Donghuang, where the Zhenxian Dynasty is located, can have the word Huang, which means it is already a desolate area.

And Youzhou is the most desolate and bitter cold place among the Zhenxian Dynasty. It is also true that Youzhou is the place where the dynasty's lawbreakers are sent.

Cao Zhen flew all the way in his flying boat, and it became even more desolate as he flew. After flying to Youzhou, he even flew over an inaccessible place.

After flying for a long time, he finally saw a decent big city.

This is the capital of Youzhou.

As soon as they entered the city, a strong smell of blood was immediately felt, and the people in the city looked extremely panicked.

"what happened?"

Cao Zhen was shocked and flew towards the place where the smell of blood came from.

After a while, a mansion came into view.

State Shepherd's Office!

At this time, the area around the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion was surrounded by soldiers guarding it.

Cao Zhen did not stop, but flew directly into the city. He flew over and immediately attracted the attention of every soldier.

Suddenly, all the soldiers became nervous.

They all drew knives in their hands and looked over with wary expressions.

Among them, the leader shouted loudly: "Who is it? According to the laws of the Zhenxian Dynasty, anyone who cultivates immortality is prohibited from flying in the city."

He knows that the current Zhenxian Dynasty is extremely chaotic, but as a member of the Zhenxian Dynasty, as long as the Zhenxian Dynasty exists, he must uphold the laws of the dynasty, even if he knows that he is not the opponent's opponent!

Cao Zhen flicked his wrist, and the prefectural pastoral order given to him by the grand master appeared. He directly threw the state pastoral order at the opponent in the air, and said at the same time: "I am Cao Zhen, the national preceptor of the Manxia Dynasty."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fell to the ground.

"State pastoral order?"

Below, the leader of the soldiers glanced at the token in his hand and immediately saluted: "I have seen the National Master."

At the rear, a group of soldiers saluted: "I've seen the Imperial Master."

Cao Zhen did not talk nonsense with everyone, but pointed directly at the Prefecture Mufu and asked: "What happened inside?"

"Returning to the national division, a gray-robed man suddenly came to the Zhou Mu Mansion and killed all the guards in the Zhou Mu Mansion. Then, he set up a formation outside the Zhou Mu Mansion, but we couldn't break through the formation at all, let alone Know what’s going on in there.”

Cao Zhen raised his head and looked inside the Prefecture Mu's Mansion. There was indeed a formation outside the Prefecture Mu's Mansion, but it was just the simplest, interception formation. Although this formation was of no use to masters above the Golden Core, it was enough to block these formations. Annoying.

"Come in with me." Cao Zhen raised his hand and waved, and a strong mana shot out from his palm. Suddenly, a huge stone suddenly broke open outside the Zhou Mu's Mansion, and then the surroundings of the Zhou Mu's Mansion spread. It made a crisp sound.

It's just the most common interception formation. He doesn't even need to find the formation's eye. He just uses his strength to break the formation.

As the formation broke open, Cao Zhen stepped into the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion. Suddenly, a strong smell of blood that choked his nose came.

As far as the eye could see, there were dead corpses everywhere in the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion, and on these corpses, streaks of bright red blood continued to flow out, converging in the same direction.


"Asshole, that man in gray robe!"

At the rear, the soldiers who followed Cao Zhen were furious when they saw the scene in the Zhou Mu Mansion.

Cao Zhen, on the other hand, flew directly towards the place where the blood flowed.

Soon, he followed the blood directly to the underground of the State Shepherd's Mansion.

He remembered the reminder that the leader of the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect was imprisoned underground in the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion. Now, could it be said that...

Soon, four corpses came into view underground, and in the middle of the four corpses were broken iron chains.

The iron chain is broken, that is, the fire. The leader of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect is out of trouble?

Cao Zhen's expression suddenly changed. After he discovered that the state pastoral order was shaken, he rushed here as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, it was still too late.

It was obvious that the leader of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect had escaped.

And these four corpses in the eye...

Cao Zhen looked at the heads in the distance, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"The fourth prince who is a remnant of the previous dynasty? Is he dead? And... is that the third prince who is a remnant of the previous dynasty? Wasn't the third prince already killed by the fourth prince? Why is he... not right..."

Cao Zhen walked quickly to the side of the third prince, and suddenly a wave of death aura came over him. This aura was extremely familiar to him.

"Corpse soldiers, this is the aura of corpse soldiers or corpse generals. In other words, after the death of the third prince who was a remnant of the previous dynasty, he was taken away and refined into a corpse general?

The corpse soldiers just said that a gray-robed man had entered here. Could it be the gray-robed subordinate of the fourth prince? But now the fourth prince is also dead. Could it be that this time has something to do with the corpses of Wu Xian's subordinates? "

Cao Zhenman shook his head with a headache. He originally thought that by connecting with the Sun Eclipse Demon, he even made the Sun Eclipse Demon succeed in becoming the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect in this era.

He even managed to find out where the Fourth Prince was, went to destroy the Fourth Prince's lair once, and discovered the Fourth Prince's next conspiracy.

He thought that his next opponent would also be the Fourth Prince, but who would have thought that the Fourth Prince would actually die.

"Could it be said that Gray Robe betrayed the fourth prince who was a remnant of the previous dynasty? If it is true, then which force does Gray Robe belong to? Is it the people of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect or the people of the Corpse General?

They refined the third prince into a corpse general. What's the use? So much blood…”

Cao Zhen looked at the iron chains again. It was obvious that these iron chains were the suppressive formations of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect's Head Master.

And now there is still this strong smell of blood on the iron chain.

"The other party broke the formation through blood, but why did they use the blood of the fourth prince and the others? There are two other people who look very similar to the third prince and the fourth prince. They should be the other two princes of the Qitian Dynasty.

Could it be that the blood of the princes of the Qi Tian Dynasty is special, or is there some conspiracy in this? "

Cao Zhen searched underground for a long time but found no trace.

In desperation, he could only leave the underground.

Although he is the national advisor of the Zhenxian Dynasty, he does not know how to govern the country. It is useless for him to stay here. He can only inform the soldiers outside that there will be no danger here and let the city stabilize first. Then he set off towards the capital of Qitian Dynasty.

He knew too little about the head of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect. Maybe the current emperor knew something. Even if the emperor didn't know, the Taishi's disciples were also in the capital, so he could ask the Taishi's disciples.

Moreover, if he wanted to return to Baifeng Sect, he also needed to pass through the capital.

While piloting the flying boat towards the capital, he began to connect with his disciples through the Chinese Cloud and asked about their current situation.

Yan Yourong's progress was very smooth.

But when it came to Xiang Ziyu, the situation completely went astray.

"Master, who am I? I am the protagonist. Have you ever seen anything that the protagonist cannot accomplish? Now, there is no Villain Island. No, it should be said that there is still a way of villains. However, this Villain Island is now. You are following my orders, my disciple.

All the heinous criminals on Wicked Island have been killed. If possible, I can even develop Wicked Island into a branch of our Baifeng Sect.

What? Nanyang sects? They are all honest now, how could they not stop once I show up. Yes, they all believed it. Why believe it? Because Lao Ax came forward, who is Lao Ax? Ax Maniac, of course.

Master, you two are reincarnated powerful men. You both said that in fifty years, our Eastern Wasteland will be connected to the central five continents. Naturally, they believed it.

Moreover, they also said that when the time comes, we in Donghuang will also have to rely more on our Hundred Peaks Sect. "

Xiang Ziyu did not lie. The Nanyang sects and even the many immortal sects in other dynasties all knew that if the people of the Zhenxian Dynasty did not lie, then when the Eastern Wasteland and the central five continents are connected, they will all rely on Zhenxian. The sects of the imperial dynasty, especially the Baifeng Sect, which has several top ten phantoms and golden elixirs.

After all, fifty years later, it is still the Little Era period when the universe is reversed, and the strongest person in the world at that time is still in the Golden Core stage!

After Cao Zhen received the answers from the disciples, he rushed towards the capital with confidence.

Not long after, he arrived in the capital.

As the center of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the capital was always guarded by at least one disciple of the Grand Master.

Cao Zhen didn't know how the Taishi's disciples guarded the capital. Maybe it was a rotation system. When he came to the capital for a meeting, the Taishi's disciple he met was actually an acquaintance, Yu Tuoyu.

As expected, the emperor knew nothing about the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect. However, after learning what happened to Youzhou, he quickly sent officials to Youzhou.

But Yu Tuoyu listened to Cao Zhen's inquiry, but took Cao Zhen to a place alone. After a moment of silence, he said: "The head of the Qi-Blood Demon Sect actually has some connections with the master. In other words, we should call her As a master."

"Uncle Master?" Cao Zhen was confused for a moment, "Didn't you say that the Grand Master received the inheritance of a certain powerful person, and then we became what we are today? How can we say that the Grand Master is related to the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect again? Moreover, , the magical power of the Grand Master, what the Grand Master cultivates is not demonic energy."

"Master indeed obtained the inheritance of a certain great master, and that great master came from the Blood Weeping Demon Sect. However, that great master was an abandoned disciple of the Blood Weeping Demon Sect.

Master did not say why that great master, our master, left the Blood Weeping Demon Sect, but that great master was also very complicated about the Blood Weeping Demon Sect. He hated the Qi Blood Demon Sect. , However, he couldn’t see others dealing with the Qi-Blood Demon Sect. "

Cao Zhen suddenly understood: "Is it love and hate?"

"Yes, it is indeed love and hate." Yu Tuoyu nodded and continued, "That great master should also have had an adventure, or he left the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect because of that adventure, so, that great master Not all the inheritance of great power is the inheritance of magic.

After the master received the inheritance from his master and finally became the best in the world, the master once approached the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect and asked him to take the initiative to abide by the laws set by the master.

Moreover, for some unknown reason, the other party knew about the relationship between the master and the master, but the other party did not announce the matter to the public.

The head sect of the Weeping Blood Demon Sect at the time, after hearing the master's request, directly rejected the master and even took action directly.

Later, the leader of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect was naturally defeated by his master.

However, the master also said that in the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty, and even in the entire Eastern Wasteland, the only person who can fight against the master and put pressure on the master is the head sect of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect. Apart from the master, the only person in the Eastern Wasteland is A master.

Although the master defeated the opponent, the master did not kill the opponent because of his relationship with the master. Instead, he suppressed the opponent in the distant Youzhou. "

Cao Zhen finally understood why the Grand Master suppressed the other party instead of killing him directly. It turned out that there was such a relationship. At that time, he thought that the Grand Master had some kind of emotional entanglement with the head of the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect.

It turned out that he was overthinking everything, and it turned out to be because of this relationship.

"However, the current Weeping Blood Demon Sect has killed several princes of the Qi Tian Dynasty, and then their head sect does not know where she went. Do you know where she went? Or maybe it was theirs Where is your lair?"

He didn't wonder why the head of the Blood Weeping Demon Sect didn't fall into deep sleep. The Grand Master had said that he could cultivate himself through self-cultivation, and the head of the Blood Weeping Demon Sect could also cultivate through self-cultivation.

The leader of the Qi-Blood Demon Sect must have cut off his own cultivation.

Yu Tuoyu shook his head helplessly and said: "After they left our Zhenxian Dynasty, we had no news about them. We don't know where they went. Maybe Master knows, but Master didn't tell us."

Cao Zhen's headache became more and more serious. He looked at Yu Tuoyu and said: "Now, all the people from the dynasties around our Zhenxian Dynasty have temporarily believed that our Eastern Wasteland will be connected to the five continents of the Central Plains, and they will not make any changes for the time being.

But the Blood-Weeping Demon Sect may have joined forces with Wu Xian's men, those corpse generals and corpse soldiers, so we still can't be careless. "

Before, when dealing with the remnants of the Qi Tian Dynasty, he could use the Sun Eclipse Demon to find out information about the other party, but now he was facing people from the Blood Weeping Demon Sect, and he had no way of knowing the other party's actions, let alone their actions. Know where the other person went.

Put it away, now is the time to let the Eclipse Demon die.

At the beginning, the Eclipse Demon led people to attack their Baifeng Sect, and the three major immortal sects of the Great Lai Dynasty. They could not just survive like this.

Cao Zhen and Yu Tuoyu learned more about the situation in the Zhenxian Dynasty, and then started to connect with the Sun Eclipse Demon directly through the Chinese Cloud.

The Eclipse Demon seemed to know that, people from the Hundred Peaks Sect began to spread the news that Donghuang would be connected to the five central continents. Now no one believes in him anymore. It is also possible that he can no longer contact the fourth prince, so the Eclipse Demon also Instead of contacting various factions and asking them to join forces with them to attack the Zhenxian Dynasty, they directly found a place to hide.

This guy might even think that the Sun Moon Demon Sect's lair was in danger, so he simply found a hiding place and hid alone.

The Eclipse Demon found himself really unlucky.

Among the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, the Eclipse Hall he led first suffered heavy losses. All the masters died, leaving only him.

Then, the third prince whom their Sun Moon Demon Sect had taken refuge in was tricked by the fourth prince, so he had no choice but to defect to the fourth prince.

He even became the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

However, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect no longer had any masters, and when he had the sect's cousin and was able to contact the fourth prince, he even found that there was no response at all when he contacted the fourth prince.

"What's all this? I became the leader of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, and as a result, the Sun and Moon Demon Sect didn't even have a master of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir, or even a master of the Golden Elixir stage.

What kind of master is this?

And now I have become the direct descendant of the fourth prince. As a result, I burned the clan's cousin, and the fourth prince did not respond to me. "

The Eclipse Demon was pacing back and forth in a hidden canyon.

He had discovered this canyon accidentally before. It was located behind a waterfall and was extremely hidden. He had prepared three hiding places similar to this one, and this one was the most secluded among them.

Mainly, he found that the current situation was not quite right.

He had previously lobbied various immortal sects to attack the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty together. It was originally a good idea, but all the major immortal sects also agreed.

But who knew that suddenly, people from the Baifeng Sect also went there, and they also said that Donghuang would be connected to the Central Five Continents, and about the conspiracy of the Qi Tian Dynasty.

He had never heard of these, yet others still believed in the Baifeng Sect.

He immediately felt that something was not going well, and quickly contacted the fourth prince using his clan's Biao, but there was no response from the fourth prince. He had no choice but to run back and hide.

Although he is the temporary head master of the Sun and Moon Demon Sect, they have no masters left in the Sun and Moon Demon Sect. It is definitely not safe for him to return to the Sun and Moon Demon Sect.

These places, these places that only he knows, are the safest.

No one except him knew the three places where he was hiding.

"I will hide here for a while now until the fourth prince takes the initiative to contact me."

The Eclipse Demon murmured to himself, looked outside the waterfall, and decided that it would be better to stay here.

He had already gone out once yesterday, and the news he found out was very bad. Now all the major immortal sects believe the words of the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty, and none of them has taken any action against the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty.

"I already left yesterday. The more I leave, the greater the risk of exposure. It's best not to go out during this period."

The Eclipse Demon muttered to himself, turned and walked towards the cave not far away. Suddenly, a sound of water came from behind him.

The sound of water?

Why is there such a loud sound of water?

The Eclipse Demon looked back in surprise, and saw that the high waterfall broke open, and a figure appeared in his sight.

In an instant, countless hairs on his body stood on end, and his eyes were filled with fear.

Cao Zhen!

Why did he show up?

Only he knows this place. How did Cao Zhen find this place?

He had led people to attack the Baifeng Sect. Several times before, he had met Cao Zhen and was lucky enough to survive, but this time...

"Overlord Demon Lord, Demon Lord, help, Demon Lord, help me quickly!" The Sun Eclipse Demon knows very well that he is far from Cao Zhen's opponent. Now his only hope of survival is to let the Demon Lord appear again, just like last time. Generally, scare Cao Zhen away.

Cao Zhen looked at the Eclipse Demon who was standing there motionless. He could tell even with his toes that the Eclipse Demon must be looking for the Overlord Demon again. Unfortunately, the Overlord Demon Lord was himself.

The Eclipse Demon is now worthless, and he should atone for what he did back then!

Behind Cao Zhen, all nine golden elixirs of vision appeared.

For a moment, the air around him seemed to be bursting open in an instant, making a series of detonation sounds, and a seemingly boundless terrifying pressure surged towards the Eclipse Demon.

A look of horror suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Sun Eclipse Demon. Nine Visions Golden Pill, Cao Zhen broke through again! Moreover, why can only the Nine Visions Golden Pill give me such a sense of oppression?

In his horrified eyes, behind Cao Zhen, a strange golden elixir suddenly shot out ten rainbow lights. At this moment, different voices resounded in the void.

Some voices are ethereal and full of fairy spirit, some are crisp, some are deep, some are like sounds of nature, and some are like the terrifying roars of peerless ferocious beasts in ancient times...

The ten voices completely converged together and stirred with each other in the void, forming sound waves visible to the naked eye.

Sound waves came through the air, and for a moment, these sounds seemed to be playing from the heart of the Eclipse Demon instantly, and they instantly shattered the internal organs and meridians in his body.

This sound!

Cao Zhen, how could Cao Zhen know this, and he can do ten kinds of magic sounds? He...

The doubts in the Sun Eclipse Demon's heart had just arisen when his thoughts were completely cut off. His whole body, from the inside to the outside, completely exploded, leaving only his head flying up in the air.

"The reason I kept your head is because I want to take it to pay homage to the seniors of the Baifeng Sect who died that day!"

Cao Zhen put away the Sun Eclipse Demon's head, turned around and flew towards the Hundred Peaks Sect.

He originally thought that he went the furthest distance, and also went to the capital in the middle. He had gone to kill the Sun Eclipse Demon and should be the last one to return to the Hundred Peaks Sect. However, after returning to the Hundred Peaks Sect, he was surprised to find that , that guy Xiang Ziyu hasn’t come back yet.

After some questioning, he found out that after Xiang Ziyu completed his mission, he had a battle with Ax Madman, and the two ended up neck and neck.

Both of them were dissatisfied with each other, so they were practicing separately, hoping to have another fight at the best possible time.

Therefore, Xiang Ziyu will not come for the time being.

In fact, now that the masters of the Baifeng Sect are all gathered in the Immortal Sect, it is not a big problem whether Xiang Ziyu comes back or not.

In the following time, after the arrival of the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the world, which had been extremely chaotic, began to settle down.

Even the Zhenxian Dynasty began to attack the various rebels and bandits that had appeared.

Cao Zhen was even more surprised to find that as the Zhenxian Dynasty became more stable and gradually returned to its previous stability, the power of the prosperous age in his catalog of the prosperous age actually became stronger.

"Although my picture of the prosperous age does not yet have a picture of the Zhenxian Dynasty, the Baifeng Sect is within the Zhenxian Dynasty and belongs to the Zhenxian Dynasty. Therefore, the more prosperous the Zhenxian Dynasty is, the more prosperous the Zhenxian Dynasty is. Lu also became stronger accordingly. That should be the case."

Cao Zhen continued to teach in Baifeng Sect.

At the same time, he also started to refine elixirs for Xiao Duoduo and Zhu Peng. However, he only made an opening, and then told Yisheng how to refine the elixirs, and let Yisheng refine the elixirs.

After some time passed, he discovered that the world was indeed stable. The leader of the Bloodweeping Demon Sect did not appear again after escaping. He finally decided to leave the Baifeng Sect.

He wanted to see the world.

After he came to this world a long time ago, he wanted to go and see everywhere in the world. However, although he has been running around everywhere, he has not taken a good and serious look at the world and experienced different things. people, different lives.

Now, the world is temporarily stable, and if he wants to know more about the prosperous age, he really needs to go to various places in the world and experience different lives.

At first, he was experiencing the life of a mortal while observing the situation of the Baifeng Sect. Slowly, he contacted the Baifeng Sect from once a week, to once every half a month, and then once a month. , contact us once a year.

Slowly, he even forgot about the Baifeng Sect and his identity as an immortal cultivator.

He completely regarded himself as an ordinary person.

Over the years, he has experienced different lives and different lives.

He worked as a trader, farmed, a herb farmer who traveled over mountains and ridges to pick medicinal herbs, and he even worked as a blacksmith who specialized in shoeing horses.

East China Sea……

The Zhenxian Dynasty not only had the sea in the south, but also had the sea in the east.

Cao Zhen has been walking around for many years, and before he knew it, he had reached the edge of the East China Sea and became an ordinary fisherman here.

Caojia Village.

A very ordinary village by the East China Sea. More than 80% of the people in this village have the surname Cao. Cao Zhen also stayed in this village two years ago.

Relying on the sea, the entire Caojia Village makes a living by fishing.

On this day, the weather was surprisingly good. Cao Zhen and the villagers went out to sea to fish in a boat.

On the sea, it was calm.

Under the control of the number of fishermen, the fishing nets were put away one by one, and in each fishing net, there were lively and jumping fish.

"God has eyes, God really has eyes. The harvest this time is really great!"

"Not just today, our gains this year are not small."

"Yes, the main thing is that our Zhenxian Dynasty has not had wars in these years." Among the fishermen, a man who looked to be in his fifties sighed, "You are young and have not experienced that era. Back then, I was just Not long after I was born, at that time, our Zhenxian Dynasty was in chaos.

That period of time can be said to be the most chaotic time of our Zhenxian Dynasty. The whole world is in chaos. You all know the immortals, right? At that time, the immortal sects were also fighting with each other, and those demons were causing trouble everywhere.

Some villages were even directly slaughtered by those demons. "

As soon as he finished speaking, an old man who looked to be in his sixties said: "Massacre the village? Let me tell you, not only the villages, but also some cities were massacred.

Fortunately, the national master of our Zhenxian Dynasty came forward later. He wiped out the demons one by one and restored peace to the world. In the beginning, when the Grand Master was there, the world was at peace, but after the Grand Master took action, the world was also at peace. "

"Yes, fortunately, our Zhenxian dynasty has a grand master, and after the grand master there is a national master."

On the side, another boat put on a suit. A young professional man heard the sound and asked curiously: "Uncle, I always hear you and my father say what the Grand Master is like, but we have never seen the Grand Master." What are you doing? What kind of person is the Grand Master? Can he be compared with the Imperial Master?"

"Grand Master? Without the Grand Master, there would be no our Zhenxian Dynasty. To be disrespectful, the Imperial Master is indeed the patron saint of our Zhenxian Dynasty, but compared to the Grand Master, the Imperial Master is still inferior. Of course, I know Not many, because when I was very young, the Grand Master fell into a deep sleep.

I will definitely never see the Grand Master wake up again in my life, but you will have the opportunity to see the Grand Master wake up. When the time comes, you will know what kind of person the Grand Master is! "

"Yes, all the laws of our Zhenxian Dynasty were promulgated by the Grand Master. The life of us mortals can be so good because of the existence of the Grand Master. It was the Grand Master who said that mortals and immortals are equal."

On the side, several young people suddenly became dissatisfied when they heard the old people praising the grand master.

"Is Grand Master really as good as you say?"

"Even if those laws were promulgated by the Grand Master, but the Grand Master is no longer there, those immortals can still abide by the Grand Master's laws because of the existence of the Grand Master."

"You always say it was better in the past, isn't it better now than before? I heard my grandfather say that in the past, when the Grand Master was here, there were wars, and occasionally there were demons. Our dynasty would even fight with others. dynasty war.

But now, because of the existence of the Imperial Master, our Zhenxian Dynasty has no war at all, and the surrounding dynasties are not at war with our Zhenxian Dynasty.

Even those demons, I just heard that there were demons before, but as long as I can remember, I have never heard of them. Where did the demons appear? Therefore, it is better when the national master is here. "

"We didn't say that the National Preceptor was not good, of course the National Preceptor was good. It's just..."

While everyone was arguing, suddenly, the ship under their feet started to shake. It was not just one ship that was shaking, but all the ships were shaking.

"What's going on? Why is the boat rocking?"

"The weather is obviously very good, the sky above is sunny..."

As soon as a young man finished speaking, dark clouds appeared above everyone's heads. In the blink of an eye, they almost completely covered the sun, and the entire sky became dark.

Even looking into the distance, everything visible to the naked eye was dim.

"What's going on? With all my years of experience, it shouldn't rain today."

"Stop talking, the weather has changed. Everyone should return to the village quickly." The youngest fisherman shouted loudly for everyone to return.

However, just as everyone turned around, the sea water below was already violently bullying, and the wind was already blowing on the originally calm sea.

In the blink of an eye, the wind turned into a city-wide wind. The strong wind swept across the city and rocked every boat. On the sea in the distance, a huge wave could be seen sweeping across the sky.

The huge wave rolled up to a height of more than three feet and rushed towards the crowd at an alarming speed.

"Hold on to the boat, everyone, hold on to the boat, don't be swept down. Get down, get down!"

"Don't worry about us old guys for a while. Remember, every one of you can survive! You are the labor force of the family and the backbone of the family. You must hold on and survive!"

On the boat, experienced old people shouted, lying down and clinging tightly to the boat, while reaching out to grab anything around them that could be fixed to the boat.

After listening to the old man's words, Cao Zhen lay down almost instinctively, and at the same time firmly grasped the side of the deck with both hands. He had been fishing for so long, and this was the first time he encountered such a terrifying giant wave.

In just the time it took to breathe, the huge waves were already crashing down on my face.

In an instant, Cao Zhen felt countless seawater coming towards him. His eyes were shut instantly. He didn't know how much seawater poured into his mouth. His body flew up uncontrollably, and even his body flew up. The boats below flew up uncontrollably.

This huge wave is really too big!

Moreover, the huge wave is not just one.

He was flying, and just as he landed, another huge wave hit him. The terrifying force directly knocked him out of the boat and threw him into the sea.

And all around, there were screams of surprise, and fishermen were all thrown away in the huge waves.

Cao Zhen fell into the sea, and countless thoughts instantly arose in his mind. In this vast sea, under such huge waves, it can be said that there is no possibility of survival if he falls into the sea.

If he dies, he dies, but what about the villagers in the village?

They have elders and younger ones, who will take care of their children, who will take care of their parents, if they die...

Cao Zhen thought a lot at this moment, and the next moment, a golden light suddenly lit up on his body.

This light is like an indestructible city wall or a solid embankment, blocking all the incoming waves.

All the time, in the void, a golden giant hand appeared, and the giant hand raised its claws in the air. Suddenly, in the sea, boats were overturned one after another, and fishermen who fell into the sea were all killed one by one. Grab it.

The next moment, a huge flying boat appeared in the void.

In the next breath, all the boats and fishermen fell into the flying boat.

The fishermen were washed into the sea by the huge waves, and each of them was filled with despair. But for some reason, they suddenly flew up, and then they found that their feet had fallen to the ground.



Even though everyone makes a living by fishing, they all live by the sea, and their water quality is excellent, but facing the huge waves, they all choked on the water, and when they fell on the flying boat, they all vomited. got up.

After recovering, they were surprised to find that they did not fall on the ground, but in a huge spaceship.

"Feizhou, this is a flying boat. I have seen an immortal's flying boat, and we are actually in the flying boat."

"Immortal, this is..."

"Cao Zhen, it was you, you saved us? Are you an immortal?"

Everyone's eyes quickly fell on Cao Zhen, who was radiating golden light and driving a flying boat.

Cao Zhen nodded slightly, looked at everyone with an apology on their faces, and apologized: "I'm sorry everyone, I haven't used my magical power or used my magic power for a long time. I even forgot that I am an immortal cultivator. I really thought that I was He was a fisherman just like everyone else, so he didn’t rescue everyone right away.”

"What are you talking about? You saved us. We should thank you and apologize." The oldest man among the fishermen spoke quickly, and everyone around him also spoke.

"Yeah, if it weren't for you, with such a big wave, all of us would definitely die."

"That's right..."

Everyone spoke one after another. Although the Zhenxian Dynasty had always said that mortals were equal to immortals, mortals would still feel envious and even nervous when they saw immortals.

After everyone found out that Cao Zhen was an immortal, they couldn't help but feel nervous, but soon they found that Cao Zhen was still as easy-going as before. After getting along for a long time, they were already familiar with each other, and everyone gradually returned to normal.

Some people even asked out of curiosity.

"Cao, Cao Zhen, you are an immortal, why are you a fisherman?"

"Yes, you said you have forgotten that you are an immortal. How many years have you not used your immortal power?"

"How many years?" Cao Zhen said with a look of reminiscence on his face, "It may have been more than thirty years, or more than twenty years. I have forgotten the exact number of years. However, I left the Immortal Sect and became a mortal. It’s been fifty years.”

"Fifty years? Fifty years ago, wasn't that the time when the world began to be at peace?"

"Old Cao, which immortal sect are you from? Why don't you want to be an immortal? It's great to be an immortal, but we can't be immortal even if we want to."

"Me?" When Cao Zhen heard everyone asking about his immortal sect, a heartfelt smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he whispered: "I am from the Baifeng Sect. Have you ever heard of the Baifeng Sect?"

"Baifeng Sect? That is the first of the top ten immortal sects, and it is also the sect where the national master is located. How could we not have heard of it? There is no one in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty who does not know about Baifeng Sect. Old Cao, you are People from the Baifeng Sect, have you ever seen the country..."

A young man was talking, but he was stunned for a moment. Not only him, but also all the fishermen around him were stunned. They thought of something.

Cao Zhen was called Cao Zhen, and the imperial advisor at that time was also called Cao Zhen.

At the beginning, when Cao Zhen first entered their village, they even teased Cao Zhen, saying that Cao Zhen's name was the same as the name of the imperial advisor at that time.

If Cao Zhen was not in the Zhenxian Dynasty, but in another dynasty, he would definitely be punished with a crime of disrespect.

But now, Cao Zhen is an immortal, and he is from 100% immortal.

It can't be such a coincidence. Could it be that Cao Zhen is...

Cao Zhen looked at everyone and smiled and said, "Yes, I am the Cao Zhen you are talking about."

"National Preceptor, you are really the National Preceptor!"

"I actually defeated the Imperial Master!"

"The Imperial Master is actually in our village and even went fishing with us!"

"National Division……"

One by one, the fishermen suddenly knelt on the ground, and the old fishermen among them even kowtowed.

"It's the old man who is blind. I actually said bad things about the National Master. Everything about the National Master is my fault and has nothing to do with our children."

"National Division……"

"What are you doing?" Cao Zhen raised his hand and waved, and everyone suddenly felt a soft force coming from them, and their bodies became uncontrollably fighting.

"You are right. I am indeed not as good as the Grand Master, far behind. The Grand Master is dedicated to serving the country, but I have been away for fifty years and have not done what I should do as a Grand Master." responsibility."

Cao Zhen said, looking into the distance, now is the time for him to fulfill his responsibilities.

Fifty years, in the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed.

Donghuang is going to be connected to the central five continents!

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