When Cao Zhen attacked the fourth prince with all his strength and failed to stop the catastrophe, they were all seriously injured in an instant. All the fourth prince's defensive methods and magical powers were defeated by him.

The fourth prince, like him, had to face all the tribulations that fell in the tribulation formation, and moreover, he had to face his terrifying sword.

Even he himself was not completely sure that he could block such an attack.

The terrifying sword fell towards the fourth prince before the calamity fell.

The fourth prince looked at the sword that seemed to be able to tear the world into pieces and pierce the sun and the moon, but there was a look of madness in his eyes.

He had just released two treasures in succession, not only to resist Cao Zhen's attack, but also to delay time, and the moment the two treasures blocked him, he took out a transparent bead and held it in his hand.

Almost the moment Cao Zhen's sword fell, he crushed the ball in his hand.

The sword light flew down, and the sword energy was either unparalleledly sharp, or extremely hot, or the sword energy as heavy as a mountain rushed into his body, instantly tearing his clothes to pieces, tearing his skin, and shattering his body. The flesh rushed into his body.

At this moment, he even felt that the meridians on his body were broken.

In just a moment, his breath was completely cut off.

Cut off the breath?

A look of doubt appeared on Cao Zhen's face. His sword was indeed far better than before. He had never used such a powerful sword.

However, this sword also broke through two treasures belonging to the fourth prince one after another, and its power was also weakened.

If he were attacking Sun Eclipse Demon and Nie Jie with this sword, he might be able to kill them with one sword, but what he saw in front of him was the Fourth Prince.

Such a sword should not be able to kill the fourth prince.

However, the breath of the fourth prince disappeared completely, and even...

In front of the fourth prince, the two drawings that had been floating around him suddenly flew out and landed in front of Cao Zhen.

not good!

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened. As the blueprint fell, all kinds of catastrophes falling from the void suddenly increased sharply. Some of the catastrophes that originally fell towards the fourth prince turned towards him.

The fourth prince also opened his eyes at this time, looking at Cao Zhen with a victor's smile in his eyes.

What he had just released was the Fake Death Bead, which was originally a treasure to help people overcome the catastrophe. After it is released, the user's entire aura will completely disappear, and even the will of heaven can be concealed in an instant.

He had noticed before that there was someone behind them. Although the other party would also suffer more disasters, the other party still suffered less disasters than he and Cao Zhen.

Moreover, the reason why the calamity formation came was actually because of the sudden power, a power that completely surpassed the golden elixir stage.

He and Cao Zhen were both the top beings in the Golden Core stage. However, with the combined efforts of him and Cao Zhen, the power of attacking each other could not even allow them to break away from this suction force.

Therefore, it is obvious that the calamity array came because of this power.

And it has something to do with the drawing above their heads. The reason why they can keep flying is because of this drawing.

In fact, the goal of this drawing should be to bring the two of them to the final ruins so that they can fight it out. The winner will get the final inheritance of the ruins.

And Tiandao is obviously aware of this. Tiandao is targeting the two of them, so the two of them face more disasters.

Now, his breath disappeared instantly, and just as he expected, the drawing flew in front of Cao Zhen.

Therefore, although he will also be bombarded by heavenly tribulations, the number of heavenly tribulations he endures will be much less than before.

But Cao Zhen, he has to endure more heavenly tribulations, because the law of heaven before was targeted at him and Cao Zhen, but now it is targeted at Cao Zhen himself!

No matter how strong Cao Zhen is, no matter how powerful he is in reincarnation, he can't stop so many catastrophes!

As for the final inheritance of the ruins?

Cao Zhen is about to die, so how can he get the inheritance of Cao Zhen?

Cao Zhen couldn't get the inheritance. If his prediction was correct, those drawings would fly out again, and then everyone would fight for them.

If it weren't for Cao Zhen, he would have won the final inheritance.

When Cao Zhen dies and no one competes with him, the inheritance will still be his! It’s just that I need to compete for inheritance again.

And he, in the end, would not only receive the inheritance, but also kill Lao San and Cao Zhen.

The final winner is still yourself.

Therefore, in cultivating immortality, personal cultivation is important, but at the same time, you also need to use your brain.

Although the Fourth Prince has lost his breath, there are still tribulations bombarding him from all around, but the number is not that large.

Moreover, as the two drawings flew onto Cao Zhen, the suction on his body disappeared at the same time, and his body fell uncontrollably downwards, and the power of the heavenly tribulation also weakened for a while. .

In his sight, above his head, countless catastrophes were falling towards Cao Zhen.

Seeing that Cao Zhen was about to be blasted into powder by these countless catastrophes, suddenly, above the void, an extremely huge palace appeared. The palace was majestic and full of misty aura, and there were bursts of immortal sounds lingering in it. came out from the palace.

Then, the palace door suddenly burst open, and Cao Zhen flew towards the palace at an alarming speed.

However, during the flight, there were also tribulations falling down one after another, bombarding Cao Zhen's body.

For a moment, Cao Zhen was bombarded with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Although he was sucked into the palace in just one breath, it was enough for countless catastrophes to hit his body.

As Cao Zhen entered the palace, the light curtain disappeared in the void, and countless powders formed from the transparent walls entered and fell into the palace.

The tribulation formation in the void no longer even bombarded the entire ruins, but all fell towards the palace!

Countless catastrophes fell in one place at the same time, and in an instant, the palace erupted with brilliant light. At this moment, even if the golden elixir stage was still alive, almost all of them had completed the combined elixir, but all People, whether it is the injured fourth prince, Lingxi or Yan Yourong, or even the reincarnated powerful Lord Haoyue Xingjun and Madman Ax in the distance.

Everyone in this peerless ruin was temporarily blinded by the light at this moment!

After two or three breaths, the eyesight of Lingxi and Yan Yourong recovered.

"Master!" Lingxi and Yan Yourong exclaimed, looking in the direction where countless catastrophes had just fallen.

In the void, the palace had disappeared, and their master had also disappeared.

For a moment, both Lingxi and Yan Yourong were panicked.

"Master? Where is the master?"

They were also flying in the direction of their master along the way, and they also saw the scene where their master was bombarded by countless catastrophes.

Can their master stop this catastrophe?

But before they could find their master, the entire ruins began to shake crazily. In their sight, the earth began to collapse and cracks appeared in the sky.

"Is this... the ruins about to collapse?" Linghu Linghu, who had been following a few people, whispered: "The ruins are going to disappear. This means that the ruins have descendants, and it was Peak Master Cao who just flew into the ruins. Yes, so the descendant of the ruins is Cao Zhangzong!

If Peak Master Cao dies, he cannot become a successor, so Peak Master Cao is fine now! "

In Linggu's lonely voice, there was a sudden sound that could shatter everyone's eardrums. For a moment, the sound was so loud that everyone's ears were instantly deafened, and everyone was shocked instantly. There was a moment of dizziness.

The next moment, everyone came back to their senses, only to find that they were no longer standing at the previous location, but on an island.

It was the island where the ruins were located, but it has disappeared, and now there is only that island.

When everyone saw the scene in front of them, they quickly came to their senses.

"The ruins disappeared?"

"So, Cao Zhen obtained the relic in the end?"

"Then Cao Zhen, who is already terrifying enough, has obtained this peerless relic!"

"I saw Cao Zhen being attacked by the Heavenly Tribulation. Didn't Cao Zhen die after the Heavenly Tribulation attacked?"

When everyone was confused, Lingxi, Yan Yourong and even Li Ke showed expressions of ecstasy on their faces. Then, Li Ke suddenly looked around and shouted while searching: "Who was the person who fought with Cao Zhen before?" Who? That person is not dead yet, that person is probably a remnant of the previous dynasty, find him!"

Lingxi and Yan Yourong also reacted quickly and looked around.

Linghu Lonely followed the three of them helplessly. Aren't these three guys cheating on him?

The person you are looking for is either a remnant of the previous dynasty or a remnant of the previous dynasty. He is definitely a remnant of the previous dynasty, and most likely a prince who is a remnant of the previous dynasty.

You have your own Immortal Sect behind you, and I am alone here. I have offended that prince, what should I do?

The fourth prince also followed the others to the island. He looked at the surrounding islands and felt the disappeared ruins. In his eyes, the victorious smile froze, and his eyes were filled with an incredible look. color.

Cao Zhen should have died in that calamity, why did the palace suddenly appear?

Also, even if the palace appeared and so many terrifying catastrophes fell, Cao Zhen should have died. How did he stop it!

That inheritance was actually obtained by Cao Zhen?

That kind of inheritance is related to the prosperity of their entire Qi Tian Dynasty, and whether their Qi Tian Dynasty can stand at the top!

Now, inheritance has allowed Cao Zhen to get...


Cao Zhen must die, and he must regain this inheritance, otherwise, he will become the sinner of the entire dynasty!

And, now...

Feeling the injuries on his body, the fourth prince quickly took out a black windbreaker from the Qiankun Bag and put it on his body. Suddenly his entire figure quickly disappeared in the sunlight, and he quietly left in the distance.

He is too seriously injured now, and there are countless golden elixir stages gathered here. He must find his men first.

In the palace, as soon as Cao Zhen fell into it, he felt a terrifying loud noise. The sound was so loud that he fainted.

In the blur, he felt that he seemed to have returned to the past, back to the earth, but he did not fall to the earth, but stood above the mother river, the Yellow River, watching the tribes rise one after another in all directions of the river. Tribes fought one after another, and finally the seven kingdoms were unified, and then they watched the world become chaotic, watched the changes of dynasties, watched the world divide and reunite, watched tall buildings rise from the ground...

Slowly, he gradually felt bursts of pain, the pain from the injuries on his body.

Cao Zhen slowly regained consciousness.

He didn't even know how long he had been unconscious for just now. At this time, after recovering, he found that the wounds on his body were already scarred. It was obvious that he had been unconscious for a long time, and then he raised his head again and looked towards Look ahead.

A figure appeared in his sight.

As soon as his eyes came into contact with the other person's face, he suddenly felt a desire to worship the other person.

He had seen many majestic appearances, but none of the people he had seen could compare with the person in front of him.

Although this man was only wearing a pair of ordinary-looking white clothes, but at a glance, he instantly had a feeling in his heart. What he saw was an emperor, an emperor who was in charge of countless territories and countless immortal sects!

"Your body is stronger than I expected. Moreover, I have never seen anyone of your kind with your level of strength at the sixth level of the Golden Core. Even in my time, Never seen it.”

The other party's voice came slowly, and like his appearance, the other party's voice was also full of endless majesty.

"Where am I?" Cao Zhen looked at the person in front of him, with a look of doubt in his eyes. He remembered that a palace appeared, and the palace included him.

But the question is, who is the person in front of me?

Are you still in the palace or outside the palace?

Moreover, if this person talks about his era, then he must not be from this era. Being able to live for such a long time must not be in the Golden Core stage, or even in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

But such a being should be unconscious at this time, but the other party is standing in front of him again.

The other party slowly answered: "Of course you are in the ruins, and now you are the only one in the entire ruins."

"Relics? So... Excuse me, do you have one?" Cao Zhen instinctively wanted to ask his senior, but when he thought of his reincarnated and powerful persona, he took back the word "senior".

"Me? You can call me, Emperor Tianfeng." When Emperor Tianfeng said this, a look of pride appeared on his face, but in his sight, Cao Zhen's expression did not change at all, and he immediately reacted , shook his head and said: "I forgot that you are a reincarnated power. You don't know the Tianfeng Dynasty. Obviously, you come from the era before my existence."

As Emperor Tianfeng spoke, his body became blurred, and his whole person no longer looked so real.

Although it was only a slight change, Cao Zhen instantly felt a different feeling. When he saw the other person before, he felt that he was seeing a real person. But now, when he saw the other person, he felt that the other person was not a person. , but an image left behind.

Emperor Tianfeng also felt the changes in himself and whispered: "You also saw that my body began to change. Originally, the power I left behind could last for a while, but before, in order to save you, But it’s too much consumption, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to hold on much longer. Now, listen to me.”

When Cao Zhen heard the words of Emperor Tianfeng, he was shocked. The other party was actually not a person, but the power left behind.

Before, he had entered and also seen the phantom left by Tianhuan Sword Lord, but there is no doubt that the phantom left by Tianhuan Sword Lord was more like a dead program left behind. Anyone who saw it would be They all have the same performance, showing off their sword moves.

The power in front of him can no longer be described as a phantom. The opponent actually looks like a real person, and this is still the case after surviving for who knows how many years.

What height had this person reached before?

Also, why did the person who created this ruins he saw before be different from the person in front of him, but now, the person in front of him looks more like the owner of the ruins?

While Cao Zhen was puzzled, Emperor Tianfeng raised his hand and waved forward. Suddenly, a white scroll appeared in front of Cao Zhen's eyes.

These are the five pictures he saw before?

Now the five pictures have been integrated together, but why can't I feel any power from these five pictures?

Emperor Tianfeng didn't wait for Cao Zhen to speak, he already pointed at the picture scroll and said: "This picture is called the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age! The ruins you saw before were transformed from this picture, and I am the one who created this picture." The third generation owner of Tu, you are the fourth generation!”

Cao Zhen finally understood why the person he saw was different from the Emperor Tianfeng in front of him. It turned out that Emperor Tianfeng was the later owner of this picture and the successor of this ruins.

Emperor Tianfeng continued, minding his own business: "The first generation owner of this picture was the Immortal Lord of Compassion. At the beginning, you were the reincarnated power, so you knew that everyone, including those who cultivated immortals, could be regarded as He is the son of Heavenly Dao. Although Heavenly Dao will cause heavenly catastrophes when cultivators break through, those heavenly tribulations are more of a test.

In fact, the way of heaven still protects immortal cultivators. However, when the cultivation level of the immortal cultivator reaches a certain level, when the immortal cultivator wants to be on an equal footing with Heavenly Dao, or even challenges Heavenly Dao, in the eyes of Heavenly Dao, the immortal cultivator is a traitor.

Heaven's way does not allow that kind of power to exist, so Heaven's way will obliterate the immortal cultivators, not just one immortal cultivator, but all the immortal cultivators in the entire world, who are above the earthly immortal realm, he will obliterate them all!

The original Immortal Lord of Compassion challenged the way of heaven, but in the end the Immortal Lord of Compassion failed. However, the Immortal Lord of Compassion is an unparalleled power. Although he failed, he survived with a method that defied heaven. He was reincarnated and lived again. A generation.

Enlighten the world and finally create a catalog of prosperous times! "

Emperor Tianfeng pointed at the white scroll and said: "The catalog of prosperous times is closely connected with the prosperous age and the world where you live.

The Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age can draw on all the power of this world. The original prosperity catalog may only be the power of a village, and the power of a sect is the power of a branch within the sect.

But slowly, the more worlds you are connected to, and the greater the prosperous age you draw in the scroll, the more power you can draw on. You can draw on the power of the entire sect, even the entire dynasty, or even the entire world.

The stronger your prosperous age, the stronger you are. If your world is in decline and chaos, the weaker your power will be. "

Emperor Tianfeng said this, paused slightly, and then continued: "You have seen before that the Immortal Lord of Compassion used the power of the entire dynasty to fight against the way of heaven.

Unfortunately, Immortal Lord Compassion failed in the end.

But the Immortal Lord left the catalog behind, and it was passed down by my previous senior. Unfortunately, that senior also failed. Then, the catalog came into my hands, and I also failed.

Although we failed, when the two of us were here, with the help of the Illustrated Book of the Great Age, we also saw a glimmer of the possibility of successfully fighting against the law of heaven.

It's just that we are all missing the last step. Now, this catalog has been passed down to you. The three of us have no complete long-cherished wish, and it will be you who will continue it. "

Cao Zhen quickly digested everything that Emperor Tianfeng said. The prosperous age is closely related to this world. The more prosperous the world he is in, the more powerful he will be. On the contrary, when the world declines, oneself becomes weaker.

But the problem is, I am not an emperor, so my prime time is the Baifeng Sect?

However, when the Compassionate Immortal Lord fought against Heaven, it was clear that the Compassionate Immortal Lord had borrowed the power of the entire world.

There is also Emperor Tianfeng, who is obviously also an emperor, and they all relied on the power of the dynasty.

What about yourself?

How can I use the power of the dynasty?

Obviously, the power of an immortal sect in the Baifeng Sect cannot be compared to the power of a dynasty.

Emperor Tianfeng seemed to be very pressed for time, and he continued without stopping: "There is also this picture scroll. The reason why the picture scroll is completely blank is because we are in different times and our prosperous times are different.

And when we fail to challenge the way of heaven, our prosperous age will also disappear, and the pictures on the natural scroll will also disappear.

What you saw through the scrolls before were just some records we left behind with our own strength, not our prosperous times. And your own prosperous age needs to be drawn by yourself on this picture scroll. "

As Emperor Tianfeng spoke, he raised his hand and waved, and a writing brush appeared in the void. It was obviously a writing brush, but it gave people the impression that it was a hoe in the hands of a farmer, a hammer in the hands of a blacksmith, and a weight in the hands of a businessman. ...so many different feelings.

Emperor Tianfeng pointed at the brush and said: "This has always been a prosperous age brush, and only a prosperous age brush can draw the prosperous age on this scroll.

Also, you'd better learn how to paint before you get into the prime of painting. Of course, there is also a way to cultivate immortality, which is the way of painting.

Painting Taoism is different from cultivating immortals. A good talent for cultivating immortals does not necessarily mean a good talent for painting Taoism. It does not require you to be a master of Taoism, but at least the things you draw must be decent. "

When Emperor Tianfeng said this, a look of reminiscence appeared on his face and he said: "The second senior who inherited Shengshi was extremely bad at painting. After he obtained the catalog of Shengshi, he painted by himself, but his paintings were very poor. It is almost impossible to exert the power of the Illustrated Book of the Great Age.

As a last resort, he devoted himself to practicing the paintings in the later period, and finally dared to paint again, but the paintings he made in the early stage could not be removed.

The paintings made in the Illustrations of Life are painted once they are painted. They cannot be removed and can only be modified. However, it is easy to smear on a piece of white paper, but it is extremely difficult to change it.

Therefore, you must practice painting well before painting on the album of the prosperous age. "

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, a smile appeared on his face and he said?

I shouldn't need to study any more. I am a ninety-nine-level painter.

After Emperor Tianfeng finished speaking, his body became more and more unreal.

He sighed and said: "My strength can hardly support it anymore. I will teach you the Shengshi Cultivation Technique. Only after you practice the Shengshi Cultivation Technique and use the Shengshi Brush can you write about your prosperous age on this scroll."

After saying that, he raised his hand and pointed towards Cao Zhen's eyebrows. Suddenly, endless and vast mysterious skills emerged from Cao Zhen's mind.

Cao Zhen didn't know how long it took before he finally opened his eyes, and before his eyes, Emperor Tianfeng was illusory and just like a shadow.

"Well, you already have the prosperous age skills, and everything else you have to rely on yourself. Everyone's prosperous age is different, and I can't give you guidance. Now, all I can do is send you on your last journey. .”

After saying that, Emperor Tianfeng's figure suddenly dispersed and turned into streams of light, falling into various parts of the hall. Then Cao Zhen felt that the entire hall was flying.

Outside, on the island.

Although the peerless ruins have disappeared and should have been obtained by Cao Zhen, at this time, there are still countless masters of the Golden Core stage gathered on the island where the ruins originally came.

The relic disappeared, but can Cao Zhen, who got the relic, disappear?

Cao Zhen will eventually appear. Although Cao Zhen is strong, how strong can Cao Zhen be? Can he block ten people by himself, a hundred golden elixir stages, a thousand golden elixir stages?

As long as Cao Zhen flies out of the ruins, countless people will take action immediately and kill Cao Zhen directly!

After all, who wouldn’t want to acquire such a huge relic!

Everyone was waiting for the next time. Li Ke, Yan Yourong and Lingxi were also waiting here. Even Linghu Lonely did not leave.

Suddenly, in front of everyone's eyes, a light and shadow appeared, and then flew towards the distance.

"That light and shadow!"

"It's the palace, the palace has flown away!"

"What a speed!"

"Hurry up and catch up!"

Everyone vaguely saw that the palace that had appeared before appeared again, and they all chased it forward. However, the palace was flying too fast, and in the blink of an eye, the palace had disappeared from everyone's sight.

For a moment, everyone was confused.

"Cao Zhen left? Did he drive away from the palace?"

"No, this is the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe. How can there be power beyond the Golden Core Stage? The flying speed of the palace obviously exceeds that of the Golden Core Stage! This kind of power is not allowed to exist by heaven!"

"But, before, there was a power beyond the golden elixir stage in the ruins, so the calamity formation came. This time, there was a power beyond the golden elixir stage, so there must be a calamity falling!"

"The fall from the heavenly calamity is nothing. The most terrifying thing is that the power of this relic can break the restrictions of heaven. The most terrifying thing is the emergence of power above the golden elixir stage!"

"I don't know how terrifying the inheritance of these relics is, and they can break through the restrictions of heaven."

"Then Cao Zhen was originally a reincarnated powerful man, and now he has received such a legacy. Will anyone else be his opponent during the golden elixir period?"

The palace that Cao Zhen was riding in only flew for a moment. Suddenly, there was a violent impact, and at the same time, there was a terrifying pressure outside the palace.

The disaster is coming!

The power of this palace has surpassed the existence of golden elixir, and a heavenly disaster is bound to come.

Due to the existence of the palace outside, Cao Zhen was not injured again. However, the palace he was in suddenly shattered, causing him to fall from the void.

The bombardment just now was so terrifying that the entire palace was almost turned into ruins.

Cao Zhen looked at the piles of ruins around him. He endured the severe pain in his body and the churning of his blood. He raised his hand and used his strength to put all the ruins of the palace into the Qiankun Bag.

Then, he quickly flew forward.

His injuries are far from recovered. Now, another calamity has fallen here, and someone is bound to notice something weird here.

If someone realizes there is a problem here and comes here to check his current state, what should he do if he encounters a strong enemy?

He had to leave here first, but while flying, he felt that every operation of the mana in his body was obviously blocked.

His injuries were too severe.

After flying for a short time, he could no longer hold on and had to get down and walk forward.

But with every step his feet took, sharp pains shot through his body.

Even if he walks on his feet, his speed is even slower than that of a mortal.

Slowly, after walking for about half an hour, he even felt that he could hardly walk anymore, and a village finally appeared in front of him.

On the path leading to the village, a carriage came. On top of the carriage, an old man saw the staggering figure appearing on the road from a distance. He quickly drove up and stopped beside the figure.

Only then did he see clearly that the young man's clothes were torn everywhere, and even scarred wounds were exposed on the torn clothes.

And this young man's face was so pale that no blood could be seen.

He quickly jumped off the carriage, supported the young man beside him, and asked with concern: "Young man, you... what's wrong with you? Did you also meet the gangsters? Were you robbed? Hey, this damn thing The world is getting more and more chaotic."

Cao Zhen saw the old man who suddenly stopped next to him. Although he was seriously injured, he quickly judged that the man was an ordinary person.

Then he felt relieved. After listening to the old man's words, he immediately nodded and said: "Yes, I met the gangster. I was prepared before..."

Just as he was thinking about how to make up the question, the old man already responded: "You also want to go to the provincial capital and get a reputation.

Hey, you are already the fourth scholar in our village who wanted to take the resonance test, but met a robber instead.

If you look like this, the people traveling with you may also be in trouble. It's getting dark today. Our village is also the only village in this area. You have no other place to go. You can follow me back to the village first. If you don't mind, you can stay at Lao Khan's house first. , coincidentally, there is a maid in Lao Khan's house who is a scholar who has passed the exam, and she has the same experience as you, maybe you guys even know each other. "

As the old man spoke, he enthusiastically helped Cao Zhen to the carriage. Then he drove the carriage towards the village and said: "This year, the world has been really chaotic. In the past, although we in Qili Country also had Bandits and bandits, but they occasionally rob ordinary people or lone merchants. When did they rob those scholars?

After all, people like you who can read are from wealthy families. Children from poor families cannot read.

When you go out to take the exam, you are all accompanied by your servants, and you have all agreed with your fellow villagers to go together. There are many of you, and the ordinary bandits and bandits cannot deal with you.

But now the world is in chaos, and there are more and more bandits and bandits, and they have begun to attack you. "

"Hey..." Cao Zhen sat on the horse and sighed deliberately, but did not dare to say more. He just now knew that this was a place called Qili Country. For the rest, he didn't know what state this was or what city it belonged to, and he couldn't answer any more.

Fortunately, the old man didn't ask any more questions.

Qili country.

He had never heard of this country, and he didn't know where Emperor Tianfeng had sent him in the palace.

And he, in his current state, really needs to find someone to stay at.

Cao Zhen quickly followed the old man to the outside of the village.

This village doesn't look very big, and there is even a simple village gate outside the village.

Behind the village gate, there were even two strong young men holding iron forks. When they saw the old man, the two men immediately stepped forward, opened the village gate and let the old man in.

One of the taller men even glanced at the strangers in the car, with a look of surprise on his face and said: "Uncle Xu, have you met another scholar who was robbed by bandits?"

Old Khan calmed down after hearing the sound and said: "Yes, Old Khan, I met another scholar. Alas, there is no way to say this. Okay, you guys keep an eye on the village gate. I will take this young man back first."

The tall young man heard the sound and immediately shouted: "Uncle Xu, can you still live in your home? Your Dalang family is in the city and has a vacant room. Now there is another scholar living there. It would be difficult for another person to leave. Can't live anymore.

Otherwise, would you let this, um, this young master come to live in our house? "

The young man had just finished speaking. On the side, another young man had already said with a teasing smile: "Li Laosan, do you want this young man to live with you, or are you thinking about another Miss Qiao?"

The tall young man's face suddenly turned red, and he defended: "Don't talk nonsense, Miss Qiao is a girl from the city, how could she like me?"

Another young man continued to joke: "Then why do you run to Uncle Xu's house when you have nothing to do?"

The tall young man still defended himself and said: "That's because Uncle Xu's brother Da Lang is not at home, and Uncle Xu's family has no laborers, so I went to help Uncle Xu work."

"Really? Then Brother Lang has left long ago. Why didn't you go to help before? Why did you go to help after Miss Qiao came?"

"I've been there before."

Uncle Xu looked at the two people arguing and said: "Okay, stop arguing and let the young master see the joke. In this way, the third boy of the Li family, you come with me. I will discuss it with that Miss Qiao and see if Miss Qiao can Go live there."

The person in front of him was a scholar, and he would definitely keep this scholar in their home. Maybe, this scholar could teach his children something.

The main thing is that the three boys from the Li family are obviously interested in that girl Qiao.

In fact, not only the three boys from the Li family, but also the whole village has no young man looking for a mother-in-law. Which one is not interesting to Miss Qiao?

That girl Qiao, he had never seen such a beautiful person in his life, even more beautiful than the fairy in the painting.

The third boy of the Li family is indeed a good character and a progressive person. The conditions of their family are among the best in the whole village. Even the second boy of their family, the second boy of the Li family, is still working in a certain official position in the city. He also I am willing to help the three boys of the Li family.

However, Miss Qiao may not be able to like the third boy of the Li family.

Soon, Cao Zhen arrived at Uncle Xu's home in Uncle Xu's carriage.

Uncle Xu's house is like many other houses. The yard outside is made of piled stones, and the gate of the house is also made of fences, but the gate is big enough for a carriage to enter.

In the courtyard, beside a stone table, a woman in coarse cloth was writing and drawing on the ground with a tree stick. While writing, she was looking at two people squatting next to her, who looked like more than ten people. The 6-year-old child said: "Read it to me, book. This word means book, book for reading. Come on, try to write it."

As soon as the words fell, the two children seemed to hear the sound of the carriage entering the yard, but they turned around one after another, looked behind them, and shouted at the same time: "Grandpa is back, grandpa is back."

"Hey, why is there a big brother? Who is this big brother?"

The woman turned around when she heard the child's voice. Suddenly, her eyes widened and she looked at the pale man sitting on the horse in surprise.

Cao Zhen was also stunned. Isn't this woman Qiao Jingyao who was defeated by him in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament?

Later, the grand master presented magical weapons and magical powers.

But why is she here? And it looked like she had obvious injuries on her body.

The two people looked at each other and said almost in unison: "It's you!"

On the side, Old Man Xu and the three boys from the Li family were all stunned.

Old man Xu pointed at Cao Zhen, then at Qiao Jingyao, and finally asked in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

Qiao Jingyao remembered what she had said after being rescued, she immediately nodded and said before Cao Zhen could: "Uncle Xu, this is our young master."

"Ah? Your young master? This, what a coincidence." Old man Xu was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, then a look of joy appeared on his face, and he congratulated: "Great, you finally found your young master. You must Let’s celebrate well. Tonight, we will kill the chickens at home. It will also be a good time to make up for you and your young master.”

Cao Zhen could see that old man Xu was really happy for Qiao Jingyao.

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