Elder Lan was ordered by the leader to investigate the two people who had temporarily joined the Wuyin Cult accompaniment team. After investigation, she found that these two people seemed to have problems, especially Cao Zhen and the Baifeng Sect. She completely ignored them. I do not understand.

"Leader, among the ten people who entered the Tongxiao Formation of our Lingxiao Sect, there is one named Xiang Ziyu. He also claims to be from the Baifeng Sect. In addition, I have inquired about it. Among the ten people, eight of them Their talents can only be said to be average, and they cannot be the ones setting out for the Rainbow Bridge. One of the remaining two is Huo Fanqi from the Holy Flower Sect."

"Huo Fanqi?" Leader Lingxiao raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "The name seems familiar. I seem to have heard of it somewhere... Holy Flower Cult, Huo Fanshu?"

"Yes, Huo Fanqi is one of the Three Flower Fairies of the Holy Flower Sect, and the younger brother of the Purple Flower Fairy. However, I have also learned about Huo Fanqi. Although his talent is indeed good, there should be some gaps in saying that he can trigger the Rainbow Bridge. So the person who triggered the Rainbow Bridge should be Xiang Ziyu, who claims to be from the Hundred Peaks Sect."

"Baifeng Sect again?" Leader Lingxiao was also a little confused. If these people from Baifeng Sect really wanted to cause trouble in their Lingxiao Sect, they should keep a low profile.

But looking at it now, none of these people are low-key.

"In short, continue to monitor them." Leader Lingxiao said, paused slightly, and said, "There is also the Wuyin Sect. They are about to teach the robbery. When the time comes... that's all. Let's wait until the event is over."

Leader Lingxiao explained a few more words, and then returned to the grand meeting. After all, this was the grand meeting of their Lingxiao Sect. It would be unreasonable for him to be away for a long time.

Cao Zhen has been waiting behind for about two hours. Finally, Wu Se reminded: "Okay, Master Cao, it's time for us to take the stage."

Then he followed the crowd and walked forward.

At this time, on the huge platform, the voices of everyone who came to participate in the grand event were much quieter.

"It's finally time for the finale."

"The Moon Fairy is finally about to appear."

"Keep your voice down and listen carefully..."

"What are you listening to? What we mainly want to watch is that the music is just the icing on the cake..."

A few voices came from the discussion among the people.

Then in the void, the graceful figure of Fairy Moon appeared.

When Zhu Peng saw the flying figure, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really beautiful."

Several people in Lingxi also looked at Fairy Guanyue. They had seen the shadow of Fairy Guanyue's enlightenment before, but when they really saw Fairy Guanyue herself, they still felt a sense of surprise.

Even though they were women, they all stared at Fairy Guanyue for a long time. After a while, they thought of Cao Zhen and began to look for Cao Zhen.

Although they were far apart and there were many accompanists, they could still see Cao Zhen easily. Cao Zhen was in the center among all the accompanists.

Cao Zhen did not play at full strength, but just accompanied everyone. Few others paid special attention to him. Almost all of their attention was on Fairy Guanyue.

For a time, I don’t know how many people were watching in a daze.

For a long time, after Fairy Guanyue finished her dance, everyone came back to their senses and exclaimed in surprise.

"I never imagined, I really never imagined that there could be such a beautiful dance!"

"This is not a dance that can be had in this world!"

"People are beautiful, and dancing is even more beautiful!"

"Being able to see the dance of the Moon Fairy is truly a worthwhile trip."

The dance of the Moon Fairy is the final dance, but after the dance ends, the event begins.

Cao Zhen didn't need to do anything else, but many people from the Wuyin Sect separated and went around the grand gathering to start playing.

In the crowd, many people were talking and looking at the people of the Wuyin Sect.

"As expected of the Lingxiao Sect, they are able to invite people from the Wuyin Sect to their grand gatherings to keep playing here!"

"Although those immortal sects who enter the Tao through music will be invited to come and play all the time at various grand gatherings, it is not easy to invite the Taoist Wuyin Sect."

"Yes, after all, the Five-tone Sect is a big sect. It is normal for them to perform a few pieces of music during grand gatherings. However, playing all the time... this kind of thing is more likely to be done by those sects who are well versed in music."

"It can only be said that Lingxiao Cult has great reputation."

“It’s not entirely because the Lingxiao Sect is so proud.” Someone in the crowd whispered: “The Pentagram Sect’s catastrophe is about to come, and the current Pentagram Sect must want to make good friends with the major sects.

They are working so hard at this Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering. They must be planning to invite people from the Lingxiao Sect to help when the time comes. "

"Speaking of which, the Wuyin Sect was also unlucky. It encountered a catastrophe during the Little Era when the universe was reversed."

"Yes, when the time comes, I'm afraid people from the major demonic paths will also take action. Even if the Wuyin Sect succeeds in overcoming the tribulation, it may not necessarily be safe."

"So, the Wuyin Sect must be really prepared. In addition to inviting top experts to help overcome the tribulation, they will also invite people from major religions to help scare the devils outside the Wuyin Sect."

On the side, Ling Xi, Yan Yourong and others listened to the discussions around them and quickly understood Dongzhou's situation.

In some aspects, Dongzhou and Donghuang still have many similarities. At that time, the relationship between the people of the Demonic Way and the major immortal sects was antagonistic. Moreover, compared with them in Donghuang, the major immortals The relationship between the sect and the Demon Sect is even more tense.

After all, apart from other places, in the Zhenxian Dynasty, the Scarlet Refining Demon Sect and the Sun and Moon Demon Sect had more conflicts with the Grand Master than with the major immortal sects.

However, in Dongzhou, the fight between the demonic path and the so-called immortal path is much more brutal.

The Immortals will also have conflicts with each other, but if they fight against the Demon together, the Immortal Sect will also help.

How to help specifically depends on how much you pay and how close the relationship is.

Naturally, the Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering cannot be held for just one day.

In Dongzhou, the grand gatherings of major religions are not held for one day. The specific length of time they will be held depends on how long each major religion wants to hold.

However, if you want to leave during the grand event, you can leave at any time.

Cao Zhen stayed at the grand gathering for three days. During these three days, he did not go to see his disciples much. He spent most of the time with the people of the Wuyin Sect.

Slowly, he learned more and more about Dongzhou's situation.

At least, I know a lot about the Wuyin Sect, the Lingxiao Sect and the Longyin Sect, these three major sects.

The Wuyin Sect is actually not as weak as he thought. However, the Wuyin Sect was indeed the weakest religion during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe. The reason why the Wuyin Sect is not that weak is because their leader is extremely powerful. Apart from their leader, The remaining people, however, need to be more cautious compared to other great religions.

Especially since they became a great sect in a short period of time, compared to other great sects, they have insufficient foundation and few disciples. Therefore, after the leader fell asleep, their Pentayin Sect became particularly weak.

During the more than fifty years since the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe, the Wuyin Sect has been keeping a very low profile. Their goal is to block the catastrophe of the religion, and then safely spend the Little Era of the Reversal of the Universe until their leader wakes up. .

The Lingxiao Sect and the Dragon Yin Sect are both very strong among the major religions, especially the Dragon Yin Sect, which is one of the oldest major sects.

Why do everyone give Fairy Guanyue so much face? Not only because Fairy Guanyue is really strong and has reached the limit of the golden elixir stage, but also because the Dragon Song Sect behind Fairy Guanyue is powerful. All major sects are very protective of their children, but the Dragon Yin Sect is more protective of their children than ordinary major sects!

Cao Zhen was favored by the Wuyin Cult because of his previous performance, but he also sat in the seat of a distinguished guest.

Three days later, when he was thinking about whether to go see his disciples, Fairy Guanyue came over.

"Master Cao, we have participated in this grand event for three days, which can be considered as enough face for the Lingxiao Sect. I am ready to leave the Lingxiao Sect and return to the Longyin Sect.

Master Cao, didn't you promise Guanyue before that you would go to Longyin Sect and have a look? "

"Yes." Cao Zhen nodded and asked, "Leaving now?" He couldn't find out more information here, mainly because he could only listen to what others said, and he rarely asked.

The Dragon Yin Sect is one of the strongest among the major sects. It can be classified into the T0 level. Go and see Dongzhou, which is the strongest sect.

"Of course, let's go now. Master Cao, please come with me."

While Cao Zhen was following Guan Yue, he contacted his disciple Ling Xi through Zhonghua Cloud.

Lingxi was listening to the people at the next table talking loudly, when suddenly, the master's voice came to her mind.

"Lingxi, Master will leave for a while."

"Ah? Leave?" Lingxi was startled and asked with confusion, "Master, where are you going?"

"Longyin Sect." Cao Zhen asked, "You should have heard of it."

"Longyin Sect?" Lingxi was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course my disciple has heard of Longyin Sect. Isn't that the fairy sect where Fairy Guanyue is? Master, why do you want to go to Longyin Sect? That kind of big sect , it seems that you can’t enter casually.”

Lingxi's heart was full of admiration. The master was the master. He had just arrived in Dongzhou. He and others were still inquiring about the news. In the blink of an eye, the master was leaving for the Longyin Sect.

She has also learned about many great sects in Dongzhou in the past few days, and she even knows that among them, the Longyin Sect is a stronger sect than the Lingxiao Sect they are currently in. It is Dongzhou, the most top sect!

"That's right, it's Guanyue. She invited me to the Longyin Sect." Cao Zhen explained while walking, "Lingxi, you also know that we have just arrived in Dongzhou and need to explore Dongzhou's strength. , now Master has the opportunity to enter the Longyin Sect to find out the reality, so naturally he cannot miss it.

As for you, the grand event is not over yet. You can continue to inquire about various news in the grand gathering, and also wait for your third junior brother. Of course, if your third junior brother has not come out after the grand gathering is over, then there is no need to wait. "

"Yes, Master, disciple understands."

After Lingxi finished speaking, he looked back at the people around him and said, "Master is leaving."

"Where to go?" Everyone turned to look at Lingxi.

"Master is going to the Longyin Sect." Lingxi quickly told everyone about the conversation he had just had with his master.

"Going to find out the news? What's the use of him going to find out the truth and falsehood of the Dragon Song Sect? Will the Dragon Song Sect still attack our Donghuang? Besides, if he really wants to find out the news, why should he go by himself? Why not bring him with him? Go up to us and leave us instead?

I looked at her and it was clear that she wanted to stay and fly together with that Moon Fairy. Your master is quite capable. Not long after he arrived in Dongzhou, he hooked up with Guanyue, the favorite Taoist companion of countless people. "Li Ke didn't know why, but when she heard that Cao Zhen was leaving alone with Guan Yue, she felt a burst of discomfort in her heart.

Everyone around him suddenly felt a cold air coming out of Li Ke, and everyone was as silent as a cicada, not daring to say a word.

As juniors, they would not interfere with the relationship between Master and Mistress.

After a while, Bei Yan patted Zhu Peng on the shoulder and said seriously: "Did you see that, little Zhu Peng, as a human being, you have to learn more from your senior brother me and be single-minded. You can't eat from the bowl, look. It's a small thing if there's a fire in the backyard, but it's a big loss if you have nothing in the end."

"Why is Zhu Peng eating from the bowl and looking at the pot?" Zhu Peng looked at his most trusted and respected senior brother with a puzzled look on his face and asked, "Isn't it enough for Zhu Peng to eat everything? "

Although Bei Yan knew clearly that what Zhu Peng was talking about might be real food, which was different from what he said, he still gave a thumbs up and said: "You are so brave!"

"Nothing good!" Li Ke shouted coldly, raised the wine glass on the stone table, and drank it in one gulp.

Cao Zhen originally thought that Guan Yue was going to take him away directly, but in the end, he followed Fairy Guan Yue and directly met the leader of Ling Xiao Sect.

Guanyue came to say goodbye to the leader of Lingxiao Sect.

"Since Fairy Guanyue is going back to your sect, I won't do anything to persuade you to stay. This time, I would like to thank Fairy Guanyue for bringing glory to our Lingxiao sect's grand event. Please also ask Fairy Guanyue to say hello to your sect leader after she returns."

As Leader Lingxiao spoke, he looked curiously at the person following Fairy Guanyue.

Everyone knows that Fairy Guanyue is not very intimate with the opposite sex. Why, there is a male monk following Fairy Guanyue now?

Leader Lingxiao felt strange, but did not ask. Soon, Fairy Guanyue turned around and left with Cao Zhen.

At this time, Elder Lan's voice rang out from his mind: "Leader, the person following Fairy Guanyue is Cao Zhen of the Hundred Peaks Sect."

"What? It's him?" Leader Lingxiao was very surprised. Does Fairy Guanyue know the origin of Cao Zhen? Why did she take Cao Zhen with her?

And this Cao Zhen is leaving now?

The leader of Lingxiao sent a message into the secret and asked: "Cao Zhen, has he acted abnormally before?"

Elder Lan quickly replied: "No, he is more in contact with people from the Wuyin Sect, and he doesn't even have much contact with Fairy Guanyue. I don't know why Fairy Guanyue took him away."

"Even if he leaves, don't be careless. The remaining people from the Baifeng Sect must continue to monitor. And the person from the Baifeng Sect who is in the Tongxiao Formation, why hasn't he come out yet?" Leader Lingxiao had a headache. Really tired.

He is not a normal leader, a normal leader of a large religion. He is only responsible for handling some major matters and making major decisions. Naturally, the deputy leader will be responsible for some small things in daily life.

After all, if the leader is left to handle and do everything, it will delay the leader's cultivation.

However, he is only the temporary leader during the Minor Era of the Reversal of the Universe, and he still needs to deal with many things.

Fairy Guanyue seemed to want to take care of Cao Zhen because Cao Zhen was the Nine Visions Golden Pill, so after leaving the Lingxiao Sect, she released the flying boat, drove the flying boat, and flew in the direction of the Longyin Sect.

Cao Zhen didn't know whether Fairy Guanyue was the only one from Longyin Sect who came to Lingxiao Sect, or there were other disciples. Anyway, Fairy Guanyue didn't bring anyone else with her, just the two of them.

And Fairy Guanyue's invitation to him, he felt, should be related to his construction.

In the world of immortality, all the names of the immortal sects have their origins.

The name of the Dragon Yin Sect contains the word "Yin", maybe it is related to the way of music?

He didn't know the location of the Dragon Yin Sect, so he just let Fairy Close Moon take him flying. Anyway, Fairy Close Moon flew for three days in a flying boat, and there was no flying Dragon Yin Sect.

On the fourth day, the flying boat was flying like the previous days. Suddenly, the originally clear sky outside suddenly dimmed, and a huge shadow appeared in the sky.

The phantom clearly looks far away in the north, but yet it feels like it's right in front of you.

"This phantom, this is the appearance of a peerless ruin!"

Cao Zhen looked at the sky in the distance. The appearance of this relic caused a strange phenomenon in the world. It must be a peerless relic. However, this strange phenomenon in the world was worse than the one when the relics that he obtained from the Atlas of the Great Age appeared. Much smaller.

On the side, Fairy Guanyue also looked at the ruins at the same time, and whispered: "Yes, it is indeed a peerless ruin. In fact, it can be said that this is the largest thing that has appeared in our Dongzhou since the arrival of the minor era of the reversal of the universe. It’s a ruin!”

When Cao Zhen heard this, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

There have been larger ruins in their Eastern Wasteland, but there have not been such large ruins in Dongzhou, one of the five central continents? Is this already the largest ruins in Dongzhou?

He was astonished. In the sky, the ruins became clearer and clearer. On top of the ruins, waves visible to the naked eye appeared. One after another, the sounds came from a distance. Within a moment, they were transmitted to Cao Zhen and In the ears of Fairy Xianyue.

"This is... this is the relic of the Wuyin Sect!" Fairy Guanyue suddenly thought of something and let out a low cry: "During the minor era of the reversal of the universe, and before the minor era of the reversal of the universe, it will be more difficult to overcome the sect's tribulation. . And the way of heaven will always leave a glimmer of hope for people, and the same goes for teaching calamity.

Therefore, Tiandao, before the catastrophe comes, will target the landing ruins. This is the glimmer of hope left by Tiandao.

This relic, full of sound, must be the relic left to the Wuyin Sect by Heaven. "

Cao Zhendun was a little curious about the relics left by Tiandao to the Wuyin Sect. If you put it this way, wouldn't it mean that others cannot enter?

However, the appearance of such ruins should be common sense. If he asked rashly, it might arouse Fairy Guanyue's suspicion, so he didn't want to ask directly.

Fortunately, the next moment, Fairy Guanyue turned to look at Cao Zhen. Her eyes that seemed to be able to make the opposite sex fall in love flashed with joy. She looked at Cao Zhen and said: "Master Cao, let's turn around." How about we go to that ruins together? This is the largest ruins that appeared in our Dongzhou after the world reversed the minor era.

This relic is the vitality left to the Wuyin Sect by Heaven, and it must be a relic related to music. You are the master of temperament, and I am the existence of the ultimate golden elixir stage. If the two of us join forces to enter it, we will definitely gain a lot. "

She looked at Cao Zhen and felt that Heaven seemed to be helping her.

Everyone can enter this kind of relic, but since it is a relic left to the Wuyin Sect by Heaven, it is extremely difficult for those who do not understand the music to rush into it and make big gains.

Even if she is at the limit of the golden elixir stage, she may not be able to gain much, but if she takes Cao Zhen with her, it will be different!

Cao Zhen instantly understood that the so-called relics left by Heaven to the Wuyin Sect were not only accessible to people from the Wuyin Sect, but that everyone could enter.

However, because the Wuyin Sect is a major sect that teaches music, the ruins that have landed must also be related to music. In this way, it will be easier for the people of the Wuyin Sect to obtain the treasures in the ruins.

"Okay, then the two of us will set off now."

Cao Zhen quickly nodded and agreed. After all, this ruin has appeared and everyone can enter, so it doesn't mean that it robs others of opportunities.

Dongzhou is not only a major sect that introduces the Tao to the Wuyin Sect, but also has people from the Demonic Way. If he doesn’t enter, other people who understand the rhythm will also enter.

However, his disciples...

Cao Zhen thought about his disciples and Li Ke again. They must have seen the ruins that appeared, and they should also enter the ruins.

He and Guanyue entered the ruins, but what about his disciples?

Well, the same goes for entering first to investigate the situation, and then letting them in, or even splitting the troops into two groups. After all, he owns the Chinese Cloud, so he can contact them and find them.

As for Xiang Ziyu, I don’t know when that kid will come out. Let him continue to practice in Tongxiao Formation.

Cao Zhen thought of this and quickly contacted Lingxi.

The Lingxiao Sect's grand gathering was not over yet. Through the Chinese Cloud, he could see at a glance that at this moment, many people above the grand gathering were already looking in the direction of the ruins.

"This sound must be a relic of the Wuyin Sect!"

"How about we try our luck!"

"Speaking of which, in normal times, before the Great Sect undergoes a catastrophe, there will be ruins appearing, but the ruins will not be this big!"

"I don't know how long this ruins can last."

"This kind of ruins will last for a long time. Although it is a music ruin, who knows whether we will be lucky and gain something from it?"

"Let's go to the ruins!"

Suddenly, more than half of the people in the grand gathering began to leave and go to the ruins. The remaining people seemed to be discussing with each other whether to go to the ruins together.

Cao Zhen realized that everyone had said so much, and he no longer needed to explain the ruins. He directly sent a message to Lingxi: "Lingxi, Guanyue and I also discovered the ruins. Now the two of us have changed paths. , flying towards the ruins.

Now that the ruins have appeared, you don't have to stay here to wait for Xiang Ziyu. He doesn't know how long it will take to leave. You should also go to the ruins. "

"Master, we are discussing to leave for the ruins. Master, I think this ruins should be the same as the peerless ruins we entered. There are several entrances. Which entrance should we go to find the master?"

"You just go directly into the ruins to find your master. After all, you can't always be with your master. You also have to try more and explore the ruins yourself. Among you, Xiang Ziyu is the only one who goes to the ruins. There are so many, but your understanding of the ruins is far from enough.

Moreover, if we divide our forces into two groups, we may both gain something. Of course, if necessary, I will come back to you at any time. After all, I have special means to find you as a teacher. "

"Master, are you going to enter the ruins with that Fairy Guanyue? Master, you have to be more careful. After all, we don't know much about Guanyue's salary, and the other party is still at the limit of the golden elixir stage." Lingxi heard Master , and instead of entering the ruins with himself and others, he entered the ruins with the Moon Fairy. I don’t know why, but I felt a little disappointed and unhappy.

"Don't worry, your master and I are also at the limit of the golden elixir stage. Moreover, master has also practiced the eight or nine mysterious skills." Cao Zhen comforted Lingxi a few more words, and the time to connect was up, and he exited Zhonghua Cloud.

At this time, Fairy Guanyue's words also came over.

"Master Cao, what were you thinking about just now? But suddenly you had an idea? I just spoke to you, but you didn't respond."

"Oh, yes, I just have some insights." Cao Zhen responded casually. He couldn't say that he was communicating with his great disciple.

"Oh, then I have to congratulate Master Cao." Guanyue said, paused slightly, and then said again, "However, Master Cao, I have always had some doubts. With your attainments, it should be easy for you to break through and become The Golden Pill of Ten Visions is Great Perfection, why are you still the Golden Pill of Nine Visions? But what’s wrong with your immortal sect?”

"No, I didn't break through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. There is no problem with my Immortal Sect, but because of some other special reasons."

Cao Zhen said, and said to himself, I can't break through to the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir. That is a problem of heaven. If I can become the existence of the Great Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir now, you so-called Golden Elixir Stage Limit , but all of them are worthless.

Fairy Guanyue didn't understand. What was the reason that prevented Cao Zhen from breaking through to the Perfection of the Ten Visions Golden Elixir? Could it be because of some bet with others?

Since Master Cao didn't say anything, she couldn't continue to ask, so she just continued to fly the flying boat in the direction where the ruins appeared.

Slowly, within half a day, Fairy Guanyue spoke again: "Master Cao, are we getting bored while traveling like this? I wonder if we can listen to Master Cao's music?"

"Okay, I'll play you a piece of music you haven't heard before." Cao Zhen agreed happily. After all, he had to drive a flying boat on his way, and if he wanted to hear some music, just play it.

"This song is called Free Flying. Feel it..."

Cao Zhen took out the magic weapon given to him by Fairy Guanyue and started to fight. Although Gao Jianli had never heard of Free Flying, he had Gao Jianli's musical knowledge. Isn't it a piece of cake to play Free Flying?

Four minutes later...

"What a strange song. I had never heard a song of this style before Xianyue... This song has an indescribable meaning. However, the song is said to be about flying freely, but Xianyue is the feeling. It feels like riding a horse in the grassland...

Master Cao, I wonder if there are any similar songs? "

"Yes, I'll give you a song called Little Apple."

"What? Still want to listen? You must have never heard anything similar to this Materia Medica compendium..."

"Would you like to learn about nunchucks..." Cao Zhen himself also found fun, using this ancient musical instrument to play modern pop songs and even divine songs. As for Fairy Guanyue, she felt strange from the beginning, but later she began to be brainwashed and even began to ask Cao Zhen about the lyrics.

Slowly, in the flying boat, Guan Yue's singing reverberated: "Squat, little zombie, squat, little zombie, squat..." Cao Zhen, who was listening, really wanted to teach Guan Yue a shuttlecock maneuver.

Cao Zhen discovered that after slowly getting acquainted with Guanyue, this Guanyue was not as goddess-like as she usually behaved. The same thing happened to Li Ke before. She had to maintain the image of a goddess in front of others, but behind the scenes, when chatting with her master, she would always talk about picking her feet.

He even wondered if all these so-called fairies were like this?

Although Guanyue said they were taking a detour, they actually didn't take much of a detour. They just made a small turn.

Because Guan Yue was the only one to control the flying boat, it was impossible for Guan Yue to control the flying boat with all his strength. Along the way, they were overtaken by several flying boats and people flying alone with swords.

After flying for another ten days, the ruins became clearer and clearer in Cao Zhen's sight. By visual inspection, he estimated that it would take half a day to reach the ruins.

I don’t know what happened to Lingxi and the others?

Cao Zhen's heart moved and he activated China Cloud again and connected to Lingxi.

Suddenly a pair of huge breasts came into his eyes...

Lingxi and the others had actually arrived at the place. Presumably, Lingxi and the others were piloting the airship together, so their flying speed was naturally faster than Guanyue's alone.

Cao Zhen looked around. When they were in the Eastern Wasteland, the ruins they entered were on an island in the sea, and the ruins in front of them were mountains.

There are countless peaks around this group of mountains. If you look carefully, you can find that there are many people gathering between every two peaks. Apparently, between the two peaks, there is the entrance to a ruins.

It seems that these peerless ruins are all the same and will have different entrances.

There were four beauties in Lingxi's group. Even though they did nothing, just standing here attracted the attention of many people. However, no one came to strike up a conversation.

Although none of the people in Lingxi have reached the limit of the Golden Core stage, even in Dongzhou, there are very few people who have reached the limit of the Golden Core stage. He currently knows only two people who have reached the limit of the Golden Core stage. Among them, one is Guanyue next to him, and the other is the leader of the Lingxiao Sect. Although he has not taken action before, he has heard people say that the leader of the Lingxiao Sect is the limit of the Golden Core Stage.

After practicing the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, the strength of Lingxi and the others has become stronger. When the six of them gather together, they have encountered the limit of the Golden Core stage. If there is only one person on the other side, the one who wants to run away is also the Golden Core. At the limit of his alchemy stage, he didn't need to worry about the safety of Lingxi and the others.

‘By the way, I don’t know how that boy Xiang Ziyu is doing now. ’

Cao Zhen had a thought in his mind, but instead of talking to Lingxi, he directly contacted Xiang Ziyu.

Soon, his sight entered the Tongxiao Formation.

In the Tongxiao Formation, the shadow didn't seem to have any impatience. It was just sitting with its legs crossed, observing Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu is also sitting cross-legged with his legs. It seems that the two people are really mirror images of each other. However, unlike the shadow that just fades out of your sitting cross-legged, Xiang Ziyu is clearly practicing.

‘Xiang Ziyu should be practicing the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques. I don’t know how he is doing now. "Cao Zhen looked at Xiang Ziyu's file, and when he saw it, he was suddenly shocked.

User: Xiang Ziyu

Sex: Male

Cultivation: Nine Visions Golden Pill.

Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills: Level 6!

Xiang Ziyu has finally reached the sixth level of his Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills. I don’t know when he reached the sixth level of Taoism. However, it has been half a month since Xiang Ziyu entered the Tongxiao Formation. Before that, When he was young, it didn't take him so long to practice the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills to the fifth level.

Sure enough, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skill becomes more and more difficult to practice the further you go, the Eighty-Nine...

Cao Zhen suddenly realized that Xiang Ziyu's Bajiu Xuan Gong had reached the sixth level, but what about his own Bajiu Xuan Gong?

Because of the reversal of the universe during the Minor Era, and due to the restrictions of heaven, I could not continue to practice my Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques before, and was stuck at level five.

But Xiang Ziyu has practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills to the fifth level, so he...

Cao Zhen quickly closed Xiang Ziyu's panel and began to observe his own panel.

As expected, Xiang Ziyu's Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong reached the sixth level because his own Eight-Nine Mysterious Gong had already reached the sixth level. However, he did not feel any changes.

The main thing is that the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills are body-building exercises, at least in the early stages.

He had only reached the sixth level of the Eight-nine Mysterious Skills, but he had never been able to use it, so there was no change.

I don’t know if my Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills will be blocked by the law of heaven if it works after it reaches the sixth level.

Cao Zhen's heart moved, and he silently started to use the sixth-level Eight-nine Mysterious Skills.

He had just started to move, but the sky outside the flying boat suddenly dimmed. Then, tribulation clouds gathered together, and endless mighty pressure fell from the sky.

This coercion was stronger than the last time when he used the Illustrated Records of the Great Age to exert a power stronger than the Dao of Heaven. At the same time, as he was operating, he felt that a special aura was coming from his body.

His Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique was obviously because Xiang Ziyu had already reached the sixth level, so his route of running the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique would not go wrong. However, when he was running it, he felt that something he had never felt before was born in his body. The breath rushed towards the circulation route of the breath in his body, blocking the flow of breath. This was the first time he encountered this situation.

Moreover, the calamity clouds in the sky were obviously aimed at him.

The moment the calamity cloud appeared in the sky, Fairy Guanyue, who was in a very good mood because she had been listening to music in the past few days, raised her head and looked up at the sky. Looking at the thick calamity cloud that seemed to be pressing down at any time, she felt Following the terrifying aura exuded by Jie Yun, the disappearance on her face instantly dissipated, and a look of horror flashed across her eyes.

This aura, this aura is so terrifying. Even she, who is at the limit of the golden elixir stage, feels frightened. She feels that if the calamity in this calamity cloud falls, she will die in the calamity cloud in a moment. .

This is... this is a heavenly calamity for power beyond the limit of the golden elixir stage.

What power exceeds the limit of the golden elixir stage? Why don't you feel that power? Who else is around here?

While she was horrified, the calamity clouds in the void suddenly dispersed.

Cao Zhen has stopped the operation of the Eight-Nine Mysterious Technique. If there were only calamity clouds in the sky, he might still want to try to resist it. However, after he activated the technique, there was still a special force in his body that prevented the operation of his technique. , As a result, the skill cannot operate normally, wouldn't he be struck by lightning in vain?

He immediately stopped the operation of the technique, but even if it was only for a short moment, because of the sudden power in his body, he couldn't bear it, and he opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

"Cao Zhen? What's wrong with you?" Fairy Guanyue suddenly saw Cao Zhen vomiting blood and looked over with concern. As these days passed, the two gradually became familiar with each other, and she no longer called Master Cao, but directly called him Cao Zhen.

"It doesn't matter." Cao Zhen waved his hand and said deliberately, "I was practicing just now. I don't know why, but suddenly I felt a terrifying pressure coming from the sky. I was affected and there were some problems in the operation of the technique.

Fortunately, the pressure only appeared for a moment and then disappeared, and it didn't have much impact on me. "

"So that's it." Fairy Guanyue sighed, "Cao Zhen, you are a little unlucky. I don't know why or what happened just now, which violated the rules of heaven and caused heavenly disaster, but you suffered an unreasonable disaster."

As Fairy Guanyue said, she looked outside and said, "Perhaps it's because the peerless ruins, because of the peerless ruins, caused heavenly catastrophe?" She could only understand it this way.

"Oh, let's put it this way, this ruins can lead to heavenly tribulation, which may be more terrifying than we imagined. Let's speed up and go to the ruins first." Cao Zhenye was happy to attract the heavenly tribulation just now to the ruins.

"Don't worry, we will arrive at the ruins soon. Cao Zhen, please treat your injury first." Fairy Guanyue said, raised her hand and took out a bottle of elixir and threw it to Cao Zhen, "This is our Dragon Yin I’m teaching Yuzhi Guiqi Pill, you take the pill first, and then use the exercises to recover from the injury.”

Fairy Guanyue was not worried that Cao Zhen's injury would affect their exploration of the ruins. After all, this time they mainly relied on her, not Cao Zhen, to enter the ruins.

With Cao Zhen's cultivation of the Nine Visions Golden Pill, can he still be expected to fight?

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