Although Cao Zhen only met Linghu Gudu after entering the ruins, he also recognized Linghu Gudu very much, and Linghu Gudu was also strong enough.

Now that he heard that Linghu Gudu was leaving, he instinctively invited Linghu Gudu to their Baifeng Sect.

Of course, what he was talking about was going to the Baifeng Sect to have a look. As for whether they could leave Linghu alone in the end, it all depends on their ability.

Linghu Lonely seemed to know what Cao Zhen meant. When he heard the sound, he shook his head slightly and refused: "Forget it, I have no other hobbies in my life, I only have one hobby, and that is traveling all over the world. .

I am still far away from traveling all over the world. Now that I have gone to the Baifeng Sect, I am afraid I will stay there.

When, after I have traveled all over the world, when I am tired from walking, maybe I will go to your Baifeng Sect to have a look. "

"Okay, maybe, when the Baifeng Sect doesn't need my protection, before you travel all over the world and come to the Baifeng Sect, I will also travel around the world like you."

Cao Zhen felt what he had gained during this period of time in Xujiacun, and he knew in his heart that one day, he would leave the Baifeng Sect and travel around the world alone to experience different people, different lives, and feel What is the world and what is the prosperous age?

"Okay, maybe, we don't know where we can meet, so I'll leave first." Linghu said hello alone and left.

Cao Zhen suddenly said: "Wait a minute. Thanks to you in the ruins this time, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have gotten the last treasure of the ruins. And you didn't actually get anything."

Linghu Gudu's face, which originally had a look of parting, suddenly showed a smile like a profiteer, and said with a smile: "So, you want to make it up to me and give me some treasures, right? You are so righteous, so righteous. Actually, I am easy to get rid of. Those who are talented and talented can just come and go."

Cao Zhen's face suddenly darkened. He asked for the treasures of heaven and earth. He didn't have them, so how could he give them to him?

Speaking of which, I got the Shengshi Cultivation Technique and the Shengshi Illustrated Book, and it was not too much to give Linghu Gudu some heavenly and earthly treasures, but I didn't have any, so I could only give him something else.

"I don't have any treasures from heaven and earth. So, how about I give you two magical powers first? In addition, when you overcome the tribulation, or when you need elixirs, you can go to Baifeng Sect at any time, or Ask someone to go to Baifeng Sect and inform me, and I will do my best to refine the elixir you need."

"If you say that, then I won't be polite." Linghu Lonely knew that although the elixir Cao Zhen promised to refine seemed a bit vague, and he didn't know when he would be able to use it, the real point was actually It’s also this elixir.

He had been in contact with people from Lingxi before, but he also knew that Cao Zhen was best at alchemy.

Moreover, before that, he had also heard that Cao Zhen was good at alchemy.

Cao Zhen is also a reincarnated great master, and he is best at alchemy. So how terrifying has Cao Zhen’s alchemy reached?

The elixir he promised was not a specific elixir, but any elixir he proposed would be acceptable.

Seeing that Linghu Duoling agreed, Cao Zhen continued: "I have seen your golden elixir vision before, which is related to water. Then I will teach you two magical powers, one of which is called drifting with the flow, and the other magical power. It’s called the nibbling whale.”

Linghu Lonely quickly understood the power of reincarnation. She had seen that none of Cao Zhen's people were particularly good at the magical power of water. Yan Yourong was also good at the five elements, not just the water power alone. Supernatural powers.

He found that Cao Zhen was not even particularly good at the magical power of water, but although he had not yet practiced the two magical powers that Cao Zhen taught him, he could already feel the magic and power of these two magical powers.

When he looked at this magical power, he wanted to follow Cao Zhen to the Baifeng Sect. He is worthy of being a reincarnated power.

Linghu left alone.

As he left, Cao Zhen looked at Qiao Jingyao and Ling Xi who were following him and said, "I'm going to trouble you next."

Although he has recovered a lot from his injuries, he has not fully recovered, so he needs to rely on Lingxi and Qiao Jingyao to control the flying boat.

Lingxi had already learned that his master had met Qiao Jingyao, but there was no surprise.

Qiao Jingyao was not surprised by Lingxi's arrival.

She knew that great immortal sects like the Baifeng Sect all had a sect. As a sect leader, Cao Zhen could not have a sect. Cao Zhen must have informed Lingxi through his sect and asked Lingxi to come here. .

After everyone walked some distance away, Cao Zhen released the flying boat, and Lingxi and Qiao Jingyao flew away together in the flying boat.

Qi Li Country is not big, and it doesn't even take a day for everyone to fly away from Qi Li Country and fly towards the distance.

Cao Zhen was alone in his room and took out the album of prosperous times and his writing brush.

In fact, he should have painted the album of the prosperous times a long time ago, but he was injured before. If he painted, it would naturally affect his painting level.

Emperor Tianfeng said that the level of transformation above the Atlas of the Golden Age will also affect the power of the Atlas of the Golden Age.

Now, although his injury has not fully recovered, it will not affect his painting skills.

After Cao Zhen came to this world, he had painted several paintings, and each painting aroused surprise from others. This time, he was more cautious than ever.

He took a deep breath, adjusted again, and kept recalling the appearance of the Baifeng Sect in his mind.

After he came to this world, he was in the Baifeng Sect and the Four Treasures Peak. If he wanted to paint, he would naturally paint the Baifeng Sect first and the Four Treasures Peak first.

Finally, after thinking about the Hundred Peaks Sect in his mind countless times, he started to run the Shengshi Illustration and picked up the Shengshi Pen.

As soon as I took the pen into my hands, I suddenly felt an unusually mysterious feeling.

In an instant, he felt that he was no longer in the flying boat, but was flying down, flying back to the Zhenxian Dynasty. Then he did not stop, but continued to fly towards the distance, crossing every stripe. Galaxy, he felt as if he had traveled through time and space at this moment.

Suddenly, a blue planet appeared in front of his eyes.


He saw the earth again, the place where he lived in his previous life.

He seemed to be floating in the sky above the entire earth. He saw cross-sea bridges, undersea tunnels, and railway networks all over the country...

Slowly, his figure began to fall. He saw high-rise buildings, cars, and pedestrians walking with mobile phones...

A prosperous age?

Could it be that because I traveled through time, my own prosperous age can paint the prosperous age of my previous life?

Cao Zhen felt surprised in his heart, but soon, modern society continued to pass before his eyes, and history seemed to be regressing rapidly, one dynasty after another.

And he appeared on the rolling river.

Mother River...Yellow River!

Cao Zhen felt that he seemed to have seen the formation of the Yellow River again. Due to the collision of continental plates, a high mountain range was formed, which was the Himalayas.

And above the mountains, the source of the water slowly appeared...the source of the Yellow River!

The Yellow River stretches out little by little...

He connected the Yellow River, and after he connected the Yellow River, he also saw the vicissitudes of the sea, but he didn't learn anything.

But now, he saw the Yellow River again, saw the farmers on both sides of the Yellow River cultivating with hoes, saw countless people managing the Yellow River, and even holding hands to block the Yellow River with their own bodies!

Looking at the magnificent pictures, I am just shocked!

When he watched the changes of the Yellow River, he was also watching the entire history of the nation!

He felt that he was no longer a spectator, but a member of the people, a member of the farming community, a member of the community that prevented the river from flooding, and a member of the construction community!

He didn't know when he woke up and looked at the white paper-like catalog of the prosperous times in front of him. He picked up a pen and drew a stroke on the white scroll.

A touch of black appeared on the white scroll, and as this touch of black fell, he felt a special feeling in his heart.

He had already left the earth, but at this moment, he felt that he was vaguely connected to the earth again.

He drew one stroke at a time, under the ninety-nine levels of painting, and soon, a river appeared in the painting.

Yellow River!

He was obviously painting from the scroll, but when the Yellow River appeared, he felt that the Yellow River really appeared in front of his eyes.

Ever since he started painting, he couldn't even control himself.

After all, the scroll was limited, but once he started writing, he couldn't stop writing.

An entire Yellow River is drawn from one end of the scroll to another section, spanning the entire scroll.

When the Yellow River was completely painted, he felt a special breath coming out, a breath of tolerance, tenacity... This was the breath of the Yellow River and the breath of the nation.

Complete the painting of the Yellow River in one go.

He raised his pen again and started drawing on the catalog of prosperous times.

Soon, a mountain peak appeared on the catalog of Shengshi - Sibao Peak!

As the mountain peak appeared, a special feeling came instantly.

He was obviously very far away from the Four Treasures Peak, but at this moment, he felt that he was standing on the Four Treasures Peak. At the same time, inside his body, there were even more rough shouts coming from the picture book of the prosperous age that he cultivated. Special power.

There are seven powers in total.

Among them, four forces are relatively close, two forces are relatively close, and there is one force in the middle.

"Seven people, these are the seven disciples of my Four Treasure Peak, their strength. These four strongest forces are Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu, and Beiyan. Three of them are relatively close, and one If the strength is weak, it should be because Beiyan's strength is weak.

The force in the middle should be Yisheng's force.

As for the remaining two powers, they are the powers of the two newly recruited disciples, Duoduo and Zhu Peng. However, there is a difference between the two powers. Zhu Peng's power is obviously stronger than Duoduo's...

No, this stronger force is Duoduo's power! "

Cao Zhen felt these powers, with a look of surprise on his face. Although he had not returned to Sibao Peak, he knew that although Zhu Peng was a fool, Zhu Peng was born with divine power.

Moreover, when Zhu Peng did not enter the Baifeng Sect, Xiao Beiyan often went to help Xiao Zhu Peng.

What's more, Duoduo is an ancient immortal body and can hardly be cultivated. No matter how you look at it, Xiao Zhupeng should be stronger, but it is Duoduo who is stronger. This is strange.

Cao Zhen shook his head and did not think about this problem. He has not yet returned to the Baifeng Sect, and he does not know the situation of the two young disciples. Everything should be discussed after returning to the Baifeng Sect.

Now is the catalog of the prosperous times.

Cao Zhen could clearly feel that although the power of the Four Treasure Peaks was small, only these seven powers, the entire Baifeng Sect was in a prosperous posture.

"This aura... the Four Treasures Peak is a prosperous age!"

Cao Zhen could feel that as he drew the Four Treasure Peaks, his own aura also strengthened.

"This is the prosperous age technique, because what I am drawing now is the Four Treasure Peaks, and the Four Treasure Peaks are the prosperous age, so I will become stronger. However, if the picture I draw is not the prosperous age, but the troubled times, then I will The power will weaken. And the Yellow River..."

Cao Zhen was vaguely aware that the aura emitted by the Yellow River at this time began to slowly nourish the Four Treasures Peak.

"Is it because of me? So the Yellow River can also nourish the Four Treasures Peak?"

Cao Zhen looked at the catalog in front of him, but found that after he used the Shengshi Cultivation Technique again, he wanted to continue painting on the catalog, but he could no longer do it.

He had a feeling that he couldn't write anything.

"So, now I have reached my limit. If I want to draw the Hundred Peaks Sect again, I need to increase my power again, or have a deeper understanding of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

Cao Zhen put away the Shengshi Illustrated Book and the Shengshi Pen. He could feel that after running the Shengshi Cultivation Technique, he could even borrow the seven powers.

Now, he can only borrow seven powers. That's because there are only seven people in the Four Treasures Peak. At the beginning, when he saw the Immortal Lord Compassion used the Illustration of the Great Age, he borrowed countless powers.

When his catalog of prosperous times covers a larger area, then he will have more power to draw on.

The stronger the place he draws in the catalog of the prosperous times, the stronger he will be.

The Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age is equivalent to concentrating everyone's power on one person.

This is where the power of Shengshi Illustration lies.

After Cao Zhen put everything away, he ran the Illustrated Book of the Great Age again to recover from his injuries. While running it, he was even more surprised to find that the remaining aura of the calamity formation in his body was much weaker.

"According to the current situation, I don't need to answer the Four Treasures Peak, and the aura in my body can be restored."

Cao Zhen was running the Shengshi Kung Fu while thinking about it. He was attacked by the Tribulation Formation. The fourth prince, who was also a remnant of the previous dynasty, was also attacked by the Tribulation Formation. However, the fourth prince was injured more lightly. He didn't know that the fourth prince was now attacked by the Tribulation Formation. How is your recovery going? Has the injury been treated?

If the fourth prince knew about the existence of the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age, he would definitely want to take the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age from his hands.

In fact, the previous owners of the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age were all emperors of the dynasty, and the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age is indeed more suitable to be in the hands of an emperor.

And if the fourth prince cannot find him, he will most likely take action against the Baifeng Sect and force him to appear.

However, the news coming back from Yan Yourong is that the remnants of the previous dynasty have not taken action yet, so what are they doing now?

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and chose to connect to the Sun Eclipse Demon again.

Soon, figures appeared in his sight.

People from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect?

However, in his sight, there didn't seem to be many people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, only about thirty people.

Thinking about it, it is true that the Sun and Moon Demon Sect has killed so many masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. In the previous attack on the Baifeng Sect, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect also lost many golden elixir masters.

Later, I heard from Qiao Jingyao that she also killed many people from the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

Even if the Sun Moon Demon Sect has the support of the remnants of the previous dynasty, they must have suffered heavy losses by now, and I'm afraid there won't be many masters of the Golden Core stage left.

More than thirty golden elixir stages should be quite a lot for today's Sun Moon Demon Sect.

Moreover, the Eclipse Demon and Qianjiao are both here. What do they want to do? Any other big actions?

Cao Zhen continued to read.

The Eclipse Demon looked at the scene outside the flying boat, turned to look at Qianjiao, and asked in a low voice: "Zhang Zong, what does the fourth prince mean when we go to the Sun and Moon Sect this time?"

"Do it directly." Qianjiao said coldly.

"Do it directly?" A look of surprise appeared on the Eclipse Demon's face, and he whispered, "Junior sister, our mission this time is not to cooperate with the Immortal Sect of the Daliang Dynasty, put pressure on the Sun Moon Sect, and let the people of the Sun Moon Sect, There is also pressure from several other major Immortal Sects to prevent them from leaving their Immortal Sect, so that the prince’s subordinates, Dao Yidai, can safely attack the Baifeng Sect? What?”

"The plan has changed." Qianjiao said with a look of admiration on her face: "The reason why the fourth prince asked us to cooperate with the immortal sects of the Liang Dynasty and put pressure on the Sun and Moon Sect is also to let all the major immortal sects see it, and they will all have Danger. In order to prevent it, Baifeng Sect asked for help from various immortal sects.

After all, even if the top ten immortal sects seem to be competing for each other on weekdays, they are also the top ten immortal sects of the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty. When one immortal sect is really in danger of destroying the sect, they will immediately ask for help from the other major immortal sects.

Generally speaking, other immortal sects will also send people there.

However, if those immortal sects themselves are in danger, they may not necessarily send people to rescue them. Even if they do send people, they won't send a large number of experts.

When the Sun Moon Sect and several other sects were in danger, they would naturally not send experts to rescue the Baifeng Sect. This was the original plan of the fourth prince. However, the fourth prince discovered that the Baifeng Sect did not ask for help from other immortal sects.

Therefore, the fourth prince's plan has been advanced. The fourth prince decided to attack the Baifeng Sect today! "

"What? Do it today? So urgent?" The Sun Eclipse Demon was surprised.

When Cao Zhen heard the conversation between the two, he immediately became nervous. The fourth prince was ready to attack the Baifeng Sect!

Qianjiao glanced around, looked at a door on the side, signaled the Eclipse Demon to follow, walked into the room on the side, closed the door, and then looked at the Eclipse Demon and said: "The fourth prince. The reason why he took action in advance was because of the news from the fourth prince that Cao Zhen had already started to return to the Hundred Peaks Sect. Moreover, Cao Zhen even said that after returning to the Hundred Peaks Sect, it would not take long for his injuries to recover.

Although Cao Zhen is alone, he is the head of the Baifeng Sect, the master of the masters of the Baifeng Sect, and the spiritual pillar of the Baifeng Sect.

If Cao Zhen returns to the Baifeng Sect, it will be much more difficult to destroy the Baifeng Sect.

Therefore, the fourth prince had to take action in advance. "

Cao Zhen was stunned for a moment, as if thunder exploded in his heart.

Lingxi received him, and he had only told Yan Yourong about his injuries, but how did he know about it, the Fourth Prince?

Could it be said that there is an undercover agent of the fourth prince in the Baifeng Sect? Moreover, this undercover agent of the fourth prince has a very high status in the Baifeng Sect and is a very valued person.

After all, I had told several of my disciples that there might be people from the Red Refining Demon Sect, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, or even remnants of the previous dynasty in the Hundred Peaks Sect, so only the top brass of the Hundred Peaks Sect knew about many things.

Now, at this time, it has been leaked. It is obvious that there is a traitor among the top leaders of Baifeng Sect!

Since he came to this world, all the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect he met were all dedicated to the Hundred Peaks Sect. When he and Lan Pili were outside, Lan Pili was willing to sacrifice himself for the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect. Those disciples were rushing to sacrifice themselves.

Later, people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Dalai Dynasty attacked the Baifeng Sect, and the seniors of the Baifeng Sect even blew themselves up for the sake of the Baifeng Sect.

But now, I discovered that there were only traitors among the top leaders of the Baifeng Sect!

The Eclipse Demon also seemed to have thought of the reason why the fourth prince knew about this matter, and whispered: "The fourth prince has arranged someone in the Hundred Peaks Sect?"

Qianjiao's face changed suddenly when she heard this, and she whispered: "Don't ask me, I didn't tell you anything today. In short, you just need to remember that you will listen to the fourth prince in everything. As for the Sun Moon Sect, sooner or later we will We have to deal with the top ten immortal sects. Since we have gone this time, we will attack directly. If we can use the hands of the Daliang Dynasty to severely damage the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, then it will naturally be the best."

After saying that, Qianjiao opened the door and walked out.

Seeing that the two of them had stopped talking about key issues, Cao Zhen didn't dare to delay and quickly connected to Yan Yourong through China Cloud.

After Yan Yourong returned to Sibaofeng, he took over the task of teaching his junior brother and junior sister.

The main reason was that Xiang Ziyu and Xiao Beiyan were responsible for teaching these two little guys before, and she was really worried.

She was teaching the two of them, and suddenly, the master's voice rang in her mind.

Before, when the master was looking for her, she used to speak. But after more time, she no longer spoke directly, but answered in her heart: "Master, do you have any instructions for finding a disciple?"

"I have something to ask you." Cao Zhen asked in a deep voice, "I told you before that I have started to return to the Baifeng Sect with your senior sister. At the same time, my master's injury may recover after returning to the Baifeng Sect. .Who have you told this news to?"

Yan Yourong was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and then recalled: "The disciple told the junior brothers and sisters, as well as the deputy head sect, and the senior leaders in our Baifeng Sect, the disciple did not say anything about this matter. Master, why do you ask? Is this a problem?"

"In addition to the traitors in our Baifeng Sect, there are also traitors among the top leaders of the Baifeng Sect." Cao Zhen said solemnly, "The fourth prince who is the remnant of the previous dynasty already knows about this, and now the remnants of the previous dynasty are sending people here The time to attack our Baifeng Sect is today."

"Traitor?" Yan Yourong's breath turned cold instantly.

Even Duoduo and Zhu Peng, who were not far away, also felt the aura. Even though the aura was not directed at them, they were deeply affected by the aura and both fell to the ground.

Zhu Peng was so naive that he didn't know what was happening, but Duoduo turned her head and looked at Yan Yourong. Looking at Yan Yourong who was motionless, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

Senior sister, what's going on? It seems that he suddenly got some news and became very angry?

But there's no one nearby? Could it be that Master sent her some news?

However, I didn’t see any kind of favors being given to my senior sister.

As for direct sound transmission?

The master is in an extremely far place. At that distance, even if the master is reincarnated and powerful, it is impossible for him to complete the sound transmission with the senior sister.

But what happened to Senior Sister?

Duoduo felt strange.

Cao Zhen's voice sounded in Yan Yourong's mind again: "I don't know who the traitor is, but I know that the traitor must be among the top. The most important thing at the moment is that the other party is about to Come and attack our Baifeng Sect.

You immediately go to Nie Jie to discuss how to defend yourself. We knew this was a traitor, so we had to make preparations in advance.

However, don't mention the traitor. However, if the other party attacks directly this time, then don't do it directly. You have to keep an eye on the senior leaders of our Baifeng Sect to be on guard against traitors. "

"Yes, disciple understands."

After the master's voice disappeared, Yan Yourong immediately looked at Duoduo and Zhu Peng and said, "You two practice well in the mountain. Remember, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to go down the mountain. Senior sister, I have something to do."

After saying that, Yan Yourong left quickly. She did not go to Nie Jie immediately.

Now, after hearing what her master said, she no longer trusts Nie Jie. After all, Nie Jie is also one of the top leaders. The only people she trusts now are her junior brother, junior sister, and junior wife Li Ke.

Soon, Yan Yourong told Xiang Ziyu, Xiaobei Yanyisheng and Li Ke what Cao Zhen told her.

Li Ke heard the sound and quickly judged: "This matter needs to be informed to Nie Jie as soon as possible."

When Yan Yourong heard this, he suddenly showed a look of confusion and said, "Tell Nie Jie? Although I am willing to tell you about your deputy, but at this time..."

"Don't worry about him." Li Ke quickly replied, "I have known Nie Jie longer than you, and I can be sure that he is trustworthy. Moreover, Cao Zhen and I have been away from the Baifeng Sect for a long time. The sect was handed over to Nie Jie. If Nie Jie really has a problem, then our Baifeng Sect is really doomed.

Of course, we also have to be on guard at this time. However, there is only one person we need to guard against. "

After a pause, Li Ke said in a low voice: "That's Lie Yan."

"Lie Yan?" Yan Yourong was startled again and said, "Master wife, are you saying there is something wrong with him? But he has always refused to fight for it. After Nie Jie became the deputy head, he did not even take over the position of peak master of Feixian Peak. This time, Master took the initiative to invite him to the ruins, but he didn’t go, so how could he have a problem?”

"I'm not doubting him, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with him, I mean, he's the only one we're paying attention to."

Li Ke explained: "After all, apart from us, the person with the highest cultivation level in our Baifeng Sect is Lie Yan. Even if the others are traitors, even if they suddenly attack, there will be no consequences in their eyes. But Lie Yan different."

Yan Yourong understood immediately: "Disciple knows, then disciple will pay attention to Lie Yan."

After Yan Yourong finished speaking, he turned to look at Yi Sheng and said, "Junior Sister, here is the elixir that Master asked you to refine. Give it to Senior Sister."

When Yi Sheng heard this, Li Ke took out a bottle of elixir. There was only one elixir in the elixir bottle.

On the side, Xiang Ziyu saw this bottle of elixir and immediately reacted and shouted: "This is the elixir that Master said can allow us to break through to the great disaster of wind and fire!"

During the Great Catastrophe of Wind and Fire, during the Minor Era when the universe was reversed, if one unleashed his combat power, it would be very easy to cause a catastrophe.

Then, it is time to overcome the tribulation.

However, whether it is Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu or Bei Yan, the three of them are ancient immortal bodies.

Yan Yourong nodded lightly and said: "We are ancient immortal bodies. Even if we face the catastrophe of wind and fire, in this period or even in other periods, we may not be able to break through. We may not be able to face the catastrophe of wind and fire. 's arrival.

Now, our Baifeng Sect is about to face the attack of the four princes. The purpose of the fourth prince is obvious. He wants to destroy our Baifeng Sect before the arrival of the master, so that the master has no foundation, and then go to find the master.

His attack this time must be more violent than the last attack from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the Dalai Dynasty. Therefore, we must do everything possible to improve ourselves.

If I break through to the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, my combat power will definitely leap forward again. "

"However, Senior Sister, there are two other situations. One is that we break through the wind and fire catastrophe. After the catastrophe comes, we will really break through and then fall into a deep sleep. At that time, we will lose one combat force. . Even when going through the tribulation, he died directly in the catastrophe of wind and fire. After all, the catastrophe of wind and fire requires preparation in advance, including various elixirs and treasures for overcoming the tribulation.

However, we were not prepared in advance at all, so the wind and fire disaster was very dangerous for us. Therefore, it is better for me, my junior brother, to take this elixir. "

Xiang Ziyu directly stretched out his hand to grab the elixir, and at the same time said with a confident face: "In short, whether you succeed and will not fall asleep, or you will fall asleep, those who overcome the tribulation must experience a catastrophe. And your junior brother and I, I am a born protagonist, and I will not die in the catastrophe of wind and fire, so I’d better let my junior brother take this elixir.”

However, Yan Yourong grabbed the elixir, took it back, stared at Xiang Ziyu coldly and said, "What? You look down on me? I am your senior sister. I will naturally take this elixir. Is it my turn?" your turn."

However, Xiang Ziyu did not directly grab the elixir from Yan Yourong's hand, but continued: "Senior sister, just think that I want redemption.

Had I not left the Baifeng Sect and asked Master and Senior Sister to look for me, our Baifeng Sect would not have been attacked by people from the Sun Moon Demon Sect and the three major immortal sects of the Dalai Dynasty.

Our seniors from the Baifeng Sect will not die either. This time, you can redeem yourself as my junior brother, and let me do it. "

Yan Yourong looked at his junior brother who was completely different from before, and his words were full of sincerity, but he hesitated for a moment.

On the side, Xiao Beiyan suddenly said: "Senior sister, give this elixir to me, junior brother."


For a moment, both Yan Yourong and Xiang Ziyu looked at Xiao Beiyan in surprise.

Xiao Beiyan felt the eyes of his senior brother and sister, looked at them sincerely and said: "Actually, I know that among the four original disciples of our master, I am the one who cultivates the least hard. In fact, Xiao Beiyan Junior sister, no, she is no longer a junior sister, but junior sister Yisheng. She practices much harder than me.

I also know that my cultivation is the weakest among our four original disciples.

I also know that whether you are a senior sister or a senior brother, you actually treat me like a child, and you all protect me and take good care of me. But, junior brother, I am not young anymore.

You should not forget that I am also the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. It is even more impossible for me to live my whole life under the protection of you and Master.

Now, our Baifeng Sect is about to face danger, and junior brother I also want to contribute to the Baifeng Sect.

Moreover, senior sister and senior brother, you have also said that taking elixirs may be dangerous, and you may also fall asleep.

But you are all stronger than me. If you take the elixir and enter the Wind and Fire Tribulation, then enter the Earthly Immortal Realm and then fall into a deep sleep, our Hundred Peaks Sect will suffer great losses.

But Junior Brother, I am different. I am weaker than you. Even without me, the impact will not be that big. So, Junior Brother, let me do it. "

After Bei Yan finished speaking, he suddenly rushed out and grabbed the elixir from Yan Yourong's hand.

The people here were all people whom everyone absolutely trusted. Yan Yourong was not prepared at all, and she did not expect that Bei Yan would suddenly jump up and grab the elixir. In an instant, Bei Yan snatched the elixir from his hand.

Yan Yourong was instantly shocked and shouted: "Bei Yan, put down the elixir!"

Xiang Ziyu even rushed towards Bei Yan, trying to snatch the elixir back. At the same time, he shouted: "Junior brother, don't eat it randomly. The Wind and Fire Catastrophe is very dangerous. You..."

Before he could finish his words, Bei Yan had already taken the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

Suddenly, streams of pure aura surged out of Bei Yan's body.

Bei Yan, behind his back, all ten golden elixirs of vision appeared. And his whole aura is getting stronger and stronger!

"This aura is so strong. Is this the aura of the Wind and Fire Tribulation?"

Bei Yan felt his own aura, grinned at Yan Yourong and Xiang Ziyu, and deliberately laughed wildly: "Senior brother, senior sister, I am stronger than you now, you can't bully me. Now, you Stay away from me, I'm going to unleash my fighting power, I'm going to try the power of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe."

As he spoke, his aura rose by the way, and as his aura rose, black clouds of calamity appeared in the void, gathering continuously, completely covering this space.

The changes in the void here quickly attracted the attention of countless people in the Baifeng Sect.

"Wind and Fire Catastrophe?"

"Is anyone going to survive the tribulation?"

"It's strange, our Baifeng Sect doesn't have the Wind and Fire Tribulation to overcome, right?"

"The Wind and Fire Catastrophe, if we don't take action and keep suppressing it, there will be no calamity clouds."

"What's going on? This seems to be the location of the Four Treasures Peak?"

"Quick, go take a look."

All of a sudden, within the Baifeng Sect, all the masters and senior officials of the Golden Core stage rushed towards the direction of the Four Treasure Peak and the tribulation clouds gathered.


After Xiao Beiyan triggered the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, Yisheng and Li Ke quickly retreated. Even Yan Yourong and Xiang Ziyu are not exceptions.

Even if the two of them no longer want Xiao Beiyan to break through, now that Xiao Beiyan has discovered the elixir to overcome the catastrophe, they will inevitably be affected at such a close distance and can only retreat temporarily.

Not long after, masters from the Hundred Peaks Sect flew in one after another. From a distance, they saw ten golden elixirs of visions emerging, releasing Xiao Beiyan's monstrous combat power.

Suddenly, they were all stunned.

"Bei Yan? Is it him?"

"Beiyan has already experienced the catastrophe of war? Now, do we want to overcome the catastrophe?"

"No, he has an ancient immortal body and cannot break through under normal circumstances. So after he has overcome the tribulation, can he break through?"


In everyone's surprised eyes.

The gathering clouds of calamity have already covered the sky. Moreover, these calamity clouds are constantly changing. One moment they are like flowing water, and the other moment they are like ferocious beasts.

Suddenly, the next moment, a strong wind roared.

The catastrophe of wind and fire, the catastrophe of falling is naturally wind and fire.

For a time, countless strong winds blew up on the entire Sibao Peak. Under the strong winds, the ordinary trees on the Sibao Peak that were not taken care of on weekdays climbed up one after another, and were blown away by this wind. Blowing into the sky, huge rocks and even the houses of Cao Zhen, Yan Yourong and others were blown up by the strong wind.

In the strong wind, the wind blades were blowing randomly like the sword energy released by masters.

In just an instant, the house, the big tree and the boulders hugged by several people were all shattered in the strong wind and turned into countless pieces of dust.

And all around, even if they were far away, everyone stopped and looked towards Xiao Beiyan, but even at such a long distance, their ears were still filled with whining, and the sound was so loud, It made them feel as if the entire Si Baofeng was about to be blown away by the strong wind.

The next moment, Xiao Beiyan was surrounded by the strong wind, and in the strong wind, there were more fiery red flames rising up.

Even though they were extremely far away, everyone could feel the hot breath of the flame.

At the location of the Four Treasures Peak, countless weeds were instantly ignited. In just one breath, the ground was already scorched black.

At this moment, Xiao Beiyan seemed to be falling into an endless sea of ​​fire, and the endless flames seemed to be completely swallowing him up.

In an instant, behind him, ten golden elixirs of visions all bloomed in bright brilliance, evil chickens burning with flames, huge war hammers, pagodas, as well as gold, silver, colored glaze, coral, clams, agate, amber...

Among the golden elixirs, a series of visions turned into reality at this moment, protecting Xiao Beiyan in the middle.

In the east of Zhenxian Dynasty, Cao Zhen walked out of the room after talking to Yan Yourong, looked directly at Lingxi and Qiao Jingyao, and asked, "Do you know how far away from the Sun Moon Sect this place is?"

"Sun Moon Sect?" Qiao Jingyao immediately replied after hearing the sound, "Sun Moon Sect is not far from here, it can be reached in about half a day."

"Okay, then let's change our route to the Sun Moon Sect!"

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