Cao Zhen also didn't expect that anyone assigned to act with him would actually be an undercover agent of the Eternal Life Society. He couldn't help but think of a picture.

Except for the boss, all of them are traitors.

He and the Cold Wind Immortal Lord found a cave and changed their clothes one after another.

Immortal Lord Hanfeng immediately suggested: "Fellow Daoist Cao, let's go together? Although, after the two of us are separated, the chance of fighting the blade will be greater.

But in the current situation, we don’t know how many monks the Heavenly Clan will send if the people from the Eternal Life Society contact the Heavenly Clan’s monks.

If we encounter a slightly stronger team, then the monks sent by the Heavenly Clan must be sending a force that can crush our human race.

If the two of us were separated, we might not be able to completely protect our human monks in this situation. It's better to act together. "

Cao Zhen thought for a moment and nodded lightly.

Indeed, at this time, it is actually a safer choice for the two of them to act together. As for acting separately and then contacting each other again, it is unreliable.

After all, they don't know when they will meet monks from other human races, or even whether the monks they meet are members of the Eternal Society.

Moreover, when the time comes, it will be too late to contact the monks from the Heavenly Clan if they really meet them.

The two of them didn't know what direction the Eternal Meeting would take, so they could only find a random direction and head deeper.

As he moved forward, he also passed through the Chinese Cloud and looked at the current positions of each of his disciples. After he discovered that the Heavenly Clan was targeting their human race, he asked his disciples to gather together as much as possible and even leave the killing battlefield. After all, his disciples were also targeted by various tribes when they returned to the Immortal Realm. ,

If the Celestial Clan discovers that his disciples are all here, the Celestial Clan will definitely gather their strength to kill his disciples.

However, his disciples did not leave the killing battlefield directly. It is not known whether these disciples of his were all influenced by that boy Xiang Ziyu. Now one is more promiscuous and bolder than the other. They still have no idea. Leave the killing field.

Now, except for Bei Yan and Zhu Peng who stayed in the Baifeng Sect, all his other disciples were in this killing battlefield. In the beginning, Lingxi and Yisheng stayed in Baifeng Sect, but they could not always stay in Baifeng Sect and not go out.

That boy Beiyan always wanted to go back, but later everyone let him go back.

As for Zhu Peng, it was mainly because Zhu Peng was too easy to cause trouble in the battlefield of True Fairyland, so he simply went back with Bei Yan.

His disciples are now getting together with each other.

Yan Yourong and Duoduo have been very close since they sealed the sword and the knife together, and now they go out to practice together.

And at some point, Ruoyun was also dragged together by the two of them.

Probably because they are both good at using various weapons, they are relatively close. In addition, Lingxi also walked with them.

This is normal. Lingxi and Yan Yourong are the earliest disciples of Sibaofeng. If they go out, they usually move together.

And since Yisheng entered the True Fairy Realm battlefield with Lingxi, he also got together with them.

Although all five of them are female monks, Cao Zhen is still very relieved about them.

Except for Xiang Ziyu, the disciples of Sibaofeng almost all have the strongest combat power together.

Lingxi and Ruoyun were originally the two strongest disciples among the Four Treasure Peak disciples, besides Xiang Ziyu.

Yan Yourong and Duoduo are also ancient immortal bodies.

As for Yisheng, although she has not been out for a long time, she has followed the path of human elixir, and she has also cultivated the Samadhi True Fire.

Moreover, when these people work together, they can cope with various situations. Even if they are unable to use fairy energy, Ruoyun, Yan Yourong and Duoduo are all top-notch in swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

In addition to them, Tang Xiaorui, Wen Shuhua, and Shen Pingyi are now together. The three of them have joined the Baifeng Sect for a shorter time. Although they are now in the true fairyland, they have some skills in some spells. In terms of cultivation, he is still slightly worse than Lingxi and others.

In particular, because the training time was short, the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques they practiced were much weaker.

Cao Zhen could only ask Xiang Ziyu to find a few people quickly.

As for the enemy of ten thousand people, that guy is just running around. As long as the current rules don't suddenly change and become unable to use the immortal energy, the enemy of ten thousand people is still very complete.

In fact, if the rules change and the city becomes unable to display its immortal energy, it will be a good thing for the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak.

After all, the disciples of the Four Treasure Peak have all practiced the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, and their physical bodies are much stronger than those of monks at the same level.

Moreover, if the rules of heaven and earth change and immortal energy cannot be exerted, then those in the Eternal Life Society will not be able to deliver messages to foreign races.

It would be better if there could be such a change.

The periphery of the killing battlefield.

A human monk was surrounded by four heavenly clans. Among the four human heavenly clans, a female cultivator from the heavenly clan looked at the human monk in front of her with a cold expression and said in a cold voice: "Tide Immortal Lord, you are looking for death. ! There is no human race here except you, but you brought us here through the clan table.

If you can't give us a satisfactory answer, even if you have the Tianyu Token in your hand, we will still kill you! "

Behind him, a monk wearing black robes with a sinister expression did not speak, but the other two Heavenly Clan monks heard the sound and took another step forward, seemingly ready to take action at any time.

Upon hearing this, Tide Immortal Lord immediately explained: "Everyone, although there are no other human races now, other human races will arrive soon.

Everyone, I have thought about it, this killing battlefield is too big, especially now, the nobles are killing human beings everywhere, and those human beings are hiding one by one, not daring to show their faces at all.

Under such circumstances, even if I am a human race, it would be difficult to find other human races. In that case, our efficiency would be too low.

I thought, since it's not easy for me to go to them, why not let them come to us. "

Tide Immortal Lord said, took out a jade pendant and said: "All the monks of our human race who are in the True Immortal Realm battlefield have this jade pendant. When we are in danger, we can use the jade pendant to ask for help. At that time, the nearby human race will also Will come to the rescue.

We can pretend that I encountered your attack, and then I activated the jade pendant to ask for help. When the time comes, the human race will naturally come to save me.

When the time comes, you all, if you come out from the side, you will be able to kill all the people. "

"Huh?" The female cultivator from the Celestial Clan turned her head to the back, and the gloomy-looking monk asked for instructions, "Immortal Lord Youku, us?"

Immortal Lord Youku still did not speak, but nodded slightly.

After receiving the reply, the female cultivator turned to look at the human race in front of her and laughed softly: "Yes, you human race are really good at cheating your own people.

Great, just do it. Now, just take out your jade pendant and ask for help. I will hide with Immortal Lord Youku, and let Immortal Lord Kejiu and Immortal Qingxin pretend to chase you. "

Upon hearing this, Tide Immortal Lord showed a look of embarrassment on his face and said: "Everyone, you may not know much about our human race. After I send out the distress signal, I am afraid that all the human races I see will come to rescue.

There are only five of us, if too many humans come, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of!" the female cultivator sneered disdainfully, "This is just the edge of the killing battlefield. Even if the human race comes, how far can they come?

What masters can there be among the human race around here? The Immortal Lord of Youku is an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, and he can kill no matter how many people come.

Okay, don’t be hesitant anymore, just do it if I ask you to do it! "

As the female cultivator said this, she and Immortal Lord Youku quickly found a place to hide, and laughed in a low voice: "I really don't understand why our emperor is so afraid of the human race, and he even doesn't hesitate to let us leave our world. World, come and kill the human race.

If this situation continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before we are at full-scale war with the human race.

But in my opinion, apart from a few geniuses, this human race has nothing worth paying attention to. Look at these traitors from the human race, trying so hard to trap and kill their own people. Such a race has nothing to worry about! "

On the side, Immortal Lord Youku, who had not spoken for a long time, finally said: "Every clan has traitors, it's just that these traitors from the human race have gone too far, that's nothing.

But you also heard what he said. He was so sure that if he only asked for rescue, the human race would definitely come to save him. From this, we can also see the unity of the human race. As long as it is a united clan, it is worth fearing!

For example, the Zerg, Monster and Orc tribes are actually very powerful, especially the Monster and Zerg tribe, but why are we not so afraid of them. It's because they are not united enough.

Let’s not talk about the Zerg. They kill each other more fiercely than anyone else. As for the Demon Clan, they are divided into many groups. The first consideration of these groups is their own interests, so they are not united enough.

But this human race doesn't want to be divided into fox, lion, and ox tribes like the demon tribe and the beast tribe. They are the human race, which makes them even more dangerous. "

He said, paused slightly, and then continued: "Also, Caiyi, you are only in the Seven Immortal Palaces now, and you can't touch the higher levels. Don't forget that there is the Golden Immortal Realm above the True Immortal Realm!

I also occasionally heard the king say that the human race may not have as many powerful people in the Golden Immortal Realm as the monster race, but it is still more than the orcs, bugs and other races.

Moreover, the human race's Golden Fairy Realm combat power is also extremely strong. In short, don’t question the emperor’s decision! "

Immortal Lord Caiyi heard the sound and said quickly: "How dare I question the emperor's decision? I am just good. Is there anything in the human race that we, the heavenly clan, should be afraid of? Even the demon clan does not make us, the heavenly clan, so afraid!"

Cao Zhen and Hanfeng Xianjun were moving forward. Suddenly, Hanfeng Xianjun took out a jade pendant from his arms and looked at it. At the same time, Cao Zhen also noticed the vibration of his own jade pendant.

"There are people asking for help, they are not far away from us." Lord Hanfeng glanced at Cao Zhen and whispered. "We can't ignore a fellow clan member in danger. Leader Cao, can we go over and take a look?"

"That's fine." Cao Zhen nodded lightly, then thought of those immortal jumps and fishing law enforcement, and reminded, but we should be careful when we go, especially if the other party is a Celestial Clan, then we must pay special attention, no It's just the Celestial Clan, and there are also the Human Clan who are paying attention and asking for help. "

Immortal Lord Hanfeng understood instantly, nodded softly and said: "I understand what Master Cao means. It would be better if it was someone from the Eternal Society."

The two of them chased towards the location shown by the jade pendant.

In about one stick of incense, three figures appeared in their sights.

Among them are two celestial tribes and one human tribe.

The two Celestial Clan all have four Immortal Palaces, but these four Immortal Palaces are all ordinary Celestial Palaces, while the Human Clan opposite also has four Immortal Palaces. The difference is that this Human Clan also has an alien palace. It's like a fairy palace, so I can persevere.

But even so, this human race still had obvious injuries on his body.

The human race was surrounded by streams of water, blocking the attacks of the two heavenly races while retreating to the rear. Suddenly, he saw two figures flying from a distance, and a look of excitement suddenly appeared on his face, and he shouted loudly He shouted: "Two fellow Taoists, come and save me!"

As he spoke, he quickly distanced himself from the two heavenly clans, feeling secretly happy that his plan had indeed succeeded. It only took him a moment to burn incense before someone came to rescue him. If it had taken longer, There will definitely be more people coming.

But the only pity is that there are only two people. There is a Celestial Clan at the peak of the True Immortal Realm here. It would be great if more people could come.

Celestial clan!

Cao Zhen and Hanfeng Immortal Lord looked at each other and suddenly became alert, but they still quickly flew towards the human race in front of them. At the same time, behind them, all the immortal palaces emerged.

Behind the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, seven immortal palaces emerged, five of which were alien palaces. On one side, behind Cao Zhen, only five immortal palaces emerged, and it seemed that these five All the fairy palaces are ordinary fairy palaces.

He can disguise the Immortal Palace and make the Vision Immortal Palace look like an ordinary Immortal Palace.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had already flown to the sides of the two Celestial Clan. The two of them took action almost at the same time, stabbing one of the Celestial Clan with their swords respectively.

The moment they took action, the two Heavenly Clan suddenly turned around, with ferocious smiles on their faces.

A monk with seven Immortal Palaces and a monk with only five Immortal Palaces still dare to come. They don't even need the help of Immortal Lord Youku. The two of them are enough to kill these two human races!

The next moment, behind them, on the Immortal Mountain, in addition to the four Immortal Palaces, three more Immortal Palaces emerged each, and these three Immortal Palaces were all fantasy Immortal Palaces!

Both of them are in the late stage of the True Immortal Realm with seven Immortal Palaces!

In an instant, the auras of the two Heavenly Clan monks also surged. The long knife in the hand of one of the Celestial Clan monks was suddenly slashed down, and a long flame and fiery breath burst out from the blade. The entire space was ignited in an instant, and there was an obvious shadow of a phoenix in the long knife!

Another Celestial Clan monk, holding a spear, stabbed towards Cao Zhen.

As the green spear was swung, it was like the rumored green dragon attacking. The majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the world. With one shot, countless voids suddenly shattered wherever it passed.

With this shot, the wind and clouds were stirred and the void was stirred.

As for the human race who had just been besieged by these two heavenly races, a strange fairy palace appeared behind him, and a green orb suddenly shot out from his hand!

It's just a bead, but it gives people the illusion that the bead contains an endless sea.

There are two human races, one has seven fairy palaces, and the other has only five fairy palaces. Naturally, he will attack the human race with only five fairy palaces.

At the same time, from the darkness, Immortal Lord Youku and another female cultivator from the Celestial Clan also flew out.

The next moment, Immortal Lord Tide suddenly widened his eyes. In front of him, the monk who only had five Immortal Palaces like him had two Immortal Palaces appearing on the Immortal Mountain behind him.

This human race actually has seven immortal palaces.

A good impression on the guy, but it doesn't matter, they have someone at the peak of the True Fairy Realm here.

But the next moment, a vast and boundless aura burst out from the human female cultivator on one side. Behind the other party, two more fairy palaces actually appeared, and these two fairy palaces were all fantasy fairy palaces!

This human female cultivator turned out to be an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Among them, the last seven Immortal Palaces were even the Vision Immortal Palace!

How could he meet the peak of the True Immortal Realm?

However, they also have the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and they are also the peak of the True Immortal Realm of the Celestial Clan, so they should be more powerful than this female cultivator.

All around, the Heavenly Clan monks suddenly widened their eyes, with surprise in their eyes. These two human races actually hid their strength, and in such a peripheral place, they actually encountered someone at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. exist.

In fact, this human race's peak true fairyland has more visionary fairy palaces than Youku Immortal Lord. Youku Immortal Lord has six visionary fairy palaces, but this woman has seven visionary fairy palaces!

However, they have more masters, and even so, they should win the opponent.

However, the next moment, a look of horror appeared in their eyes.

Cao Zhen looked at the spear falling in front of him, and the aura in his body instantly climbed to its peak. The aura was tight and spread out, but it was shaking the surrounding space. A stream of pure immortal energy came from the fairy palaces. It gushes out, enters his body, and flows into Zixia Dongsheng Sword. At the same time, the sword in his hand suddenly stabs out.

It was obviously just a sword falling, but two purple dragons seemed to appear in the void. The dragons flew up and down, easily pierced the sky, and fell in front of the spear in an instant.

Suddenly, a clanging sound came out, as if the void exploded and the earth exploded.

Qingxin Immortal Lord suddenly felt an incomparable power coming from him. The power was so strong that he instantly felt that his arms were almost numb.

Is this a monk from the Seven Immortal Palaces?

How could this power be so strong?

And this sword energy!

His figure hit by the sword retreated uncontrollably towards the back. Before he could stabilize his figure, the dragon-like sword energy shot down in front of him.

The purple sword energy cut suddenly like giant scissors.

At this moment, he didn't know why, but what he saw was the purple sword energy, but it felt like it was being cut by a pair of golden scissors. He had a feeling that everything in the world, even the existence of the Golden Fairyland, would be cut by this. Scissors, the illusion of cutting into two pieces.

No, it's not an illusion...

He was really cut open!

His body was pierced instantly. Although it was not cut into two pieces, it was almost the same!

How could this happen!

The opponent has seven Immortal Palaces just like him, and his Immortal Immortal Palace has even more visions than the opponent's Immortal Palace. Why can the other party injure him like this with just one sword!

Even if the other party has seven immortal palaces, it is impossible for him to be so strong!

Cao Zhen hit the opponent hard with his sword but didn't feel anything special. He was invincible in the Returning Immortal Realm. In the Returning Immortal Realm, he could fight against the True Immortal Realm, and he could even kill the True Immortal Realm without using special weapons.

But now his seven Immortal Palaces are all Immortal Immortal Palaces. They are also Immortal Immortal Palaces with different powers.

His visionary fairy palace includes the prosperous fairy palace gathered by the entire prosperous age, the Great Wall of China, the chaotic fairy palace, the calligraphy and painting fairy palace, which is also a fairy palace condensed under his top calligraphy level, and even the thunder fairy palace. The palace and the Flame Immortal Palace are also the Immortal Palace that gathers top magic spells such as the Five Thunder Zhengfa, as well as the Samadhi True Fire and other flames.

Each of his visionary fairy palaces is stronger than ordinary visionary fairy palaces, his physical body is even more powerful, and the fairy mountain is as high as nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet, although to others his fairy mountain does not look that high. Gao, that's also because of his disguise!

And his swordsmanship is the swordsmanship of Fairy Qiongxiao that he displays with his current sword intent!

How difficult is it to severely injure an ordinary monk who owns seven immortal palaces with one sword strike!

After he severely wounded the opponent with his sword, the water droplets flew down.

In an instant, the water droplets exploded, and endless sea water poured in.

However, Cao Zhen opened his mouth without dodging, and spit out a mouthful of flames. In an instant, the temperature of the entire world suddenly rose.

On the ground below, weeds taller than humans were instantly ignited.

And when the oncoming seawater touched the flame, it made bursts of evaporated "chichi" sounds.

In just one breath, the seemingly endless sea water completely disappeared.

"How can this be!"

The Tide Immortal Lord looked in front of him with a face full of disbelief. His Blue Sea Tide Dzi Bead was a Xuan-level magic weapon. Even though it was a low-grade Xuan-level magic weapon, it was still a Xuan-level magic weapon.

The opponent didn't even release the magic weapon, he just spit out flames and destroyed his attack!

Even the flame has not disappeared, it is still attacking towards me. What kind of flame is this? Are you sure that this human race is only the seven fairy palaces, not the pinnacle of the true fairyland?

After the red flame broke his spell, its power was still terrifying. Before the flame fell on him, he could already feel that the clothes on his body were being burned, and the hot breath even ignited all the hair on his body. .

The breath of fire entered his body along his nose, seeming to burn his throat.

In shock, he quickly gathered the immortal energy in his body and formed a huge water shield in front of him to block the flames.

Although the flames were barely blocked, behind the flames, the opponent's sword fell again.

Immortal Qing Xin was almost cut into two pieces by a sword just now, but when the sword fell, his whole body was really cut into two pieces from the middle!

Looking at the broken half of his body, he suddenly felt a sense of regret in his mind. Why did he want to be a traitor? Isn't it better for him to be a human being?

If he had not betrayed the human race, he might still be in the world now, slowly realizing and cultivating.

Even if he is in danger in this true fairyland battlefield, if he is not a member of the Eternal Society, the human race will save him.

Why would he join the Eternal Society!

On the other side, the Cold Wind Immortal Lord faced the blazing sword, and the cold air suddenly broke out in the Cold Wind Sword in his hand.

In just an instant, the flying flames, long swords, and the Heavenly Clan monks behind were all frozen.

The next moment, the body of the Heavenly Clan monk opposite suddenly exploded.

She is an existence at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm. Killing a monk who only owns seven Immortal Palaces is nothing more than that. Especially, the other party did not know that she was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm at first.

If the opponent knew from the beginning that he was not her opponent and was full of vigilance, she might have to use a lot of tricks to kill the opponent, but now, just one blow is enough!

In just a short moment, all the traitors from the two Heavenly Clan and one Human Clan were dead.

Not far away, the expressions of Immortal Lord Youku and another female cultivator from the Celestial Clan, who were flying towards the two of them, changed greatly. No, something was wrong with these two human beings!

If the other party is just an ordinary human monk, there is no need to hide his identity when he comes to rescue. The other party seems to know their plan!

Damn, how they were exposed.

This is only their first time working with those humans!

Those stupid humans are really unreliable, why should we cooperate with them!


Immortal Lord Youku turned around and flew towards the distance.

Although he is at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, the other party still has someone at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, and even the other party's Immortal Immortal Palace has more Immortal Immortal Palaces than his.

In addition, the other party also has an extremely powerful existence.

Although the human male cultivator opposite only released seven immortal palaces, he absolutely did not believe that the other party was only the existence of seven immortal palaces.

The opponent should also be an existence at the peak of the True Immortal Realm. Even at the peak of the True Immortal Realm, he is an extremely powerful existence. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such power just by releasing the seven Immortal Palaces!

How could there be such terrifying monks from seven immortal palaces!

No, it seems that there is really such a powerful being in the seven immortal palaces among the human race, and that person also uses a purple sword!

Baifeng leader Cao Zhen!

I wouldn't be so unlucky if I met him!

In the current situation, no matter whether the other party is Cao Zhen or not, they have to escape!

The two of them are definitely no match for each other, and not only do they have to escape, they can't escape in the same direction!

Immortal Lord Youku looked at the female cultivator who was following closely behind him, and shouted loudly: "Stupid, Immortal Lord Caiyi, separate from me!"

After they separated, the two human races on the opposite side would inevitably pursue them separately. In this way, facing each other alone, he would be much more sure of escaping.

But Caiyi Immortal Lord was with him, but he had to face two monks who were not weaker than him.

Caiyi Immortal Lord is not much better than the two dead Qingxin Immortal Lords. In his opinion, there is no difference between having one more Caiyi Immortal Lord and one less Caiyi Immortal Lord.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold voice came from his ear.

"Separate or not, you will all die!"

Immortal Lord Hanfeng has been chasing after her. Her name is Hanfeng. She practices the air of ice and wind. When practicing wind, speed is naturally what she is good at.

"Step aside!"

All nine immortal palaces appeared behind Immortal Lord Youku, the immortal energy in his body surged crazily, and a large flag emerged from his hands.

The big flag unfolded, covering the entire sky in an instant, and the entire time turned pitch black in an instant.

Immortal Lord Youku took advantage of this opportunity and quickly fled into the distance.

There are two top masters on the other side, so he naturally doesn't want to fight head-on with them. His purpose is just to escape!

But he had just started, and the next moment, a "chi la" sound came.

After Cao Zhen collected the corpses of the two dead Celestials and one Human into the Qiankun Ring, he quickly caught up with them.

Looking at the big flag that wrapped them all, his eyes narrowed. This big flag was a magic weapon, and it was also a magic weapon that contained formations.

He saw the weakness of this formation with just one glance, and then he swung the sharp sword in his hand.

In the darkness, a hundred figures of Cao Zhen suddenly appeared. Each Cao Zhen thrust out a sword, and the hundred swords converged into one sword, suddenly piercing the weak point of the formation.

In an instant, the big flag covering the sky and the sun suddenly cracked under the sharp Zixia Dongsheng sword!


Immortal Lord Youku looked at the split formation behind him with disbelief. His eyes were full of disbelief. His banner was a high-grade Xuan-level magic weapon. The magic weapon also contained formation techniques. The opponent was actually there. The banner was broken in the blink of an eye!

Although the flag was not completely broken, only the cover of the flag was broken, but that was enough!

How could he escape without the cover of the big flag?

"Cao Zhen! You are the human Cao Zhen!"

He can now completely confirm that the other party is Cao Zhen. He knows that the human Cao Zhen has an earth-level magic sword in his hand. The magic weapon does not have any special changes or mysterious spells. Its biggest feature is its sharpness.

If it weren't for that sharp magic weapon, it wouldn't be possible to break through his banner in an instant!

"You know it's too late!"

Cao Zhen looked at the two escaping Celestial Clan. The doors of Fire Immortal Palace and Thunder Immortal Palace suddenly opened behind him. The next moment, balls of flames and thunder appeared in the sky, pouring down on the two escaping Celestial Clan!

At the same time, a ball of purple light gathered in his hand, and the next moment, a thicker thunder seemed to fly down from nine days away, breaking through the sky and slamming down on the head of the Youku Immortal Lord!

Immortal Lord Youku's expression changed drastically, and he waved his hands continuously. The flags that were pierced by Cao Zhen's sword quickly gathered together to form a big umbrella, blocking his head and blocking the falling flames and thunder.

But on the other side, Immortal Lord Caiyi could only block the thunder and flames by himself.

In an instant, scars appeared on her body.


Suddenly, in the void, a loud noise sounded like the entire Cangxiong exploded, and a purple thunder thicker than all thunder fell again.

She wanted to dodge, but it was too late!

The thick thunder struck her head, splitting her whole head open in an instant.

After Cao Zhen released a Five Thunder Method and failed to kill Immortal Lord Youku, he released a Five Thunder Method again. This time he attacked Caiyi Immortal Lord.

Caiyi Immortal's head split open, and then a stream of thunder and flames fell, all hitting her body.

In just a moment, her entire body exploded completely.

Beside her, Immortal Lord Youku had just blocked a stream of thunder and flames when suddenly a cold air came over him.

This cold air was so cold that it made him, who was at the pinnacle of the True Immortal Realm, bone-chilling. His bones seemed to be cracked by the cold air, and even his soul was frozen to pieces!

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

In his sight, an extremely thin long sword fell. This sword seemed to gather all the cold air in the world into it. The sword flew down, and it was like an icy dragon that had been frozen for several epochs. From then on, Waking up from a deep sleep, with a cold air that could freeze the whole world flying down.

In panic, he raised his hand and waved in front of him again. Suddenly, a huge stone tablet appeared in front of him.

I don’t know how many years of erosion this stone tablet has gone through. The words on the stone tablet can no longer be read clearly. There are even cracks of varying thicknesses on the stone tablet.

A stream of ancient, mysterious, yet eerie and cold aura gushed out from the stone tablet.

The moment the stone tablet appeared, Cao Zhen even had the illusion that he had fallen into the Nine Nether Hell. It seemed that this stone tablet was guarding the countless ghosts of the Nine Netherworld!

Fairy Hanfeng fell with her sword, sealing the stone tablet in ice, and her long sword also fell on this stone tablet.

For a moment, the stone stele shook crazily, and another crack appeared faintly on the stele. However, the stele was not shaken away and was still blocking the front of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord.

Although the Cold Wind Immortal Lord was blocked, Cao Zhen directly drew his sword and stabbed him. The big flag that blocked him has been broken by him!

Immortal Lord Youku didn't have time to breathe, the sword had already fallen in front of him. In a hurry, he didn't even have time to cast the magic weapon, so he could only quickly dodge to the side.

He felt that at such a distance, he should be able to dodge the opponent's sword, but the next moment, Cao Zhen in front of him raised his foot, as if stepping on a meteor, appeared in front of him in an instant, and suddenly stabbed him with a sword. above his chest.

Then waves of terrifying sword energy rushed into his body from the sharp sword, raging crazily.

He was suddenly injured and could no longer control the magic weapon as before, but the strength of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord was still above him.

Suddenly, the stone tablet was broken open by the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, and the icy cold air hit him, freezing his entire body.

And Cao Zhen's long sword that penetrated the opponent's body suddenly moved sideways. In the past, he had to face multiple opponents alone, but now, he experienced the joy of beating other monks in groups.

Under the bombardment of cold air and sword energy, the aura of Youku Immortal Lord weakened rapidly.

Feeling the injuries in his body, he wanted to blow himself up to the Immortal Palace, but the current injuries made it impossible for him to even do so. Even the sword of the Cold Wind Immortal Lord fell down and stabbed directly into his neck. .

He was stabbed by two top strong men one after another, but within a moment, his breath was completely cut off.

"Quickly, let's change places first. The noise from our battle just now was quite big." Cao Zhen quickly grabbed the body of Youku Immortal Lord and flew away into the distance.

He was not afraid that other aliens would come, but he wanted to check as soon as possible whether the dead guy was a member of the Eternal Society and see how the Celestial Clan was in contact with him.

After the two flew some distance, they landed on the ground, and then Cao Zhen quickly checked the human monk's universe ring.

"Sure enough, this is the traitor of Guangyao Hall, he is Lan Yi!" Cao Zhen quickly took out the opposite mask from the opponent's Qiankun ring and the token with the word "天" written on it that the leader of Guangyao Hall gave them. .

On the side, Immortal Lord Hanfeng also took out clan lists one by one from the heaven and earth rings of several heavenly clans.

Perhaps these Celestial Clan, as hunters, did not expect to be killed by the human race, and they did not even burn their clan members.

Nowadays, there are still sections of records on a used clan table.

However, the other family tables are blank.

Suddenly, at the next moment, several of the clan watches began to shake slightly. It was obvious that another Celestial Clan had conveyed the news.

Immortal Lord Hanfeng immediately picked up these clan tables and circulated the immortal energy into them. There was no change in the clan charts.

"No." She shook her head helplessly and sighed. If they could read the contents of these clan lists, it would be much easier for them to catch the human traitor.

However, come to think of it, no matter how arrogant the Celestial Clan is, they will not think that their monks were not harmed when they killed the human cultivators.

Once a Celestial Clan dies and the Qiankun Ring is obtained by a Human Clan, if their Clan List can be seen by any cultivator from any clan, wouldn’t that expose everything about where their cultivators are and what they are doing?

As the strongest clan among all clans, the Celestial Clan would naturally not be so stupid!

When Cao Zhen heard the sound, his heart moved, and he whispered: "I'll give it a try." As he said that, he quickly took a clan form.

"It's useless." Cold Wind Immortal Lord whispered: "These clan charts are specially made clan charts. Only monks from the heavenly clan should be able to read them. Our human auras cannot read these clan charts."

Cao Zhen did not answer the Cold Wind Immortal Lord, but thought about the auras of the heavenly clans he had encountered before, and at the same time circulated the chaotic energy in his body, slowly changing it into the auras of the heavenly clans.

Now, after experiencing the previous realization in the ruins of the Hun clan, his chaotic energy can be transformed into any atmosphere, not just various water and fire energies. Theoretically speaking, chaos is the beginning of everything.

Whether it is the Celestial Clan, the Human Clan or the Demon Clan, they all appeared after the separation of Chaos. They all came from Chaos, so the aura of Chaos should also be transformed into the aura of each clan!

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