Leng Manshuang, as his name suggests, is famously indifferent in the Holy Flower Sect.

Although he is not in a situation where he would not care if the disciples of his sect are in danger outside, but the disciples of ordinary sects rarely come to him for advice, because even if they do, Leng Manshuang will not He knows how to give advice, let alone go to him for help if you need anything.

Now, everyone was surprised to find that their senior brother Leng first found a stranger, and then the genius in their teaching tried to compete with the opponent but could not produce enough blood crystals. The senior brother actually asked for blood crystals. crystal!

That was blood crystal, a material only used in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

When did senior brother become so enthusiastic?

What is the relationship between senior brother Leng Manshuang and Huo Fanqi? Could it be that……

Yes, Huo Fanqi has a sister, but his sister is already asleep. Could it be that Senior Brother Leng Manshuang is thinking about what will happen after Huo Fanqi's sister wakes up?

Apart from this reason, they could not think of any reason why Leng Manshuang could help Huo Fanqi like this.

Huo Fanqi looked back at Leng Manshuang, then looked back at Xiang Ziyu, disdain flashed across his eyes, and then he shook his head directly and said: "No need, although I don't have blood crystals, but I can I swear by the honor of our Holy Flower Sect, if I lose, I will compensate you with a treasure no less than twenty pieces of blood crystals."

"Okay, okay, there are so many people in your Holy Flower Sect. When the time comes, it's better to admit your loss if you lose." Xiang Ziyu thought for a while and agreed. It would be best if he could make money from the bet. If he couldn't, he would It's also a gamble.

The current situation is that Lingxiao Sect has a Tongxiao Formation. As long as you break through it, you can enter Lingxiao Sect.

You can go through it yourself, and similarly, Master can also go through it.

Moreover, if they go through the level at the same time, the master may be able to break through the level faster than himself. If he wanted to win the competition with his master, he could only break through it first while his master didn't know about the Tongxiao Formation.

Therefore, for him, the sooner he reaches Lingxiao Sect, the better.

Although Xiang Ziyu didn't know where the Lingxiao Sect was, it didn't matter. Huo Fanqi knew that all he had to do was follow Huo Fanqi and catch up with Huo Fanqi at the last moment.

The two of them quickly flew into the distance.

Xiang Ziyu discovered that Huo Fanqi's strength was really quite good. At least among the Nine Visions Golden Pills in Donghuang, he really hadn't seen anyone so strong.

Although the two of them are Nine Visions Golden Pills, they are extremely powerful beings in the Nine Visions Golden Pill stage. The other monks along the way did not seem to be in such a hurry and rarely used their full strength.

As the two accelerated, slowly, the monks were chased by them one by one.

"Just two Nine Visions Golden Pills? They haven't completed the combined pills yet, so how fast are they?"

"Why are these two running so fast?"

"It seems that one person is from the Holy Flower Cult? Another person is chasing him?"

"Don't you think you're chasing after me?"

"Behind... look, you guys, there are so many people from the Holy Flower Sect behind here. They all have so many Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Perfection. They are following behind the two of them."

"The people of the Holy Flower Cult must not be hunted down."

"So what are the two Nine Visions Golden Pill people doing?"

Xiang Ziyu followed Huo Fanqi and kept flying. Slowly, four familiar figures appeared in front of them - the Four Sons of Snow Mountain.

However, now the four sons of the snow mountain have turned into four corpses!

Xiang Ziyu instantly remembered that those four people who were full of evil spirits that he met before, who were the four who did it?

So, he harmed them?

If he hadn't given them a way, the four sons of the Snow Mountain might not have died at all.

Xiang Ziyu couldn't help but slow down when he saw the four sons of Snow Mountain. In front of him, although Huo Fanqi had been flying in front, he was always paying attention to Xiang Ziyu's situation. He suddenly discovered that Xiang Ziyu's The speed slowed down, and when he saw the four corpses below, he couldn't help but sneer: "What? Are you so surprised when you see the corpses?

How remote does your fairy gate need to be? Now is the Little Era when things are reversed. What's the big deal if a few people die? Let alone now, in normal times, would there be fewer monks who died in Dongzhou? "


Xiang Ziyu finally knew that where he was now, it turned out that he was in Dongzhou. However, Huo Fanqi's words made him feel a little unhappy, and his voice couldn't help but become a little cold: "I saw them surprised because, I met them before, and later I met four people who were full of evil spirits. The four people asked about the location of the four lost people, and I pointed it out to them."

"So, you think you killed them? Since you think that way, then just go and avenge them. What's the point of staying now? Of course, you can also go down and choose to inspect their bodies, but, I I won’t wait for you.”

As Huo Fanqi spoke, he accelerated towards the distance.

From behind, Xiang Ziyu chased after him. Why did he go down to check? Four people are already dead. He has just arrived in the East Wasteland. He doesn't know how many immortal sects there are here and what each of them is good at. How can he check?

However, Huo Fanqi is from Dongzhou and may know something.

Xiang Ziyu quickly caught up with Huo Fanqi, and while following the flight, he asked: "You seem to be very knowledgeable, so let me ask you, those four people who are full of evil spirits, can you guess what strength they come from?"

"What? You still want to take revenge?" Huo Fanqi seemed to have chosen not to respond because Xiang Ziyu could keep up with him, but mocked, "However, I advise you to give up on this idea.

A person full of evil spirits would directly kill someone and then run away immediately. With this method of doing things, there was only one organization in the entire Dongzhou - the Killing Society.

Although the Killing Club is not a great sect, it is the number one killer sect in the Eastern Wasteland. No one knows where the head of the Sha Society is, they just know how to find the Sha Society.

And Shashe is even more so, as long as you give money, they can do anything. In fact, as long as the price given was high enough, they would even dare to kill the disciples of the great religion.

Do you want to avenge them? Can you tell which four people from the Kill Club did it? What's more, even if you really know which four people did it, what can you do?

The Killing Society has existed for so many years, and some disciples of major religions have been killed, but the Killing Society still exists. "

Xiang Ziyu nodded with understanding and said: "So, although this Shashe Society is not a big religion, its strength can be comparable to that of a big religion?"

"You don't even know about killing the society?" Huo Fanqi became more and more contemptuous, "How remote must your immortal sect be for you to not even know about killing the society.

Shashe does have the strength to rival some great religions.

However, the main reason why Shashe has not been destroyed is because Shashe is too mysterious, and no one knows the specific location of Shashe. "

After Huo Fanqi finished speaking, he stopped talking to Xiang Ziyu and flew forward with all his strength.

From behind, Xiang Ziyu followed closely. At the same time, he also had some doubts in his heart. The master should have caught up with him long ago.

The master doesn’t know where the Lingxiao Sect is. If the master wants to enter the Lingxiao Sect, he should follow the Four Snow Mountain Sons. Didn’t the master discover anything?

Or are these people already dead when Master arrives?

Cao Zhen was indeed chasing the Fourth Son of Snow Mountain, but when he chased him here, he found that the Fourth Son of Snow Mountain was dead.

He also guessed that the Four Snow Mountain Sons might have been killed by those four people full of evil spirits.

However, the four murderers left no trace at all, and he had no place to chase or check, so he could only fly forward aimlessly.

Fortunately, he met a group of people not long after flying. In this group of people, there were not only those who had the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Pill, but also those who had the Nine Visions Golden Pill, and those who had the Nine Visions Golden Pill Great Perfection.

Moreover, this group of people is obviously not a group of people, but people of various strengths gathered together.

When Cao Zhen saw a few people, he immediately restrained part of his aura in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After all, he is now at the limit of the golden elixir stage. Even if he does not release the heretic golden elixir, he is still strong enough just by relying on the breath of his nine vision golden elixirs.

After all, he had just arrived here and didn't know the situation here, so it was better to keep a low profile.

Even though he had restrained his aura, the aura he exuded was still extremely strong, far exceeding that of an ordinary Nine Visions Golden Elixir user.

On the opposite side, several people flew over, and soon someone noticed the difference in his aura, and several of them immediately shouted.

"This fellow Taoist has such a strong aura!"

"What do you call fellow Taoist? This fellow Taoist, when you appear here, you must be going to Lingxiao Sect to break through the Tongxiao Formation."

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, his whole body suddenly became tense. What kind of formation?

All-night formation?


Such a modern vocabulary?

Is there anyone who has traveled through time?

No, Ling Xiao taught the all-night formation. It should be Ling Xiao's Xiao, not Xiao Xiao's Xiao.

Go and break through, Tongxiao Formation, what is that?

Although he didn't understand what it meant, he still nodded and said, "Yes, I do want to go to the all-night formation."

"In that case, how about joining us, fellow Taoist?"

Cao Zhen readily agreed.

Soon, he also knew why these people invited him.

The Tongxiao Formation is indeed Lingxiao's Xiao, which means straight to Lingxiao.

The Lingxiao Sect holds a grand gathering every 100,000 years.

In fact, it is not just the Lingxiao Sect, but also all major sects. They will hold a grand celebration every 100,000 years.

Therefore, all major religions attach great importance to their grand gatherings.

When a major religion holds a grand event, other religions will also send people to attend.

Of course, the Great Sect will be invited, and you can send as many people as you want to attend.

In addition to the great religions, some powerful immortal sects, as well as some immortal sects that have good relations with the great religions, or are dependent on the great religions, will also be invited.

It's just that they can't send as many people as they want.

Generally speaking, no more than ten people will be sent by these immortal sects to attend grand religious gatherings.

In addition to those who are invited, anyone with sufficient strength can also enter the event. Generally, the requirement for this level of strength is the Earthly Immortal Realm, but now is the period of the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, so the realm invited is the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.

Of course, the Wind and Fire Tribulation has surpassed the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir Great Perfection, so you can naturally go there, but now is the period of the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe. Generally, the Wind and Fire Tribulation will not move around, and there is no Wind and Fire Tribulation. people attend the event.

In addition to these grand gatherings of various religions, there is another way to enter the grand gathering, and that is to enter the formation!

All major sects will set up large formations during grand gatherings, and people of all levels of cultivation are welcome to enter the formation. No matter who they are, no matter what level of cultivation they are, as long as they can pass through the formation, they can naturally enter the great sect. Participate in a grand event and be treated like a distinguished guest.

So these people in front of them want to break into the Lingxiao Sect's formation.

Among them are some of the existences of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. They can indeed enter the major sects directly. However, according to rumors, there is a chance to get great benefits by breaking into the major formations of major sects.

As long as you go deep enough, you will have the opportunity to obtain some roads leading to the avenue left by the major sects.

Therefore, even the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen still wants to enter the formation.

Moreover, in normal times, many Earthly Immortals will choose to enter the formation, which will have a consequence, that is, those who can enter the next level are almost all Earthly Immortals.

Because the formations arranged by all the major religions, the first level is the same, that is, a group of one hundred people. No matter what method is used, you can only pass the level if you can rush into the designated place among the top ten. .

Ten people from a hundred people will advance to the next level. In this case, almost all those who can enter the next round are from the Earthly Fairy Realm.

Usually those in the Golden Core stage have no chance at all, but now, the world has reversed in the Little Era period, so it is a rare opportunity for those in the Golden Core stage to enter the next road, so there are many people going to cross the barrier.

So, these people are inviting Cao Zhen.

They invite people to form an alliance. If they are really in a group, they can join forces.

Cao Zhen followed the others and flew towards Lingxiao Sect unhurriedly.

On the other side, Xiang Ziyu flew all the way with Huo Fanqi, and finally saw a fairy gate from a distance. He was well-informed and had seen many fairy gates.

After all, he had been around Dongliang not long ago and had seen many immortal gates, but he had never seen such a magnificent immortal gate full of immortal energy!

Many of the fairy gates he saw were at the top of mountain gates, with clouds and mist lingering on the top of the mountain. But this fairy gate was also a mountain, but there were clouds and mist lingering at the bottom of this fairy gate.

Moreover, when he looked at it from a distance, he even felt that it was the legendary fairy mountain.

Even from an extremely long distance, he could feel the full spiritual energy coming from him.

He had already felt in Dongzhou that the spiritual energy here was much fuller than that in Donghuang, but the spiritual energy coming out of the Immortal Sect was even more abundant.

And in front of the mountain gate of this fairy gate, he could see countless people gathered together.

Obviously, this must be the Ling Xiao Sect.

Xiang Ziyu instantly used all his strength and rushed forward.

Huo Fanqi was flying when suddenly, a figure flew past in front of him.

"Xiang Ziyu!"

Huo Fanqi was shocked. How could this kid suddenly burst out at such a fast speed? Could it be that he still had some energy left before?

No, he is a peerless genius, and he is already using his full strength. Even if he is good at speed, he cannot be so much faster than himself when he and his fellow practitioners are at the same level.

Unless, he casts a secret technique!

Yes, this person must have used a secret technique!

Damn it!

Why did I forget to use the secret technique!

Since he is a disciple of a great sect, his secret method must be stronger, but now...

Huo Fanqi looked at Xiang Ziyu who had flown to the foot of the Lingxiao Sect's mountain gate in the blink of an eye, and was filled with hatred. It was too late, and it was too late for him to use the secret technique.

Sure enough, those Immortal disciples who came to Fei Dajiao just like to play these tricks.

He must have known that he had not used the secret method long ago. After he used the secret method early, he could realize that he had used the secret method. He was afraid that he would also use the secret method to catch up with him, so he used the secret method again when he was about to reach the place. Surpass yourself in one fell swoop.

Huo Fanqi was one step behind Xiang Ziyu and flew to the divine gate of Lingxiao Sect. Looking at the extremely proud Xiang Ziyu in front of him, he said coldly:

"You cast a secret spell!"

"Secret method?" Xiang Ziyu thought for a moment and understood what he meant. He immediately shook his head with disdain and said, "You still need to use the secret method? Do I need it? What, you have lost, you can't play. Come on, want to cheat?"

"Nonsense!" Huo Fanqi's face turned red instantly, and he said loudly, "I, Huo Fanqi, can afford to lose. I admit that you won, and so do I.

However, I am not convinced! I want to compete with you again! "

Huo Fanqi raised his hand and pointed forward and said: "There is the entrance to the Tongxiao Formation. Do you dare to compete with me again? Our lottery prize is still twenty pieces of blood crystals. Whoever wins will take it." .Do you dare to compete?"

Xiang Ziyu was immediately unhappy and said: "You haven't given me the twenty pieces of blood crystals before, and now you want to compete with me. Are you going to play with nothing?"

Although both of them had the Nine Visions Golden Pill, the speed at which they had just flown was obviously not what ordinary Nine Visions Golden Pills could possess. As the two spoke, everyone around them also looked over.

At a glance, everyone also discovered Huo Fanqi's identity.

"A member of the Holy Flower Cult?"

"Huo Fanqi, I seem to have heard of it. Isn't that a genius disciple of the Holy Flower Sect?"

"Listen to this, Huo Fanqi just competed with the person in front of him, and Huo Fanqi lost?"

"Who is this person? Which genius disciple of a great religion can actually defeat Huo Fanqi?"

"Strange, why doesn't he have the logo of a great religion on his body?"

"It should be a disciple of a great religion. Otherwise, how could he bet so big, twenty blood stones?"

"However, that Huo Fanqi seems to have lost, and he hasn't given the opponent the blood clotting stone yet?"

Huo Fanqi suddenly felt insulted and shouted loudly: "I am a disciple of the Holy Flower Sect. Are you still afraid that I will not give you the Blood Stone? I ask you, do you dare to compete again?"

He was really dissatisfied, and at the same time, he really didn't have any blood stones, so if he competed again, as long as he won, he wouldn't have to give the opponent blood stones.

Moreover, he was convinced that if they competed again, he would be the winner!

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