The Bipolar Immortal Lord really couldn't understand that everyone was also cultivating the yin and yang energy, and he had reached the pinnacle of the true immortal realm by relying on the yin and yang energy, while the other party only owned six immortal palaces.

My own level of cultivation is higher. Obviously I have gone further on the path of yin and yang. My understanding of the path of yin and yang must be deeper than that of the other party.

But why, I can't figure out how to break the yin and yang energy here, but the other party can break through the pulling force of the yin and yang energy so easily.

If the other party has stayed in this river of yin and yang for a long time, I can understand it.

But the problem is that as soon as the other party jumped into the river of yin and yang, he immediately entered the water and then appeared in front of him. The other party broke through the pull of the yin and yang energy instantly.

Is this what a person who just condensed six immortal palaces can do?

How terrifying is this understanding of yin and yang energy? How could such an existence only have six immortal palaces?

Could it be a more powerful being disguised as the Six Immortal Palaces?

But there seems to be no such existence among their human race.

According to what he pointed out, among their human race, in the True Immortal Realm, there are not many people with higher Yin and Yang Qi than him. For example, at that time, their Yin and Yang Sect, the deputy leader, and the great elder, those two were in Yin and Yang. The attainments in Qi are higher than him.

But the person in front of him obviously couldn't be one of those two.

There was no need for those two to hide their identities, and it was even less likely that they would say nothing after seeing him.

He knew that among the human race, there was no one in the True Immortal Realm who was good at yin and yang energy, but he was the one in front of him.

He really didn't understand.

All around, the aliens looked at the Bipolar Immortal Lord, who was suddenly not affected by the yin and yang energy at all. They were all surprised, and their eyes showed a look of fear.

Obviously, all these changes occurred because of the newly arrived human race, and they had been laughing at this human race just now.

If this human race can drag a monk into the water, then it can naturally drag the second and third monks into the water. The monks who were from the Hell Race before will be their turn next moment?

Fortunately, the newly appeared human race just looked at them and then headed towards the shore!

"This guy is swimming back!"

"We entered the Yin-Yang River before, and after discovering the problem with the Yin-Yang River, we also wanted to go back, but the Yin-Yang River was so weird that we couldn't swim back at all. We could only move forward slowly, so we didn't swim back. This guy can actually take one person with him and swim back together!"

Xiang Ziyu brought the Shuangji Immortal Lord to the shore in just a moment.

On the shore, Immortal Yunhuo and others were completely dumbfounded. He actually succeeded again.

Immortal Hongyu looked blankly at Immortal Blazing Flame, and Immortal Blazing Flame gave Immortal Hongyu a meaningful smile, as if to say, Let me just say, this person is definitely Xiang Ziyu, this Ziyu is definitely one of those extraordinary talents.

Among all the people, Linghu Linghu looked the most indifferent. Isn't this normal?

All the abnormal things about Third Senior Brother are normal.

Xiang Ziyu looked at everyone and waved, "Why are you still standing there? Let's go."

Everyone was stunned again, are you leaving now? You have brought one person back with you, how can you bring us all with you?

Before they could ask, a "pop" sound was heard from the side. Linghu jumped directly into the river of Yin and Yang alone. The third senior brother took him with him. There was nothing to hesitate about.

He felt that it would be safer to stay on the shore than to enter the water with the third senior brother.

As Linghu Gudu entered the water, Yuhua Fairy also jumped into the water, and then everyone entered the water one after another. Under the leadership of Linghu Gudu, under the doubtful and puzzled eyes of the aliens, through the long yin and yang The river reached the front, which seemed to be an area without any danger.

Then, there was another "plop" sound of entering the water, and Linghu turned around and jumped into the river of Yin and Yang again.

Suddenly, in the Yin Yang River, all the foreign monks were horrified. These human races had already reached a safe place. What else could this guy do if he entered the water again? That must be a move against them.

"Everyone, the department cannot sit idly by."

"After a while, after the human race swam to our side, we took action together!"

"Yes, although this place is full of yin and yang energy, we may not be able to attack him, but after we attack, the water flow here will change, and he will sink to the bottom with him!"

"Yes, when the yin and yang energy does not change, he can swim out from the bottom of the water, but if it changes, he may not be able to swim out. If we die, we will drag him into the water with us!"

The words of a heavenly clan monk had just finished, but his body suddenly sank.

Not only this monk from the heavenly clan, but also a monk from the beast clan who was still some distance away from him also began to sink at the same time.

It wasn't until the two people's bodies completely disappeared that Xiang Ziyu's figure emerged from the middle of the place where they disappeared. He said helplessly: "Originally, I really didn't intend to do anything to you. I just wanted to study this. There is something special about the yin and yang energy of the river of yin and yang, but you still want to die with me, and you want to kill me, then don’t blame me for taking action!"

All around, the monks suddenly became anxious and shouted quickly: "This fellow Taoist from the human race, we are not talking. It is the other monks who want to die with you!"

"Yes, it's that demon monk over there, and those two evil monks. Go find them!"


In an instant, all the monks in the Yin-Yang River were pulled into the water. They wanted to die together with each other, but they fell into the water without even seeing each other's figure.

They also finally asked why the previous monks died after falling into the water. The suction of the yin and yang energy in the water was extremely terrifying, and at the same time, there was also a rotating force that poured into their bodies and then raged crazily. .

Within a moment, the corpses of the alien monks all floated up.

After Xiang Ziyu took away the Qiankun rings of these alien races, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stayed here and continued to study the yin and yang energy here. After he understood the characteristics of these yin and yang energy, this Just left.

Then he led everyone to continue moving forward.

This time, everyone was completely convinced, and Xiang Ziyu also confirmed one thing after seeing the danger ahead. Every level of this ruins is related.

In addition to the first level, if you want to pass the second level, you need to understand the changes in the yin and yang energy of the first level, and then use the yin and yang energy changes of the second level in the third level, and use the third level in the fourth level. The changes in yin and yang energy.

In this way, he led everyone forward.

Soon, a vast ocean appeared in front of him!

Compared with the river of Yin and Yang that he had passed before, it was not even one-tenth of the size of the sea.

This sea is half dark and generally white, and in the center of the sea, there is an island. Above the island, the yin and yang energy gathers, entwines and rotates slowly.

Although the scope of the island does not seem very large, everyone has an illusion when they see this island. It seems that the endless yin and yang energy in the entire ruins comes from the yin and yang energy on the island and from the sky above the island.

Everyone just looked at the yin and yang energy from a distance, and there was an illusion in their hearts that the yin and yang energy was endless and seemed to disappear forever.

It is obviously just pure black and white, but when everyone looks at the light of these two colors, they feel that all the colors in the world are contained in it.

"This...this should be where the final inheritance is."

"But if you want to enter here...these swords feel so scary!"

On the sea in front of everyone, there are swords stuck upside down. Some swords are pitch black, some swords are like white jade, and some swords are mixed with black and white colors. Even these swords have both black and white colors at the same time. The swords are also different. Some of them are as much white as black, some are more white, some are more black, and some are even almost pitch black with just a little bit of white mixed in!

At a glance, you can't even count how many yin and yang swords there are on the sea.

These swords seemed to be stuck upside down in a chaotic manner, but if you look closely, you will find that they seem to follow some kind of pattern, and they are different on the sea surface.

Waves of terrifying pressure surged out from these swords of yin and yang. Everyone just stood on the shore, looking at these swords, and even had the illusion that their hearts had been pierced.

Although Xiang Ziyu had led them through dangerous places again and again before, this time, seeing this sword of yin and yang, they instinctively felt shaken deep in their hearts.

They really doubted whether Xiang Ziyu could break through the yin and yang sword energy.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu stood on the shore and felt the aura emanating from the swords of yin and yang in the sea, with a solemn look on his face.

The yin and yang energy in these sharp swords is so special, it seems that all the changes in yin and yang energy are gathered here.

He just stood on the shore, looking across, not moving at all.

No one around him dared to disturb him.

Xiang Ziyu's stop lasted for ten days.

Ten days later, he looked back at everyone and said, "You guys step back."

Including the Bipolar Immortal Lord, everyone retreated one after another. After retreating a hundred feet away, everyone stopped.

But Xiang Ziyu shook his head and said: "If you retreat further, the further back the better."

His words had fallen, and expressions of surprise suddenly appeared on the faces of everyone around him. Linghu Lonely even asked: "Why have you retreated so far, fellow Taoist, have you found a way to crack it?"

"No." Xiang Ziyu shook his head and said, "This should be the final test, so this test is extremely different. I haven't figured out a way to crack it, so I can only test it first, so that you can retreat far. a little."

Everyone's expressions became serious when they heard the sound. In the previous levels, it didn't take much time for the opponent to break through them in an instant. However, he had already stayed at this level for ten days and was not sure yet.

Everyone retreated to this safe place, the farthest place, and only stopped when there was no way to retreat.

Behind the fairy and the fairy, a fairy mountain rises from the ground. On the fairy mountain, six strange fairy palaces emerge. Some of these fairy palaces are like palaces in the fairy world. Fairy sounds linger in the fairy palaces. All around, the immortal energy is rolling.

Some fairy palaces seem to come from the Nine Nether Hells, and there are faint ghosts roaring in the fairy palaces, exuding a gloomy and terrifying atmosphere.

At the same time, each of these six immortal palaces contains a strong yin and yang energy, and streams of yin and yang energy shuttle back and forth among these six immortal palaces.

Xiang Ziyu's aura continued to rise, and waves of terrifying aura surged around, causing the air around him to roll crazily, vaguely forming a huge air vortex with him as the center.

The next moment, Xiang Ziyu raised his hand and slapped it towards the sea water in front of him.

This palm is formed by the gathering of pure yin and yang energy, and this palm contains all his understanding and understanding of yin and yang energy!

Although this chapter is not a spell, and although no magic weapon is used, the power of this palm is boundless.

Behind, everyone felt the terrifying aura of this palm, and they were all shocked.

Immortal Lord Yunhuo kept shaking his head. It was so terrifying. This should be the first time that the opponent showed all his power in front of them after meeting them.

Although she owned seven fairy palaces, she knew just by seeing this palm that if she and the other party were to fight to the death, she would be the one who died!

She even wondered how a monk with six immortal palaces could release such a terrifying palm.

"Look at that fairy mountain!"

Suddenly, the towering fairy mountain in front among the floating willow fairy kings behind them shouted: "The fairy mountain of 8,600 feet!"

"A fairy mountain of more than eight thousand feet. In the true fairyland of our human race, there are not many people who have such a high fairy mountain!"

"The monks on the Immortal Mountain of more than 8,000 feet, it seems that the disciples of Baifeng Sect and Leader Cao are all on the Immortal Mountain of more than 8,000 feet."

"Xiang Ziyu! This person must be Xiang Ziyu!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Linghu Lonely. They had also doubted whether the first Yin-Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times was Xiang Ziyu.

However, the attainments and understanding of Yin and Yang Qi displayed by this person were really terrifying, even more terrifying than the Bipolar Immortal Lord at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, so they knew that it was not Xiang Ziyu.

But at this time, as soon as the fairy mountain appeared, it was almost certain that this person was Xiang Ziyu from Sibaofeng.

Linghu Lonely faced the gazes of everyone, nodded slightly and acknowledged: "It is indeed my third senior brother."

As his words fell, everyone remembered what happened along the way before. No wonder, it seemed that every time the No. 1 Yin Yang Immortal King in ancient and modern times made a decision, Linghu Linghu would support and trust him.

It turns out that this is really his senior brother!

Bipolar Immortal Lord, listening to everyone's words, felt a storm in his heart. This monk, whose understanding of yin and yang energy far surpassed him, turned out to be a disciple of the leader of the Hundred Peaks. The other party's Immortal Palace is really better than He has so much less!

His understanding of the Tao of Yin and Yang is so terrifying, but he only has six immortal palaces, so what path is the other party taking?

How broad is the road that the other party takes!

His understanding of Yin and Yang Qi is not as good as that of the other party, but he has more immortal palaces. In only one case, the path taken by the other party is too big, so big that his understanding of Yin and Yang Qi is extremely advanced. But it only condensed six immortal palaces!

While everyone was amazed, Xiang Ziyu's palm had already landed on the sea.

Suddenly, above the sea, the yin and yang sword inserted upside down began to shake crazily at the same time.

The sword did not fly out from the sea, but the sword energy flew straight out from the sword. Every sword energy contains Yin energy or Yang energy, and some sword energy even contains Yin and Yang.

These sword energy gathered above the sea water, and finally formed a Yin-Yang sword that was half black and half white. Faintly, a figure appeared behind the shadow of the sword, which seemed to be the figure of the Yin-Yang Immortal Lord. He held the sword of yin and yang and stabbed it out from a distance.

It was just a sword that seemed extremely careless, but after the sword fell, the sea water below roared crazily, huge waves rose into the sky, and the endless sea instantly erupted into a terrifying tsunami. A tsunami. It was so big that it caused the surrounding void and the earth in the distance to shake crazily.

Everyone felt that they were far enough away from the sea, but at this moment, their bodies were shaking uncontrollably.

When the sword came out, the sky and the earth were shocked, and the color of the void changed.

The moment this sword appeared, a day and a month appeared in the void at the same time, as if they were rising at the same time as the sea level. And within this day and month, there were waves of pure breath. out.

The sun is yang and the moon is yin.

The energy of yin and yang!

The yin and yang energy of this day and month is completely integrated with the yin and yang energy of this space.

Following this, all the yin and yang energy in this world and the entire ruins seemed to be merged into this sword at this moment.

It was obviously just a sword, or even a sword formed by the convergence of sword energy, but when the sword fell, it gave everyone the feeling that this sword brought together all things in the world and all the auras in the world!

This sword even gave everyone the illusion that it separated heaven and earth with one sword.

The heaven and earth are separated, not to mention the sea water and the air!

The endless sea water broke open, and the terrifying sword energy pierced forward, seemingly capable of destroying everything around it.

The palm energy swung by Xiang Ziyu shattered instantly after touching the sword. The frightening sword energy that seemed to destroy the entire world went straight towards Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu quickly waved his hands, and streams of yin and yang energy gathered around him.

The next moment, a terrifying sword fell on him.

In an instant, he felt what seemed to be the purest force of yin and yang, and what seemed to be an extremely complex yin and yang energy that contained all the breaths in the world, rushing into his body.

In an instant, every muscle and vein in his body was shattered, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced by the shock.

In just an instant, his body turned into a lake of flesh and blood.

And the aftermath of this sword shot towards the back. Suddenly, the energy and blood in everyone's body was rolling, and their bodies were covered with a lake of flesh and blood.

Just for a moment, they felt as if they were stabbed by countless sword energy.

Everyone's faces showed signs of horror. This was just the aftermath of the sword. They didn't even have time to react when faced with the aftermath.

There was an illusion in their hearts that this sword could not stop them at all.

What if this sword fell directly on them without Xiang Ziyu blocking it?

Wouldn't they be killed with one sword?

That Xiang Ziyu?

Everyone moved toward Xiang Zi with worry.

Xiang Ziyu coughed twice, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of bright red blood, and whispered to himself: "How many times can the energy of yin and yang be the same? I never thought of it before!"

Then he took a pill orally, looked ahead, and began to feel dazed.

The people behind him ran to Xiang Ziyu's side with worry. They were about to ask, but they were all stunned. The flesh-and-blood body of Xiang Ziyu in front of them was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Linghu Gudu seemed to know what everyone was marveling at, and explained softly: "My senior brother has practiced a special spell. It does not require active operation. That spell can repair senior brother's injuries. However, this spell can repair external injuries quickly, but not internal injuries. So fast."

By explaining this, he was also telling Xiang Ziyu that everyone already knew their identities.

Then everyone became quiet. Although they wanted to ask Xiang Ziyu what they should do next, seeing what Xiang Ziyu was thinking about now, they couldn't disturb Xiang Ziyu.

Moreover, Xiang Ziyu's injuries were obviously much lighter than they expected. Apparently, it should be because Xiang Ziyu used yin and yang energy, so the yin and yang sword energy was partially offset.

In desperation, everyone could only retreat to the original place again and wait.

This wait is another ten days.

Ten days later, Xiang Ziyu stood up. Behind him, six strange fairy palaces appeared, and the aura in his body rose crazily.

Although it was only ten days, he had already understood a lot.

Behind them, everyone saw that Xiang Ziyu was about to make another move, and everyone quickly moved into action. They even took out their magic weapons and built lines of defense in front of them!

But seeing Xiang Ziyu's actions, everyone was stunned again!

Xiang Ziyu did not take action directly this time, but stepped forward and stepped into the sea water.

Although he understood a lot in these ten days, he felt that it was not enough. Just feeling the yin and yang energy from the outside was not enough, so he needed to step forward and enter the sea water. It was best to touch it. Only when you touch the yin and yang sword can you better feel the yin and yang energy in it.

As he stepped in, in an instant, the yin and yang swords that were inserted upside down began to rotate rapidly. From the sharp swords, sword energy surged out, gathered together, and shot towards Xiang Ziyu again. Even this The sword gave everyone a more terrifying feeling than the previous sword!

In Xiang Ziyu's hand, a magic weapon like a fire stick appeared. The short stick in his hand was like a sharp sword, stabbing towards the falling Yin and Yang sword energy!

From the body of the stick, the black and white Yin and Yang energy shot out violently, like two swimming dragons, one black and one white, rushing towards the Yin and Yang sword energy from the left and right with the boundless momentum!

The next moment, the short stick collided with the Yin Yang sword energy, and the surrounding air suddenly made a terrifying loud noise. At this moment, it seemed that the entire space was shattered.

The next moment, streams of yin and yang energy rushed into the magic weapon in Xiang Ziyu's body. On the stick, one hundred and eight orbs bloomed with dazzling brilliance. For a while, different spells of light shot out.

And each of these spells contains the energy of yin and yang!

The two yin and yang energies collided together, and in an instant, the entire ruins seemed to be shaking.

At the same time, a force that seemed capable of destroying the entire ruins exploded, and Xiang Ziyu's body flew backward uncontrollably.

The protective spell on his body instantly shattered, and under the impact of the endless yin and yang repulsion, his whole body made a terrifying explosion sound. Pieces of broken flesh flew around and fell, and a deep and long wound was blasted in front of him. .

But he seemed to be uninjured. With a kick of his legs, he jumped out again and rushed into the sea.

No matter what, he had to touch the sword of yin and yang!

Only by touching the sword of yin and yang can he understand all the changes in the yin and yang energy!

However, those yin and yang swords seemed to have no loss after shooting a sword. Soon, these yin and yang swords gathered again and shot out another sword. This sword directly pierced Xiang Ziyu's body. For a moment, a wave of A stream of bright red blood flowed out of his body, instantly dyeing the surrounding seawater red.

Xiang Ziyu was injured much more seriously this time than before. He wanted to continue, but his body could not support it.

He could only return to the shore, take another pill, and at the same time cross his legs and start performing exercises. This time, he was injured too seriously. He could not recover in a short period of time without using the exercises.

But slowly, as he started to use the spell, a strange look appeared on his face. He was injured extremely seriously this time, but what hurt him was the energy of yin and yang, and he himself practiced the energy of yin and yang. Qi, so if he circulates the yin and yang energy, the injury will recover faster, which in itself is not a problem.

But as he worked, he discovered that the remaining yin and yang energy in his body seemed to be guiding him, guiding him on how to heal his injuries. With the guidance of these yin and yang energy, he began to understand the yin and yang energy that bombarded him. , but it went one step deeper.

Suddenly, a look of ecstasy appeared on Xiang Ziyu's face, and he shouted loudly: "I knew, as the protagonist, how could I not pass this test!

It turns out that as long as you continue to feel the sword of yin and yang, as long as you continue to be attacked, and then heal your injuries, you can understand the characteristics of the yin and yang energy, and then gradually become familiar with it, and finally fully master the sword of yin and yang. When the time comes, we will naturally be able to break through here. "

All around, everyone looked at Xiang Ziyu who was laughing wildly. They all had weird looks on their faces. They kept trying to get hurt, and then treating the injuries would make it over?

Although they understood the meaning of Xiang Ziyu's words, no one took the initiative to test it. Even if Xiang Ziyu was right, they still needed to bear the sword first.

They really don’t think that they can withstand this sword, except for the Bipolar Immortal Lord!

The Bipolar Immortal Lord moved in his heart, and took the initiative to walk to Xiang Ziyu's side. The reason why Xiang Ziyu was able to block that terrifying sword was not only that his physical body was really strong, but also because Xiang Ziyu cultivated the energy of yin and yang, and What he cultivates is also the energy of yin and yang.

Although his understanding of Yin and Yang Qi is not as profound as Xiang Ziyu's, he has managed to unite nine immortal palaces with Yin and Yang Qi anyway. His understanding of Yin and Yang Qi is also considered high in the entire world of immortality. , and his cultivation level is higher than Xiang Ziyu.

If they really want to fight, Xiang Ziyu will definitely not be his opponent.

Therefore, if Xiang Ziyu can withstand the attack of the Yin Yang Sword Qi, he should be able to do the same.

He looked at Xiang Ziyu and said: "Fellow Taoist Xiang, I am also cultivating the yin and yang energy, and I also want to try it. However, after I test it for a while, I am afraid that the yin and yang energy will affect my fellow Taoist, why not say How about you go to the rear first, my friend?"

In Xiang Ziyu's current state, he was really afraid that Xiang Ziyu would be too close and be directly killed by the yin and yang sword energy, so he suggested that Xiang Ziyu go to the rear and let everyone protect Xiang Ziyu.

As for killing Xiang Ziyu directly, then testing here bit by bit, and finally monopolizing the inheritance here, he has never even thought about it.

Not to mention whether he attacks Xiang Ziyu, whether the people around him will attack him, or whether he can defeat them all by himself.

Even if he could really kill Xiang Ziyu and everyone, he would not do so!

There is no doubt that Xiang Ziyu is the peerless genius of their human race. When Xiang Ziyu fully grows up, we don’t know how high he can reach. In the future, when their human race competes with other races, Xiang Ziyu will be able to display his great potential. role, and even became one of the leaders of their human race.

As a member of the human race, how could he possibly kill Xiang Ziyu!

Xiang Ziyu heard the sound, but looked at the Bipolar Immortal Lord, shook his head and said: "I don't have to leave, those aftermaths can't kill me yet, just in time, I have recovered some injuries, and there will be more aftermaths, just in time to feel the aftermath the power of.

As for you, you'd better not try it. I know that you are the pinnacle of the True Wonderland, but you are not the protagonist. The method I just mentioned is a method that can only be used by the protagonist. Others will die directly if they use my method. "

The Immortal Lord Shuangji was stunned for a moment when he heard the sound, but then he shook his head and said: "How can you know if you don't give it a try? Since fellow Taoist won't leave, then I will try?"

Xiang Ziyu waved his hand nonchalantly and said, "Go ahead and try. Don't worry, I'm the protagonist. Even if you die, I won't die."

The Bipolar Immortal Lord's face turned dark when his back was to Xiang Ziyu. He wanted to take back what he had just said in his heart, that Xiang Ziyu would become the future leader of the human race.

Seeing that Xiang Ziyu was extremely sure that nothing would happen to him, the Bipolar Immortal Lord also began to circulate his immortal energy. Behind him, nine strange fairy palaces all appeared, and the immortal energy in his body was like a rushing sea, climbing crazily.

Within a moment, his aura had reached its peak, and then a long stick appeared in his hand. One end of the long stick was black and the other was white, which happened to be the two poles of yin and yang.

And with the appearance of this long stick, his whole aura also underwent earth-shaking changes, and rays of divine light poured out from his body, making him look like a Yin-Yang immortal from ancient times.

The next moment, he suddenly blasted out a stick in front of him.

As soon as the stick fell, it seemed that the earth below, the sea water, the void, and the world were all integrated.

The power of this stick is more terrifying than the power of Xiang Ziyu's previous attacks!

He is an existence at the pinnacle of the true fairyland!

When his stick fell, there was a feeling of yin and yang coming together, heaven and earth coming together!

At this moment, there were only two colors left in the entire world, black and white, yin and yang.

On his long stick, the yin and yang energy gathered in the middle, and it seemed vaguely like the sun and the moon merging together. When the stick fell, the mountains shook and the earth shook, and the sky and the earth became dark.

In the sea water, a Yin-Yang sharp sword thrust upside down began to shake crazily again. After the Yin-Yang energy was released several times on the sword, it seemed that there was no loss at all. The shadow of the sword energy once again appeared in the void, moving towards the two swords. Jixianjun shoots away!

This is not the first time that the Bipolar Immortal Lord has faced the Yin-Yang Sword Qi, but before, he had only faced the aftermath of the Yin-Yang Sword Qi, but this time, he faced the Yin-Yang Sword Qi directly!

In an instant, he actually felt the smell of death!

The next moment, the overwhelming sword energy, which seemed to be endless and contained countless changes, yet seemed to be extremely pure, crashed into his stick.

In an instant, all the yin and yang energy on his stick dissipated, followed by a bombardment of unparalleled power.


The Bipolar Immortal Lord opened his mouth and spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood. He flew backwards and flew out. The yin and yang sword energy bombarded a huge hole in his chest. The bright red blood continued to fall, dyeing the ground below red.

And his eyes became darkened. How could it be possible? He clearly knew that Xiang Ziyu's cultivation level was so much higher, and he was also using Yin and Yang Qi, so why couldn't he even block a sword?

Behind, everyone was stunned. The Bipolar Immortal Lord was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm and was also a master of Yin and Yang Qi. Why couldn't he even block a sword?

Xiang Ziyu looked at the Bipolar Immortal Lord who flew back and flew out, and sighed helplessly: "I said, this is a method that can only be used by the protagonist, but you still don't believe it.

Your understanding of Yin and Yang Qi is not enough, and the attacks of Yin and Yang sword Qi that you can block are limited, so your injuries are more serious. In fact, I doubt you even understood the yin and yang repulsion in the first level.

You should have entered the first level with your cultivation. In this case, how could you possibly block this sword? What? You don’t understand what yin and yang repulsion is? Forget it, let me explain it to you. "

While Xiang Ziyu was healing his injuries, he even explained the repulsion of yin and yang to the Bipolar Immortal Lord.

He thought it was nothing. He just happened to meet him. This bipolar immortal king had reminded him and others to be careful before. His character was not bad, so he should teach him a lesson.

As for the other party's success in cultivation, and then surpass him in yin and yang energy?

He has never considered this issue. He is the protagonist. He has always surpassed others. How could others surpass him?

The next person he has to surpass is his master!

It was obvious that the Immortal Master Shuangji had a higher level of cultivation, but at this time, Xiang Ziyu was like a teacher, teaching the Master Shuangji, and everyone listened to their words, but they didn't think there was any problem.

Immortal Lord Hongyu sighed in his heart. He had already heard that Leader Cao of the Baifeng Sect had no sect and was dedicated to his human race. Now, isn’t it the same for the disciples of the Baifeng Sect?

Xiang Ziyu revealed his understanding of Yin and Yang Qi so easily, and even took the initiative to speak.

After hearing what Xiang Ziyu said, the Shuangji Immortal Lord was completely convinced. The great sect he belonged to was a great sect that cultivated the energy of yin and yang, but neither he nor the great sect he belonged to had ever wanted to They were all trying to figure out how to integrate the yin and yang qi, but they never thought about separating the yin and yang qi.

In fact, even if they thought of separating the yin and yang qi, how difficult would it be to make the yin and yang qi generate repulsion?

This cannot be done just by talking about it.

It can only be said that Xiang Ziyu is too talented.

Bipolar Immortal Lord and Xiang Ziyu were injured almost at the same time. However, Xiang Ziyu's injuries were almost recovered, while Bipolar Immortal Lord's injury had not recovered half yet.

Xiang Ziyu stood up, pointed to the back and said, "Well, go to the back. I'm going to test the Yin Yang Sword Qi again later. I'm afraid the aftermath will hurt you."

Double-clicking Xianjun's face turned red. He had said this to Xiang Ziyu before, but when he turned around, Xiang Ziyu returned the words to him.

However, he had to get up. Xiang Ziyu said he could carry it, but he really couldn't.

Everyone in the back looked at the Bipolar Immortal Lord walking towards them, and their expressions became extremely strange. Why did these words sound so familiar?

In the vast world of the Celestial Clan, in the center of the entire world, a palace floats in the void.

This palace stretches for thousands of miles, but there is only one person in the entire palace, the ruler of the entire Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan Emperor!

In a side hall of the huge palace, there are eleven jade tablets, each with a name engraved on it. At this time, the seventh jade tablet from the left to the right is broken.

The emperor of the Heavenly Clan looked at the broken jade tablet, and his boundless murderous aura surged out, breaking through the palace and soaring into the sky.

In an instant, the world was stirred up and shook crazily. Below the palace, there was even more wind and clouds. Even the earth at the bottom and the mountains in the distance were shaking crazily.

The next moment, a huge bronze mirror appeared in front of him. As the vast immortal energy poured in from his hands, pictures appeared on the bronze mirror and on the paper. These pictures quickly It passed by so fast that one could only see phantoms.

After about ten breaths, he stretched out his hand and touched the bronze mirror. The scene in Tongjing suddenly slowed down, and two figures slowly emerged.

One of them is the seventh prince of the Tian Clan, and the other is Cao Zhen.

There is no concealment of Cao Zhen's true face.

"Human race, very good! I originally wanted to keep you for a while, but now, just wait for the annihilation of the clan!"

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