Cao Zhen heard Qianjiao ask the Sun Eclipse Demon if he was ready to become the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and suddenly discovered something, the Sun and Moon Demon was actually dead.

Moreover, another person they mentioned as a threat has also been killed by Qianjiao.

So, it seems that the Sun Eclipse Demon is really possible to become the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

However, it seems not.

There is another Qianjiao here.

He did not see how Qianjiao killed the Blood Moon Demon, but even though Qianjiao killed the Blood Moon Demon in a sneak attack, she was not injured at all. This shows that Qianjiao's strength is far superior to that of the Blood Moon Demon. superior.

Moreover, Qianjiao was the one who invested in the Fourth Prince early on. No matter how you look at it, Qianjiao has a higher chance of becoming the head of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect than the Sun Eclipse Demon.

After hearing Qianjiao's words, the Eclipse Demon did not answer directly. Instead, he shook his head slightly and said: "Junior sister, there is another Sun and Moon Demon. This is not the time for us to talk about this. It is too dangerous for us here. You Do you know who I just met? I met Cao Zhen!"

"Cao Zhen?" Qianjiao's eyes suddenly shrank, and a look of fear appeared on her face. She pointed nervously at the entrance of the corridor where the Sun Eclipse Demon walked in, and asked, "Brother, where did you meet Cao Zhen?" Vibrating? Is it that corridor? "

"Yes!" The Eclipse Demon nodded heavily.

"Then did he let you run in?" Qian Jiao looked at the Eclipse Demon in surprise. If others met Cao Zhen, they would probably survive. After all, Cao Zhen didn't know other people, and Cao Zhen and the others themselves He is known as an upright person and would not kill others easily.

But the Sun Eclipse Demon was different. The Sun Eclipse Demon had led people to attack the Baifeng Sect. Even if Cao Zhen didn't know anyone, he would know the Sun Eclipse Demon.

Moreover, Cao Zhen probably wanted to crush the Sun Eclipse Demon to ashes. After seeing the Sun Eclipse Demon, he would definitely launch an extremely violent attack. How did the Sun Eclipse Demon escape from Cao Zhen's hands.

The Eclipse Demon was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said. How could he explain this?

I can't tell the existence of the Tyrant Demon Lord.


"Just after I entered the entrance, I saw Cao Zhen from a distance, so I immediately walked into the passage in front of me.

That's why he didn't have time to attack me. As for now, I don't know why he didn't chase me. "

He couldn't say that Cao Zhen was frightened. He could only say that Cao Zhen didn't have time to attack them.

"Cao Zhen didn't catch up, probably because we were both in this passage." Qianjiao had completely understood the rules of the passage, and then pointed to the passage in the distance: "The passage now has changed." It's very special. Only two people enter a passage from different entrances. In this case, the two people can leave one passage together and enter the next passage.

Now, you have entered this passage, so Cao Zhen cannot enter here because of the rules of this corridor.

However, we can only enter the next channel. Because at that time, the two of us came from one channel and could not enter the next channel.

Moreover, senior brother, your luck is really good. Only two people can exist in a passage at the same time. I just killed the Blood Moon Demon, and you came in here immediately. If you had met Cao Zhen a little earlier, you would not have been able to enter this passage. "

Just as Qian Jiao finished speaking, a burst of footsteps came from the other end of the passage, followed by a second set of footsteps.

Someone entered the passage from the other side.

The Eclipse Demon suddenly looked at Qianjiao with wide eyes and said in shock: "Didn't you say that there can be two people in a passage? Why did someone enter the passage again?"

Qian Jiao was also stunned. Her judgment should be correct. A corridor can only accommodate two people, otherwise Cao Zhen would have chased after him.

Cao Zhen was also confused. Can't there only be two people in the corridor? Why did someone come in again?

Isn't it human?

The next moment, a voice full of endless majesty came over.

"Third brother, stop running away. You can't run away."

As the voice fell, the expressions of Qianjiao and Sun Eclipse Demon changed drastically at the same time.

The next moment, a figure appeared in Cao Zhen's sight, and Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly froze.

The previous dynasty, the third prince of the Qi Tian Dynasty!

Then there is only one person who calls him Lao San, a remnant of the previous dynasty, the fourth prince of the Qi Tian Dynasty!

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked at the person chasing behind him.

The third prince is the perfect existence of the ten golden elixirs of visions, and his ten golden elixirs of visions are like winds!

Some are tornadoes and hurricanes, and some are winds blowing like water.

They are also princes. The third prince and the fourth prince also have some imaginations about how to deal with it. However, the fourth prince looks much more majestic than the third prince, and the strange phenomena behind him are even more different from the third prince.

He is also a simple and perfect existence with ten visions, but behind him, the ten vision golden elixirs are different. Some vision golden elixirs are a splendid palace. From Cao Zhen's perspective, the palace is even Some are like the palace of Zhenxian Dynasty.

Some visions are a huge golden seal, others are a crown, an emerald jade seal...

Although all the visions are different, it can be seen that almost all of the visions of the fourth prince are related to the royal family, and even to the emperor.

The same two princes, the third prince's clothes were somewhat torn, and there was even a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that the third prince had suffered a loss in the previous battle.

But in his hand, there was still a compass.

"The third prince, the fourth prince."

Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao were completely confused when they saw the third prince coming towards them and the fourth prince coming after him.

Obviously only two people can enter the corridor, why can there be four people at this time, and what's more, they met the third prince and the fourth prince.

When the third prince saw Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao, he burst into laughter.

Waves of mana surged out of his palm and entered the compass, which immediately started to rotate violently.

And he turned around, with his back to the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao, and facing the third prince, with a winner's smile on his face, and said proudly: "Fourth, everyone says you are most like my father. Many people also say that you are wise enough and smart enough.

But you are smart and confused for a while, and the compass that controls the rules of this palace is in my hands.

The reason why I want to change the corridor to only have two people at most is to separate your people. But you are so lucky to have met me.

But why do you think I have to go here?

Haven't you ever thought about it, I obviously control the rules here, I can get rid of you, why didn't I do that?

The reason is simple, because I want you to die! "

When the third prince said the last word of death, an icy look flashed across his eyes. He looked at the fourth prince and said coldly: "Fourth prince, although I won't deal with you, I also know that you will deal with me sooner or later. Do it, but I really didn’t expect you to do it to me right here in this ruins. Don’t you know how important this ruins is?

Only by obtaining the relics can we truly revive our Qi Tian Dynasty. Now, the relics have not been obtained yet, and you actually attack me. You are not caring about the national fate of our Qi Tian Dynasty!

Since you chose to take action first, don't blame Third Brother and me.

I admit that if we fight alone, I am not your opponent. However, we are now three people, three perfect existences of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions! "

After the words fell, a ferocious look appeared on his face, he raised his hand and pointed at the fourth prince and said coldly: "Kill him!"


Qianjiao responded solemnly, and two giant hammers appeared on her hands. The surging breath surged out of her body and entered the giant hammers.

The next moment, she raised her foot and collapsed heavily on the ground, then her body flew forward and flew forward.

In an instant, she appeared behind the third prince, and then the giant hammer in her hand suddenly slammed down.

The third prince turned his back to Qianjiao, and suddenly felt a strong wind coming, and at the same time countless hairs on his body exploded.

A sense of danger arose in his heart.

not good!

The third prince suddenly realized that something was wrong and quickly dodged to the side. But just as he made a move, a huge force came from behind him.

The heavy hammer hit his back, as if a towering mountain hit his back. Under the impact of this huge force, his body fell uncontrollably downwards, and he fell to the ground. on the ground.

His attention just now was all on his younger brother, the fourth prince, and he was completely unprepared for Qianjiao behind him.

He completely withstood Qianjiao's blow.

However, before he could recover, a group of black flames rose to the side, like a black sun, and the flames hit his face directly.

The Eclipse Demon takes action!

Although Qianjiao initially asked him to defect to the fourth prince, he hesitated in every possible way, but now, when he actually met the third prince and the fourth prince and Qianjiao took action, he took action directly without any hesitation!

Endless demonic energy, accompanied by burning black flames, bombarded the third prince's face. In an instant, the third prince's entire face became distorted.

After the two men attacked, a green jade seal appeared in the fourth prince's hand. This jade seal was exactly the same as the vision in the golden elixir behind him.

As the jade seal appeared, behind him, the vision in the golden elixir also flew out and fell into the jade seal.

The next moment, the jade seal flew up and fell down in the air.

Looking from the lower part, one can clearly see the four characters on the jade seal, which means longevity and longevity!

The third prince was attacked one after another by Qianjiao and the Eclipse Demon. He was already severely injured. At this time, he could not block the attack at all. The jade seal hit hard, smashing his head to pieces. The bright red blood and even the brain matter rushed out. flew out.

The third prince's aura also suddenly weakened.

He looked at Qianjiao and Sun Eclipse Demon beside him, and he still couldn't believe why the two people would sneak attack on him.

"You, you betrayed me...your old master, you will all die when he wakes up."

"Old Master?" The fourth prince immediately sneered upon hearing this, "The old Master of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect must also obey our orders to pray to the Heavenly Dynasty.

They are loyal to the Qi Tian Dynasty when they take refuge in me and you. Is there really any betrayal? After he wakes up, I have re-established our Qi Tian Dynasty.

At that time, both the Sun and Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect will be loyal to me! Third child, if you don’t have the ability, don’t fight. Isn't it a good idea to learn from the fifth and sixth elders, don't fight or grab, and survive? "

The fourth prince said, raising his palm and slapping it towards the fourth prince.

With a muffled sound, the dying third prince completely lost his breath.

Only then did the fourth prince turn to look at Qianjiao and the Sun Eclipse Demon, with a smile on his face and said: "You did a good job. Especially Qianjiao, next, I will help you kill the Sun Moon Demon and the Blood Moon Demon. , when the time comes, you will be in charge of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect."

"Fourth prince, the Blood Moon Demon has been killed by his subordinates, but..." Qianjiao glanced at the Sun Eclipse Demon aside, with a look of hesitation on her face, but she still said bravely, "Prince, the leader of the sect. Perhaps it would be more appropriate for senior brother to do the job."

After saying this, the fourth prince's face, which had been smiling just now, instantly turned cold. His eyes stared at Qianjiao like two sharp daggers, and he spoke in an almost emotionless voice. Said: "Do you question this prince again?"

"Qianjiao doesn't dare." Qianjiao was obviously also the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Perfection, but at this moment, facing the fourth prince, she was trembling with fear.

On the side, the Eclipse Demon was frightened and said again and again: "Fourth Prince, my subordinates will help Qianjiao and secure her position as the head of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. We will lead the entire Sun and Moon Demon Sect to obey your instructions."

The fourth prince heard the sound and turned to look at the Sun Eclipse Demon. The cold look on his face gradually disappeared, and he chuckled: "You know how to judge the situation. You should thank Qianjiao. If it weren't for Qianjiao, you would be a corpse at this time. .”

After saying that, the fourth prince didn't even look at the Eclipse Demon. Instead, he squatted down, opened the third prince's universe bag, and rummaged for a moment. Suddenly, a blank drawing appeared in the third prince's universe bag. hands.

One of five drawings.

Cao Zhen recognized the drawing in front of him at a glance.

When the fourth prince saw the drawings, a smile finally appeared on his face, and he whispered to himself: "There are five drawings, and there are three left.

And this compass, this compass, should be pointing to where one of the drawings is. "

The fourth prince picked up the compass in the hands of the dead third prince, turned to look at the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao and said, "Follow me."

After that, he turned around and walked away.

When Cao Zhen saw this, he quickly withdrew his gaze and tried to walk towards the passage in front of him, but as soon as he took a step, the passage in front of him did not respond at all.

The passage is still blocked.

"Damn it, at the critical moment, I can't enter the passage."

Cao Zhen had no choice but to connect to the Sun Eclipse Demon through the Chinese Cloud again, and watched the Sun Eclipse Demon and the fourth prince leaving.

Obviously, the third prince came here first, and the third prince also came to the end, so the third prince got the compass to control this place, but now, the third prince was killed by the fourth prince, and the compass also fell into the hands of the fourth prince. , and two drawings fell into the hands of the fourth prince at the same time.

There are five drawings in this ruins.

Now, there are two for the fourth prince, and he has two in his hand.

I don't know where the last one is, but it is very likely that the fourth prince knows where the last drawing is.

Whether it is the fourth prince or the third prince, they all seem to know what kind of ruins this is, and both of them attach great importance to the ruins, especially the third prince who even gave up the fight with the fourth prince for the sake of the ruins.

This ruins is extremely important to them, and they cannot let them complete the drawings no matter what.

He had the intention to kill the fourth prince, but now that the fourth prince had left with the drawings, he had no chance to take action even if he wanted to. He could only continue to wait here. He did not believe that this passage could always be closed.

As long as the passage is open, he will immediately go to find the fourth prince and kill him.

He originally wanted to help the third prince and let the third prince fight against the fourth prince and cause internal strife. Unexpectedly, the third prince managed to survive when he encountered the undercover agent planted by the fourth prince beside him, and was killed by the fourth prince so easily.

Now, he could only find a way to kill the fourth prince directly.

However, I don’t know how many people the fourth prince brought this time, and how many people are left now.

not good!

Cao Zhen suddenly realized the problem. The third prince previously controlled the compass and could find the fourth prince, Sun Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao through the jade seal, and then kill them through Sun Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao.

Now that the compass is in the hands of the fourth prince, doesn't it mean that the fourth prince can also control this corridor space? If so, if the fourth prince finds his people, he will look for the people here one by one, look for Lingxi, and look for Yan You Rong, how can they stop the Fourth Prince?

The thought just came to his mind, and suddenly, the next moment, the entire ruins started shaking crazily.

The next moment, the roof above his head suddenly cracked, revealing the sky outside.

Then, a terrifying suction force came. His body flew away uncontrollably. On the other side, the fourth prince also flew into the distance uncontrollably.

In just a moment, Cao Zhen flew directly out of the palace under the control of this terrifying suction force.

At this time, the entire world outside was shaking.

At this moment, the entire ruins were shaking crazily.

In the void, at this moment, the sun and the moon appeared at the same time. And in the distance, a beam of light soared into the sky.

Cao Zhen even caught a glimpse of the fourth prince on the other side who was flying up at the same time as him.

The next moment, Cao Zhen felt his Qiankun bag shaking crazily, as if something was about to jump out of the Qiankun bag.

The next moment, the Qiankun Bag suddenly opened without his control!

The two blank drawings flew out and floated beside him.

On the other side, two blank drawings also floated out from the fourth prince's body.

The two people flew uncontrollably in the direction of the distant light beam at the same time.

"Cao Zhen!" The fourth prince's eyes suddenly turned cold. As for the drawings, Cao Zhen actually got two of them!

Cao Zhen looked at the two drawings flying out of the Qiankun Bag, and he was completely confused. These things were in the Qiankun Bag, let alone the golden elixir stage. Even the existence of the Earthly Immortal Realm could not force it out of other people's Qiankun Bag. , took out a treasure.

But now, the drawings of himself and the fourth prince were obviously summoned by some kind of summons, flying out uncontrollably, and even flying towards the distance with themselves and the fourth prince uncontrollably.

This power is definitely beyond the power of the Golden Core stage. Otherwise, it would be impossible to let one's body fly away uncontrollably.

Now, in the Little Era period when the universe is reversed, how can anyone have the power to break the rules of heaven and possess the power beyond the golden elixir stage?

How is this done?

Cao Zhenzheng was horrified. Suddenly, he discovered that layers of dark clouds appeared above his head. The dark clouds continued to gather, not just in the direction where they were, but also in the entire sky, this world, and the entire ruins. At this time, There are dark clouds gathering together, and an unquestionable and unstoppable pressure pours out from these layers of black clouds.

Calamity cloud!

At this time, countless people in the entire ruins looked up to the sky, each with a look of horror on their face.

"What's going on? There's a calamity coming so suddenly?"

"How come there is such a huge calamity cloud? It seems that the entire ruins are covered by the calamity cloud?"

"Who is going to survive the tribulation?"

"It's impossible for someone to overcome the tribulation. Now we are in the Little Era when the world is reversed. How can it be possible for someone to overcome the tribulation? There is such a huge battle!"

"If it's not a tribulation, what is that?"

"The ruins must have aroused the idea of ​​Heavenly Dao. This ruins violates the rules of Heavenly Dao, so Heavenly Dao will have a calamity to fall and destroy this ruins."

"Quick, run, drive!" Suddenly, someone reacted and shouted loudly: "There are those hard crystal walls here. If we enter the crystal walls, we can avoid the catastrophe!"

"Yes, enter the cave with the crystal wall. There is such a cave next to us."

Some people who were close to the cave rushed towards the cave.

At a place where skeletons gathered, the two teams were fighting over the ownership of this pile of skeletons. However, as the clouds of disaster gathered, they retreated in a tacit understanding.

"In this situation, a catastrophe is about to happen. We can't consume each other anymore."

"Yes, if the fight continues, how will everyone face this disaster after being injured?"

"Injured? Even if you don't get injured, I'm afraid you won't be able to face this calamity. This aura, how can this be the calamity that you should encounter in the golden elixir stage?"

"Yes, I have seen the Wind and Fire Tribulation and the Tribulation. None of the heavenly calamities they encountered were so terrifying!"

"What exactly is going on?"

In the palace full of corridors, Ling Xi, Yan Yourong and others were still trapped in the corridors, but they also felt the terrifying pressure coming from outside. For a moment, everyone stopped moving forward.

While flying, Cao Zhen found that the sky was getting darker and darker, and as more and more calamity clouds gathered in the sky, he felt that the suction force seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

He even had a feeling that the suction would disappear in the next moment and he would fall to the ground.

After another breath or two, the whole world could barely see the light because of the tribulation clouds that covered the sky and the sun.

Suddenly, under his feet, there were weeds, stones, sand, big trees, winding rivers, and towering mountains, and rays of light rose up.

Then, in the caves and in the palace corridor not far away, pieces of smooth stone walls flew up, converging with countless rising lights in the sky, forming a transparent light curtain, which seemed to be a transparent umbrella. Generally speaking, it is supported above this ruins and blocked by the calamity cloud.

And as these lights rose, the huge palace collapsed.

In the palace, Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Li Ke, Linghu Lonely, and the middle-aged man who was next to the third prince before, figures that Cao Zhen had never seen before were flying up one after another.

Not just the palace, as these smooth stone walls flew out, the caves also collapsed, and figures flew out into the sky.

"What happened? Why did the cave collapse?"

"Outside, look, there is a transparent light curtain rising above the sky. Is this the stone wall in the cave where we are hiding and flying out?"

"Are these ruins going to fight against the law of heaven?"

"This is crazy!"

As this light curtain rose, the whole world returned to light. Although it was not as bright as normal daytime, it was not so dark that you couldn't see your fingers.

And in the void, layers of calamity clouds are still increasing.

The calamity clouds gathered, some looked like terrifying ferocious beasts, some looked like the legendary dragons, phoenixes, and Qilin Peak holy beasts, some looked like water droplets, some looked like burning flames, and some looked like sharp blades. of spear.

The thick calamity clouds give people the illusion that they will fall down at any time.

In the ruins, the beings of the Golden Core Stage looked at the changes in the calamity clouds in the sky, and their expressions changed drastically.

"This is not an ordinary calamity cloud, this is the calamity cloud of the calamity array!"

"The legendary calamity formation!"

The calamity will be different depending on the person who breaks through, or the power of a certain kind of treasure that is refined, and the power of the calamity that falls will also be different.

However, no matter how powerful the Heavenly Tribulation is, it cannot compare to the Tribulation Formation!

There are countless heavenly tribulations gathered together!

"Yes, the appearance of this calamity cloud is the legendary calamity formation!"

"How long has it been since the tribulation formation appeared in the history of our Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty?"

"Our Immortal Sect has records that even if the Grand Master broke through, the tribulation formation was not triggered!"

Within the ruins, at the bottom of a cliff, Lord Haoyue looked up at the calamity clouds in the sky, with a look of wonder on his face.

Tribulation formation, this is really the calamity cloud of the calamity formation!

As a reincarnated powerful man, he naturally knows about the tribulation formation. Not only does he know about the tribulation formation, he has also experienced the tribulation formation, of course, only once.

It was when he made his last breakthrough that he experienced the Tribulation Formation, and he almost failed in that breakthrough.

But what state of cultivation was he at that time? Now, this is the period of the Small Era when the world is reversing, but it has caused a catastrophe.

This relic, the owner who left the relic, was so defiant that he ignored the rules of heaven in the minor era of reversal of the universe, and possessed power beyond the golden elixir stage in this relic, thus triggering the calamity formation.

However, looking at the light curtain above the head, is the owner of the ruins here going to fight against the calamity formation?

That's a calamity formation!

How to fight!

And how can I fight against this calamity formation?

Not to mention the golden elixir stage, even in the Earthly Immortal Realm, there is no one who can block the calamity formation!

I'm afraid, this time, everyone in the entire ruins will die!

Just after the calamity clouds in the sky continued to gather, the entire void seemed to be crushed and exploded, and it seemed that the void could no longer hold the calamity clouds.

Finally, loud noises were heard between heaven and earth.

In the ruins, in the sight of all the living masters of the Golden Core stage, purple thunder suddenly shot out from above the clouds of calamity in the void.

Thunder falls!

With loud noises, thunderbolts that were extremely thick and thicker than the huge stone pillars of many palaces and mountain gates suddenly fell down.

For a moment, the entire void was dyed purple, and purple electric arcs shone around countless thunders, like electric snakes swimming in the void.

Wherever the thunder passed, the void continued to explode, making crisp sounds, and obvious cracks appeared in the void.

The next moment, these thunderbolts fell on the transparent light curtain.

Suddenly, the purple thunder that originally looked extremely thick seemed to be swallowed up by some force, and instantly became thinner.

Then, thunder shot down through the light. Although it had become thinner, each thunder was as thick as a big tree that three people could hug together.

On a coast, where countless skeletons gathered, Ax Madman held a giant ax and looked at the thunder falling from the sky. He looked at the light curtain above his head, blocking the movement of thunder. In his eyes, there was actually a A look of admiration.

"What a good method, really a good method. It was possible to use strength to fight against the tribulation formation, but it was still such a large-scale confrontation that blocked the ruins.

With such methods, what kind of existence was the owner of the ruins back then! "

The thunder fell. Although its power was weakened, the gathering of countless thunders still gave people the illusion that they were going to destroy the entire world.

The space is constantly collapsing, the earth is constantly shaking, all the giant mountains in the entire ruins are shaking crazily, and in the rivers, countless rivers are surging crazily.


Behind Cao Zhen, six visionary golden elixirs have already appeared, and the heretic golden elixirs are spinning rapidly above his head, and on his body, rays of protective light have already risen.

Looking at the thunder falling directly towards him, a strange golden elixir behind his back suddenly burst out with bright light, and countless thunder suddenly shot out, rushing towards the thunder that hit him.

For a time, countless thunderbolts collided in the void. The thunderbolts he released shattered into pieces when they touched the thunder of heavenly tribulation. Some were scattered and fell to the surroundings, falling to the earth, instantly destroying them. Huge boulders and pieces of earth exploded into powder.

And the light of thunder falling in the void also dimmed a little.

Cao Zhen waved his palm again, and suddenly, balls of flames shot up into the sky. The flames gathered and dispersed the much dimmed thunder.

Opposite him, a huge golden imperial edict appeared on the fourth prince who was also controlled by the suction force and flew in the same direction as him.

The imperial edict unfolded, guarding the fourth prince below. Thunder struck the edict, causing it to tremble crazily, but then the thunder also dissipated invisible.

Cao Zhen frowned deeply. How could the fourth prince block such a terrifying thunder with such simplicity?

On the other side, the fourth prince also had a look of surprise on his face. How could Cao Zhen block the thunder so easily?

Below, Yan Yourong faced the falling thunder, and in front of him, a majestic mountain rose.

The huge mountain is lush and covered with towering trees. Each big tree has lush branches and leaves, blocking out the sky and the sun, as if covering the void above her head. A strong breath of life comes from the giant mountain. It flowed out and wrapped around Yan Yourong's body.

And on the mountainside, a waterfall flew down and hit the ground, forming a long river. The river circled around the giant mountain, like a giant dragon.

On both sides of the river, sharp weapons guarded the river as if they were banks of the river. At the top of the mountain, there is a huge crater, igniting everything around it.

Five-colored lights of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth rose from Yan Yourong's back.

On the side, the Qiankun Bagua talisman in Lingxi's hand has already appeared, and the talismans gathered together to form a high mountain.

Both Lingxi and Yan Yourong used the means of converging giant mountain shadows. Although the auras of their giant mountain shadows were different, the giant mountains also blocked the thunder falling from the sky.

At the same time, Lingxi raised his hand and released the talismans again, flying towards Li Ke.

She knew that her master's wife was weaker and not good at defense. When her master's wife encountered the wind blade before, she was severely injured after the hurricane exploded.

She didn't want her mistress to get hurt again.

However, each talisman suddenly stopped halfway through flying.

Li Ke looked at the falling thunder, and a fiery red light suddenly appeared on her face. Then, the flames all over her body burned. Before, the flames all over her body were burning, and her whole body was like a A huge fireball.

But at this moment, the flame is burning, but it is not like a fireball, but like a holy beast.

Looking at the falling thunder, Flame Bifang let out a clear roar, and a ball of flames rose into the sky, as if it was a flame spurting out from the mouth of a holy beast. Looking at the momentum, it seemed that it was going to break through the sky and tear it apart. It's like a calamity cloud above your head.

Under the impact of the flames, the falling thunder and flames collided in the void. When the two forces collided, there was a loud noise, and then the flames continued to spread from bottom to top, but the purple thunder Under the burning of this flame, it becomes thinner and thinner, becomes dimmer and dimmer, and finally disappears.

So strong!

Lingxi felt the flame breath released by Li Ke. Even from a very far distance, she could feel the bursts of heat and the violent force that seemed to be able to burn everything.

Li Ke blocked a thunderbolt from the sky, with a relaxed look on her face. She even had time to look back at Lingxi and said, "Don't worry about me, I'm enough to block these attacks."

She had experienced Nirvana once. After Nirvana, her power had increased horribly, and she even felt that she was about to encounter the Great Catastrophe of Wind and Fire.

Linghu's lonely voice came from the other side.

"Fairy Lingxi, your master wife is now terrifyingly strong. I am not allowed to ask for your help, but I need your help. If you have the energy to spare, please help me."

Lingxi turned her head when she heard the sound. A shield appeared above Linghu Lonely's head. She clearly remembered that when they were attacked by the wind blade before, Linghu Lonely's shield was clearly shattered. , Linghu Gudu actually still has a shield. I don’t know where he got so many shields from, and I don’t know how many shields he still has.

Lingxi ignored Linghu Gudu. She knew that Linghu Gudu had many ways to save his life, even more than her junior sister. Even if she wanted to help, she would help her junior sister first.

This thunder was not just attacking Cao Zhen and the Fourth Prince, nor was it specifically attacking a specific person, but was bombarding the entire ruins.

Everyone in the ruins must face the bombardment of thunder at this moment.

There is still a chance to block the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir, but those who have not combined the elixirs, or even only the sixth or seventh level of the Golden elixir, face this terrifying thunder, even if they use their full strength, they can only barely do it. Blocking a blow, not even a thunderbolt.

And in the void, the thunder does not just end after falling for one round.

Soon, streaks of purple thunder fell again. Although their power was greatly reduced after passing through the transparent light curtain above the void, they were still terrifying.

Countless thunderbolts fell, like countless electric snakes dancing in the sky. Each thunderbolt was filled with power that could easily destroy the mountain.

Within the ruins, high mountains and peaks were instantly shattered under the thunderous bombardment, and countless rubbles fell from the high school.

And when the thunder hit the ground, it instantly created a huge bottomless pit on the ground.

There were people who had not yet completed the process of combining their elixirs. They were already trying their best to block an attack from the thunder. When they saw the thunder falling again, they were unable to stop it. For a time, the cultivators fell to the ground one by one.

Entering the ruins may yield astonishing gains, but at the same time, you also have to bear unknown risks, just like now.

Linghu Lonely used his shield to resist the falling thunder, while looking at Cao Zhen and the fourth prince flying into the distance in the void. Suddenly, an unexpected look appeared in his eyes, and he whispered: : "Strange, have you noticed something? It seems that where Cao Zhen and another guy are, there are a lot of thunder falling."

"It seems so." Lingxi also noticed this and moved forward quickly, but soon, thunder fell in front of her, blocking her progress.

From behind, Li Ke's questioning voice came over at the same time: "What do you want to do?"

Lingxi didn't even think about it. While resisting the falling thunder, she quickly replied: "Of course I'm going to help Master."

Li Ke released a burst of flame, shattering the falling thunder, and quickly asked: "Do you think you are stronger than your master?"

Lingxi shook his head and said, "Of course the master is stronger."

"Then what are you going to do? The thunder in that area will attack everyone, and it is for an area. If you go there, they will have to face a lot of thunder. And in this way, your master will have to divide God takes care of you.”

Lingxi paused.

Cao Zhen also discovered that the thunder falling in the void seemed to have covered the entire ruins. He did not know where he and the fourth prince were, and the thunder falling was particularly dense.

Moreover, what was even more uncomfortable was that he and the Fourth Prince not only faced more thunders, but they were also unable to move!

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