The last time Cao Zhenji gathered with everyone from Guangyao Hall, did the leader of Guangyao Hall wait until everyone arrived before he showed up.

But this time, the Guangyao Hall Master appeared directly here.

After he arrived, the leader of Guangyao Hall immediately said: "Okay, everyone in our Guangyao Hall has arrived."

Are you all here?

Cao Zhen was completely stunned. When the people of Guangyao Hall left, there were forty-six people. As a result, now, not counting the leader of Guangyao Hall, there are only ten people.

In other words, the remaining thirty-six people in Guangyao Hall died in the killing battlefield.

This death rate is a bit too high.

Not only him, but the other nine people in Guangyao Hall were wearing masks, but through their exposed eyes, one could see the surprise in their eyes.

This time, too many people died!

At first they thought those people had not come back, but it turned out that they were all dead.

This time, they were lucky enough to survive. Will they die next time?

They joined the Eternal Society for their own benefit, to survive better, for more resources, or in other words, for one day, the Heavenly Clan will really defeat the Human Race, and the Human Race will become a subsidiary race of the Celestial Clan, and they can Replace the Celestial Clan and manage the Human Clan.

But no matter what the reason is, they must survive first!

In the past, they only provided some information, and there was not much danger at all.

This was their first mission, and the result was such heavy casualties.

So what's the point of them continuing to stay in the Eternal Society?

They are now considering whether to leave the Eternal Society.

However, is it really that easy to leave the Eternal Society?

The Yongshihui knows their identities. Once they leave the Yongshihui, I am afraid that the Yongshihui will announce their identities immediately. At that time, the human race will kill them without the Yongshihui taking action.

However, it is too dangerous to continue working for the Eternal Society.

The leader of Guangyao Hall looked at the worried look in everyone's eyes and sighed in her heart. She also knew that when everyone entered the killing battlefield, the casualties would be very heavy.

However, he felt that half of the people could survive. Since these people chose to join the Eternal Society, they must be people who are afraid of death. People who are afraid of death are particularly cautious, so they are more likely to survive.

But no one thought that after they entered the killing battlefield, the rules of the killing battlefield became so weird. They were unable to use fairy energy for a long time. Later, even the entire killing battlefield turned into sea water.

During this period, the death rate in the killing battlefield was much higher than in normal times.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the Celestial Clan. They are killing other people crazily. I don’t know how many people they will die in the hands of the Celestial Clan in eternity.

And standing behind them is the Celestial Clan!

If she continued, I was afraid that all the people they sent out would be killed by the monks of the Celestial Clan, so she was so eager to recruit them back.

Although they know the identities of these people, who knows if any of them will have new ideas and take the initiative to find high-level human beings in order to survive, reveal their identities, and then go out and make meritorious deeds.

Although this possibility is rare, it is not impossible.

It can only be said that this time the Celestial Clan's actions completely disrupted the arrangements of their Eternal Society, and she could only use other means to appease everyone.

"I know what you are all surprised about. You will definitely be surprised why so many people died. In fact, this time it was an accident. I think you all know the news about the Celestial Clan targeting our Human Clan.

If the Celestial Clan hadn't suddenly taken action, more people would have returned. "

The leader of Guangyao Hall did not lie to everyone, saying that those people were on a mission. After all, the people who died were from each team. When performing a mission, it was impossible to randomly select people from each team.

Besides, those people also know each other. If they find that the other person has not come back for a long time, they will definitely become suspicious.

Everyone is a true fairyland, and no one is a fool. If you lie to everyone, people's hearts will be even more scattered. It is better to tell everyone the truth.

She didn't wait for anyone to speak, and continued: "Of course, not only our Eternal Society, but also many monks from all the major religions of the human race have died.

From this, we can also see how powerful the Celestial Clan is.

And now I might as well tell you, in fact, some of you already know that behind us is the Celestial Clan!

Seeing the strength of the Celestial Clan, you should also understand why we, the Eternal Society, want the geniuses of our human race to keep a low profile. As long as there are geniuses, we will try our best to kill them.

Because there is a huge difference in strength between our human race and the heavenly race. When the Celestial Race began to seriously target us, the result was this: a large number of our human monks died!

In fact, the reason why the Celestial Clan took action this time was also because of what the genius of our human race did.

Cao Zhen from our human race unexpectedly attacked and killed the seventh prince from the heavenly race!

Killing the prince of the Celestial Clan is a provocation to the entire Celestial Clan, and the Celestial Clan is naturally furious! The more the incident happened suddenly, the more the Heavenly Clan was not prepared for us.

If we had prepared in advance, we would not have lost so many people. "

As the leader of Guangyao Hall said, she stretched out her hand, and a shield appeared in her white hand. On the shield, there was a sky character engraved on it, and underneath the token, there was a huge palace.

The leader of Guangyao Hall pointed at the shield and said: "This is the token of the Celestial Clan. I have a total of four tokens here.

Those who get the token can continue to stay on the front line and fight on the battlefield without entering the killing battlefield.

After you get the token, what you need to do is to look for our human monks everywhere, and then tell the news to the Celestial Clan, so that the Celestial Clan can kill them.

With this token, if you meet the Celestial Clan and show it, the Celestial Clan will naturally know that we are their people, and you don’t need to worry about being accidentally killed by the Celestial Clan. "

Many people around heard the sound, and their faces suddenly showed a touch of joy. Now the other tribes are happy to see the human race and the heavenly race fighting. The monks of other races, after seeing their human race, will not even take action. Leave them to the Celestial Clan.

At the same time, if there is a token from the Celestial Clan, the Celestial Clan will no longer attack them, other tribes will not attack them, and the Human Clan will not attack them.

In this way, doesn't it mean that as long as they don't commit suicide in this killing battlefield, they will not be in any danger.

However, there are only four tokens, and there are ten of them now.

I don’t know how the tokens will be distributed. Could it be said that they are the four people who have made the most contributions?

Amidst everyone's doubts, the leader of Guangyao Hall said: "What these four people need to do is to search for the human race in the killing battlefield, and then report the news to the Celestial Clan. I will give you enough clan records. After you discover our human race, you only need to spread the news, and the heavenly clan will naturally come to kill those human clan."

Cao Zhen listened to the words of the leader of Guangyao Hai Hall, and the anger in his body continued to rise. Previously, Yongshihui would provide news about the geniuses of the human race.

After all, the geniuses of the human race are in the minority, and after they provide the information, the geniuses of the human race are only in an approximate position.

For example, the genius of the human race originally headed all the way to the north, but after walking for a certain distance, he headed towards the east. The Tianwai battlefield is so big that it is not easy to find someone.

What's more, since he is a genius, he naturally has some means to save his life.

The genius of the human race is not so easy to be killed.

Like Haoyue Xingjun and Ax Madman, they were also hunted down by aliens, but not all of them survived in the end.

But the situation today is different.

The Yongshihui will cooperate with the Celestial Clan in fishing and law enforcement. In this way, I don’t know how many human monks will die in the hands of them and the Celestial Clan.

Although there are only four people, it is impossible for the Eternal Association to have only one Guangyao Hall.

Perhaps, it is also because the losses of Guangyao Hall are too serious, so only four people from Guangyao Hall will help with fishing law enforcement, but what about other halls?

Is this senior member of the Eternal Society still considered a human being?

He is still cooperating with the Celestial Clan at this time. Does he want to destroy the Human Clan?

As the leader of Guangyao Hall spoke, he pointed to the distance and said: "The remaining six people need to return to the vast world of our human race. Every two people enter a continent, which happens to be the three continents of the west, south and north."

She didn't say anything about Dongzhou, mainly because Dongzhou really couldn't penetrate.

Everyone in their Eternal Union in East Continent, regardless of their level of cultivation, was picked out. Later, they would send a few monks into East Continent every once in a while, but it didn't take long for these monks to be picked out again.

For this reason, they will never lose peace.

After that, they never sent anyone to Dongzhou again.

Their Eternal Society has also studied that there may be some kind of terrifying existence in Dongzhou.

Speaking of which, they also discovered that Dongzhou was really magical.

Both Cao Zhen and the Grand Master are monks from Dongzhou. It seems that the most dazzling existences of their human race are all in Dongzhou.

She gathered her mind and looked towards the one wearing a red mask, and said in red: "Red one, blue two, you are from Beizhou. You are more familiar with Beizhou. This time, we are going to Beizhou."

As she said that, she looked at Hong Er and Cao Zhen who were wearing red masks and said: "Hong Er, Hei Si, you two are from Xizhou, you go to Xizhou."

As she said this, she did not give the two of them a chance to speak, and looked to the other side and said, "Lan Yi, Qing San, and Huang Yi, the three of you are all from Nanzhou. You three decide for yourself who will go to Nanzhou. Who remains on the killing field.”

After she finished speaking, Huang Yi immediately asked: "Hall Master, I wonder what our mission is when we go to various continents?"

"The mission of going to each continent is to find out the detailed situation of each continent, and then go to the border to talk about the customs and customs of each continent. Glue!?

The three heard the sound and said almost at the same time: "We choose to return to Nanzhou."

Today's killing battlefield is too dangerous, and if you have to cooperate with the actions of the Heavenly Clan, if you are not good, you may even get involved.

But it is much safer to go back to Nanzhou. After asking about the situation, it will definitely be easier to travel around. They are human beings. There is no danger in walking around in their human race's world.

As for the situation at the border, they knew a lot of monks in the human race. Even if they inquired from the side, there wouldn't be too much danger.

The leader of Guangyao Hall seemed to know what the three of them were thinking. He sneered in his heart and continued: "You don't need me to say more about the situation in the entire South Continent, but to find out the intelligence on the border, you must find a way to go to the border. Go and find out about our human race’s defense situation at the border. Go and find out what masters are stationed at the border. Go and find out what kind of formations our human race has on the border.”

When the three people heard the sound, their eyes suddenly changed. Inquiring about these things can not only be found out by asking sideways, but also asking about these things can easily attract the attention of others.

But if you don't ask anyone to inquire, how can you go to the border by yourself? Then what is the reason to go to the border, and to understand this, you must contact the masters stationed at the border. The masters at the border must be extremely vigilant. In this case, the danger will be great.

The eyes of the other few people who were selected and sent to various continents also changed drastically. They thought that they would be very safe when they were sent to various continents, but now it seems that the situation is different.

It seems that doing things for the Eternal Society now, no matter what you do, is full of danger.

On the contrary, the benefits they thought before were not there.

The leader of Guangyao Hall noticed the change in everyone's expressions and continued: "Of course, our Eternal Society will always reward meritorious service.

We won’t let you work for the Eternal Society in vain. No one who stays in the killing battlefield will be given a Xuan-level magic weapon and two Xuan-level spells!

Apart from that, what you can get depends on how many human races you can cooperate with the Celestial Race to kill.

For every ten human races that are killed, the Universe Ring of one of them can be given to you.

Of course, this Qiankun Ring includes all the resources inside. "

As soon as the words fell, several monks who had not been selected to enter various continents suddenly revealed their rays of light.

By killing ten human monks, you can get all the resources in a monk's universe ring.

If a human monk is killed in one day, and if it lasts for a year, they will be able to obtain the resources in more than thirty Qiankun rings of the same race.

Those are all true fairyland existences!

From this point of view, staying in this killing battlefield is much better than returning to the human world.

After the leader of Guangyao Hall finished speaking, he was afraid that the few people who entered the world of the human race would feel unbalanced, so he added: "Naturally, when you enter the world of our human race, you will get a lot.

Exactly what you can get depends on what kind of information you can provide. The more detailed the information you provide, the higher the reward will be for you.

Even the magic weapon of the earth level is not impossible. In short, if you all work for the Yongshi Association, the Yongshi Association will not treat you badly. "

Cao Zhen's brows furrowed deeply. He naturally wanted to stay on the killing battlefield so that he could find a way to kill all the other three people.

He couldn't let these people fish and enforce the law here and kill his own people.

But because the original Wansheng City Master, the previous Guangyao Hall Master, forged the identity of Heisi as a casual cultivator.

He also didn't dare to forge the identity of a monk from other great religions, so why not?

As for forging the identity of a casual cultivator, it is best to be a casual cultivator from Xizhou.

After all, Xizhou has the most casual cultivators.

It seemed that among the remaining people, only he and Hong Er were from Xizhou, so the two of them were sent to Xizhou.

Lan Yi, Qing San and Huang Yi also fell into thinking. Soon, Lan Yi said: "In this case, I choose to enter the killing battlefield."

Returning to the vast world of the human race, it is not certain what kind of reward he will get in the end, but in the killing battlefield, as long as he can cooperate with the heavenly clan to kill enough humans, he will be rewarded, so he will naturally choose to stay in the killing battlefield.

Even if the Heavenly Clan decides which monk gets the Universe Ring, those Celestial Races will definitely give him the Universe Ring that is the weakest monk with the least resources, but that is still enough!

"Now that you have made your choice, the next step is to give you rewards. Although this time, you did not kill all the traitors in the information I gave you, but this time you have completed It's quite good. After all, the killing battlefield is so big, it's normal that no one is found.

Okay, take out the heads or corpses of the monks you killed. "

When Cao Zhen heard this, he immediately understood. The other party knew how many traitors everyone had killed. It should be the monks who killed the traitors. After killing the traitors, he immediately reported it.

I should be one of those who reported it relatively late.

However, there may be monks who have already killed someone and were killed by other monks before they could report the murder.

As his words fell, everyone took out the corpses or heads of the traitors they had killed from the Qiankun Ring.

However, among these people, there are also those who have not gained anything.

Cao Zhen was surprised to find that the one who killed the most traitors was Hong Er, who was going to Xizhou just like him. She killed three human traitors, including a traitor who owned seven immortal palaces.

Among the information given to them at the beginning, there were two traitors who owned seven immortal palaces. One of them was the Poison Sword Demon King who was killed by him, and the other one was killed by Hong Er.

Hong Er looked over almost at the same time, with a look of surprise in his eyes. This man actually killed the strongest Broken Sword Lord. In addition, the second or third strongest Poison Sword Demon Lord also killed him. Killed by God!

Almost at the same time, everyone looked over.

Everyone has seen the information and knows who the three strongest people are. Now, these three strongest people were actually killed by the same person.

Moreover, there is a monk who owns eight immortal palaces and a monk who owns seven immortal palaces.

What kind of cultivation level does this Black Four have to be able to kill both of them?

The leader of Guangyao Hall also glanced at Hei Si, and then praised: "Kill the strongest Duanliu Dao Lord, and then there is the Poison Knife Demon Lord.

Black Four, you did a great job. I told you before that whoever does the best this time will be the deputy head of Guangyao Hall.

I keep my word, and this time, you are the best at it. From now on, you will be the deputy head of Guangyao Hall. "

She only cares about the results. As for how the other party killed these monks, she doesn't care. She doesn't even care whether these monks were killed by the other party. As long as the heads are brought, she will recognize them!

Cao Zhen immediately raised his hands to the leader of Guangyao Hall and said: "Thank you very much, Master. Don't you know about the magic weapon and spell?"

He didn't know if becoming the deputy hall leader would allow him to get in touch with the senior officials of the Eternal Society, but at least it was a start.

However, he also knew that after he killed such two masters, the other party would definitely doubt him and continue to investigate him. It was impossible for him to come into contact with the senior officials of the Eternal Society so quickly.

"Of course, your rewards are all here. You Red 2 and Blue 1, the three of you can each choose a spell. Tell me, what spells do you want?"

Cao Zhen immediately said: "As long as it's fire magic, it's fine. The original city lord of Wansheng City pretended to be good at fire magic."

On the side, Hong Yi and Lan Yi spoke at the same time: "Water spell."


Upon hearing this, the leader of Guangyao Hall directly fired three spiritual thoughts, landed in front of the three of them and said: "These are the spells you need. All of them are earth-level spells. After you go back, you can slowly practice this spell."

Then, her eyes fell on Heisi again and said: "And the earth-level magic weapon that I promised you."

She raised her hand and waved, and immediately, a green tortoise shell appeared. This tortoise shell was carved with complex patterns, and even some of the shells seemed to have signs of damage, but this tortoise shell still gave you a feeling of... The feeling of breaking through.

Waves of ancient and mysterious auras continued to pour out of the tortoise shell.

The leader of Guangyao Hall whispered: "Although this tortoise shell is somewhat damaged and has never been repaired, it still reaches the level of a low-grade earth-level weapon, and is even stronger than many low-level earth-level magic weapons.

Now, it's yours. "

As she said this, she turned to look at the crowd and said, "As long as you work well for our Guangyao Hall, Guangyao Hall will not treat you badly.

You should be able to guess that our Guangyao Hall does not have so many magic weapons. All of these magic weapons are provided to us by the Celestial Clan.

The Celestial Clan is the head of all clans. The Celestial Clan has experienced endless years of encouragement, and their resources are also the largest among all clans.

As long as the Celestial Clan is satisfied, they will never be stingy with any treasures. It depends on what you can do. Okay, now, let's all leave. "

The leader of Guangyao Hall gave some clan names to the four people who stayed on the killing battlefield, then turned around and disappeared from everyone's sight.

In the cave, everyone also left one after another and flew into the distance.

Cao Zhen naturally flew outside with Hong Er.

After flying some distance. He looked at Hong Er, who was flying with him, and suddenly said: "The two of us are going back to Xizhou. Our mission is the same, but there is no saying that the two of us must cooperate.

You and I both know that we don’t know each other at all and we don’t trust each other. Therefore, I think it is better for the two of us to go separately. "

Naturally, he will not return to Xizhou. What he has to do now is to inform the higher-ups of the human race as soon as possible so that the human race can be more careful. At the same time, after returning to the killing battlefield again, he can treat himself as a fish and catch as many of these as possible. Traitor of the Eternal Society.

The traitors of the Eternal Society also need to return to the killing battlefield. They must be on the periphery of the killing battlefield.

On the periphery of the killing battlefield, there were not many human monks.

Even the human monks should want to leave the killing battlefield. Those monks who are advancing towards the killing battlefield on the periphery are worthy of suspicion.

At this time, if the top brass of the human race were to mobilize trustworthy experts to enter the killing battlefield, it would take who knows how long. I am afraid that these traitors of the Eternal Society would have already penetrated deep into the killing battlefield, and it would be difficult to find them.

"Okay, that's exactly what I wanted to say."

Hong Er didn't take off his mask, turned around and flew in the other direction, and said while flying back: "But I'd like to remind you, be careful when inquiring about information, don't expose me.

Or, get killed by me accidentally. "

Hong Er's voice came, but it was a female voice.

Cao Zhen sneered and said, "That's what I want to say too."

After saying that, he also flew in another direction, and at the same time quickly contacted Linghu Gudu through the Chinese Cloud. Linghu Gudu was still with the Yuhua Sword Lord, and he had to use the Yuhua Sword Lord to send this guy to Linghu Gudu. The message was passed to Sancai Sword Lord.

After contacting Linghu Lonely, he was still uneasy and quickly took off the black mask he was wearing. Then he took out the family list that the Immortal Lord of Zongzhen had left for him, and listed all the things that Guangyao Hall had to do now. Informed the Immortal Lord Zongzhen.

Let Immortal Lord Zongzhen pay attention to the monks from each city who are about to return to the human world.

Then he quickly flew towards the killing battlefield.

Jean was actually still some distance away from the killing battlefield before, but in order to confuse Hong Er, he deliberately flew in the direction of the human race city for a while, and even changed his direction.

So it took some time before he flew back again.

Seeing that he still had half a stick of incense before he could fly back to the killing battlefield, suddenly a human figure appeared in front of him.

This is a female cultivator. She is very beautiful. She is very beautiful among human female cultivators. However, her figure can only be said to be tilted back, while the front is straight.

What was more important was the other party's clothes. He had just seen these clothes not long ago. Hong Er, who was separated from him, was wearing such clothes, and Hong Er's figure was exactly the same as this female cultivator. Otherwise, At first, he would not have thought that Hong Er was a male cultivator just by seeing her face.

No, it seemed like I was flying in a hurry and didn't change my clothes.

Almost at the same time, the other party also looked over. Seeing his clothes and his weird eyes, the other party's eyes also became extremely weird.

Moreover, the next actions of the two of them were exactly the same. They looked at their clothes at the same time.

And their peripheral vision was still staring at each other.

Suddenly, they determined one thing at the same time.

"It's you!"

Cao Zhen and Hong Er spoke at the same time, and then looked at each other with strange expressions, with differences and wariness in their eyes.

"Aren't you going to Xizhou? Why did you come back here?" Cao Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Hong Er opposite him. The face he was showing now was naturally a fake one. He didn't know that the face Hong Er was showing was his true face. Still a fake face.

More importantly, why did Hong Er fly into the killing battlefield? He wanted to kill those traitors of the Eternal Society, but what about her?

What is she doing for?

Could it be that she, like herself, wants to kill the traitors of the Eternal Society?

She, like him, is a traitor who broke into the Eternal Society?

Across the way, Hong Er looked at the strange monk in front of him, and a guess came to his mind. This guy should have returned to the human world, but instead of returning, he entered a more dangerous killing battlefield. What did he want to do?

Nowadays, the Heavenly Clan is targeting the Human Race, and this guy does not have the Heavenly Clan token. The Heavenly Clan will also kill him when they see him.

He knew this, but he still wanted to return to the killing battlefield.

Is it possible that he is also a traitor in the Eternal Society just like himself?

But she didn't dare to take the initiative to reveal her identity. What if the other party wasn't a traitor who broke into the Eternal Society?

What if the other party would deliberately test me?

At this time, when she heard the other party's question, she did not answer, but asked: "This is also what I want to ask you."

"Don't always imitate what I say." Cao Zhen said as he approached Hong Er. He was not sure whether Hong Er was the same as him.

Then the best way is to capture the other party, and then question the other party, or check the other party's Qiankun Ring.

Hong Er looked at Black Four approaching him, and an idea came to his mind, or could he try to take down the opponent? Then ask the other party what exactly they want to do?

As for the opponent being able to kill Lord Duanliu Dao, so what?

She is an existence at the pinnacle of the true fairyland!

She looked at Hei Si who was very close to her, and suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Hei Si suddenly.

At the same time, eight fairy palaces emerged behind her at the same time.

She is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Even if she only uses eight Immortal Palaces, her power is far greater than ordinary ones. The monks in the eight Immortal Palaces are much more powerful.

Just using the power of the eight immortal palaces is enough to defeat the opponent.

Almost at the same time, seven strange fairy palaces appeared behind Cao Zhen and grabbed each other at the same time.

Seeing the eight strange fairy palaces emerging behind the other party, there was no look of surprise on his face. The other party was able to kill the monks in seven fairy palaces. There is nothing strange about having eight fairy palaces.

However, just eight immortal palaces are not enough!

It's not like he has never killed monks from eight immortal palaces.

The next moment, his palm collided with the opponent's palm, and a strong force suddenly came, and a strange color appeared on Cao Zhen's face.

This Hong Er is so powerful. These two are much stronger than the Double Hammer Immortal Lord of the Celestial Clan that he encountered back then.

Moreover, the opponent looked like he was just grabbing at him with a normal claw, but there was an illusion that this claw could cover the sky and block out the sun, and that he could pick off mountains and mountains.

Opposite her, Hong Er's eyes widened in an instant. The opponent's claw was so delicate. When one claw fell, it actually gave her the illusion that this claw encompassed everything in the world. When one claw fell, it seemed that it was A sharp sword that could pierce everything in the world passed by.

When her hand came into contact with the opponent's palm, a terrifying force came out. The force was so strong that her palm swung to the side uncontrollably.

The other party's power was actually stronger than hers!

She is an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. If her claw falls, even the monks with eight Immortal Palaces may not be able to stop her, let alone a monk who only owns seven Immortal Palaces!

Who is this guy and how can he be so strong!

not good!

After watching the opponent's claws fend him off, he continued to attack in front of him. A pair of pupils suddenly condensed in her eyes, and the ninth fairy palace suddenly appeared behind her. At the same time, her aura also surged. !

The pinnacle of true fairyland?

Cao Zhen looked at the Immortal Palace emerging behind the opponent, and his eyes suddenly widened. Can there be such a master in Guangyao Hall, and he is just an ordinary team member, not the hall leader?

In his doubtful eyes, the other party's other hand stretched out to block his claw.

Under the collision of huge force, both of their bodies retreated slightly backward, and where they were before, the void suddenly exploded, making a terrifying sonic boom sound.

A wave of air visible to the naked eye surged around.

They didn't use spells just now, they just wanted to catch each other, but even so, the waves of air surged around, scattering the clouds in the sky and causing the void around them to shake.

"Who are you!" Hong Er looked at Hei Si across from him in disbelief. Her heart was already full of turmoil. She had just used the power of the peak of the True Immortal Realm, but the other party was only seven Immortal Palaces, but they blocked her. !

There are probably very few such people among all the races, let alone the human race.

She absolutely did not believe that such a person could be an ordinary member of the Eternal Society.

Cao Zhen said in a low voice: "Don't discuss who I am now. Such a big noise between the two of us fighting will inevitably attract the attention of other monks. Let's enter the killing battlefield first."

With that said, he turned around and flew towards the killing battlefield.


Hong Er nodded slightly and quickly set off, following Cao Zhen into the killing battlefield.

After the two entered the killing battlefield, they flew for a while and then stabilized their bodies.

Hong Er looked at Cao Zhen and suddenly introduced himself: "I am the Immortal Lord Cold Wind, who is taught by the Immortals. Now, the leader of our human race in Xizhou, the Immortal Lord Wan Lei, is my uncle!"

After saying that, she raised her hand, took out a slender sword, and threw it directly towards Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen took the sword in a daze. Although he had never heard of the name of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, he knew the Immortal Sect. It was one of the top sects in the Western Continent, and even this one was It can be removed.

But he didn't understand why the other party suddenly threw the sword over.

When he took the sharp sword into his hands, a cold and biting feeling immediately passed through his body along the hilt. This was a middle-grade magic weapon of the earth level!

This woman just gave the magic weapon to herself like this?

Isn't she afraid that she will take the magic weapon and turn around and leave?

The voice of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord soon came again: "This sword is my most powerful magic weapon, the Cold Wind Sword. This magic weapon is enough to prove my identity.

I am the nephew of Immortal Lord Wan Lei, and I cannot be a traitor to the human race. "

As she said that, she looked at the opposite side and lowered her voice: "You are the leader of Baifeng."

When she was flying just now, she thought that among the human race, the only one among the seven immortal palaces who could possess such strength was the leader of the Hundred Peaks.

Moreover, Baifeng Cult Leader happened to appear at the killing battlefield a while ago.

She also recognized that the other party was the leader of Baifeng, so she took the initiative to hand over her magic weapon to the other party to make him believe in her.

After all, the identity of the other party is more important than hers, and now the clan has issued a pursuit order for the leader of Baifeng!

If she wants the other party to admit her identity, she must first make the other party believe her.

Cao Zhen gently threw the thin sword in his hand away, and said at the same time: "So, like me, you are also undercover in the Eternal Society."

"That's right." Immortal Lord Hanfeng said in a deep voice, "The power of the Eternal Life Society in our Western Continent is the strongest among all the continents.

My uncle also realized the dangers of the Eternal Society, so he specially found me and asked me to stay undercover in the Eternal Society.

The reason why it is me is because there is a monk in Xizhou named Ice Wind Immortal. She is a female monk like me.

And I know all the spells she practices.

Back then, I had some adventures and received some inheritances. The senior who received the inheritance from me also had a junior sister, and her junior sister also left the inheritance. It happened that these inheritances were obtained by Ice Wind Immortal.

And we also discovered by chance that the Ice Wind Immortal Lord is a member of the Eternal Society.

Therefore, we killed the Ice Wind Immortal Lord, and I pretended to be the Ice Wind Immortal Lord and went undercover in the Eternal Society.

Regarding this matter, Master Baifeng, if you don’t believe it, you can ask your senior human race officials in Dongzhou, or they will ask my uncle.

The fact that I am undercover is only known to my uncle, not to outsiders. "

If it were anyone else, she would naturally not reveal her identity, but if it were the leader of Baifeng, there would naturally be no problem.

Cao Zhen really didn't know the senior people of the human race, so he had no choice but to take out the clan list given to him by the Immortal Lord Zongzhen again and ask the Immortal Lord Zongzhen.

After all, the stakes are high. What if the other party is Yongshihui who deliberately tests him, and he and the other party act together, and suddenly a group of heavenly clans fly over?

He can't use the Prosperity Picture Book again, can he?

If you use too many pictures of the prosperous times, the other party will definitely be on guard. Therefore, it is better to use less of the pictures of the prosperous times.

Cao Zhen didn't know how the Immortal Lord Zongzhen contacted the Immortal Lord Wanlei, so he passed the news to the Immortal Lord Zongzhen. In less than half a stick of incense, the Immortal Lord Zongzhen appeared in his family list. The content of the reply.

There is no problem with the identity of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord.

After reading it, he exerted a slight force on his palm, and a ball of flame suddenly rose up, burning the clan watch.

Then, he said: "So, when we both return here, we have the same idea, which is to take this opportunity to find those people from the Yongshihui and find those four people as soon as possible. But , we’d better change our clothes before looking for them.”

It was their mistake not to change clothes at first, but it was also because of this that they recognized each other, which was a good thing.

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