Xiang Ziyu believes that it is not difficult to convince even those immortal sects in Nanyang. The only problem is the Island of Evil.

The people on the Island of the Evil are all wanted people who cannot stay anywhere else. These people, they long for chaos in the world, and now they finally find that they have the opportunity to overthrow the existing rule, how could they refuse?

Therefore, he believed that before going to find other immortals in Nanyang, he should first directly destroy the Island of Evil.

Of course, he also knows that not everyone on the Island of Evil is a villain.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the Island of Evil first to study who was the real villain and who was forced to board the Island of Evil after being oppressed.

He knew that he, Master and others were very famous, and others might recognize who he was through his face, so when he landed from the Island of Evil, he had already put a special human skin mask on his face.

Ordinary human skin masks, let alone the golden elixir stage, can be discovered even by the existence of the condensed inner elixir, but his mask is a very special existence, even the existence of the ten strange phenomena golden elixir cannot be discovered The special thing about it.

This mask was obtained from the same place where he originally obtained Sun Moon Star Rotation, but there was no need for him to hide his identity before, so he never used it.

Although the Evil Island does not belong to that force, like many immortal sects, there are formations on the periphery of the Evil Island. The difference is that other formations are for defensive formations, while the formation on the Evil Island is a This is a special formation. Once someone who has never been to Evil Island discovers the formation on the island, the formation will be triggered immediately.

Xiang Ziyu had just landed from the island when figures suddenly flew over from a distance.

Then, a strange figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"Who are you and why did you break into the Island of Evil?"

A voice came quickly.

Xiang Ziyu raised his eyes and found three figures appearing in his sight.

The man in the middle had a stern look on his face, as if everyone else owed him millions of taels of spiritual stones.

Xiang Ziyu was a little surprised. Isn't this the Island of Evil? I suddenly broke into this place. When the other party sees me, shouldn't he take action directly? Even if you don't take action, you shouldn't be very polite with your words, right?

Although the tone of the other person's words was cold, Xiang Ziyu felt that the other person's words were really polite. A man from the Island of Evil speaks so politely, is so cold, and looks very handsome. This man has a story.

Sure enough, as the protagonist, the people he meets casually are not ordinary people.

Xiang Ziyu made it up and said, "I am Qin Haoxuan." He definitely couldn't use his own name. As for the name Qin Haoxuan, he had heard his master say it before and said it naturally. He didn't ask the other party where he was from. Opportunities abounded, and people continued to receive: "I came to the Island of Evil, and I only have three things to do: revenge, revenge, revenge!"

There was no surprise on the other party's face when he heard this. There were many people who came to the Evil Island to seek revenge.

The man in the middle of the other party did not speak again. Instead, the man beside him asked: "Who do you want to seek revenge from?"

Xiang Ziyu said coldly: "I have pity on Young Master Hua."

The main reason is that in Sibao Peak, the name he heard most among the people of Villain Island was Master Lianhua, especially the second senior sister. She always said that the most regretful thing was that he never saw Master Lianhua again in Nanyang and had no chance to kill him. Pity the playboy. Therefore, after hearing the other party asking who his enemy was, he almost instinctively said the name of Young Master Lianhua.

"Have mercy on the handsome man!"

The other party originally had a cold look that would keep strangers away, but after hearing the words "pity the handsome man", he no longer kept strangers away. It made people feel that he was like a piece of ice that lasted ten thousand years.

There is something, there must be something going on here!

Xiang Ziyu looked at the man in front of him and thought quickly in his mind. This man definitely had a grudge against Master Lianhua, but this was a man, so maybe his Taoist companion was harmed by Master Lianhua, or...

As he was thinking, figures from a distance flew towards him again.

Suddenly, the man's expression changed, with a stern look on his face. He stared at Cao Zhen coldly and said: "Revenge? Who told you to find someone to take revenge? I have already avenged the clan leader. I didn't tell you to stay. Are you protecting the younger members of the clan? What are you going to do with them? Now, you are also being hunted and have to hide in the Island of Evil. What about the younger members of the clan!"

Xiang Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized, this guy suddenly said so much, was he talking to the few people who flew over?

Do you want to help yourself?

As the man finished speaking, three other figures flew down from the sky.

Among the three people, one was wearing a white robe and seemed to be the leader. A smile suddenly appeared on his face and he said with a smile: "Wei Wanzhong, is this the back of your clan? Is this the one who came to the Island of the Evil to join you?" Already?"

The cold man heard the sound, raised his head and looked at the speaker, his expression still cold and said: "Disobedient junior."

After that, he whispered: "If you had not been lucky enough to meet me when you ran to the Island of Evil, you would have died without knowing how. Now, follow me."

With that said, he turned around and flew away into the distance, and Xiang Ziyu followed closely.

Slowly, he discovered that although this Evil Island was called Evil Island, the scenery on the island was pretty good, and probably because he was flying with Wei Wanzhong, no one attacked them.

Not long after, several people had landed on a high mountain.

There are three houses on the top of the mountain.

Wei Wanzhong stopped, looked back at Xiang Ziyu and said, "You are not stupid."

"Those people just now, who are they?" Xiang Ziyu knew that what Wei Wanzhong was talking about was that Xiang Ziyu didn't talk nonsense when he faced others just now.

"They are the people responsible for patrolling the Evil Island." Wei Wanzhong did not speak, but a man on the side explained, "Don't think that the Evil Island is a place where anyone can enter at will. Outsiders come to the Evil Island. After that, our island of villains will still examine each other’s origins.

Within the Island of Evil, except for the top beings of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, the rest of the people are responsible for patrolling in turn. We and the people who came just now are the ones responsible for patrolling during this period. "

On one side, the man on the other side of Wei Wanzhong heard the sound and said: "You are lucky to meet us. If you meet someone else and say that you are here to avenge Mr. Lianhua, maybe you are already a There’s a corpse.”

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Xiang Ziyu's face and he said: "Then is Young Master Lianhua so strong on the Island of Evil? Doesn't it mean that many people despise his behavior!"

"It is true that many people despise him, but after all, he is the existence of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection." Wei Wanzhong finally said again, "You said you came to kill him, you don't need to pity the handsome man, you will naturally do it. Someone kills you and takes your head to please the pity boy.

This is the Island of Evil, where someone will kill you at any time for different reasons! "

Xiang Ziyu asked with confusion: "Well, I have a question. Why are you so sure that I am not the opponent of Young Master Lianhua? Not the opponent of those people?"

He really couldn't understand. These people obviously regarded him as a very weak person. Why did he look so weak? He has already said that he is here to avenge Young Master Lianhua. If he is not strong enough, he is not here to avenge Young Master Lianhua, but to die.

When Wei Wanzhong heard this, he immediately shook his head: "You can't be his opponent. He is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. If you want to defeat him, unless you are also the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen." .

However, the world is so big, how many of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen are there?

I have never heard of anyone like you in Nanyang.

What's more, although the handsome young man has done all kinds of bad things, he is not stupid. If the other person has the existence of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen behind him, he will not provoke him.

Of course, the most important thing is that even if there is a grudge between the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen and Master Lianhua, the other party will not come to take revenge on Master Lianhua at this time. "

"Why?" Xiang Ziyu became more and more curious.

Wei Wanzhong explained: "I don't know the specific reason. I just know that now, the Ten Visions of the Evil Island and the Golden Elixir Dzogchen are all united except the Ax Madman.

At the same time, there were many masters who originally wanted to enter the Evil Island and cause trouble for certain people, but now, they have all stopped. "

Have you stopped?

Xiang Ziyu's heart moved. It was obvious. The remnants of the Qi Tian Dynasty must have come to discuss with everyone to abandon all grudges and deal with the Zhenxian Dynasty together first. Therefore, those people no longer come to the Evil Island to cause trouble.

Wei Wanzhong looked at Xiang Ziyu who didn't answer, and suddenly asked: "Do you have any grudge against Mr. Lianhua?"

"I..." Xiang Ziyu paused slightly and whispered: "My senior sister wants to kill him." He was not lying. His second senior sister really wanted to kill Mr. Lianhua!

When Wei Wanzhong heard this, a look of anger suddenly appeared on his face, and he whispered angrily: "As expected, that beast has harmed so many people!"

Xiang Ziyu heard the sound and immediately asked: "You..."

"We all have a grudge against Young Master Lianhua!" Wei Wanzhong said coldly, "We wish we could kill Young Master Lianhua now, but Young Master Lianhua is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, and we are not him at all. Our opponent, we wanted to assassinate him, but he has been cautious and has never found an opportunity to assassinate him.

People who have never been to Evil Island will never know how terrifying it is. For now, stay with us first, and then slowly plan how to deal with Young Master Lianhua. "

Xiang Ziyu nodded lightly. Sure enough, the reason why these people helped him was because they had a grudge against Mr. Lianhua.

Xiang Ziyu was not in a hurry to take action. He found that there were indeed some good people on this island of evil.

At least in his opinion, Wei Wanzhong and the other three are good people.

He felt that it would be too late to take action after he first found out who were the bad guys on the Island of Evil.

Xiang Ziyu found out the information quickly. In just two days, he found out everything.

Mainly, although there are no clear divisions into gangs or regions on the Island of Evil, generally speaking, those who have not done many evil things but have to hide in the Island of Evil for various reasons are actually watching. They are not as good as those extremely vicious people, so they seldom come and go with those vicious people on weekdays, and there are even some obvious divisions in the places where they live.

Moreover, he also discovered a problem. Although there were many villains on the Island of Villains, they were really like a group of loose sand.

Nowadays, the reason why the people on the Evil Island can still gather together and even stipulate who should patrol is entirely because there are now eleven golden elixir great perfections with ten visions on the Evil Island.

If so, these eleven golden elixirs of ten visions and Dzogchen are all dead, and the other people on the Island of Evil will not be able to make waves with God.

Therefore, he felt that it would not be troublesome to deal with the Evil Island. He did not need to attack everyone on the Evil Island. He could just kill all the ten golden elixirs of the Ten Visions in the Evil Island.

The eleven ten visions and golden elixirs of the Evil Island are now perfect. Except for one person, all of them are heinous people.

And the remaining one.

After Xiang Ziyu stayed for two days, he found Wei Wanzhong and asked in a low voice: "Old Wei, do you know where the ax madman is?"

"Crazy Ax?" Wei Wanzhong was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, and whispered: "What are you asking him for? You have just arrived at Villain Island, and you may not know that the crazy Ax will not kill people for no reason. , but no one on the Island of Evil likes to provoke him. Even the masters of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen are no exception. What are you doing to find him?"

"Oh, my master has some friendship with him." Xiang Ziyu showed a bright smile on his face. His master did have some friendship with Ax Madman, and the two had competed with each other in the past.

"Your master has a relationship with Ax Madman?"

"That Ax Madman had almost no friendship with anyone. Originally, we on the Island of Evil also had a master with the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir, who had friendship with Ax Madman. Later, that master also died unexpectedly, and Ax Madman had almost no friendship with anyone. No one has any friendship anymore.”

"If your master has a relationship with Madman Ax, we can naturally take you to him."

Wei Wanzhong and the other three looked at each other and quickly took Xiang Ziyu and flew away into the distance.

After the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, Ax Madman is the undisputed number one person on the entire Island of Evil!

This is a reincarnated powerful man.

The resistance where Ax Madman lives is in the middle of the entire Island of Evil, because, in his words, in the middle, it is convenient to find people to discuss with him no matter where he goes.

And there is no one living near the Ax Madman's residence.

In the sky, Wei Wanzhong pointed to the lonely house with a yard and said: "That one is the house of Madman Ax. As far as I know, he has not been out recently. He should be in his residence at this time."

As soon as Wei Wanzhong's voice fell, in his sight, Xiang Ziyu fell directly from the void and flew to the yard of the madman with an idle axe.

Wei Wanzhong's eyes suddenly widened, that was an ax madman! No matter how close your master is to Ax Madman, you are not your master. If you land directly from someone else's yard, you don't take others into consideration at all! you……

Suddenly, at the next moment, a silver arc of light suddenly shot out from the courtyard of Ax Madman, and the sharp aura instantly filled the entire courtyard. Even Wei Wanzhong and the three people above him felt the sharpness in the aura from a distance. They were angry, just seeing the light emitted, they even felt a sense of joy in their hearts.

The arc of light flew extremely fast. One moment, the arc of light had just appeared, and the next moment, the arc of light had already fallen in front of Xiang Ziyu.

And behind, in the void where the arc of light flew, a clear crack was revealed at this time, as if the entire void had been cracked open.

Seeing that Xiang Ziyu was about to be split into two pieces by the arc of light, Xiang Ziyu raised an arm to block the arc of light.

When the sky gathered together, Wei Wanzhong's eyes suddenly widened. At this moment, he almost shouted, this guy, does he want to die?

The attack that can be fired in the courtyard must be performed by the Ax Maniac.

Even if it was just a casual blow from the ax madman, it was a blow from the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir and a powerful reincarnation. How could they withstand it?

This guy, his master obviously has a relationship with Ax Madman, why didn't he just knock on the door and announce his home, why did he fly down, and now face the Ax Madman's attack, he still has to block it, he...

The next moment, Wei Wanzhong suddenly widened his eyes.

On Xiang Ziyu's raised arm, two different rays of light, one black and one white, suddenly appeared. The rays of light intertwined around his arm, and the arc of light full of sharp energy seemed to be able to easily destroy a mountain. Upon reaching this black and white light, it dissipated into nothingness in an instant.

This guy, he blocked the attack of Ax Madman, and he blocked it so easily. What level of cultivation does this guy have? he……

He hasn't released his golden elixir yet!

In the Golden Elixir stage, although not all sources of power are Golden Elixir, if the Golden Elixir is not released, the power that can be exerted is really extremely limited.

Now, this guy who calls himself Qin Haoxuan has blocked the attack of Ax Madman without releasing the golden elixir. So...how strong is he?

Before Wei Wanzhong could react, the figure of Madman Ax had appeared in the courtyard. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, and then his eyes fell on the strange figure opposite.

In the void, Wei Wanzhong and others were only glanced at by Madman Axe, but each of them felt as if they were being targeted by the rumored wild beast, and each of them felt chilled in their hearts.

Suddenly, the next moment, Wei Wanzhong landed from the sky.

Ax Madman just glanced at him and stopped looking at him. He knew that the other party didn't pay much attention to the three of them. If the three of them left just now, Ax Madman wouldn't care either.

However, he now discovered one thing, that is, he really had a chance to take revenge.

The guy who calls himself Qin Haoxuan said that his master has a relationship with Ax Madman, and now he shows such a stand. He is looking for Ax Madman at this time, probably to deal with Young Master Lianhua.

And the reason why the three of them entered this Evil Island was to kill Young Master Lianhua. Now, seeing that someone was going to deal with Young Master Lianhua, how could he leave.

Even though they knew that Ax Madman had a weird personality, and knew that the entire Wicked Island people would avoid Ax Madman if they could, they still flew down.

Madman Ax, on the other hand, looked at Xiang Ziyu and looked up and down, and suddenly said: "Who are you? You are not from the Island of Evil."

Xiang Ziyu smiled softly, pointed at himself and said: "I am the Baifeng Sect, Sibaofeng, Xiang Ziyu."

"Baifeng Sect?"

Behind them, Wei Wanzhong, who had just fallen, was suddenly confused. They in Nanyang had not had much contact with the Zhenxian Dynasty before, but they also knew that there was a Baifeng Sect in the Zhenxian Dynasty.

Especially before, after the ruins appeared like that, after Cao Zhen and others from the Baifeng Sect took action, when they knew that there was such a big gap between the Ten Visions and the Golden Elixir, people in Nanyang also began to inquire about the Zhenxian Dynasty. The expert asked about Baifeng Sect.

Wei Wanzhong knew that Cao Zhen, the number one master of Zhenxian Dynasty, was from the Baifeng Sect, and the people at Sibaofeng were also Cao Zhen's disciples.

So, this person is Cao Zhen’s disciple?

But before he...

Wei Wanzhong couldn't help but ask almost subconsciously: "Are you from the Baifeng Sect? Didn't you say that your master has a relationship with Ax Madman?"

Ax Madman didn't hate others calling him Ax Madman, so Wei Wanzhong had no problem calling him by his name directly.

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's right, my master does have a friendship with him. They made an appointment to fight in the ruins, so it doesn't count as a friendship."

Wei Wanzhong was immediately convinced: "Is this considered friendship?"

When the madman heard the sound, he laughed loudly: "It's interesting, it's really interesting. Yes, it's a friendship."

Wei Wanzhong was stunned for a moment, then thought of something, and suddenly said again: "Then you said that your senior sister was bullied by that handsome young man, you..."

He felt deeply betrayed. After hearing the other party say that he had a grudge against Mr. Lianhua, he already treated the other party as his own brother. But now, he found that the other party had been lying to him all along. .

When Xiang Ziyu heard Wei Wanzhong's words, his expression finally changed. A look of horror appeared on his face and he shouted quickly: "You can't talk nonsense. When did I say that my senior sister was insulted by Young Master Lianhua? I What they are saying is that my senior sister wants to kill the handsome young man.

Back then, after the peerless ruins appeared in Nanyang, my senior sister met Mr. Lianhua outside the ruins. After learning what Mr. Lianhua had done, the senior sister felt that Mr. Lianhua was a scumbag, so she naturally took action to kill Mr. Lianhua, but But let Mr. Lianhua escape.

The senior sister has been blaming herself for this matter, and has always said that if there is a chance, she must find Mr. Lianhua and kill him. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what I told you. I did not lie to you. It was your own misunderstanding. "

Wei Wanzhong was speechless. In this way, what Xiang Ziyu said was indeed correct. But the problem is, if Xiang Ziyu said that, anyone would misunderstand it.

Pity Mr. Hua, that is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. Who would have thought that when Xiang Ziyu said that she wanted to kill Mr. Lianhua, she simply wanted to kill him because he was unhappy with him.

Madman Ax seemed to be very considerate to Cao Zhen's disciples because of his relationship with Cao Zhen. After letting Xiang Ziyu and Wei Wanzhong finish talking, he asked: "Tell me, why did you come to see me when you entered the Evil Island?" ?”

Wei Wanzhong also reacted at this time and looked at Xiang Ziyu with confusion.

Although he has never seen Xiang Ziyu take action, he has also heard that the four disciples of Cao Zhen from the Zhenxian Dynasty are top-notch beings among the Ten Visions Golden Pill.

If Xiang Ziyu's senior sister really wanted to kill Mr. Lianhua, she definitely had the strength, so why did she let her junior brother come?

Moreover, even if Xiang Ziyu's senior sister had no time and asked her junior brother to kill him, Xiang Ziyu could definitely find an opportunity to quietly kill Master Lianhua when he was alone, and then kill him again. Come on, why does he have to hide his identity and come to find Ax Madman again?

Xiang Ziyu did not directly answer Madman Ax, but asked instead: "Have people from the Qi Tian Dynasty come to see you?"

"I have looked for it, but this matter has nothing to do with me." Madman Ax shook his head and said, "Whether it is you or the Qi Tian Dynasty, no matter how you fight, it has nothing to do with me.

After the Central Five Continents and the Eastern Wilderness are connected, I will embark on the road to the Five Continents to find more masters to challenge.

Therefore, whether your Suppressing Immortal Dynasty wins, or the remnants of the so-called Qi Tian Dynasty restore their dynasty, it has nothing to do with me. "

Xiang Ziyu nodded in understanding. Ax Madman is the reincarnation of a powerful man and naturally knows about the connection between the Central Five Continents and the Eastern Wasteland. And Ax Madman is just himself and has no worries. His own strength is also strong enough. Therefore, any It doesn't matter to him whether one party wins.

"It does have no impact on you. I came to you this time not to ask you for help. To be honest, I came to the Island of the Evil this time to remove all the gold from the Ten Visions on the Island of the Evil. The elixir is perfect, eradicate them all.

Of course, if the other party is not the kind of treacherous and evil person, I will not take action casually. But after I came here, I discovered that in the entire Wicked Island, except for you, the remaining Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen are all the kind of treacherous and evil people.

To be honest, killing ten golden elixirs of ten visions is not too difficult, I can do it by myself. "

When Wei Wanzhong listened to Xiang Ziyu's words, a look of deep disbelief instantly appeared on his face.

What does it mean that it is not difficult to kill the ten golden elixirs of ten visions and achieve Dzogchen?

That was the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, not an ordinary Golden Elixir stage.

No matter how strong Xiang Ziyu is, he can only reach the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. When everyone has the Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, even if there is a gap, even if the gap is rumored to be huge, they can still have the same cultivation level. In terms of realm, how big can this gap be?

He said that he could easily kill one Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and he believed it. He even said that he could kill two Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and he believed it, but when he said it three times, he would doubt it. Well, now he actually directly said that he would kill ten existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. This is simply a fool's dream.

Wei Wanzhong was doubting when Xiang Ziyu's words came again.

"There are also those heinous people who need to be killed. I am not here to ask you for help this time, but to compete with you."

"Huh? How about a competition?" As soon as Madman Ax heard the word "competition," he suddenly became interested.

Xiang Ziyu smiled and stretched out his hand to point outside: "It's very simple. You have stayed on the Island of the Evil Man for so long. You should know who the heinous people are. And although I have not been on the Island of the Evil Man for a long time, I I also followed the inspection for two days, and I knew clearly that those were heinous people.

So the two of us started working together to kill those heinous people and the other ten people who had the ten visions, golden elixir and Dzogchen. Whoever killed more people would naturally win. how? "

Wei Wanzhongfan is convinced, but you still say that you are not here for help?

But what surprised him even more was that Ax Madman actually nodded and agreed: "I can compete with you, but I never take advantage of others when competing with others. I have been on the Island of the Evil for longer than you. Here, I am better than you." You are familiar with it, I can give you ten places in the ordinary Golden Core stage."

"No need, I, Xiang Ziyu, have never been weaker than others in my life, and I have never had to give in to others. It was like this before, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future."

"Oh? That's interesting." Madman Ax seemed to admire Xiang Ziyu very much and asked, "When will we do it?"

"Do it? This kind of thing is always done casually. Now that I have come to find you, we naturally do it now. Don't we need to hold a ceremony?"

Hearing this, Madman Ax looked at Xiang Ziyu with more and more admiration. He nodded heavily and laughed loudly: "I want to see, among all the disciples of Cao Zhangzong, Xiang Ziyu is known as the strongest. Ziyu, how strong is he? I'll kill to the west, you kill to the east, see who can kill faster!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he let out a long roar, the ancient ax appeared in his hand, and he flew towards the distance with boundless fighting spirit.

As Madman Ax unleashed his combat power, for a moment, everyone on the entire Evil Island was aware of the sudden burst of aura.

"Axe Madman?"

"This guy with no eyes has offended the ax maniac again."

"Crazy Ax exudes such a strong fighting spirit. It seems that he has not exuded such a strong fighting spirit for a long time!"

"It's strange, who can arouse the interest of Ax Madman?"

While everyone was wondering, suddenly, another terrifying fighting spirit rose into the sky, which was no weaker than the fighting spirit exuded by Ax Madman.

"This...this aura, who is this?"

"What's going on? Why is there still such a strong aura?"

"This aura doesn't even need to be weakened by the lunatic!"

"Ax Madman is a perfect master of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, or a reincarnated master, who can compete with him?"

"Have any masters come to our island of evil?"

At this time, Wei Wanzhong and the other two people were standing stunned in the courtyard of Ax Madman.

"They just left like that?"

"Two people want to fight against all the ten visions and golden elixirs on the Evil Island? Two people fight ten? And, these two people are separated?"

"Not only that, they also said that they would kill all the heinous criminals!"

"Madman, Madman Ax is a madman, and that Xiang Ziyu is also a madman. How can he do it! Isn't that sending death? There are only ten golden elixirs in the Island of Evil, except Madman Ax. , However, in the realm of evil, there are more than ten people who have completed the Great Perfection of the Ten Golden Pills, not to mention a group of masters who have completed the Combined Pills of the Nine Golden Pills."

Just as the three of them were surprised, a voice came from afar in the void. "Axe Madman, what are you doing? If you don't join us, why do you want to sneak attack me? Are you crazy!"

"Crazy Ax has already fought with someone." Wei Wanzhong listened to the shouts in the distance. Ruruo turned back to look at his two brothers and asked: "What did Xiang Ziyu and Crazy Ax talk about about the Central Five Continents and what did they talk about before?" Huang connection, what is that? What else is there to join forces with?"

"I don't know." The other two people shook their heads, "We know too little."

"That's all, let's talk about this later. Let's go see them..."

Several people were talking, and a bright light shone out from the void.

The three people quickly turned around and looked. In the void, behind Xiang Ziyu, a huge golden elixir composed of ten visionary golden elixirs had appeared, and on top of the huge combined elixir, there was this black and white one. Two humanoid shadows.

The three of them just looked at the two phantoms from a distance, but they instantly felt the urge to kneel before them.

Those two phantoms are two completely opposite auras. One aura is domineering and full of royal aura, while the other aura is full of ruthless and strange aura.

Although the two breaths are different, there seems to be some connection between them.

Wei Wanzhong looked at Xiang Ziyu in the void from a distance, and even had an illusion in his heart, an illusion that ancient immortals and demons were coming!

"Let's go, get up and take a look."

Wei Wanzhong and the other three flew quickly towards the direction of Xiang Ziyu. At this time, they were not the only ones, there were countless people flying towards Xiang Ziyu on the Wicked Island.

Xiang Ziyu has been patrolling the Evil Island with Wei Wanzhong and others, and he is not only patrolling, he is also constantly asking who he encounters while patrolling, so he also includes all those heinous people. remember.

Not long after flying out of Madman Ax's yard, he saw two heinous people.

Xiang Ziyu directly took off the human skin mask, released his combat power, and shot at the two people. First, he dropped the bright light and killed them before they could react.

Xiang Ziyu's sudden attack quickly attracted the attention of everyone on the Evil Island.

"Who suddenly made a move on the island? Didn't you tell me? Don't make a move during this period!"


People who came flying over after hearing the noise saw Xiang Ziyu's face, and many of them were immediately shocked.

"Who are you……"

"Xiang Ziyu of Baifeng Sect, why are you here!"

"People from Zhenxian Dynasty!"

They didn't know the masters of the Zhenxian Dynasty before, but later, because of the ruins, they also collected the rubbings of those masters in the Zhenxian Dynasty. Among them, Xiang Ziyu's rubbings were so large that only Second to the two great reincarnations, Cao Zhen and Haoyue Xingjun.

"Xiang Ziyu! What did you do to our Evil Island?"

"Don't think that just because you are the Great Perfection of the Ten Visionary Symbols Golden Elixir, you can do whatever you want. Let me tell you, you are not the only one who is full of Ten Visions Golden Elixir. We have eleven more Ten Visions Golden Elixirs on the Island of Evil. The existence of the Great Perfection of Alchemy!”

The Jindanqi of the Evil Island saw Xiang Ziyu taking action. Although they all shouted, no one stepped forward to take action.

They were not stupid. They knew that they were no match for Xiang Ziyu, so they just gathered around and did not take action. They were waiting for the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen from the Wicked Island to arrive.

Xiang Ziyu didn't give everyone a chance to wait, and shouted loudly: "I will take action after three breaths. I think I am not a heinous person, so I stepped away automatically, otherwise don't blame me for accidentally hurting you."

Today, I came to this evil island and started to eradicate it! "


Everyone has never seen such an arrogant person. A person came to the Island of Evil and even said that he would eradicate the island!

Who does he think he is?

He is simply looking for death!

After Xiang Ziyu's words fell, a few of the people watching the excitement around him retreated. Xiang Ziyu's words were obviously not a joke. They were really afraid that if Xiang Ziyu took action, it would affect them. .

But none of the people surrounding Xiang Ziyu pushed away.

Suddenly, boundless fighting spirit surged into the sky within Xiang Ziyu, and two phantoms, black and white, suddenly shot out from his golden elixir and fell into his body.

In an instant, Xiang Ziyu's entire aura changed, standing in the void like a god of war who stepped out of the ancient battlefield of immortals and demons.

He waved his hands, and purple thunder appeared in the void, enveloping the entire world in it.

The next moment, purple thunder fell, and in an instant, this world was dyed purple, and this world seemed to become the world of thunder.

Five thunders rectification!

Among the crowd, there was a man who had ten golden elixirs behind him to complete the elixir combination, and among the golden elixirs there were six strange golden elixirs. He didn't even have a chance to react. The purple thunder bombarded him heavily.

With a loud noise that seemed to explode the sky, the entire Villain Island seemed to shake at this moment, and the head of the master who had completed the Ten Golden Pills and completed the combined pills was hit. The head of Yin Hong exploded. Blood mixed with brain matter sprayed around.

Everyone around took a breath of cold air, and the Jin Danqi who originally surrounded Xiang Ziyu retreated one after another.

They know that there is a gap between the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection and the ordinary Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection. They also know that Xiang Ziyu is the top existence among the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection, but they They know, they know, but now, it is the first time that they have seen the top ten golden elixirs taking action, and they know how big the gap is!

Without the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, there is no way to stop the opponent.

And, the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen...

Suddenly, an excited voice came from the crowd.

"Master Lianhua is here. In addition to Master Lianhua, there is also Lan Mei and Tamu!"

"Three golden elixirs with ten visions exist, look at how arrogant Xiang Ziyu is!"

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