Everyone in the Dongliang Immortal Cultivation World has always believed that their Cultivation World should be stronger than those in other regions, because their leader in Dongliang is a reincarnated great master!

Moreover, their leader does not practice on his own, but sometimes guides their disciples of the Immortal Sect.

The Immortal Sect where the alliance leader is located has greatly increased in strength as a result, becoming the strongest Immortal Sect during the reversal of the Dongliang Universe during the Little Era.

There are even two existences of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection, both saying that if it were not for the existence of the leader, they would have become the Nine Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

And when one Immortal Sect becomes stronger, it stimulates the other Immortal Sects to practice even more crazily, which makes their entire Dongliang Immortal Cultivation World's strength increase a lot.

That's why they have enough confidence to be stronger than the immortal cultivators in other regions.

But they never expected that the world of immortal cultivation in Donghuang would be so strong.

Except for the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, the first person from Donghuang to enter their Dongliang was simply terrifyingly strong, able to reflect so many magical powers back, and even survived being attacked by so many magical powers.

If it were the Ordinary Ten Visions of Golden Elixir Dzogchen, it would have been reduced to rubble after being attacked by so many Golden Elixir Stages!

And then, the two women who appeared were equally terrifying. They actually joined forces to use magical powers and launched other magical attacks.

Before they could attack again, masters from Donghuang rushed out from the white mist one by one, and all of these masters were the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

"The Golden Elixir of Ten Visions is the Great Perfection, or the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions is Great Perfection!"

"To the south, the existence of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions has also appeared over there. To the north, there have been more than a dozen Golden Elixir of Ten Visions and Great Perfection appearing in the north!"

"Why are there so many Ten Visions, Golden Elixir and Great Perfection?"

"Did they all come out in Donghuang? Didn't they leave anyone to defend their own mountain gate, and didn't they defend the other side of Donghuang?"

"No, even if they all come out in force, they shouldn't have so many Ten Vision Golden Pills and Great Perfection. This number can even be read as more than a hundred."

A group of masters of the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection in Dongliang saw that the masters of the opponent's Ten Vision Golden Elixir Great Perfection were already dispatched, so they naturally flew up to fight.

But soon, they discovered something was wrong.

"There are still ten visionary golden elixirs that are entering, how many ten visions and golden elixirs are there in the Eastern Wasteland!"

The monks from Dongliang were completely confused as they looked at the existences of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection flying out of the white mist.

"When they came back with the news, didn't they say that Donghuang was weak? This is called very weak!"

"What message were they delivering? After they delivered the message, everyone disappeared. How could they still believe the message they delivered!"

Although the monks in Donghuang have not fought each other in these years, they fought very hard in the past. Just like the Immortal Suppressing Dynasty, although the monks of the ten major immortal sects did not fight each other, the monks of other dynasties did. Fighting with the monks from the Eastern Wasteland.

Over the years, it was only because of Cao Shen, because of the suppression of the Baifeng Sect, and because they knew that Donghuang was about to be connected to the Central Five Continents, that they suppressed their warlike intentions. However, over the years, they have also been severely suppressed in their hearts. Now it is not easy. After finding an outlet, the major immortal sects only left some of their own strength to protect themselves, and they almost came out in full force!

"Haha, brother Xiang, I didn't ask you to rush in first, you had to rush in first. You are injured like this, don't blame me. I will kill their leader of Dongliang in a while, but don't blame me. Victory without force!

This time, I will definitely win their competition! "

The ax maniac laughed wildly, raised the giant ax in his hand, and charged directly towards the opposite side.

Although, now, this space has gathered a large number of masters of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, but as the Ax Madman's fighting spirit skyrocketed, and his aura climbed to the peak, behind him, the ten visions of the Perfection Pill were completed. The golden elixir suddenly bloomed with an incomparably bright brilliance, even vaguely overshadowing the light emitted by the golden elixirs and even the rays of supernatural powers surrounding them.

He looked at the three Dongliang Jindan monks in front of him and suddenly swung his giant ax to chop them down.

Suddenly, in the void, there was an unparalleled tyranny, which seemed to be splitting apart the terrifying aura spreading across the world. When it fell, there was a sense of creation, as if it was the rumor that split the world. The ax fell.

The existences of the three golden elixir stages looked at the falling giant ax and wanted to dodge, but the huge shadow of the ax fell and spread across the sky.

The next moment, three muffled sounds were heard in the void, and three balls of blood exploded.

With one blow of the ax, the three of them died instantly, and the red blood flew around like fireworks exploding in the dark night.

The remaining power of this ax did not even dissipate, it was still shot towards the rear.

Vaguely, behind the ax shadow, there is even a shadowy figure of a sturdy barefoot savage. This figure exudes this ancient wild atmosphere, like the legendary giant spirit god, swinging the giant ax and slashing down. Come.

Behind, a master of Dongliang's Ten Visions and Golden Elixir who had just rushed here looked at the ax that seemed to split the earth into two pieces, with a solemn look on his face.

A giant ax appeared in each of his left and right hands. The magic weapon he used was also a giant axe. The reason why he flew here was because he found that the other party was an ax user, and he wanted to have a look. The Eastern Wasteland monk His ax skills, but he didn't expect that the monk from Donghuang in front of him would be so terrifying.

He had two giant axes, one golden and one silver. Looking at the shadow of the falling ax in front of him, he quickly crossed the axes to form an X shape.

Suddenly, a sharp ray of light shot out from the two giant axes.

However, when these two rays of light touched the ax shadow, they collapsed, and the ax shadow was also dimmed a lot because of the influence of these two ax energy.

But even so, the shadow of the ax still flew forward, bombarding everyone who was using the double axe.

Suddenly, the cyan body-protecting magical power on his body suddenly shook, and the color of the body-protecting magical power also dimmed by half, and his body flew backwards and flew out under the impact.

In the rear, many Dongliang Jindan monks who were close to each other were greatly frightened. Two of the three were at the eighth level of the Jindan, and one was at the ninth level of the Jindan. He even completed the existence of the combined elixir. He was killed with an axe!

The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is naturally powerful, but the problem is, these three people work together, and there is no resistance at all!

Even after killing three people with that ax, it was still able to scare away the monks who thought the Ten Visions Golden Pill was perfect.

"This, this is definitely not the ordinary Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!"

"This is...he hasn't stopped yet!"

In the horrified eyes of the Dongliang monks, the ax madman suddenly rushed to Dongliang, who had blocked his axe, and in front of the Dongliang, Shiyixiang Jindan Dzogchen monk, the giant ax in his hand struck down again!

As soon as the knife fell, a clear crack suddenly appeared in the air in front of Ax Madman, and there was a crisp sound like a "click" in the air, which sounded like a broken mirror.

A violent wind blew out from the giant axe, and for a moment, the clouds in the sky were blown away by this powerful force.

Ax Madman's whole body was shining brightly, like an ancient killing god.

His ax seemed to be an ordinary axe, but when the huge ax fell, it gave people the illusion that it was inevitable and that no matter how you dodge, you would be hit by this axe.

The next moment, his giant ax fell.

He also used an axe. In front of him, the double axes in the hands of the cultivator of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Perfection in Donghuang actually swung to both sides uncontrollably under this axe.

The ax maniac chopped off both sides of the opponent's axes with one axe, and then chopped them off with another axe the next moment!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise like a mountain exploding, and blood rose into the sky.


Surrounded by countless monks from Dongliang, they felt a burst of Dharma on their backs. It was the existence of the Ten Visions of Golden Elixir. In front of this Donghuang monk, he was killed with two axes!

While they were in shock, a biting cold air suddenly came from a distance.

Everyone turned around and looked in the direction where the cold air was coming from.

In the void, a man held a crescent-like silver scimitar in his finger. A stream of icy air was pouring out of the scimitar. In an instant, the space where he was was seemed to be frozen. The ground beneath his feet was covered with a thick layer of frost, and even the river between Donghuang and Dongliang was frozen!

Above the void, suddenly, a crescent moon appeared!

The next moment, he suddenly waved his arm, and suddenly, a cold sword light appeared in the sky. Wherever it passed, the void, the ground, and everything around him were frozen!

Even those who were very far away felt the chill. The monks in Dongliang who were closer felt that their bodies seemed to be frozen, and their souls seemed to have been frozen to pieces!

Opposite Lord Hao Yue Xing, there were two beings with ten visions and golden elixirs. They even felt the cold air blowing towards their faces, like ice that had not melted for thousands of years, which slightly affected the movement of their mana.

"Ice? Let's see if it's your ice that's cold, or our fire that's hot!"

"No matter how cold the cold air is, it will be burned into water under the flames!"

Behind the two of them, the visionary golden elixir burst out with bright light at the same time, and balls of flames flew out from behind them. The two of them came from the Immortal Sect. They practiced fire-based magical powers, and even the magical powers they used were it's the same.

For a time, countless flames gathered in this void and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire. They rushed towards the cold air with the heat that seemed to be able to burn up all the wasteland and the sea.

The next moment, cold air and flames collided together. In the void, it could be clearly seen that two completely different breaths were impacting each other. For a while, no one could break through the other's breath.

"This... is so scary!"

"That's just the Great Perfection of the Golden Core with Ten Visions, but he alone blocked the flames of the two Perfection Perfections of the Golden Core with Ten Visions in Dongliang!"

"This man...the chill in the air is even heavier."

Above the void, behind Lord Haoyue, the shadow of a palace suddenly appeared.

This palace, everyone has never seen such a palace, but the moment they saw this palace, they New China had a feeling that this palace flew down from the moon in the sky.

As the palace emerged, the terrifying icy aura surged in like a torrent. The sea of ​​​​fire burning crazily ahead suddenly froze at this moment!

The endless cold air rushed forward along the flames, rushing towards the two people with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection on the opposite side.

The two of them never expected that if they jointly used magical powers, they would be suppressed by each other alone.

The cold air hit them, and both of their bodies trembled uncontrollably. Although it was only a brief tremor, this brief moment was enough to be fatal.

In the void, a silver arc of light passed through, the scimitar in Haoyue Xingjun's hand passed through the necks of the two people, and the two heads flew down.

In an instant, two people with ten visions and golden elixirs died!

At the Immortal Martial Competition of Zhenxian Dynasty, if Cao Zhen hadn't seen through the weakness in his magical powers, Cao Zhen wouldn't have been able to stop his magical powers, let alone these two people.

Everyone in Dongliang was shocked when they saw the opponent's ax master take action before, but at this time, they discovered that what was even more shocking was yet to come.

"One, the other party's Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen actually killed two of our Golden Elixir Dzogchen beings!"

"He was killed head-on!"

"Why, why are the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen in Donghuang so strong? Compared with Donghuang, our Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is not even like the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!"

For a moment, the battle had just begun, and everyone in Dongliang actually wanted to retreat.

Haoyue Xingjun killed the two opponents, raised his head towards the middle position of the opponent, and shouted loudly: "Don't think that you are the only one who is the reincarnation. I, Haoyue, am also the reincarnation."

After saying this, the expressions of everyone in Dongliang changed drastically.

"What, there is also a reincarnated power in Donghuang?"

"That Coco is a reincarnation power. How many people in the world can be reincarnated? They actually have a reincarnation power in Donghuang!"

"No wonder Donghuang is so strong, it turns out there is a powerful reincarnation!"


When everyone was surprised, Lord Haoyuexing spoke again: "Leader of Dongliang Alliance, do you dare to fight me!"

"In a battle with you, everything must come first, first served. But you are not the reincarnated power, I am also the reincarnated power. I should be the one to fight him first." Ax Crazy heard the words of Lord Haoyuexing, but he was very surprised. Urgently, he shouted and rushed towards the opposite side.

Everyone in Dongliang was completely shocked.

"What? There is another reincarnated power?"

"There are actually two reincarnated powerful men in the Eastern Wasteland?"

"How can they have two reincarnated powerful men!"


As soon as Madman Ax finished his words, suddenly, another voice echoed through the space.

"If it's said to be first come, first served, then I came first. I should come first." After being knocked away by everyone, Xiang Ziyu stabilized his breath and flew up again. Although he was hit by a number of magical powers, However, his Divine Demon Record helped him block most of the magical powers, and his own physical body was strong enough. Later, his two senior sisters helped him resist the magical powers behind him. His injuries were not as serious as they seemed.

"That man, he can still fight!"

"Looking at his vision golden elixir, it doesn't feel very illusory. His combat power is still there!"

"He was attacked by so many people at the same time before. Not to mention that he was not killed, but he can still fight again?"

"Isn't he also a reincarnated power?"

The people in Dongliang had even begun to despair. At this moment, they finally knew why no news came back from the more than 200 masters of the Golden Core stage sent out by Dongliang.

In such a terrifying Eastern Wasteland, not to mention the more than 200 masters of the Golden Core stage, even if they send two thousand Golden Core stage masters, I am afraid that all of them will never return!

Xiang Ziyu seemed to hear everyone's exclamations. He rushed forward and even shouted loudly: "I am not a reincarnated great master, but my master is a reincarnated great master, but the master did not come.

And I am a stronger existence than the reincarnated power, because I am the only, real protagonist! "

Xiao Beiyan was speechless after listening to Xiang Ziyu's words. How many years have passed, if they were mortals, they might have grandchildren by now, but his senior brother is still so unreliable, talking about the protagonist every day. of.

He complained in his heart, and all around him, the wind and fire disasters also dissipated.

All around, Dongliang monks saw that the Wind and Fire Heavenly Tribulation was about to affect them. Seeing the Wind and Fire Heavenly Tribulation disappear, they immediately let out a sigh of relief, but the next moment, their eyes widened suddenly.

That person, who had cultivated in the Wind and Fire Tribulation, was still floating in the void, and he didn't seem to be injured at all!

Suddenly, all of them were stunned.

Now is the Little Era period when the universe is reversed. After the great tribulation of wind and fire, if the tribulation is successful, it means becoming an Earth Immortal, and it will inevitably fall into deep sleep.

And if it fails, it will directly die in the wind and fire disaster.

But what is going on with the person in front of me?

The Wind and Fire Tribulation was clearly over, but he neither died nor fell asleep. What does this mean?

The Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe is clearly not over yet!

What's more, he didn't become an Earth Immortal. So did he succeed in overcoming the tribulation or failed?

I have never heard of anyone who, after overcoming the tribulation, did not become an Earthly Immortal but was still safe and sound.

not good!

Suddenly, they were stunned, and in the void, clusters of calamity clouds gathered again. They were the calamity clouds of the wind, fire, and heavenly calamity!

As Bei Yan unleashed his fighting power again, heavenly calamity struck again in the void.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"How can he keep surviving the tribulation?"

"It's clear that the tribulation has just ended!"

"I've never heard of anyone who can survive the tribulation of wind, fire and heaven twice!"

All of a sudden, a group of monks from Dongliang ran desperately towards the distance, but everyone in Donghuang already knew about Beiyan's special situation, and no one approached Beiyan at all.

Bei Yan has experienced too many wind and fire tribulations. When he faced the wind and fire tribulations at the beginning, he had to be cautious, fearing that he would accidentally capsize.

But later, he felt that he was already immune to the wind, fire and catastrophe.

Anyone who comes here will have to experience the wind, fire and heavenly tribulations several times every month. This has happened every year for fifty years. Anyone else will be used to the wind, fire and heavenly tribulations.

When Xiao Beiyan caused the wind and fire disaster again, groups of flames also flew out from the other side.

Li Ke and Yi Sheng also took action.

In an instant, the world in that area seemed to be completely ignited, and flames like an endless sea burned. In the flames, the phantoms of the Phoenix Holy Beast and the Suzaku Holy Beast rushed out.

Wu Jianzi, Qin Yao, Liao Kong, Qiao Jingyao...

One after another, the masters of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Great Perfection from the Eastern Wilderness took action one after another.

Although it is said that there are masters of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir in the East Barren, and some of them are stronger than the ordinary masters of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, there are simply too many masters in the East Barren.

Moreover, the number of masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen in Donghuang was even greater. In just an instant, everyone in Dongliang was completely suppressed.

There are even many Jindan Stage in Dongliang who have begun to retreat backwards.

The leader of the Dongliang Alliance also began to retreat back. He really didn't expect that there would be so many masters in Donghuang, and there were even two reincarnated masters on the other side!

Why did he want to unite the entire Dongliang to attack Donghuang?

It is to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage before Dongliang is connected with the Central Five Continents.

He still has not reached the limit of the Golden Core stage. The limit of the Golden Core stage is too difficult. That is the limit considered by Heaven! It is the limit of the entire golden elixir period.

Or in other words, it can be regarded as the Wind and Fire Tribulation and the Golden Elixir Stage. That is the limit that the Wind and Fire Tribulation can reach.

However, he will reach this limit when he reaches the perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir.

Even though he reached that extremely high level in his previous life, he still did not reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when he reached the perfection of the Ten Visions Golden elixir. It was only later that he reached the level of the Wind and Fire Tribulation. The limit of the golden elixir stage has been reached.

However, now is the Minor Era period when the universe is reversed. What’s the use of reaching the limit of the golden elixir stage during the Wind and Fire Tribulation?

Moreover, based on his previous life's cultivation experience, reaching the limit of the Golden elixir stage when the Ten Visions Golden elixir reaches perfection will only be of great help to Yi Yi's cultivation.

Why did he reincarnate and rebuild?

It’s not that he wants to challenge himself and reincarnate!

Reincarnation is very dangerous, and reincarnation is not about reincarnating today and living another life tomorrow.

Reincarnation also takes a long time, and anything can happen during the reincarnation process.

There are many people who can achieve the level of reincarnation, but how many of them can succeed in reincarnation in the end? Therefore, he would not be reincarnated unless he was forced to do so.

But he happened to meet an opponent who was practicing on the same path as him. The opponent wanted to take a further step, and in his hand, there was a treasure that could allow the opponent to take a step further.

Although the other party may let him go if he contributes the treasure, it is more likely that the other party will kill him after getting the treasure.

He had no choice but to reincarnate.

As far as he knew, the person he had reincarnated under his persecution had already reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when he was in the Ten Visions Golden elixir stage!

No matter what, he must reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when the ten visions of the golden elixir reach perfection!

And in his previous life, he even learned the reason why the person who forced him to reincarnate reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when the ten visions of the golden elixir reached perfection.

That is the Xuan Yin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan!

He even got the recipe for the Xuanyin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan, but it was extremely difficult to refine the Xuanyin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan. First of all, the Xuanyin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan required countless elixirs.

Fortunately, although Dongliang has the word "liang", Dongliang is rich in elixir resources. He really collected the medicinal materials for refining the Xuan Yin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan, but the medicinal materials are only one aspect, he also needs medicine introduction. .

The medicine guide is blood. He needs the blood of five hundred masters of the golden elixir stage and one hundred golden elixir masters of the Ten Visions!

He could kill five hundred masters of the Golden Elixir stage slowly, but he could kill one hundred Golden Elixir Dzogchen masters with ten visions. Where could he kill so many Golden elixir Dzogchen masters with ten visions?

How many visions and golden elixirs are there in the entire Dongliang?

Although he has the ability to kill those Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen, but it is the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and every death of one will cause a sensation, let alone killing a hundred.

I'm afraid that if he doesn't kill ten of them, he will attract the attention of those Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

Just by himself, he really can't kill so many Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen!

Therefore, he united the entire Dongliang cultivation world and went to attack Donghuang together.

He knew that before they connected to the central five continents, all regions would be connected together first. The reason why it was Donghuang was because Dongliang could only enter Donghuang.

But who would have thought that Donghuang’s strength is so strong. Now, Donghuang did not break through any of the mountain gates in Dongliang. Instead, Donghuang attacked Dongliang. Moreover, the strength of the monks in Donghuang was obviously better than theirs in Donghuang. However, they had just fought in Donghuang. Liang was defeated like a mountain.

Now, he can only retreat first.

Although he is strong, there are too many masters on the other side. If he doesn't retreat now, the other side's people are surrounding him, and he can't run away even if he wants to.

As for him running away, what will happen to the rest of Dongliang people?

What does it matter to him?

How could he, a reincarnated powerful man, care about the life and death of these people?

It would even be better if these people died. After these people died, he could even find an opportunity to return, collect their blood, and refine it into the Xuan Yin Yang Blood Po Yuan Dan.

Anyway, Dongliang is big enough. When the time comes, he can find a place to hide. These people from Donghuang couldn't find him even if they tried to find him. When the elixir was refined and reached the limit of the true golden elixir stage, Dongliang would have been connected to the Central Five Continents by then.

He can naturally enter the Central Five Continents, and these people in the Eastern Wilderness may be completely destroyed by the attacks of the demon sects in the Central Five Continents!

The leader of Dongliang Alliance quickly flew into the distance.

As the leader of Dongliang, his every move attracted everyone's attention. As soon as he flew, he was immediately spotted by Dongliang monks all around. Suddenly, there were screams of surprise.

"Yin Yang Alliance Leader, what do you want to do?"

"Leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance, do you want to escape?"

"Leader, we..."

For a time, the Jindan stagers of Dongliang stopped fighting one by one, and quickly retreated towards the surroundings.

Their leader has fled, so why should they fight?

As the people in Dongliang stopped blocking, the people in Donghuang quickly approached the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance.

The leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance had just fled away. Suddenly, a slender figure appeared in front of him, and at the same time, a feeling of sadness and anger came.

Yan Yourong appeared on the retreat path of the Yin Yang Alliance leader. Looking at the figure in front of her, fighting spirit surged in her body.

Among the disciples of Si Baofeng, her senior sister Ling Xi and her junior brother Xiang Ziyu had fought against the reincarnated and powerful Lord Haoyue Xingjun in the Immortal Martial Arts Tournament.

Later, Xiang Ziyu even competed with the reincarnated powerful ax madman countless times.

She is the only one who has never fought against a reincarnated power.

Although there are several other juniors and juniors in the Baifeng Sect who have never fought against the reincarnated power, but she is naturally better than the best, so how can she compete with the juniors and juniors who started later.

Therefore, as soon as the battle began, she quickly took on the opponent's leader, the reincarnated power.

She wanted to see what the reincarnated power could do!

Yan Yourong suddenly slashed out with the Sorrowful Dragon Sword in his hand.

In an instant, the mighty sword energy swept across the place, like a galaxy, boundless!

The Wrathful Dragon Sword cut through the void, and bursts of sonic booms were heard immediately. The sound was just caused by friction with the air, and it was like the void exploding!

This knife is full of momentum to move forward, full of faith that there will be no turning back!

With one slash, the entire world seemed to be cut into two pieces.

The knife flew down, like the Milky Way nine days away hanging upside down, and like a river of flames burning all things, like a huge mountain, like a torrent that burst its embankment...

The sword is filled with the power of the Five Elements.

This sword is full of momentum to move forward, full of faith that there will be no return!

One sword determines victory or defeat, one sword determines life and death, this is her way!

The fall of this sword gave people the feeling that no one or any treasure in this world could stop this sword.

Everything in front of this knife will be chopped into pieces!

When the knife fell, the whole world changed color.

Facing this sword that seemed to be able to sweep across the world, the leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance suddenly shot out rays of light from ten golden elixirs on the huge elixir behind him. Five of them emitted black light, while the other five emitted black light. A visionary golden elixir emits a light that does not change color.

Two rays of light, one black and one white, converged rapidly, like two divine dragons entwined together.

And a disc appeared in his hand. The disc was also divided into black and white. After the black and white light emitted from his golden elixir intertwined with each other, it fell on the disc, but the black light fell. When it reaches the white side, the white light falls on the black side.

As the black and white light fell, the disc was lifted up by him and blocked in front of him.

Suddenly, an extremely pure yin and yang energy shot out from the disc.

This yin and yang energy seems to be two different breaths, one yin and one yang. It seems to be one breath, but it also seems to contain the breath of all things in the world and everything.

Yan Yourong seemed to be able to split the sky and chop the earth into pieces. All the power of the five elements and all the sharp edges contained in the sword of Yan Yourong dissipated strangely and rapidly after touching the yin and yang energy. In just an instant, Yan Yourong Yourong's sword light completely dissipated, and it looked like her angry dragon sword struck Yuanpang, making a loud bang.

Yan Yourong suddenly felt a terrifying force of counterattack coming, and her body flew backwards. She hadn't felt this kind of force for a long time. The last time she fought with someone and was knocked back, it was with someone who was knocked back. Her junior brother Xiang Ziyu!

However, although Xiang Ziyu was strong, he didn't give her such a feeling. He was obviously a step above her!

Although the leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance knocked Yan Yourong back, Yan Yourong slashed him down with a powerful impact. The same impact pushed his body back a short distance.

There was a deep look of surprise in his eyes. He was extremely close to the limit of the golden elixir stage, but the woman in front of him was not the reincarnation of the powerful sword. She actually let him use the power of yin and yang. The consumption is huge.

Just by relying on this sword, he could judge that no one in Dongliang except him could be this woman's opponent.

Once, in order to establish his prestige and convince the entire Dongliang people, and to become the leader of Dongliang, he set up an arena to meet the challenges of Dongliang's masters.

Among them, the second master of Dongliang, his deputy alliance leader, could only dissipate half of his yin and yang power with a full blow, but with that knife just now, more than half of his yin and yang power was dissipated!

Where did Donghuang come from with so many top experts!

All around, the people chasing after them saw Yan Yourong being pushed back, and their faces were also full of shock. They all knew Yan Yourong, and some of them had fought against Yan Yourong at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference. , at that time they felt that Yan Yourong was strong, but they also felt that Yan Yourong was inferior to her senior sister Lingxi and junior brother Xiang Ziyu.

But when they gathered again, before the Dalai Dynasty entered this place, they had another spar, and everyone was surprised to find that Yan Yourong had become much stronger.

Everyone said privately that in the entire Zhenxian Dynasty, excluding Bei Yan, who had already cultivated the Wind and Fire Catastrophe and could trigger the Wind and Fire Catastrophe at any time, the only ones who could defeat Yan Yourong were her master Cao Zhen and her Senior sister Ling Xi and junior brother Xiang Ziyu, as well as two reincarnated masters, Lord Haoyue Xingjun and Madman Axe.

Everyone even thought that except for Cao Zhenwen who was better than Yan Yourong, whether it was Haoyue Xingjun or Lingxi Xiang Ziyu, they were probably only slightly better than Yan Yourong.

But now, Yan Yourong was clearly at a disadvantage in the fight with the other party's leader.

As far as Yourong is concerned, her strongest point is her sword!

Being so much stronger than Yan Yourong, could it be said that...

"The limit of the golden elixir stage? Has he reached the limit of the golden elixir stage?"

The only thing everyone can think of is the limit of the golden elixir stage.

The words had already fallen, but the voices of Madman Ax and Xiang Ziyu sounded almost at the same time: "He has not yet reached the limit of the Golden Core stage, but is very, very close to the limit of the Golden Core stage!"

As Madman Ax shouted, he was already flying down in the air. The long hair scattered on his back danced wildly with the wind as he sprinted. Behind his back, the ten golden elixirs that completed the elixir were rapidly growing in size. , for a time, waves of wild, violent, bloodthirsty, and ferocious auras rushed out like a flood that burst a dam.

He saw the ordinary bronze ax fall from his hand, and for a moment, endless sharpness appeared!

This ax does not seem to come from the human world, from this world, but cuts through the void and flies down from another world, filling the entire space with a vast aura.

This ax clearly looked like a very ordinary slash, but for a moment, everyone had an illusion in their hearts. It seemed that this was the most exquisite ax technique in the world.

This is perfection, an ax without any shortcomings.

The fall of this ax blocked all the paths of the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader, forcing the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader to fight head-on!

The leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance raised the disk in his hand again. At this time, the disk did not become larger. It was still as big as an ordinary shield. However, as the black and white Yin and Yang energy rotated on the disk, for a moment, it was Everyone has a feeling that seems to contain the illusion of the entire world.

The next moment, yin and yang energy surged out and attached to the giant axe, spinning rapidly at the same time. The power contained in the giant ax that seemed to be able to destroy this world also quickly dissipated.

The yin and yang energy also dissipated at the same time under the impact of the power on the giant axe.

The next moment, the giant ax struck the disc. At this time, the power contained in the giant ax had completely disappeared. It was just like the knife Yan Yourong had struck before, but the ax simply struck the disc.

Immediately, the force of the counter-shock came out, causing the Ax Madman to fly backwards, and even a stream of bright red blood flowed from the corner of the Ax Madman's mouth.

Ax Maniac was shocked.

Everyone understood that Yan Yourong was also knocked back. Seeing that Yan Yourong was not injured, it was not that Yan Yourong was stronger than Ax Madman, on the contrary, Ax Madman was stronger.

When Madman Ax fell, the Yin and Yang Qi on the Yin Yang Alliance Leader's disk was consumed to a greater extent than Yan Yourong's sword.

The reason why Crazy Ax was injured was because Crazy Ax was stronger. He was struck by the force of the shock, and blood appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Similarly, under this burst, the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance retreated and flew farther away, and his body even trembled obviously.

The Ax Maniac didn't care at all about the blood at the corner of his mouth. He opened his mouth and roared loudly: "It's fun. I haven't had such a fun fight in a long time. Come again!"

After the words fell, he rushed towards the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance again. He was a fighting maniac. The reason why he entered the Evil Island in the first place was because he kept looking for people to challenge him and offended too many people.

At that time, it was not the period of the Thousand Caves Reversal Minor Era. They sent masters from the Earth Fairy Realm, so he had no choice but to escape to the Island of Evil!

The leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance did not pay attention to Ax Madman, but continued to retreat with force, quickly turned around and flew to the other side. Although he was stronger than Ax Madman, Ax Madman was also the reincarnation of the powerful after all. If Ax Madman and Fang Cai were the two If a woman joins forces, he will be extremely passive. Moreover, the other party also has a reincarnated powerful man and a group of masters. He doesn't want to fight!

But just as he took off, another figure appeared in front of him. Moreover, like him, the other person's body was surrounded by black and white light, and even the other person's aura was somewhat similar to his.

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