Xiang Ziyu knew that he was the original Yin-Yang Immortal Demon King, and the black and white aura in his body was actually the Qi of Yin and Yang. However, although he had practiced many magical powers, he had never cultivated any magical powers of Yin-Yang Qi.

There is no magical power of yin and yang in Baifeng Sect, and even his master did not teach him the magical power of yin and yang.

Perhaps it was because there were too few magical powers of yin and yang, and the Eastern Wasteland was also a remote place. He rarely saw people with yin and yang magical powers in the Eastern Wasteland.

Now, he saw a person using the power of yin and yang, and he suddenly became interested.

"You all give way and don't get affected."

Xiang Ziyu shouted as he took out an ugly short stick that didn't look like a magic weapon at all. On the short stick, there were thirteen Tiangang earth evil beads, exuding bursts of powerful aura.

As the short stick appeared, Xiang Ziyu's aura surged.

Behind him, on the combined elixir completed by ten golden elixirs of vision, two shadows, one black and one white, filled with endless domineering, royal, majestic, cunning, and strange auras jumped into his body.

For a moment, between heaven and earth, aura visible to the naked eye rushed in from all directions and rushed into his body.

Xiang Ziyu's whole body even gives people a vague feeling of being integrated with heaven and earth.

Resonating with heaven and earth?

Leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance, a storm surged through his heart. The energy of Yin-Yang was indeed more likely to resonate with the world, but this boy was only at the Golden Core stage.

Even he himself, in the golden elixir stage, could not resonate with heaven and earth, but he could vaguely resonate with heaven and earth!

This kid, how did he do it?

In the Yin Yang Alliance leader's horrified eyes, opposite him, Xiang Ziyu swung his short stick suddenly.

In an instant, on the short stick, the four Tiangang Earth Evil Beads suddenly shot out a stream of terrifying power. The four powers gathered together in the void, and then spun crazily, attracting the surrounding air. The whole world then rotated, forming a huge whirlpool.

Behind them, in the river between Donghuang and Dongliang, the water was even affected and started to spin crazily.

This force rotates, forming a terrifying pulling force. The force is so strong that even the big trees on the distant mountains are uprooted and fly rapidly towards the direction of the vortex. On the ground below Pieces of broken earth and rocks were sucked up in the air, and Xiou flew into the whirlpool before falling into the whirlpool, and was crushed into powder by the terrifying tearing force.

Even the void seemed to be torn apart by this tearing force, revealing a black crack, which vaguely seemed to be a turbulent stream of time and space shooting out.

Xiang Ziyu has used this move many times before, but he mostly uses this move to attack multiple opponents. This is the first time he has dealt with one opponent.

At first, when he was competing with Ax Madman, he didn't even use this move because he felt that using this move would be too bullying and would not give him the pleasure of fighting!

Against one person, this move will undoubtedly be more powerful.

The power of yin and yang!

The leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance could clearly feel the strong Yin-Yang power emanating from the vortex on the opposite side. This Yin-Yang power was extremely pure, even purer than his Yin-Yang power.

The other party is only in the Golden Core stage, how can he have such pure yin and yang power?

Fortunately, the opponent's use of the power of yin and yang is relatively rough.

From the disc in the hand of the Yin Yang Alliance leader, the black and white Yin and Yang energy suddenly rushed out and fell into the rotating vortex.

The opponent's power of yin and yang is indeed pure, but the opponent's method of using it is too crude. He practiced the power of yin and yang in his previous life, and he is also practicing the power of yin and yang in this life. He has enough means to break it and even seduce it. Use the yin and yang power of the opponent to attack the opponent.

Suddenly, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed.

The opponent's yin and yang power, no... this is not the simple yin and yang power or breath, this is the original yin and yang energy!

In today's era, how can there be original yin and yang energy? Even in the era of his previous life, there was no original yin and yang energy! How could this kid have the original yin and yang energy!

Even he had never been exposed to the original yin and yang energy. This breath...

Suddenly, the leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance felt that the power of Yin-Yang he shot became uncontrollable.

Almost at the same time, Xiang Ziyu also discovered that the power he had released suddenly became uncontrollable.

The two forces were entangled together, and under the crazy collision and rotation, the power overflowed and shot outward.

The power that just overflowed made everyone around him feel suffocated.

"Back off!"

Everyone around them quickly retreated back, and Xiang Ziyu and the leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance also retreated at the same time. The next moment, there was a loud bang, as if the whole world exploded.

The huge vortex exploded, and waves of terrifying power that seemed to destroy the world rushed around.

Xiang Ziyu and the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance were the first to bear the brunt of the astonishing force. Xiang Ziyu felt an irresistible force coming towards him. The God and Demon Record on his body instantly shattered, and his whole person was thrown backwards and flew out by the impact. .

On his body, the skin was shattered, the bones were even cracked, and the aura in his body was churning.

The leader of the Yin Yang Alliance was also blown away by this aura. The injuries on his body were even heavier than Xiang Ziyu's. In the explosion, countless flesh and blood on his body were blown out, and he instantly turned into a A bloody man.

And in the void, countless calamity clouds gathered.

Just now, the yin and yang power of the two people collided with each other and exploded. The power has exceeded the limit of the golden elixir stage, which is the power allowed by heaven.

With power that exceeds the limit of the golden elixir stage, heavenly disaster will come.

Xiang Ziyu and the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance had not even recovered, and terrifying thunderbolts had fallen down and struck directly at the two of them.

Suddenly, purple thunder shot out from the void, rushing straight towards the falling thunder in the sky.

Five thunders rectification!

Lingxi and Yan Yourong took action almost at the same time to help Xiang Ziyu block the falling thunder.

On the other side, the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance had no one to help him withstand the calamity of falling.

The terrifying thunder struck down heavily on his body. For a moment, electric currents like electric snakes danced wildly on his body. In just an instant, his body was completely burnt black by the electricity.

Fortunately, the calamity fell only for a moment, and soon the calamity cloud at the top of the sky disappeared.

Before the leader of the Yin Yang Alliance could even take a breath, a giant ax fell in front of him.

Ax lunatic!

In an instant, the Yin Yang Alliance leader's eyes suddenly widened. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but the ax that seemed to be able to split the mountains and cut off the rivers had already fallen.

If they were alone one on one, he would be absolutely sure to kill the opponent, but now, he was first seriously injured in the explosion of the power of yin and yang, and then the calamity fell and he was seriously injured again.

Now, he doesn't have even half of his usual fighting power.

Are you going to die like this?

In the previous life, when I reached that level, I didn't die, and I could be reincarnated for another life.

Now, I am just in Dongliang, I have not even gone to the Central Five Continents, I have not even become an Earth Immortal, and yet I am going to die?


The leader of the Yin Yang Alliance suddenly stopped thinking, and struck his head with a terrifying axe.

The number one master in Dongliang, the leader of Dongliang, a reincarnated master died just like that!

The ax madman chopped off the head of the Yin-Yang leader with an axe, then raised his hand to grab it, took out a Qiankun bag from the Yin-Yang leader, and said directly to Xiang Ziyu: "I won this time, I think you two The auras are somewhat similar, you may be on similar paths, and his things may be useful to you. If you feel bad, just give others something to make up for it."

He also wanted to have a good discussion with the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader, but he was already injured if he let the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader go. He also knew that others would not let the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader go. In this case, it would be better to kill the Yin-Yang Alliance Leader with one axe.

It’s not that he must win against Xiang Ziyu once, but that he wants to give the Yin Yang Alliance Leader’s Universe Bag to Xiang Ziyu. He killed the person, so if he gives the Universe Bag to Xiang Ziyu, others can’t say anything.

His voice had fallen, and Lord Hao Yuexing immediately said: "No need, you killed the person. According to the rules of the cultivation world, whoever kills the person will naturally get the spoils. You gave his Qiankun bag to Xiang Ziyu , that’s your decision, we won’t divide anything yet.”

As soon as Haoyue Xingjun opened his mouth, everyone around him shook his head and said, "No need."

"Since you are the one who killed him, you will naturally distribute the spoils."

Most of these masters are from the Baifeng Sect. In addition, Wu Jianzi, Liao Kong, Qiao Jingyao and others are also familiar with Xiang Ziyu's master Cao Zhenyou, and some even recognize Cao Zhen as the leader. The treasure was given to Xiang Ziyu, so they naturally had no objection.

The leaders of the Yin and Yang Alliance were all dead, and everyone in Dongliang gave up the fight completely and ran away one by one.

If they continue to fight, they will definitely die. It's already this time, why don't they run away!

"They all ran away?"

"This Dongliang is not something we expected to be able to fight."

"Now, what do we do?"

"We've all come, we can't just go back empty-handed."

"Of course we will continue to fight. Of course, there is no need to kill people. Let's just go to their fairy gate and ask him for some resources. This is not too much."

"We will allocate routes and go to the major immortal sects for resources."

Everyone in Donghuang quickly cleaned the battlefield. After cleaning the battlefield, everyone divided into ten groups and headed towards Dongliang.

Cao Zhen returned to Donghuang from Eastern Xinjiang. While advancing rapidly, he contacted Lingxi through Zhonghua Cloud. Soon, he learned the result of the battle.

"So? There is no need for me to go to Dongliang? The battle in Dongliang is over."

After Cao Zhen learned about the battle in Dongliang, he didn't say much.

Did Donghuang do something wrong?

People from Dongliang have come to their Donghuang to show off their power. Why can't they fight back from the Donghuang!

Cao Zhen learned that the battle in Donghuang was victorious and that Dongliang had no power to resist. He was no longer in a hurry. Instead, he flew down on the flying boat and slowly walked towards the Hundred Peaks Sect.

As he walked, he also introduced the life of mortals to Zhu Peng and Duoduo who returned with him.

"Duoduo, we cannot just cultivate immortality blindly, otherwise we will fall into a bottleneck. We must experience the life of mortals. When we go back, if we have time, I will also ask your senior brothers and senior sisters to do the same. Enter the mortal world and experience mortal life.”

"But Master, this place is so desolate, there is nothing." Duoduo looked at the desolate city in front of her and said, "Or should we go to a more prosperous city to experience the life of mortals?"

On the side, Zhu Peng heard the sound and immediately shouted: "Go to the capital. Zhu Peng heard from senior brother that the capital is great!"

"You still know the capital." After thinking for a moment, Cao Zhen nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then we will go to the capital."

As the national advisor of Zhenxian Dynasty, he also wanted to visit the capital.

Soon, several people took control of the flying boat again and flew towards the capital.

Over the years, the major immortal sects in the Eastern Wilderness have not been fighting, and the major dynasties have not been fighting each other. The people of the Eastern Wilderness have become more and more prosperous. The closer they are to the capital, the more prosperous the big cities are.

"The capital city is ahead of us. Let me tell you, although it is already evening, the capital city is still bustling at night. Many of the imperial cities we passed before had curfews, but the security in the capital city is very good, especially There was never a curfew…”

On the flying boat, Cao Zhen was about to tell his two disciples about the special features of the capital when suddenly, a thick smell of blood came.

"This breath, this is the breath of the blood river. Such a strong breath, could it be the blood river outside the capital?"

In the past few years, since there have been no battles among the major immortal sects and no trouble caused by the demon sect, even if monsters appear in the various blood rivers in the Eastern Wasteland, they will be quickly suppressed and the blood rivers will not have a big impact.

But now, he felt the bloody aura rising to the sky.

Ordinarily, although the blood river outside the capital is large, it is suppressed by formations. Even if some bloody monsters rush out occasionally, there will not be such a strong bloody smell.

Unless the formation that suppresses the Blood River is broken!

However, today's Zhenxian Dynasty has no enemies. The Sun Moon Demon Sect, Scarlet Refining Demon Sect and even the remnants of the previous dynasty are all hiding. Even if they gather together, they can't make any trouble.

After all, although most of the people from the major immortal sects of the Zhenxian Dynasty have left, the Grand Master still has four golden elixir stage disciples, and Yu Tuoyu and the others are still guarding the capital.

How could Blood River's formation be broken by others?

"Quick, let's go take a look ahead."

Cao Zhen took away the flying boat and led everyone to fly quickly towards the place where the bloody aura spread.

After flying for a short time, he saw streaks of blood rising into the sky outside the capital.

As they flew closer, he could already see the huge blood river outside the capital. The formation that originally suppressed the blood river had been destroyed.

The blood river was like boiling water, surging continuously, and countless amounts of blood rose into the sky, like long bloody dragons, trying to break through the sky.

Above the blood river, blood mist gathered, as if it was about to wrap up the entire capital. He could feel it from afar, and the smell of blood made people's noses itch.

In the blood river, there are huge blood-colored monsters flying out. Some are covered with tentacles, some are more than ten feet tall, some are like long snakes, and some are like giant bears, but some are still alive. A scaly tail.

At this time, among the monsters in the river of blood, a figure held a halberd and kept swinging it out, killing the monsters one after another.

Yu Tuoyu!

She is the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and she is an extremely powerful existence even among the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir.

Beside her are the disciples left to her by her senior brother.

In addition to her, another golden elixir-level disciple left behind by the grand master also led his nephew to kill monsters one after another.

The four golden elixir-stage disciples left behind by the Grand Master are all the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. Moreover, the strength of the four of them is extremely close, and they are all extremely powerful Ten Visions Golden elixir Dzogchen.

But at this time, Yu Tuoyu and another disciple of the Grand Master were retreating steadily. There were too many monsters in the blood river.

Didn’t the Grand Master leave behind four disciples of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen? Why are there only Yu Tuoyu and one other person, the other two disciples of the Grand Master? The Zhenxian Dynasty is very peaceful now, and there is no need for them to leave the capital to suppress it elsewhere.

Doubts just emerged in Cao Zhen's heart. As he continued to move forward, he finally saw the gate of the capital clearly.

The city gates of the capital will not be closed even at night.

But at this time, the city gates of the capital were tightly closed. Outside the city gates, one by one, Jin Dan Qi, under the leadership of two ten-dimensional golden elixirs, firmly guarded the city gates.

Opposite them were corpse soldiers one after another!

Corpse soldiers!

Damn it, it turned out to be a corpse soldier!

Cao Zhen saw a large number of countless corpse soldiers. From a distance, these corpse soldiers were like ants, so densely packed that they could not even be seen at a glance.

At this time, these corpse soldiers were frantically attacking the capital.

And in front of these corpse soldiers, there is even a corpse general that exudes an extremely gloomy, strange, and terrifying aura!

When the Baifeng Sect faced the attack of the Sun Moon Demon Sect, the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect and the remnants of the previous dynasty, he had no energy left to take care of Helian Baitian's coffins.

Later, when he had time to go back, he found that more than sixty coffins had become empty coffins. That meant that more than sixty corpse generals had escaped, but he had never found the whereabouts of these corpse generals.

Unexpectedly, those corpse generals suddenly appeared in the capital.

Obviously, the formation of Blood River must have been broken by them, and they used the monsters in Blood River to contain Yu Tuoyu, and they wanted to take the opportunity to break through the capital!

"Duoduo and Zhu Peng, you go help Yu Tuoyu suppress the monsters in the blood river, and I'll kill those corpse generals!"

Cao Zhen hurriedly gave instructions to Duoduo and Zhu Peng. Behind him, the heretic golden elixir and nine other vision golden elixirs all appeared and flew towards the capital quickly.

He has now reached the limit of the golden elixir stage. With all his exertions, terrifying auras surged far away in all directions. For a moment, Yu Tuoyu, who was fighting the blood demon in the blood river, appeared outside the capital. , several other disciples and disciples of the grand master guarding the city gate, and even the corpse generals discovered Cao Zhen's existence.

"National Master, he is back!" Yu Tuoyu looked at the figure appearing in the void, his spirit was shaken, and he shouted loudly: "Hold on, continue to suppress the monsters, the National Master has come to support."

Even the disciples and disciples of the Grand Master all recognized that Cao Zhen was now the number one person in the Eastern Wasteland. At this time, when the master heard the terrifying aura coming from the distance and heard Yu Tuoyu's words, they all had great morale. Vibrate!

Cao Zhen looked at a city gate that was almost broken by corpse generals and corpse soldiers. Behind him, a strange golden elixir suddenly shone brightly, and countless flames shot out from the golden elixir.

In an instant, a sea of ​​​​fire appeared all over the sky, and in the sea of ​​​​fire, there were clear and clear calls of sacred beasts such as Suzaku and Phoenix.

Ten kinds of flame magical powers gathered together and fell on a group of corpse soldiers in the blink of an eye.

After an ordinary soldier becomes a corpse soldier, although his flexibility is reduced, his strength is stronger and his vitality is stronger. Even ordinary swords cannot cut them.

But when the flames fell, the corpse soldiers' bodies burned instantly.

Almost all of the magical powers Cao Zhen used came from his disciples, and they were all magical powers that had reached the peak of the Golden Core stage.

Although these corpse soldiers are powerful, they are not immortal cultivators after all. Even those cultivators at the golden elixir stage cannot stop him from facing his magical powers, let alone these corpse soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, each corpse soldier melted instantly under the burning flames.

Cao Zhen!

Among these corpse soldiers, the leading corpse general was furious when he saw the dead corpse soldiers. Cao Zhen, this Cao Zhen again, they had the chance to rescue their commander, but it was Cao Zhen who behaved badly. their good deeds.

After that, they took advantage of the chaos caused by the remnants of the previous dynasty to escape from the Zhenxian Dynasty.

They originally wanted to unite with the remnants of the previous dynasty and besiege the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty together, but those remnants of the previous dynasty were so useless that they were destroyed by the Immortal-Suppressing Dynasty.

Moreover, the entire Eastern Wasteland has become monolithic, and they have no chance to take action. They can only continue to wait for the opportunity.

Finally, Donghuang actually wanted to go to war with Dongliang. A large number of experts left Donghuang. They finally launched an attack, and their target was directly at the capital of the Duzhenxian Dynasty.

Who would have thought that just after they launched their attack, Cao Zhen appeared again.

Didn’t Cao Zhen leave the Zhenxian Dynasty? Why are you back so soon?

Seeing the flames coming, burning more and more corpse soldiers, he frantically gathered the aura in his body and sent out two palms in front of him.

Suddenly, strands of palm wind flew out, extinguishing the flames wherever the palm wind passed. However, there were too many flames, and the flames he could extinguish were limited.

Suddenly, several cold palms came from all around.

Large swaths of flames went out.

The two figures flew towards Cao Zhen.

"General Demon Sword and General Zhendong!"

He once heard Lan Pili say that the original martial arts immortal Helian defeated the sky and defeated an existence in the earthly immortal realm with a mortal body! He couldn't understand it at first. It was not until later, when he entered the life of mortal society, that he discovered that although mortals could not practice or condense magic power, they could also cultivate true energy.

Although the mortal's true energy is not as changeable as mana, when the mortal's true energy is strong enough, it is indeed stronger than some immortal cultivators.

In his opinion, the infuriating energy of mortals in this world is a bit like the infuriating energy in martial arts novels, or it may be stronger.

However, in the fifty years he has been in the mortal world, he has never seen a mortal who is stronger than the one in the pill formation stage.

The original Wuxian Helian defeated the sky and was able to defeat the existence of the Earth Immortal Realm. That was indeed a genius that was rare to see in ten thousand or even one hundred thousand years or millions of years!

But now, he saw the two people using their breath to extinguish his flames, but he found that the other person's breath was very strange. The breath was very similar to the infuriating energy of mortals, but the breath also contained strong corpse energy. .

This should be the aura the opponent has after he becomes a corpse general.

With his current strength, if the two of them can work together to release him, almost all of the burning flames will be strong enough, even if they are not extinguished head-on.

At least, those ordinary Ten Golden Pills, Great Perfection, cannot be achieved.

How much can they put out, though?

Behind Cao Zhen, the vision golden elixir that had just released the flames once again released bright light. In the void, countless flames flew out, gathered into a sea of ​​fire, and fell towards the gathered corpse soldiers.

For a moment, bursts of burning breath came from the distance.

"Damn it!"

General Demon Sword and General Zhendong looked at Cao Zhen who had released his magical power again, and violent energy burst out from their bodies. This was the biggest gap between them and the immortal cultivators.

Immortal cultivators can use their magical powers to release countless thunderbolts and seas of fire.

However, although they can use their true energy to extinguish the sea of ​​fire and block the thunder, the range of their released true energy is limited and they cannot directly block the opponent's attack.

If they go back for rescue, they will definitely not be able to completely save their corpse soldiers. Cao Zhen is in the distance and can continue to consume and kill their corpse soldiers as long as he keeps releasing his magical powers. The best way now is to directly attack them. Kill Cao Zhen!

No matter how strong Cao Zhen is, he is only one person, and they have more than sixty corpse generals!

Among them, the two of them are the strongest.

No matter how strong Cao Zhen is, he is only in the Golden Core stage, so they don't believe that Cao Zhen can kill them all by himself!

"Assemble, all corpse generals listen to orders, kill Cao Zhen first!"

Following the shouts of the two corpse generals, the corpse generals all around quickly gathered and charged towards Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen looked at the zombie generals arriving in front of him, but a smile appeared on his face. Just now he could launch a more violent attack, but he killed more corpse soldiers. The reason why he did not do that was because he was afraid that some corpse generals would escape. go out.

If there were so many corpse generals running in different directions, he could catch up with one, two, or even ten, but even he couldn't catch them all.

Once a corpse general escapes, it will be troublesome to find him again.

Therefore, he wants to deal with all these corpse generals at once!

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