The three boys from the Li family came to Old Man Xu's house happily, but in the end they left with a look of disappointment.

Miss Qiao unexpectedly met their young master!

As a result, Miss Qiao will definitely have to take care of their young master, let alone go to her own home, so he can only leave.

Although he was happy for Miss Qiao that she had found her young master, he probably didn't have much chance.

Cao Zhen quickly followed Qiao Jingyao back to the room that old man Xu had prepared for Qiao Jingyao.

Just after entering the room, Qiao Jingyao asked in surprise: "Peak Master Cao, why are you here?"

Her current condition is extremely poor. If she meets other immortal cultivators, the first thing she thinks of is her own safety.

However, she felt much more at ease when she met Cao Zhen than when she met others.

After all, Cao Zhen was the one who prompted the chosen Imperial Master. She believed that if Cao Zhen was such a bloodthirsty person, even if Cao Zhen became the number one in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament, the Grand Master would not let Cao Zhen become the Imperial Master. of.

Moreover, she herself could feel the kindness of Cao Zhen's heart.

When the two of them fought against each other and she was defeated, Cao Zhen even gave her a pill.

However, Peak Master Cao...

No, it should be Cao Zhangzong. Why is he here?

There were peerless ruins that appeared before. With the strength of Cao Zhangzong, shouldn't he go to that ruins? He should fight for those relics that cause strange phenomena in the world and can be seen everywhere in the world.

"I..." Cao Zhen opened his mouth, but he coughed up a stream of red blood. His injury was so serious that even if he took pills, he would not be able to recover for a while.

"Cao Zhangzong...your injuries..." Qiao Jingyao was shocked again. She had seen that Cao Zhen was injured before, but she did not expect that Cao Zhen's injuries were so serious.

Cao Zhenna was the number one in the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty. Who could hurt him like this? In other words, it was not one person who caused Cao Zhen to be so seriously injured, but he was ambushed by countless masters?

Cao Zhen did not answer Qiao Jingyao immediately, but asked instead: "You see you are also injured, how did you get injured? Also, why are you here? You are not in the Zhenxian Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Qiao Jingyao said with a look of resentment on her face: "I am here because my Immortal Sect is no longer there."

"No more?" Cao Zhen remembered what he had heard before about how small mountain gates in various places were attacked by the Demon Sect, and asked in a deep voice: "Is it someone from the Demon Sect who did it?"

"Yes, it's the Demon Sect!" Qiao Jingyao said coldly, "Those Demon Sect people rushed into our Immortal Sect and wiped out our entire sect. Only I escaped.

I have a sworn hatred with the Demon Sect. After I left, I once wanted to find the disciples of the Grand Master, and together with the disciples of the Grand Master, we could kill the people of the Demon Sect.

But the whereabouts of the Taishi's disciples were also uncertain, so I started to kill those people from the Demon Sect alone, and slowly, without knowing why, I came here. Later, I discovered that there is something special about this country. "

Qiao Jingyao paused slightly as she spoke, then lowered her voice and said: "Qi Li is just a small country, it can't even be called a dynasty. It can only survive in the cracks of several dynasties, and there is no big fairy sect in this country.

However, I discovered the existence of digital golden elixir stage here. Moreover, among those in the Golden Core stage, many people are in the late Golden Core stage.

Under normal circumstances, there would not be so many late-stage Jindan people in this country. Moreover, these people were mysteriously moving towards a certain place. Out of curiosity, I followed them.

As a result, I discovered a large number of people from the Golden Core Stage, and all of them were members of the Demon Sect. This place is the Demon Sect’s lair! "

Cao Zhen's eyes suddenly widened, he stared at Qiao Jingyao and said in surprise: "Is it the lair of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, or the lair of the Red Refining Demon Sect."

"I don't know." Qiao Jingyao shook her head and sighed: "There are too many of them, and I am no match for them, so I left temporarily and prepared to catch one of them who was alone and then question them.

As a result, although I caught a lone person, the other person would rather die than reveal their situation. Before I could catch the second person, maybe it was because of that person, or maybe because of my bad luck, I met a master of the opponent. Although I finally killed the opponent, I was also seriously injured. He escaped all the way here and was rescued by Uncle Xu. "

"I see. However, whether this is the home of the Red Refining Demon Sect or the Sun and Moon Demon Sect is important, but it is not the most important." Cao Zhen nodded slightly, looked at Qiao Jingyao and said, "Because, there are others behind them. Others exist.”

"Is there any other existence?" Qiao Jingyao was stunned for a moment. Whether it was the Sun Moon Demon Sect or the Red Refining Demon Sect, they were existences comparable to the top ten immortal sects. But now Cao Zhen told him that the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect were There is another big force behind Zong.

Cao Zhen nodded and introduced: "Yes, in fact, it is not just your Immortal Sect that has been attacked, our Baifeng Sect has also been attacked."

Qiao Jingyao nodded slightly and said softly: "I know about this. I heard that the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Dalai Dynasty jointly attacked the Baifeng Sect."

Although she said that she had been alone during this period, killing people from the Demon Sect everywhere, but the Baifeng Sect was attacked. Such a big event had already spread, how could she not know about it.

This is also the difference between Baifeng Sect and her Immortal Sect.

Not many people would pay attention to the existence or non-existence of her Immortal Sect, whether it was destroyed or not, but as one of the top ten Immortal Sects in the Baifeng Sect, it always attracted the attention of everyone in the world.

Cao Zhen felt that he was a little tired even standing now. He glanced around and finally sat directly on the ground with his legs crossed. He began to use his magical powers to treat his injuries, and then he said: "They were When they attacked us, they took advantage of the fact that I and several masters from the sect were not around to attack us.

Among them, if it weren't for the prince's disciples who arrived here, our Baifeng Sect would have suffered heavy losses. And after that. Afterwards, the Taishi's disciples even told us that there might be remnants of the previous dynasty behind the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect. "

"Remnants of the previous dynasty?" Qiao Jingyao obviously didn't know anything about the previous dynasty, and she was even more surprised when she heard the voice: "How many years has the Zhenxian Dynasty existed, how come there are still remnants of the previous dynasty?"

"Why there are still remnants of the previous dynasty, I don't know. However, I am certain that behind the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Red Refining Demon Sect, there are indeed remnants of the previous dynasty."

As Cao Zhen spoke, he pointed at himself and said, "Didn't you ask me why I was injured before? I was injured because of the remnants of the previous dynasty.

I entered the ruins of the past, and the remnants of the previous dynasty also entered them. Then in the ruins, I once wanted to kill the leader of the other party. However, due to some special reasons, the other party survived, and I was hit hard instead. "

Cao Zhen still trusts Qiao Jingyao for the time being.

After all, Qiao Jingyao just said that her sect was destroyed, and that kind of hatred cannot be easily disguised.

What's more, when he arrived, Qiao Jingyao was still teaching the two children. It was obvious that Qiao Jingyao was a kind person.

However, he was so injured. If Qiao Jingyao knew that he had captured the relic, no one knew what she would do.

Sou Yi, he did not say that he had won the inheritance of the ruins, nor did he say about the final calamity formation.

Qiao Jingyao showed a look of surprise when she heard the sound, but she did not ask out loud. The peerless ruins were obviously in Nanyang. She also knew about the ruins, and she even wanted to go to the ruins.

But later, after much consideration, she decided to stay outside and kill those people from the Demon Sect.

And here, it is extremely far away from Nanyang.

How could Cao Zhen come here so quickly?

However, she felt strange in her heart, but she didn't ask.

Cao Zhen looked at the pale Qiao Jingyao, reached into the Qiankun bag, took out a pill, handed it to Qiao Jingyao and said: "Your injury is too serious, take the pill. In this way, your injury will be healed." Recover quickly."

Qiao Jingyao took the elixir, and a scent of medicinal fragrance immediately entered her nose.

This aroma was the same elixir that Cao Zhen gave him at the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament. He took the elixir orally without hesitation, and while using his kung fu to treat his injuries, he looked at Cao Zhen and asked: "Cao Zhangzong, can you tell me about the remnants of the previous dynasty?

As you said, those standing behind the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect are the remnants of the previous dynasty, so my enemies are the remnants of the previous dynasty! "

Cao Zhen felt the strength emanating from Qiao Jingyao. He looked up and saw nine golden elixirs behind Qiao Jingyao. Each of these nine golden elixirs was a visionary golden elixir!

Qiao Jingyao is already the Nine Visions Golden Pill?

It seems that Qiao Jingyao has six golden elixirs with six visions, or a few, definitely not nine.

In such a short period of time, she directly broke through nine golden elixirs of vision. This Qiao Jingyao's talent is also amazing.

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and began to talk about the remnants of the previous dynasty that he knew.

"So...the remnants of the previous dynasty are completely different from the royal family of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Their royal family is full of people who cultivate immortality, and they have an amazing inheritance, and they have many treasures.

I haven't returned to the sect yet and some things are unclear, but I estimate that the destruction of the remnants of the previous dynasty must have something to do with the ten major immortal sects. I need to go back to Baifeng Sect to talk about the specific situation. "

Cao Zhen said, but frowned.

For his own injury, whether it is his own magical power or the healing elixir, the effect of healing the injury alone is extremely good.

But now, after taking the elixir, it is so troublesome to use my magical powers again.

This injury...

Is this the power of Heavenly Tribulation?

This injury is far more difficult to heal than ordinary injuries.

Qiao Jingyao looked at Cao Zhen who frowned, but she also frowned, with a look of confusion on her face. Why is Cao Zhen still at the sixth level of the Golden Core?

Even he himself has attained the Nine Visions Golden Elixir now. As a reincarnated power, how could Cao Zhen not achieve any breakthrough at all? What is he doing?

Qiao Jingyao was filled with confusion.

But Cao Zhen asked again: "By the way, I just know that we are in Qili State now, where is the specific location? What state is this, what city? What village?"

Qiao Jingyao has been here for some time, but she also knows the current location. She immediately replied after hearing the sound: "The place I am located is located in Huanshan Prefecture of Qili State, because it is surrounded by mountains. And this village, It's called Xujiafang, and the village is dominated by people named Xu. Xujiafang belongs to Xingtai County, Heitiecheng City.

This city has a very large vein of black iron ore. At first, people gathered here just to mine, hence the name. "

After Cao Zhen knew the location, he quickly connected to Lingxi through Zhonghua Cloud.

He didn't know his current location before, and he couldn't contact Lingxi and others directly. Now that he knew the location, he contacted Lingxi immediately.

Suddenly, the island where he was previously located appeared in front of him.

Although the ruins have disappeared, there are still many people gathered on the island at this time. Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Li Ke and Linghu Lonely are all here.

Cao Zhen's voice suddenly sounded in Lingxi's ears. Since there were too many people around, he spoke directly this time: "Lingxi is me, don't make it public yet, you just need to talk to me in your heart, no need Just make the sound.”

When Lingxi heard this, a joyful look appeared on his face, and the word "master" was almost blurted out, but when he heard the words behind him, the words behind him were suppressed, and he quickly asked in his heart: "Master, where are you now? How is your injury?"

Although Lingxi did not speak, the other three people around her immediately noticed the change in her expression. Li Ke and Linghu Gudu remembered that Cao Zhen had contacted his two disciples alone before, and they immediately understood that it was Cao Zhen who had contacted him. Arrive at Lingxi.

Cao Zhen's heart suddenly warmed up. After his disciple contacted him, the first thing he considered was not the relic inheritance he had received, but to inquire about his safety and injuries.

He quickly replied: "My teacher is currently in Qili Country."

"Qili Country?" Lingxi asked with confusion, "Where is that place?" She had never heard of this country.

"To the east, there is a country to the east of our Zhenxian Dynasty. Linghu goes to many places alone. If you ask him, he should know Qili Country.

As for Shishi's injury, there are some minor problems. You also saw that our master was injured by that calamity formation. The teacher originally thought that with the magical power of healing and the elixirs on his body, he could heal the injury quickly.

However, the Heavenly Tribulation is a little different. I am afraid that I will not be able to heal my injuries for a while. "

Lingxi suddenly became anxious and asked quickly: "Master, where are you? I will pick you up."

"My teacher is in a village called Xujiafang in Huanshan Prefecture and Heitiecheng of Qili State. The people here are mainly people with the surname Xu. Lingxi, don't rush to find my teacher yet. We have too many people outside. , and the ruins have disappeared.

In addition, as a teacher, what I got from the ruins this time is extremely important to the remnants of the previous dynasty. Those remnants of the previous dynasty probably know something about the ruins and what treasures are in the ruins.

Now that the inherited treasure has been obtained by Master, they will definitely find a way to snatch the treasure. But if they can't find Master, then they will definitely take action against Baifeng Sect.

Therefore, the current Baifeng Sect may also be in danger. Now, don't all of you come to me. You asked Yan Yourong and Li Ke to return to the Baifeng Sect immediately, and you came to pick me back to the Baifeng Sect alone. "

If possible, if his injury recovered quickly, he would not want Lingxi to pick him up.

But in his current state, I don't know how long it will take for the injury to fully recover.

As the Baifeng Sect might be in danger, he had to rush back as soon as possible no matter what. Therefore, they could only let Li Ke and Yan Yourong return to the Baifeng Sect first to increase the strength of the Baifeng Sect, and at the same time let Lingxi pick them up.

"Yes, disciple understands."

After Lingxi finished speaking, she realized that there was no reply from her master. Apparently, her master had disappeared after transmitting messages to him.

Lingxi didn't dare to delay, looking at the crowds still gathering around, he sent a message to Yan Yourong and others into the secret passage: "Master came to see me just now. Master is not here now, and he is injured, so Master needs me to pick him up. However, Junior Sister, you and Junior Sister need to return to Baifeng Sect first.

The master said that he has obtained an inherited treasure, which is extremely important to the remnants of the previous dynasty. If the remnants of the previous dynasty cannot find him, they will definitely attack the Baifeng Sect. You need to rush back to the Baifeng Sect as soon as possible, and I will pick up the master myself. "

Lingxi said, and then sent a message to Linghu Gudu into the secret and asked: "Do you know where the Qili Kingdom is?"

"Qi Li Country, although I have not stayed there, I have also passed through that country. You suddenly said Qi Li Country, Cao Zhen is in Qi Li Country? Why did he run so far?" A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Linghu Lonely's face. , and at the same time, he was even more horrified in his heart.

Cao Zhen was in Qili Kingdom and was seriously injured. How could he still find Lingxi?

That's not surprising. Cao Zhen was able to find Lingxi in the ruins before. How did Cao Zhen do it at such a long distance?

After Linghu Duoling asked, he realized that now was not the time to ask these questions. He quickly said: "I told you that I can't explain it for a while, so I will take you away. In addition, there must be many people watching now." With us, we have to go in the direction of Baifeng Sect first to make others think that we are going back to Baifeng Sect. Then, I will take you to Qili Country. Don’t worry, we won’t be able to go around much. No matter how we go, we have to go north first. .”

Lingxi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.


Cao Zhen was sitting cross-legged on the floor in the room. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then Old Man Xu's voice came out.

"Mr. Qiao, Miss Qiao. The food is ready. Come out and eat."

Cao Zhen raised his head when he heard the sound. Old man Xu didn't ask his name, but Qiao Jingyao should have mentioned her last name, so old man Xu must have instinctively thought that Qiao Jingyao took the family name of the young master, so he called himself Young Master Qiao.

The breath retracted from his body, he stood up slowly with his hands on the ground, and said with a smile: "Okay, old man, we'll go out right away."

As he said that, he took a step forward, and a sharp pain suddenly shot through his body, making him grit his teeth involuntarily.

Qiao Jingyao on the side immediately stretched out her hands, supported Cao Zhen, and whispered: "Master, let me help you out."

As she supported Cao Zhen and walked out cautiously, she felt even more strange. Cao Zhen was the first in the Immortals Martial Arts Tournament, and what Cao Zhen himself said was that he and the leader of the remnants of the previous dynasty The man fought alone, and finally had an accident and was seriously injured.

How strong is the leader of the remnants of the previous dynasty, that he can injure Cao Zhendu like this?

No, Cao Zhen said that if you want to kill the opponent, Cao Zhen should be stronger than the opponent. Otherwise, it is impossible for Cao Zhen, a reincarnated powerful person, not to be able to judge that he is not as good as the opponent.

It was just an accident that caused Cao Zhen to be hit hard, but he didn't know what kind of accident it was.

Moreover, the opponent's strength is probably similar to Cao Zhen, otherwise, there would be no accident that would cause Cao Zhen to be injured like this.

My own strength is still far behind.

If you want to take revenge, you must have stronger strength.

The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. After recovering from his injuries, he went to attack the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!

While Qiao Jingyao was thinking, she helped Cao Zhen walk to the door. Then she raised her hand to open the door and helped Cao Zhen out.

Outside the door, old man Xu saw the two people walking out. His eyes paused on Qiao Jingyao's face for a moment, and he suddenly showed a look of surprise. He unexpectedly said: "Miss Qiao, it has only been a while, but your face has improved." many."

Before, Qiao Jingyao's face was extremely pale, with not much blood visible at all. Now, Qiao Jingyao's face is obviously much rosier.

"It should be that I was happy to see the young master, so my body has recovered a lot." Qiao Jingyao quickly made up a reason. She couldn't say that she had recovered a lot because Cao Zhen gave her a pill.

Now, she can't let the other party know that she is an immortal cultivator.

After all, in the current situation, both she and Cao Zhen are too weak, and they still need to cultivate for a while.

Now, they can only stay here temporarily.

Although Cao Zhen no longer needs to eat every day, he still retains the habits of his previous life as long as he has time.

The Xu family are just ordinary villagers. Even if they specially killed a chicken today, the dishes on the dinner table are definitely not sumptuous.

Cao Zhen glanced at the Xu family. In addition to Mr. Xu, there were also the two children he had seen before, as well as an old woman and a middle-aged woman.

I heard Mr. Xu say before that his son is in the city, so these should be his two grandsons, his daughter-in-law, and his wife.

The two women in Uncle Xu's family were very polite to Cao Zhen. Cao Zhen could feel that it was a kind of respect and even yearning for scholars.

As for Mr. Xu's two children, their eyes had not left the pot of stewed chicken since they sat down.

Cao Zhen smiled, picked up a bowl, looked at the two children and said, "Come on, the children are just growing up, so they should eat more meat."

As he said that, he was about to put the chicken in the bowl, but just as he picked up the bowl, his hands kept shaking.

On the side, Qiao Jingyao quickly took the bowl and spoon and scooped two spoons of chicken and chicken soup into each of the two children's bowls.

The old man Xu on the side said quickly: "Mr. Qiao, don't be polite. The two children just ate the hare shot by the uncle next door a few days ago. You are weak now, please eat more meat to replenish your health."

"It's okay, I can't eat that much by myself." Cao Zhen chuckled and shook his head. How could his injury be healed by eating chicken?

However, he also felt the simplicity and enthusiasm of Mr. Xu.

On the side, Lingxi looked at Cao Zhen's smile, but there was a look of surprise in her eyes. Her immortal sect was a small one, and she had been in contact with mortals, so in her eyes, there was a difference between mortals and their immortal cultivators. , but she also believed that they were all human beings and the same existence, so she particularly admired the Taishi and recognized the law established by the Taishi that mortals and immortal cultivators were equal.

However, she also had contact with other immortal cultivators, especially when she went to the capital to participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, she fully felt the contempt and look down upon mortals by many immortal cultivators.

And Cao Zhen, a reincarnated great master, is now the head of the Baifeng Sect, one of the top ten immortal sects, but he is so kind to ordinary people, and it even makes her feel that Cao Zhen is just an ordinary person. of mortals.

This is really surprising.

After dinner, Old Man Xu brought some more quilts. He didn't say anything about preparing the room or anything like that. Miss Qiao is Mr. Qiao's maid, so isn't it natural for her to serve Mr. Qiao?

Cao Zhen and Qiao Jingyao didn't say much, nor did they feel any embarrassment.

They all have to practice to recover from their injuries, and they are just practicing in the same room.

Cao Zhen no longer practiced the technique he had learned from you before, but instead practiced the technique of the prosperous age.

Soon, he discovered that he had a vague connection with the world, but he couldn't tell what the specific connection was. Moreover, this connection felt very subtle and seemed to be broken at any time.

Before I knew it, one night had passed.

Cao Zhen's injuries are still visible, but they are better than yesterday. At least, he no longer needs Qiao Jingyao's help to walk.

After eating, the two children of the Xu family soon pestered them, not with him, but with Qiao Jingyao, asking Qiao Jingyao to teach them how to read.

Qiao Jingyao looked back at Cao Zhen and asked, "Sir, would you like to go back and take a rest? Shall I teach the two children how to read?"

"That's fine."

Cao Zhen nodded slightly and returned to the room to continue practicing and treat his injuries.

Qiao Jingyao stayed outside to teach the two children how to read.

But after a while, after Cao Zhen practiced, he felt that his recovery speed was slow, and he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

This was the first time this happened since he came to this world.

After all, most of the time, he just needs to lie down and win. If he can't solve the problem by lying down, he will use elixirs to solve the problem.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation.

"I can't practice anymore. If I continue to practice, I'm afraid I will have inner demons."

Cao Zhen stopped practicing and slowly walked outside. He had read so many novels in his previous life. At this time, it was obvious that he could no longer practice, but needed more contact with nature and the outside world.

However, with his current injury, he cannot move around. He can only teach two children how to read with Qiao Jingyao in the Xu family's yard.

Xujiafang is not a big place, and the news that a scholar came to the Xu family spread quickly. Moreover, the doors of the houses in the village are all open. Even if they are not open, you can still see the situation in the yard through the fence.

Soon, everyone in the village noticed that the children of the Xu family were learning to read.

Soon, Uncle Xu's house was crowded with people at night, and these people even came to the door with some food that they had been reluctant to eat all year round.

Cao Zhen quickly figured out the purpose of these villagers coming, which was to let him teach their children.

Reading, whether it was in ancient times on the earth where he lived in his previous life, or in this era, was very rare. Children from ordinary families had no chance to study at all.

Mainly because no one taught me.

This era is very similar to Earth's before the Song Dynasty. Books are almost all in the hands of wealthy families or poor families.

A poor family is a family with a lower status and power, not a poor family.

Not to mention children from poor families, even some children from rich peasant families have no chance to study. And in this country of Qili, there is a sense that all people are of low quality but only good at reading. This is why old man Xu respected him so much when he saw that he was a scholar.

Now that they saw such a scholar coming and willing to teach others to read, everyone immediately came with their children and wanted Cao Zhen to teach them how to read.

When Qiao Jingyao saw the crowd gathered around her, she immediately looked at Cao Zhen with worry, and instinctively wanted to help Cao Zhen refuse.

Although it seems that Cao Zhen is very kind to these mortals today, it may be because Cao Zhen was saved by Old Uncle Xu and is now living in Old Uncle Xu's house, so he is friendly to Old Uncle Xu's family, but towards others, Cao Zhen But he may not be so friendly.

What's more, she knew that Cao Zhen's injury was more serious than hers. She was very surprised that Cao Zhen was able to teach two children to read in one day, but Cao Zhen might be doing it on a whim or to repay a favor.

It is impossible for Cao Zhen to teach so many children. Cao Zhen wants to practice and treat his injuries.

But to her surprise, Cao Zhen actually agreed.

Moreover, the next day, Cao Zhen really started to teach these children. What surprised her even more was that she found that Cao Zhen was very good at teaching children to learn.

She had learned some knowledge before. Back then, her master specially hired a teacher to teach her.

However, she discovered that the teacher who taught her was completely incomparable to Cao Zhen in teaching.

If she didn't know Cao Zhen's identity, she would even suspect that Cao Zhen was a teacher.

Cao Zhen had been connected with Mozi, who was a top educator, not to mention that he had also been connected with great scholars like Tao Qian, and he also had his own cultural heritage, so it was natural that he could teach some children easily.

Qiao Jingyao originally thought that Cao Zhen would only be fresh for two days, but slowly, she discovered that Cao Zhen was extremely serious about teaching. He even started writing a book himself to pass it on to these children.

After all, he would have to leave sooner or later, and he wouldn't be able to teach children for long.

These days, he spent his time teaching children during the day, and practicing and healing his injuries at night. As time went by, he discovered that his healing powers had little effect on his injuries.

After all, the injuries he suffered were caused by the robbery formation.

Although it is said that after the calamity formation fell, its power became much smaller due to the light curtain of the ruins of the prosperous age, but whether it was thunder or flame calamity, they were all calamities belonging to the calamity formation.

His current situation is equivalent to a Silver-level person being affected by a King-level attack. Naturally, these injuries cannot be cured by silver-level treatment methods.

Apart from using elixirs to slowly recover, the magical powers of treatment no longer have much effect.

After Cao Zhen understood this, he no longer rushed to treat his injuries, but began to study and practice the Shengshi Kung Fu.

Moreover, he found that as he had more contact with the villagers and began to slowly understand their lives, he became more and more comfortable practicing the Shengshi Kung Fu at night.

The prosperous age is the prosperous age for the entire human race and the entire world.

Mortals are also part of the world. Understanding mortals will naturally lead to a better understanding of the prosperous world.

In the days that followed, Cao Zhen began to have more and more contact with people in this village. Although his internal injuries did not recover much, his activities had little impact.

Although he was a mortal before, he lived in a modern society after all. His understanding of ancient society was only limited to books and movies and TV dramas. Now he is truly beginning to understand the mortals of this world and how they live.

Even at night, he began to connect with the people he had interacted with before, to see Mozi, Yu Qian, and Zhao Ji, to see their lives, and to understand different eras and different characters.

Unconsciously, he learned more and more about this world and different worlds.

The more Cao Zhen learned, the more he discovered that he was practicing the Golden Age Cultivation Technique faster and faster. As he practiced the Golden Age Cultivation Technique, unknowingly, the remaining aura of the Tribulation Formation in his body, He even began to weaken and his internal injuries began to slowly heal.

"This... such a magical Shengshi Cultivation Technique can actually suppress it on its own and consume the remaining aura of the Tribulation Formation in my body. Perhaps the Shengshi Cultivation Technique exists to fight against the Heavenly Tribulation, so it also has a miraculous effect on the injuries caused by the Tribulation Formation?"

Cao Zhen could only understand it this way.

Even though he discovered that Shengshi Kung Fu could heal his internal injuries, he still had to go out every day to teach these children how to study.

Time passes day by day.

With his elixir, Qiao Jingyao's injuries recovered very quickly. After more than ten days, her injuries had even fully recovered.

But she did not leave. When she was with the people in the village and these children, she felt as if she had returned to the sect, the days when she lived with the junior brothers and sisters in the sect and the nearby villagers.

Slowly, Cao Zhen's injuries recovered to the point where he could fly with his sword, but he did not leave.

Moreover, news came from the Baifeng Sect that the remnants of the previous dynasty have not yet attacked the Baifeng Sect, and it is unknown whether something is brewing.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

On this day, Cao Zhen was as usual, teaching the children with Qiao Jingyao in the center of the village, where the villagers were drying corn.

Suddenly, two different footsteps came to his ears.

After staying in the village for so long, he could clearly distinguish the footsteps of the villagers. These two footsteps obviously did not belong to the villagers, but...

Cao Zhen turned around and saw the lonely figures of Lingxi and Linghu in his sight.

"You guys are here, wait for me, I will give the children the last lesson before leaving." Cao Zhen nodded to the two of them, then turned his head and began to teach the children seriously.

Linghu looked at Cao Zhen alone, who was teaching his children wholeheartedly. For a moment, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Cao Zhen is actually teaching children?

A reincarnated power, the current top master of the Zhenxian Dynasty, and the headmaster of the Great Immortal Sect, are teaching a group of mortal children like a private school teacher in such a remote village?

He thinks that he has traveled to many places. He has spent most of his life traveling around the world and exploring various places.

He also has a lot of contact with mortals. He thinks that he understands mortals better than many immortals, and can treat immortals relatively equally.

But he thought that he could not teach so many mortal children so patiently like Cao Zhen.

Linghu Lonely and Lingxi came early in the morning, but it was not until noon that Cao Zhen finished teaching and said goodbye to everyone in the village and the children.

What surprised Linghu Lonely even more was that almost everyone in the village ran out to see Cao Zhen off.

"Mr. Qiao, take these eggs with you to eat on the road. They are already cooked."

"Mr. Qiao, this is Qixiancai, which is only available here."

"Mr. Qiao, the road is not peaceful. Let's see you off together."

Cao Zhen looked at the enthusiastic villagers, waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter, this servant of mine is very capable. Not to mention a hundred bandits, no matter how many bandits there are, he will not be his opponent. Otherwise, my family will not be able to compete with me." We can't let him come to me. Folks, please go back.

I have written all the children's books and they are in the room where I live at Uncle Xu's house..."

Cao Zhen talked with the villagers for a long time and accepted a bunch of local specialties. Then he took the other three people and left all the way towards the outside. He could obviously fly, and he had a flying boat with him, but he didn't Shi Feizhou walked on the path in the village and said as he walked: "They don't know that we are immortal cultivators. They always thought that we were ordinary scholars and maids. We don't want to expose our identities and treat them like this." No good."

Linghu listened to Cao Zhen's whispering voice alone and asked the question that had always existed in his heart: "Your injury should allow you to leave here and find a place where no one will disturb you to practice and recover slowly. Why are you still in this village?"

Also, don’t tell me, you have been here like this for a while, have you always been in this village? "

A smile appeared on Cao Zhen's face and he said: "This is indeed how they all come here? Is there anything wrong?"

Linghu Gudu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly and said: "I can't understand you. You can teach those children so patiently and integrate them into the lives of mortals. If it were me, it would only take a day or two. Fortunately, after a long time, I won’t be able to stand it anymore.”

As he said that, he stopped, clasped his fists towards Cao Zhen and said, "Okay, now that Lingxi has found you, I should leave too. Let's say goodbye."

"Where are you going?" Cao Zhen looked at Linghu Lonely and suddenly invited him, "Why don't you come to our Baifeng Sect to have a look?"

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