Generally speaking, when a person becomes a member of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, he will maintain his identity and will not go around bragging or telling lies.

But Huang Feng had no choice. In order to make the other party fear Dongliang Dynasty, he could only brag.

However, until now, he still doesn't know what the situation is in Donghuang.

What is the opponent's strength?

He clearly saw that there were two abandoned mountain gates here, and the mountain gate in front of him was also in a semi-abandoned state.

There is another dynasty in the Eastern Barren Immortal Cultivation World called the Zhenxian Dynasty. Taken together, the Eastern Barren Immortal Cultivation World is already very weak. Why are there so many masters in the Eastern Barren?

He had already boasted about their Dongliang strength, but the woman opposite him didn't have any fear on her face. He couldn't even see any fear on anyone's face around him.

"Three people who are not weaker than me? And one person who is far stronger than me? Very good, I want to see how strong those people in Dongliang are." Yan Yourong looked with pride on his face. Facing Huang Feng opposite, her fingers were already grasping the handle of the knife. It seemed that the next moment, she would return her hand and directly kill the useless Huang Feng.

On the side, Yisheng gently tugged on his senior sister's clothes and said: "Senior sister, let's leave them here for now. We still know too little. There are also some senior brothers in our Baifeng Sect. Mao is good at torture. We will They will wait for Baifeng Sect and ask their senior brother to interrogate them again.

Then, wait until Master comes back and let Master deal with them again. Perhaps, they can still be of some use. "

She just thought of something. Since Donghuang and Dongliang are indeed slowly approaching, then the two regions will eventually be connected with each other as they continue to approach. They still know too little about Dongliang for the time being. Following these two people, you can learn more about Dongliang.

Moreover, these two people seemed to be weak, so they should be able to ask a lot of things.

Yan Yourong looked at his junior sisters and finally nodded: "Okay, let's keep them first."

As she spoke, she drew out her long knife.

Opposite me, Huang Feng's heart trembled suddenly, and he said in horror: "Didn't you say you wanted to keep us? Why are you drawing the knife?"

"Of course, we have to injure you first, so that we can more easily escort you back to our Baifeng Sect." Yan Yourong looked at the other party matter-of-factly and said coldly, "If you don't want to die, just don't move."

After the last words fell, the long knife in her hand was snapped down.

It's not chopping, but using the blade of the knife, just like slapping garlic.

Although it is only a blade, when the long knife falls, it is still like a huge mountain falling down.

Huang Feng felt the terrifying energy coming towards him, and instinctively wanted to use his magic power to condense the golden light for body protection, but when he thought of the other party's words, he stopped his movements.

If the other party really wanted to kill him, he wouldn't be able to escape.

Moreover, he could see that the woman in front of him really wanted to kill him, but was stopped by another woman with long legs.

At this time, if he makes any move, he will definitely give this cold woman an excuse to kill him directly.

So, he didn't dare to move!

From the time he started practicing until now, when he reached the perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, he has never felt so aggrieved.

Facing other people's attacks, he didn't even dare to move, and he endured the attacks all his life.


There was a loud noise, like a huge boulder falling from the top of the mountain to the ground. Huang Feng felt as if he was hit head-on by a huge mountain, and his body immediately flew out uncontrollably, straight away. After flying for more than three miles, he fell heavily to the ground, creating a deep crater on the ground, with dust rising all around the crater.

Qi and blood surged inside his body, his internal organs seemed to be displaced due to the impact, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.


Huang Feng opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. It was intentional. The woman must have done it intentionally. The blow was bombarded... He suspected that if the force of the blow had been greater, he would have been killed directly by the other party.

He can understand that he is the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and the other party will have concerns about keeping him under custody. But if you have concerns, just put restrictions on me.

Can a fairy sect as big as yours impose such a ban? I don’t resist. Is it difficult for you to impose a ban on me? But you directly hit me hard. Isn't this intentional?

Yan Yourong raised her hand and pointed at Huang Feng in the distance and said, "Go and put a restraint on him."

Then, she looked at the other person beside her.

Gu Ling felt the other party's gaze and suddenly stretched out his hands, clapped them in front of him and shouted: "Don't bother me, Fairy, just do it. I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hand slapped his own chest heavily, and his face suddenly turned extremely pale, with no trace of blood visible, and his whole body flew backwards.

Yan Yourong pointed at Gu Ling again and said, "Give him a restraint as well. Then, Master of the Five Phases Peak, will you be responsible for leading people to escort them back to the Hundred Peaks Sect? My junior sister and I will stay here for the time being."

"Okay." Wu Xiang knew that he was injured. Yan Yourong asked him to take anyone with him, and he also asked him to go back to Baifeng Sect for training.

Huang Feng and Gu Ling had both been severely injured and still had restraints on their bodies.

Wuxiang only took four disciples with him, then drove the flying boat and left in the direction of Baifeng Sect.

After Wu Xiang and others left, Yan Yourong looked at his junior brother and junior sister again and said, "You continue to stay here. I will go to the shore to check on my junior brother."

With that said, she got up and flew towards the distant shore.

On the side, Xiao Beiyan looked at Yan Yourong's leaving figure, curled his lips slightly and said, "I just said that senior brother is enough on the shore alone. We don't need to add more people. Now she is going by herself. Senior sister, she obviously didn't have enough fighting skills and didn't kill enough people, so she took the initiative to find senior brother to see if there was any chance to take action."

Diners Dynasty, shore.

Xiang Ziyu was not with everyone, but alone, and flew to the shore as quickly as possible.

Just as he flew to the coast, he noticed that figures were being thrown out of the white mist.

"Is there someone there so soon?"

Out of curiosity, Xiang Ziyu left the white mist, regardless of how many people there were, and quickly approached him.

Although everyone in Dongliang has discovered that there is no danger in passing through the white mist, they still sent other people to pass through the white mist first, and the masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection left the white mist later.

A few golden elixir stages had just flown out of the white mist, and before they could see their surroundings clearly, a voice suddenly sounded from beside them.

"Hey, there are quite a lot of people here. How many of you are here?"

"We..." On the other side, a man who had completed the synthesis of nine golden elixirs was about to reply subconsciously, but he suddenly reacted and turned around to look in the direction of the sound.

Suddenly, a completely unfamiliar face came into his eyes.

"Who are you?"

The other party instantly became wary, and all around, the people flying out of the white mist also reacted and looked over with wary expressions.

Although they did not come from a fairy sect, but were urgently dispatched from nearby, they still had contact with each other on a daily basis and knew each other, but the person in front of them was a complete stranger.

Then this person has only one identity. He is not from Dongliang, but from Donghuang!

"Are you from Donghuang?"

Xiang Ziyu nodded slightly when he heard the question, and then asked: "But before you ask me, shouldn't you tell me your identity first? Where are you from? What are you doing in our Donghuang? "

The other party did not answer Xiang Ziyu immediately, but looked around.

This is at the edge of the sea, and the view from the coast is excellent. At a glance, there is only one person in sight who is not from Dongliang.

So, the other party just sent such a person to come here?

Guarding this place alone?

I remember that the news that Gu Ling sent back was that someone from the other party was guarding here. From this point of view, the news was indeed true.

However, hadn't Huang Feng and the others already entered the Eastern Wasteland first?

Didn't Huang Feng and the others see this person?

He was full of doubts, and just when he was about to ask, someone on the side said: "We are the ones who killed you."

A man with the eighth level of golden elixir, eight golden elixirs behind his back suddenly shot out rays of light. Three of the eight golden elixirs were vision elixirs, and the visions in these three vision elixirs were all. They are all visions of fire.

When he exploded with all his strength, balls of flames shot out from the golden elixir and gathered in front of him, forming a huge fireball. Like a blazing sun falling from the sky, it crashed towards Xiang Ziyu.

Why are they here?

Naturally, they came to the Eastern Wasteland to snatch resources.

Before, Huang Feng and the others were guarding the seaside of their Eastern Wasteland. Naturally, they entered the Eastern Wasteland first. However, they were further away and needed time to arrive. Now they are a step slower. Maybe Huang Feng and the others , has already entered a certain fairy gate of the other party and started to snatch resources.

If they delay any longer, they will have to drink soup behind Huang Feng.

There is only one person on the other side, and there are so many masters on their side. What is there to be afraid of, and what is there to talk about with the other side? It is easy to kill the other side directly.

The flames suddenly flew down, and the distance between the two sides was extremely close. In just an instant, the flames had already bombarded the opponent's body.

Almost at the same time, two lights and shadows, one black and one white, suddenly appeared on the other party's body.

The black and white light seemed to be two long black and white rivers surrounding each other, and it seemed to be two legendary divine dragons. One of the white divine dragons exuded endless fairy energy, full of ethereal aura, as if It came from beyond the legendary Nine Heavens, and the other black divine dragon was full of domineering, vicious, and eerie and terrifying aura, as if it had flown out of the underworld.

Two rays of light surged, his flame fell, and was completely swallowed by the two rays of light, and the joke disappeared in the blink of an eye.


He was stunned for a moment, and all the people from Dongliang around him were also stunned. This was an existence of the eighth level of the Golden Core. Under the sudden attack, the opponent was able to break through it so easily just by relying on his body-protecting magical power. After attacking, even the golden elixir did not appear behind the opponent's back.

In the golden elixir stage, what you rely on is the golden elixir. Is the opponent so terrifying without the golden elixir?

What kind of existence is this?

Didn't the information from Gu Ling say that the person guarding here was a man with two levels of golden elixir?

While everyone was surprised, Xiang Ziyu shook his head slightly and said: "You are also playing with fire, but your level is far worse than that of my junior sister, let alone my junior wife.

Moreover, you are in danger, do you know that? How dare you do this to the protagonist. If you come, be polite, and as the protagonist, I may not embarrass you, but if you just take action, then..."

While Xiang Ziyu was speaking, behind him, the huge combined elixir completed by ten golden elixirs of vision suddenly appeared, and a terrifying pressure fell on everyone around him.

In particular, the huge black and white shadow on the golden elixir made everyone have the urge to kneel down and worship directly.

"The Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Perfection!"

"not good!"

"Damn Gu Ling, he lied to us!"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they instinctively wanted to return to the white mist. However, as soon as they touched the white mist, a powerful counterattack force came and knocked their bodies away.

Then, in the void, thunder fell down one after another.

Xiang Ziyu took action directly. He was indeed not a murderous person. If these people came here and had a good conversation with him, he would not fight them directly.

But after these people saw him, they took action directly. It was obvious that these people came to their Eastern Wasteland with bad intentions. So what else should they consider? They just took action to kill the opponent directly.

For a moment, outside the white mist, on top of the endless sea, masses of blood flowers continued to burst out.

Xiang Ziyu has practiced so far that his strength cannot even be improved. He has already reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

When he exerted all his strength, there was no one with the Ten Visions Golden Pill Great Perfection on the opposite side. These people were unable to stop him under his attack. In just an instant, more than ten people fell.

At the same time as these people fell, figures continued to fly out of the white mist.

Suddenly, in the white mist, a man with a majestic appearance rushed out from behind, ten golden elixirs of visions, completely combined.

Everyone who had just been attacked by Xiang Ziyu suddenly beamed with joy when they saw the person rushing out.

"Senior Brother Qingyang is here."

"Senior Brother Han, take action quickly!"

Han Qingyang had just flown out of the white mist. Before he could realize what was happening, a purple thunderbolt struck down in front of his eyes.

The thunder was filled with the power to destroy heaven and earth.

In a hurry, he quickly used his magic power, and a huge brown carapace appeared in front of him. On this carapace, there was not the shadow of a black turtle like most defensive weapons and treasures, but the shadow of a giant crab.

The next moment, the purple thunder crashed down, hitting the carapace heavily. Immediately, a crisp click sound came out, the carapace shattered from the middle, and the power of the purple thunder also weakened a little, and the trend also slowed down slightly.

Han Qingyang took this opportunity and quickly dodged to the side.

He dodged quickly enough, but the purple thunder still fell against his body.

Suddenly, the brown protective light on his body suddenly shattered, and his whole body became numb. A vast and unrivaled force rushed straight into his body, knocking him out.

Then, more thunder struck down, hitting the sea below.

Suddenly, a huge water column rose into the sky above the entire sea.

While Han Qingyang was flying, he once again touched the white mist behind him. Suddenly, a force of counter-shock came out, knocking him back again.

Under the successive shocks, he felt a pain in his chest, and he opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

Looking at the young figure opposite, his heart was filled with fear.

The Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen, this is nothing.

He himself also has the Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions, but the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions in front of him is too terrifying!

Although he was not well prepared for the attack just now, he still released his treasure. However, under the opponent's attack, his treasure was instantly shattered.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation!

His treasure, the leader of the alliance, had said that it was barely bearable.

The leader of the alliance is a reincarnated powerful man, and it is extremely rare for him to be evaluated like that by the leader of the alliance.

Then, he was only brushed by the opponent's magical power, not hit from the front. His body-protecting magical power was instantly broken, and he was also knocked away.

If he was hit head-on by the opponent's magical power, wouldn't it mean that he would be severely injured directly?

But the other party didn't seem to be using all his strength.

Han Qingyang looked at the figure opposite and could feel a terrifying pressure from the other person, a pressure that made even him, who was the Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, feel terrifying.

He had only felt this kind of coercion from one person, and that was their Dongliang leader.

However, their alliance leader is a reincarnated powerful man. Could it be that the man in front of him is also a reincarnated powerful man?

Also, this person is guarding here, why didn’t Gu Ling inform him before?

If they knew that the other party had such a master guarding them again, they would definitely have made preparations in advance, but now... they might have killed a lot of people.

He quickly retreated to the rear. As he retreated, he shouted: "Come and distance yourself from the opponent. From a distance, use your magical power to attack him. He is only one person. No matter how strong he is, he cannot stop all of us."

Everyone around them was stunned for a moment when they heard the sound. Senior Brother Han is the existence of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir. Can't Senior Brother Han block the opponent? Why did Senior Brother Han also withdraw?

"Attack together?"

Xiang Ziyu glanced at the white fog and could see that there were many people flying out of the white fog.

From this point of view, the opponent's number is also quite large.

In his hand, the weird-looking, even ugly short stick appeared. Then, on the short stick, there were thirteen orbs that exuded these various auras.

Tiangang Earth Evil Bead!

Once, his short stick was inlaid with ten Tiangang Earth Evil Beads.

Later, during the Nanyang War, he exploded an orb. Although he recovered the orb into powder afterwards, he was never able to restore the powdered treasure.

Therefore, there were only nine orbs on his short stick at one time. Later, I don't know where he found such orbs from, and actually inlaid thirteen orbs on it.

Xiang Ziyu looked at the figures coming out in front of him, using his magic power. The visionary golden elixir behind him turned rapidly, and his whole aura increased greatly.

Behind him, in the golden elixir of the vision, two shadows, one black and one white, full of domineering, royal, and majestic energy suddenly jumped into his body.

Suddenly, his whole person became different. Between heaven and earth, auras visible to the naked eye shot from all directions, from the void, from the ground, from the sea, from the mountains in the distance. Come and fall into Xiang Ziyu's body.

For a moment, Xiang Ziyu's entire aura changed drastically.

In a daze, everyone felt that the master from the Eastern Wasteland in front of them seemed to have changed. They seemed to be facing an immortal from the real immortal world, and also seemed to be a peerless demon king from hell.

The crazy flow of breath in Xiang Ziyu's body entered his short stick, and then, four of the thirteen Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls on the short stick suddenly shot out with dazzling brilliance.

The rays of light were so bright that the surrounding sky and earth, and even the sea below, shook wildly as the rays of light shot out. Layers of huge waves rolled up from under everyone's feet, as if they were going to swallow them all up.

Han Qingyang was instantly frightened to the extreme. Is this aura the power of heaven and earth? Does the other party resonate with heaven and earth?

How is it possible for a golden elixir stage to resonate with heaven and earth? Even the reincarnated leader of the powerful alliance seems to be unable to resonate with heaven and earth!

In his eyes full of horror,

Xiang Ziyu waved the short stick in his hand and pointed forward suddenly.

Suddenly, streams of terrifying power suddenly burst out from these four Tiangang Earth Evil Beads.

In an instant, the surrounding air exploded, and the sea water raised below, under this terrifying impact, even dispersed and slapped down in all directions! For a moment, it felt as if this world was flipped over. The sea fell on top of people's heads, and all the people fell into the sea.

In the void, the power shot out from the four Tiangang Disha gathered together, causing the surrounding air to rotate, forming a huge vortex.

And the endless sea water also fell into the whirlpool.

All around, the magical powers used by everyone fell and fell into the vortex, but they immediately started to spin.

"This is?"

"He blocked our attack by himself?"

Everyone around was stunned. With so many of them attacking together, the opponent actually blocked all their magical powers with just one person's strength?

Before everyone could recover, four more Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls shot out bright light from the short stick in Xiang Ziyu's hand.

These rays of light entered and fell into the huge whirlpool in front of him, which seemed to wrap everyone up.

With the influx of power, the direction of the entire vortex's rotation suddenly changed, from the previous clockwise rotation to counterclockwise rotation.

The different rotations gave the vortex a huge pulling force.

The next moment, the huge whirlpool seemed to be unable to withstand the huge force, and it suddenly opened up, and the endless tearing force surged towards all sides.

The endless sea water was torn apart instantly, and the void was also torn apart, revealing black cracks.

Above the sea, there was a loud noise, as if the whole world collapsed.

The sound was so loud that it shook the entire sea, and countless seawater rose into the sky from the impact of the loud noise.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be destroyed.

In the whirlpool, the God and Demon Record on Xiang Ziyu's body was instantly shattered, and his whole body was thrown upside down by the impact of the air wave.

And all around, the Jindanqi from Dongliang were also bearing this terrifying impact.

Under this move, everyone had to face the same impact, that is, he was also impacted. The record of gods and demons was broken, and the blood was churning, not to mention these ordinary golden elixir stages.

Whether it was the fifth level of the golden elixir, the sixth level of the golden elixir, or even the eighth level of the golden elixir, or even those who had completed the combination of nine golden elixirs, their bodies exploded under the impact one by one!

In just an instant, the sea in this space turned into a sea of ​​blood.

There were even some Jindan Stage from Dongliang who had just flown out of the white mist. They had not yet understood what was happening. Before they even set foot on the ground of Donghuang, their whole bodies were already completely exploded!

Xiang Ziyu once wanted to improve this move because it would also attack him. I just tried my best to change it, so that everyone will bear the same attack when facing this attack.

When he used this move before, the impact he withstood was even stronger than anyone else in the whirlpool.

Today, everyone is under the same attack. Therefore, when he performs this move, he is actually completely comparing himself with others to see whose defense is stronger.

He has a record of gods and demons, and after so many tempers, his body's strength has almost reached the peak of the Golden Core stage.

Therefore, even if everyone is injured, it doesn't matter to him since his defense is strong enough. Moreover, this time, the attack he performed had a larger vortex range and targeted more people, so relatively speaking, the power would be smaller.

The previous time, he used this attack on the Villain Island in Nanyang, and it was directly aimed at Young Master Lianhua and several others, so the power faced by each person was stronger.

Even so, Han Qingyang was bombarded by the impact, his sternum was sunken, and the energy and blood in his body surged.

He raised his head and looked around in shock. In his sight, the ocean was blood red, and there were only a few people standing on the ocean.

With just one blow, dozens of Jindanqi people died, and everyone who was still standing was also seriously injured.

How did he do that?

Han Qingyang's heart was full of doubts and panic. Even the leader of the alliance might not be able to kill so many golden elixirs in one blow!

Is this person more powerful than the leader?

Why would Gu Ling still say that Donghuang is weak when the other party has such a strong person?

Could it be that Gu Ling was controlled by the other party before? But before that, Huang Feng and others also took the lead? Huang Feng and the others have three masters of the Golden Elixir Dzogchen of the Ten Visions, as well as hundreds of Golden Elixir Stage masters.

No matter how strong the person in front of him was, he couldn't possibly kill hundreds of golden elixirs and three ten-vision golden elixirs all by himself.

There must be other masters on the other side!

Also, where are Huang Feng and the others?

In the panic in his heart, there were still figures flying out of the white mist.

The people they sent this time didn't need to be as small as Huang Feng's team.

In the white mist, many people also saw the situation outside. They were also terrified in their hearts, but they wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape.

Entering the white mist, they could only rush out with the white mist and rush into the Eastern Wasteland.

However, they had just rushed out of the white mist. In Xiang Ziyu's hand and on the short stick, four more Tiangang Earth Evil Pearls shot out bright rays of light.

He now has thirteen Tiangang Earth Evil Beads. In addition to the last Tiangang Earth Evil Bead that he has imbued with countless magical powers, there are twelve more. He can release attacks three times, reaching the limit of the Golden Core Stage!

The next moment, the countless sea water and air around him began to rotate again, and the terrifying attack fell again.

Han Qingyang felt as if he had fallen into the whirlpool. The sharp blades of terrifying power sliced ​​open his skin, and countless powers rushed into his body.

Even though he is the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, even though this attack is aimed at a large number of golden elixir stages, under the successive attacks, even he can't bear it, and his body falls backwards and flies out, hitting Bai Bai again. above the mist, and then bounced back by the power of the white mist.

But around him, everyone who had survived the opponent's first attack just like him had all died.

He is a perfect being with ten golden elixirs and can withstand two terrifying attacks. However, others, even those who have completed the combination of ten golden elixirs, cannot withstand two such terrifying attacks.

As for other golden elixir stages that came from the white mist, those who did not complete the elixir combination also died.

This time they sent out a hundred people of the Golden Core Stage. Although they did not enter the White Mist together, the time between entering the White Mist would not be too long. After the opponent attacked twice in succession, most of the Golden Core Stages were gone. It's death.

Suddenly, the white mist surged again, and several more figures flew out of the white mist.

Among them, among these figures, there are also the existence of these two Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

When Han Qingyang saw the two of them, hope suddenly arose in his heart.

He looked at the person from Donghuang opposite. After the opponent launched several terrifying attacks in succession, his face showed an obvious look of exhaustion. Moreover, the attack just now was not only attacking them, but also the opponent himself. Withstand that terrifying attack.

if only……

Suddenly, his brows suddenly furrowed, and in the distance, another figure flew towards him in the void.

That figure flew from the direction of Donghuang. Obviously, it was not from Dongliang.

Moreover, he could clearly see the huge golden elixir behind the opponent's back, which was composed of ten golden elixirs of vision!

Another existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!

These are already two perfect golden elixirs of ten visions, one of which is terrifying and comparable to their leader!

This is what Gu Ling said, the Eastern Wasteland where internal strife is extremely serious and all immortal sects are in ruins!

Damn Gu Ling!

However, if the other party has a Golden Elixir with Ten Visions that is so terrifying, it is impossible for all the Golden Elixir with Ten Visions to be so terrifying.

The Golden Elixir Dzogchen of the Ten Visions flying in front of me cannot possibly be that strong!

The idea had just emerged in Han Qingyang's mind when the terrifying Jin Danqi opposite him had already spoken.

"Senior sister, haven't you already gone to rescue Tianmeimen? Why are you here?"

Han Qingyang's eyes suddenly darkened. What did that person call him? Senior sister?

Is this person his senior brother and sister?

Isn't this person that scary?

Yan Yourong flew forward and said casually: "The other party is all dead. That's not right. It should be said that there are still two of them alive. I originally wanted to kill them all, but the junior sister said, It might be useful to leave a few people behind. So we left two people behind. And I came to see the situation on your side."

Han Qingyang was suddenly shocked. Huang Feng and the others only had two people left dead. Those two people were left behind because the other party wanted to ask?

Huang Feng and the others have a hundred Golden Elixir Stages and three Golden Elixir Dzogchen Perfection beings with ten visions!

They were destroyed so quickly, so in addition to the terrifying golden elixir stage in front of them, Donghuang also had an extremely terrifying power.

When Xiang Ziyu heard Yan Yourong's words, he immediately shook his head and said, "Senior Sister, don't you trust me? I can kill even the Evil Island, let alone these people. So now, Senior Sister, we still need to keep these people Two?"

"Two people have been left behind, what else is left?" Yan Yourong finished his words and rushed forward. At the same time, he unsheathed the Wrathful Dragon Sword in his hand and pointed it towards the person in front of him. Cut off.

In an instant, the surrounding sky was torn apart.

The whole world was shaking crazily at this moment. Above the sea, endless sea water flew up with the fall of this knife.

Han Qingyang clearly knew that the knife in front of him was not aimed at him, but when he saw the knife falling, he felt a sense of despair.

He is also one of the people who compete with each other among the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen that are common in Dongliang. Dongliang is also a master of swordsmanship. At the same time, there is even one of the three deputy leaders of Dongliang. He is a master with the knife.

However, he had never seen such a terrifying knife.

This knife is extremely sharp, almost to the extreme, but what is even more terrifying is that this knife actually contains a strong power of the Five Elements.

With one strike of the knife, his companion with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen was even split into two pieces!

Han Qingyang was so horrified that he was a master of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir, and he died like this. He was beheaded with just one knife!

This second coming of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen existence actually feels no weaker than the previous one!

What kind of place is this Eastern Wasteland? Why is it that one of them is the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and each one of them is so strong? Compared with them, I am nothing like the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir!

As the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill was killed by the opponent with one sword, the remaining monks in Dongliang were all shocked.


Suddenly someone reacted, shouted loudly, and flew away.

All around, the rest of the Golden Core Stage also reacted and fled in all directions.

Although there were many of them, the other party was too terrifying. All the existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection were killed by the other party, let alone them.

Han Qingyang also reacted, pointed in one direction, and ran away quickly.

Behind him, screams continued to sound. He knew that he and his companions were all dead, but he did not dare to look back at all. He just looked in one direction and ran away crazily.

Slowly, the screams behind him became less and less. He knew that it must be that his companions behind him were almost killed. Moreover, he escaped far enough.

"There are so many of us, and everyone who has cultivated to the Golden Core stage is not stupid. We all know how to run away. Although there is the sea and white mist behind us, and the two terrifying Eastern Wasteland monks are opposite us, we are facing in two directions. Disperse, and then run away. There are so many people running away, and even if they chase them, they can't catch them. Someone can always escape. Now it seems that the other party is not chasing me. "

Han Qingyang was glad in his heart that he should have escaped, but he still did not dare to stop and continued to rush forward.

However, the next moment, a figure appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, I haven't seen you before? You are not from Dongliang, are you?"

Han Qingyang was horrified. How could he be so unlucky that he met another person from the Eastern Wasteland?

He glanced at the other party, but he didn't release the golden elixir. He didn't know how high the golden elixir was or what other cultivation realm it was.


A ferocious look suddenly appeared on Han Qingyang's face. Since he saw himself, he could only kill this person.

He didn't believe it. All the people he met along the way were the existences of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir and Great Perfection.

Although he was injured, he was the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir after all. While flying, he was running his magic power. However, in less than a blink of an eye, a huge flame appeared in front of him. At the same time, Shoot towards the opponent.

However, at the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened. Behind the other party, a huge combined elixir appeared, and it was also a combined elixir completed by ten visionary golden elixirs.

Then, the other party opened his mouth very casually and sucked in suddenly.

Suddenly, a giant whale appeared in front of the other party. The giant whale seemed to be able to swallow the world and everything. With one breath, all the flames he shot fell into the giant whale's mouth.

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection!

Why is there another Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen?

Moreover, the opponent can break through his attack so easily. Looking at the opponent's relaxed look, even if he is in his best state, he is definitely no match for the opponent.

What's going on in Donghuang? Why did I encounter the existence of the Ten Visions, Golden Elixir and Dzogchen, and each one of them was so powerful.

Seeing that the opponent was about to rush over, Han Qingyang quickly raised his hands and said, "I admit defeat! I surrender."

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