Cao Zhen's strongest attack method now is not the swordsmanship of Tianhuan Sword Master, nor his nine golden elixirs of visions, but the Illustration of the Golden Age, which he has never used in front of everyone!

If he uses Tianhuan Sword Technique or other magical powers to attack these corpse generals, he is confident that he can kill these corpse generals, but he is not sure whether the remaining corpses will escape after he kills some of them. .

After all, these zombies are not real zombies without intelligence.

He didn't want to have to guard against these corpse generals causing trouble in the future. In order to deal with these corpse generals at once, he had to kill them all at once.

If you want to kill these zombie generals, you must first gather them together, and then use the strongest attack method to kill them.

He looked at the corpse generals that were besieging them one after another. The nine visionary golden elixirs behind him opened up the space. Above his head, the heretic golden elixirs were spinning rapidly.

The next moment, a map-like drawing appeared in front of him.

Picture album of prosperous times!

Since he obtained the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age, it was the first time that he displayed the Illustrated Book of the Prosperous Age in front of the world.

Along with his body, waves of mana poured into the catalog of the prosperous age, and suddenly spread out, not from the feet of everyone, but from the sky.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered by the catalog, but even so, no one felt the dim light above their heads.

In the distant Baifeng Sect.

Nowadays, almost all the masters of Baifeng Sect have left the sect, and only Nie Jie and Lie Yan are guarding the sect.

Suddenly, on every peak in Feixian Peak, Five Elements Peak, Qianlong Immortal Palace, Four Treasures Peak, and Hundred Peaks Sect, rays of light visible to the naked eye gathered.

The light was bright, illuminating the entire Baifeng Sect extremely brightly.

In Yingling Mountain, Lie Yan carefully cleaned every tombstone.

At the beginning, Cao Zhen punished him and spent ten years in reflection in Yingling Mountain. Now ten years have passed, but he is still in Yingling Mountain, cleaning every tombstone in Yingling Mountain for fifty years.

Suddenly, he found that the entire Yingling Mountain was shaking. It seemed that every tombstone was shaking. On top of each tombstone, rays of light flew out and condensed on the top of the mountain.

He raised his head sharply and looked around...

In the entire Hundred Peaks Sect, on every mountain peak, the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect who were either practicing or sparring raised their heads and looked overhead.

"Shaking, every mountain peak in our Hundred Peaks Sect is shaking."

"There seems to be power rising from every mountain peak."

"Look, that's the direction of the Four Treasures Peak. There seems to be more power flying out from the direction of the Four Treasures Peak."

"What's going on?"

In the void of the Hundred Peaks Sect, more and more power gathered, but in the blink of an eye, the gathered power seemed to break through the void, cross the space, and fly towards the distance.

At the same time, far away in Dongliang, Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu... each of the disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect, beams of light that they could not see flew out and flew towards the Zhenxian Dynasty.

The power of the prosperous age from the Baifeng Sect and every disciple of the Baifeng Sect is now gathered in the catalog of the prosperous age.

Outside the capital of Zhenxian Dynasty, in the sky above everyone's heads, the shadow of Baifeng Sect suddenly appeared.

For a moment, the corpse generals here, the Taishi disciples and disciples who were fighting against the blood river monsters, as well as Duoduo and Zhu Peng, all raised their heads and looked into the void.

They felt a power, a power they had never felt before.

They have felt many, many powers, including the various powers of the five elements, the power of the sun and the moon, the power of thunder, the power of the wind, etc...

But they have never felt such power. They don't know what kind of power it is, but they can feel the terror of this power.

"What is this? So many mountains?"

"Virtual shadow? Why, it feels like there are really mountains. It shouldn't be said that there are mountains!"

"What's this?"

Everyone looked at the mountains in the sky with surprise. They could even see giant trees, rivers, and even buildings on the peaks above the mountains. , they even saw silhouettes of people.

When Duoduo and Zhu Peng saw the mountains appearing in the sky, they were completely stunned for a moment. This... isn't this their Hundred Peaks Sect? They also saw their Four Treasure Peak and even their cave in the Four Treasure Peak!

With the discovery of this mountain range, the void suddenly became darker. It was not that the mountains covered this space, but that layers of calamity clouds emerged.

The Illustration of the Prosperous Age has not yet been fully unleashed, but the gathered power has already exceeded the limit of the golden elixir stage, triggering the arrival of a catastrophe.

"No, that's Jie Yun, Cao Zhen, the attack he performed exceeded the limit of the golden elixir stage!"

"Quick, get back!"

Although the corpse generals didn't know what method Cao Zhen was going to use, they were able to confirm that the calamity cloud appeared because Cao Zhen suddenly released the mountain range. In other words, Cao Zhen's attack surpassed that of Jin. The limit of Dan period!

No matter how confident they are, they cannot be so confident that they can block the power that exceeds the limit of the golden elixir stage.

For a moment, the corpses fled around one after another.

"Run? Did you run away?"

Cao Zhen felt the spirit of the prosperous age in the catalog of the prosperous age. He opened his palm and pressed down suddenly. In an instant, after the void, the huge Hundred Peaks Sect suddenly landed.

It was not one or two mountains that fell, but an entire mountain range and an entire mountain gate, carrying the power of the entire Hundred Peaks Sect's prosperity, crashing down.

For a moment, the whole world shook crazily, and the void seemed to be unable to bear the fall of such a large mountain range, and kept exploding and exploding.

At this moment, the entire world suddenly changed color. Above the void, the clouds instantly dissipated, and the scorching sun seemed to disappear at this moment.

It has gathered the power of the entire Hundred Peaks Sect and descended on this world with an unstoppable force.

Below, the corpse generals felt a special force pressing down above their heads. They wanted to escape, but the force seemed to fill the entire world. No matter where they fled, they could not escape the pressure. The power that comes.

This power obviously does not have the feeling of destroying the world, does not have the feeling of blazing flames burning up the whole world, does not have the feeling of thunder, and does not have the sharpness of swords, but in the face of this kind of power, they are A feeling of powerlessness arises.

They even feel that in this one, they are not facing one person, but countless monks. It seems that every monk has released their best magical power at this moment.

No magical powers will fall in the void tomorrow, but they feel that they are facing attacks from countless magical powers.

In just an instant, the bodies of these corpse generals exploded, as if they were exploded by the pressure of life!

The sounds connected together into one sound, shaking the capital city in the distance.

The next moment, in the void, thunderbolts fell down one after another, and they all bombarded towards the catalog of the prosperous age!

It is Shengshi Tulu who releases the power beyond the golden elixir stage.

A purple thunderbolt struck the Shengshi Tulu, but it seemed to strike a giant mountain, a giant mountain within the Hundred Peaks Sect.

This is a catastrophe, not a catastrophe like the wind and fire tribulation, but a punishment catastrophe sent down by heaven, which is more powerful than the wind and fire tribulation.

After a bolt of thunder, it seemed that because the power beyond the golden elixir stage had not been broken, more thunder struck in the void towards the Illustrated Book of the Great Age.

Cao Zhen quickly took back the album of the prosperous times.

However, the catalog of the prosperous age disappeared, and the remaining calamity has not dissipated. The calamity seems to have determined that Cao Zhen is a person who has exerted power beyond the golden elixir stage and is a person who violates the rules of heaven. Thunders turn towards Cao Zhen. Comes bombarded.

In an instant, rays of light shot out from a golden elixir behind Cao Zhen. In just an instant, ten rays of bright light rose from his body, and ten kinds of body-protecting magical powers emerged.

For a moment, Cao Zhen's whole body was filled with endless majestic golden light, red like eternal flames, strange black and white light, and various magical lights gathered together, like an immortal coming to the world.

However, under the bombardment of the thunder of heavenly tribulation, the body-protecting magical powers on his body were shattered one after another.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt as thick as a giant pillar in the heaven fell from the rumor, hitting him hard, causing his black hair to stand on end, the energy and blood in his body surging, and his whole person was uncontrollable. falling from the void.

This is the first time Cao Zhen has been subjected to such a terrifying bombardment and injured for the first time since he became the ninth level of the Golden Core!

This thunder fell on him, and the terrifying power of thunder suddenly spread throughout his body, impacting every place in his body like crazy.

At this moment, he even felt a sense of numbness that he had not felt for a long time.

With just one blow, he even felt that his internal organs seemed to be shattered.

The next moment, another thunder crashed.

Cao Zhen quickly dodged to the side, but even though he had reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, Lei Ting surpassed the limit of the golden elixir stage and was faster than him.

The falling thunder enveloped his whole body, and Cao Zhen instantly felt as if he was being crushed by a huge mountain, and as if he was falling into countless thunder grids.

It was obviously just a thunderbolt falling, but after this thunderbolt struck his body, countless electric arcs danced wildly on his body. Each electric arc seemed to be a master of the Ten Golden Pills Great Perfection, released with all his strength. The power of thunder.

In an instant, the aura in his body was completely disordered by the impact, and his body was scorched by the electricity. No intact skin could be found. He even opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

Fortunately, it seems that because the catalog of the prosperous age has been put away, after the thunder knocked him down from the void, the calamity clouds in the sky gradually began to dissipate.

Cao Zhen looked up at the calamity cloud above his head, and then let out a sigh of relief. Although he had reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, he still felt the great calamity he had just faced. pressure.

The Heavenly Tribulation is aimed at the power that exceeds the limit of the Golden Core stage, so the power of the Heavenly Tribulation also exceeds the limit of the Golden Core stage.

Fortunately, although his body-protecting magical power broke through instantly, it also withstood part of the attack of the tribulation. Otherwise, he would have fallen to the ground by now.

There were only two thunder bombardments from the Heavenly Tribulation just now. If there were a few more thunder bombardments, no more, if there were five or six more thunder bombardments, he would definitely not be able to withstand them.

All because of the reversal of the universe in the Little Era.

Because the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe does not allow power beyond the limit of the golden elixir stage, if you release the Illustrated Records of the Golden Age, you will be attacked by heaven. It is also because of the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, you even only condensed nine golden elixirs, and then you can no longer The golden elixir has been condensed, but it is impossible to break through to the perfection of the ten visionary golden elixirs.

If this were a normal era, and he could do whatever he wanted, he would have already broken through and become the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions.

However, if it weren't for the reversal of the universe in the Little Era, I might not have had so many opportunities, and I wouldn't even have been able to obtain the Illustrated Book of the Great Era.

Although Cao Zhen was bombarded by thunder, although he looked very embarrassed now, and was even knocked down from the void, no matter whether it was on the wall of the capital or in the blood pool, the four disciples of the Grand Master, including Yu Tuoyu, , who were still the disciples of the Grand Master, were looking at Cao Zhen with fear in their hearts.

What did Cao Zhen do just now?

Cao Zhen only used one blow to kill all the corpse generals, more than sixty of them!

Those are the corpse generals who followed Wu Xian Helian Baitian to fight against the Zhenxian Dynasty and wanted to overthrow the Zhenxian Dynasty. They were the corpse generals who had lost the words of their generals. They were not just what they had practiced when they were humans. Martial arts, they also possess corpse energy.

Among them, there are four existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and they are all extremely powerful beings among the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. But even so, they had failed to kill these corpse generals before. He didn't do it, not even a corpse general was killed.

Cao Zhen, however, killed all the corpse generals with one blow.

Therefore, if Cao Zhen's attack was aimed at them, their four Golden Elixir Dzogchen existences with ten visions would also die directly!

They are the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

During the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the strongest combat power recognized by everyone is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection!

When did the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen become such an existence that could be easily killed during the Minor Era when the universe was reversed?

Moreover, these four are the disciples of the Grand Master!

Although Cao Zhen is now recognized as the number one person in the Eastern Wasteland, this is a special period, and all the real masters are asleep.

After the small chance of reversal of the universe is over, and after all the fairylanders wake up, Cao Zhen will really be nothing in the Eastern Wasteland.

The real number one person in the Eastern Wasteland is actually the Grand Master!

But now, the four disciples of the Grand Master discovered that they were so far behind Cao Zhen.

"The power beyond the limit of the golden elixir..." Yu Tuoyu waved his halberd and cut off the tentacles of a bloody monster in front of him. He raised his head and looked at Cao Zhen with a pair of heroic eyes with a trace of delicateness.

Although the Grand Master is not a reincarnated power, as the number one person in the Eastern Wasteland, the Grand Master knows a lot of secrets. As a disciple of the Grand Master, she also knows many secrets that others do not know.

Cao Zhen was not the first person in the Eastern Wilderness to reach the limit of the Golden Core stage before the Wind and Fire Catastrophe. In fact, her master, the Grand Master of the Dynasty, also reached the limit of the Golden Core Stage when he was in the Golden Core Stage. The limit, and if his master explodes with all his strength, he can also display power that exceeds the limit of the golden elixir stage.

However, his master made it very clear that he only reached the limit of the golden elixir stage after completing the Ten Visions of Golden elixir.

But Cao Zhen, he is still at the ninth level of the Golden Pill. Cao Zhen has not yet condensed the tenth golden pill of visions, and has not yet completed the combination of pills!

Cao Zhen can reach the limit of the golden elixir stage now. When Cao Zhen condenses another vision golden elixir, it will inevitably exceed the limit of the golden elixir stage.

What about Hedan?

As we all know, there are two completely different concepts between the golden elixir stage before the completion of the combined elixir and the completion of the combined elixir.

So, at the same golden elixir stage, Cao Zhen had already surpassed his master?

Master, how can it be surpassed by others!

Yu Tuoyu was surprised at how terrifying Cao Zhenxiu was, and at the same time he couldn't accept the fact in her mind that her master was his belief and the person she admired the most. She couldn't believe that someone could surpass her master, even if It is in a certain realm of cultivation, even if the other party is a reincarnated power.

On the city wall, several other disciples of the Grand Master looked at Cao Zhen who landed on the ground. They looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"What kind of attack was Cao Zhengang's attack? An entire mountain range fell down, but that mountain range did not emit the power of earth from the five elements."

"The mountain range seems to be the Hundred Peaks Sect, and the power of the mountain range is very special. I seem to have never felt that kind of power. The power seems to be just power, but it also seems to contain countless kinds of power in the world."

Suddenly, the two of them remembered something.

Back then, at the southern end of the Zhenxian Dynasty, a peerless ruin appeared close to that place. That time, they did not enter the ruins because they wanted to protect the capital, but they also heard about the peerless ruins and the final treasure. , should have been acquired by Cao Zhen.

After the appearance of those ruins, they can cause strange phenomena in the world for a long time, and the best treasures among them must be extremely amazing.

However, after Cao Zhen returned, he never said what kind of treasure he had obtained, and it was naturally difficult for anyone to ask him again.

Now, Cao Zhen suddenly burst out with such terrifying power that his power even exceeded the limit of the golden elixir stage, causing a catastrophe. It is very possible that the treasures and methods he used are the last treasures of that peerless ruins.

Cao Zhen killed all the corpse soldiers with one blow. For a time, the corpse soldiers were without a leader, and they suddenly became chaotic.

On the city wall, the Taishi's disciples and relic disciples who had been defending immediately rushed down.

Although corpse soldiers are much stronger than ordinary soldiers, they are not as good as immortal cultivators. If they can kill immortal cultivators, or even golden elixir stage immortal cultivators, they will not be corpse soldiers but corpse generals.

Previously, the reason why the Taishi's disciples and disciples had not killed these corpse soldiers was because there were more than sixty corpse soldiers coming. Now all the corpse soldiers have been killed. After a group of golden elixir stage masters took action, Corpse soldiers fell one after another.

The corpse soldiers died, but they did not stop, but rushed towards the blood river again.

After Cao Zhen was shot to the ground, he adjusted his breathing. Now that he saw everyone rushing towards the Blood River, he also got up and flew towards the Blood River. Although it was said that he could not return to his peak in such a short period of time. The state is still strong enough for him to fight again without being too affected.

Although blood items were still emerging in the blood river, with Duoduo and Zhu Peng joining in, Yu Tuoyu and others already had the advantage. As the corpse generals and corpse soldiers were eliminated, everyone rushed into the blood stream. In the river, all the monsters in the blood river were quickly and completely suppressed.

They even have time to wait for the monster to appear before killing it.

After Cao Zhen helped everyone suppress the monsters, he quickly looked at Yu Tuoyu and asked: "Do you still have the materials to set up the formation? I will complete the formation."

This blood river is too big. It is impossible for them to do nothing and stay in this blood river, constantly killing and suppressing monsters.

"Master has left some materials, Imperial Master, please follow me."

Yu Tuoyu quickly took Cao Zhen into the capital. After obtaining enough materials, Cao Zhen completed the formation.

Now is the period of the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe. Some formations cannot be deployed, and Cao Zhen can only deploy formations that reach the limit of the Golden Core Stage.

The formation cannot completely guarantee that there will be no monsters appearing in the blood river, but as long as people are stationed here, there will be no big problem if monsters appear occasionally.

After the blood river was stabilized, Cao Zhen took Duoduo and Zhu Peng into the capital.

Although he is a national advisor, he will not directly participate in the governance of the country. He did not participate in the handling of government affairs. Instead, he took Duoduo and Zhu Peng around the capital.

More than fifty years ago, when he came to the capital to participate in the Immortals Martial Arts Conference, the capital was already prosperous enough. But now when he visited the capital again, he found that the capital now was even more prosperous than before.

In the past, the capital was prosperous, mostly because it was the center of the Zhenxian Dynasty. Although people from other dynasties would come to the capital, for some reasons, the number of people who came was limited.

When the entire Eastern Wasteland maintained peace and when the major dynasties stopped attacking each other, more and more people began to pour into the capital. For a time, the entire capital even reached an unprecedented level of prosperity.

He also saw many medicinal materials in the capital that he had not seen before.

The capital was too big. He took Zhu Peng and Duoduo to stay in the capital for seven days before leaving the capital and returning to the Baifeng Sect.

Dongliang and Donghuang are divided into ten groups. Each group is led by a master. Among them, Lingxi, Yan Yourong, Xiang Ziyu, Beiyan, Yisheng, Li Ke, and only the Baifeng Sect have Ten people are responsible for leading the team.

Their goal is to go to all the major immortal sects. As long as they are from Dongliang, they will not let go of any of them, and they will all go to them for resources.

Although they were divided into ten teams, there were too many monks from Donghuang, and each team also had experts, so Dongliang was directly frightened.

As they moved forward, even though the major immortal sects in Dongliang refused at first with various reasons.

However, in the end, without exception, they all gave resources.

Compensating the other party with a sum of resources is better than having the Immortal Sect destroyed.

Who makes them unable to defeat others? Who told them that they couldn't do it and still stir up trouble? They wanted to rob other people's resources before, but now others are trying to rob their resources, what else can they do?

Well, these people from the Eastern Wilds did not directly snatch away all the resources of an immortal sect. Although they came to ask for a lot of resources, they would still leave some resources for the major immortal sects.

Everyone in Donghuang also knows that if they really want to take away all the resources of a fairy sect, the fairy sect in Dongliang will definitely fight them.

At that time, the Dongliang Immortal Cultivation Circle will unite again and fight them desperately.

Although they won the first battle, and if they fight again, they will most likely win, but if they fight again, they will definitely die, especially when the other side is trying their best to self-destruct, they don't know how many people will die.

Therefore, they still left a front line, so that the other party would not fight them desperately.

The ten teams are progressing smoothly, and are constantly going deep into the depths of Dongliang. Moreover, as the major immortal sects obediently hand over their resources, other immortal sects also know that they cannot do without handing over their resources.

If they don't hand over resources, the people from Donghuang will definitely attack them. At that time, other immortal sects will not help them. After all, the other immortal sects have paid protection fees, and the people from Donghuang will not deal with them. Why do other immortal sects have to work hard?

Therefore, there is no other way. The fairy sects in front have all handed over their resources, and the remaining fairy sects will naturally hand over their resources obediently.

Naturally, they are also very Donghuang people, and they will hate anyone who is robbed of resources like this.

At the same time, they also hated their original alliance leader. If it weren't for the Yin Yang alliance leader who kept instilling in everyone that Dongliang was very strong and gave various reasons, Dongliang would not attack Donghuang. They would not attack. In Donghuang, perhaps there would be no such thing.

Craftsmanship Sect, this sect is located at the other end of Dongliang, and is one of the immortal sects farthest from Donghuang.

It's just that compared to the number of masters in the sect and the strength of the Craftsmanship sect, it doesn't rank at all.

Among the top twenty immortal sects in Dongliang, there is definitely no Craftsman Sect.

However, the Craftsmanship Sect is an extremely important and prestigious sect in Dongliang.

Because their Craftsmanship Sect is the number one sect in Dongliang that forges magical weapons.

In the past, some immortal sects wanted to annex the Craftsmanship Sect, but the Craftsmanship Sect was not strong, and it had some strength of its own. Now, during the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, there are also two Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen beings.

It would be troublesome for others to destroy the Craftsmanship Sect.

Moreover, the Craftsmanship Sect also has good relations with many sects. After all, the magic weapons refined by the Craftsmanship Sect are well-known. Several major immortal sects even ordered magic weapons from the Craftsmanship Sect.

If there are immortal sects attacking the Jiangxin Sect, the Jiangxin Sect will ask for help immediately. I don’t know how many immortal sects will come to the rescue.

Therefore, those immortal sects only thought about it but did not put it into practice!

The Craftsmanship Sect has become one of the richest immortal sects in the entire Dongliang because of their method of forging magical weapons.

In fact, this time when Dongliang attacked Donghuang, the Craftsman Sect did not send anyone to go. After all, the people of the Craftsman Sect were not particularly good at fighting. Moreover, their Craftsman Sect was not without their efforts. Most of the magic weapons were forged by their Craftsman Sect. .

Of course, it's impossible to forge in vain. Just for Donghuang, they gave the major immortal sects a 20% discount.

Even though it's 20% off, because of the large quantity, their craftsmanship is still making a lot of money.

However, when the people from Donghuang arrived, almost all the resources they earned this time were lost.

"That's all, we lost money and avoided disaster. In fact, the resources we lost were all the resources earned this time by the major immortal sects buying magic weapons from us. Our Craftsmanship Sect has not yet broken our muscles and bones."

The Blessed Palm Sect of the Craftsmanship Sect, and the only silversmith among the two Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir of the Craftsmanship Sect, comforted himself while patrolling around.

At the same time, he also opened his mouth and ordered to the disciples around him: "Everything is set up. Today, fellow Taoists from the Western Man Bailian Sect will come.

The Hundred Refining Sect is a Western Man sect that is best at refining magical weapons. The refining techniques of their Immortal Sect are completely different from those of our Craftsman Sect, and they follow different paths. This time Zhang Sect and I specially invited them to come and discuss forging with us. The collision of different forging styles has a profound impact on our Craftsman Sect. There will be great benefits.

You should all cheer up. When the time comes, learn more and watch more. Also, you must entertain each other well and not embarrass our Craftsmanship Sect. "

The silversmith said while checking the preparations.

One end of them is the Eastern Barren that they could enter before, while the other end they cannot enter directly is the Western Barbarians.

It was precisely because they could not enter the Western Barbarians that the leader of the Yin-Yang Alliance set the target of the attack on the Eastern Barrens.

Who knew that Donghuang was so powerful and had so many peerless masters? He even heard later that the top master of Donghuang did not come.

They cannot enter the Western Barbarians, but the people from the Western Barbarians can enter their Dongliang. Before that, many people from the Western Barbarians entered Dongliang.

They didn't know if the Western Barbarians had any intention of attacking Dongliang before, but after seeing the masters of Dongliang, especially the reincarnated power of Dongliang's leader of the Sun and Moon Alliance, the Western Barbarians , the western barbarians quickly reached an agreement with their eastern counterparts and signed a non-aggression covenant with each other.

After that, more people from the Western Barbarians entered Dongliang to communicate with them. Among them was a master from the Bailian Sect. After learning about the existence of their Craftsmanship Sect, he went to their Craftsmanship Sect to discuss the Tao.

Later, they both discovered that the other's forging level was extremely high, almost on par with their own sect, but their forging techniques were different.

In this way, they discussed with each other and found that their forging techniques could complement each other.

Therefore, after discussing with them, the master of the Hundred Refiners Sect decided to bring more masters and young talented disciples from their Hundred Refiners Sect to discuss the Tao together, complement each other, and improve the forging techniques together.

Today, today is the day when people from Bailian Sect come to their Craftsmanship Sect.

Xiang Ziyu and his men marched all the way towards Dongliang.

"Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, we have to walk through the entire Dongliang. Let me see how many immortal sects are ahead... hmm? Are these three the only ones?"

"Senior brother." Liao Youdi reminded Xiang Ziyu softly, "Actually, if we turn a corner, there are still a few immortal sects."

Liao Youdi has already broken through the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection, and her talent is indeed excellent. She is a very strong existence among the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. Their Qingluan Peak has always regarded her as Qingluan. The next peak master of the peak.

However, her training time is indeed short, and there are too many masters coming to Dongliang this time. Only their Baifeng Sect has six masters better than him, as well as Ax Madman and Haoyue Xingjun. A reincarnated powerful man, she was not among the top ten people who came, so she followed Xiang Ziyu as his deputy.

"Those immortal sects are too far away from us. We want to join other teams to go back and find them." Xiang Ziyu shook his head, paused slightly, and continued, "Besides, I have a feeling that if we go there, we won't What will be gained? This is my intuition as the protagonist, you have to trust my senior brother, the protagonist’s intuition!"

When Liao Youdi heard the sound, she didn't know what to say.

When she was not a monk, when she was recruiting disciples from the Baifeng Sect, she was attacked and killed by people from the Demon Sect on the way. She saw Li Li, who was like a god descending to earth, invincible, and unstoppable under the burning fire. Ke, from that time on, he especially admired Li Ke.

In fact, when Bai Feng was choosing a disciple, her first choice was Suzaku Peak.

It's just that she is now a disciple of Qingluan Peak. When she chooses a person, it is naturally impossible for her to choose to follow Li Ke. When she was in the Baifeng Sect, she heard Duoduo say many times that Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu was special, so in the end she chose to follow Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu.

Along the way, she really discovered how magical her senior brother was as Duoduo said, and she finally understood why many people in the Baifeng Sect said that Xiang Ziyu was the best among all the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks. The strongest one, even people in the entire Donghuang say that Xiang Ziyu is the second person in Donghuang under Cao Zhangzong!

They had killed Dongliang's top master, the reincarnated almighty, and then Madman Ax threw the reincarnated almighty's Universe Bag to Xiang Ziyu.

Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu did not open the Qiankun Bag immediately, but opened it after everyone left. He even said that there were many treasures in the other party's Qiankun Bag, including various resources, and There are many kinds of magical powers and techniques to cultivate the yin and yang energy.

It seems that the other party was too confident and believed that in the Little Era when the world was reversed, no one was his opponent and no one could threaten him, so it was safest to carry all the treasures with him. This gave Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu an advantage.

Then along the way, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu did not control the flying boat, but just stayed in seclusion in the flying boat to study the power of yin and yang.

Moreover, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu is not in seclusion. Whenever they arrive in front of a fairy gate, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu will leave with them and ask the other fairy gate for resources.

Just like this, I retreated for a while and came out for a while.

Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu, it took him a month to achieve another breakthrough.

It's not that he has broken through to the level of the Wind and Fire Catastrophe, but that Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu said that he has broken through to the limit of the Golden Core stage!

That is the limit of the Golden Core stage. Now in the entire Donghuang and the entire Dongliang, there are so many amazing and talented people, and even four reincarnated great masters. Only Cao Zhen, the leader of their Hundred Peaks Sect, has reached this level. The other three most powerful reincarnated leaders of the Yin-Yang Alliance are only infinitely close to the limit of the Golden Core stage.

But Xiang Ziyu reached the limit of the golden elixir stage so quickly.

Moreover, he cultivates the power of yin and yang.

She had not been exposed to the power of yin and yang before, and their Baifeng Sect did not have much introduction to the power of yin and yang, as well as techniques and magical powers. Even Donghuang and Dongliang did not have many cultivation methods and magical powers for the power of yin and yang.

She also understood and inquired about the power of yin and yang, which is a very rare existence and extremely difficult to cultivate.

But Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu, through practicing the power of yin and yang, reached the limit of the golden elixir stage so simply. What the leader of the Yin and Yang Alliance has not been able to do for so many years, let Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu do it like this. How evil is this? talent!

She always thought that she was extremely talented, but compared with senior brother Xiang Ziyu, what kind of genius was she?

After Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu broke through, he began to control the flying boat.

Because this is the first time for everyone in Donghuang to come to Dongliang. Although they will ask the major immortal sects to draw maps when they go to them, they have not divided the route before leaving, so when they go, there will be Repeated situation.

However, this situation is not too common. After all, when everyone walked separately, they had divided ten rough routes, and who went in which direction.

When they go to a fairy gate and the other party tells them that others have already been there, they will also know that if the route is the same as others, they will also change the route.

However, this is not the case with Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu. Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu does not follow the divided route at all, but moves forward as he pleases. In the words of Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu, he is the protagonist. He has the protagonist's intuition. You must trust Xiang Ziyu. The intuition of the protagonist, Brother Ziyu.

Although Liao Youdi admired Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu's talent in cultivation, she really felt that Senior Brother Beiyan was right and that Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu might really have some problems in his head.

However, when Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu changed the route one time, and then on the route they were walking, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu really found a strange place, and then Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu entered it and got a treasure, she I really started to doubt my life.

She really doubted whether Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu was the protagonist he said he was.

Therefore, if Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu changed his route, let's change it. She didn't think much about it anymore.

Xiang Ziyu's voice came back to her all kinds of experiences along the way.

"Based on my protagonist's intuition, we will definitely gain a lot from going to that Craftsmanship Sect this time."

Liao Youdi did not respond. Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu also said this many times along the way. Except for the first time, when they encountered a special place and after Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu got a treasure, the other few times, they No special experience.

However, every time when Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu asked the other party for resources, he also asked to see the things that the other party had piled up that were not in use.

What broken treasures, magic weapons, useful materials, or incomplete skills and magical powers? In her opinion, these things are actually useless garbage.

But every time, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu was very serious about picking out the rubbish in her eyes, and every time, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu said that he had found a treasure.

She didn't know whether Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu had picked out the treasure.

This time, Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu said that he might have to go to the Craftsman Sect to pick out those rags again.

As she was thinking, suddenly, the voice of a disciple of the Hundred Peaks Sect came: "Elder Xiang, Senior Sister Liao, there is a flying boat coming over there."

"Huh? And Feizhou?"

Liao Youdi immediately turned her head and looked outside the flying boat. Suddenly, in her sight, there appeared a flying boat that looked very different from the entire Dongliang. Moreover, the logo painted on the flying boat was also very similar. eccentric.

"Around here, the nearest immortal sect is the Craftsmanship Sect, but before we came, another fairy sect had already drawn a map of the Craftsmanship Sect, and also painted the logo of the Craftsmanship Sect. This is not the logo of the Craftsmanship Sect. The logos of the other two immortal sects further away are not like this."

When Xiang Ziyu saw the sudden appearance of Feizhou, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he shouted: "Sure enough, I know that as the protagonist, I can't go wrong. Believe me, we will definitely have something. Big harvest, let’s stop them first and see where they came from.”

With that said, he controlled the flying boat and faced the opponent directly.

This time, Beihuang sent a large number of golden elixirs to Dongliang. Even if everyone was divided into ten teams, there were too many people and one airship could not accommodate everyone, so each team had several people. A flying boat.

Several other flying boats, seeing the leading flying boat facing the unknown flying boat, also flew over one after another.

On another flying boat, more than fifty people slowly sat on it. At this time, they saw flying boats flying towards each other, and many people suddenly shouted.

"Master Qianchui, look, there is a flying boat coming. It should be the flying boat of the Craftsmanship Sect."

"The people from the Craftsman Sect are so polite. When they saw us arriving, they sent so many flying boats to greet us early."

"Yes, under normal circumstances, they would just greet us outside their mountain gate. Even if they really send people to pick us up, they don't need to send so many flying boats. I can only say that they value us too much."

"But, it's so strange, why? I see that these flying boats have different logos, as if they come from different immortal sects."

"What's so strange about this? The logos are different, probably because they come from different schools. Just like our Bailian Sect, we also have various schools, and each of our schools also has its own school logo. , but we are all from Bailian Sect.”

Some people in the crowd shook their heads and said, "It's still not right. Even if they are from different schools of the Craftsman Sect, their flying boats should always have the logo of their Craftsman Sect. But if you look at these flying boats, they don't have a unified logo."

On the crowd paper, a middle-aged man with a goatee heard the words of the people around him and immediately looked out through the transparent part of the spacecraft.

Suddenly one spaceship appeared in front of his eyes. There were six of these spaceships in total. He had never seen the logo on each of them before.

"No, this is not the logo of the Craftsman Sect. They are not members of the Craftsman Sect!"

Qian Zhui's expression suddenly changed, and he even discovered that these flying boats were surrounding them, surrounding their flying boats.

Around them, everyone also noticed something unusual. This was obviously not a reception, but more like they were going to surround them and then attack and kill them!

"You guys stay here and don't move, Junior Nephew Yu Sha, let's go out first."

"Okay!" In the flying boat, a man exuding a strong murderous aura heard the voice. He immediately stood up, opened the flying boat and flew out.

Although the people in this flying boat are all immortal cultivators, except for him, no one has murderous aura in their body. He is the most special existence.

As he flew out of the flying boat, ten golden elixirs of vision suddenly appeared behind him.

In their Hundred Refining Sect, almost every disciple who has reached the golden elixir stage and has a vision of the golden elixir, the vision of the golden elixir they have condensed is related to forging.

However, only two of the golden elixirs behind him had something to do with forging. They were the shadows of two giant hammers. However, it felt like his giant hammer vision was more like a fighting giant hammer than a forging giant hammer!

The visions in his other eight vision elixirs are all kinds of birds.

Yu Sha looked at the flying boats surrounding them with piercing eyes.

Although he is a disciple of the Hundred Refining Sect, he is not very good at forging divine weapons. Perhaps compared with other immortal sects, his forging level may be passable, but within the Hundred Refining Sect, his The level of forging is at the bottom.

He really doesn't have any forging talent, but fortunately, he has excellent cultivation talent.

Therefore, his master simply stopped letting him learn forging, and instead focused on practicing. Although his forging level was poor, his strength was definitely among the top three in the Bailian Sect today.

This time, their Hundred Refiners Sect attached great importance to discussing Taoism with the Craftsmanship Sect, so they sent many forging masters from their Hundred Refiners Sect, as well as those talented disciples.

Among them, the leader was his uncle.

Although both Dongliang and the Craftsmanship Sect have clearly expressed their friendship, they sent too many forging masters and geniuses this time, so their head sect sent him to accompany them specifically to protect everyone. of.

In addition to Yu Sha, their Bailian Sect also dispatched ten masters.

After the killing, ten more people flew out of the flying boat. Although these individuals were not the Perfect Perfection of the Ten Golden Pills, each of them was a being who had completed the combination of ten golden pills.

They all released their golden elixirs just to tell each other that they were not to be trifled with!

During the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, a Great Perfection Master of the Ten Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions led ten masters of the Great Perfection of the Ten Golden Elixir. This was a very powerful force no matter where it was placed.

Among these eleven people, Qian Zhui also released his own golden elixir. There are nine golden elixirs, but he has completed the combined elixirs, and three of them are vision elixirs.

Qian Zhui is the oldest among them all.

He even had only more than a hundred years before his end. It was precisely for this reason that he volunteered to be the first Bailian Sect disciple to enter Dongliang.

His cultivation talent is actually not very good. The reason why he is able to achieve his current level of cultivation is all due to the gradual accumulation of time and the resources provided by the sect.

Even his forging talent can only be said to be average. This time he came here to lead the way, relying on his experience to see if he could absorb more knowledge from the other party.

At the same time, he also has to maintain a certain degree of control.

After all, when they discuss Tao with the other party, they naturally have to tell the other party some of their core forging methods, and the other party also has to tell them some of the core forging methods. Otherwise, they can talk and communicate.

However, of course, this core method cannot be fully explained. After all, what advantages do they have and what secrets do they have?

However, if it is retained, how much should be retained is an even bigger question. If you reserve too much, the other party will feel that they are not sincere.

Therefore, there must be an experienced person to grasp this degree, and Qian Zhui is the most suitable person.

But he didn't expect that he was fine when he came, and then went to the shore to pick up people. When he came back, he was surrounded by people.

All around, among the flying boats, the people in Donghuang looked at the few people who flew out of the flying boats and showed their fighting power. Each one of them grew bigger and bigger.

"What? Is this showing off to us?"

"The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen? Do you think we don't have the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen?"

"Show them how many golden elixirs we have in the Ten Visions of Great Perfection!"

Suddenly, monks from the Eastern Wasteland flew out one after another in the flying boats.

Yu Sha's eyes suddenly condensed, and he looked over with vigilance, and his heart became even tighter. There were so many monks, why so many... What is this?

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened in the next moment.

In front of his eyes, there were enough monks flying out of the flying boat, but what was even more terrifying was that these monks released their combat power one after another, and each one was a golden elixir stage existence.

At a glance, one could see that they were so densely packed that they surrounded the whole sky.

This... I'm afraid there are thousands of golden elixir stages. What kind of immortal sect can have so many golden elixir stages?

And, the back, the ones at the back...

The Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection! How come there are so many Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Ten Visions? There are eleven Golden Elixir Dzogchen with Ten Visions!

When did the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen exist so much?

In his eyes full of disbelief, in front of his eyes, from the first flying boat, two more figures, a man and a woman, flew out. The other party did not release the golden elixir, but as the two flew out, The people around him, even the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, even took the initiative to give up their positions.

Yu Sha became more and more shocked and suspicious. Obviously, these two people were the ones taking the lead on the other side. Therefore, these two people must also be in the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection.

The other party’s Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen are not eleven, but thirteen?

Is Dongliang so strong?

If these people take action, there is no way that I can stop them!

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