Cao Zhen had told everyone in the Wuyin Sect that he was from the Baifeng Sect, but he had not told Fairy Guanyue where he was from.

When he heard Fairy Guanyue's question, he blurted out: "I'm from the Baifeng Sect."

He has already said that he is from Baifeng Sect, how can he make up another place?

"Baifeng Sect?" Fairy Guanyue had a look of doubt in her eyes. She tried hard to think, but after thinking for a long time, she didn't expect that there was any immortal sect called Baifeng Sect.

In the end, she could only shake her head helplessly and said: "Guanyue is in the sect and rarely goes out, but she has never heard of Master Cao's Immortal Sect. Master Cao, I don't know where your Baifeng Sect is. ?”

Cao Zhen said while writing the song: "It's in a very remote place."

"Remote? Which place is remote? East or west?" Fairy Guanyue still looked curious.

Cao Zhen was convinced instantly. I told others that it was very remote, and they stopped asking. It would be better to come to you. You still have to ask whether it is in the east or west, and which direction it is.

I told you that in Donghuang, can you understand me?

Tell me, you are such a beautiful girl, why do you want so much? Why do you ask so clearly? Do you still want to marry me?

Cao Zhen just lowered his head to write and did not respond to Fairy Guanyue for a while, mainly because he really didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Master Cao did not respond to her, Fairy Guanyue sighed secretly in her heart. It seemed that she had asked too many questions, which made Master Cao angry.

Still too anxious.

Fairy Guan Yue quickly made up for it: "Guan Yue has no other meaning in asking these questions. Guan Yue just wants to ask Master Cao if you still have time. If you are not in a hurry to go back, Guan Yue wants to invite Master Cao to our Longyin Sect." Take a walk and take a look.”

"Dragon Yin Sect?" Cao Zhen was really curious about the Dragon Yin Sect. From all aspects, the Dragon Yin Sect seemed to be very strong among the great sects. He really wanted to see, maybe even the Dragon Yin Sect was very strong in Dongzhou. What does Longyin teach you?

Cao Zhen said softly: "I don't have anything to do..."

He really has nothing to do, unless Donghuang suddenly sees the five central continents after the grand event. At that time, he will consider whether to go to the edge of Dongzhou.

He thought about it, they came from the Boundless Blood Prison, and they had to fight along the way. The reason why they were able to reach Dongzhou must be because Dongzhou is the closest central continent to Donghuang.

Therefore, if Donghuang is connected, it should be connected to the edge of Dongzhou.

Fairy Guanyue showed a look of joy on her face and said: "That's just right. If Master Cao is interested, he can come to our Dragon Song Sect."

The person in front of me is a top music master. When the time comes, he may go to Longyin Sect and see the beautiful scenery of Longyin Sect. Master Cao may play a piece of music. Then, he may have another epiphany.

Even if you can't have an epiphany, it's good to have some insights.

Although it is said that epiphany is very difficult for immortal cultivators, she has had many epiphanies.

She has been cultivating immortality for less than a hundred years, but she has already achieved enlightenment eleven times. For her, enlightenment is really not that difficult.

After she invited, she paused slightly and continued to ask: "I wonder what level of cultivation Master Cao is now?"

"Me?" Cao Zhen didn't know why Fairy Guanyue suddenly asked him about his cultivation level. Perhaps out of curiosity, he didn't hide it and said directly: "I am the Nine Visions Golden Pill."

"Nine Visions Golden Pill?" Fairy Guanyue showed a look of surprise on her face, and even vaguely, there was a trace of disappointment in her eyes. Master Cao has such a high musical attainment, it should be easy to enter the Tao through music. It is only right to become the Golden Elixir of Ten Visions and Perfection, why is it only the Golden Elixir of Nine Visions?

No matter how weak Master Cao's sect is, Master Cao's musical attainments lie here.

Entering the Tao of music and music is the same as entering the Tao of calligraphy and painting. As long as you reach a certain level of attainment in the way of music and calligraphy, it is not difficult to break through.

Master Cao's top musical attainments, no matter how you look at it, should be the Great Perfection of the Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, and it should be the extremely powerful Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions.

What is the situation in the sect where Master Cao belongs? Such masters have not become the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions and Golden Elixir?


Can I dig people into the Dragon Yin Sect?

A master like Master Cao is simply wasted in his sect.

I just don’t know what the relationship between Master Cao and his sect is. If it's too deep, there's no chance.

Fairy Guanyue wanted to say something else, but the sound of footsteps was heard.

Wu Se has already arrived here with everyone from the Wuyin Sect and the flute-singing guests.

It seems that Wu Se has already told the situation to everyone in the Wuyin Sect. Maybe the people in the Wuyin Sect don't dare to offend Fairy Guanyue, or maybe they think Cao Zhen is a master of construction, so no one questions Cao Zhen's music.

Xiao Shengke stood on one side of the Wuyin Cult, looking at Cao Zhen who was writing with his head down, but he was cursing in his heart, this bastard, he has nothing to write.

I originally wanted to find an opportunity to take a look at the place where the plan was implemented.

As a result, he was dragged here.

Also, why hasn’t the rainbow bridge in the sky disappeared?

How come the eldest brother hasn’t entered the Lingxiao sect yet? The grand event will begin tomorrow. If the eldest brother doesn’t enter the Lingxiao sect, how will the plan proceed?

Cao Zhen wrote very fast, and soon he finished writing the music and handed it to Wu Se.

Wu Se took the rice paper, glanced at it, and exclaimed with a look of surprise on his face: "Good word, Master Cao is really versatile, this song... is a good song..."

Wu Se came from the Wuyin Sect and had so much experience. When everyone heard Wu Se's exclamation, they all looked forward.

"Sure enough, a good song."

"Can this piece of music still be arranged like this?"

"I can't wait to give it a try."

"Come on, let's give it a try."

Soon, everyone started to try it. Everyone had good cultivation and were masters of various musical instruments. Even if it was their first time to come into contact with this piece of music, they all quickly became familiar with it.

Cao Zhen led everyone to play it twice at the beginning. Seeing that everyone was already familiar with it, they stopped playing.

The graduation fairy, on the other hand, pulled him aside and whispered: "Master Cao, in fact, we don't need them to play. I can talk to the people from the Wuyin Sect and just let you play alone. The two of us can work together indefinitely." even."

Cao Zhen's eyes widened immediately. He was completely shocked. The people from the Wuyin Cult were looking for people to form a band and practice. They were so interested in it, but you just said that they wouldn't use it.

Are you really taking people from the Wuyin Sect as members of a great religion? How much better is your Longyin Sect than the Wuyin Sect?

Cao Zhen couldn't help but asked curiously: "Isn't this bad? They are also from a great religion."

"It doesn't matter." Fairy Guanyue waved her hand gently and said, "If the Wuyin Sect has something to do, please ask me for help."

"Help? Help for what?" Cao Zhen was confused. What kind of help could make the Wuyin Sect give Fairy Guanyue face like this?

"Actually, it's nothing." Fairy Guanyue pointed to Wu Se in the distance, "The Wuyin Sect is about to pass through the tribulation of the sect. The Wuyin Sect has just become a big sect not long ago. This is the first time since they became a big sect. They were not completely sure about overcoming the sect tribulation, and it was still during the Small Era when the universe was reversed.

Therefore, they wanted to invite experts to help, and they found me. They also hoped that I could find some more experts. "

"I see." Cao Zhen had heard other people talk about the tribulation of the sect outside the Lingxiao sect before. He knew about the existence of the sect and he also knew that helping to resist the sect would be of great benefit.

That would be a blessing in heaven.

If possible, he also thought of helping to resist the catastrophe, but that would be too high-profile.

Cao Zhen thought about it, what would happen if others knew that when he reached the golden elixir stage of Nine Visions, it would be the limit of the golden elixir stage?

Will those big churches target the Baifeng Sect?

However, it seems that if he is not exposed early, when Donghuang is connected with the central five continents, others will know sooner or later. After all, if someone wants to provoke the Baifeng Sect, he will have to take action.

Even if he doesn't take action, he is so famous in Donghuang and even Dongliang and Dongjiang, and others can find out about him.

So, it seems okay to be exposed.

Besides, even if he is not exposed, Xiang Ziyu has now entered the Tongxiao Formation. It is really possible for that kid to climb the so-called Rainbow Stairs, and that kid can also cause a sensation.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you expose your own strength. Then, if you help to overcome the disaster, you can also get the treasures from heaven.

I don’t know what treasures will fall from heaven.

Cao Zhen curiously asked Fairy Guanyue: "What is the treasure they promised?"

Fairy Guanyue didn't mean to hide it, and said directly: "At that time, the treasures and resources descended from the Heavenly Dao, all the treasures related to the Dao, as well as exercises, spells, etc. will all belong to their Wuyin Sect. The remaining treasures and resources will belong to them. Tianyin Sect will first select twenty items, and from all the remaining resources, I can select one item."

Cao Zhendun didn't know what kind of treasures the heaven would land, but being able to get Fairy Guanyue to agree to it was obviously a big benefit. If there was a chance, he might as well choose it himself.

The problem is, people from the Five Tones Sect won’t look for me, right? Unless, Fairy Guanyue recommends herself.

No, the people of the Five Tones Sect are here. I just need to let the people of the Five Tones Sect know how powerful I am. I need to establish a good relationship with them first. Is it necessary to sacrifice the near and seek the far away?

Thinking of this, Cao Zhen deliberately said loudly: "We can't just let them practice. We will play together when the time comes. I will go and cooperate with them first."

With that said, Cao Zhen walked up to the people of the Pentatone Sect, looked at the people who were contacting each other, and asked softly from the side: "Do you have any questions? Fellow Daoist Wu, in fact, when you play, you don't have to look for it..." "

Cao Zhen even started to point out musical problems to everyone.

Wu Se listened to Cao Zhen's voice that kept ringing from the side and sighed in his heart. Master Cao really has a great demeanor.

It was clear that Fairy Guan Yue had called Master Cao elsewhere alone. He even felt that Fairy Guan Yue was very close to Master Cao. However, Master Cao refused to give up such a good opportunity to contact Fairy Guan Yue. Instead, he came to give advice to everyone. I hope that when you play it, you can have better results. Sure enough, it makes sense for Master Cao to have such a high attainment in music.

Moreover, when Master Cao gives guidance, it gives people the feeling of giving everything they have.

Master Cao is so selfless.

Slowly, as Cao Zhen continued to give instructions, everyone in the Pentameter Sect became more and more surprised. At first, they just thought that Master Cao was good at playing instruments, but now, they discovered that Master Cao seemed to be good at playing various musical instruments. They are very proficient, and they feel more and more that Master Cao's attainments in music and rhythm are terrifyingly high.

The night passed like this.

The next day, the day for the Lingxiao Sect's grand meeting finally arrived. However, this grand meeting did not start in the morning, but in the evening.

Describe some of what it was like in previous lives on earth when major events such as the World Cup and the Olympics were held.

Cao Zhen can also understand. After all, setting off fireworks during the day is not good-looking, but setting off fireworks at night is good-looking.

As fireworks rose one after another, the Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering officially began.

The Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering is held at Tianling Peak. It is said to be a peak, but it is extremely huge. Moreover, the top of the peak has been flattened and turned into a huge platform.

Because Cao Zhen had to perform, he didn't go to the front to see what the Ling Xiao sect said, but stayed behind.

In Tianling Peak, Lingxi, Beiyan and others sat in the most remote positions. It was not that they wanted to keep a low profile on purpose, but those in the middle positions were all people from major religions, and those in the next positions were Those people from the sect who were invited, those who entered with the perfect cultivation of the Ten Visions and Golden Pills, could only be on the outermost side.

In their Eastern Wilderness, the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen was a being with the highest combat power and would be respected wherever he went.

But this is Dongzhou!

The Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen is indeed powerful, but in front of the great religion, it is not worth mentioning.

Zhu Peng was not interested at all in the various performances at the event. As soon as he sat down, he picked up the food on the stone table and started eating. While eating, he complained: "It's too little, it's not enough to celebrate." Peng’s food. The wine is quite delicious, but it’s too little.”

However, the people in Lingxi did not eat the food, but looked around.

When the grand event began, everyone was watching the performance, eating and drinking, and talking about something constantly. It was no different from the various grand gatherings in the Eastern Wasteland.

Back then, after Li Ke became the Perfect Golden Elixir of the Ten Visions, the Golden Elixir Meeting held at Zhuque Peak was similar to the grand event in front of them. The only difference was that there were no performances at the Golden Elixir Meeting and there were not so many people.

Soon, Lingxi and the others discovered that the focus of everyone's discussion was mostly on two issues.

"Tonight's finale performance should be Fairy Closed Moon."

"It must be Fairy Guanyue. It is extremely difficult to invite Fairy Guanyue. If the Lingxiao Sect does not let Fairy Guanyue finish the show, I am afraid that Fairy Guanyue will immediately walk away, and even the Longyin Sect will be furious!"

"Fairy Guanyue's dance is a unique skill in our East Continent. Even if Fairy Guanyue is not a member of the Longyin Sect, the person who performs the finale must be Fairy Guanyue."

"Speaking of which, Fairy Guanyue, this is only the third time that you have to dance in front of everyone."

"It's such an honor to be able to see the dance of the Moon Fairy!"

"The fact that Fairy Guanyue is here this time has given Ling Xiao enough face."

"Aren't you curious about the Rainbow Bridge? I wonder who triggered the Rainbow Bridge. How come the Rainbow Bridge hasn't disappeared yet?"

"It's so weird, how long it's been."

"Normally, no matter what, the fight should be over."

"This time, because the Rainbow Bridge has always existed, many people have no chance to enter the Lingxiao Sect."

"I do know who triggered the Rainbow Bridge. I heard that it was a man named Xiang Ziyu from the Baifeng Sect who triggered the Rainbow Bridge."

"How did you know?"

"Baifeng Sect? Xiang Ziyu has never heard of these two names. Have any of you heard of Baifeng Sect or Xiang Ziyu?"


"Never heard of it."

When Lingxi and others heard the words Baifengzong and Xiang Ziyu, they all turned their heads and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

When the person who just spoke just sat down, he noticed four beautiful fairies sitting beside him. Feeling the gazes of these fairies, he immediately straightened his waist and said proudly: "Because I also created that Tongxiao Formation, after all, although I can directly enter here with my cultivation, but it is not easy to break into the big formation, so I naturally want to go through it.

Then, when I broke into the formation, I happened to be with Xiang Ziyu and the genius of the Holy Flower Sect, Huo Fanqi. You must have never imagined that at the first level, the first person to rush to the mountain was a person with the Nine Visions Golden Pill. "

"Nine Visions Golden Pill?"

Everyone immediately exclaimed when they heard the sound.

"There should have been quite a few Ten Visions and Golden Elixirs going to Perfection at that time, right?"

The person who broke through the barrier nodded and said: "At that time, there were nearly twenty people with ten visions and golden elixirs."

"There are so many ten-vision golden elixirs in Dzogchen, but a nine-vision golden elixir is the first one to rush through?"

"Could it be that you didn't attack him first?"

"Fellow Daoist Gao, don't be too pretentious. Just tell us what the situation is."

The person who broke through the barrier whetted everyone's appetite, and then he raised his voice and said: "We all attacked him at the time, but the Nine Visions Golden Pill was really strong. Anyway, he just rushed over. That person was Xiang Ziyu."

As he spoke, he paused slightly, and then after realizing that everyone around him was paying attention to his situation, he slowly spoke again and said: "A total of ten people in our group entered the Tongxiao Formation.

Although the ten people who entered the Tongxiao Formation were temporarily unable to leave the Tongxiao Formation due to the Rainbow Bridge, the other ninety of us did not enter the Tongxiao Formation, and we also recognized the ten people who entered. Who are they.

In addition to Xiang Ziyu, everyone has found out the identities of the other nine people. Among them, the most special one is Xiang Ziyu. No one has heard of the Baifeng Sect from which he came.

Moreover, everyone has also discussed that the other nine people, except Huo Fanqi, do not seem to have the strength to trigger the Rainbow Bridge. "

Someone on the side heard the sound and immediately shook his head: "Just because of this, you judge that Xiang Ziyu triggered the Rainbow Bridge. This is too arbitrary."

"Of course it's not because of this. You didn't go to Tongxiao Formation. You don't know, and I only found out afterwards that that man Xiang Ziyu even won the victory when he competed with Huo Fanqi before.

He may be even more talented than Huo Fanqi. Therefore, many people speculate that the person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge was Xiang Ziyu. "

"But the problem is, Huo Fanqi may have triggered the Rainbow Bridge."

"Yes, we can't just say it's Xiang Ziyu."

The person who had gone to break through the barrier heard the sound and could only shake his head and said: "In short, many people, even some from the big religion, said that it is unlikely to be Huo Fanqi."

Bei Yan listened to everyone's discussion and gently placed a soundproof magic power around them. This kind of magic power did not require the use of too much magic, and it would not directly cause the wind, fire and heavenly catastrophe.

After the people around him could no longer hear his words, he looked at his senior and junior sisters with a proud look on his face and said: "How about it, let me tell you, the person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge must be the third senior brother , you have heard now that Third Senior Brother really went and passed the first level.

Do you remember what I said before? I said that the Rainbow Bridge will definitely not end so easily. The third senior brother will definitely cause trouble. As a result, the third senior brother really caused trouble. The Rainbow Bridge has not ended yet. With the virtue of the third senior brother, I feel that the Rainbow Bridge will not end so easily. Qiao doesn’t know when it will end. "

"Why do you think that the person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge was the Third Brother and not the Master?" Lingxi just said this, and suddenly he was startled and whispered, "Master is looking for me."

Cao Zhen was waiting behind and had nothing to do. After thinking about it, he contacted his disciple Lingxi through Zhonghua Cloud because he had not contacted his disciple recently.

He had just told a few people not to cause trouble recently, and Lingxi asked eagerly: "Master, where are you now? Are you in the Tongxiao Formation?"

"No, Master is not in the Tongxiao Formation. The person in the Tongxiao Formation is your third junior brother. Well, you should know about the Rainbow Bridge. The person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge is Xiang Ziyu .

Moreover, I estimate that it will take a long, long time for the third child to leave the Rainbow Bridge, because that kid, with nothing to do, blew up a golden elixir. Now, he is recovering in the Tongxiao Formation, and I feel that he should want to practice.

However, his mirror image, well, is his phantom, and did not attack him. We have to wait until he recovers before attacking. Your third senior brother will definitely use this time to practice, so I really don’t know how long it will take for him to come out. "

"It's really the third junior brother." Lingxi turned around and glanced at Xiao Beiyan. Sure enough, the person who knew the third junior brother best was the fourth junior brother, and the fourth junior brother made everything right.

"So Master, you didn't enter the Tongxiao Formation. Where are you now? Or did you come out of the previous batch of Tongxiao Formation?"

Cao Zhen chuckled and said: "Master has not entered the Tongxiao Formation, but Master is now in the Lingxiao Sect."

Lingxi was very curious: "So, Master, how did you enter the Lingxiao Sect?"

"Before, someone was looking for a builder to perform at a grand event, so Master went there, and then they selected Master, so Master naturally entered the Lingxiao Sect."

"Ah? Master, do you still want to perform? Master, when do you want to perform?"

"Finally, the finale."

"The finale?" Lingxi was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and exclaimed, "Isn't the last performance Fairy Close Moon? Master, you..."

"That's right, just to accompany her." Cao Zhen reminded, "Master is looking for you just to check on your situation. Master is relieved to see that you are all fine. You don't have to worry about Master for the time being, but you are here now During the grand event, this is a rare opportunity. You should ask more about the situation in Dongzhou, the major strengths, especially those of the Demonic Way, and what they think about Donghuang and others connecting to the Central Five Continents. Of course, you have to look at it sideways. Ask about it.”

After hearing Master's reminder, Lingxi suddenly thought of something and said quickly: "Master, we saw a big sect today, called Duankong Sect. We don't know if there is any connection between Duankong Sect and Duankong Sect. .

Mainly for that person, his opponent was too weak and did not show his true strength. We also cannot see whether he has used the magical power of the Duan Kong Sect. "

"Duan Kong Sect?" Cao Zhen was suddenly shocked and said in a deep voice, "You can continue to inquire about the information. In addition, Master will also ask others to see if anyone knows about Duan Kong Sect."

As soon as the words fell, the time for the two of them to connect came just in time.

Cao Zhen frowned slightly, Duan Kong Sect?

If there were Feitian Sect, Shenlong Sect, or even Sun Moon Sect, he thought it was normal, maybe the names were repeated.

But these two words Duan Kong are not so easy to repeat.

This Duan Kong Sect may really be related to the Duan Kong Sect.

The Duan Kong Sect has completely disappeared since they escaped. If the two are really connected, the Duan Kong Sect is most likely a branch of the Duan Kong Sect, then will they go to the Duan Kong Sect and then the Baifeng Sect? Trouble?

Cao Zhen had a headache. How should he inquire about the Duan Kong Sect? If he asked rashly, others would definitely be curious about why he was in the Duankong Sect. Moreover, it was too strange for a person to be in Dongzhou without knowing the situation of a big sect.

We have to find a way to inquire about the Duan Kong Sect from the side.

Lingxi had just finished her conversation with her master when Yan Yourong and others around her immediately started asking with concern: "Sister, where is master now? What did master say?"

Lingxi looked at everyone and replied: "Master, he said he is also teaching at Lingxiao."

"Master is already teaching at Lingxiao?" Bei Yan said immediately after hearing this, "So, the third senior brother still lost to the master. The third senior brother should still be in the Tongxiao Formation now, right?"

"Your guess is correct. Master said that the Rainbow Bridge did appear because of the third junior brother. Moreover, it will take a long time for the third junior brother to leave the Rainbow Bridge."

Duoduo asked curiously: "A long time? Why?"

Lingxi looked at everyone with a strange expression, paused, and then said: "Because of Third Junior Brother, he blew up a golden elixir."

"What? Third senior brother blew himself up with a golden elixir?"

"Is he crazy? Why did he explode the golden elixir?"

"He is already at the limit of his golden elixir stage. What danger is there to force him to self-destruct his golden elixir?"

When everyone heard the sound, they all immediately looked at Lingxi with concern.

Lingxi shook his head and said, "Master didn't say it, but according to what Master said, Third Junior Brother's self-explosion of the Golden Pill was not in danger. Moreover, Third Junior Brother seems to be practicing cultivation now."


Everyone couldn't understand it for a moment. Xiang Ziyu was clearly at the limit of his golden elixir stage. Why did he destroy his golden elixir? Now is the period of the Little Era when the universe is reversed. Heaven does not allow the existence of power that exceeds the limit of the golden elixir stage. The third junior brother is already the strongest person in the world!

"I can't understand, I can't understand at all. Why did he blow up the golden elixir for nothing?" Even Beiyan shook his head incomprehensibly. Usually, although some of the things his third senior brother does are weird, there are still traces to follow, but This time, he felt that the third senior brother was really mentally broken, or completely broken.

If it were him, after reaching the limit of the golden elixir stage, he would never self-explode a golden elixir no matter what.

However, when Yan Yourong heard what the senior sister said, his heart moved and he said, "I can probably guess why the third child wanted to blow up the golden elixir."


Everyone, including Li Ke, looked at Yan Yourong curiously.

Yan Yourong whispered: "It should be because of the master. Why did he make a bet with the master before about who would enter the Lingxiao Sect first, and also with the cultivation level of the Nine Visions Golden Pill? He was actually making a bet with the master. Compare.

He always thought that the third junior brother was the protagonist, but he was no match for the master. At least, the master reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when he was in the Nine Visions Golden Elixir, but the third junior brother only reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when the Ten Visions Golden Elixir was perfected.

In such a comparison, the third junior brother is obviously unable to compare with the master.

And now it's the Little Era of the Reversal of Things. After the third junior brother reaches the limit of the golden elixir stage, he can't practice anymore. That's why I think the third junior brother will deliberately explode a golden elixir. In this way, he is no longer at the limit of the golden elixir stage. , he can practice.

The third junior brother, he wants to be like his master and reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when he is in the Nine Visions Golden elixir. "

Her guess was very outrageous.

After all, it is extremely difficult to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when the Ten Visions of the Golden elixir is complete. The three of them, such as the Yin Yang Alliance Leader of Dongliang, the Ax Madman and Haoyue Xingjun of Donghuang All of them are reincarnated great powers, but none of them have reached the limit of the golden elixir stage when the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen was completed. This shows how difficult it is for the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Dzogchen to reach the limit of the golden elixir stage. .

It can be said that Xiang Ziyu has surpassed those three reincarnated powers now when he was in the golden elixir stage.

Under such circumstances, Xiang Ziyu actually felt that it was not enough and even wanted to explode a golden elixir!

It feels like it would be impossible for any one person to do this kind of thing.

But when it came to Xiang Ziyu, they felt that Yan Yourong's analysis was absolutely correct.

Bei Yan looked back at Yan Yourong with a surprised look on his face and said, "I always thought that I understand Third Senior Brother best. I didn't expect that Second Senior Sister, you actually know Third Senior Brother so well."

Yan Yourong didn't say anything, but sighed softly in her heart, because she was the same person!

Among the four original disciples of their Four Treasure Peak, the ones who were the most aggressive, and the ones who hated them the most during their training, were actually her and Xiang Ziyu.

But later, after receiving the same resources and being treated equally by the master, the gap between her and Xiang Ziyu slowly widened.

During the Zhenxian Dynasty Immortal Martial Arts Competition, she even felt that she was much inferior to Xiang Ziyu and Senior Sister Lingxi.

It was not until later that she practiced the many skills and magical powers of the Five Elements Peak, and she felt that she had once again caught up with Xiang Ziyu and her senior sister, but Xiang Ziyu suddenly reached the limit of the golden elixir stage.

The distance between them grew again.

Even when Xiang Ziyu reached the golden elixir stage, he was not satisfied, and began to look towards his master.

She Yan Yourong was falling further and further behind.

She still doesn't practice hard enough and doesn't work hard enough. This time, after attending the Lingxiao Sect's grand meeting, she must go back and practice crazily, even more crazily than Xiang Ziyu!

Only in this way can we catch up with Xiang Ziyu!

Although Yan Yourong didn't speak, Bei Yan still said to himself: "However, Senior Sister, you may be wrong in one thing. When you say this, I feel that the third senior brother's goal is not to be the same as Master, in Jiuyi When the Xiang Jindan reaches the limit of the Jindan stage, the goal of the third senior brother must be to surpass the master, for example, when the Eight Visions Xiangjindan reaches the limit of the Jindan stage!"


"The Eight Visions Golden Elixir has reached the limit of the Golden Elixir stage, which is absolutely impossible."

"Yes, it is extremely terrifying that the master can reach the limit of the golden elixir stage when he is in the Nine Visions Golden elixir."

"By the way, let's not talk about the third senior brother. Senior sister, you haven't said yet how the master entered the Lingxiao Sect."

Hearing the sound, Lingxi pointed to the performer in the distance and said: "Master entered the Lingxiao Sect through Ji Zhu. Master said that he still has to perform Ji Zhu."


"Such a coincidence? Master, can he enter Lingxiao Sect because of this?"

"Yes, if others want to perform, they must find good people in advance. Why is there suddenly a shortage of people, and then the master is asked to fill it?"

Everyone was surprised, but Duoduo suddenly thought of something and analyzed in a low voice: "Perhaps it's because the four Xueshan disciples we met on the road are all dead. I heard that at the forum before, Someone said that the four masters of the Four Sons of Xueshan and the Four Friends of Xueshan have also died. They were music practitioners, and because they died, the master had a chance to make up for it."

"Then this is such a coincidence."

"It's so strange that they died. After they died, could someone be targeting this event, and then, someone wanted to do something? But, Master filled a vacancy?"

"So..." Xiao Beiyan concluded, "It's not just the third senior brother who is causing trouble, the master is also causing trouble. The master is very likely to be involved in some conspiracy. By the way, senior sister, is the master involved? What do you want to perform? When will you perform?"

"Master said he wants to perform at the finale?"

"For the finale, doesn't that mean we have to perform with the Moon Fairy?"

"Yesterday, Fairy Guanyue suddenly had an epiphany. Do you think it could be the Master's fault? After all, the Master often makes others have epiphanies."

While everyone was guessing, Li Ke had already come to a conclusion: "You don't have to guess, it must have been your master who gave her the enlightenment. Your masters all like to be good people and always help others to gain enlightenment, but never help themselves. The disciple has an epiphany.”

Several people immediately became silent. Why did the Master's wife's words sound full of jealousy?

Yes, Master wanted to perform with Fairy Close Moon, and he didn’t come to see me or anyone else. After Master came in, he might have been with Fairy Close Moon. Master, she was jealous!

As the host of the grand event, Lingxiao Cult naturally has a special position.

At this time, Leader Lingxiao left his seat and met Elder Lan alone.

"Leader, I have found out clearly that among the two people who are going to accompany Fairy Guanyue, Xiao Shengke is a casual cultivator, and his cultivation is the Ten Visions Golden Elixir Great Perfection. But the strange thing is that, Xiao Shengke was only noticed a month ago, and no one had heard of Xiao Shengke before."

"Well? A month ago?" Leader Lingxiao sneered, "A Ten Visions Golden Elixir Stage Great Perfection will not appear suddenly for no reason. There must be something wrong with this person. At that time, wasn't there a Zhuzhu? The person was just eliminated, has that person also entered our Lingxiao Sect?"

Elder Lan quickly replied: "That person has indeed entered the Lingxiao Sect, but our people didn't see anything strange about him."

"Continue to monitor. Now, if there is no abnormal movement, it does not mean that there has been no abnormal movement. What about the other person?"

"The other person, named Cao Zhen, claims to be from the Baifeng Sect, but I spent a whole day searching, but I couldn't find out that the Baifeng Sect is an immortal sect."

"A fairy sect that no one has heard of?" Leader Lingxiao sneered, "Do they think we, Lingxiao, have no one? Can't we see through this kind of trick? A fairy sect that no one has heard of must be made up casually The fairy gate."

"I think so too, but, Leader, what is very strange is that at this grand gathering, he is not the only one from the Baifeng Sect in Lingxiao." Elder Lan said with a strange expression, "There are also two men and four women. Six people have also entered our Lingxiao Sect. Five of these six people are the Ten Visions of the Golden Elixir, and one is the Wind and Fire Catastrophe.

No one had ever seen or heard of them before. What's more, what's weird is that apart from one of them, there is also a fool among them, but that fool is full of blood evil energy, and his strength should not be weak. "

"Are there any fools?" Leader Lingxiao was a little confused. "Did they deliberately confuse us? Do these six people have any contact with that Cao Zhen?"

"We have never had any contact. Since Cao Zhen came to our Lingxiao Sect, he has been in the other courtyard we prepared for the Wuyin Sect. The only time he went out was with Fairy Guanyue, and then Fairy Guanyue had an epiphany. They then returned to the Pentayin Cult's other courtyard."

"Why is Fairy Guanyue involved?" Leader Lingxiao felt that things were getting more and more chaotic.

Elder Lan's voice rang out again: "In addition to these two groups of people, there is another person who also claims to be from the Baifeng Sect."

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