Linghu Gudu has been wandering around since he separated from Cao Zhen and others that day. Then he didn't know why, but walked to Zhenxian Dynasty. He actually wanted to go to Baifeng Sect to take a look. , go see Cao Zhen and the others.

In fact, throughout his life, he traveled everywhere but really had few friends.

If you have friends, maybe they are Cao Zhen and others.

But he knew that once he went to Baifeng Sect, Cao Zhen and others would definitely keep him, and he might really be persuaded to stay in Baifeng Sect.

He still wanted to look around, so he walked to Dinai Dynasty, and then he discovered the situation at the seaside and found that there was white fog.

However, he was on the other side. Over there, the white fog was far away from the border of the Dalai Dynasty. Moreover, the white fog was so thick that it was impossible to see the situation on the other side clearly.

He was worried that Cao Zhen and others did not know the situation in front of him, so he left here and wanted to go to Baifeng Sect to inform them of his findings.

However, when he went to the Baifeng Sect, Lingxi Qu told him that he already knew about Baiwu's existence, and that Yan Yourong had brought people to the edge of the Dalai Dynasty.

He thought for a while and decided to come here to see what was going on here.

Then he met a man who was running away.

The people of the Baifeng Sect are all wearing the clothes of the Baifeng Sect, but the person in front of him is not wearing the clothes of the Baifeng Sect at all, so he is obviously not a member of the Baifeng Sect.

However, he never expected that the other party would surrender so easily.

A perfect golden elixir of ten visions, such a simple surrender, this is too senseless.

"Since you surrendered, don't resist." Linghu Lonely raised his hand to grab the opponent, and then shot out a series of restraints in the opponent's body.

He had just finished placing the restraint, and there were bursts of sound breaking in the void, and then a strange face that he had never seen before appeared in his sight.

Xiang Ziyu had noticed before that among the many immortal cultivators in Dongliang, the one who arrived first, the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, ran away alone. After solving several golden elixir stages, he chased after him.


Wasn't there only one person who ran away? Why is there one more person? Moreover, he was a stranger whom he had never met before.

Is there anyone from Dongliang coming from other places?

Xiang Ziyu was confused, but he did not stop moving his hands. He raised his palms and blasted a purple thunder in front of him!

Five thunders rectification!

Purple thunder fell from the sky, as if flying down from the ninth heaven, carrying endless power and crashing down.

Linghu was stunned for a moment. He saw the clothes on the other party. He was obviously from the Baifeng Sect.

But, now he is, was he beaten by his own people?

Are all Cao Zhen's disciples so aggressive? Do you take action without asking the situation clearly?

He complained in his mind, but quickly waved his hands in front of him. Suddenly, a five-cornered shield with an extremely weird shape appeared in front of him.

The shield is an unusual orange color, and there are complex lines on the shield. Under the surge of mana, these lines gather together, as if they have life.

Purple thunder fell and hit the shield, causing a dull loud noise.

Amidst the loud noise, Linghu's lonely body swayed slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on Xiang Ziyu's face.

The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection he encountered in Dongliang before felt very weak. Now, finally, he encountered a slightly stronger and interesting Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

Han Qingyang was stunned for a moment. What is going on? Why are they fighting among themselves?

Just as doubts arose in his mind, a voice came out.

"I said, don't fight, don't fight first. I'm one of our own. I know your master, your master's wife, and your senior sister." After Linghu blocked Xiang Ziyu's blow alone, he saw Xiang Ziyu return. He wanted to take action, so he shouted loudly.

He had never seen the person in front of him, but just by relying on the opponent's attack, he knew that this person must be Cao Zhen's disciple Xiang Ziyu.

Fifty years ago, he had stayed with Cao Zhen and others for a long time in that peerless ruins. He often heard Yan Yourong and Ling Xi talking about Cao Zhen's other two disciples, Bei Yan. And Xiang Ziyu.

The magical power used by the man in front of him is a magical power that Cao Zhen and his disciples know. He even knows that the name of this magical power is called Five Thunder Zhengfa. If the person in front of him knows Five Thunder Zhengfa, he must be a disciple of Cao Zhen.

That Bei Yan's appearance was obviously different from the person in front of him. This must be Xiang Ziyu!

Xiang Ziyu also stopped and looked at the person in front of him, the ten golden elixirs of visions behind him, and the shield. His heart suddenly moved, and he asked: "Are you Linghu Gudu?"

Linghu Gudu immediately nodded and said: "Yes, I am indeed Linghu Gudu. It seems that your senior sisters have also mentioned me. I think you are Xiang Ziyu."

Xiang Ziyu nodded seriously and said: "Yes, I am Xiang Ziyu. The senior sisters did say something about you. They said that you have all kinds of turtle shells. You can take out your shield. After it breaks, you can take it out again. The new shield is indeed like this when I see it today."

Linghu Lonely originally had a smile on his face, but when he suddenly heard the words behind him, his face suddenly darkened, and he argued: "What is a turtle shell? A shield is also a magic weapon, I said... eh? Yan Yourong, You came?"

As he was speaking, there was another burst of sound in the air, and Yan Yourong appeared in his sight.

Yan Yourong was stunned for a moment when he saw Linghu alone, and asked curiously: "Didn't you go to the clouds? Why are you here?"

"I did wander, and then I wandered here. After I found the white mist on the opposite side, I went back to tell you Baifeng Sect. As a result, your senior sister told me that you are here, so I rushed all the way over and caught you. Stay with this guy.”

As Linghu Lonely spoke, he raised his hand to grab Han Qingyang and shook it.

Han Qingyang's whole body was shaken for a while, and he was feeling aggrieved. He was a being with ten aberrations and golden elixirs. When had he been so aggrieved? He was being treated like a commodity and was being swayed back and forth.

"That's it." Yan Yourong nodded slightly.

On the side, Xiang Ziyu said: "Senior sister, you just arrived now, but you are a little slow."

"Slow? You just killed a few people and chased after them. The remaining people need to be dealt with by me alone. I'm here now and it's fast enough."

Han Qingyang's heart suddenly sank as he listened to the conversation between the two. Did the other party mean that all their people were dead?

In their group, there were a hundred people who entered the Golden Elixir stage in the Eastern Wilderness, and among them, he included three masters of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir Great Perfection. As a result, he was the only one left now!

And the other party only sent out two people!

Although there were, they flew out of the white mist in batches, and it was not because more than a hundred people faced each other at the same time, but no matter how you calculate it, they were defeated, and there was an extremely huge gap between them. gap.

Moreover, these two masters were obviously not the only ones in the Eastern Wasteland. If they were able to kill Huang Feng and others in another place, there must be other masters.

Then, on the way, I met a person who was a very powerful Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

What exactly is going on in the Eastern Wasteland?

And in their conversation just now, they also said, what else about senior sister and master, are they so strong? How strong will their senior sister be?

Of course, there are also cases in the same sect where senior sisters are not as powerful as junior brothers and sisters. This situation is not uncommon.

But even if they are not as good as each other, there shouldn't be much difference in strength between them.

They also have a master. The disciples are so strong, so the master should be even stronger.

These people seem to be from just one Immortal Sect. If only one Immortal Sect is so strong, then what about the entire Eastern Wasteland?

Why do I feel now that this Donghuang is stronger than Dongliang where I am?

Moreover, in your short time, including Huang Feng and others, Dongliang where you are has lost more than 200 Golden Elixir Stages, including yourself, there are still six Golden Elixir Dzogchen beings. .

This was just one day, and there was such a loss.

Han Qingyang suddenly realized that entering Dongliang, where he was, seemed to be a wrong decision.

While he was thinking, he suddenly found that his body was being shaken.

Linghu Guoling grabbed Han Qingyang and shook it, and said to Lingxi: "By the way, this man surrendered on his own. He is a guy with ten visions and a golden elixir. In order to survive, he has no shame at all. If you interrogate this weakling, you should be able to find out a lot."

"Interrogation or not. As the protagonist, as long as I am here, we will win in the end. Moreover, I know a secret method. He can't even tell the truth if he wants to. Now that you have caught him, just use the secret method. , my secret method has not been used yet."

Xiang Ziyu looked like Han Qingyang when he smiled.

Suddenly, Han Qingyang felt a chill in his heart and had a bad premonition.

Linghu Gudu was very interested in Xiang Ziyu's secret method, but soon he discovered that he couldn't tell what secret method Xiang Ziyu was using.

He just saw a black aura flying out of Xiang Ziyu and falling into the other person's body. Then, the other person became sluggish.

"Okay." Xiang Ziyu looked back at Linghu Lonely and Yan Yourong, then turned to look at each other and asked, "Tell me, what's your name? What fairy sect do you come from?"

The other party looked straight ahead, his eyes seemed to have lost focus, and he replied with a dull expression: "My name is Han Qingyang, from Dongliang..."

Han Qingyang seemed to have really lost his soul. No matter what Xiang Ziyu asked, he always answered.

Soon, Xiang Ziyu and the others figured out the situation in Dongliang.

"So, because Dongliang used to have very serious internal conflicts, they gradually stopped fighting among themselves. But this time the world reversed in the minor era, and because there was a reincarnated power who could overwhelm the entire Dongliang, Dongliang All the major immortal sects in Liang have united and elected a leader and deputy leader.

However, he doesn't know much about this guy, and he can't even accurately tell how many strange phenomena and golden elixirs there are in Dongliang. It's just that there are more than a hundred people, but I don't know the exact number. "

"Actually, it's the same." Linghu Lonely listened to Xiang Ziyu's summary and couldn't help but say, "If I were to ask you, how many visionary golden elixirs there are in Donghuang, I'm afraid you don't know."

Xiang Ziyu was slightly startled, then nodded and said: "I really don't know. After all, we really haven't counted it, and the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection of many immortal sects will continue to change. Just like our Baifeng Sect, in the past fifty years, our Baifeng Sect has added five more Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfections."

Han Qingyang didn't know why, but he had just entered an unusually confused state. He seemed to be in a dream. Then someone asked him many questions, and he answered them instinctively.

However, since I have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, I almost don’t need to sleep.

Even if he rests, it will take a long time. The last time he rested was seven days ago, and now he won't rest at all.

Secret method?

Could it be the secret method the other party just mentioned?

As soon as the idea came to his mind, he heard what the other party said, and he was shocked. It was not an illusion just now. The other party really asked him many questions, and he answered them all.

What does this mean to me? I betrayed Dongliang, if I could be lucky enough to go back...

Just as his idea came to him, the other party's voice came again.

It's just a mountain gate, but within fifty years, five ten visions and golden elixirs have been added to the Great Perfection?

What kind of mountain gate is this? How many visions and golden elixirs must there be in this mountain gate?

If someone else said this, he wouldn't believe it and would definitely think that the other person was bragging.

But the person who said this, in this mountain gate, has seen the other party’s two Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. These two Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection are the most top-notch existences and can be easily killed. A terrifying existence with ten visions and perfect golden elixir.

The Immortal Sect of such a person must be extremely powerful. It does not seem impossible that five Ten Visions and Golden Elixirs have been added to the Great Perfection in fifty years.

This is just one Immortal Sect. Donghuang doesn’t know how many Immortal Sects there are.

They Dongliang actually want to attack such a place.

Not to mention, they have entered two hundred golden elixir stages. Even if they enter more golden elixir stages, two thousand golden elixir stages will not be enough!

Xiang Ziyu no longer dwelled on this issue, but said: "In short, they came here just to rob our Donghuang resources. The first two groups of people did it because they judged that our Donghuang was very weak, and, It also takes time for them to mobilize experts.

Later, they will definitely send more people into our Eastern Wasteland. Of course, it is also possible that when they see that the people who entered our Eastern Wilderness have not responded, they may realize that there is a problem, so they stop sending people to our Eastern Wilderness? "

"It is possible, but we have to prepare for the worst. So we need to send more people." Yan Yourong looked at the white mist in the distance and said in a deep voice, "We want to Let more immortal sects send experts, not only for defense, but also to invade Dongliang.

I don’t believe it, only the people from Dongliang can enter our Donghuang, and we from Donghuang will never be able to enter Dongliang. "

"So, do we still need to stay here for the time being? Forget it, I'll find the ax madman and ask him to come over. We can then compete again."

Another section of the Eastern Wasteland, Dongliang.

At the edge of the sea, a man who looked very young but full of mature and steady aura frowned tightly and whispered: "They have been in for a long time, why haven't they responded? They are here What exactly happened there?

There are more than 200 Jindan Stage, and there are a total of six Ten Visions Jindan. Even if they encounter danger, they should be able to escape one or two people, and there should be someone who can respond through the clan.

Why is there no reaction at all now? "

On one side, a very charming-looking woman whispered: "Deputy leader, or should we contact them through the clan?"

"No!" The deputy alliance leader refused without thinking: "If they encounter an accident, they may fall into the hands of the other party now. Contacting them through the clan will completely expose us."

"Then what do we do now?"

"Wait, report this situation to the alliance leader, and then wait, don't send any more people to the Eastern Wasteland for the time being."

Linghu hurried to the beach of Donghuang alone, and left in a hurry. Xiang Ziyu and Yan Yourong were here, so there would be no problems for the time being, and he was not the kind of person who could stay alone. character.

So after he found out that nothing happened, he was about to leave again, but he took Han Qingyang away with him. Moreover, on the way back, he met Wuxiang's team.

Although Wu Xiang didn't know him, after explaining his identity, he threw Han Qingyang to Wu Xiang and left.

On the flying boat where Wuxiang was, Huang Feng and Gu Ling looked at Han Qingyang who was thrown in and were a little confused for a moment.

Gu Ling glanced at the person responsible for guarding them outside, paused slightly, and then asked: "Senior Brother Han, why are you here too?"

For so many years of cultivation, this was the first time that he was detained and guarded by others. He was not used to it at first, but gradually he got used to having people outside.

Han Qingyang's face turned ugly when he saw Gu Ling. But when he heard Gu Ling's question, his whole body seemed to explode, and he roared in a low voice: "You still have the nerve to ask me, if you hadn't delivered false news, If you hadn't told us that Donghuang is very weak, why would the deputy leader send us here? If we didn't enter Donghuang, how could I be caught?

Do you know how many people you have killed? One hundred of us entered the Golden Core Stage of the Eastern Wasteland, and except for me, everyone else was killed! Among those people are my fellow disciples and some of your fellow disciples!

You were the one who killed them all. The world of Immortal Cultivation in Donghuang is obviously so strong, why do you say that Donghuang is so weak? "

His veins popped out, his eyes widened, and he stared at Gu Ling. If he hadn't been restrained now, and his entire cultivation level was sealed, he would definitely take action and blast Gu Ling in front of him. kill!

Gu Ling said with aggrieved face: "I...I don't know, the news I found out is that this place is really weak."

"Weak? Do you know that a hundred of us were destroyed after encountering a few opponents? There were two people, and the opponent only had two people. In fact, most of us were killed by one person, and then later, another person came There was a woman with a knife, and she and the man from before took action together, just to clean up the mess."

"The woman with the knife? We have met the woman with the knife before." When Huang Feng heard the woman with the knife, he immediately understood who Han Qingyang was talking about, and whispered, "That woman is really scary, I It even feels like he doesn’t need to be much weaker than the deputy leader.”

When Han Qingyang heard what the other party said, he immediately sneered disdainfully: "Deputy leader? You said he is the leader of your Feitian Sect. You really think highly of your leader. You should say this in a relaxed manner. You It should be said that your sect leader may not be much weaker than the woman holding the knife.

Do you know what I saw? The woman with the knife killed a fellow Taoist who had attained the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir with one blow. Can your master do it? Not only can your leader not be able to do it, but in our entire Dongliang, only the alliance leader can do it.

To be more precise, that woman is not much weaker than our leader! "

Huang Feng frowned suddenly. Did he still know how powerful the woman with the knife was? He said this deliberately to show that Dongliang was very strong. Why couldn't Han Qingyang see this?

Outside, the disciple in charge of guarding was originally just curious to listen to the conversation of several people, but after hearing several people talking to each other and a woman holding a knife, he really couldn't listen any more. He raised his hand and patted the makeshift prison, and scolded: "What? The woman using the sword is the elder of our Baifeng Sect Law Enforcement Immortal Palace, Senior Sister Yan Yourong. You are all called Fairy Yan, do you understand?

Let me hear you talk about women using swords again, and I will let you know what it feels like to be in the palm of a sword. "

When Huang Feng and Han Qingyang heard this, they were immediately excited. They were the existences of the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir with ten strange phenomena, and the guy in front of them was just an ordinary Golden Elixir stage, and he actually dared to threaten them like this.

In their Dongliang, in their immortal sect, those ordinary Jindanqi saw them, and no one was respectful. But now, their cultivation has been sealed, and they can only accept each other's touch when they are under the roof. gas.

Han Qingyang glanced at the disciple guarding outside, as if he was afraid that the other party would get angry and really beat him. He instantly turned around, looked at Huang Feng and Gu Lingren and shouted: "That one, take... Yan Xianzi, you are already strong enough. , but do you know that she is not the strongest person I have ever seen, there was a brave man before, he... his magic weapon was a short stick, do you know how much more terrifying he is? "

As he said that, he glanced at the disciple guarding outside again. He didn't know what to call that person.

The guarding disciple seemed to know why the other party was looking at him, and explained aloud: "The person you are talking about is the elder of our Baifeng Sect, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu."

Han Qingyang nodded repeatedly, and then said: "That Elder Xiang is probably the strongest Jindan stage I have ever seen. I even feel that he is more terrifying than our alliance leader. Of course, that is just a feeling. Who is he and the alliance leader?" Strong, I can't judge, and no one knows how strong the leader is. No one in Dongliang is worthy of the leader's full strength.

As for Elder Xiang, if Fairy Yan hadn't arrived, I even felt that he could have killed all of us by himself. As soon as he struck down, dozens of people in the golden elixir stage were killed, and even I was severely injured! "

"It's him!"

Huang Feng suddenly remembered that he heard what Yan Yourong and others said before, saying that their junior brother rushed to the beach alone. Now it seems that what they said at that time was true?

"Do you know him?" Han Qingyang suddenly became angry, "Do you know such a terrifying person? Why don't you inform us quickly and let us enter the Eastern Wasteland?"

"When I knew it, I had already been caught by them. How could I inform you! Am I not being killed?" Facing the roaring Han Qingyang, Huang Feng raised his head and yelled. He was not Gu Ling. It is also the existence of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and he will not be afraid of Han Qingyang.

"You two, please keep your voices down, what are you yelling at?" The disciple in charge of guarding outside knocked hard on the door. Then he looked at Gu Ling curiously and said, "Actually, I'm also quite curious. You How did you determine that our Donghuang is very weak?"

"I..." Gu Ling knew that he had made a big mistake this time, and it was a big mistake that could not be repaired. Not to mention that he was now in the hands of the people in Donghuang. Even if he could return to Dongliang, he would still be in trouble. The fate will definitely be execution.

After all, two hundred golden elixir stages have died because of him.

However, he really believed that his judgment at that time was not wrong. He also wanted to know where he was wrong. When he heard the other party's inquiry, he said: "I really didn't want to lie to you, and I didn't think that I My judgment was wrong. After I came here, I saw a person observing the situation on the beach. After the other person saw us, he immediately ran away.

That is just a second-level Jindan existence. We in Dongliang, ever since the white mist appeared and you can see the situation on the other side through the white mist, have always sent a large number of masters to guard the edges of our Dongliang.

Under normal circumstances, their Donghuang should be like this, but they have no one to guard them, so I judge that their Donghuang may be extremely weak.

Of course, I didn't judge based on this. After I flew all the way here, I found that there were very few people here. Moreover, I also saw two mountain gates along the way. Those two mountain gates were obviously huge, but they were all abandoned. .

If it weren't for their serious internal strife in the Eastern Wasteland, how could they be abandoned?

Even the third mountain gate I saw, although there were people, was very simple. There were only two people in that mountain gate from beginning to end, and one of them was from another immortal sect.

Moreover, the materials of their mountain protection formation are also very poor, so I comprehensively judge that the internal fighting in the Eastern Wasteland is very serious. "

The disciple who was in charge of guarding outside heard the sound and immediately laughed. He finally knew why the other party made such a judgment. He thought about it for a while, but nodded lightly and said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with what you think.

However, the situation you encountered is somewhat special.

First of all, the area you are in is called the Dalai Dynasty. The Dalai Dynasty is indeed a desolate place in our Eastern Wasteland.

Before, there were three major immortal sects in the Dalai Dynasty, and these three immortal sects all provoked our Baifeng Sect. Later, they themselves became afraid, and before we could take action, all three immortal sects fled.

So far, our Baifeng Sect has not found where they are hiding. Because they fled, their three immortal gates were left in ruins. Among them, the mountain gate closest to our Baifeng Sect was later founded by Fairy Qiao Jingyao. This is also because Fairy Qiao Jingyao has some connections with our Baifeng Sect.

As for the other two mountain gates, although our Baifeng Sect has not said that those two mountain gates belong to us, and we have no intention of occupying those two mountain gates, no one has yet gone to build the mountain gates there.

The Immortal Sect re-established by Fairy Qiao Jingyao has only existed for more than forty years. In such a short period of time, there are naturally no masters and not many disciples. "

Gu Ling finally understood that this was really not a problem with his own judgment. Under normal circumstances, his own judgment would not be wrong. It was just that he was unlucky and encountered this special situation.

However, he still didn't understand something.

"After that, I met an immortal. He said that he was the peak master of the second peak of your Hundred Peaks Sect, but he was only the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, so I think he should be the second peak of your Hundred Peaks Sect. Two strong men.

I also found out later that your Hundred Peaks Sect is really the strongest immortal sect in the entire Eastern Wasteland. The strongest sect has a hundred peaks. The strongest person in the second strongest peak is not the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. I It is even more certain that your Hundred Peaks Sect is not that strong, so the Immortal Cultivation World in the Eastern Wasteland should not be that strong either. "

The disciples outside suddenly laughed when they heard this: "Senior Brother Wuxiang is indeed the peak master of the Five Elements Peak, and the Five Elements Peak is indeed the second-ranked peak of our Hundred Peaks Sect. However, the strength of Senior Brother Wuxiang is not as good as ours. Zong Ke was not ranked second.

In our Hundred Peaks Sect, the strongest person is naturally our sect master, but the peak masters of each peak are not necessarily the strongest people. Just like the Feixian Peak ranked first in our Hundred Peaks Sect, although the peak leader is Senior Brother Nie Jie of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, Senior Brother Nie Jie is not the strongest person in Feixian Peak.

Moreover, our Baifeng Sect also has a Four Treasure Peak. The ones you have seen before, Senior Sister Yan Yourong, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu, Senior Brother Beiyan and Senior Sister Yisheng are all from Four Treasure Peak. It can be said that almost all the strongest people in our Hundred Peaks Sect come from Sibaofeng.

And the leader of our Baifeng Sect is the master of the Four Treasures Peak, and is also the master of Senior Sister Yan Yourong and the others! "

When Gu Ling heard this, he immediately didn't understand. Why was this Four Treasure Peak not the number one peak in the Hundred Peaks Sect if it was so powerful? There was something even more unclear to him.

"I previously judged that you, the Eastern Wilderness, are weak. Another very important point is that the strongest dynasty in your Eastern Wilderness is actually called the Zhenxian Dynasty. With such a name, it is clear that the mortal emperor has surpassed your immortal world, so I I think your world of cultivating immortals is extremely weak.

I even went to a city of you mortals in the Eastern Wasteland, met the mortals, and talked with you mortals in the Eastern Wasteland. I even discovered that you mortals in the Eastern Wasteland are not afraid of us immortal cultivators at all. What else can we say about immortal cultivators and mortals? Equality, this makes me even more convinced that you cultivators are weak. "

"The Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty exists because, before the Little Era when the world was reversed in the Eastern Wasteland, we had a person who was recognized as the strongest person, and he came from the imperial court."

When the soldier guarding the outside said this, he paused slightly and said: "As for why the Zhenxian Dynasty can still exist now, it is because there is also a recognized strongest person in the East Wasteland today, and that is our Hundreds. The head sect of the Feng Sect is also the national advisor of the Zhenxian Dynasty.

He decreed that equality between mortals and immortals should be maintained, so the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty still existed, and everyone still abided by the laws of the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty. "

The most powerful person in the Eastern Wasteland.

Han Qingyang suddenly thought of the Xiang Ziyu he had met before. That Xiang Ziyu was already so terrifying, but he was not even the strongest person in the Eastern Wasteland.

So, how terrifying is this leader of the Hundred Peaks Sect, the most powerful person in the Eastern Wasteland?

Just when he was confused, the flying boat suddenly stopped. Then, he found that the flying boat entered a mountain gate, then the flying boat landed, and the three of them were taken out of the flying boat.

This is, arriving at the other party’s mountain gate?

So fast?

The flying boat they were riding in was not flying very fast, otherwise, Linghu Lonely would not have caught up with him.

But now, they still reached the other side's mountain gate so quickly. It can only be said that the other side's mountain gate is not far from the coast.

This is the first Immortal Sect in the Eastern Wasteland, and apart from the newly established Tianmei Sect, they did not see any other Immortal Sect along the way.

Therefore, when they from Dongliang invade Donghuang, they will soon face this terrifying, the number one immortal sect in Donghuang!


The three of them were quickly imprisoned. While they were being imprisoned, although they did not see the full strength of the Baifeng Sect, they also saw the golden elixir stages one by one.

I saw mountain peaks and ancient buildings.

Obviously, this Immortal Sect did not become the number one Immortal Sect in the Eastern Wasteland because of the emergence of a group of extremely skilled masters, but this Immortal Sect was already extremely powerful!

This is obviously an immortal sect that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years!

After the Baifeng Sect imprisoned the three people, they ignored them for the time being. Nie Jie informed the major immortal sects about the situation on their side and asked them to send experts to the border of the Dalai Dynasty.

After all, if Dongliang attacks, it will target the entire Donghuang. It is impossible for them to let the Baifeng Sect's immortal sect resist the opponent.

At the other end of the Eastern Barren Continent, Cao Zhen took his two young disciples, because the distance was too far to fly from one end of the Eastern Barren Continent to the other. Even if he had already set off, he was only at this time. Just on the road.

During the flight, he also contacted his disciples, and soon learned about Dongliang's invasion, and at the same time he also learned about the specialness of the white mist.

"So, we can't enter other places through the white mist on the Dalai Dynasty side, but people from other places can pass through that white mist and enter our Eastern Wasteland.

Correspondingly, people from the area on the other side of our East Wasteland cannot enter our East Wasteland through the white fog, but our people from the East Wasteland can enter another area through the white fog? "

Cao Zhen and his two disciples flew with all their strength, and they still flew for a long time. It took almost two months in total to fly to the Jibian Dynasty.

It can be said that Jibian Dynasty is Huang Hao who is farthest from Baifeng Sect. This is his first time coming to Jibian Dynasty.

I don’t know whether it’s because the edge of the Eastern Wilderness is more barren, or for other reasons. The several dynasties on the edge of the Eastern Wilderness are not prosperous enough.

The Jibian Dynasty is not even as big as the Dalai Dynasty. There are only two immortal sects in the entire Jibian Dynasty. Moreover, these two immortal sects are also very interesting. One of the immortal sects is called Wangchuan Sect, and the other is called Wangchuan Sect. Yue Zong.

Although the Jibian Dynasty was small, because there were only two immortal sects in the entire dynasty, neither the Wangchuan Sect nor the Wangyue Sect were weak.

Cao Zhen didn't stop at Jibian Dynasty and flew directly to the place where Jibian Dynasty meets the opposite continent.

Nie Jie had already informed the Wangchuan Sect and Wangyue Sect through the sect's Biao that Cao Zhen was about to go.

And even though they know that there is a high probability that the other side will not be able to reach their Eastern Wilderness Continent through the white mist, they have always sent people to guard here.

Because they knew that Cao Zhen, the number one person in the Eastern Wilderness today, was coming, the head sects of Wangchuan Sect and Wangyue Sect, the two major immortal sects, and many masters from the immortal sects were already waiting here.

Cao Zhen had just put away his flying boat and landed from the void. Around him, the heads of the two major immortal sects were already greeting him.

"I've met Cao Zhangzong."

Even the Jibian Dynasty, which is the farthest away from the Baifeng Sect, is rumored to have the shadow of Cao Zhen here.

Cao Zhen glanced at the two people, nodded slightly towards them, looked at the white mist not far away, and stopped talking to the two of them. He raised his hand and pointed at the white mist and said, "You all know that this is What’s the situation in Baiwu? I don’t know, have you sent anyone to the other side?”

"Not at all." Wangchuan Sect's headmaster immediately shook his head when he heard this and said, "Since Cao Zhangzong wanted to come in person, we have not tried to see if we can enter the white mist."

In fact, after Bai Wu appeared before, they also wanted to give it a try, but they felt that under the current situation, the entire Donghuang was temporarily united, and it was necessary for them to inform other immortal sects.

Although Cao Zhen was not an alliance leader, Cao Zhen was the number one expert in the Eastern Barrens, and the Hundred Peaks Sect he belonged to was the number one Immortal Sect in the Eastern Wilds, so they naturally notified the Hundred Peaks Sect.

Then, news came one after another, and they also understood the situation of Bai Wu. They even knew that they might be able to enter another area through the Bai Wu here.

They had also discussed before whether to enter another area to take a look at the situation before Cao Zhen arrived.

However, in the end they rejected it.

Even Dongliang knew that there were experts left to guard the area near Baiwu. It was impossible for the area opposite them not to know about it.

If they entered rashly, they would probably be regarded as intruders.

Moreover, what they will face at that time are all the immortal sects in the entire opponent's region. Although Wangchuan Sect and Wangyue Sect are strong, they cannot compete with others in the entire region.

So they really didn't enter the white mist. They have been waiting here for Dao Cao Zhen to arrive.

Hearing the sound, Cao Zhen nodded slightly, then looked at the opposite side, thought for a while and said, "Duoduo, you and Zhu Peng wait here first, and I will go over first. After making sure there is no danger, I will notify you to go there."

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