Among the ruins of Yin Yang Immortal Lord.

As Xiang Ziyu stepped into the sea of ​​yin and yang again, in an instant, the sword of yin and yang inserted upside down in the sea began to shake crazily again.

In an instant, thousands of swords flew vertically and horizontally, completely enveloping the entire world.

Facing this terrifying sword, Xiang Ziyu did not launch any attack, but only gathered the yin and yang energy around his body.

In the distance, everyone suddenly widened their eyes after seeing his actions. They had only been impacted by the aftermath of the Yin-Yang Sword Qi before, and had no idea how terrifying this Yin-Yang Sword Qi was.

However, after the two-pole immortal kings faced off against these Yin-Yang sword energy before, they finally had an intuitive concept of the power of Yin-Yang sword energy.

The Bipolar Immortal Lord still cultivates the yin and yang energy, so he will definitely receive fewer attacks than the monks who do not cultivate the yin and yang energy.

If it were a monk who had not cultivated the yin and yang energy, I am afraid that an ordinary person at the peak of the True Immortal Realm would be severely injured or even killed directly when encountering this sword.

But now, Xiang Ziyu had no defense against this sword.

But even this sword, which can kill even the peak of the ordinary True Immortal Realm, fell on Xiang Ziyu, but it seemed to be like an ordinary sword energy phantom, disappearing directly, and there was not even a sword energy aftermath. Everything was as if nothing had happened.

Behind, everyone's eyes widened in shock.


"It's not that he blocked it. It should be that Xiang Ziyu completely understood the changes of these Yin-Yang Sword Qi, so he was recognized by the Yin-Yang Sword Qi, so the Yin-Yang Sword Qi will not hurt him again!"

" long has it taken for him to be fully recognized!"

“I’ve been thinking about how talented the world’s peerless geniuses are, and they’re probably not much more talented than me. After all, I’m also a monk who has achieved the true fairyland.

But now, I finally know the gap between me and real geniuses. "

In the distance, the Four Sea Demon King and the Sea Demon King, who had retreated a bit under the collision of the sword just now, looked at each other with a look of shock on their faces.

"It hasn't been long since he last left here, and he has improved so much!"

"His cultivation level is so terrifying, how can he improve so quickly!"

"He can't really break through this sword formation. If that's the case, we really have no chance."

After Xiang Ziyu blocked the sword, he did not stop walking forward, and the Yin and Yang sword in the sea stopped shaking. It seems that if you catch that sword, you can get these Yin and Yang swords. recognition.

Soon, Xiang Ziyu walked to one side of these yin and yang swords. Then, he stretched out a hand and directly touched one of the yin and yang swords.

The moment his hands touched these yin and yang swords, countless yin and yang swords made buzzing sounds in the sea.

A pressure that makes people want to surrender involuntarily descends on the entire world.

Everyone just felt that black and white lights were rising in front of their eyes. Before they could react, these black and white lights had gathered together.

It was not the sword energy gathered by these yin and yang swords, but all these yin and yang swords flew out from the sea and stabbed Xiang Ziyu.

The speed of these yin and yang swords was so fast. One moment, everyone saw these yin and yang swords flying out, and the next moment, the yin and yang swords had already pierced Xiang Ziyu's body.

Immediately, Xiang Ziyu's body flew backwards and flew directly from the sea. He was bombarded and flew backwards to the shore. On his body, streaks of bright red blood continued to flow out. In just an instant, his whole body was covered by this. The yin and yang sword pierced like a honeycomb, covered with countless blood holes. It seemed that every part of his body was pierced by the yin and yang sword, and there was no intact flesh and blood anywhere in his body.


Xiang Ziyu opened his mouth and coughed out a large mouthful of bright red blood. Even his cough was extremely weak, and there was no trace of blood on his face. People with weak breath had to feel carefully to feel him. breath.

This time, he was really hit hard, so badly that he was on the verge of death.


Linghu Lonely exclaimed, and quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hands and pressed them on Xiang Ziyu's body. At the same time, he used his magical power to heal Xiang Ziyu's injuries.

Although he and Xiang Ziyu are not walking on the same path, Xiang Ziyu is walking the way of yin and yang, while he is practicing the way of water.

But they have all practiced the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills. The Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills are not just a simple body-building technique. The Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills are extensive and profound and contain many things. They also include the art of transformation and healing.

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills he uses are from the same source as Xiang Ziyu's Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills. There should be no problem in using the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills to treat Xiang Ziyu.

But the breath in his body had just entered Xiang Ziyu's body. The next moment, countless yin and yang sword qi suddenly burst out from Xiang Ziyu's body. Each sword qi seemed to be able to penetrate the sun and the moon, and each sword qi was filled with... Incomparable power.


With a loud noise, Linghu's lonely body flew backwards and flew out.

In just an instant, these countless sword energy changes penetrated Linghu Gudu's body, making Linghu Gudu's whole body become like Xiang Ziyu, like a honeycomb.

Everyone around was completely stunned.

They all already knew the identities of Linghu Gudu and Xiang Ziyu. They knew that both of them were disciples of the leader of Baifeng. Their techniques must have come from the same source. But in this case, Linghu Gudu gave Xiang Ziyu Ziyu was recovering from his injuries, but they were all severely injured!

Even Linghu Lonely had not directly touched the Yin-Yang sword energy. He only healed Xiang Ziyu's wounds, but he was severely injured by the Yin-Yang sword energy that rushed into Xiang Ziyu's body. From this, it can be seen that the Yin-Yang sword energy that rushed into Xiang Ziyu just now was The yin and yang sword energy in Yu's body is so terrifying!


Yuhua Sword Lord gave a low cry and ran over to help Linghu Lonely, but suddenly a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed her.

Huayu Sword Master said anxiously: "Junior Sister, I know you are worried about Fellow Daoist Linghu, and I am worried about him, but you also saw it just now. Fellow Daoist Linghu just wanted to heal Fellow Daoist Xiang Ziyu, but he was The sword energy in Xiang Ziyu's body was severely damaged.

Those sword energies have now entered Fellow Daoist Linghu's body. If you touch Fellow Daoist Linghu again, I'm afraid you will be severely injured like Fellow Daoist Linghu.

I also want to help him, but at this time, the best thing to do is to stay aside. It can't be done. All of us will be hit hard. They can only rely on themselves for everything. "

As Huayu Sword Master's words fell, Linghu Lonely climbed up from the ground with difficulty. After all, he was not directly facing those Yin and Yang sword energies. His injuries were much lighter than Xiang Ziyu's. If he encountered The sword energy was probably the same as the sword energy Xiang Ziyu encountered. He was already a dead man at this time.

"Senior Brother Huayu is right, don't touch me. I can feel that there is still Yin and Yang sword energy left in my body. Now I can only rely on myself to expel these Yin and Yang energy.

Fortunately, my master and senior sister have refined many elixirs for us, including elixirs for treating Yin and Yang injuries! "

As Linghu Lonely spoke, he reached into his Qiankun ring, took out a bottle of black and white elixir and drank it.

Then he started to run his skills, taking care of his own injuries.

Everyone saw that although Linghu Lonely looked hurt, he was still able to take the elixirs by himself and operate the skills on his own, but they were also relieved. Except for Yuhua Sword Lord, who still looked worried, they all turned to Xiang. Ziyu looked over.

Xiang Ziyu was still lying on the ground, his breath flowing like silk, making it almost impossible to feel his breath.

But at this time, they didn't dare to treat Xiang Ziyu's injuries.

"Give him the elixir first." Immortal Lord Yunhuo suddenly said, "When Fellow Daoist Linghu touched Xiang Ziyu just now, he was not attacked by the sword energy. Instead, he circulated the immortal energy and entered Fellow Daoist Linghu. It was only inside the body that it was attacked.

Although we can't treat his injuries, we can give him pills. I also have an elixir here..."

"Use my elixir. The elixir of our Yin and Yang Sect has a special effect on healing injuries caused by the yin and yang energy."

The Immortal Lord Shuangji stood up from the ground, walked to Xiang Ziyu's side, opened Xiang Ziyu's mouth, and poured a pill into it.

This pill is his life-saving pill!

Even though he was a master at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, the Yin Yang Sect only gave him this life-saving elixir.

This elixir was too precious. Even if he was severely injured by the Yin Yang Sword Qi before, he had never thought of using this elixir. He would not use this elixir at all until his life was hanging by a thread.

But at this time, in order to save Xiang Ziyu, he could only give Xiang Ziyu this pill.

Although he is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm and has a higher level of cultivation than Xiang Ziyu, these days, he is really impressed by Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu is definitely the future of their human race.

He must not watch Xiang Ziyu die like this. Even if Xiang Ziyu is injured to this extent, even his life-saving elixir may not be able to save Xiang Ziyu.

But as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will give it a try. Even if he ends up wasting such a pill, he will never regret it!

Xiang Ziyu had never suffered such serious injuries, and he had never felt such a situation today.

Ever since he started practicing, he has experienced countless dangers along the way.

It can even be said that he has been walking on the edge of life and death, and he is the disciple who has experienced the most life and death among the disciples of Sibao Peak.

Many times, others just listened to what he said, turned danger into danger and survived, and even received great benefits.

But few people know how many dangers he has experienced in this, and how many times his life has hung by a thread!

Even if he practices those spells and transforms those spells, is it really that easy to transform them?

In the process of transforming the spell, he didn't know how many moments of life and death he had experienced!

However, any time in the past when life hung by a thread cannot be compared to now.

The moment he was stabbed by countless swords of yin and yang, he really felt death! He even thought he was dead!


He is the protagonist, how could he die?

I haven't had a master yet, I haven't become the best in the world, I haven't driven the six alien races out of the human world, how can I die!

Xiang Ziyu gathered the aura in his body crazily. With his strong willpower, weak immortal energy rose up from the broken meridians in his body.

But these immortal energies had just risen. In an instant, the Yin and Yang sword energy that was still terrifying all around, as if it was going to destroy the entire world, surged up again, trying to crush all the weak immortal energy.

Crush your own fairy spirit!

I am the real protagonist. How can my immortal energy be crushed by the yin and yang energy? What I practice is the yin and yang energy. These yin and yang energy should surrender under my breath!

Xiang Ziyu felt the strange movements of the yin and yang sword energy in his body, and his remaining consciousness, or even instinct, urged the immortal energy in his body to surge and stir even more crazily!

Suddenly, two phantoms, one black and one white, appeared behind him. Perhaps it was because Xiang Ziyu was too weak at this time. The aura emitted by these two phantoms at this time was also extremely weak, but even if In this way, the moment when the black and white shadows appeared, everyone around them still felt like they wanted to be submissive. They even felt that their legs were a little out of control!

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

They are true fairyland existences, and they have no hostility towards Xiang Ziyu, and Xiang Ziyu has no hostility towards them, but even so, their legs even kneel down uncontrollably!

This is still when Xiang Ziyu is so weak. If Xiang Ziyu is in his prime state and the aura of this black and white shadow becomes stronger, wouldn't they all kneel down!

Moreover, when they looked at the black and white shadow, they had the illusion that they were facing two ancient immortals and demons!

Although Black and White are weak, the pressure they exude at this time is stronger than ever before!

Suddenly, as if the black and white virtual images had reached some consensus, the two virtual images came together to form a full-body figure.

At the same time, an even more terrifying coercion surged toward the surroundings. The pressure was filled with a domineering and royal majesty.

At this moment, it seems that everything in this world has surrendered to this shadow.

Everyone in the rear could no longer control themselves. Almost at the same time, they all knelt on the ground uncontrollably.

They looked at the black and white shadow and had an illusion. At this time, what they saw was a god!

The true God of the world!

In the sea opposite, the swords of yin and yang were buzzing, and the countless swords of yin and yang that were originally inserted straight into the sea were pouring down in the direction of the black and white shadows, as if It is a general expression of surrender.

Even behind the sea, in the center of the ruins, the Yin and Yang Qi that had been rotating stopped for a moment. It seemed that the Yin and Yang Qi and the Yin and Yang Immortal Lord had also surrendered.

The terrifying yin-yang sword energy in Xiang Ziyu's body completely disappeared, and the breath in his body began to flow slowly.

At this time, the black and white shadow just disappeared.

The shadow disappeared, and the yin and yang sword energy in Xiang Ziyu's body did not reappear. The immortal energy in his body slowly repaired his injured body.

His injuries were too serious, and his aura at this time was too weak. His immortal energy was repairing so slowly that no one could even notice the changes in Xiang Ziyu's body.

Fortunately, another medicinal energy arose in his body, which began to connect his broken meridians, helping the breath in his body to heal his injured body.

It was the elixir that the Bipolar Immortal Lord gave him before!

Unconsciously, a month passed, and everyone finally felt that Xiang Ziyu's aura became slightly stronger, but Xiang Ziyu was still lying on the ground with his eyes closed, motionless.

He lay like this for ten years.

Perhaps the previous levels were too difficult, and no other monks had entered here in ten years.

Ten years later, Xiang Ziyu finally slowly opened his eyes and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, you... you finally woke up!"

When everyone saw Xiang Ziyu waking up, everyone couldn't help but smile with joy. Although Xiang Ziyu's aura has been slowly getting stronger over the years, Xiang Ziyu always kept his eyes closed. They still couldn't relax.

Fortunately, Xiang Ziyu finally woke up.

Xiang Ziyu did not answer everyone's words. It was not that he did not want to talk to everyone, but that he could not make a sound at all. Although he sat up, the injuries in his body had not recovered.

He opened the Qiankun Ring in front of him, took out an elixir from the Qiankun Ring, and drank it. At that time, his master and his master were both beautiful and rough. What's the point?

After all, both his master and his junior sister knew that he often studied the energy of yin and yang and always wanted to innovate. Whenever he innovated, there would be danger.

After taking the elixir, he took the elixir, pointed in the direction of Linghu Gudu, and signaled everyone to give Linghu the elixir to take.

These elixirs were specially prepared for him, so Linghu Gudu did not have such elixirs on his body.

Immortal Yuhua understood instantly, quickly took the elixir and fed it to Linghu Lonely and drank it.

Another year passed before Xiang Ziyu slowly spoke to the Shuangji Immortal Lord: "Thank you, Shuangji Taoist Fellow, for giving me the elixir. Otherwise, I'm afraid I would be a dead person now!"

I owe you a favor. "

"You don't have to say that, Fellow Daoist Xiang." Shuangji Immortal Lord waved his hands quickly, "If it weren't for Fellow Daoist Xiang, I would have died in the river of Yin and Yang."

"No, this matter cannot be generalized. I took you away because you are a human race. There is no need to say more. I, Xiang Ziyu, will repay me for my kindness... Ahem, let's not talk about it for now."

Xiang Ziyu was still too weak. He only said a few words and then started coughing again. He had to stop the conversation and concentrate on running his skills.

At the same time, he also thought about the feeling after touching the Yin-Yang Sword. Although it was only a moment, he felt that he had already felt all the changes in the Yin-Yang Sword.

In fact, before this, he had felt all the changes in the Yin-Yang Sword. Otherwise, the Yin-Yang Sword Qi would not be able to hurt him or recognize him.

But although he felt the changes, he couldn't do all the changes, especially since the true yin and yang energy was endless.

The owner of this ruins, Yin-Yang Immortal Lord, has fallen for an unknown number of epochs, but the ruins of the Yin-Yang Immortal Lords still exist, and their power is equally terrifying, and the power of the entire ruins has not diminished in any way.

At the same time, it is because the Yin and Yang Immortal Lord has achieved the endless regeneration of Yin and Yang.

His so-called endless life before was not completely endless, and his power would still decline. Especially if he stopped using the energy of yin and yang, his power would completely disappear.

That is definitely not the true endless energy of yin and yang.

Only, like this relic, after the death of the Yin-Yang Immortal Lord, the power of the relic still has not diminished at all. This is the true endless growth of Yin-Yang!

But now, he has vaguely understood how the Yin and Yang Immortal Lord achieves the endless reproduction of Yin and Yang!

While Xiang Ziyu was recovering from his injuries, he was thinking about the endless existence of yin and yang.

As he continued to understand Yin and Yang, and as his understanding continued to grow stronger, his injuries began to recover faster.

In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed, and his whole aura is even more terrifying than before, when he was in his prime.

"I understand, this is the way of yin and yang, this is the true endless life!"

Suddenly, Xiang Ziyu looked up to the sky and roared, and then his whole body rose into the sky, and under his feet, a black and white staircase formed by the gathering of yin and yang energy appeared.

He instantly reached the top of the stairs, and behind him, six fairy palaces emerged on the fairy mountain.

The next moment, the two peaks of the Immortal Mountain suddenly shook. In just one breath, the two peaks broke apart. At the same time, one black and one white, two strange fairy palaces emerged.

His Immortal Palace is very different from other people's Immortal Palace. Although other people's Immortal Palaces follow the same path, the Immortal Palace is roughly the same, but it is only roughly the same, not exactly the same.

And the visions in the Immortal Palace are also different. Just like some monks, they walk the path of fire. Although the visions in their Immortal Palace are flames, they are also different flame visions.

However, Xiang Ziyu's fairy palace is all black and white, and all the visions are black and white visions.

At this moment, although the two Immortal Palaces that just appeared are one black and one white, the vision in the Immortal Palace is that each Immortal Palace has a black and white vision!

"Fellow Daoist Xiang Ziyu has made a breakthrough!"

"Two fairy palaces!"

"With one breakthrough, two strange fairy palaces were formed!"

"I have heard before that when the most outstanding geniuses gather together the Immortal Palace, they can sometimes form two Immortal Palaces at once.

But that's just what I heard. This is the first time I've seen with my own eyes someone condensing two visionary fairy palaces at once! "

“The key is that those geniuses we heard about gathered two visionary fairy palaces at once, and that was also when they were in the early stage of the true fairyland.

Moreover, before condensing two new fairy palaces, it was the early stage of true fairyland, after the condensation, it was still the early stage of true fairyland, before the condensation, it was the middle stage of true fairyland, and after the condensation, it was still the late stage of true fairyland.

Fellow Daoist Xiang Ziyu... This is directly from the middle stage of the True Immortal Realm to the late stage of the True Immortal Realm! "

"No, look at the strange phenomenon in Xiang Zi Yu Daoyou's Immortal Palace!"

Suddenly, Immortal Lord Yunhuo pointed at Xiang Ziyu in the void and exclaimed again.

In the void, the visions in Xiang Ziyu's previous Immortal Palace also began to change. Before, the black and white shadows were in the Yin and Yang Immortal Palace, but at this time, every Immortal Palace has Black and white shadow.

"This... I have never heard of the strange phenomena in the Immortal Palace changing because of the newly condensed Immortal Palace!"

"Yes, you can turn an ordinary fairy palace into a strange fairy palace, but this is the first time I have seen this!"

Xiang Ziyu was not very clear as to why the vision in his immortal palace suddenly changed. He vaguely felt that before, when he was injured and about to die, the black and white shadow appeared once, as if they were always in opposition. The two phantoms united together, and then there were such changes.

He realized what he had gained in these days. With his current understanding of the yin and yang energy, as he thought, the strange fairy palaces behind him on the fairy mountain also began to rotate, and as he moved, With the rotation of these fairy palaces, each fairy palace also began to change.

It was obviously a black Yin Qi Immortal Palace, but as it turned, it slowly turned into a white Yang Qi Immortal Palace, and the next moment it turned into a Yin Qi Immortal Palace, and the same was true for the Yang Qi Immortal Palace.

The eight immortal palaces are constantly rotating and changing.

Slowly, the peaks on the fairy mountains below the fairy palace began to rotate, and then the entire fairy mountains began to rotate with the rotation of the fairy palace.

Waves of yin and yang energy are pouring out from these fairy palaces, surrounding the fairy mountains and the eight strange fairy palaces. Looking from a distance, it gives people a sense of endless life!

All around, everyone was completely stunned.

"what is this?"

"With the two new Immortal Palaces condensing together, all the phenomena in the Immortal Palaces have changed. Now, all the Immortal Palaces are even rotating. What's even more exaggerated is that the Immortal Mountains are also rotating with it.

Have you ever heard of anyone whose fairy mountain is always rotating? "

"No, never heard of it!"

" guys tell me, does this look like a peerless and powerful person who has attained the perfection of the True Immortal Realm, and is practicing the Way of Alienation from the Immortal Palace?"

Gathering nine fairy palaces is the pinnacle of the true fairyland, and then you can attack the golden fairyland. This is just like the golden elixir stage.

But similarly, ten golden elixirs can be condensed during the golden elixir stage.

And in the true fairyland, ten fairy palaces can also be gathered together!

Of course, if only nine golden elixirs were condensed in the golden elixir stage, then ten vision fairy palaces would never be able to be condensed in the true fairyland!

Condensing ten golden elixirs is the perfection of the golden elixir period!

The gathering of ten fairy palaces is the true fairyland of perfection!

The difference is that there are some monks who are extremely beautiful and perfect in the True Immortal Realm. After condensing ten Immortal Palaces, they are able to change their Immortal Palace again.

The most common one is to stack ten fairy palaces together. Some are simply superimposed together, and some are to gather ten fairy palaces into a special appearance. For example, ten fairy palaces are like a dragon, and ten fairy palaces are like a dragon. The palaces come together like a blazing flame.

And Xiang Ziyu's current situation should be regarded as an alienation from the Immortal Palace, and it is one of the rarer ones among the alienations from the Immortal Palace.

Stacking ten immortal palaces together is the simplest among the alienation of immortal palaces. Xiang Ziyu is not just stacking ten immortal palaces together. He is surrounding the city in a circle of people and spinning.

"This...I don't know if this counts as alienation from the fairy palace."

"However, there should be ten alienated immortal palaces, but he only has eight."

Immortal Lord Yunhuo heard the sound and immediately asked: "Then when fellow Taoist Xiang Ziyu condenses ten immortal palaces, and all his immortal palaces rotate, does it count as alienation of the immortal palaces?"

Immortal Lord Zhiyan frowned and whispered: "That should be considered."

"That's it. It doesn't make sense. Ten Immortal Palaces are considered alienations, but eight Immortal Palaces with strange phenomena don't count. You don't doubt that fellow Taoist Xiang Zi Yu can't unite ten Immortal Palaces!"

The condensation of ten fairy palaces is far beyond the comparison of the condensation of ten golden elixirs. This difficulty does not mean that we must achieve it and be able to gather ten golden elixirs during the golden elixir stage!

Anyone who can cultivate to the true fairyland is not a peerless genius! Not to mention those who have reached the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm.

Not to mention ten golden elixirs, even ten golden elixirs of vision.

Among the monks who have reached the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, there are probably only one or two out of a thousand who have not condensed ten golden elixirs of visions during the golden elixir stage!

The real difficulty in condensing ten immortal palaces is to keep moving forward on the road of cultivation.

On the path of cultivation, every time a fairy palace is condensed, it is a step forward.

To be able to condense nine fairy palaces is to almost reach the end of the road he is on. Then, it is time to break through and enter the Golden Wonderland, stepping into another dimension.

And if you want to find a new path under this situation, you can imagine how difficult it is.

Just like the Jue Zhen Immortal Lord, the Ji Zhen Sect she belongs to is a great sect from Central Continent. She is the most talented being in their Ji Zhen Sect, second only to the Zong Zhen who was expelled from the Ji Zhen Sect. Immortal Lord.

But even with her talent, she couldn't find a way forward before the nine immortal palaces could be condensed. It was only after Cao Zhen's guidance that she found a new path and successively broke through to the pinnacle of the true immortal realm!

Even so far, she has not condensed the tenth fairy palace!

However, at this time, when Immortal Lord Yunhuo finished speaking, everyone shook their heads. They have seen too many magical things about Xiang Ziyu, and each of them is extremely convinced that Xiang Ziyu will be able to break through and unite ten strange fairy palaces!

Xiang Ziyu gathered two visionary fairy palaces. After all the fairy palaces and fairy mountains started to rotate, he felt the true endless energy of yin and yang. He fell from the void, and then, looking at the Linghu Linghu, who was sitting cross-legged behind to recover from his injuries, shook his head slightly and said: "Junior brother, I have told you how many times, I am the protagonist, but you are not the protagonist.

Why are you trying to get closer to me? Fortunately, it's just the yin and yang sword energy that remains in my body, otherwise you would really be dead.

Look, you haven't even recovered from your injuries yet. "

Linghu Linghu was completely speechless when he listened to the words of his third senior brother. He had been very careful.

But who knew that even if he just tried to help Third Senior Brother heal his injuries, he would be severely injured.

Next time, if he enters the ruins with the third senior brother, even if the third senior brother seems to be dead, he will never touch him.

You have to believe in Third Senior Brother!

"That's all, senior brother, let's help you recover from your injuries." Xiang Ziyu felt Linghu Lonely's aura and raised his hand. Suddenly, a stream of yin and yang energy shot out from his fingertips and jumped into Linghu Lonely's body.

Suddenly, Linghu Lonely felt that as his senior brother's yin and yang energy shot into his body, the yin and yang sword energy that had always existed seemed to be drawn by something, gathering from all over his body, and finally gushed out of him. on the arm.

For a moment, his arms clapped wildly, and the terrifying yin and yang energy surged, and it felt as if his arms were about to explode.

At this time, Xiang Ziyu's voice came over.

"Shoot out this yin and yang energy."

Linghu Lonely heard the sound, quickly raised his arms, activated the breath in his body, and suddenly exhaled forward.

In an instant, yin and yang sword energy suddenly shot out from his palm. At this moment, the world seemed to have become the time of sword energy, and countless sword energy filled the entire void.

Even though many of these yin and yang sword energy have been expelled from his body after many years of hard work, the remaining sword energy still gives people a sense of sharpness, as if it can sweep away the distant sea and this side of the world. A feeling of complete destruction.

But Xiang Ziyu just waved his hand, and these yin and yang sword energy flew into the spinning strange fairy palace behind him, and the strange fairy palace did not change at all.

As if he had done something trivial, Xiang Ziyu turned around and walked towards the sea.

When everyone saw his actions, everyone became anxious.

Although Xiang Ziyu had just made a breakthrough and condensed two more strange fairy palaces, and even the fairy palace had undergone such a big change, they could also feel that Xiang Ziyu's yin and yang energy had undergone earth-shaking changes. Variety.

However, before, after Xiang Ziyu touched the yin and yang sword, the scene of countless yin and yang swords attacking at the same time was so terrifying that they were deeply afraid!

Immortal Lord Yunhuo couldn't help shouting: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, you are not going to touch that Yin-Yang sword again."

Xiang Ziyu shook his head naturally and said, "No, I'm not going to touch them."

Everyone around him was immediately relieved when he heard the sound, but the next moment, Xiang Ziyu's voice came again.

"I want to conquer them and make these yin and yang swords my magic weapons."

Everyone around heard the sound and became anxious.

Immortal Hongyu even analyzed: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, I think that in fact, as long as we enter the sea, bypass these yin and yang swords, and then reach the island behind, we should have passed all the instructions of Immortal Yin and Yang. test.

After passing the test, this entire ruin should be yours. There is no need for you to conquer those Yin and Yang swords now. "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone around him nodded.

"Yes, Immortal Lord Hongyu is right."

"It should be like this, Brother Xiang, there is no need for you to take risks anymore."

Hearing this, Xiang Ziyu shook his head again and said seriously: "I'm not taking risks, because I will definitely take away these yin and yang swords."

Seeing that Xiang Ziyu had reached the shore, the Immortal Lord Shuangji shouted in a hurry: "Fellow Daoist Xiang, the elixir I gave you before is the life-saving elixir of our Yin and Yang Sect. I only have that One pill, if you get injured again, I won’t have any more pills to give you.”

"Don't worry, I won't get hurt, because I am the real protagonist!"

As Xiang Ziyu said that, he had already stepped into the sea water. Facing him, the Yin-Yang sword also showed no reaction until his hand touched the Yin-Yang sword.

In an instant, the yin and yang energy in this world surged rapidly, and sharp swords flew out, flying towards Xiang Ziyu.

When they flew in front of Xiang Ziyu, these sharp swords gathered together to form a sword of yin and yang.

Then the sword fell.

In an instant, endless and powerful power that seemed to destroy the entire world surged out.

This power is so strong that it seems to destroy the entire ruins, and it seems to turn the entire world upside down.

This sword was even more terrifying than the Yin-Yang sword attack when Xiang Ziyu touched it before!

Behind the yin and yang sword, there is a sword energy shooting out.

Even on the island behind, the endless yin and yang energy seemed to be swept in and fell into this sword.

For a moment, the entire ruins were shaking crazily!

It was obviously a sword falling, but it gave people the illusion that this sword would last forever, never stop, and stab down like this forever.

Xiang Ziyu faced this sword, but he didn't make any move. He didn't even release the yin and yang energy.

When the terrifyingly powerful sword struck Xiang Ziyu's chest, it immediately pierced his body and a stream of bright red blood flowed into the Yin Yang Sword.

The next moment, the yin and yang sword suddenly changed and turned into a ray of yin and yang energy, flying directly to Xiang Ziyu's side, constantly rotating around Xiang Ziyu, as if guarding Xiang Ziyu. .

Everyone around was stunned.

"What's this?"

"It seems that the sword of yin and yang fell not to attack Xiang Ziyu, but to recognize its master?"

"The magic weapon automatically recognizes its owner...this..."

In the sea of ​​yin and yang, Xiang Ziyu felt the yin and yang energy around him. Suddenly, he looked up to the sky and roared: "Heaven-level magic weapon, I am worthy of being the protagonist!"

Everyone around them had shocked expressions on their faces. The Yin-Yang Sword was so terrifying. They had also guessed whether the Yin-Yang Sword might be a heaven-level magic weapon.

But when Xiang Ziyu called out the heavenly magic weapon, even though the magic weapon was not theirs, their hearts began to beat wildly uncontrollably.

This was the first time they saw a heavenly magic weapon.

Behind him, Linghu looked at the people with different expressions around him alone. He was excited and had a strange smile on his face. They must have thought that his senior brother was ecstatic because he had obtained a heaven-level magic weapon.

But as a junior brother, I, or the disciples of Si Baofeng, all know that the third senior brother is ecstatic because he has surpassed his master.

After all, the master's most powerful magic weapon is only a high-grade earth-level magic weapon, and the third senior brother already has a heaven-level magic weapon!

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