Huo Fanqi knew that Xiang Ziyu was a genius, and a peerless genius at that. After all, how could a person who can keep up with his own speed despite the opponent's secret method, and who has been following for so long without any problems with his magic power, not be a peerless genius?

But what about peerless genius?

Don’t you think there are too many peerless geniuses that you have defeated?

Xiang Ziyu looked around. He really didn't know where the master was now, and he didn't know if the master had started to break through. He really didn't dare to wait any longer.

He deliberately shouted loudly: "Okay, then I will give you another chance. You are a disciple of a great religion. If you say it in front of so many people, you will not be able to cheat again. Otherwise, it will be like this Many people can watch, and when word spreads, you will be embarrassed."

He still kept a low profile. If he followed his previous character, he would have planned to say that the Holy Flower Sect was a huge embarrassment. But he was worried that if he said this, the people of the Holy Flower Sect would feel that he was insulting the Holy Flower Sect. He wasted so much time in fighting, how could he defeat the master?

"Don't worry, I, Huo Fanqi, won't rely on your little things. Besides, you will definitely be the loser in the end."

Huo Fanqi said, walking forward.

There were many people gathered in this place, and some of them wore clothes with a Lingxiao Palace painted in the middle. They were obviously members of the Lingxiao Sect.

Huo Fanqi raised his hands to several people and asked, "Everyone, I wonder when we can break through?"

Breaking through the barrier does not mean that you can get through with one hundred people here.

After all, the first level is for one hundred people to enter, and the first ten people can enter.

What if 70 or 80 of these 100 people are from the same force or know each other? What about others?

Therefore, when breaking through the barrier, people from all major sects would select some of them to enter the formation when the number of people reached a certain number.

The disciple in charge of Lingxiao Cult looked at the crowd around him. Among the people in front of him, there was no situation where many people came from the same force, or many people knew each other. In this way, it would be very difficult for them to enter the big formation. That’s okay too.

They also wanted to see the results of the competition between the genius of the Holy Flower Sect and this person they did not recognize.

"You can enter now." One of the disciples in charge swept towards the crowd, raised his hand to circle some people and said, "You guys, follow me."

Among the people he circled were Xiang Ziyu and Huo Fanqi.

Xiang Ziyu was eager to enter the formation now, so he immediately followed after hearing the sound.

Soon, he followed to the side of the mountain gate. Although it was only the side of the mountain gate, he could still see the large formations all around, and in front of him, there was even more clouds and mist.

Suddenly, the person in charge of the Lingxiao Sect raised his hand and formed each hand gesture, which was inserted into the clouds in front of him.

Suddenly, the clouds and mists dispersed, revealing the shape of a canyon. From the outside, you could see that there was a high mountain behind the canyon.

The other party pointed in the direction of the mountain and said that after you enter the canyon, a bell will ring. After the bell rings three times, no matter what method you use, as long as you can rush into the mountain, the first ten people can enter the next one. close.

Although, in the canyon, no matter what you do, it is allowed.

However, today is after all the day when our Lingxiao Sect holds a grand gathering, and we, the Lingxiao Sect, do not want to see anyone die.

Everyone around heard the sound and immediately understood that it was okay to do it inside, but it was best not to kill someone. Of course, if you kill someone, you can still enter the next round. However, Lingxiao Church is not happy about the consequences. , let them weigh it themselves.

The other party just said a simple sentence, then pointed to the canyon and said: "Okay, you can enter the canyon."

As soon as the words fell, everyone entered the canyon one after another, and Xiang Ziyu and Huo Fanqi followed them into the canyon.

When everyone was outside before, they had not released their fighting power, but after entering the canyon, everyone released their golden elixirs one after another.

For a time, golden elixirs rose up one by one.

Xiang Ziyu was surprised to find that there were people of all cultivation levels here.

There are people like him who have the nine-vision golden elixir, there are eight-vision golden elixirs, there are people who have the eighth level of the golden elixir, there are people who have just one golden elixir, and there are even people who have perfected the ten-vision golden elixir.

Moreover, he discovered that the monks in Dongzhou generally possess more golden elixirs of visions than the monks in Donghuang. Of course, perhaps the people who enter the formation are generally the most confident people. Those who Weak people know that they will not succeed if they try to break into the formation, so they have no reason to come.

At the same time, he found that many people around him were looking at him, their eyes full of fear and ill-intentioned glances.

Not only him, but all those present with the Ten Vision Golden Elixir Dzogchen, as well as the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and the Nine Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, each one was watched by others.

After all, out of a hundred people, only ten people can enter the next round. On the surface, these people have the best chance of entering the next round.


Suddenly, a low bell rang.

Immediately, many people withdrew their eyes and looked around, and began to gather their magic power. Some of them had already released their magical powers to protect their bodies.


As the second bell sounded, Xiang Ziyu also released the God and Demon Record. Two shadows, one black and one white, surrounded his body for protection, constantly rotating, causing the surrounding heaven and earth to shake gently.

Soon, the third bell rang.

The breakthrough begins!

In an instant, one after another figures suddenly shot out, but the next moment, in the void, one after another magical power suddenly shot out, blasting towards the flying people. Although the people of Lingxiao Sect said they did not want to see dead people, but now everyone is here Release magical powers. In such a chaotic situation, who knows if someone died and who killed him?

However, if you want to rush over directly, that will definitely not work.

All those who took the lead in flying became the first birds and were bombarded by magical powers.

But Xiang Ziyu, after the first round of gods passed through, another figure flew out, and Xiang Ziyu also flew out suddenly.

He had just flown out, and in the void, a blue thunder had already crashed down. The thunder was so majestic and filled with unparalleled power that it seemed to destroy the entire canyon.

Xiang Ziyu has seen a lot of magical powers of thunder, and although the power of the magical thunder power in front of him cannot compare with the Five Thunder Methods taught by his master, it feels stronger than many magical powers.

He looked at the falling magical power and suddenly dodged to one side.

Almost at the moment he dodged, azure blue thunder crashed into the place where he had just stopped. The earth cracked open under the bombardment of the thunder, and countless pieces of soil flew into the sky under the impact of this terrifying power.

Xiang Ziyu had just dodged a thunderbolt, and in front of him, sharp wind blades that seemed to be able to easily cut off a mountaintop fell in front of him.

At the last moment, his figure flashed again, the wind blade almost brushed against his body, and the light of the God and Demon Record flew past.

If it had been before, even if he could dodge the first thunderbolt, he would definitely not be able to dodge the second wind blade. However, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique taught by the master is too magical. After practicing the Eight-Nine His magical power, his improved physical strength, is not just that his physical body is tougher, his strength is also greater, and his speed is faster and faster.

But he had just dodged the second attack, and the third attack had already fallen, and he had nowhere to hide.

These attacks almost filled up this space, and there was no room for him to hide even if he wanted to.

A stream of icy aura fell instantly, but as soon as it touched the light of the God and Demon Record on his body, these icy auras immediately began to rotate and completely dissipated in the blink of an eye.

And Xiang Ziyu also took the opportunity to rush out suddenly.

"That kid is so fast!"

"Stop him!"

"Stop him quickly!"

From behind, sounds came one after another, and more divine energy bombarded Xiang Ziyu.

However, Xiang Ziyu did not stop at all, but relied on his own divine and demon records to block those magical powers, while he rushed forward with all his strength.

Although the canyon was still some distance away from the distant mountains, he sprinted with all his strength and rushed into the mountains in just a moment. In just this moment, the God and Demon Record behind him was completely shattered, and even the clothes on his back were completely shattered. , all broken into pieces.

"Sure enough, this is the treatment of the protagonist. There are so many people here. I look like I am just a Nine Vision Golden Pill, but I have to be attacked by so many people. However, I was the first to rush over."

Xiang Ziyu didn't look behind him at all, but looked in front of him.

In front of him, there were ten roads. There was a cloud of mist at the end of the road, but he couldn't see clearly where these roads were leading.

Just as he was observing in front of him, behind him, a second person had already rushed into the mountain. It was a being with ten visions and golden elixirs. The other person did not pause and rushed directly into the ten roads. a road.

Then, a third person also rushed over. This person was also a person with the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen. This person did not hesitate at all. It also rushed directly into another of the ten roads.

Xiang Ziyu suddenly understood, so he only chose the top ten people in total because there were only ten roads. If others entered one road, another person would not be able to enter!

He no longer hesitated and rushed directly into one of the roads.

In an instant, he entered a cloud and mist.

Although his dead hand was filled with clouds and mist, he also discovered that what he was standing on was not the earth, but a single-plank bridge.

As he moved forward on the bridge, the clouds and fog in front of him became darker and darker. Slowly, the surrounding clouds and fog completely dissipated, and he also walked out of the single-plank bridge. The moment he stepped off the bridge, he felt as if It's like entering another world.

The world in front of him was lush and lush, and in front of his eyes, a figure slowly appeared, a shadow that was almost exactly like him.

Xiang Ziyu was completely stunned. What was going on?

This was my first time in Dongzhou, so how could someone like me appear in front of me?

Moreover, this person's aura looks extremely similar to his own. Although it is not completely compatible, it is still nine points similar. What's even more astonishing is that behind the opponent, there is a huge, completed, combined elixir of ten golden elixirs of vision.

And the aura exuded by the other party is the aura of the ultimate golden elixir.

The other party saw that Xiang Ziyu did not take action immediately, but said: "Don't try to hide it. In the past, there were countless people who used various secret methods to show their cultivation level was far lower than their own level in an attempt to get through. .

However, how could we be deceived by such little tricks.

I am now the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, and naturally you are also the Perfect Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, releasing your last Golden Elixir. "

Xiang Ziyu did not release his golden elixir when he heard the sound, but pointed at the other party with a puzzled look on his face and said: "You... are you intelligent?"

The other party did not answer Xiang Ziyu's words immediately, but asked: "Are you wise?"

Xiang Ziyu nodded in astonishment and said: "Of course I have spiritual wisdom." He felt more and more miraculous that this phantom could actually ask questions.

"You have spiritual wisdom, so I naturally have spiritual wisdom." Xuying replied, "I am based on you. At least in terms of cultivation level, I am exactly the same as you, but I don't know yours. It’s all about magical powers. I am the first level, if you defeat me, you can enter the next level.”

"Based on my own cultivation realm?" Xiang Ziyu felt that this Dongzhou is really magical. People just enter this formation, and then they can instantly notice how strong a person's cultivation realm is, and even The breath can be imitated and is ninety percent similar.

If there were such formations in normal times, he would only find it magical, but he wouldn't be too surprised.

But now is the Little Era period when the universe is reversed. It is not only the monks who can only blame themselves for exerting the power of the golden elixir stage, but also the formation can only reach the limit of the golden elixir stage.

Can the formation at the extreme end of the Golden Core Stage be so magical?

And then, can the formation at the limit of the Golden Core stage still imitate the cultivation at the limit of the Golden Core stage?

Is that still the ultimate formation of the golden elixir stage?

In their entire Eastern Wasteland, let alone such a magical formation, they don't even have half of this magical formation. Sure enough, there are too many in the Eastern Wasteland and the Central Five Continents.

But, I don’t know, the other person imitated my aura, and even directly reached the limit of the golden elixir stage. I don’t know, how many levels of my physical strength did the other person imitate?

Moreover, he said he didn’t know my magical powers, so how could he fight me?

Xiang Ziyuman did not release his last golden elixir of vision, but suddenly began to gather his own magic power. In his palms, thunderbolts gathered together. The next moment, a purple thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck directly at the opposite side. A shadow with the same appearance as him left.

And this phantom raised his hand and pointed toward the sky casually. Suddenly, a golden light shot out from his hand. The light was bright, like a sharp sword shooting out, striking directly at the Five Thunder Zhengfa. .

Suddenly, the purple thunder shattered.

"What kind of magical power is this?"

Although Xiang Ziyu knows a lot of magical powers, he can be sure that he will never have such magical powers.

Therefore, the Lingxiao Sect's formation is not as magical as I thought. Otherwise, if I walk here again, the phantom condensed in the formation can even use my own magical powers. That would be too unbelievable.

After Xuying easily broke Xiang Ziyu's attack, he no longer persuaded Xiang Ziyu to release the last golden elixir, but also rushed towards Xiang Ziyu.

A long sword appeared in Xiang Ziyu's hand, and he slashed it out.

In an instant, a hundred figures of Xiang Ziyu appeared in the void, and each Xiang Ziyu thrust out a sword at the same time.

For a moment, it seemed like a hundred peerless swordsmen were unleashing their strongest swords at the same time. Each sword condensed the unparalleled sword intent and was full of ethereal meaning.

At the same time, fifty of these hundred swords seem to contain the purest and most upright Yang Qi, while the other fifty swords are full of Yin Qi.

The yin and yang sword energy gathered together and seemed to condense together again, turning into a sword!

After Xiang Ziyu practiced the yin and yang energy, he integrated his own yin and yang energy into his swordsmanship.

Although he did not release the last golden elixir of vision, even if he released the sword with the nine golden elixirs, when the sword fell, the space in this area shook crazily, the void continued to fragment, and the sky and the earth were colored. Change.

The sword flew down, and it seemed that all the retreat routes of the shadow were blocked, leaving it nowhere to dodge.

After the phantom saw Xiang Ziyu take out his sword, a sharp sword appeared in his hand. Then, the phantom thrust out a sword, and a hundred sword shadows and a hundred swords suddenly appeared in the sky. Each shadow was filled with the power of thunder, and it seemed like a hundred thunder falls.

There was no special change in these one hundred sword shadows. They were just one hundred sword shadows. However, as these one hundred sword shadows fell, Xiang Zi Yuci's sword suddenly shattered!

In fact, these hundred sword lights still did not dissipate, but continued to fly in the direction of Xiang Ziyu.

In just an instant, Xiang Ziyu's entire body was stabbed with a hundred wounds.

This is the ultimate power of the golden elixir stage!

Xiang Ziyu finally knew how others felt when they faced him.

Obviously his swordsmanship is more magical, and even his swordsmanship contains the power of yin and yang, but it is easily broken by the opponent's swordsmanship.

This is the awareness of power. His shadow possesses the ultimate power of the golden elixir, and he has only released nine golden elixirs now.

After Xuying shattered Xiang Ziyu's attack with a sword, he did not pursue him, but shook his head and said: "Release your tenth golden elixir, otherwise you will not be my opponent."

Xiang Ziyu still shook his head. He told his master to only use nine golden elixirs, and he only used nine golden elixirs.

Seeing that the other party still refused, Xuying shook his head helplessly and said: "In that case, I can only defeat you and then throw you out of here."

With that said, he was about to swing his sword again.

"Wait..." Seeing that the other party was about to attack again, Xiang Ziyu quickly shouted: "Wait a moment, I just want to ask, after being thrown out from here, can you come back in again?"

Xuying said simply: "Being thrown out means failure. After failure, you will naturally be unable to enter again."

After saying that, he was about to take action again, but Xiang Ziyu's voice sounded again: "Wait a minute, wait a minute."

The phantoms were interrupted one after another, seeming a little impatient. Just as he was about to explode, Xiang Ziyu shouted: "The last question. Let me ask you, do you need to have the same cultivation level as me? That is, I am The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen, then the opponent I came here to face is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen? If I am at the limit of the Golden Elixir stage, and my opponent is also the limit of the Golden Elixir stage, then if I am the Nine Deformities Elephant Golden Pill, should you also be the Nine Vision Golden Pill?"

Xuying nodded and said: "That's right."

"That's easy then."

Behind Xiang Ziyu, all ten golden elixirs of vision finally rose up.

Opposite him, the shadow he faced also became dignified.

But the next moment, one of Xiang Ziyu's golden elixirs of momentary visions suddenly rose up and then flew towards the void.

The next moment, a cruel look suddenly appeared on his face.

Then, there was a loud bang in the void, as if the whole world was exploding.

One of his golden elixirs exploded!

He is the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir, an existence that has reached the limit of the Golden Elixir stage. He explodes the Golden Elixir himself. Even if he tries a single Golden Elixir, its power is terrifying to the extreme.

The earth below cracked open, the void shook wildly, and the entire space shook.

And Xiang Ziyu opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood. His whole body's aura suddenly became weak, and he fell to the ground.

Although he self-destructed a golden elixir, to the golden elixir stage, the golden elixir was almost all of them. Even if he self-destructed a golden elixir, he might be comatose, seriously injured or even die directly.

Of course, people with advanced cultivation, or people with more golden elixirs, will not die if they self-explode a golden elixir because of their high cultivation level, but they will definitely be greatly affected in the future.

Now, Xiang Ziyu exploded a golden elixir. Although he was not unconscious, the energy and blood in his body were still churning, and his aura was extremely weak.

Opposite him, the phantom looked at the opponent who exploded the golden elixir and was completely stunned.

Even though Xiang Ziyu was extremely weak, he still raised his head with difficulty, looked at the shadow opposite and said: "Now, I really have nine golden elixirs. If you want to be like me, you also have to explode one of them." Dan. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise.”

Anyway, he had already planned to explode the golden elixir himself.

Now that I happen to be here, if I encounter such a situation, I might as well just explode my golden elixir now.

After self-destructing the golden elixir, he can still practice, but he can't make a breakthrough. As long as he defeats the master this time, after practicing by himself, he can go back to find the master, ask the master to refine the elixir for him, and then let himself break through.

Maybe, when the time comes, after taking the elixir and breaking through, I can surpass the limit of the golden elixir stage!

However, it may not necessarily be possible to break through. After all, the master has always been the Nine Visions Golden Elixir. It is because the master has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage and cannot break through.

If I have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when I was in the Nine Visions Golden elixir, would I not be able to break through if I took the elixir again?

In short, I don’t care about so many things. I am the protagonist. I have said it myself. I only use nine golden elixirs of visions. I only use nine golden elixirs of visions. If I want to win the Great Perfection of ten golden elixirs of visions, I use nine golden elixirs of visions. When you are a shadow of yourself, you can only self-explode a golden elixir, and let the other party also self-explode a golden elixir, and they will fight against each other when they are both nine-dimensional golden elixirs!

It seems that Xuying has never encountered such a situation, or perhaps, the great power who left the formation in the first place did not expect that someone would self-destruct the golden elixir when breaking through the level.

After all, if you fail to break through this level and you won't die, who would have nothing to do with self-exploding golden elixir.

Therefore, the phantom that the powerful mana left behind did not know how to face this situation. For a moment, the phantom showed a confused look.

Xiang Ziyu continued to shout: "I said, although you are my shadow, you are the shadow condensed by the power of Lingxiao Sect. You represent Lingxiao Sect. You will not fail to explode your phantom." Ying, just defeat me with the cultivation of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen, right?

If I lose like that, I won’t accept it. After I go out, I will definitely tell everyone that the people you taught in Lingxiao do not follow the rules and use the big to bully the small. You..."

Before Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, the shadow opposite him suddenly gathered a vision golden elixir. He also imitated Xiang Ziyu's actions and shot the vision golden elixir into the void, detonating the vision. Golden elixir.

It also self-destructed the golden elixir.

As the vision golden elixir exploded, Xiang Ziyu's shadow below also exploded.

"What's going on? I just blew up a vision golden elixir. How come the phantom also exploded?"

Xiang Ziyu was stunned. Under normal circumstances, a master of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir would not die immediately, let alone self-explode a single golden elixir. Even if he self-destructed all his own golden elixirs, he would not die immediately, or even There is still a chance of rescue.

The peak master of Pili Peak, Lan Pili, said that Yu Tuoyu, a disciple of the Grand Master, blew up his golden elixir in order to kill a blood demon. In the end, the Master rescued him and sent him to another disciple of the Grand Master. There, Yu Tuoyu even recovered in the end.

There was also Lie Yan from their Baifeng Sect, who once self-destructed the Golden Pill, and finally gave him a Reincarnation and Nirvana Pill, and Lie Yan also survived.

Not to mention the Perfection of the Ten Vision Golden Pills. I am afraid that people with more than five golden pills will not die even if they self-explode one golden pill. My own shadow is the ten golden pills of visions. Why did I self-explode a golden pill? Just die?

Is it because it is just a shadow? His mana has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, just like him, but his physical body is much worse? That's not right either.

Maybe it's because, because this is just a shadow, you will die if you explode the golden elixir?

Xiang Ziyu also couldn't figure out why this happened.

As the shadow exploded, a bridge appeared in front of him. However, unlike the previous bridge, the bridge in front of him was a rainbow arch bridge. One end connected him, and the other section seemed to be connected in mid-air. middle.

"Ahem..." Xiang Ziyu opened his mouth and coughed out a large mouthful of bright red blood. He didn't know how long the bridge would last after it appeared, let alone whether he would be there if he didn't climb for a while after the Rainbow Bridge disappeared. He could no longer enter the next level. Even if he was seriously injured now, he could only continue to crawl forward.

With great difficulty, he climbed onto the bridge with difficulty, and then climbed all the way forward along the bridge.

Lingxiao teaches outside.

After Cao Zhen flew with everyone, he finally flew outside Lingxiao Sect.

Then, everyone separated automatically.

Because, after the people of Lingxiao Cult discovered that so many of them had arrived together, they would definitely not activate the formation immediately, but would separate them.

Therefore, they have to separate and enter in batches.

They thought well, but after Cao Zhen arrived with the first group of people, the people from Lingxiao Cult immediately motioned for them to enter the formation directly with the others.

Cao Zhen doesn't care who he enters the formation with. Not to mention, if a hundred people choose ten people to enter the next level, with his current strength, even if a hundred people choose one person to enter the next level, that person can only be he.

But when he walked outside the formation and was about to enter the formation, the entire formation began to shake crazily.

A rainbow appeared in the sky above Tongxiao Formation.

Suddenly, there were screams of surprise.

"Is this? Someone touched the Rainbow Bridge!"

"Now, in the Little Era, when the world has reversed, there are actually people who can touch the Rainbow Bridge?"

"Someone has triggered the Rainbow Bridge, which means that now no one can enter the Tongxiao Formation! Because the Rainbow Bridge appears, the power of the Tongxiao Formation will enter the levels after the Rainbow Bridge, so no one can enter the level after the Rainbow Bridge. Let people in.”

"Under normal circumstances, when you enter the second level of the formation, you will encounter a phantom that is equivalent to your own cultivation level. However, that phantom does not have your magical powers. It uses the magic powers common to Lingxiao Sect and us in Dongzhou. Even with magical powers, Phantom will not possess magical weapons.

Therefore, even if it is a shadow that is at the same level of cultivation and strength as one's own, because of the difference in divine weapons, the difference in treasures, the difference in magical powers, and even the difference in physical strength, the shadow will not be one's own. opponent's.

But there is only one way to trigger the Rainbow Bridge, and that is to kill the shadow in an instant when facing your own shadow. It's so hard. "

"Yes, although Xu Ying does not have a magic weapon, and his body may not be that strong, after all, he is at the same level of cultivation and has the same strength as himself.

After the shadow finds out that it is defeated, it will immediately get out of the way, indicating that it can enter the next level. "

"It is not difficult to defeat the phantom, but it is too difficult to kill the phantom instantly."

"We, the major religions in Eastern Continent, will hold grand gatherings. In every grand gathering of the major religions, there will be a level like the Tongxiao Formation for us to overcome. However, it has been 30,000 years since there was anyone in any grand gathering of the major religions. When you pass the level, you can trigger the Rainbow Bridge."

"I triggered the Rainbow Bridge. If I can do it again, I can instantly kill the people in the next level. Then I can go straight to the end, climb the Rainbow Stairs, and watch the road to the avenue!"

"This person has the opportunity to watch the road, but who is that person?"

"Maybe it's Huo Fanqi from the Holy Flower Sect!"

"Yes, it must be him! Huo Fanqi is a famous genius in the Holy Flower Sect! Moreover, Huo Fanqi has just entered the formation. Counting the time, I am afraid that it is really him who sets off to the Rainbow Bridge."

Everyone knows about the Holy Flower Sect, but some people don't know the existence of Huo Fanqi. When they heard people around talking about Huo Fanqi, they couldn't help but curiously asked: "Who is Huo Fanqi?"

"You don't even know who Huo Fanqi is? Do you know that Huo Fanshu is from the Holy Flower Sect?"

"Of course we know, the Holy Flower Sect, the Purple Flower Fairy, one of the famous three flower fairies, how could we not know about it."

"Purple Flower Fairy, isn't she already asleep?"

"Huo Fanshu, Huo Fanqi, there's one word difference, can you tell?"

"Yes, Huo Fanqi is Huo Fanshu's biological brother."

"So, is it really possible that Huo Fanqi set off on the Rainbow Bridge?"

"However, starting from the Rainbow Bridge may not necessarily lead to the Rainbow Stairs."

"Yes, the Rainbow Staircase is more difficult. When you enter the second level, you will also encounter a shadow that is comparable to your own cultivation level and power, but the shadow is stronger, has richer combat experience, and will even have more power. Many artistic conceptions.

If you want to climb the Rainbow Staircase, you must kill your own shadow instantly like in the previous level.

But facing a shadow with a stronger artistic conception and stronger magical power, how to kill it instantly? "

"In the grand gatherings held by the major religions in East China, none of them can trigger the Rainbow Bridge in 30,000 years, but if we look at it in 100,000 years, there are still five people who have triggered the Rainbow Bridge, but of these five, only one , successfully climbed the Rainbow Staircase and realized the Great Way."

"Yes, it was exactly forty thousand years ago."

"To be specific, it should be thirty-nine thousand nine hundred years."

"The one who broke into the Tongxiao Formation of the Yanchen Sect seems to have broken into it!"

"After that person realized the Great Dao, his cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and later he became the leader of the Qiankun Sect!"

"Now, if this person also climbs the Rainbow Staircase, then..."

"Let's see first. There is a Rainbow Bridge, but there is a chance to climb the Rainbow Stairs, but you are not guaranteed to be able to climb the Rainbow Stairs."

"Everyone, please take a look at the situation."

"This time, it is really similar to 30,000 years ago. It was also a disciple from another major religion who triggered the Rainbow Bridge."

Around him, a monk heard everyone's words and couldn't help but said: "Everyone, have you all determined that the person who set off to the Rainbow Bridge is a member of the Holy Flower Sect?"

Someone heard the sound and immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "Why, is there anyone here who is more talented than the extraordinary genius of the Holy Flower Sect?"

"There is a person named Ziyu. That person defeated Huo Fanqi from the Holy Flower Sect in the previous competition. This was said by Huo Fanqi himself."

"There is such a person. Who is that Ziyu? Which religion does he come from?"

In the Holy Flower Sect, everyone started talking as they listened to the discussions.

"Is it really Huo Fanqi?"

"Or is that Xiang Ziyu on the road?"

"It should be Senior Brother Huo Fanqi,"

Cao Zhen was stunned as he listened to the discussions around him. He was originally going to enter the Lingxiao Sect through the Breakthrough Formation, but now, because someone triggered the Rainbow Bridge, the Lingxiao Sect can no longer enter. .

The person who triggered this rainbow bridge was still his disciple.

He just heard Xiang Ziyu's name. Although others also said something about Huo Fanqi, he was sure that the person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge must be his disciple Xiang Ziyu.

That kid Xiang Ziyu has reached the perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir.

Maybe, that kid has already fought against the shadow in the next level.

Cao Zhen was also a little curious. What was going on inside, what kind of shadow? Why does it sound so like a mirror image?

With a thought in his mind, he instantly connected with Xiang Ziyu through the Chinese Cloud.

Suddenly, Xiang Ziyu's sight appeared in his sight.

Xiang Ziyu was walking on a rainbow bridge, walking forward with difficulty. His face was so pale that no blood could be seen, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth. He looked extremely weak, even worse than before. Xiang Ziyu looked even weaker after he used his secret technique at the Immortal Martial Arts Conference and forced the Tiangang Earth Evil Pearl to fight against Haoyue Xingjun.

Cao Zhen suddenly didn't understand. Didn't he say that he could only set off to the Rainbow Bridge after killing his first mirror image?

Since it was an instant kill, Xiang Ziyu should have won easily. Why does Xiang Ziyu look like he was almost killed instantly?

Xiang Ziyu used a secret technique?

However, Xiang Ziyu knows the secret method himself, so Xiang Ziyu doesn't look like he used the secret method and was later attacked.

What state is this kid in? How could he be like this? Could it be that I haven't looked at Xiang Ziyu's panel for a few days? Did Xiang Ziyu learn any new secret techniques?

Out of curiosity, Cao Zhen opened Xiang Ziyu's dashboard. At first glance, he was completely stunned.

User: Xiang Ziyu

Sex: Male

Cultivation: Nine Visions Golden Pill...

Nine Visions Golden Pill?

Isn’t that boy Xiang Ziyu perfect in the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir? How did it become the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions?

Where is his golden elixir? Where did you go?

Cao Zhen was shocked and quickly asked Xiang Ziyu: "Boy, what's going on with you? Where is your tenth golden elixir? How did you become the Nine Visions Golden elixir?"

Xiang Ziyu was walking on the bridge. Suddenly, the master's voice came from his heart. He was shocked. It was not because the master's voice suddenly sounded from his heart. Although the master looked for the senior sister most often, But the master has also visited me several times, and I am used to the sudden sound of the master's voice.

What surprised me was that the master actually knew that one of his golden elixirs of vision was gone, and he had not released his golden elixir of vision now.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being the protagonist's master. The master can not only see himself and his environment, but can even see through his own cultivation realm at a glance.

I have asked Crazy Ax before, but Crazy Ax does not have so many special methods.

Sure enough, Master is also an extremely special existence among the reincarnated powers.

Xiang Ziyu also knew that the master used special means to find him and had limited time, so he moved forward with difficulty and said: "Master, please correct me, my tenth golden elixir of vision is still there, and the one I self-destructed is My first golden elixir of vision.”

"Self-destruction?" When Cao Zhen heard Xiang Ziyu's words, he was already used to Xiang Ziyu's various stupidity, but he still couldn't help shouting, "Are you crazy? You have nothing to do to self-destruct." What does the golden elixir do?”

"Who said I had nothing to do and would explode the golden elixir? I made a bet with you that I would enter the Lingxiao sect with the cultivation level of the Nine Visions Golden Elixir. However, since the phantom I encountered was the Ten Visions Golden Elixir, And just like me, his strength has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage. How can I fight him with nine golden elixirs?

But the shadow said that when he wants to fight me fairly, he must also show the same level of cultivation and strength as me. Then if I explode a golden elixir, he should also explode a golden elixir. "

Cao Zhen was speechless: "So, you just thought this and blew up a golden elixir?"

"No, it's not just for this reason. Even without this incident, I would have exploded a golden elixir." Xiang Ziyu said seriously, "I have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage now, so I can't improve at all. . But Master, you are just the Nine Visions Golden Pill, and you have reached the limit of the Golden Core stage. This proves that the Nine Visions Golden Pill can also reach the limit of the Golden Core stage.

So, why don't I explode a golden elixir myself, and then use the Nine Visions Golden elixir to practice to the limit of the golden elixir stage? Now I know the energy of yin and yang, and I know how to cultivate the power of yin and yang.

I am the protagonist, there is no reason to be weaker than you, Master. Therefore, when I am in the Nine Visions Golden Elixir, I will definitely be able to reach the limit of the Golden Elixir stage.

No, it should be said that I will definitely be stronger than you, Master. After I reach the golden elixir stage of my Nine Visions Golden elixir cultivation, I will explode another golden elixir myself. I should have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when I was in the Eight Visions Golden elixir. "

"You can really think about it." Cao Zhen really didn't know what to say to his stupid young disciple. He was in the Nine Visions Golden Pill because of the heretic golden elixir and because he had a different way of condensing the golden elixir. At that time, the limit of the golden elixir stage was reached. This kid, Xiang Ziyu, still wanted to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when he was in the nine-dimensional golden elixir or even the eight-dimensional golden elixir?

He can really think.

Cao Zhen also knew that it was useless to persuade his disciple.

Xiang Ziyu is extremely confident and believes that he is the protagonist. As an apprentice, he can even do things like jumping from a place where he cannot fly to seek death. Is there anything else that he can't do?

Xiang Ziyu exploded a golden elixir by himself, just let him practice for a period of time. At worst, when he cannot cultivate to the limit of the golden elixir stage, he would refine some elixirs for him and let him practice directly. He broke through.

Speaking of which, the power of yin and yang practiced by Xiang Ziyu is really special. Even Zhang Daoling does not have the skills to cultivate the power of yin and yang.

There is no magical power to exert the power of yin and yang.

In other words, the power of yin and yang is too strong, and almost no magical powers can withstand the power of yin and yang.

At that time, Zhang Daoling's knowledge of cultivating immortals contained spells that could exert the power of yin and yang!

It's just that spells cannot be released in the Golden Core Stage. Only the Earth Fairyland can release spells.

Just wait until the end of the Little Era of the Reversal of Heaven and Earth to teach Xiang Zi the imperial magic, and that will be later.

Cao Zhen no longer considered these issues, but told Xiang Ziyu what he had heard outside about the Rainbow Bridge and the Rainbow Stairs.

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu became extremely excited and even climbed the Rainbow Bridge much faster.

"Is it that simple? That rainbow staircase is just a gift. Master, do you know how the shadow I met in the first level died? It self-destructed a golden elixir, and then blew itself up directly. , after a while, I will let the phantom in the next level also explode a golden elixir, this is too simple."

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