Xiang Ziyu walked off the Rainbow Bridge as fast as he could, but he felt that his feet did not land on the ground, but on a cloud.

This rainbow bridge seems to really connect the sky, not the earth.

And before his eyes, a shadow appeared on the cloud-like road.

He looked at the phantom in front of him and was stunned for a moment.

"Nine Visions Golden Pill? Shouldn't you be the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen?"

When he entered the Lingxiao Formation, he had perfected the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions!

The shadow opposite shook his head slightly and asked: "Why should I be the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions? I came here based on your cultivation. You are the Golden Elixir of the Nine Visions, so naturally I am the Golden Elixir of the Nine Visions."

Xiang Ziyu's whole body is not well, so this phantom, that is, the mirror image in the master's mouth, is not based on the moment he enters the Tongxiao Formation, but based on the level he enters each level?

But you base it on my strength. Why don't you base it on my current injured state, but on my peak strength at the time of the Nine Visions Golden Pill?

As soon as I entered the Nine Visions Golden Pill, I was seriously injured. I didn’t even know how strong my Nine Visions Golden Pill was. How did you know?

Is it calculated or how did it come about?

Also, how can I fight you when I'm like this?

Xiang Ziyu had planned well before. When the time came, he would directly use the Kungfu of Mouth Escape to make the shadow self-explode a golden elixir. Then he would naturally win and he could climb up. No one would be able to climb up in tens of thousands of years. Rainbow stairs.

Okay now, the phantom is also the Nine Visions Golden Pill. How to fight this?

The shadow on the opposite side saw Xiang Ziyu's current weak appearance, but did not take action immediately. Instead, he looked at Xiang Ziyu and whispered: "You are injured. After so many years, someone finally got here." , I won't take advantage of you.

I will wait for you to recover from your injuries before fighting you again. "

Xiang Ziyu was stunned when he heard the voice. This phantom was so particular, and he still allowed himself to recover from his injuries?

Under normal circumstances, if he were in his prime and faced with his own mirror image, although he was confident that he could win, he was not sure of killing the opponent instantly.

But now, this mirror asked him to recover from his injuries first, and then he had a chance.

You can take your time to recover from your injuries. Anyway, the mirror said that you should fully recover from your injuries before taking action.

It's up to you to decide when you can fully recover from your injuries.

I can take advantage of this period of time to continue to practice the yin and yang energy and practice the eight or nine mysterious skills.

Xiang Ziyu had previously practiced the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques. After he found that he could not practice it, he realized the problem. It should be because of the reversal of the universe. If the Eight-Nine Mysterious Techniques he practiced continued to improve, his overall cultivation would be greatly affected. In order to completely break through the limit of the golden elixir stage, heaven does not allow him to continue to practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques.

But now, he has self-exploded a golden elixir and is no longer at the limit of the golden elixir stage, so he can naturally practice the eight or nine mysterious skills.

Anyway, the master said that because he entered the Rainbow Bridge, no one else can enter the Tongxiao Formation now. The master is also unable to enter the Lingxiao Formation. He has already won the battle, so why should he be anxious? He can just practice slowly.

Xiang Ziyu calmed down. He even gave a thumbs up to his mirror image opposite him and said, "Be careful, don't worry I won't keep you waiting for too long. I will definitely recover from the injury as soon as possible."

After speaking, Xiang Ziyu began to use his skills, not to restore injuries and magical powers, but to start practicing the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills.

Looking at Xiang Ziyu's look, Cao Zhen didn't believe that his apprentice would recover from his injuries quickly. Moreover, even if Xiang Ziyu recovered from his injuries quickly, he would have entered this rainbow paper that no one has been able to trigger in the past 30,000 years. If you pass the bridge, even if you fail in the end, you will definitely be able to enter the Lingxiao Sect.

And now, because of Xiang Ziyu, he still cannot enter the Tongxiao Formation, which is the most troublesome.

Cao Zhen withdrew from Zhonghua Cloud and began to think about how he could enter the Lingxiao Sect. As a master, he couldn't just lose to his apprentice like this.

It seems that formal channels are no longer accessible, so we need to find some other way, or directly get in through the wall?

Cao Zhen looked around. Although he had studied the battle method very well, the mountain-protecting formation in front of him was actually the mountain-protecting formation of a sect. It was an immortal sect that had existed for at least a million years. It had been at least a million years. Any problems or weaknesses in the formation have long been discovered and made up for.

How to break in?

Cao Zhen walked around with a headache.

Within the Lingxiao Sect, disciples from all major sects and immortal sects in Dongzhou have gathered at this time.

During the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the major immortal sects in Dongzhou, like the major immortal sects in the Eastern Wasteland, would also arrange for temporary high-level officials.

As the Rainbow Bridge rose, a group of temporary senior officials in Lingxiao Sect learned the news immediately.

"Rainbow Bridge? Who triggered the Rainbow Bridge?"

"Someone triggers the Rainbow Bridge, which is also a good thing for our Lingxiao Sect."

"Elder Li, please go to the Lingxiao Formation and wait for a while. Even if the other party cannot trigger the Rainbow Stairs, but can trigger the Rainbow Bridge, he is also an honored guest of our Lingxiao Sect. After the other party leaves the Lingxiao Formation, our Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering will inevitably It hasn’t started yet, but I’ll have to trouble Elder Li to arrange a seat for that distinguished guest.”

"Okay, I'll go right away." A handsome man wearing a luxurious ice silk dress quickly flew up and flew towards the Lingxiao Formation outside the Lingxiao Sect.

In the Lingxiao Sect hall, the person who just spoke looked very young, but with a calm expression, he looked back at the people on the side and asked: "Now, how are the people from the great sect doing? ?”

"Master, among the major religions, only those from the Holy Flower Sect and the Tianya Sect have not arrived yet. However, the Holy Flower Sect has arrived below the mountain gate, and Deputy Hierarch Chang is receiving the Holy Flower Sect."

Leader Lingxiao nodded slightly and said: "The Tianya Sect has a long way to go, but I think they should be arriving soon. How are the preparations for various other matters? Is there any problem?"

Below, a woman with an ordinary appearance but an excellent temperament, like an orchid in an empty valley, softly replied: "Leader, there is something wrong with the Five-tone Sect."

"What?" Leader Lingxiao frowned slightly and asked, "What's their problem?"

"That's right, we invited Fairy Guanyue from the Longyin Sect to perform a dance at the grand event, and the accompaniment we invited was from the Wuyin Sect.

Although the Wuyin Sect is a major religion that teaches music, Fairy Guanyue's fairy dance requires someone to perform the accompaniment. Zhugnai is a very partial instrument. Although there are some people in the Wuyin Sect who can play Zhugna, the one who can be considered the top one has fallen asleep long ago. Today, no one among the disciples of the Wuyin Sect can play Zhugna. It's considered top-notch.

However, among the Four Friends of Snow Mountain in our Dongzhou, among the snow mountains, there is one person who is extremely good at building. Therefore, the Wuyin Sect finally invited the Four Friends of the Snow Mountain.

The Four Friends of Snow Mountain are four people who have mastered music. The four of them always play music together. Therefore, the Wuyin Sect also gave up four positions to the Four Friends of the Snow Mountain. As a result, the Four Snow Mountain Friends were killed on their way to our Lingxiao Sect.

Moreover, even the four disciples of the Four Friends of Snow Mountain, the Four Sons of Snow Mountain, were also killed. "

"What?" Leader Lingxiao frowned upon hearing this.

People around heard the sound, and their expressions changed.

"How could it be such a coincidence? The Four Snow Mountain Friends were killed when they were about to come to our Lingxiao Sect?"

"Obviously, the other party did it on purpose. They must have known that the Four Friends of Snow Mountain were going to play music for Fairy Guanyue, so they deliberately killed the Four Friends of Snow Mountain."

"As for the people from the Five Sounds Sect, since they invited people, why didn't they come earlier? Or send people to protect the Four Snow Mountain Friends?"

"I've heard about the Four Friends of the Snow Mountain. The strength of those four is pretty good."

"Even if it's good, it's still dead."

“I don’t know whether the other party is targeting our Lingxiao Sect or the Longyin Sect and wants to embarrass us, or it is targeting the Wuyin Sect and wants to make our two families hate the Wuyin Sect, or it is trying to kill three birds with one stone. bird?"

"Aiming at our Lingxiao Sect? They must have the courage. As for the Dragon Yin Sect, that is even more impossible. The Longyin Sect has existed even older than our Lingxiao Sect. They are most likely targeting the Wuyin Sect. After all, the Wuyin Sect has only become a great sect for more than 90,000 years, and they have not even suffered the first catastrophe since they became a great sect."

Leader Ling Xiao raised his hand slightly after listening to the words of everyone around him. He just made a movement and didn't even speak. However, everyone around him stopped and the hall instantly became quiet.

Leader Lingxiao looked at the crowd and slowly said: "No matter who they are targeting, even if they are targeting the Wuyin Sect, the Wuyin Sect has also received an invitation from our Lingxiao Sect. To be played at a grand event.

No matter what reason they target the Wuyin Sect, they have already provoked me. They are slapping our Lingxiao Sect in the face!

This matter must not be left alone. "

Leader Lingxiao said, with a cold look on his face, and said coldly: "Elder Tao, you are in charge at this time. Now you go to investigate who killed the Four Friends of Snow Mountain."

"Yes!" As the voice fell, a slender figure flashed and disappeared from the hall.

Leader Lingxiao then looked back at the woman who had just replied and asked, "What about the Five Tones Sect? What are their plans?"

"It is said that the Wuyin Sect is looking for people everywhere to see if they can replace the Four Friends of Snow Mountain."

"Replacement?" Below, in the crowd, a bearded and rough-looking man immediately shook his head and said, "Is it so easy to find someone who knows music? If they can find it early, why bother to invite the Four Snow Mountain Friends? "

Hearing this, Leader Lingxiao suddenly flashed a fierce look in his eyes and said: "Elder Lan, from now on, don't worry about other things. You only need to do one thing. Pay attention to the Wuyin Sect to find a replacement. For one thing, if a replacement appears, we must investigate the other person’s origins as soon as possible, and at the same time, we must always pay attention to the other person.”


Everyone below heard the sound and reacted one by one.

"Could it be that the other party wants to take advantage of the music to do something?"

"What to do? Even if the four substitutes are all malicious people, they are only four. What kind of trouble can they cause in our Lingxiao Sect?"

"That's interesting, there are still people who dare to target our Lingxiao Sect?"

Lingxiao Sect is also a very ancient and powerful existence among the great sects in Dongzhou, but Wuyin Sect is different.

Millions of years after a fairy sect is established, a heavenly catastrophe will come, which people call a religious catastrophe.

The teaching calamity is different from a single heavenly calamity targeting one person. The teaching calamity is a great calamity caused by heaven against the entire immortal sect!

If they can survive the teaching calamity, the immortal energy of the entire Immortal Sect will become more pure and abundant, and at the same time, Heaven will rain down various treasures, resources, magic weapons, and even ways to cultivate immortality. For an immortal sect, surviving the tribulation will be of great benefit.

After surviving the catastrophe of teaching, an immortal sect can also be called a great religion.

After becoming a great sect, there will be catastrophes from heaven every hundred thousand years. Of course, these catastrophes are relatively simple compared to the previous catastrophes that lasted millions of years.

Simple, just because after an immortal sect became a great sect, he received various heavenly rewards and his strength skyrocketed, so he dealt with simple first.

Then, in the 200,000th and 300,000th years, the teaching tribulations will become stronger every 100,000 years. After the tenth time, that is, another million years later, the power of the teaching tribulation will increase again!

Similarly, whether it is a hundred thousand years of teaching calamity or a million years of teaching calamity, after each teaching calamity is over, as long as you successfully survive, heaven will give you a reward.

After receiving the reward, each major sect will hold a grand meeting to celebrate passing through the sect's calamity.

Of course, generally speaking, major sects will not hold grand gatherings immediately after the tribulation is over. After all, even if the tribulation can be overcome, all the disciples in the Immortal Sect will suffer losses, and they also have to digest the rewards they received. .

Therefore, after the sect tribulation is over, all major sects need time to digest these rewards and restore and replenish their vitality.

As for how long it will take to recover, the time is not certain.

Some large churches take decades to recover, some may take hundreds of years, and some may only take ten years.

The Lingxiao Sect was very lucky. When their catastrophe came, the minor era of the reversal of the universe had not yet arrived. Their masters had not yet fallen asleep. The great sect had not yet been affected by the minor era of the reversal of the universe. Their masters were all at that time. Yes, so I successfully survived the catastrophe.

Then, the Little Era came and the world was reversed. Because of the special nature of this period, they held the grand meeting only after many years.

If it hadn't been for the minor era of world reversal, they would have held a grand meeting long ago.

In fact, the unlucky ones are those great sects who need to survive the catastrophe during the minor era of the reversal of the universe. Although it is said that during the minor epoch of the reversal of the universe, the catastrophe of the fall of heaven cannot be as powerful as usual.

Although the path of cultivating immortals is dangerous, the way of heaven will always leave a glimmer of hope for cultivators. If the world were to reverse the teaching catastrophe during the Little Era and be as terrifying as the usual teaching catastrophes, there would be no chance of survival at all. The religion will perish.

Even so, the reversal of the world and the catastrophe of the teaching in the minor era are still more dangerous. After all, a big sect, when facing the tribulation of the teaching in the normal period, can use all kinds of treasures and the knowledge that their big sect has had for at least millions of years. accumulated resources.

However, in the Little Era of the Reversal of Heaven and Earth, those treasures were either only available in the Earthly Immortal Realm and they could not use them, or they could only exert the power of the Golden Core Stage, which was greatly reduced in power.

And the strongest of them can only reach the limit of the Golden Core stage, but how many people can reach the limit of the Golden Core stage?

Therefore, for a big sect, if the tribulation happens to coincide with the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, it will be very, very unlucky, and may even be in danger of destroying the sect. What is even more unlucky is that the Minor Epoch of the Reversal of the Universe has not yet arrived. But the time is coming.

Because at that time, it was not the reversal of the universe in the minor era, so the power of the teaching robbery could not only stay at the limit of the golden elixir stage. However, at this time, those masters had already begun to fall asleep.

However, the teaching calamity does not care so much and will still come. Even when the teaching calamity comes, some masters are fighting against the teaching calamity, but they cannot hold on and have to sleep in the grave of life.

In particular, the situation where the minor era of world reversal is still a few days away, but then the teaching calamity descends, is the most unlucky situation.

In their East Continent, there is a great sect. In this minor era of world reversal, the sect encountered a catastrophe three days before its arrival. In the end, the tribulation failed, and the entire sect was destroyed. Only some disciples escaped. What was once a great sect has now become an ordinary immortal sect.

As for the Wuyin Sect, they are the second most unlucky ones. They have to go through a sect calamity during the Minor Era when the universe is reversed, and this is their first sect calamity since they became a great sect.

Even those great sects that have existed for a long time were extremely careful during the minor era of reversal of the world and would even invite people from other great sects to help out. The Five Sound Sect naturally had to be even more careful.

After all, they were able to become a great sect in the first place because their leader was extremely powerful, but compared to other great sects, their background was far, far behind.

Moreover, while their leader is still asleep, they can only rely on themselves now.

It is precisely for this reason that they agreed to participate in the grand gathering of Lingxiao Sect, help play music at the grand gathering, and even help accompany Fairy Guanyue of Longyin Sect.

They are also a big sect like the Longyin Sect, and they actually have some intention of lowering their status when they accompany Fairy Guanyue.

The reason why they did this was to wait until they were able to overcome the tribulation of the sect, and then invite Fairy Guanyue of the Longyin Sect and the masters of the Lingxiao Sect to help them overcome the tribulation.

The disciples of one's own teachings are not the only ones to fight against the calamity of the teachings. As long as the calamity of the teachings comes, everyone in the teachings can help.

But this number is limited.

Generally speaking, the law of heaven does not allow more than ten foreign teachers to help overcome the tribulation. Teaching tribulation mainly relies on the strength of one's own great religion.

However, if we can invite ten masters, it will also be of great use.

Especially Fairy Guanyue, she is at the limit of the golden elixir stage!

Generally speaking, when teaching a robbery, if you invite masters, the masters will readily agree. After all, the masters go to help, but they are not from the great religion. If they find danger, they can leave at any time.

The Jiao Jie targeted a big religion.

For example, during the teaching calamity of their Pentayin Sect, their masters were unable to leave the great religion even if they wanted to, because they had been in the great religion for too long and their bond with the great religion was too deep.

However, those who have joined the great religion for less than a thousand years can leave.

As for the masters who are helping out, they are not members of the great religion, and they can leave at any time. Therefore, the danger for them to help out is much less.

However, there is still danger no matter how small the risk is, so if you want others to help you, you must promise benefits.

According to the rules of Dongzhou, if one successfully overcomes the tribulation of the teaching, then after the tribulation is over, those who help him can choose a treasure from the treasures and resources that have fallen from the sky.

Naturally, this treasure cannot be chosen casually. The two parties can negotiate in advance. For example, after the great sect who has overcome the tribulation chooses ten treasures, or twenty resources dropped by heaven, the people who come to help can then choose. .

In addition, they also need to collect a part of the deposit before going through the tribulation.

After all, if the gadget fails to overcome the tribulation, wouldn’t it mean that people can’t get anything?

The Wuyin Sect had previously approached Fairy Guanyue. The deposit offered by Fairy Guanyue, in addition to a Guqin from the Wuyin Sect, was to allow the Wuyin Sect to fully cooperate with her in dancing and playing music.

Coincidentally, the Lingxiao Sect was about to hold a grand event, and they found the Lingxiao Sect again. The Lingxiao Sect also agreed and treated them as part of the deposit by performing a dance performance at the grand event.

Afterwards, they can send two top masters of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen to the Wuyin Sect to help out!

At the grand gathering of Lingxiao Sect, helping to play music and dance can be used as a deposit for the strength of both parties. This is the best result for the Wuyin Sect.

However, because the dance that Fairy Guanyue wants to perform requires someone to perform the dance, and their Wuyin Sect does not currently have a master of construction, they even invited the Four Friends of the Snow Mountain.

But who would have thought that the Four Snow Mountain Friends would be killed halfway!

"What should we do now? The Four Snow Mountain Friends are dead, and the grand party will be held tomorrow!"

"The Four Friends of Snow Mountain, they occupy four places!"

Among the Wuyin Cult members, a fair-faced man whispered: "The Four Friends of Snow Mountain are Guzhu, Guixiao, Tanqin and Erhu. Among them, senior brother Wu Se can play the erhu, and Tanqin... Junior sister is also there, We can let Junior Sister Qianyu play the piano, but as for the person who plays the flute, among the people from our Wuyin Sect who came this time, there is no one who is good at playing the flute. In addition, and more importantly, where are we going to find the person who will build the building?

If we cannot gather enough people, then Fairy Guanyue may not appear. At that time, we will offend the two great sects of Longyin Sect and Lingxiao Sect at once, not to mention inviting their masters later. Went to help out. "

"There is only one way now, which is to send out immortal posters widely and invite people who are good at playing the flute and building structures."

"Looking for? There are many people in Dongzhou who are good at music, but how many of them can meet the requirements of Fairy Guanyue? What's more, even if some people can meet the requirements, they can't get up due to various reasons, such as the people of the Xianyin Sect, Their relationship with the Lingxiao Sect is not very good, and they will definitely not come."

"There is no other way now but to try this."

"Yes, this is the only way. We can't sit still and wait for death."

The people of Wuyin Sect had no choice but to try their luck and send out immortal stickers, but they also knew that the chance of them finding the right person was too low.

After walking around the Lingxiao Sect, Cao Zhen discovered that there was really nothing weak about the Lingxiao Sect's mountain-protecting formation, a place where people could sneak in quietly. In desperation, he had no choice but to return again.

Suddenly, he discovered that there was a group of people gathering in front of him, and they were still discussing something loudly.

"The Pentatone Sect sent out Immortal Posts, looking for people who are good at building and playing the flute. Playing with Fairy Guanyue at the Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering?"

"If you can be selected, the Wuyin Sect can give you a thousand fairy stones as a reward!"

"One thousand immortal stones, this is a lot of reward. After the Earthly Immortal Realm, when you start practicing again, using spiritual stones and spiritual crystals will not be very effective. You must use immortal stones. One immortal stone is equivalent to ten thousand spiritual crystals. One thousand immortal stones , that’s ten million spiritual crystals!”

"However, the Wuyin Sect is a major religion that teaches music and rhythm. I don't know how high their requirements are."

"I know what this blowing flute is, but what is that playing the flute?"

"The key point is that you can play with Fairy Closed Moon!"

"Yes, that is Fairy Close Moon, Fairy Close Moon who has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage."

"And Fairy Guanyue's cultivation time is very short, only a hundred years."

"The key is, Fairy Guanyue, she is a first-class beauty..."

"Vulgar, can Fairy Close Moon be described as just beautiful? Moreover, the key point is that Fairy Close Moon dances. Back then, all of us in Dongzhou were good at poetry, songs, music and dance, and the wine masters all said that Fairy Close Moon The dance under the moon is unique to our East Continent!"

Cao Zhen listened to the discussions around him and almost wondered if he had heard it wrong.

I was just worried about how to go to Lingxiao to teach, and then someone came to my door, and there was money to take it.

One thousand Immortal Stones equals 10 million Spiritual Crystals. Isn’t this picked up for free? There is such a good thing.

He quickly stepped forward, found a random person and asked, "Fellow Taoist, may I ask, where are the people from the Wuyin Sect?"

The other party looked back at Cao Zhen and found that he didn't know him, but he didn't think much about it. There were countless people who came to attend the Lingxiao Sect grand gathering. It was normal for him not to know him.

He casually pointed in one direction and said: "Over there, the people from the Wuyin Sect are all there. Fellow Taoist, do you also want to try it? However, what the Wuyin Sect calls good is different from what we call good at. Fellow Taoist, you..."

Before he finished speaking, Cao Zhen was already walking in the direction of the Wuyin Sect.

The people of the Wuyin Sect have set up a place not far from the Lingxiao Sect's mountain gate, and are responsible for finding people who are good at building construction and playing the flute. However, although they have issued immortal stickers, they really don't have much confidence in their hearts. The right person can be found.

Moreover, it seems that everyone is very self-aware and knows that the requirements of Wuyin Cult must be extremely high, so no one goes to test it.

In the crowd, two men who were not walking together looked at each other. One of them nodded slightly, then walked forward, walked in front of the Wuyin Sect, and said, "Everyone, we are looking for someone who is good at playing the flute." Human? I am not talented, but I have some knowledge of playing the flute."

"Oh?" Several people from the Wuyin Sect raised their heads and looked at the person in front of them. The first thing they looked at was the other person's hands. They were a pair of very fair and well-kept hands.

Wu Se glanced at the person in front of him. Although he didn't think that this person had much ability to match the level of him and his junior sister, he still nodded and said: "Fellow Taoist, since you are interested, why not give it a try?" .”

"That's fine."

The other party smiled slightly and took out a bamboo flute. Immediately, several people from the Pentatone Sect nodded. This bamboo flute was obviously not an ordinary musical instrument, but a magical weapon.

This is a person who enters the Tao through music.

The man took out his bamboo flute, pondered for a moment and asked, "I don't know what kind of music you want to hear? What are your requirements?"

Wu Se whispered: "The night, the moonlight, is soft and beautiful. We must cooperate with the Moonlight Fairy's dance under the moon."

"So, let's play a song, Dancing Alone in the Moonlight."

The man flicked his sleeves gracefully, picked up the bamboo flute and put it to his mouth. Suddenly, the sweet and melodious flute sounds sounded.

Wu Se instantly raised his head and looked at the other party in surprise. The sound of the flute and the level were so high. Although they were slightly inferior to him and his junior sister, the gap was already negligible.

Moreover, the other party played under such circumstances. If the other party is given a different environment, and after seeing Fairy Moon Dance, the other party should be affected and perform at a better level. This level is enough.

Wu Se was immediately overjoyed, and looked at each other with his junior sister. They both nodded and said: "Which immortal sect does this fellow Taoist come from, and what is his name? My fellow Taoist's flute-playing skills deserve the title of master."

I don’t know, fellow Taoist, would you be interested in playing with Fairy Xianyue? "

"I, Xiao Shengke, am a casual cultivator. As for cooperating with you, it is an honor for me." Xiao Shengke quickly agreed.

Seeing that someone had already succeeded, Cao Zhen was still short of the last spot. He quickened his pace and walked forward, but before he could reach the people of the Wuyin Sect, in front of him, a man with disheveled hair and an unusually fair face also walked. He went up and said: "Everyone, I just heard the sound of this fellow Taoist's flute below, but I am also a little bit shy. It just so happens that I am good at building construction, why don't you let me try it too?"

Wu Se originally didn't have much expectations for the Light-haired Immortal Poster. It was just a last resort. But just now, someone played the flute, which met his expectations.

Now that someone else came and wanted to build something, he suddenly became interested.

After all, zuke is a very unpopular musical instrument. Even in our Pentayin Sect, there are not many people who can play zhu. Some people say that they can play zhu, but it is not easy.

As long as the opponent's level is not too bad, as long as it is about the same, then he has to keep the opponent for the time being. After all, there are too few people who can build.

When Cao Zhen saw someone getting ahead of him, he immediately quickened his pace, walked up to his own people from the Wuyin Sect, and shouted, "Ji Zhu? What a coincidence, I also know a lot about Ji Zhu."


Including the man who played the flute before, as well as everyone from the Wuyin Cult, they all turned around in surprise and looked at the man who came suddenly.

Zhu is an unpopular musical instrument. It is very strange for someone to show up and claim to be able to play Zhu. Now, there is another person who also claims to be able to play Zhu. This is so surprising.

Wu Se did not expect to encounter such a situation. He looked at the two of them, was stunned for a moment, and said: "Since both of them are good at building, why not play a song together? It's the one just now How about dancing solo in the first moonlight?"

Both of them said they were good at it, so naturally they had to compete.

"No problem." Cao Zhen nodded slightly and took out Zhu from the Qiankun bag. During his fifty years in the world, he also worked as a musician for a period of time. Now he has begun to carry various pens and ink with him, as well as musical instruments. .

However, his building is just an ordinary building.

As soon as his Zhu appeared, Wu Se suddenly shook his head slightly. It was just an ordinary Zhu. It seemed that this person was not a person who had entered the Tao of music. He was not a person who had entered the Tao of music. I am afraid he had just learned how to build.

He looked at another person.

When the other person saw the ordinary building, his heart suddenly felt at ease, and he calmly took out his building from the Qiankun bag. Different from Cao Zhen's building, this building was a magic weapon.

Wu Se nodded slightly, Yongzhu's divine weapon was obviously also a person who entered the Taoism through music.

Naturally, he is more optimistic about those who come first.

After both parties were ready, he quickly said: "You two are ready, let's get started."

As his words fell, Cao Zhen and another person struck at the same time.

Cao Zhen had just listened to the song "Moonlight Dancing Solo" once, but Gao Jianli's musical level was too high, and they were competing with only a few strains.

If he switches to another instrument, such as a pipa or a flute, he may still stumble a little when he first starts playing, but it will be different when playing.

Gao Jianli's attack is MAX!

Because the two were competing against each other, many people gathered in front of the Lingxiao Sect Mountain Gate gathered around them out of curiosity.

Although they didn't understand the music, as the two sides started to build, they discovered the difference immediately. They found that the person who used ordinary building was obviously better than the one who came first, and he was still It's much higher. The difference is so big that ten people can hear it.

Wu Se's eyes widened even more, his mouth opened wide, and he stared blankly at the man who played the instrument with an ordinary, not magical weapon.

The level of this level of construction is really too high, even far beyond him and his master.

In fact, he felt that even the sleeping martial uncle of their Wuyin Sect could not compete with the young man in front of him.

How high has this person's level of construction reached? Who is he?

When the two of them just started playing, there was no problem. However, as the performance progressed, beads of sweat quickly appeared on the forehead of the other person. Slowly, the beads of sweat on his forehead became larger and larger.


Suddenly, a harsh sound sounded, and the other party's rhythm was completely messed up. He hit a wrong note. Then the other party stopped and looked at the building beside him full of surprise, confusion and even some confusion. stranger.

After Cao Zhen waited for the other party to stop, he listened to it himself. Under other circumstances, he might not really be interested in building the building, but now he made a bet with his apprentice Xiang Ziyu to see who could finish first. Enter the Lingxiao sect.

He is the master, what does it mean to lose to his disciple?

Now, he finally had another opportunity to enter the Lingxiao Sect, and he could only use it a little bit.

As for the other person, he could only say sorry.

Wu Se was completely intoxicated by the sound of building. Suddenly, the sound of building stopped, and a look of regret suddenly appeared on his face. Then he looked at the strange young man in front of him, raised his back and said: " It is an honor for us to be able to cooperate with the master. I dare to ask the master, which immortal sect you come from, and what is your name?"

The other party's level of construction can definitely be called a master, and he did not compliment the other party. With the level that the other party just showed, it is really their honor to be able to cooperate with the other party.

Unexpectedly, he really didn't expect that he would find two people so easily, one who was good at playing the flute and the other who was a master of building!

"It's easy to say, I am Cao Zhen, from the Hundred Peaks Sect." Cao Zhen answered truthfully. Anyway, Donghuang is not connected to Dongzhou now. It doesn't matter if the other party hears his name or the Hundred Peaks Sect.

"Baifeng Sect?"

Wu Se frowned when he heard the sound. He thought for a long time, but found that he didn't know the existence of the immortal sect Baifeng Sect at all. He looked at his junior sister in confusion and asked: "Junior sister, you..."

Qianyu also shook her head. She had never heard of Baifeng Sect.

The two of them were very surprised. There were too many immortal sects in Dongzhou. It was normal for them to have some immortal sects that they had not heard of. But the problem was that the other party's level of construction was so high. It should come from an extremely famous tune. The Immortal Sect that enters the Tao, that kind of Immortal Sect, I shouldn’t have heard of it.

He asked curiously: "Forgive me for my short knowledge, but I don't know where the Hundred Peaks Sect comes from? Is it the Immortal Sect that enters the Tao through music?"

Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said: "It's normal that our Baifeng Sect is located in a remote place and I haven't heard of it. Moreover, our Baifeng Sect is not an immortal sect that can enter the Tao through music. I am good at building, but I am unique in our peak. inheritance.”

He was also convinced, he just said it casually, why did the other party keep asking questions?

If he had known this, he would have said that he was a casual cultivator.

"That's it." Wu Se said, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the other person, but found that he had forgotten the other person who was building the building. He quickly said to the other person, "This fellow Taoist, your building is The level is indeed superb, but this time, our Wuyin Sect wants to cooperate with this fellow Taoist Cao, and we hope that this fellow Taoist can understand."

He felt that what he said was very polite. Based on the level of attack and construction, everyone knew who to choose.

"Understood, understood."

While the other party was answering, he turned to the side and asked the flute player who had just played the flute: "Senior brother, what should I do now? Such a guy suddenly appeared in the middle of the road. I can't enter the Lingxiao Sect with you. We What about your plan?"

"Junior Brother, you leave for now. I can only follow them into the Lingxiao Sect. Then, Junior Brother, you can enter the Lingxiao Sect with the perfect cultivation of the Ten Visions Golden Pill. Then we will find a way in the Lingxiao Sect. Meet again.”

Xiao Shengke also felt a great hatred in his heart. They had abolished so many Zhou Zhangs and paid so much, and the plan was about to succeed. Who would have thought that such a person would suddenly appear.

He did have a way to let his junior brother enter the Lingxiao Sect with him.

For example, he told the other party that he would only cooperate with his junior brother. If it were the person in front of him, he would refuse. If the other party could not find another suitable flute player, he would definitely agree to him.

However, in order to cover up others' eyes and ears, he and his junior brother pretended not to know each other. If he suddenly said such words, others would definitely doubt whether he and his junior brother had any purpose.

People in the Ling Xiao sect are not stupid, and they will definitely pay more attention to themselves and their junior brothers. In that case, even if they want to help their senior brothers, they will not be able to help them.

In that case, what did you and your junior brother spend so much time on? It is better to directly enter the Lingxiao Sect with the cultivation of the Ten Visions Golden Pill Dzogchen.

Damn it, how could such a person break through and appear?

Xiao Shengke paused for a moment, then continued to transmit the message into the secret and said: "But, fortunately, junior brother, after you enter the Lingxiao Sect, you can also deliberately do something to attract the attention of everyone in the Lingxiao Sect, but remember not to Too outrageous.

In fact, the two of us are just assisting the senior brother. The most important person in our plan is the senior senior brother. As long as the senior senior brother breaks through the Tongxiao Formation, he can enter the Lingxiao Sect as a distinguished guest.

Even if you, junior brother, cannot join me, our plan can still go ahead, but the effect will be much worse. "

Xiao Shengke said, and looked at the guy who called himself Cao Zhen. This damn man, their plan was successful, but they could gain a lot.

He knew that before the Four Friends of Snow Mountain died, and even the four disciples of the Four Friends of Snow Mountain who could replace them died, the people of the Lingxiao Sect would definitely be suspicious and might pay attention to him.

However, they were just covering up. The real killer move was their senior brother. Even if the people of Lingxiao Cult paid attention to him or even monitored him, their plan would still be successful.

However, without the cooperation of his junior brother, the success of the plan would be nearly half as bad!

He had just completed the secret transmission with his junior brother, when Wu Se's voice came from the side.

"You two, although you are both masters of music, we also need to cooperate with each other. Moreover, it is not just the four of us, we also have other people to assist in the performance, so let's enter Lingxiao's teaching first and practice in advance. how?"

"Okay." A smile appeared on Xiao Shengke's face immediately after hearing this, and there was nothing unusual at all.

Cao Zhen also followed Xiao Shengke and walked towards the Lingxiao Sect.

After he came to Dongzhou, he felt the abundance and purity of the spiritual energy. However, when he entered the Lingxiao Sect, he found that the spiritual energy outside was far behind the spiritual energy inside the Lingxiao Sect. many.

He even suspected that if the disciples of the Baifeng Sect were allowed to practice in this environment, half of the remaining disciples of the Baifeng Sect who had not reached the golden elixir stage would be able to reach the golden elixir stage!

This spiritual energy is so full and pure!

It turns out that this is the Great Sect!

Not long after Cao Zhen left, Elder Lan appeared, and beside her were two disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

"You two, stay at the mountain gate alone to see if the person who failed to build the building will enter our Lingxiao Sect. Once the other person enters, follow him immediately."

"The other person is going to investigate Xiao Sheng Ke and Cao Zhen immediately, to find out if anyone knows that Xiao Sheng Ke is a casual cultivator, and to investigate where the Baifeng Sect comes from."


The two heard the sound and quickly disappeared.

Because the Pentatone Sect was here to perform, the Lingxiao Sect had specially prepared a place for the Pentatone Sect. After Cao Zhen entered the Lingxiao Sect, he was led by the Pentatone Sect towards the other courtyard where the Pentatone Sect was located.

Although the grand gathering of Lingxiao Sect is held tomorrow, you can enter it today.

People from various major immortal sects are constantly being invited to join the Lingxiao Sect.

As for Lingxi and others, they also accompanied a team and came to the mountain gate of Lingxiao Sect.

Because they didn't know the specific location of Lingxiao Sect, and the four sons of Snow Mountain were also dead, they took some long detours because they didn't know the way. Fortunately, they met another one on the way, who was coming to Lingxiao Sect to participate in the grand meeting. The team then followed the opponent to Lingxiao Sect.

As for why the other party brought them here, Bei Yan seriously suspected that it was because the other party saw too many beauties on their side.

The other monk would chat with Senior Sister Lingxi and Xiao Duoduo if they had nothing to do along the way.

Zhu Peng almost beat them.

Sometimes, he really couldn't figure out whether Zhu Peng was really stupid or fake.

Let's talk about Zhu Penghan, this boy actually knew not to allow any male other than their Four Treasures Peak to have deep contact with their female disciples of the Four Treasures Peak.

Especially for Xiao Duoduo, he felt that Zhu Peng had regarded Xiao Duoduo as his wife.

However, he had previously discovered that Zhu Peng and Liao Youdi from Qingluan Peak seemed to be somewhat ambiguous.

Do you want a dragon and two phoenixes?

Eating the food in the bowl and thinking about the food in the pot?

Is this something a fool can do?

Fortunately, he finally arrived at the place. Otherwise, he was really afraid that if he walked for a while, Zhu Peng would burst out and beat the other party.

"So many people?" Beiyan looked towards the mountain gate of Lingxiao Sect, but was surprised to find that there were people gathered here, many of them were walking towards the mountain gate of Lingxiao Sect, but there were more Many people gathered in another place.

"What are they gathering over there for? Why don't they enter the Lingxiao Sect? Where is that place?"

On the side, an idler heard him talking to himself and immediately reminded: "That's where the Tongxiao Formation is. Everyone gathered outside the Tongxiao Formation. Naturally, they were waiting for the Tongxiao Formation to be opened and they could go in and have a try. Break in."

When Bei Yan was on the road, he also heard about the Tongxiao Formation from the group of immortals who were traveling with them, but he was a little strange: "Can't the Tongxiao Formation be opened when the number of people is about the same? Why isn't it open now? "

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