fight, but his chance had come.

Cao Zhen stood at the entrance, but his hands were placed on the invisible wall. As long as the wall disappeared, he could enter it immediately.

At the other end of the corridor, the Sun Moon Demon had just entered the place when he saw a figure, a familiar figure.

"Blood Knife Eleven!"

There are two parts of the Fourth Prince's people. Some of them were recruited later. Those people have their own names, but there are also some people who have been with the Fourth Prince since they were young. These people's names all have numbers.

The Fourth Prince's people, how come so many of the Fourth Prince's people entered here?

The Sun Moon Demon was shocked. Just as he was about to speak, Blood Sword Eleven had already cut him off.

"I didn't expect to meet you here, and you were severely injured. In this case, you should die and cut off your head, just in time to go to the fourth prince to collect the reward."

The Sun Moon Demon was already injured. He had just been hit by Cao Zhen's thunder. When he entered this place, his energy and blood were churning. Then Blood Sword Eleven's sword fell. He wanted to block it, but under the operation of his magic power, The energy and blood in the body tumbled violently again, the mana gathered for a moment, and the bloody long knife fell down.

This blood-colored long knife seemed to have gathered countless blood. With one slash, endless blood shot out from the long knife, like a river of blood falling in the air.

It was obvious that the Sun and Moon Demon was a member of the Demon Sect, but when Blood Sword Eleven fell, the demonic aura in it seemed to be even stronger than that of the Sun and Moon Demon.

At the same time, this knife was even more sharp. With one blow, a low whine sounded in the corridor, and the air seemed to be cut into two parts instantly.

The sharp blade passed across and struck directly on the Sun Moon Demon's neck.

The next moment, the Sun Moon Demon's head flew up.

Even though his head flew out, his eyes were still wide and round, as if he couldn't believe that, as the current leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, he died like this!

Bloody Sword Eleven showed a sarcastic smile on his face and sneered: "Is this the current head of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect? He is really a loser."

While he was speaking, he had already crouched down to search the Sun Moon Demon's Universe Bag, and the next moment, a figure suddenly broke in at the entrance.

Xue Dao Eleven immediately looked up, and the next moment, a look of panic suddenly appeared on his face.

Cao Zhen!

Why did Cao Zhen come here?

Before he could react, streaks of thunder were already falling.

Cao Zhen had been at the other end of the corridor, trying to figure out how to enter this place. As soon as the Sun Moon Demon died, he rushed in.

And he was even more prepared. As soon as he rushed into the corridor, he immediately launched an attack.

In the past, others attacked him first, but this time he was going to attack them first.

Of course, if he walked in and saw people from the top ten immortal sects of the Zhenxian Dynasty, he might not attack, but if he saw other people he didn't know...

For example, the person in front of you, with this strong demonic aura, must be a member of the Demon Sect without even thinking about it, just attack him directly.

For a moment, streaks of thunder fell down.

Bloody Sword Eleven was horrified, and he quickly raised the long knife in his hand and swung it quickly forward. Every time the long knife was slashed, a long river of blood seemed to fly down.

However, the next moment, the bloody river was shattered by thunder!

Cao Zhen released ten kinds of magical powers.

Blood Sword Eleven had just killed the Sun and Moon Demon, and thunder fell down one after another. In his haste, he could not completely block these thunder. However, after Cao Zhen released the thunder, there was no stopping, and flames appeared again. .

This time, he also learned the lesson from before and no longer stepped forward, but released magical powers from a distance.

For a time, countless magical powers fell in the narrow corridor, and Blood Knife Eleven was bombarded in an instant. Looking at Cao Zhen in the distance, he deliberately wanted to self-destruct, but self-destruction also took time. Before he could gather his breath, More supernatural powers fell.


He is a perfect being with ten visions of the golden elixir. He has also fought against many masters of the golden elixir stage, but he has never been so desperate.

So many magical powers fell, and they were still in such a narrow corridor. There was no place to dodge if you wanted to.

In his desperate eyes, countless magical powers directly exploded his body.

Cao Zhen found that this corridor seemed to be extremely suitable for him to fight.

The corridor is narrow, and the surrounding walls are extremely hard and impossible to penetrate, so I just go to the corridor to fight, and then directly release my magical power.

"This person, who must also be a member of the Fourth Prince, directly cut off the head of the Sun and Moon Demon. Is he planning to take the head of the Sun and Moon Demon to collect the reward from the Fourth Prince? I don't know how many other people the Fourth Prince has. .”

Cao Zhen looked back at the dead Sun and Moon Demon and sighed slightly in his heart. When he first connected with the Sun and Moon Demon, his goal was to kill the Sun and Moon Demon, but now, the Sun and Moon Demon died so easily.

However, the Sun and Moon Demon died.

It's not enough. There are also the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the fourth and third princes on the other side.

I don't even know if the remnants of the previous dynasty have other strengths. There are already three or four princes. There must be the eldest prince and the second prince ahead of them.

Cao Zhen felt a headache. He knew too little about the remnants of the previous dynasty.

After going back, I have to look through the ancient books of the Baifeng Sect to see if there is any news about the remnants of the previous dynasty.

After collecting all the Qiankun bags from the two of them, he walked towards the corridor in front of him. This time, there was finally no one in the corridor in front of him.

However, as he moved forward, a figure appeared in his sight again in the next corridor.

A figure he was extremely familiar with.

Eclipse Demon!

He actually met the Sun Eclipse Demon here!

The Eclipse Demon was stunned when he saw Cao Zhen in front of him.

Cao Zhen? Why did Cao Zhen of Baifeng Sect meet Cao Zhen of Baifeng Sect?


Without any hesitation, the Eclipse Demon turned around and ran towards the rear.

After Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, he deliberately spoke and shouted loudly: "Sun Eclipse Demon, die!"

As he spoke, the heretic golden elixir and six vision golden elixirs slowly emerged behind him. There was no way he could kill this Sun Eclipse Demon.

After finally connecting with such a person, he broke into the Sun-Moon Demon Sect. Now, the Sun-Eclipse Demon may still break into the Fourth Prince. How could he directly kill the Sun-Eclipse Demon? Kill the Sun-Eclipse Demon, How to know the actions of the remnants of the previous dynasty?

So he could only release the water and deliberately let the Eclipse Demon escape.

However, soon, Cao Zhen's eyes widened. The Sun Eclipse Demon rushed to an exit of this corridor as quickly as possible, but as soon as he rushed, he seemed to have touched an invisible wall. The bullet came back.

The Eclipse Demon was stunned for a moment.

What's happening here?

He had been walking well with Qianjiao before, but for some reason, Qianjiao walked into a corridor in front of him. He just wanted to go up, but the entrance to the corridor suddenly disappeared. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't enter another corridor.

There was another entrance and exit in the corridor. He thought for a long time before entering the other exit.

Then he walked and walked like this until he reached the current corridor. In the end, Cao Zhen walked out from the other end of the corridor.

Of course he ran away, but the corridor in front of him clearly had an exit, so why couldn't he get out? What's happening here?

The Eclipse Demon stared blankly at the inaccessible exit in front of him, almost going crazy.

That was Cao Zhen, Cao Zhen of the Baifeng Sect. He led his people to attack the Baifeng Sect that day.

Many people in the Baifeng Sect died because of him. How could Cao Zhen not kill him when he saw it!

Although he once entered a ruins and came to the inheritance, how could he be his opponent when facing this Cao Zhen.

By the way, relics and inheritance.

That senior Tyrant Demon Lord, it would be great if he was still here.

However, this is another relic. Can that senior still appear?

Facing Cao Zhen, the Eclipse Demon had no choice but to frantically call out to the Tyrant Demon Lord, hoping that the senior would appear and help him tide over the difficulties!

Seeing that the Sun Eclipse Demon was unable to leave, Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment and then reacted.

In this corridor, after retreating, what you return to is not the corridor you entered, but another corridor, so the Eclipse Demon cannot leave.

This eclipse demon is really unlucky.

If he could leave, he would let him go, but now, there are only two people here, why don't he let him go?

What reasons do you have?

Cao Zhen frowned as he watched the Sun Eclipse Demon approach step by step. He could tell that the Sun Eclipse Demon was extremely panicked at this time. Even the Sun Eclipse Demon's mouth was still opening and closing, not knowing what he was saying. .


Cao Zhen looked at the Sun Eclipse Demon's mouth and suddenly realized that this Sun Eclipse Demon was not calling the Tyrant Demon Lord.

At this time, he still expects the identity he is pretending to take action?

No, maybe, you can act it yourself.

Cao Zhen's heart moved. Suddenly, a look of solemnity appeared on his face, and he immediately retreated back.

The Eclipse Demon was startled when he saw Cao Zhen's expression suddenly changed. What is going on? Now that the world has reversed in the Little Era, who can be Cao Zhen's opponent?

Even the third prince may not be Cao Zhen's opponent.

But Cao Zhen was obviously wary of something, even a little panicked. Who could make him panic?

The Eclipse Demon was puzzled, but Cao Zhen spoke in a low voice again: "Who are you? Now is the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe. It is impossible for an existence like you to exist. Why can you ignore the restrictions of heaven.

No, you are not perfect! You are scaring me! "

As he spoke, he deliberately showed an angry look on his face, and the six golden elixirs behind his back began to vibrate. It seemed that he would take action at any time, but the next moment, his body took another step back.

He whispered: "It's you, Tyrant Demon Lord! I have heard of your name. You are the strongest person in your era. You are also the common enemy of all immortal sects in your era.

Don't lose, weren't you surrounded and killed by all the masters of the Immortal Sect in your era? How are you still alive?

Even though you didn't really die back then, how many years have passed, you, the era you lived in, is even older than the era I lived in.

Are you reincarnated too? "

Cao Zhen was talking to himself in the air in front of him.

Opposite him, a happy look suddenly appeared on Sun Eclipse Demon's face. What was Cao Zhen saying just now? He was talking about the Tyrant Demon Lord. It was the Demon Lord who appeared, and the Demon Lord was communicating with Cao Zhen, or threatening Cao Zhen.

He had a chance to survive.

Cao Zhen faced the air alone and continued to act: "Lord Tyrant, I respect you, but the current situation... well, this time, I will give you face, Lord Tyrant, and I can let him go."

After Cao Zhen finished speaking, he raised his head to look at the Sun Eclipse Demon and said coldly: "This time the Demon Lord comes forward, I will spare your life."

After that, he retreated to the back.

However, there was a look of ecstasy on the face of the Eclipse Demon. He did not dare to look at Cao Zhen, but quickly retreated into the rear entrance.

Then the whole person fell into another corridor.

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened!

What's going on? The corridor was inaccessible just now. How can it be entered now?

Just then, another person at the end of the corridor killed another person?

What a coincidence?

Cao Zhen quickly rushed forward and raised his hand to grab at the corridor in front of him. Sure enough, an invisible wall appeared in front of him, blocking his progress.

"So, there are exactly two people in the other corridor including the Eclipse Demon? So, I can't enter! Damn it, it's best that the people at the other end of the corridor are the third prince's people. No, if they are the fourth prince's people, it seems that they are also nothing.

After all, the Sun Eclipse Demon seemed to have taken refuge with the Fourth Prince. At least Qianjiao told the Fourth Prince that the Sun Eclipse Demon had already taken refuge. "

Cao Zhen breathed out softly.

The Eclipse Demon must be killed, but not now.

After he passes through the Sun Eclipse Demon, finds the Fourth Prince, and kills all the remnants of the previous dynasty, he will then personally kill the Sun Eclipse Demon to avenge those who died in the battle of the Hundred Peaks Sect that day!

However, on the other side of the corridor, whether it was the Third Prince or the Fourth Prince, given the Sun Eclipse Demon's character, they would probably not take action.

In that case, wouldn't he be unable to move forward?

In other words, retreat by yourself, retreat into another corridor, and then go out again?

Forget it, let’s take a look at what’s going on with the Sun Eclipse Demon first. After all, Qianjiao just said that he told the Fourth Prince and recruited the Sun Eclipse Demon. But who knows if the Fourth Prince told his subordinates, if not, the Eclipse Demon There is a real possibility that the Sun Demon will be killed.

That would be troublesome.

Cao Zhen quickly passed through the Chinese Cloud, connected to the Sun Eclipse Demon, and looked towards the Sun Eclipse Demon.

In less than a breath, he saw the Sun Eclipse Demon, Qianjiao beside the Sun Eclipse Demon, and a corpse beside Qianjiao.


Cao Zhen immediately breathed a sigh of relief. I don't know what kind of luck this Eclipse Demon had, he met Qianjiao. Although he didn't know whether the love Qianjiao expressed for the Sun Eclipse Demon before was true or false, at least he could Qianjiao should be compared to the Sun Eclipse Demon.

As for the other body.

The Eclipse Demon was already pointing at Shiri on the ground, and whispered: "Blood Moon Demon? How did you kill her?"

"Isn't it easy to kill him?" Qianjiao sneered and said, "This guy has an unstable Taoist mind. I just made a sneak attack and used a little charm to confuse him."

Qianjiao said, suddenly raised her head, looked at the Sun Eclipse Demon seriously and said: "Now, the Blood Moon is also dead, only the Sun and Moon Demon is left. As long as the Sun and Moon Demon dies again, senior brother, you can do it The leader of our Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

Senior brother, are you ready to become the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect? "

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