Young Master Lianhua, Lan Mei and Tamu have been gathering together since they returned from the ruins. At this time, after discovering something moving on the island, the three of them also flew over at the same time.

With just one glance, the three of them saw Xiang Ziyu in the void.

"Xiang Ziyu!"

"It's him!"

"How did he come to the Island of the Wicked?"

Although the three of them saw Xiang Ziyu for the first time, they had already seen Xiang Ziyu Tuoying and recognized this disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect at a glance.

The hearts of the three people suddenly tightened. Although they had never fought against Xiang Ziyu, the three of them had seen Xiang Ziyu's two senior sisters take action. It was so terrifying that even the three of them were not sure of winning together. And Xiang Ziyu is said to be stronger than his two senior sisters.

Although Xiang Ziyu didn't know the three Lianhua Masters, there was no need to know them. After the three men appeared, the people of the Villainous Island around them all took the initiative to get out of the way and let the three people out.

And his eyes instantly fell on the man holding the scimitar.

Pity the playboy.

His senior sister had said that Mr. Lianhua also used a knife, and it was a machete.

In an instant, the aura in Xiang Ziyu's body surged, and streaks of thunder appeared in his hands. Purple thunder suddenly shot out and shot towards Young Master Lianhua.


Young Master Lianhua thinks that he has enough fighting experience. He has also fought against many Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection. The opponents also used thunder magic to attack him, but none of these people's thunder magic can shoot down so fast. .

In front of his eyes, the purple light in Xiang Ziyu's hand flashed, and thunder emerged from above his head.

In an instant, he felt as if the air above his head was torn apart, and a terrifying force that seemed capable of destroying everything fell from the sky and hit his head.

Countless hairs all over Mr. Lianhua's body suddenly stood up. In his hand, the crimson scimitar was unsheathed and slashed forward.

In an instant, a bloody ray of light flew out from the long sword, turned into a long bloody river in the void, and shot towards Thunder like a bloody crescent moon.

In the red light, a thick smell of blood and endless sharp edges rushed upward, making people feel that the air around them was cut open instantly, and this knife seemed to split the sky in two.

However, when the ray of light fell on the thunder, the light of the sword dissipated instantly, and the purple thunder crashed down.

Although even the roots are the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, the purity of Xiang Zi's magic power, and the power and power of the magical powers he displays are far superior to Young Master Lianhua.

At the moment, the thunder was about to fall on the head of Master Lianhua. On the side, strong and heavy aura surged out from Tamu's body.

A thick wooden stake that seemed to take five or six adults to wrap around emerged and appeared above the head of Young Master Lianhua.

Although it was a wooden pile, everyone felt as if there was a mountain standing between heaven and earth. This mountain gave people a feeling of being indestructible and capable of blocking all things.

The next moment, thunder fell and struck the wooden pile with a bang.

In just one breath, this seemingly sturdy and indestructible wooden pile exploded.

After the purple thunder was continuously blocked, the color became much darker, and the thickness was not even half of its original size. At this time, Lan Mei on the side suddenly shot out a blue light, spinning in the void, like the bottom of the sea. Like a vortex, it blocked the person's head.

The purple thunder fell on the vortex, and its falling speed suddenly slowed down a lot.

Young Master Lianhua took the opportunity and quickly dodged to the side.

The next moment, the blue whirlpool of water dissipated, and thunder struck the ground heavily.

Suddenly, the ground where Young Master Lian was standing suddenly shattered, sinking deeply downwards, revealing a bottomless pit.

In the giant pit, countless pieces of soil flew up into the sky, turning this space into a gray mess.

In the distance, Wei Wanzhong looked at the three people fighting in the void and took a breath of cold air. Is this the ultimate strength of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir?

One attack required Lian Hua Gongzi and three other masters of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions to block it!

However, Xiang Ziyu did not stop after his attack. He rushed towards the three of them, and at the same time, a sharp sword appeared in his hand.

He didn't use a sword originally, but he had practiced Tian Huan Sword Master's sword skills. If he used it without a sword, the power would be much weaker. He had to go to the Immortal Weapon Workshop to find a sword.

In fact, he has also been studying recently, such as using his short stick to perform Tianhuan Sword Lord's sword skills, or changing the sword skills into stick skills or spear skills.

Xiang Ziyu leaped down from a distance. Looking from a distance, he looked like an immortal flying from nine days away, full of a sense of mist. The next moment, he waved the long sword in his hand and stabbed out with a sword.

In an instant, the entire sky shook.

Everyone around them suddenly widened their eyes. Originally, there seemed to be only one Xiang Ziyu in the void, but at this moment, hundreds of Xiang Ziyu appeared in the void. Each Xiang Ziyu looked at It seems that they are all a bit illusory, but these illusions are not the illusion of phantoms. On the contrary, every Xiang Ziyu gives everyone an illusion, that is, the illusion of the real Xiang Ziyu. The reason why it is illusory is that the sword When the method is performed, there is a sense of illusion.

One hundred Xiang Ziyu performed sword techniques at the same time, and they performed different sword techniques. However, the sword techniques performed by these one hundred Xiang Ziyu gave people an ethereal and illusory feeling. .

At the same time, these one hundred Xiang Ziyu blocked all the three people's escape routes.

The three of them couldn't think too much and waved their magic weapons on their faces to block the falling sword light.

However, just as the three of them blocked Xiang Ziyu's sword, the next moment, magical powers shot down from the void.

Xiang Ziyu was obviously alone, but for a while, magical powers were shot out from his hands, and each magical power was astonishingly powerful. For a moment, he was attacking three people by himself.

All around, the masters of the Golden Core stage from the Evil Island were completely stunned.

Even though the Ten Visions and Golden Pills were all perfect, Xiang Ziyu was just one person. How did he suppress three people?

Also, how come he has so many magical powers.

Xiang Ziyu was facing three people. The three people practiced different techniques, magical powers, and fighting styles.

And Xiang Ziyu could actually feel the magical powers exerted by the three of them, and use different magical powers to suppress the three of them.

"What kind of monster is this? How come he has so many magical powers?"

"These magical powers, when he displays them, he never repeats them."

"Not only that, he seems to have cultivated every magical power to the limit that the Golden Elixir Dzogchen can reach."

"How could he have so much time to practice so many magical powers?"

"Take action, we can't let him run rampant on our island of villains!"

"Do it!"

All around, everyone in the golden elixir stage suddenly took action.

Although there are many on the Island of Evil, they came to the island out of desperation for various reasons.

But most of them are people who hide in the Island of Evil because they have done too many evil things. Just now Xiang Ziyu said that he would kill all the heinous people.

They are the kind of heinous people. Xiang Ziyu wants to kill them?

Let's see who kills whom first!

No matter how strong Xiang Ziyu is, he is only one person, and they have gathered a large number of golden elixirs here.

What's more, now, there are three masters of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen who are blocking Xiang Ziyu. How did Xiang Ziyu resist their attack while burning his body?

For a moment, in the void, magical powers flew out from all directions, all bombarding Xiang Ziyu.

Suddenly, two phantoms of different colors, one black and one white, appeared around Xiang Ziyu, like two magical powers from ancient legends, one black and one white, constantly rotating around Xiang Ziyu's body.

At the same time, Xiang Ziyu flew out again, and in his hand, a magic weapon like a fire stick appeared, and on top of this magic weapon, there were ten orbs exuding various auras inlaid.

Tiangang Earth Evil Bead!

In an instant, four of the ten orbs suddenly shot out dazzling brilliance.

The light shone, causing the surrounding heaven and earth to shake crazily.

Between heaven and earth, there are more visible auras flying out and falling into Xiang Ziyu's body. Following the flow of Xiang Ziyu's aura, it enters the four orbs.

Faintly, Xiang Ziyu's whole person seemed to resonate with heaven and earth.

All around, whether it was Young Master Lianhua or other masters at the Golden Core stage, they all felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure at this moment.

The pressure comes from Xiang Ziyu, and it seems to come from heaven and earth!

"what's the situation?"

There was a deep look of disbelief in Lan Mei's eyes. Those four orbs seemed to be absorbing the power of heaven and earth!

However, Xiang Ziyu was only in the Golden Core stage. How could he be able to absorb the power of heaven and earth at the Golden Core stage?

Before she could think about it, Xiang Ziyu suddenly waved the short stick in his hand towards the front.

In an instant, streams of extremely pure energy burst out from the four orbs. These powers seemed to be the power of heaven and earth he had just absorbed from heaven and earth. They were extremely pure, yet full of energy that contained all things. feeling.

These powers seemed to have been forcibly compressed into the four orbs before, and when they were shot out, they instantly exploded all the air around them.

Loud noises like mountains shattering and the earth cracking were heard continuously.

This world, the entire island, seemed to be turned upside down at this moment.

Waves of power surged out and gathered together, causing the surrounding air to rotate, forming a huge white power vortex.

There is no trace of impurities in this white color. It seems to be brighter and more transparent than white jade!

Vaguely, people even have the illusion that this breath is the purest and purest breath in the world!

It seems that this breath gave birth to all things in the world. As the pure white breath rotates, the air, the island, and even the sea water around the island rotate, and all the things in the world rotate with it.

In just a moment, the vortex surrounded Xiang Ziyu in the center.

A series of magical powers fell from all around and bombarded the vortex.

In an instant, countless magical powers were no longer under control, but began to spin with the vortex.

All around, everyone on the Villain Island was completely stunned. What does this mean? Is this the power that the Golden Elixir Stage can possess?

He alone blocked the attacks of so many people!

This even includes two existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

Among the crowd, two figures who were about to rush out suddenly stopped when they saw the terrifying vortex in the air!

They really can't imagine that in the Golden Core Stage, someone's power can reach such a terrifying level!

The limit of the golden elixir stage, this power, the power of this vortex must have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

Xiang Ziyu looked at the magical powers that were unable to break through his whirlpool, with a look of satisfaction on his face. Once, at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference, he used four Tiangang Earth Evil Beads at once, and was even more injured as a result. After arriving at Haoyuexingjun, he was not satisfied.

He felt that the power he exerted at that time was too rough and not detailed enough to be worthy of his role as the protagonist. Later, he obtained seven more Tiangang Earth Evil Beads, making a total of ten Tiangang Earth Evil Beads, and then he studied Get up, how to use these ten Tiangang earth evil beads.

He went back and studied for a long time, and finally figured out a special move released through the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl based on the rotation of the sun, moon and stars.

Moreover, this move combines four Tiangang Earth Evil Beads, which is indeed infinitely close to the limit of Jindan stage power.

He did try to fuse five Tiangang earth evil beads and release them together, but that seemed to exceed the limit of the golden elixir stage.

Therefore, in the end he still used four Tiangang Earth Evil Beads.

Moreover, he even combined this move with his own immortal body.

This move is not just for defense.

Xiang Ziyu didn't give everyone a chance to react. Four more orbs shot out bright brilliance from the short stick in his hand.

Between the surrounding heaven and earth, countless powers and breaths shot towards the orb again.

Then, a ray of light shot out from the orb and entered the rotating vortex.

Before, the color of the vortex was pure white, with no impurities visible. But at this time, the other four orbs shot out a black color that was darker than ink.

It was also a vortex. The vortex of white light just now exuded an aura that seemed to nurture everything. But when the vortex turned into a black vortex, the aura it exuded seemed to destroy everything.

After the vortex turned black, the direction of rotation changed accordingly. The original vortex rotated clockwise, but after the change, the vortex turned counterclockwise.

For a time, the different directions of rotation caused the air around the vortex to continuously tear apart, revealing black cracks. The vortex seemed unable to withstand the force brought by the rotation in different directions, and suddenly exploded.

In an instant, everyone in the entire Villain Island heard a loud noise in the void.

The sound was so loud that the sea water around Villain Island violently agitated.

The entire island seemed to be shaken by an earthquake.

All around, the people closest to them even felt that they heard the loudest sound in their lives. This terrifying explosion made everyone deaf instantly.

Waves of sound rippled around, picking up all the weeds, gravel, and dust on the ground wherever they passed.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the mountains shook and the earth shook, and the world turned upside down!

The whole world seems to have been completely turned upside down!

At the center of the vortex, Xiang Ziyu was caught in the explosion. The gods and demons on his body suddenly fluctuated, and the black and white light shattered instantly. His whole body was thrown backward by the impact of the air waves, and the energy and blood in his body continued to roll.

He had just used the Record of Gods and Demons, not to block other people's attacks, but to block the impact of his own blow after it exploded.

Now, he hasn't perfected this move yet. After the explosion, the impact force will also hit him.

However, more power rushed directly towards the three young masters.

The black vortex exploded from the emergence path, and it only took a blink of an eye.

One moment, Mr. Lianhua had just seen the black vortex emerge. The next moment, the black vortex had exploded, and the terrifying power had swept over him.

In an instant, he felt as if he had fallen into the turbulence of time and space. The terrifying boundless power completely enveloped him, and his body exploded under the impact of the power.

It is the entire body including limbs, body, and head.

The bright red blood rose into the sky under the terrifying impact, and then fell like a rain of blood.

Beside him, Tamu's body was shattered into pieces like dry soil under this terrifying impact, and his whole body stopped breathing in an instant.

Among the three people, Lan Mei had pieces of fish scales appearing on her body at the moment when the terrifying force rushed towards her.

Outside the ruins, she relied on this magical power to block Li Ke's attack, but now, under the impact of this power, the scales on her body broke instantly.

Wave after wave of power came, and the impact made her body fly straight out. The energy and blood in her body surged, her internal organs seemed to be exploded in an instant, and her face lost all color in an instant.

With one blow, just one blow, two of the three ten-vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection existences died immediately, and the remaining one was severely injured and seemed to be dying.

In the distance, the Jindan stagers who did not participate in this battle looked at everything in the void from a distance and took a breath of cold air.

Is this really the power of the golden elixir stage?

Xiang Ziyu is already so powerful, and he is still only the top four in the Zhenxian Dynasty Immortal Martial Competition. So what about the stronger Cao Zhen and Haoyue Xingjun?

How strong are they?

Xiang Ziyu looked at Lan Mei, who was still not dead or even unconscious despite being severely injured on the ground, with a look of surprise on his face. His attack did not kill this woman?

When I used this attack, one of the four orbs was not the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead. Moreover, when I used this attack, my fighting method was too rough. Even then, the original Haoyue Xingjun, the treasure They were all shattered by his own blow, and even he was severely injured by himself.

This time, although I am attacking three people, Lord Haoyue Xing is a reincarnated powerful person. These three people are just different versions of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. How can they compare with Lord Haoyue Xing!

However, this woman still survived. It seems that her technique needs to be improved.

Although Xiang Ziyu killed two people with one blow and severely injured one, he himself was also hit by the impact just now and spat out a mouthful of blood. After performing two consecutive attacks, Xiang Ziyu still showed a trace of exhaustion on his face. color.

Suddenly, a voice came from the crowd, and then two figures suddenly rushed out and killed Xiang Ziyu.

"He can't hold on any longer. He must have used a secret technique. This is when he is at his weakest. Hurry, kill him together!"

As soon as the voice fell, two figures suddenly flew out from the crowd. Each of the two people was the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Great Perfection!

There was so much movement happening here, how could they not pay attention.

But when they arrived, they happened to see Xiang Ziyu perform that extremely terrifying attack, and the two of them hid in the crowd.

Now, Xiang Ziyu has launched two attacks in succession. He himself was injured by the attacks. It seems that Xiang Ziyu is also very tired.

And more importantly, they noticed that there were ten orbs in the magic weapon in Xiang Ziyu's hand.

Xiang Ziyu had already used eight of the orbs in his previous attack.

One of the remaining two orbs looked even more dull.

Therefore, Xiang Ziyu can only use two more orbs at most.

As a result, Xiang Ziyu will no longer be able to perform such a terrifying attack, and the opportunity for the two of them has come.

Everyone around them looked even more happy when they saw the two people flying up.

"Li Chengyu and Ding Chuang, two existences of the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions!"

"Get started, with these two here, what do we have to be afraid of!"

"Xiang Ziyu used that kind of attack. It must be a secret method. He will not be able to fight again."

Xiang Ziyu raised his head and looked at the two figures who suddenly rushed out, but there was no worry on his face. On the short stick in his hand, one of the two remaining orbs, suddenly, Explosions of colorful light.

The next moment, the orb suddenly flew out and then the whole orb exploded. Countless rays of light shot out, each ray of light was a kind of magical power.

At this moment, the world was covered by countless rays of light, and the sky was reflected in various colors. Every ray of light was a kind of magical power!

For a time, countless magical powers landed, and there was a feeling of destruction to the world!

Each of these magical powers is a magical power he has cultivated.

During this period of time, he has been cultivating magical powers in Baifeng Sect. He has cultivated too many magical powers. However, he found that after he cultivated so many magical powers, although he was fighting with others, he could use the opponent's magical powers to Instead, he used different magical powers to target them, but he always felt that it was too much of a loss for him to have cultivated so many magical powers and even reached the top level.

He has been thinking of ways to make good use of these magical powers.

And he took inspiration from his master.

His master blended ten magical powers together to form a golden elixir.

However, his golden elixir has already been formed, and he has tried various methods, including making himself vomit blood and almost dying, but he has never succeeded.

Finally, he focused his attention on the Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead. After studying it several times, crippling himself, and vomiting blood countless times, he finally succeeded in injecting magical powers into the Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead one by one.

Although it is said that after these magical powers are penetrated into the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl, and then released, the power is obviously much weaker, but it doesn't matter, he knows a lot of magical powers, so he just needs to penetrate more magical powers.

He faced a Tiangang earth evil bead and kept tapping into the magical power. Even after he didn't know how many magical powers he tapped into, he could no longer tap into the magical power.

Moreover, at that time, he vaguely felt the restrictions of heaven!

During the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, Heavenly Dao does not allow the power of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

And his Tiangang earth evil bead has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, so the law of heaven does not allow him to continue to inject magical powers into it.

Moreover, he even discovered that he could only put his magical power into one Tiangang Earthly Evil Bead, and it was impossible to put his magical power into other Tiangang Earthly Evil Beads.

In fact, his Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl is the most powerful one!

His previous attacks were only infinitely close to the limit of the golden elixir stage, but at this moment, the Tiangang Disha Pearl has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage!

With one blow, the whole world seemed to be unable to withstand the power and rushed forward.

The entire island was shrouded in the light of magical power.

Even in the other direction, the ax maniacs who were slaughtering each golden elixir stage raised their heads in astonishment and looked in the direction of Xiang Ziyu.

And around Xiang Ziyu, the Jindanqi who were attacked all felt the approach of death in an instant.

"Supernatural powers, how come there are so many magical powers?"

"What kind of attack is this..."

"Run quickly..."

"Damn it, I have too many magical powers, I can't run away, hurry up, stop..."

One by one, the Golden Core Stage members wanted to block the impact of this power, but Xiang Ziyu released so many magical powers that even he himself didn't know how many kinds of magical powers they were.

Countless magical powers gathered together to form a torrent of magical powers, surging back and forth in the void.

Under the bombardment of this magical power, the bodies of those in the golden elixir stage suddenly exploded, or were knocked out by heavy injuries.

And the two existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen are even more targeted. They can resist one, two, or several magical powers, but how can they resist the countless magical powers flying towards them.

Suddenly, magical powers fell down one after another, shattering their body-protecting magical powers and penetrating their bodies.

In an instant, the two of them were turned into powder.

In the distance, Wei Wanzhong looked at the area in the distance that was like Shura Purgatory, and looked at the golden elixir masters who fell one by one, and his heart was filled with turmoil.


Is this really the golden elixir period?

Those were the existences of the Five Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and they were unexpectedly killed. Several Golden Elixir Stages were also killed at the same time.

No wonder, no wonder that Xiang Ziyu was so arrogant and said that he wanted to massacre the entire island of evil alone, so he was a heinous person!

After Xiang Ziyu released the Tiangang Earthly Evil Pearl, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the position of the Tiangang Earthly Evil Pearl in surprise.

After he used his magical power to penetrate the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl, he also tried the power, and nothing happened at that time.

But now, after he released so many magical powers through the Tiangang Earth Evil Bead, his Tiangang Earth Evil Bead actually exploded!

It exploded. He finally managed to collect ten Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls, and just exploded one!

Xiang Ziyu felt heartache, extremely heartache.

He looked back at the people around him who were still alive, including the Jin Danqi who had just participated in the battle. He completely released his heartache and charged towards the opponent.

The Evil Island has existed for countless years. Even if it is as powerful as the Grand Master, there is no time to come and destroy the Evil Island.

But on this day, the Island of Evil was destroyed by two people!

On the island of evil, all the heinous people died.

Xiang Ziyu collected the broken Tiangang earth evil beads with heartache, and he and the ax madman counted the people they had killed.

In addition to Madman Ax, there are also ten Golden Elixir Great Perfections with Ten Visions on the Island of Evil. Xiang Ziyu and Madman Ax killed five Golden Elixir Great Perfections with Ten Visions each.

In the eyes of the two of them, there seems to be no difference in the remaining golden elixir stage whether it is the first level of the golden elixir or the perfection of the ten golden elixirs. They do not count whether they killed the first level of the golden elixir or the one who completed the combined elixir with the ten golden elixirs. People, they just count how many golden elixir stages they kill.

"So, I killed six more golden elixir stages than you, so I won." Xiang Ziyu patted the Ax Maniac on the shoulder with a proud look on his face and said, "You don't have to be depressed, even though you are a reincarnated great master. But I am the real protagonist, and it is normal to lose to the protagonist."

The magical power he released at the beginning killed too many people. In an instant, he killed five ten-dimensional golden elixirs and numerous golden elixir stages. Even though he consumed a lot at that time, the advantage he established that time , or let him win.

Of course, if there were more golden elixirs on the Evil Island, and the killing continued, it would be hard to say who would win.

Madman Ax didn't show any signs of dissatisfaction. He accepted his bet and said, "I'm not someone who can't afford to lose. If I lose, I lose. This time I admit defeat. However, you are very interesting. I haven't seen you for a long time." Such an interesting person, even your master is not as interesting as you.

I'm free. I want to compete with you again. It's not a competition like this, but a competition between the two of us alone. When are you done, come to me again and let's compete again. "

He knew that Xiang Ziyu would definitely go to the major immortal sects in Southeast Asia to persuade them not to join forces to attack the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty.

Xiang Ziyu would be very busy next, so he said that they would have another fight after Xiang Ziyu was done.

"Then you might as well go with me." Xiang Ziyu suddenly became interested when he heard the voice, "Look, if I go alone, they may not believe what I say, but if you go with me, they all know that you are Reincarnated power, I naturally believe you know that fifty years from now, our Eastern Wasteland will be connected to the central five continents.

Moreover, the deterrent power of the two of us is also stronger. When the time comes, I will be able to complete the task faster and they will be able to fight earlier. "

"That makes sense." Madman Ax nodded. He knew that by doing this, he might be acting as a free thug for Xiang Ziyu.

But so what?

How could he care about that?

What he cares about is that Xiang Ziyu is very interesting, and what he cares about is fighting Xiang Ziyu earlier.

On the Island of the Wicked, all the heinous people had been killed, and the remaining people who were forced to come to the Island of the Wicked for some reasons were quickly gathered together.

Xiang Ziyu simply informed everyone of the conspiracy of the remnants of the Qi Tian Dynasty, and informed everyone that Eastern Wasteland would be connected to the Central Five Continents Connecting Road fifty years later, and then left.

Before, he wanted to find the graves of those who had fallen asleep in the Immortal Land on the Island of Evil.

He will not touch the graves of those who have done no evil in the immortal realm, but he will not let go of the graves of those who have committed heinous crimes.

When the time comes, dig up the graves and kill these people, and in an instant, you can loot the treasures.

But Madman Ax told him that there were no living graves in the Earthly Immortal Realm on the Island of Evil.

"This is the Evil Island, not the sect you were in before. How could those in the fairyland build their living tombs on the Evil Island after they fell asleep? Aren't they waiting to be dug up by others?

No one knows where they hid their living graves! "

"So, we can only leave now and find other sects."

Xiang Ziyu sighed helplessly, and flew towards the nearest sect with Ax Madman.

Cao Zhen left at the same time as Xiang Ziyu and others. Although Xiang Ziyu left the Zhenxian Dynasty and went to Nanyang, and although Cao Zhen went to the place where the Zhenxian Dynasty was located, Cao Zhen was more powerful than Xiang Ziyu. Arrive at destination Youzhou in the evening.

And Youzhou is even more vast.

The area here is sparsely populated, and to reach the Prefecture Mufu, even with his current level of cultivation, it would still take two days to control the flying boat.

Youzhou, where the state capital is located.

State pastoral office.

At this time, corpses were lying upside down in the entire mansion, and streams of bright red blood flowed, gathering into a river and flowing into the ground.

Underground in the mansion, as the blood flowed in, the magic circle originally arranged here was shattered into pieces.

In the center of the circle, a woman with white hair was bound by chains. Although the formation was broken and the iron chains seemed to have cracks, the iron chains still did not break.

Opposite the woman were four figures kneeling.

The fourth prince of the Qi Tian Dynasty and two foreigners looked very similar to him.

In addition, there is another person who should be dead, the third prince of the Qi Tian Dynasty.

At this time, the third prince, like the other three, was also connected to iron chains one after another, connected to the iron chains binding the woman.

One side of the four people was still standing, a man in gray robes.

"Hui Pao, you actually betrayed me... Aren't you afraid that your father will wake up, your eldest brother and second brother will wake up, and you won't be afraid of their revenge!" Among the four, the fourth prince glared at the man in gray robe full of resentment. The canthus is completely broken!

"Betraying you? What a joke. I have never been yours, so how can I talk about betrayal? As for you people from the Qingtian Dynasty? Is it true that there is only the Qingtian Sect in Dongzhou and not the Weeping Blood Demon Sect?"

The gray robe let out a disdainful laugh, and the voice fell, but it was not the male voice before, but a female voice full of magnetism.

As she finished speaking, she also untied her gray robe, revealing her exquisite body and beautiful face.

"You... you are a woman..." The fourth prince looked at the gray robe with a look of surprise on his face. Even he had always thought that the gray robe was a man.

"You didn't know I was a woman until now? It's a joke. You think you have no plan, you think you have everything under control, but what? Everything about you is in my calculation.

At first, you thought you had killed the third prince, right? Yes, under normal circumstances, he should indeed be dead, and he could not die any more, but I took action to save him! Of course, you can say that he is alive now, or you can say that he is dead now, and you can think that he is a corpse general.

And the reason why I have to go to great lengths to turn him into a corpse general and to bring you all here is because the Master needs your blood and your angry blood. Haven't you noticed? Since you came back from the ruins, have you become violent and irritable? Tell you because I poisoned you. Are you very angry and furious now? Crazy? "

Gray Robe looked very proud. She looked at the Fourth Prince as if she wanted to say something more, but in the center of the formation, the woman trapped by the iron chain suddenly made a deep voice: "Hui Robe..."

It was just two simple words, but the sound in his voice made several people underground tremble involuntarily.

The woman was obviously trapped by the iron chain, but the gray robe was still frightened and fell to her knees.

The white-haired woman's voice came again: "Don't waste your time and untie the chains."

"Yes!" Gray Robe heard the sound and stood up, a ferocious look suddenly flashed across her face, and a sharp long knife suddenly appeared in her hand.

The next moment, the long knife passed across, and the heads of the four princes of the Qitian Royal Family on the ground flew up at the same time.

From the necks of the fourth prince, the fifth prince, and the sixth prince, bright red blood spurted out and fell on the chain on one side.

But what was sprayed out from the third prince's body was black liquid.

As the blood fell, the chains that were already cracked suddenly broke.

The white-haired woman trapped in the middle lost her comfort and suddenly raised her head. In an instant, her white hair turned as bright red as blood. As she raised her head, she revealed a face that seemed to be able to enchant the world. The faces of all beings.

The next moment, she suddenly stretched out her palm and slapped Gray Robe's body.

There was a crisp sound, and Gray Robe was knocked to the ground, with clear palm prints appearing on his face.

"Trash, you actually let one of the four of them die. Even if he is turned into a corpse general, his blood is different. He can only break the formation, but it cannot make me instantly return to my peak!"

"Disciple is at fault!" Gray robe had obviously just saved the woman, but at this moment, she was slapped but she didn't dare and was not dissatisfied at all. She knelt on the ground, almost burying her head in the ground.

"Trash!" The woman cursed again, looked up and looked around, and whispered: "I heard that my unnamed junior brother passed on the position of national master of Zhenxian Dynasty to a reincarnated great master?"

"Yes, that person's name is Cao Zhen. The disciple has immediately used the Qitian Dynasty to disturb the surroundings to attract Cao Zhen's attention, but the Grand Master must have follow-up methods. At this time, Cao Zhen may have arrived ”

"In that case, let's go. If it weren't for your uselessness that prevents me from returning to my peak now, why should I wait!"

The woman stared at the gray robe coldly, then turned around and flew away. With her long red hair flying, a few strands of black hair could be seen.

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