Within the ruins, the monks were cheering for the Yin and Yang Qi to disappear, but in the blink of an eye, in the distance, all the Yin and Yang Qi had flown out of the originally safe area.

This world once again became what it was before, the yin and yang energy flew down again, and for a while, screams continued to be heard.

Xiang Ziyu sent everyone to the area where calm had been restored, then turned around and flew into the dangerous area full of yin and yang fairy energy again.

Immortal Lord Hongyu looked at the Ancient and Modern Immortal Lords who flew away again, and everyone was stunned.

"No, why did he fly away again?"

"Didn't he fly back already? Shouldn't we continue to investigate? What is he doing?"

Immortal Lord Yunhuo was moved in his heart and said: "I know, he must have gone to get those treasures. He just killed many monks, and all the rings of the monks fell down. Those are all For monks in the True Immortal Realm, there are so many universe rings and the treasures inside are gathered together, which is a huge fortune."

As the Yunhuo Immortal Lord finished speaking, in their sight, the ancient and modern Immortal Lord really flew down below and took away the dry rings one by one.

However, next, the other party did not fly back, but still stayed in that dangerous place.

Xiang Ziyu felt that the reason why the Yin Yang Immortal Lord left this relic and said that the inheritance was all in the relics was because he must be looking for someone to inherit it.

If you want to find a successor, you must go through a test. Everything in this ruins is for testing.

Now he has passed the first test, but who is he? He is the protagonist!

How is it enough just to pass the test?

For those real protagonists, don’t they gain something else every time they enter the ruins?

Even other gains are greater than the inheritance in the ruins!

His gain is to understand why these yin and yang energies can cohere together even though they repel each other.

Slowly, he no longer even condensed his own yin and yang energy into a yin and yang vortex. Instead, he condensed and released his own yin and yang energy and entered the yin and yang energy flying down in the void. He wanted to feel these yin and yang energy. Variety.

But as soon as his yin and yang energy entered, an explosion immediately occurred in the yin and yang energy in the void, and terrifying power surged in all directions.

Just like this, Xiang Ziyu stood in the yin and yang energy and kept testing. Slowly, his brows gradually wrinkled, but soon, a happy look appeared on his face again.

He finally figured out why these yin and yang energies could still cohere together even though they were mutually exclusive.

In fact, he made a mistake. These yin and yang energies are not really condensed together. Because they have reached a delicate balance, they appear to be condensed together. There is still a gap between them, and this gap is just a pure gap. , and there is no special power in the middle.

This is actually opportunistic.

Although the research made it clear, the results were different from what he thought.

However, this doesn't seem to be helpful.

Xiang Ziyu felt that the yin and yang energy around him exploded and became stronger. An idea suddenly came to his mind. If he could learn to create the yin and yang energy that balances yin and yang in this way, then , if you detonate these yin and yang energy again, the attack power will be even more powerful!

I can improve on that move of my own.

After studying the yin and yang energy here, he stood up and suddenly flew over to that safe area.

When everyone saw him flying in, they immediately handed her the two true fairy world rings that he had killed before.

Xiang Ziyu received the Qiankun Ring, but he didn't go to see what was inside. He was just a monk from the Hell Clan and an Evil Clan. Even at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, he probably didn't have many treasures. After returning to the Four Treasures Peak, he would take these Qiankun Rings. Come out and see what's inside.

He pointed forward and said, "Okay, let's move on. There should be a second test ahead."

"Still leaving?" Immortal Lord Yunhuo was stunned for a moment, then pointed around and said, "This area is huge, don't we take a look to see if there are any other treasures here, and then move forward?"

Xiang Ziyu looked at Yunhuo Immortal Lord as if he really didn't know anything about it, and said, "What are you looking at? We have just entered the ruins. What treasures can we find? Let's wait until we get deeper into the ruins."

On the side, Immortal Lord Hongyu answered: "There are naturally more treasures in the depths than outside, but the deeper you go into the ruins, the more dangerous it becomes. The area we just passed through is only the outermost danger of the ruins. Without you, I'm afraid none of us will make it through.

The danger behind will definitely be more terrifying. With our strength, we may not be able to pass. In this case, it is better to stay here and search for something, maybe we can gain something. "

His words had fallen, and many people around him nodded.

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu looked at the crowd speechlessly and said, "If you can't get through, isn't there an Immortal King who can't get through? I will just lead you forward."


Everyone heard the sound but didn't know what to say for a while. It was said that it was this person who had just led them through that dangerous place and arrived here.

Naturally they should trust this person.

But the other party seems to really only have six visionary fairy palaces. With such strength, they really can't be completely reassured. What's more, what this person says seems unreliable no matter how hard it sounds.

But they were saved by this ancient and modern immortal king. Without him, they could only return. If they returned, they might really be ambushed by some monks.

They don't know how many people will die by then.

Even if the other party saved them, it would be hard for them to directly say that they don't trust the other party.

Immortal Lord Hongyu thought for a while and said: "Fellow Taoist, we naturally believe in your strength, but we...you have also seen that under normal circumstances, there are eight Immortal Palaces, and it is the most powerful among the eight Immortal Palaces. Only strong monks can fly here.

But our strength is far from that. We are afraid that if we advance with you for a while and encounter danger again, we will drag you back.

Why don't you join us and explore here? "

He still wants to persuade the other party to stay here and explore like them. After all, the other party only owns six fairy palaces. He was able to pass through this dangerous place, maybe because of good luck, but after continuing to move forward, who knows what he will encounter. Condition.

Mainly, this ruins is far more dangerous than everyone originally expected, so the best situation is for everyone to stay here.

When Xiang Ziyu heard what the other party said, a look of displeasure suddenly appeared on his face. It was clear that he looked down on him!

"Danger, how can there be no danger in the ruins, but so what if there is danger? I have already told you that I am destined to be the one who can inherit the ruins.

All dangers are not dangerous to me.

That's all, if you don't want to go, then don't go. Then you stay here now and I'll go there first. "

These people don't want to move forward with him, so he can't force them to go.

After Xiang Ziyu finished speaking, he stood up and walked forward.

When Linghu Gudu saw his senior brother leaving, he was immediately anxious. Only with his senior brother around could he turn danger into a disaster. Without his senior brother, he would be really miserable.

Never be separated from your senior brother.

He quickly shouted: "Master... the number one Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times, fellow Taoist, slow down a little, we just said it was dangerous, we didn't say we couldn't go. It was you who brought us here. Since you want to leave, we naturally have to come together." .”

As he spoke, he looked back at Yu Hua Jianjun and the others and said, "Everyone, let's go together."

Lord Yuhua Sword remembered what Linghu Gudu had said before, and nodded slightly in agreement: "We are all from the human race and naturally we have to be together."

The Blazing Immortal Lord looked at Linghu Lonely who was eager to leave, and his heart moved, but he nodded and said: "It may be more dangerous to stay here. After all, this ruins has not been closed, and there will definitely be masters entering the ruins later. And the area where the yin and yang energy crisscrosses can also be penetrated by masters.

Think about it, those who can pass through that area are masters from the eight Immortal Palaces. After they came here and found so many of us gathered together, did they first think about killing us first?

We can block one or two masters, but can we still block all masters? Therefore, I think it is the wisest choice for us to leave first and go to the front to take a look. "

His words had fallen, and everyone around them nodded. They felt that what Immortal Blazing Flame said was very reasonable, and they also moved forward.

Although Immortal Hongyu continued to walk forward, his brows were furrowed tightly. He did not want to take risks ahead so easily.

Suddenly, in his ears, the voice of the Blazing Flame Immortal came through: "Fellow Daoist Hongyu, aren't you surprised?"

"What's weird?" Hongyu Immortal Lord looked at Blazing Flame Immortal Lord with confusion.

As the Blazing Immortal Lord flew forward with everyone, he sent a message into the secret to remind: "Aren't you surprised why Linghu Linghu was so anxious when he found out that the other party was leaving, and immediately wanted to follow him?

Also, if you think back to the time before, after this person appeared, Linghu Gudu always did whatever he asked him to do. He has never questioned this person. Do you think that looks like the character of fellow Taoist Linghu?

Obviously, fellow Taoist Linghu should know this person, but he couldn't tell us. "

Immortal Hongyu heard the sound and began to recall Linghu Lonely's reaction after this person appeared. It was indeed just as Immortal Blazing Flame said, he never questioned the other party.

Suddenly, a thought came to his mind and he transmitted the voice into the secret passage: "Fellow Taoist Linghu knows the other party, but cannot tell the other party's identity. Is it possible that the first Yin and Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times is the leader of Baifeng?

But this character is so unlike the leader of Baifeng. "

"It should not be the leader of the Hundred Peaks." The Blazing Immortal Lord transmitted the message into the secret passage, "The leader of the Hundred Peaks should still be in the ruins of chaos. Besides, the leader of the Hundred Peaks is not famous for his yin and yang energy. Instead, he is the Four Treasure Peaks. A disciple is most famous for his energy of chaos."

Immortal Lord Hongyu also reacted quickly: "You are talking about Xiang Ziyu!"

"Yes, that's him!" Immortal Blazing Flame nodded slightly and continued to transmit the message into the secret passage, "Immortal Hongyu, they were most famous when they returned to the Immortal Realm. We are all existences in the True Immortal Realm. Although I know the disciples of Master Baifeng, I have no contact with them.

And because I have a junior brother who returned to the Immortal Realm, and my junior brother was once rescued by Xiang Ziyu, he came back and told me many things about Xiang Ziyu.

In his eyes, Xiang Ziyu's genius even surpassed that of the leader of Baifeng Sect. He also said that Xiang Ziyu's research on magic simply amazed him.

When we practice magic, we practice according to the magic taught to us by our master.

But Xiang Ziyu always has his own ideas.

My junior brother cast a spell. After Xiang Ziyu saw it, he said that the spell was interesting, but not enough. Because the spell was his own chance, not the spell passed down to us by the master, so he informed Xiang Ziyu of the spell, and Xiang Ziyu spent ten days to improve his spell. !

Then, you are looking at now, this Taoist friend who is known as the first Yin and Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times, he can also change the Qi of Yin and Yang, which is very similar to Xiang Ziyu.

In addition, as my junior brother said, Xiang Ziyu is right in front of us. The character of this fellow Taoist we see is not blind arrogance, but extremely confident!

Therefore, he should be Xiang Ziyu. Since his junior brother and Linghu Gudu trust him so much, we have no reason not to trust him, so we can just continue to follow him. "

Immortal Lord Hongyu heard the sound, nodded slightly, and followed suit.

This safe area where the yin and yang energy is not rampant is not particularly large.

Everyone flew all the way, and it took only one day to fly to the end of this area.

In front of them, a river appeared. This river is made up of black and white colors, and streams of pure yin and yang energy gush out from the harmony flow.

"It is a river where yin and yang energy gather."

"Everyone, look in the distance, there are a few monks."

Immortal Lord Yunhuo pointed towards the shore in the distance. There were two monks there, looking for something along the shore.

In this river, there are also more than ten monks. They are struggling in the river, seeming to want to leave the river, but their progress is extremely slow, and there are even two monks further away. , only two heads were on the river bank.

In the farthest place, there were even two corpses floating on the water.

"What's happening here?"

"The monks who can enter here are at least eight immortal palaces. How come they can't even cross a river?"

"The yin and yang energy in this river seems to be able to imprison the monks in it."

Everyone looked at the river in front of them and started talking in low voices.

"Or should we go back? They passed through the front to get here, but they are all trapped here. Not to mention us."

"This ruins should be a test. The first level is ahead, and this second level, this test must be more difficult than the last."

"Everyone, let's go back first."

In the River of Yin and Yang, there was a human monk among the monks. He looked at the people in front of him and quickly reminded loudly: "Fellow Taoists, do not enter this river, let alone fly over it. , this is the river where the yin and yang energy gather, stand back, you are too close to the river bank.

Anyone who is close to the river bank, or monks who try to fly over the river, will be sucked into the river.

The yin and yang energy in this river rotates, and once you enter it, you cannot escape.

You should be able to see the two corpses at the front, the two monks, sinking into the river, and then when they reappear, they have turned into corpses and floated. Anyway, don't enter here. "

When everyone heard the voice, their eyes fell on the monk one after another. Suddenly, Immortal Fuliu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Immortal Shuangji!"

She had the honor to meet the Bipolar Immortal Lord once.

Everyone around heard the sound, and their faces showed a look of surprise. Although they did not know the Shuangji Immortal Lord, they had heard of the name of the Shuangji Immortal Lord.

The Bipolar Immortal Lord is a master from the Yin Yang Sect, the top sect, and an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

A master from the Yin Yang Sect naturally practices the Yin Yang Way. talent

Nowadays, a being who practices the Yin and Yang Way and is still at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm cannot even cross this river! What a master it takes to cross this river!

"Even the Bipolar Immortal Lord can't cross this river. This is just the second test. There must be other tests later. The test of this ruins is too difficult!"

"The Bipolar Immortal Lord is already at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. He has cultivated the way of Yin and Yang to reach the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. His understanding of Yin and Yang has reached an extremely profound level. Even if he can't pass it, it will be even more impossible for us to pass it. !”

"I even feel that this is not a relic that can be passed through by the True Immortal Realm. I am afraid that it needs the existence of the Golden Immortal Realm to pass through this relic!"

"Everyone, should we go?"

While everyone was discussing, suddenly, a 'pop' sound came from the side.

Xiang Ziyu jumped directly into the river of Yin and Yang.

On the shore, everyone was stunned. No, Shuangji Immortal Lord said not to enter the river, why did you go in? We know that you are very good at the Tao of Yin and Yang, but no matter how good you are at the Tao of Yin and Yang, can you still be better at the Tao of Yin and Yang than the Bipolar Immortal Lord?

The Bipolar Immortal Lord is trapped inside, let alone you. Aren't you going in there to seek death?

The Bipolar Immortal Lord in the distance was also stunned for a moment. What happened to that human monk? He had already reminded him, so why did he jump down?

As soon as Xiang Ziyu fell into the water, he immediately felt that there seemed to be a huge yin and yang vortex under his feet, spinning, trying to suck him into the vortex.

In his first world, almost instinctively, he condensed the yin and yang energy, felt the direction of the vortex's rotation, and controlled his own yin and yang energy to spin in the opposite direction.

However, under the rotation, below, the intensity of the Yin-Yang vortex did not weaken, and even began to strengthen.

He suddenly felt his body sinking downwards uncontrollably.

In the distance, the Bipolar Immortal Lord saw the situation here and immediately shouted loudly: "Don't release the immortal energy, especially the yin and yang energy. The more yin and yang energy you release, the faster it will sink! Stop releasing the yin and yang energy, and your body can slowly float up.

Never go underwater, you will die if you go underwater! "

Xiang Ziyu seemed not to hear what the other party said, but continued to release the energy of yin and yang.

In just a moment, his whole body sank into the river.

On the shore, Immortal Hongyu turned his head and looked at Immortal Blazing Flame with a strange look on his face. He seemed to be asking with his eyes, are you sure that this is really Xiang Ziyu, a disciple of the leader of Baifeng?

Is this really what you call extreme confidence, rather than arrogance?

When they saw each other sinking into the river of Yin and Yang, they were naturally worried, but there was nothing they could do.

When they enter the river of yin and yang, there is only one outcome, and that is to be trapped inside.

After Xiang Ziyu fell into the water, he felt the surging yin and yang energy, but his expression became extremely weird. These yin and yang energy entangled together to form a pulling force, pulling everything in the water. They were all dragged towards the whirlpool in the water.

And it is really too simple to crack the yin and yang energy.

The method is just in the previous level. Just imitate the previous level, divide the yin and yang energy, let them create a balance, and then naturally produce repulsive force.

Originally, the qi of yin and yang were entangled together, so a suction force was generated, making it impossible for all beings in the river of yin and yang to leave, and even be sucked into the whirlpool.

But he made the yin and yang energy repulse, so naturally it would no longer produce suction.

Now, he even feels that passing this river of yin and yang is easier than the previous level.

In the river of Yin and Yang, a body had completely sunk to the bottom of the river, leaving only a huge head like a hippopotamus. Seeing the situation ahead, the orcs couldn't help laughing loudly: "Double-level, I have seen stupid ones. I have never seen anyone so stupid, are all you humans so stupid!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the foreign monks all around burst into laughter, and one of the prison tribe even shouted loudly: "Don't laugh at him. You may not know that my feet are a little itchy recently, maybe that human race The monk wants to come over and give me a lick to stop the itching."

As soon as he finished speaking, the laughter around him suddenly became louder.

Anger surged in the eyes of the Bipolar Immortal Lord, and he said coldly: "Damn it, how dare you insult our human race like this!"

In the distance, the prison tribe showed no fear, and even said provocatively: "I just insulted your human race, so what? Why, I'm so angry, so why don't you do it!"

The face of the Bipolar Immortal Lord is getting more and more ugly. He really does not dare to take action. He is now in the river of yin and yang. Once he takes action, the suction force of the vortex of yin and yang in the west will become even greater, and his whole body will be sucked underwater.

What's more, even if he releases a spell to attack the opponent, it is the sum of yin and yang. After the spell flies out, it will be immediately sucked away by the power of the river of yin and yang.

Although the Bipolar Immortal Lord did not take action, when the Yunhuo Immortal Lord heard the sound on the shore, a look of resentment appeared on her face. Immortal palaces appeared behind her, and flames emerged from her body, and she was about to take action.

Suddenly, in the river, the anxious voice of the Bipolar Immortal Lord came again: "Don't take action. If you take action and cause fluctuations, the power in the river of Yin and Yang will also suck your whole body into the river."

When the prison clan heard this, they laughed more and more wildly: "Wouldn't it be better to suck her into the water? Just let this female cultivator relieve my fatigue."

"Damn thing!" Lord Yunhuo had never been so humiliated by other monks. Seeing this, everyone around them stepped forward and held on to Immortal Yunhuo, for fear that she would not be able to control her attack.

Seeing this, the prison monk laughed even more wildly.

Smiling, his laughter stopped suddenly, the smile on his face froze completely, and his body began to fall rapidly. He felt as if something grabbed his body and pulled him towards Go underwater.

Moreover, what seemed to be holding him was a human hand.

"Since you like the water so much, then go and stay underwater."

Xiang Ziyu pulled the prisoner into the water, and then his whole body rushed out of the water.

All around, monks saw the figure that suddenly appeared, and their eyes widened in disbelief. How did this human race come up from the water?

They entered earlier, and they saw with their own eyes that the two masters at the top of the True Fairyland finally turned into two corpses after sinking to the bottom of the water, and then floated up.

There was no doubt that he would die if he entered the water, but this human monk, despite entering the water, was able to swim such a long distance in such a short period of time.

Being in the water is affected by the yin and yang energy, and it is extremely difficult to move even one foot forward, and they are thousands of feet away from where the human race entered the water!

Xiang Ziyu glanced at the people around him, his eyes fell on the Shuangji Immortal Lord, and he asked: "I am going over, do you want to come with us?"

"Ah?" The Bipolar Immortal Lord is an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. However, in this matter, it was like a mortal who suddenly saw an immortal. His whole person was completely stunned for an instant, and he didn't know how to respond for a moment.

It had been three days since he entered the river where the yin and yang energy condensed. It took him three days to advance this small distance, which shows how difficult it was.

But now, this human race not only wants to pass through here, but also says so easily that it wants to take him away with it.

How can we leave together?

Xiang Ziyu looked at the stunned monk in front of him and said with a speechless face: "What do you mean? Do you want to continue to stay in the river and walk by your own ability?"

The Bipolar Immortal Lord came back to his senses this time and whispered: "Of course I want to leave, but this... how do I leave?"

"Just follow me." Xiang Ziyu raised his hand and waved gently at the water in front of Wuji Immortal Lord, followed by a surge of yin and yang energy. In an instant, Shuangji Immortal Lord felt that since he entered the river of yin and yang, , then I felt the extremely strong pulling force disappear in an instant.

He moved forward subconsciously, and his body appeared directly beside Xiang Ziyu.

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