Qian Zhui has stayed in Dongliang for a long time. Although he basically stayed in the Craftsman Sect, he couldn't just discuss forging with the people of the Craftsman Sect without asking about the situation in Dongliang.

According to the information he heard from the Jiangxin Sect, no immortal sect in the entire Dongliang has such strength, with so many Golden Elixir Great Perfections of the Ten Visions, and so many Golden Elixir Stages!

Therefore, the other party should not belong to one immortal sect, but multiple immortal sects united together, not knowing what to do.

He knew that all the immortal sects in Dongliang were united together, and there was an alliance leader.

The other party is a team of the major immortal sects in Dongliang, and they are guests of the Craftsman Sect. I think these people will not embarrass them.

Thousand Hammers looked at the opponent, who looked like the leader, and cupped his hands and said: "A few fellow Taoists, I don't know why they stopped us. Although we come to the Western Barbarians, we are guests of the Craftsmanship Sect."

He was a member of the Jiangxin Sect, and he had mentioned many times that most of the magical weapons in Dongliang were forged by the Jiangxin Sect, so the major immortal sects in Dongliang also gave favor to the Jiangxin Sect.

If they tell them that they are guests of the Craftsmanship Sect, they will probably back away.

"Western Man?" Xiang Ziyu raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard the voice, with a look of surprise on his face. These people are actually from the Western Man. It must be the other side of Dongliang. It turns out that the other side of Dongliang is not what Places like the Eastern Barbarians, but the Western Barbarians.

It’s really interesting that people from the Eastern Wilderness actually met people from the Western Barbarians in Dongliang in the middle.

People from the Western Barbarians, what do they do in the Craftsman Sect?

After Qian Zhui finished speaking, he was surprised to find that the other person didn't speak, but just looked at him with a strange expression. He didn't understand. What was the other person's expression? What's so weird?

The Western Barbarians have all signed an alliance with the leader of Dongliang, and the people in Dongliang also know that they, the Western Barbarians, can enter Dongliang. What is so weird about seeing their own people?

Qian Zhui was puzzled, even unhappy. Everyone has signed the covenant. Now, what do you mean by your people surrounding us?

But the opponent's strength was obviously superior to ours, but Qian Hammer did not dare to attack. He could only endure the discomfort in his heart and continued: "Fellow Taoist, we Ximan have signed an alliance with you Dongliang, not to attack each other. . There should be no problem if we enter Dongliang now, right?"

"It turns out that the alliance has already been signed." Xiang Ziyu nodded slightly, "No wonder you dare to attack us in Donghuang. It turns out that we have settled down on one side first."

"What? Donghuang?" Qian Zhui was stunned when he heard what the other party said. Not only Qian Zhui, but also the eleven people from the Western Barbarians behind him were also stunned.

Isn't this from Dongliang? But people from the Eastern Wilderness!

On the other side of Dongliang is Donghuang? However, even if the people from Donghuang enter Dongliang, they should be on the other side of Dongliang. The place they are now is closer to their Western Barbarians. The people from Donghuang actually crossed the entire Dongliang and reached the road where they are about to reach. The place of Ximan!

Moreover, what else did the other party say? Are you saying that people from Dongliang are attacking Donghuang?

Yes, they Western Barbarians can enter Dongliang, which means Dongliang can enter Donghuang. Dongliang must have attacked Donghuang before.

Now, the people from Donghuang appear here. It is obvious that the people from Donghuang have fought back and directly penetrated Dongliang.

Now that their regions are connected together, how long did it take for Dongliang to be penetrated by Donghuang?

They have also seen the strength of Dongliang. The masters of their Western Barbarians said after returning from Dongliang that the strength of the leader of Dongliang is unfathomable and is infinitely close to the limit of the Golden Core stage. Moreover, the entire Dongliang is still All united.

So Dongliang has been penetrated, what kind of strength does Donghuang have?

Donghuang has penetrated Dongliang, so what’s the next step?

What will Donghuang do?

Will they attack the Western Barbarians?

The strength of their Western Barbarians is not as good as that of Dongliang. What if Donghuang attacks the Western Barbarians immediately?

Are they coming here now to attack the Western Barbarians?

Everyone in the Western Barbarians thought a lot for a while.

Xiang Ziyu waited for the other party to finish being surprised, and then he said: "We are going to the Craftsmanship Sect. By coincidence, we are also going to the Craftsmanship Sect. Do you know the place? It just so happens that you will lead the way. How about we go to the Craftsmanship Sect together?" "

Although what Qian Zhui heard was an inquiry, he did not dare to refuse at all. With the other party's strength, questions could also be turned into declarative sentences. After he knew that the other party was from the Eastern Barbarians, he even asked cautiously: "So, this Fellow Taoist, can we fly in a flying boat, pilot it and lead the way?"

"Whatever, if you don't want to go back to your flying boat, you can also take our flying boat and fly together." Xiang Ziyu said casually, and Qian Zhui was so frightened that he ran back to his flying boat in an instant.

Soon, the flying boats took off one after another, flying towards the direction of the Craftsman Sect.

However, Xiang Ziyu and Liao Youdi did not fly back to the flying boat, but directly flew outside with their swords.

While flying, Liao Youdi asked Xiang Ziyu curiously: "Brother Xiang, what are your plans for letting these people follow us?"

In addition to people from the Baifeng Sect, their group also includes people from other immortal sects. Basically, people from other immortal sects, including people from the Baifeng Sect, call Xiang Ziyu Elder Xiang. After all, Xiang Ziyu is called Elder Xiang. Ziyu is the elder of Baifeng Sect.

The only exception was Liao Youdi, who always called Xiang Ziyu his senior brother. It's not because she thinks she's strong enough to call him senior, but because she's used to it.

She, Duoduo and Zhu Peng entered the Baifeng Sect at the same time, and were even in the same city.

After entering Baifeng Sect, they were in the same academy and left the academy at the same time. The relationship between the three of them has always been excellent. Even if the three of them are not in the same peak, the three of them meet in the market. Sometimes Duoduo and Zhu Peng go to Qingluan Peak to find her, but more often, she goes to Sibao Peak to find Duoduo and Zhu Peng. After all, There are few people in Sibaofeng and it is quiet.

She had been to Sibaofeng so many times, and she always met Xiang Ziyu. At that time, she followed Zhu Peng and Duoduo and called her senior brother, and she got used to it.

Xiang Ziyu heard Liao Youdi's question and shook his head slightly: "What's the plan? No plan."

"No plan?" Liao Youdi was confused for a moment, "No plan, then why do you want them to follow you, senior brother?"

"Because of the protagonist's intuition." Xiang Ziyu suddenly became excited when he heard Liao Youdi's question and began to talk at length: "They are from the Western Barbarians. Why did we encounter them? Let me tell you..."

Liao Youdi realized that she still didn't know Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu well enough. She should have thought that Senior Brother Xiang Ziyu would say this.

On the flying boat of the Hundred Refining Sect, at this time, the monks from the Hundred Refining Sect were frowning, looking at the two figures flying with swords outside the flying boat, each of them had a headache.

"The other party is led by these two people. They are indeed the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir of Great Perfection."

"They are not as simple as the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Dzogchen." Yu Sha looked at the two figures outside, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Even through the flying boat, I can feel the terrifying aura exuded by the two of them. This is definitely the most top-notch Golden Elixir of Ten Visions, especially that man. He makes me feel very, very scary, even to me We in the Western Barbarians have never seen anyone with such a terrifying aura."

"The other party is so strong?"

When everyone around heard the sound, their expressions became more and more solemn. They knew that Yu Sha was very sensitive to the feeling of breath, much more sensitive than the ordinary Golden Pill Dzogchen of the Ten Visions.

"The leader of Dongliang is very close to the limit of the golden elixir, but Dongliang has been defeated. We should have guessed the opponent's strength."

"The key now is, what should we do! What will the other side do to us?"

"The opponent is flying outside the airship and obviously wants to watch us. If we escape, the opponent will attack immediately."

"Our strength is far from the opponent's opponent. Now, we can only take one step at a time and take them to the Craftsman Sect first."

"Do you think that Dongliang is crazy? He is obviously no match for Donghuang, so why bother provoking Donghuang!"

"They are going to the Craftsman Sect. They don't know what they are going to do when they go to the Craftsman Sect."

Everyone was talking about it, but the flying boat did not stop moving forward.

About two hours later, a huge mountain gate appeared in everyone's sight in the distance.


At this time, the mountain gate of the Craftsmanship Sect was already wide open. There were even two rows of disciples standing outside the mountain gate. Among the disciples, there was a familiar figure.

"That's the deputy head of the Craftsmanship Sect, Silversmith."

In the flying boat, Qian Zhui whispered and turned to look at the two men flying with swords outside.

The silversmith knew that the people from the Bailian Sect had returned today, and that the Craftsmanship Sect attached great importance to the discussion and exchange between the two sects, so he, as the deputy head sect, personally led the people to welcome them.

However, looking at the spaceships in the void, he was completely confused.

With so many flying boats, people from the Hundred Refining Sect wouldn't come with their entire clan, right? And what are the two people flying outside the flying boat doing?

The auras emanating from the two of them were so terrifying.

He himself is also a perfect being of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, but even if he raises his aura to the top, there is no such terrifying aura.

These two people are not ordinary Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen.

Is this a member of the Bailian Sect? Are there such masters in Bailian Sect?

No, that logo...

As the flying boats flew closer, he finally saw the logo on the flying boat clearly. His expression suddenly changed. There was nothing wrong with the logo on the first flying boat. It was the logo of the Hundred Refiners Sect, but the logo on the second flying boat was the closest. Isn't that the logo of the flying boat the logo of Donghuang and the Hundred Peaks Sect?

Didn't the other party just come here just two days ago? Why did you come back again? Moreover, the other party came with people from Bailian Sect. What is going on?

In his eyes full of doubts and confusions, one spaceship after another stopped outside the Craftsmanship Sect.

Then, the flying boats disappeared one after another, and everyone in the East Wasteland flew out of the flying boats. The golden elixir behind each person emerged, fully displaying their combat power.

The flying boats in the Eastern Wilderness have all been put away. The people in the Western Barbarians also took away the flying boats after a slight hesitation. They were all in place. They couldn't stay in the flying boats forever.

If the other party really wanted to attack them, with the other party's strength, it would be useless for them to hide in the flying boat.

The silversmith looked at the people from the Eastern Wilderness who suddenly appeared. His face was surprised, but he quickly returned to normal. He did not retreat to the mountain gate in fear and sealed it.

Given the strength of the place, if they really wanted to destroy the Craftsman Sect, it would be useless even if they blocked the mountain gate. Besides, he could already see that the people coming down now were not the same group of people from the Eastern Wilderness who came before.

Obviously, it is the other party who repeats it.

He had also heard before that people from the Eastern Wilderness went to various immortal sects to rob for resources, and sometimes different teams would arrive repeatedly.

At that time, as long as they make it clear, the other party will leave.

This time, it must have been repeated by the two opposing teams.

The silversmith also saw Qian Zhui and the others. He first raised his hands to Qian Zhui and said, "Fellow Taoist Qian Zhui, please wait a moment."

After saying that, he turned to look at the people in Donghuang and said: "Everyone, you people from Donghuang have already arrived, led by a very beautiful fairy."

"Has anyone been here already?" Xiang Ziyu was slightly surprised and asked curiously, "Beautiful fairy, we have many beautiful fairies in Donghuang, and there are several beautiful fairies leading the team. Which one are you talking about? ?”

There are really many beautiful fairies leading the team, but their Baifeng Sect only has his two senior sisters and his senior wife.

When the other party heard this, he immediately pointed to the logo of the flying boat behind Xiang Ziyu and said, "That fairy is from the Baifeng Sect just like you."

"We have many beautiful fairies in the Baifeng Sect. Just tell us their names." Xiang Ziyu found that there was really a problem in communicating with the other party. Why did he talk so much? Isn't it better to just say the name?

"The fairy didn't say her name." Yin Hammer was helpless. If the other party had told him her name, he would have told her already. Why would he bother to explain so much?

But speaking of it, that fairy really had one characteristic, but he didn't dare to say it.

He was afraid that if he said it, the other party would think he was teasing them, and then the other party would directly take action. What would he do?

He could only recall the tone and manner in which the fairy spoke to them when he arrived and said, "That fairy is gentler."

Xiang Siyu understood immediately and came over and said, "Oh, that's Senior Sister."

If she were the second senior sister, would she still be gentle? The second senior sister had already put a knife on the opponent's neck and asked them to hand over the money. The words of the junior wife and junior sister have nothing to do with gentleness, so it can only be the senior sister.

The people from Bailian Sect on the side listened to the conversation between the two sides, but they began to think in their hearts.

The people of Donghuang are not the only team. They have other teams. Presumably, if there is only such a team, although it is strong enough, it will not be able to capture Dongliang.

But why do the people of Donghuang come to the Craftsman Sect? People from Dongliang once invaded Donghuang, so Donghuang has now invaded Dongliang. They can't do nothing but take a look around.

Listening to this meaning, it feels like the people in Donghuang are like the people from the imperial court in the mortal world who go to people's homes to collect food.

Of course, the people in the Eastern Wilderness can't really just collect food, they definitely want various resources for cultivation.

Xiang Ziyu and the others had encountered this situation before. The Immortal Gate they went to had already been visited by other teams from Donghuang. Those times, they turned around and left immediately.

This time, after Xiang Ziyu heard this, he did not leave directly, but looked at the other party's mountain gate.

Even outside the mountain gate, you can see the mountain guard formation of the other side's mountain gate. It is made of the finest materials. Look at the gate of this mountain gate. Whether it is the door plaque or the stone pillars, they are all crystal clear. White jade with no trace of impurities visible.

This was obviously a fat sheep. If they just left like this, they would be so sorry to each other. No matter what, I have to gather two handfuls of wool before leaving.

Xiang Ziyu thought for a moment and asked, "Then my senior sister is here and wants to ask you what do you want?"

The people around Bailian heard the sound and nodded. What they thought was indeed correct. It was obvious that the monks from Dongliang had never defeated the monks from Donghuang. In order to protect themselves, they could only spend money to avoid disaster.

The silversmith heard the sound and immediately said: "Medicinal materials, your senior sister asked us for a large amount of elixirs. She almost emptied the treasure house of our Craftsman Sect to store elixirs."

Xiang Ziyu nodded slightly without any doubt. Although his master was good at everything, his master still had to refine elixirs.

He also knew that if he, his two senior sisters, and Duoduo wanted to break through after the Little Era of the Reversal of Heaven and Earth ended, they would also need their master to refine the elixir.

So not only the senior sister, but also the disciples of the Four Treasure Peaks go out to ask for things, and they all ask for various medicinal materials.

"Well, my senior sister is specifically responsible for obtaining medicinal materials, but I am not responsible for medicinal materials. I am responsible for obtaining various materials for refining magical weapons.

Your Craftsmanship Sect is an immortal sect that specializes in refining magical weapons. You should have a lot of materials. Let’s take a look at them all. "Xiang Ziyu started talking nonsense. How could it be enough to kill such a wealthy immortal sect just once?

When the silversmith heard this, he immediately became restless and shouted: "Fellow Taoist, we have already given it to you once, don't you only want it once? Why do you come here to ask for a second time!"

"As I said, it's a matter of different division of labor." Xiang Ziyu explained casually, "My senior sister wants medicinal materials, and I want materials for refining divine weapons. There is no conflict between the two."

"No conflict?" The silversmith was so angry that he almost cursed. What did the man in front of him want to do? What is not a conflict? This is obviously to rob their ingenuity sect, and rob it twice.

These Donghuang people go to other sects to rob once and then end it, but when they come to their Craftsmanship Sect, they have to rob twice. Is this because their Craftsmanship Sect is rich, so they want to rob more?

But the other party grabbed more, and he seemed to have no other way.

"This... this matter is not something I can decide. I'm going to look down on the master of our Craftsmanship Sect." The silversmith had no choice but to return. Soon he returned to the Craftsmanship Sect and informed the master of everything. Zong goldsmith.

After the silversmith finished speaking, he even complained: "Brother, the people from the Eastern Wilderness clearly see that our Craftsmanship Sect is rich and have many resources, so they want to come and rob them a few more times. If we give it to them this time, the rest will What should we do if a few passers-by come to see us?"

The goldsmith looked up at his junior brother and asked, "So what do you mean, junior brother, don't give me anything?"

"This..." The silversmith didn't know what to say for a moment, and after a while he whispered, "Senior brother is the head sect, and everything in our Craftsmanship Sect still has to be decided by senior brother."

The goldsmith sighed and said helplessly: "Junior brother, I know you care about our sect's resources. After all, although our sect has enough resources and is rich, our resources are not brought by strong winds, nor are they brought by the land. Grow it yourself.

Those are what all of us in the sect have earned through hard work forging the divine weapons, and they are the resources accumulated by our ancestors. Naturally, I don’t want to give these resources to them in vain. "

The goldsmith said, paused slightly, and suddenly changed his tone: "But junior brother, have you ever thought about what they would do if we didn't give them resources?

What if they attack our mountain gate directly? Can we stop them? Asking for help? Do you think other immortal sects will come to help us at this time?

They have all handed over their resources, and the people in Donghuang are no longer dealing with them. Why do they want to swim in this muddy water? Moreover, we are the last fairy gate they are looking for.

They may leave after looking for us. We, the other immortal sects in Dongliang, hope they leave as soon as possible, let alone cause trouble again at this time.

Without anyone to help us, our entire Immortal Sect will be destroyed. At that time, we couldn't leave anything behind. Now we have to spend some resources in exchange for the safety of our fairy gate. This is the best result.

In fact, we are quite lucky. At least these Donghuang people are not those who want to kill everyone. If it were us in Dongliang who defeated Donghuang, it would not just be as simple as going to the major immortal sects to ask for resources.

Junior brother, you must know how to choose, and you must remember that everything is possible when a person is alive, but once he dies, there is no hope. "

"Yes, junior brother has been taught. Then senior brother, how many resources should we give them?"

"It depends on the other person's appetite."

The goldsmith sighed again helplessly and led the silversmith outside the fairy gate.

In fact, the last time the people from Donghuang came, they had already taken away enough resources. At least the elixirs they stored were almost empty.

However, their Craftsmanship Sect did not store many elixirs to begin with. They were an immortal sect that refined divine weapons. What they stored the most were the materials for refining divine weapons. This time, they took away three points from them. One of the materials, this is the resource accumulated by their entire Craftsmanship Sect for countless years.

But there was no other way. Even if the other party asked for one-third of the resources, he could only give it to them.

Even after the other party took away these resources, before they left, the other party also made a request to see the magic weapons that failed to be refined, the damaged magic weapons of their Craftsmanship Sect, and the magic weapons that they did not know were shared.

Almost all the disciples of their Craftsmanship Sect can refine divine weapons, and there are indeed many divine weapons that have failed to be refined, and some that are damaged beyond repair.

These things weren't worth much, so since the other party wanted to see them, he readily agreed.

However, who knew that the other party actually picked a lot of things from it, and then, the other party didn't leave yet.

To be more precise, the other party let the others go together, but the leader of the other party, Xiang Ziyu, stayed on his own. In the words of the guy named Xiang Ziyu, he could also refine the magic weapon, which happened to be Stay here and talk about the Tao together.


Their Craftsmanship Sect and Bailian Sect are the strongest in Dongliang and Ximan. They are the immortal sects that refine magical weapons. Although Xiang Ziyu is strong, there is no necessary relationship between refining magical weapons and strength. He can What do you know?

However, the other party's strength lies here, and they have no choice but to let the other party stay.

But everyone in the Western Barbarians began to think as they looked at Xiang Ziyu who was left behind.

Why should this person stay? They have taken away enough resources from the Craftsman Sect, what will he do behind them?

Did he show it to them on purpose?

"The other party is probably hinting at us and wants us to pay protection fees."

"I have inquired again in the past few days. Donghuang's strength is too strong. The leader of Dongliang was beheaded on the same day when everyone from Donghuang rushed in."

Qian Zhui listened to the nephews all around him talking about the news they had learned. He was filled with hatred. It turned out that he had stayed in Dongliang for so long and didn't know anything.

Dongliang has already planned to attack Donghuang.

But when he was in the Craftsmanship Sect, he was always kept in the dark.

Obviously, the people from Dongliang knew that they were planning to take action. The people from Shanghai Dongliang were too aggressive, so Dongliang kept it secret from him. He didn't know until the people from Donghuang came to kill him and he met the people from Donghuang. What happened during this time.

Qianyu said coldly: "Those people from Dongliang, why did they provoke Donghuang? It's okay now. They provoked Donghuang. People from Donghuang now seem to have gathered in the area bordering Dongliang and our Western Barbarians. Are they? Are you going to attack our Western Barbarians?"

"No, in fact, it would have been better for Dongliang to provoke Donghuang in the first place. It was because they provoked Donghuang that they did not provoke us Western Barbarians. If they did not attack Donghuang, they might attack us Western Barbarians.

However, we can't pretend that we haven't seen anything now. I have already used the sect's form to notify our head sect of this matter. I think the head sect will soon inform us of the major immortal sects in the Western Barbarians. I think Donghuang The people are not murderous people, their purpose is for resources. If we provide resources, we should be able to ensure safety. "

Time passes day by day.

People from the Craftsmanship Sect and the Bailian Sect even found that Xiang Ziyu stayed by their side every day when they discussed Taoism, but they did not dare to drive him away.

They could only try not to tell the key points, but the problem was that if they didn't tell them, Xiang Ziyu would ask, and they gradually discovered that Xiang Ziyu really knew about forging, and he knew it very well. , and Xiang Ziyu also has many fantastic ideas.

Slowly, they were guarded against Xiang Ziyu from the beginning, but later, it turned into a three-party discussion about forging.

After a long time like this, Xiang Ziyu felt that he could no longer learn any novel forging techniques from the Craftsmanship Sect and Bailian Sect. Just as he was about to leave, someone from the Craftsmanship Sect came to the door.

"Elder Xiang, it's like this. Many Taoist friends from the Western Mans heard that you were in our Craftsman Sect and said they must come to you to admire your style and discuss with you. I didn't agree at first, but they accepted the invitation. Come on, I can't stop you.

Now their people have arrived. Elder Xiang has nothing to do with our Craftsmanship Sect at this time. "

The people of the Craftsmanship Sect were afraid that Xiang Ziyu would find another excuse to blackmail them for a lot of money. They repeatedly emphasized that it had nothing to do with their Craftsmanship Sect at this time and that they were from the Western Barbarians and they must come.

"People from the Western Barbarians? Are you going to spar with me?" Xiang Ziyu suddenly became happy, "That's fine. I haven't done anything these days, and my body is getting rusty."

Xiang Ziyu quickly saw the people from the Western Barbarians under the leadership of the leader of the Craftsmanship Sect. Originally, he thought that he would only see a few people from the Western Barbarians. However, at first glance, he found that there were not many people from the other side. few.

With so many people, it would be a bit troublesome to fight them one by one.

Now, he is ready to go back soon, after all, the master has already begun to urge him.

After scanning the crowd of Western barbarians in front of him, Xiang Ziyu remembered what his master often said many years ago when he was still very, very weak and told him stories. He pointed at the crowd and said: " Do you want to discuss with me? There is no problem in discussing, but it is not a matter of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, so don’t waste your time."

Everyone in the Western Barbarians nodded. They knew that the other party was the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and they were extremely powerful beings in the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. So the other party said, if it wasn’t the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, don’t go up and waste time. Nothing more than normal.

But soon, the other party's voice came again, and each of them felt extremely insulted.

"Come on, I'm going to fight ten at a time. You can choose ten golden elixirs with ten visions and complete them together."

Have they really never seen such a crazy person, achieving ten golden elixirs with ten visions and achieving perfection? No matter how strong he is, there is no way he can be an opponent of the Ten Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. He...

The hearts of everyone in the Western Barbarians were full of atmosphere. However, half an hour later, they discovered that the other party was really not insulting them just now, but now, they felt that they had been insulted again...

After Cao Zhen returned to Baifeng Sect, it took another two months for Lingxi, Yan Yourong and others to return.

However, that guy Xiang Ziyu never came back.

He waited for another month before Xiang Ziyu returned to Baifeng Sect.

"Master, this time we have gained so much! We were able to defeat the Dongliang people in one battle. After that, we did not kill them all. Instead, we divided our troops into ten groups, and each group was led by a top expert. Directly attack them from the major immortal sects in Dongliang and go to the major immortal sects to ask for resources."

As soon as Xiang Ziyu returned to Sibao Peak, he took out his Qiankun bag as if offering a treasure, not one, not two Qiankun bags, but ten Qiankun bags. Each Qiankun bag is packed slowly.

While pouring the contents of the Qiankun bag outside, he said with a proud look on his face: "Master, this time we went out, we didn't ask for anything else, all we asked for were medicinal materials. Of course, these senior sisters should also tell you ”

Cao Zhen nodded slightly. He naturally knew what the people of Donghuang were doing in the major immortal sects. Of course, whether the major immortal sects robbed or wanted those resources from Dongliang, after they brought them back, they would also Given to Xianmen.

The distribution done by the major immortal sects in the Eastern Wasteland is similar, with the immortal sect taking part of the resources.

In fact, this part of the resources taken by the Xianmen does not mean that the Xianmen has withheld them. These resources are to be compensated to those in the Golden Core stage who died in the battle.

Although Donghuang had a crushing advantage when they invaded Xiliang, and they only fought one battle in Xiliang, there was no way anyone would die in the battle.

People from all the major immortal sects died in the Golden Core stage, but not many died in the Golden Core stage.

Those masters are dead, but they may have Taoist companions, children, disciples, and people close to them, so the Immortal Sect will naturally have to make some compensation to them.

As for the remaining resources, the Xianmen let the returning disciples allocate themselves.

Xiang Ziyu looked at Cao Zhen with a proud look on his face and said: "Master, let me tell you, these resources of mine are not the resources that I took the people of Donghuang to get. I have given those resources to Liao Youdi and asked her to take them." When I come back, I earned these resources myself.

I don’t know why, but in the Craftsmanship Sect, I exchanged forging experiences with people from the Craftsmanship Sect and the Bailian Sect, and then, the people from the Western Barbarians, who didn’t know what was going on, came over and wanted to communicate with me. comminicate.

I saw that they were really not that good, so I beat ten of them at once. After the beating..."

Xiang Ziyu pointed to a pile of things on the ground and said: "Then they said they wanted to be friends with us and so on, and gave me so many things. I earned these by myself, they gave them to me, and I don't need to divide them. .”

Cao Zhen was speechless. Is this what others want to give to you? Others clearly saw how powerful Donghuang was and were afraid that Donghuang would attack them, so they took out these things to save money and avoid disaster.

Forget it, Xiang Ziyu has brought them all. He can't take Xiang Ziyu to all the major immortal sects, look for them one by one, and then divide them up.

Speaking of which, this time Donghuang went to Dongliang, the harvest was really great. They are catastrophizing all the immortal sects in Dongliang. Even if they are divided equally among the immortal sects who are going there, each immortal sect can still get a lot of resources.

Especially their Four Treasure Peaks.

We do not divide resources randomly, they are also divided according to the strength of the combat power.

Four top masters had gone to Sibaofeng, so they were naturally allocated more resources, and the other disciples of the Hundred Peaks Sect took the initiative to contribute all the medicinal materials they were allocated.

In their words, they have received too many favors from Zhang Zong. Some of them even broke through to the golden elixir stage because of the elixir refined by Zhang Zong. Others were promoted to the golden elixir stage because of the elixir refined by Zhang Zong. One or two realms.

It has always been the Zhang Zong who has contributed to the Baifeng Sect. Without the Zhang Zong, the Baifeng Sect would not be as strong as it is today. If it were not for the Zhang Zong, it would not be as glorious as it is today.

Now is the time for them to do something for the Master.

They knew that Zhang Zong was good at refining elixirs, and they also believed that these elixirs could play a greater role in Zhang Zong's hands, so they contributed all the medicinal materials they were assigned.

Cao Zhen also accepted these medicinal materials. He now has two more disciples. When the Little Era of Reversal of Heaven and Earth ends, there will be more pills that need to be refined.

He also had to prepare in advance.

Cao Zhen looked at everyone, waited for a moment, and then said slowly: "Okay, since Xiang Ziyu is back now, it's time for us to go to the Boundless Blood Prison."

He was in the capital before, and after seeing those corpse generals using the destruction of the blood river to make monsters appear in the blood river, he thought of going to the boundless blood prison to take a look.

Nowadays, various regions have been connected together, but the major regions are still moving forward slowly. Now they have not seen the Central Five Continents, and they do not know how long it will take before they can connect to the Central Five Continents.

In this way, it's just a good time to go to the Boundless Blood Prison while it's still the Little Era period when the universe is reversed.

The monsters in the Boundless Blood Prison can actually offer benefits that even top experts can betray. There must be many treasures in the Boundless Blood Prison.

And now it is the Little Era period when the universe is reversed, and the Boundless Blood Prison will not have existence beyond the Golden Elixir stage.

In this way, he and his disciples should be able to break into the depths of the boundless blood prison.

In fact, he himself can also enter the Boundless Blood Prison, but his goal this time is the depths of the Boundless Blood Prison, so he has to wait for his disciples.

In particular, he heard that Xiang Ziyu had reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

"Boundless Blood Prison?" Duoduo looked up at her master with doubts. She naturally knew about the Boundless Blood Prison, but didn't she mean that no one knew how to enter the Boundless Blood Prison?

Why did Master say that he was going to the Boundless Blood Hell?

Lingxi saw the confusion in Duoduo's eyes and explained in a low voice: "Duoduo, you joined the sect late, and I never told you about this. We actually control the passage into the boundless blood prison."

"What does the boundless blood prison look like?" Duoduo looked at her senior sister with curiosity.

"You'll know when you get there. Let's get ready and set off tomorrow. By the way, we need one person to stay. Who wants to stay?"

He must keep a disciple in the Baifeng Sect. Firstly, it will strengthen the strength of the Baifeng Sect's guards. Secondly, it will make it easier for him to connect to the other party through the China Cloud at any time and know the situation outside.

Otherwise, if they start killing in the Boundless Blood Prison and don't even know that the Eastern Wasteland and the Central Five Continents are connected, wouldn't that be a bad thing?

"Master, let me stay." Yi Sheng said softly, "Master, don't you still want to do business with Beijiang? I still want to handle business, so just stay outside."

"That's fine, Yisheng, you stay, and the rest of us will set off early tomorrow morning."

Soon, one night passed. The next day, Cao Zhen took his six disciples and flew away from the Four Treasures Peak. They had just flown out of the mountain gate of their Baifeng Sect, but they discovered that there was a person outside the mountain gate. Wait here.

Li Ke.

"Let's go."

Li Ke didn't waste any time and followed Cao Zhen and others directly.

Cao Zhen was speechless. He was not looking for Li Ke. Who told the secret to his disciples?

Nie Jie was even more speechless. The heads and elders of other immortal sects were all in charge of the immortal sect. Even if they wanted to go out again, other heads and elders would choose to stay alone in the immortal sect.

The Baifeng Sect is better off. The Head Sect and the Great Elder have no consciousness of being the Head Sect and the Great Elder. Throughout the year, their days in the Immortal Sect are far less long than their days outside.

Being the deputy headmaster is really tiring for me.

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